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Natural convection in magmas at subliquidus temperatures is analyzed using Bingham plastic and power-law rheology models. Heat flux measurements were obtained at liquidus and subliquidus temperatures for degassed basaltic lava at atmospheric pressure. These measurements of heat flux ranged from 2 to 40 kW/m2 and were obtained using two different types of convective heat flux probes. The agreement between the two different instruments and the theoretical calculations is excellent. A noticeable change in the trend of the convective heat flux data is observed in the vicinity of the liquidus temperature. Subliquidus convective heat flux rates (6–15 kW/m2) are attractive for energy extraction applications.  相似文献   

Field measurements of the rheology of Hawaiian and Etnean lavas have shown that, on eruption, they behave as Bingham liquids with yield strengths in the range 70–450 N/m2. Ultramafic nodules entrained in a Bingham liquid cannot settle unless the stress they impose on the liquid exceeds approximately 5–7 times its yield strength. Consequently magmas with yield strengths of 10–1000 N/m2 can transport xenoliths up to 30 cm diameter without settling occurring. The size of nodules commonly observed rarely exceeds 30 cm. A review of experimental data shows that, when conditions are appropriate for settling, the terminal velocities of nodules in magmas are substantially slower if a Bingham rather than Newtonian Model is assumed.The view that large nodules imply fast rates of magma ascent is rejected. A case is presented for slow rates of ascent being more suitable for nodule transport as there is more opportunity for cooling, crystallisation and hence development of a yield strength. The relative abundance of nodules in the alkaline suite may be a consequence of their slow rates of ascent, whereas their absence in tholeiitic melts may be a consequence of rapid ascent rates. This interpretation is compatible with deductions on their relative rates of ascent based on other geological evidence.  相似文献   

In this introduction, recent progress in the study of the evolution, transfer and release of magmas and volcanic gases is briefly reviewed, based on discussions at the MAG2007 international conference held in Taipei, Taiwan, in April 2007. The meeting pooled the diverse expertise of igneous and volcanic gas geochemists. This special issue, which presents six case studies covering a range of topics from variations in mantle source compositions to the nature of volcanic degassing, reflects that diversity.  相似文献   

We propose that the fluid mechanics of magma chamber replenishment leads to a novel process whereby silicic magmas can acquire an important part of their chemical signatures. When flows of basaltic magma enter silicic magma chambers, they assume a ‘fingered' morphology that creates a large surface area of contact between the two magmas. This large surface area provides an opportunity for significant chemical exchange between the magmas by diffusion that is enhanced by continuous flow of silicic liquid traversing the basalt through thin veins. A quantitative analysis shows that a basaltic magma may thereby impart its trace-element and isotopic characteristics to a silicic magma. Depending on concentration differences and diffusion coefficients for the given components, this new mechanism may be as important as crystal fractionation and assimilation in producing the compositional diversity of silicic magmas. It may explain concentration gradients in silicic ash-flow tuffs and should be considered when interpreting the isotopic signatures of silicic rocks, even in the overt absence of mixing. For example, we show that, for several well studied, compositionally graded ash-flow tuffs, the concentrations and isotopic ratios of important geochemical tracers such as strontium could be largely due to this flow-enhanced diffusion process.  相似文献   

The maximum heat transfer possible from a sphere of magma ascending through a viscous lithosphere is estimated using a Nusselt number formulation. An upper bound is found for the Nusselt number by using the characteristics of a potential flow which, it is argued, is similar in the limit to a non-isothermal Stokes-flow in which the fluid (wall rock) viscosity is sensitive to temperature. A set of cooling curves are calculated for a magma ascending at a constant velocity beneath an island arc. If the magma is to arrive at the surface without solidifying its ascent velocity must be greater than about 5.8 × 10?3 cm s?1, for a magma radius of 1 km, and greater than about 2.7 × 10?5 cm s?1, for a magma radius of 6 km. If the magma begins its ascent crystal free it will generally become superheated over most of its ascent. Using essentially the same formulation as for heat transfer the mass transfer to or from a spherical body of magma ascending at these velocities is given approximately by ΔC ? ΔW/10, where ΔC is the change in weight percent of a component in the magma during ascent and ΔW is the compositional contrast of that component between the magma and its wall rock.  相似文献   

A survey of Sr isotopic ratios and other compositional features of subduction-related magma suites reveals significant correlations between these averaged parameters and characteristics of the underlying crust (i.e., thickness, composition, and age). These observations lead to the conclusion that crust and(or) mantle rocks in the hanging walls of subduction zones are involved in modification of primary mafic magmas (typically basalt or basaltic andesite). It is proposed that mafic magmas will stagnate within the crust or uppermost mantle where they may differentiate and react with wall rocks. The extent to which such processes manifest themselves will depend upon details of the local crustal structure. In particular, the composition and age of the crust will strongly influence such parameters as Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. Such data strongly indicate the involvement of crustal rocks in locales underlain by old sialic crust (e.g., central Andes). Depending upon the level of magma stagnation and evolution within the crust, different trends in isotopic composition may result. These isotopic trends may be enhanced by partial melting of the wall rocks to produce relatively silicic anatectic magmas, and locally they may reflect subduction of continental sediments. Interpretation of the isotopic data may be more ambiguous in locales underlain by younger and more mafic continental crust (Cascades, E Eleutians) and those underlain by oceanic crust owing to the similarity in isotopic composition of primary magmas and the latter crustal materials. Yet some degree of crustal involvement in magmatic evolution seems highly probable even in these more primitive terranes. Consequently, most island arc magmas, and especially those more evolved than basalt, are probably not primary in the sense that they do not represent direct melts of the upper mantle. Studies of arc volcanic rocks may yield misleading conclusions concerning processes of magma generation related to subduction unless evolutionary processes are defined and their effects considered. It appears that modern volcanic arcs provide a poor analog for models of early crustal development because the modern mantle-derived magmatic components are more mafic in composition than average continental crust.  相似文献   


地热能是储量巨大、分布广泛且供给稳定的清洁能源.地热发电对经济发展和环境保护都具有重要意义.然而, 现有地热电站广泛采用的开放性采热模式易导致发电设备结垢与腐蚀、循环水流量不足与波动、自耗功率高等问题.采用传热工质与地热储层分离的封闭性采热模式, 不但能根治上述问题, 而且提升了选择传热工质和设计传热循环的灵活性.本研究采用有限元方法数值模拟水平井采热的封闭地热系统中自然对流强化储层内渗流与传热的动力学过程, 系统分析了水平井温度、水平井位置、储层渗透率、水平井周围渗透率强化改造范围及储层厚度-宽度比等关键因素对采热热流和采热年限的影响, 从而为适用于地热发电的大型封闭地热系统设计和工程实践提供理论指导和基础数据.模拟结果表明, 在水平井周围半径10 m区域内进行渗透率强化改造就能够启动和强化自然对流, 大幅提高未强化改造区域的地热开采; 水平井从储层采热的先后次序由自然对流区域逐渐拓展控制, 开发厚地热储层并将水平井设置在储层高处能够提高采热效率并延长采热年限; 驱动自然对流的水平井-储层温差与采热热流不成正比但正相关; 地热储层内存在的稳态背景自然对流对水平井采热有显著贡献.


Kimberlites are volatile rich magmas that ascend from deep in the mantle at high velocities, then as they reach a ‘root zone’ at 1–3 km in depth they either discharge explosively through to the surface or stall to form dykes and sills. Understanding this eruptive behaviour is difficult due to a lack of data on volatile solubility, particularly at conditions where the magmas enter the ‘root zone’ (∼30–80 MPa). In this study, we perform experiments on some putative primary kimberlite magma compositions to assess the amount of CO2 and H2O retained if these compositions represent magma as it enters the root zone. At the conditions investigated (100–200 MPa and 1,275–1,100°C) the results suggest that none of these particular kimberlite compositions reproduce a magma that can retain the observed high volatile content when intruded at these pressures (∼4–8 km). In our experiments, the low volatile retention is due to a combination of factors including a high proportion of solid phases, none of which are volatile-bearing, and inadequate volatile solubilities in the subordinate amounts of melt present. Modelled solubilities also suggest that the dissolved volatile contents remain too low even at super-liquidus temperatures (i.e. 100% melt). For water, the higher values observed in natural rocks can be explained by the addition of H2O associated with ubiquitous post-emplacement serpentinization. The high CO2 contents in hypabyssal rocks are unlikely to be related to alteration. We suggest that most kimberlites originally had lower SiO2 contents and as such may have been ‘transitional’ between silicate and carbonate melts. This results in both higher CO2 solubilities and lower liquidus temperatures. For such compositions, it is possible that both CO2 and water solubility may first decrease and then increase as magmas decompress and crystallize. Such unusual behaviour can help explain why kimberlite magmas can be very explosive or form shallow hypabyssal intrusions.  相似文献   

An analysis by difference technique yields estimates of H2O in basaltic and andesitic glasses, which are sufficiently accurate (± 1.4 percent absolute) to be useful. Glass inclusions trapped in large olivine crystals from tephra-rich eruptions have 1 to 5 percent H2O. The highest H2O contents are found in basaltic inclusions in magnesium rich olivines from Mount Shasta, California. Andesitic inclusions have less H2O. It seems probable that tephra-rich high-alumina magmas evolve in a vapor saturated environment at fairly shallow depths (few kilometers). This depth appears to be less for Medicine Lake Highlands than for Mount Shasta. Vapor saturation probably inhibits the rise of magma, thus the initial vapor content of a magma may govern its stagnation level. Volatile-rich parental magmas like Mount Shasta basalt probably tend to stagnate at deeper levels, crystallize early amphibole and produce comparatively calcic differentiates.  相似文献   

为解决建筑物震害信息提取自动化程度不高的问题,本文将全卷积神经网络应用于建筑物震害遥感信息提取。以玉树地震后获取的玉树县城区0.2m分辨率航空影像作为建筑物震害信息提取试验数据源,将试验区地物划分为倒塌建筑物、未倒塌建筑物和背景3类。对427个500×500像素的子影像进行人工分类与标注,选取393个组成训练样本集,34个用于验证。利用训练样本集对全卷积神经网络进行训练,采用训练后的网络对验证样本进行建筑物震害信息提取及精度评价。研究结果表明:建筑物震害遥感信息提取总体分类精度为82.3%,全卷积神经网络方法能提高信息提取自动化程度,具有较好的建筑物震害信息提取能力。  相似文献   

For selecting possible hot dry rock extraction sites for geothermal energy applications, the following criteria have been considered: (i) depth to the crystalline basement, (ii) temperatures at depth, (iii) pattern of regional stress field and (iv) natural permeability (=degree of fracturing) of basement rocks. A contour map of the basement topography is presented. From outcrops at the nothern border of Switzerland (crystalline rocks of the Black Forest massif, mainly granites and gneisses of Hercynian age) the basement dips gently toward the SE under the Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments of the Molasse Basin and reaches its maximum depth (7 km) underneath the front of the Alps. Some 30 km further SE the basement rocks appear at the surface (Aar- and Gotthard-massif, Penninic units), where they are deformed and fractured to a great extent. Temperature-depth profiles have been obtained by model calculations. Locally increased heat product on (in granite batholiths) at the base of the Molasse Basin, combined with the blanketing effect of the overlying sediments, could raise the temperatures to 150–170°C at a depth of 5 km. According to earthquake fault-plane solutions (P-axes) the regional stress field in the area of the Swiss Alps and in its northern Foreland is characterized by the maximum horizontal compression oriented N(150±20)°E in the upper crust.In situ stress determinations (overcoring experiments) show that considerable excess horizontal compressive stress is present in the Alpine crust (up to 200 bar). The deep Alpine tunnels exhibited considerable fracturing of crystalline rocks at depths greater than 1–2 km. Information about the degree of fracturing has also been obtained by refraction profiles. The velocitydepth functions show lower than normal velocities in the uppermost 1.5 km, indicating that the rocks there are fractured. A 30–40 km wide region, running along the axis of the Molasse Basin (which coincides with the majority of the population and most of the industry of Switzerland) would provide the best hot dry rock sites.Paper presented at the Second NATO-CCMS Meeting on Dry Hot Rock Geothermal Energy, 28–30 June 1977, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. Contribution No. 198, Institute of Geophysics ETH Zurich.  相似文献   

The air flow and heat transfer in gravel embankment in permafrost areas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A comparative numerical investigation of transient temperature profile and pore-air velocities in horizontal rock block embankments are conducted using the "gravels model", in which the embankment is composed of stones and air, and the "porous media model" respectively. As the velocities from the "gravels model" directly reflect the true flow of air and winter-time convection, in this paper it can be concluded that computational results from the "gravels model"are superior to the "porous media model". In addition, the "gravels model" has the advantages of reflecting the effect of the dimensions and collocation of gravels upon the temperature fields.Therefore, the computation of the gravels embankment is mainly based on the gravels model.Simulation results show that in summer, a clockwise circulation of the pore-air extends throughout most of the embankment. However its motion is very weak that results in relatively straight horizontal isotherm lines. And heat transfer is mainly maintained through conduction. But in winter, the pore-air velocities are higher and multiple vortexes are formed in the embankment.Natural convection then becomes the dominant influence on the isotherm shapes within the embankment. The isotherms are complex and alternative upward and downward flowing plumes exist. The winter-time convection can further reduce the temperature of the foundation soil beneath the gravel embankment. In addition, the effects of the gravel dimensions within the embankment have been analyzed and compared in the gravels model. It shows that in winter, large stones, e.g. 200 mm, lead to stronger vortexes than those of small stones, say 60 mm. Consequently, the zone of low-temperature beneath the large-stone embankment extends deeper into the ground.  相似文献   

A comparative numerical investigation of transient temperature profile and pore-air velocities in horizontal rock block embankments are conducted using the “gravels model”, in which the embankment is composed of stones and air, and the “porous media model” respectively. As the velocities from the “gravels model” directly reflect the true flow of air and winter-time convection, in this paper it can be concluded that computational results from the “gravels model” are superior to the “porous media model”. In addition, the “gravels model” has the advantages of reflecting the effect of the dimensions and collocation of gravels upon the temperature fields. Therefore, the computation of the gravels embankment is mainly based on the gravels model. Simulation results show that in summer, a clockwise circulation of the pore-air extends throughout most of the embankment. However its motion is very weak that results in relatively straight horizontal isotherm lines. And heat transfer is mainly maintained through conduction. But in winter, the pore-air velocities are higher and multiple vortexes are formed in the embankment. Natural convection then becomes the dominant influence on the isotherm shapes within the embankment. The isotherms are complex and alternative upward and downward flowing plumes exist. The winter-time convection can further reduce the temperature of the foundation soil beneath the gravel embankment. In addition, the effects of the gravel dimensions within the embankment have been analyzed and compared in the gravels model. It shows that in winter, large stones, e.g. 200 mm, lead to stronger vortexes than those of small stones, say 60 mm. Consequently, the zone of low-temperature beneath the large-stone embankment extends deeper into the ground.  相似文献   

从CSAMT信号中提取IP信息探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
CSAMT信号数据进行反演时,认为电阻率是一个与频率无关的实数,而实际上因为激电效应,地下可极化体的电阻率是一个与频率有关的复数.从CSAMT信号中提取激电信息可以加大激电法的使用范围,并可以提高CSAMT法勘探的精度.本文总结了国内外在这方面研究现状,介绍了从CSAMT法信号中提取激电信息的基本原理,并提出了未来值得深入研究的几个方面.  相似文献   

Abstract The Hakkoda‐Towada caldera cluster (HTCC) is a typical Late Cenozoic caldera cluster located in the northern part of the Northeast Japan Arc. The HTCC consists of five caldera volcanoes, active between 3.5 Ma and present time. The felsic magmas can be classified into high‐K (HK‐) type and medium‐ to low‐K (MLK‐) type based on their whole‐rock chemistry. The HK‐type magmas are characterized by higher K2O and Rb contents and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios than MLK‐type magmas. Both magmas cannot be derived from fractional crystallization of any basaltic magma in the HTCC. Assimilation‐fractional crystallization model calculations show that crustal assimilation is necessary for producing the felsic magmas, and HK‐type magmas are produced by higher degree of crustal assimilation with fractional crystallization than MLK‐type magmas. Although MLK‐type magmas were erupted throughout HTCC activity, HK‐type magmas were erupted only during the initial stage. The temporal variations of magma types suggest the large contribution of crustal components in the initial stage. A major volcanic hiatus of 3 my before the HTCC activity suggests a relatively cold crust in the initial stage. The cold crust probably promoted crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization, and caused the initial generation of HK‐type magmas. Subsequently, the repeated supply of mantle‐derived magmas raised temperature in the crust and formed relatively stable magma pathways. Such a later system produced MLK‐type magmas with lesser crustal components. The MLK‐type magmas are common and HK‐type magmas are exceptional during the Pliocene–Quaternary volcanism in the Northeast Japan Arc. This fact suggests that exceptional conditions are necessary for the production of HK‐type magmas. A relatively cold crust caused by a long volcanic hiatus (several million years) is considered as one of the probable conditions. Intensive crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization promoted by the cold crust may be necessary for the generation of highly evolved HK‐type felsic magmas.  相似文献   




The tectonic stresses can significantly affect the propagation of a magma-filled crack. It has been pointed out that the rheological boundaries control the emplacement of magmas through the effect of stress. However, it has not been clarified how the role of rheological boundaries depends on the regional tectonic and thermal states. We have evaluated the role of rheological boundaries under various tectonic and thermal conditions and found that the level of magma emplacement may jump according to the changes in the tectonic force or the surface heat flow. The stress profiles were estimated by a simple model of lithospheric deformation. We employed a three-layer model of the lithosphere; the upper crust, the lower crust and the upper mantle have different rheological properties. A constant horizontal force is applied to the lithosphere, and the horizontal strain is assumed to be independent of depth. When realistic tectonic forces (>1011 N/m) are applied, the rheological boundaries mainly control the emplacement of magma. The emplacement is expected at the MOHO, the upper–lower crust boundary, and the brittle–ductile boundary. For lower tectonic forces (<1011 N/m), the tectonic stress no longer plays an important role in the emplacement of magmas. When the tectonic stress controls the emplacement, the roles of rheological boundaries strongly depend on the surface heat flow. When the surface heat flow is relatively high (>80 mW/m2), the stress in the mantle is quite low and the MOHO cannot trap ascending magmas. For relatively low heat flow (<80 mW/m2), on the other hand, the MOHO acts as a magma trap, and the upper–lower crust boundary acts as a magma trap only when the magma supply rate is sufficiently high. Our results suggest that the emplacement depth can change responding to the change in the tectonic force and/or that in the surface heat flow. This may provide us a key to understand the relation between the evolution of a volcanic region and its tectonic and/or thermal history.  相似文献   

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