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计算土壤热通量的一种新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

土壤热量通量和蓄热量的计算原理与方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤热量通量和蓄热量的计算原理与方法研究郭绍存,杜秀贤,梁秀婷(内蒙古自治区气象科研所)利用土壤热传导方程推导出的式(6),又经图解积分法再次推导而成的式(10),连同公式(7)分别是计算0─20厘米深土壤表层某时段内平均热量通量和相应时段内总蓄热量...  相似文献   

地表热通量测量中的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mayo.  CL 赵秀英 《气象科技》1997,(1):63-64,F003,F004
由于缺乏对土壤表面发生的各种过程的了解,往往会导致土壤表面热通量测量的不正确。基想根据地表以下一些度处的抛弃爱量测量资料准确地确定地表的热通量,不但要考虑则板以上的热量存同,而且要考虑到测板以下的潜热损耗。如果忽略热储量就会导致大的误差,如忽略潜热过程,则会有更大的误差。  相似文献   

利用"内蒙古微气象观测蒸发试验"的观测资料,对6种地表土壤热通量计算方法(Plate Cal法、TDEC法、谐波法、热传导对流法、振幅法和相位法)进行比较,检验了6种方法在不同干湿地表状况下的适用性,并研究了6种方法计算地表土壤热通量的差异以及对地表能量闭合度的影响。结果表明:一般情况下,Plate Cal法计算的2 cm土壤热通量与观测值最接近,计算结果的均方差为6.9 W/m2。在不同干湿地表状况下,干燥和降水条件下适合使用Plate Cal法,计算结果的均方差分别为14.0 W/m2和30.1 W/m2;湿润条件下适合使用谐波法,计算结果的均方差为21.4 W/m2。6种方法计算的地表土壤热通量存在明显差别,最大相差178.6 W/m2,不同方法计算地表土壤热通量的最大差值超过25 W/m2的时次占样本的96.3%。不同方法计算地表土壤热通量的差异对地表能量闭合度的大小有明显影响,但不影响近地层能量闭合度随湍流混合增强而增大的规律。  相似文献   

王万秋 《大气科学》1993,17(5):555-562
本文分析了用IAP两层大气环流模式模拟的海表动量和热量通量,并将其同Han等和Esbensen等的气候资料比较.模拟的热量通量与观测估计值有类似的水平分布和季节变化,但在中低纬地区有偏多的热量由海洋向大气输送,尤其1月北半球中纬大气需要从海洋获得过分多的热量;模拟的海表动量通量和气候估计值也类似,但模拟的北半球冬季中高纬西风动量通量中心位置偏东,赤道中西太平洋和大西洋的东风动量通量偏弱,南半球环绕南极的西风带模拟得过分弱(尤其在7月份).本文还检验了基本变量的日变化和日际变化对计算海表动量和湍流扩散热量通量的影响,结果表明用月平均,日平均和每小时的基本量计算的动量和湍流扩散热量通量依次增大,尤其在中高纬地区更明显.  相似文献   

采用2009—2013年CFSR(Climate Forecast System Reanalysis)大气和海洋再分析资料对黄海海气间热量通量和动量通量的特征进行统计分析,并通过FVCOMSWAVE浪流耦合模式对典型寒潮过程中风浪的影响效果进行模拟研究与对比分析。统计结果显示,通量受海表大风、海气温差及海洋环流等因子影响,秋冬季节强烈,春夏季节相对较弱,在寒潮活跃的冷季该海域的海流处于弱流期,风浪对海面通量的作用明显增强。海温特征也显示冷季的不稳定性显著强于暖季,因此该海域冷季具有更强的海气热量通量。沿岸站点的比较显示,南部吕泗站面向更开阔的东海海域,其平均波高高出北部20%左右。这与沿海南部通量强于北部特征对应。数值模拟显示,在寒潮过程中,海气界面热量通量和动量通量输送比多年月平均状态显著增强,动量通量增大1~5倍,热量通量增大1~6倍。寒潮过程入海冷锋走向、强度、移动方向显著影响海面热量通量和动量通量大值区的分布。偏北路寒潮纬向型冷锋入海,其强度东部大于西部,造成通量大值区形成在黄海东北部,而偏西路寒潮经向型冷锋入海,其强度南部大于北部,造成通量大值区形成在黄海南部。同时偏北路径寒潮强度大于偏西路径,海气动量通量响应较偏西路径强约25%,热量通量强约50%。耦合风浪作用的模拟显示,海气间热量通量和动量通量明显增大,对不同强度风浪,浪高增加1.5倍,动量通量最大值增大约2倍,热量通量增大10~160 W/m2;浪高减弱至0.5倍,动量通量最大值则减弱约40%,热量通量减小10~55 W/m2。冷锋及其驱动的风浪强烈影响区域海气通量时空特征。  相似文献   

利用2008年7月兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测(SACOL)站的观测资料,对比分析了地表土壤热通量的三种计算方法,即谐波法、温度预报校正法(TDEC法)以及结合自校正热通量板(HFP01SC)测量的温度积分法(ITHP法);进而分析了三种不同方法的计算结果对地表能量平衡的影响。比较5cm深度处谐波法和TDEC法的计算结果与HFP01SC的实测结果,三者的相位基本一致,相互之间均具有很好的线性关系;谐波法与TDEC法的计算值较为接近,但分别比HFP01SC的实测值偏大了2%和6%(主要发生在夜间)。对于地表的土壤热通量(G0),谐波法与TDEC法两者的计算结果仅偏差约1%;TDEC法与ITHP法的计算结果之间也具有很好的线性关系(R2=0.99),但偏差达到9%左右。相对于HFP01SC的实测结果,由谐波法和TDEC法计算的G0可将SACOL站的地表能量闭合率分别提高6%和7%左右;利用温度积分法将HFP01SC的实测结果校正到地表后,地表能量闭合率也提高了约6%。因此,在对涡动相关通量做了常规订正的情况下,当充分考虑了土壤热存储后,SACOL站的地表能量闭合率可提高6%~7%,达到82%~83%左右。  相似文献   

曹帮军  吕世华  张宇  李彦霖 《大气科学》2020,44(6):1188-1202
为了研究湍涡对中尺度绿洲灌溉的响应,利用WRF模式大涡模拟模块(WRF-LES)在西北半干旱区绿洲区开展灌溉前和灌溉后两个大涡模拟试验(分别简称为BI和AI),其中灌溉可能会改变绿洲非均匀强度。利用面积平均的办法计算湍流热通量并利用小波分析将湍流热通量模态分解到不同的尺度。结果表明灌溉增加了土壤湿度,引起绿洲内部非均匀强度增加,灌溉对垂直热通量以及通量频散都有较大影响。AI中的湍涡为网状,与BI中一致。AI与BI中的感热通量的频散高度都随着感热通量的减小而减小。AI与BI中感热通量小波能量谱尺度一致,但是BI中强度比AI小。潜热通量的频散高度依赖于感热通量,且潜热通量能量谱随高度减小。空间滞后相关系数的结果表明由于灌溉前地表加热较强,感热通量对地表热通量的响应高度在灌溉之前(BI)比灌溉后(AI)更高。灌溉后的通量模态的飘移距离小于灌溉前的。  相似文献   

中国土壤热通量的气候计算及其分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据北京等6个热平衡站的资料,通过5种方案计算比较得出土壤热通量Qs动的气候计算方法Qs=2.826·△θs-20+0.486·△T-0.777这里△θs-20、△T分别为土中5与20厘米温差和地一气温差.该式相关比为0.897,平均拟合误差1.4wm-2。据此计算全国215站的土中热交换量,并分析其时空变化,得出一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   

谢仁波 《贵州气象》1996,20(2):20-23
本文对地中温度非规律变化的天气指示意义作了初步探讨,通过预报试验及资料反查,确认其指示意义是明显的。  相似文献   

关于棉田感热通量和潜热通量的几种计算方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
吴洪颜  申双和 《气象科学》2000,20(4):537-542
根据棉田的实测资料,选用四种常用的计算感染热通量的潜热通量的方法进行分析,发现空气动力学方法I和伯温比-能量平衡法的计算结果较一致,梯度扩散法略小,而布德科方法计算的潜热通量偏高、感热通量过低,因此得出结论:在计算棉花等作物的冠层通量时,选用空气动力学方法I最合适,其次是梯度扩散法。  相似文献   

用气象站地温资料计算多年平均土壤热流的初步结果   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
董文杰  汤懋苍 《高原气象》1992,11(2):115-125

青藏高原及其邻近地区旬感热通量基本气候特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
利用1979~1995年美国NCEP再分析资料中逐旬感热通量,对高原及其邻近地区旬感热通量季节变化、年际变化特征及冬、夏季感热通量旬异常的年际变化和季节变化进行了分析。结果表明:青藏高原感热通量有明显的季节变化,可分为科季型(10月下旬~3月上旬)和夏季型(3月中旬~10月中旬),感热通量季节变化的明显区在高原北侧的荒原沙漠和南部珠峰一带,高原感热异常多发生在3~15旬和26~36旬。冬季感热通量  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interannual variation of the West Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) intensity based on the data compiled by the Chinese National Climate Center. Monthly reanalysis data from National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) are also used to study the lead-lag relationship between WPSH intensity and surface heat flux anomalies. The three major findings are as follows: First, WPSH intensity presents good seasonal persistence, especially from winter to the ensuing summer. Persistence is more significant after 1977, especially from spring to summer, and from summer to autumn; persistence of anticyclonic anomalies are significantly better than cyclonic anomalies. Second, surface heat flux tends to present opposite anomalous patterns between the strong and weak years of the WPSH intensity, which is especially valid at the latent heat flux over the ocean. Simultaneous correlations between surface heat flux and WPSH intensity in each of the seasons are marked by similar key areas. Finally, surface heat flux from the preceding winter of a strong summer WPSH is quite similar to strong spring WPSH, but the positive anomalies over the northwest Pacific and south of Japan are notably stronger. The situations in the weak years are similar except for those over the northwest Pacific: winter surface heat flux shows negative anomalies for a weak spring WPSH, but positive anomalies for a weak summer WPSH. It is suggested that surface heat flux in the previous winter plays an important role in maintaining the WPSH intensity in the ensuing spring and summer.  相似文献   

蒋全荣  郑定英 《气象科学》1997,17(2):143-150
分析表明,北太平洋中纬度地区海水表层铅直热通量收支的分布特征与海流密切有关。暖流区的受热相对较小或失热相对较大,冷流区则反之。海水表层铅直热通量收支的季节变化分别具有一年、半年和四个月三种周期,并分别与太阳辐射、海流以及大气环流等相系。海温变化的滞后时间,基本场为2个月,扰动场为1个月。  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原下垫面感热异常的诊断研究   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
李栋梁  章基嘉 《高原气象》1997,16(4):367-375

Based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis monthly data,the relation between the surface sensible heat flux,(SHTFL) in the Tibetan Plateau and its vicinity and the East Asian winter monsoon is revealed as follows:on the inter-annual and longer time scales,the difference between SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau last spring has influence on the East Asian winter monsoon,that is,SHTFL anomaly in the east of the Tibetan Plateau was positive and that in the southern slope was negative last spring,then the East Asian winter monsoon would become more vigorous,and vice versa.Both the most significant period of the difference between SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau and that of the East Asian winter monsoon index are 2 to 4-year time scales.On the 2 to 4-year time scales,the heterogeneous spatial distribution of SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau last spring has effect on the East Asian winter monsoon,after SHTFL anomaly in the east of the Tibetan Plateau was positive and that in the southern slope was negative last spring,then the East Asian winter monsoon would be more powerful,and vice versa.The lag influence of the difference of SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau on the East Asian winter monsoon brings into effect mainly on 2 to 4-year time scales.In the end an reasonable explanation for their relationship has been discussed.  相似文献   

利用山西省神头1988年9-10月间采集的大气野外测试资料,计算了摩擦速度,特征温度,湍流动量通量。用两种不同的方法计算了湍流热通量。并按稳定度进行了分类统计和做了采样各天的热通量日变化分析。  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variations of the ten-day mean surface latent heat flux (TMLH) havebeen analyzed in this paper based on the data of NCEP from January of 1979 to December of 1995in the South China Sea (SCS) monsoon region. It is found that there exist maximum centers ofTMLH standard deviation in the northwest Indochina and the Indian Peninsula as well as thewestern Pacific, SCS, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal, and their locations and strengthschange significantly during the period of SCS monsoon onset. A positive zonal deviation of TMLHoccurs first in the Indochina Peninsula, apparently earlier than that in the Indian Peninsula. Theappearance of maximum positive zonal deviations of TMLH approximately coincides with thesummer monsoon onset. Over the Indochina and Indian Peninsulas, the TMLH increases graduallywith a small amplitude of variation before the onset of summer monsoon, and the rate of increase issignificantly enhanced after the onset of the monsoon; whereas over the ocean, TMLH decreasesbefore the monsoon onset, varies little during the period of monsoon and increases gradually afterthe ending of monsoon. Therefore, it seems that the surface latent heat flux plays an importantrole in the maintenance of the summer monsoon, and its variation is an phenomenon accompanyingthe onset of summer monsoon.  相似文献   

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