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We investigate the ability of modern general circulation models (GCMs) to simulate transport in the martian atmosphere using measurements of argon as a proxy for the transport processes. Argon provides the simplest measure of transport as it is a noble gas with no sinks or sources on seasonal timescales. Variations in argon result solely from ‘freeze distillation’, as the atmosphere condenses at the winter poles, and from atmospheric transport. Comparison of all previously published models when rescaled to a common definition of the argon enhancement factor (EF) suggest that models generally do a poor job in predicting the peak enhancement in southern winter over the winter pole – the time when the capability of the model transport approaches are most severely tested. Despite observed peak EF values of ~6, previously published model predictions peaked at EF values of only 2–3. We introduce a new GCM that provides a better treatment of mass conservation within the dynamical core, includes more sophisticated tracer transport approaches, and utilizes a cube–sphere grid structure thus avoiding the grid-point convergence problem at the pole that exists for most current Mars GCMs. We describe this model – the Ashima Research/Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mars General Circulation Model (Ashima/MIT Mars GCM) and use it to demonstrate the significant sensitivity of peak EF to the choices of transport approach for both tracers and heat. We obtain a peak EF of 4.75 which, while over 50% higher than any prior model, remains well short of the observed value. We show that the polar EF value in winter is primarily determined by the competition between two processes: (1) mean meridional import of lower-latitude air not enriched in argon and (2) the leakage of enriched argon out of the polar column by eddies in the lowest atmospheric levels. We suggest possibilities for improving GCM representation of the CO2 cycle and the general circulation that may further improve the simulation of the argon cycle. We conclude that current GCMs may be insufficient for detailed simulation of transport-sensitive problems like the water cycle and potentially also the dust cycle.  相似文献   

H.M. Böttger  S.R. Lewis  F. Forget 《Icarus》2005,177(1):174-189
This paper describes General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations of the martian water cycle focusing on the effects of an adsorbing regolith. We describe the 10-layer regolith model used in this study which has been adapted from the 1-D model developed by Zent, A.P., Haberle, R.M., Houben, H.C., Jakosky, B.M. [1993. A coupled subsurface-boundary layer model of water on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (E2), 3319-3337, February]. Even with a 30-min timestep and taking into account the effect of surface water ice, our fully implicit scheme compares well with the results obtained by Zent, A.P., Haberle, R.M., Houben, H.C., Jakosky, B.M. [1993. A coupled subsurface-boundary layer model of water on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (E2), 3319-3337, February]. This means, however, that the regolith is not able to reproduce the diurnal variations in column water vapour abundance of up to a factor of 2-3 as seen in some observations, with only about 10% of the atmospheric water vapour column exchanging with the subsurface on a daily basis. In 3-D simulations we find that the regolith adsorbs water preferentially in high latitudes. This is especially true in the northern hemisphere, where perennial subsurface water ice builds up poleward of 60° N at depths which are comparable to the Odyssey observations. Much less ice forms in the southern high latitudes, which suggests that the water ice currently present in the martian subsurface is not stable under present conditions and is slowly subliming and being deposited in the northern hemisphere. When initialising the model with an Odyssey-like subsurface water ice distribution the model is capable of forcing the simulated water cycle from an arbitrary state close to the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer observations. Without the actions of the adsorbing regolith the equilibrated water cycle is found to be a factor of 2-4 too wet. The process by which this occurs is by adsorption of water during northern hemisphere summer in northern mid and high latitudes where it remains locked in until northern spring when the seasonal CO2 ice cap retreats. At this time the water diffuses out of the regolith in response to increased temperature and is returned to the residual water ice cap by eddie transport.  相似文献   

The following physical parameters have been computed from 0 to 200 km altitude; (1) pressure, (2) density (3), speed of sound, (4) density, (5) number density, (6) mean free path, (7) viscosity, (8) pressure scale, (9) mean particle velocity, (10) collisional frequency and (11) columnar mass.The Viking measurements have been used as input data. A critical comparison of the computed pressures and densities, is given, useful for future explorations.  相似文献   

Nair H  Allen M  Anbar AD  Yung YL  Clancy RT 《Icarus》1994,111(1):124-150
The factors governing the amounts of CO, O2, and O3 in the martian atmosphere are investigated using a minimally constrained, one-dimensional photochemical model. We find that the incorporation of temperature-dependent CO2 absorption cross sections leads to an enhancement in the water photolysis rate, increasing the abundance of OH radicals to the point where the model CO abundance is smaller than observed. Good agreement between models and observations of CO, O2, O3, and the escape flux of atomic hydrogen can be achieved, using only gas-phase chemistry, by varying the recommended rate constants for the reactions CO + OH and OH + HO2 within their specified uncertainties. Similar revisions have been suggested to resolve discrepancies between models and observations of the terrestrial mesosphere. The oxygen escape flux plays a key role in the oxygen budget on Mars; as inferred from the observed atomic hydrogen escape, it is much larger than recent calculations of the exospheric escape rate for oxygen. Weathering of the surface may account for the imbalance. Quantification of the escape rates of oxygen and hydrogen from Mars is a worthwhile objective for an upcoming martian upper atmospheric mission. We also consider the possibility that HOx radicals may be catalytically destroyed on dust grains suspended in the atmosphere. Good agreement with the observed CO mixing ratio can be achieved via this mechanism, but the resulting ozone column is much higher than the observed quantity. We feel that there is no need at this time to invoke heterogeneous processes to reconcile models and observations.  相似文献   

Recent observations suggest methane in the martian atmosphere is variable on short spatial and temporal scales. However, to explain the variability by loss reactions requires production rates much larger than expected. Here, we report results of laboratory studies of methane adsorption onto JSC-Mars-1, a martian soil simulant, and suggest that this process could explain the observations. Uptake coefficient (γ) values were measured as a function of temperature using a high-vacuum Knudsen cell able to simulate martian temperature and pressure conditions. Values of γ were measured from 115 to 135 K, and the data were extrapolated to higher temperatures with more relevance to Mars. Adsorptive uptake was found to increase at lower temperatures and larger methane partial pressures. Although only sub-monolayer methane surface coverage is likely to exist under martian conditions, a very large mineral surface area is available for adsorption as atmospheric methane can diffuse meters into the regolith. As a result, significant methane may be temporarily lost to the regolith on a seasonal time scale. As this weak adsorption is fully reversible, methane will be re-released into the atmosphere when surface and subsurface temperatures rise and so no net loss of methane occurs. Heterogeneous interaction of methane with martian soil grains is the only process proposed thus far which contains both rapid methane loss and rapid methane production mechanisms and is thus fully consistent with the reported variability of methane on Mars.  相似文献   

The existence of methane in the martian atmosphere may be an indicator of subsurface life. Biological processes are known to fractionate the common isotopologues of methane, and hence measuring these isotopic ratios may yield constraints on the nature of the methane source. Any measurement of the isotopic ratios of atmospheric methane must consider the additional fractionation due to photochemistry in order to quantify the isotopic ratios of the source. Using a one-dimensional photochemical model, we find that photochemistry has a small (4.5) contribution to δ13C(CH4) but has a large (114) contribution to δD(CH4). Confirmation of these fractionation values will require additional laboratory data on key model inputs, particularly the ultraviolet absorption cross sections of 13CH4 and kinetic rate coefficients for the reactions of 13CH4 and CH3D with OH and O(1D) at pressures and temperatures relevant to the martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

Within the numerical general-circulation model of the Martian atmosphere MAOAM (Martian Atmosphere: Observation and Modeling), we have developed the water cycle block, which is an essential component of modern general circulation models of the Martian atmosphere. The MAOAM model has a spectral dynamic core and successfully predicts the temperature regime on Mars through the use of physical parameterizations typical of both terrestrial and Martian models. We have achieved stable computation for three Martian years, while maintaining a conservative advection scheme taking into account the water–ice phase transitions, water exchange between the atmosphere and surface, and corrections for the vertical velocities of ice particles due to sedimentation. The studies show a strong dependence of the amount of water that is actively involved in the water cycle on the initial data, model temperatures, and the mechanism of water exchange between the atmosphere and the surface. The general pattern and seasonal asymmetry of the water cycle depends on the size of ice particles, the albedo, and the thermal inertia of the planet’s surface. One of the modeling tasks, which results from a comparison of the model data with those of the TES experiment on board Mars Global Surveyor, is the increase in the total mass of water vapor in the model in the aphelion season and decrease in the mass of water ice clouds at the poles. The surface evaporation scheme, which takes into account the turbulent rise of water vapor, on the one hand, leads to the most complete evaporation of ice from the surface in the summer season in the northern hemisphere and, on the other hand, supersaturates the atmosphere with ice due to the vigorous evaporation, which leads to worse consistency between the amount of the precipitated atmospheric ice and the experimental data. The full evaporation of ice from the surface increases the model sensitivity to the size of the polar cap; therefore, the increase in the latter leads to better results. The use of a more accurate dust scenario changes the model temperatures, which also strongly affects the water cycle.  相似文献   

Non-thermal escape of oxygen by recombination of exospheric O2+ combined with diffusive separation of gases at lower altitude provides a mechanism through which the Martian atmosphere may be enriched in 18O relative to 16O. Measurement of the abundance of 18O relative to 16O together with a determination of the turbopause may be used to develop important constraints on the history of Martian volatiles. Models for the interpretation of these data are developed and discussed in light of present information.  相似文献   

We present observations of the O2(a1Δg) nightglow at 1.27 μm on Mars using the SPICAM IR spectrometer onboard of the Mars Express orbiter. In contrast to the O2(a1Δg) dayglow that results from the ozone photodissociation, the O2(a1Δg) nightglow is a product of the recombination of O atoms formed by CO2 photolysis on the dayside at altitudes higher than 80 km and transported downward above the winter pole by the Hadley circulation. The first detections of the O2(a1Δg) nightglow in 2010 indicate that it is about two order of magnitude less intense than the dayglow (Bertaux, J.-L., Gondet, B., Bibring, J.-P., Montmessin, F., Lefèvre, F. [2010]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 42, 1040; Clancy et al. [2010]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 42, 1041). SPICAM IR sounds the martian atmosphere in the near-IR range (1–1.7 μm) with the spectral resolution of 3.5 cm?1 in nadir, limb and solar occultation modes. In 2010 the vertical profiles of the O2(a1Δg) nightside emission have been obtained near the South Pole at latitudes of 82–83°S for two sequences of observations: Ls = 111–120° and Ls = 152–165°. The altitude of the emission maximum varied from 45 km on Ls = 111–120° to 38–49 km on Ls = 152–165°. Averaged vertically integrated intensity of the emission at these latitudes has shown an increase from 0.22 to 0.35 MR. Those values of total vertical emission rate are consistent with the OMEGA observations on Mars-Express in 2010. The estimated density of oxygen atoms at altitudes from 50 to 65 km varies from 1.5 × 1011 to 2.5 × 1011 cm?3. Comparison with the LMD general circulation model with photochemistry (Lefèvre, F., Lebonnois, S., Montmessin, F., Forget, F. [2004]. J. Geophys. Res. 109, E07004; Lefèvre et al. [2008]. Nature 454, 971–975) shows that the model reproduces fairly well the O2(a1Δg) emission layer observed by SPICAM when the large field of view (>20 km on the limb) of the instrument is taken into account.  相似文献   

There is a significant progress in the observational data relevant to Mars photochemistry in the current decade. These data are not covered by and sometimes disagree with the published models. Therefore we consider three types of models for Mars photochemistry. A steady-state model for global-mean conditions is currently the only way to calculate the abundances of long living species (H2, O2, and CO). However, our model does not fit the observed CO abundance using gas-phase chemistry and reasonable values of heterogeneous loss of odd hydrogen on the water ice aerosol. The second type of the calculated models is steady-state models for local conditions. The MGS/TES data on temperature profiles, H2O, and dust are input parameters for these models. The calculations have been made for nine seasonal points spread over the martian year and for twelve latitudes with a step of 10° for each season. The only adopted heterogeneous reaction is a weak loss of H2O2 on water ice with probability of 5×10−4. The results are in good agreement with the recent observations of the O2 dayglow at 1.27 μm and the O3 and H2O2 abundances. Global maps of the seasonal and latitudinal behavior of these species have been made. The third type of models is a time-dependent model for local conditions. These models show that odd hydrogen quickly converts to H2O2 at the nighttime and the chemistry is switched off while the association of O, the heterogeneous loss of H2O2, and eddy diffusion continue. This requires significant changes in the global-mean and local steady-state models discussed above, and these changes have been properly done. The calculated diurnal variations of Mars photochemistry are discussed. The martian photochemistry at low and middle latitudes is significantly different in the aphelion period at LS=10°-130° from that in the remaining part of the year.  相似文献   

Viking/MAWD experiment and more recent MGC/TES observations have provided to date the most detailed information about the annual atmospheric water cycle on Mars. Their data agree in major details but still reveal some disagreements. These disagreements turn out to be most significant in the perihelion season and especially during the major dust storms. We consider the potential influence of aerosol scattering on 1.38 μm water retrieval under various types of observation geometry. In order to obtain new retrievals of water vapor abundance from MAWD data, we apply radiative transfer calculations. The resulting seasonal and spatial distribution of water turns out to be more consistent with TES results, implying a remarkable stability of the martian seasonal water cycle. Mapping data corresponding to particular seasons reveals a distinct wave structure in the global distribution of the water column. We interpret it as a manifestation of a strong control over the water cycle on Mars from the atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   

The neutral particle detector (NPD) on board Mars Express has observed energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) from a broad region on the dayside of the martian upper atmosphere. We show one such example for which the observation was conducted at an altitude of 570 km, just above the induced magnetosphere boundary (IMB). The time of flight spectra of these ENAs show that they had energies of 0.2-2 keV/amu, with an average energy of ∼1.1 keV/amu. Both the spatial distribution and the energy of these ENAs are consistent with the backscattered ENAs, produced by an ENA albedo process. This is the first observation of backscattered ENAs from the martian upper atmosphere. The origin of these ENAs is considered to be the solar wind ENAs that are scattered back by collision processes in the martian upper atmosphere. The particle flux and energy flux of the backscattered ENAs are and , respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract— The objective of this study was to identify and map possible source regions for all 5 known martian meteorite lithologies (basalt, lherzolite, clinopyroxenite, orthopyroxenite, and dunite) using data from the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS TES). We deconvolved the TES data set using laboratory spectra of 6 martian meteorites (Los Angeles, Zagami, ALH A77005, Nakhla, ALH 84001, and Chassigny) as end members, along with atmospheric and surface spectra previously derived from TES data. Global maps (16 pixels/degree) of the distribution of each meteorite end member show that meteorite‐like compositions are not present at or above TES detectability limits over most of the planet's dust‐free regions. However, we have confidently identified local‐scale (100s‐1000s km2) concentrations of olivine‐ and orthopyroxene‐bearing materials similar to ALH A77005, Chassigny, and ALH 84001 in Nili Fossae, in and near Ganges Chasma, in the Argyre and Hellas basin rims, and in Eos Chasma. Nakhla‐like materials are identified near the detection limit throughout the eastern Valles Marineris region and portions of Syrtis Major. Basaltic shergottites were not detected in any spatially coherent areas at the scale of this study. Martian meteorite‐like lithologies represent only a minor portion of the dust‐free surface and, thus, are not representative of the bulk composition of the ancient crust. Meteorite‐like spectral signatures identified above TES detectability limits in more spatially restricted areas (<tens of km) are targets of ongoing analysis.  相似文献   

Abstract— We investigate the action of the martian atmosphere on entering meteoroids for present and past atmospheres with various surface pressures to predict the smallest observable craters, and to understand the implications for the size distributions of craters on Mars and meteoroids in space. We assume different strengths appropriate to icy, stone, and iron bodies and test the results against available data on terrestrial bolides. Deceleration, ablation, and fragmentation effects are included. We find that the smallest icy, stone, and iron meteoroids to hit the martian ground at crater forming speeds of ≥500 m/s have diameters of about 2 m, 0.03‐0.9 m (depending on strength), and 0.01 m, respectively, in the current atmosphere. For hypothetical denser past atmospheres, the cutoff diameters rise. At a surface pressure of 100 mb, the cutoff diameters are about 24 m, 5–12 m, and 0.14 m for the 3 classes. The weaker stony bodies in the size range of about 1–30 m may explode at altitudes of about 10–20 km above the ground. These figures imply that under the present atmosphere, the smallest craters made by these objects would be as follows: by ice bodies, craters of diameter (D) ?8 m, by stones about 0.5–6 m, and by irons, about 0.3 m. A strong depletion of craters should, thus, occur at diameters below about 0.3 m to 5 m. Predicted fragmentation and ablation effects on weak meteoroids in the present atmosphere may also produce a milder depletion below D ?500 m, relative to the lunar population. But, this effect may be difficult to detect in present data because of additional losses of small craters due to sedimentation, dunes, and other obliteration effects. Craters in strewn fields, caused by meteoroid fragmentation, will be near or below present‐day resolution limits, but examples have been found. These phenomena have significant consequences. Under the present atmosphere, the smallest (decimeter‐scale) craters in sands and soils could be quickly obliterated but might still be preserved on rock surfaces, as noted by Hörz et al. (1999). Ancient crater populations, if preserved, could yield diagnostic signatures of earlier atmospheric conditions. Surfaces formed under past denser atmospheres (few hundred mbar), if preserved by burial and later exposed by exhumation, could show: a) striking depletions of small craters (few meter sizes up to as much as 200 m), relative to modern surfaces; b) more clustered craters due to atmospheric breakup; and c) different distributions of meteorite types, with 4 m to 200 m craters formed primarily by irons instead of by stones as on present‐day Mars. Megaregolith gardening of the early crust would be significant but coarser than the gardening of the ancient lunar uplands.  相似文献   

It is proposed that dust storms on Mars that develop during predawn hours may be triggered by a freeze/thaw dust injection process. The model is based on a phenomenon that was observed during the Viking Gas Exchange experiments on Mars, in which adsorbed gas was catastrophically desorbed from soil samples when exposed to humidification at ∼5°C. Similar conditions may develop at midlatitude locations on Mars near perihelion, and a similar humidification-driven desorption process might occur in the soil column. If soils are dampened during humikification, desorbed gases in confined pore spaces could possibly reach 8.6 bar. Diurnal freezing may possibly cause H2O to crystallize within the pores, possibly producing cohesive soil failure, release of the trapped gas, and explosive injection of freeze-dried powdery overburden dust into the atmospheric column. The process could potentially occur at 5–20 cm depth, and the freeze/thaw dust injection event may initiate after 10:00 PM local time (20°S lat). Dust would be injected at velocities approaching 450 m sec−1 and it would remain in the atmosphere for several hours before settling out. The plumes could potentially regenerate diurnally until the growing atmospheric dust load produced sufficient dampening of the diurnal thermal wave to prevent freeze/thaw. Seasonal replenishment of H2O could potentially occur by upward migration from depth during the period between 150 and 475 sols after perihelion. The model was experimentally tested and the results were in good agreement with predictions, although a factor of 14 times more gas evolved from the laboratory samples than from the Viking samples. Most of the characteristics of the predawn storms could possibly be adequately explained by the freeze/thaw injection model, including (1) predawn onsets, (2) postperihelion seasonal occurence, (3) daily recurrence during the initial phases of the storms, and (4) generation of blue clouds (H2O ice) at the storm sites. The process may possibly occur over widespread locations at midlatitudes during seasonal retreat of “tempofrost” from these latitude belts. Permanent low albedo features in these latitude belts may possibly be regions of preferential humidification-induced dust entrainment and net dust removal. The H2O injected into the atmosphere may potentially be a major source of H2SO4 and HCl aerosols, which may possibly chemically react with the regolith to form soluble sulfate and chloride salts. Mg2+ may be preferentially depleted from the dust.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of a low dimensional martian climate attractor is investigated by the application of the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to a simulation of martian atmospheric circulation using the UK Mars general circulation model (UK-MGCM). In this article we focus on a time series of the interval between autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere, when baroclinic activity is intense. The POD is a statistical technique that allows the attribution of total energy (TE) to particular structures embedded in the UK-MGCM time-evolving circulation. These structures are called empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs). Ordering the EOFs according to their associated energy content, we were able to determine the necessary number to account for a chosen amount of atmospheric TE. We show that for Mars a large fraction of TE is explained by just a few EOFs (with 90% TE in 23 EOFs), which apparently support the initial hypothesis. We also show that the resulting EOFs represent classical types of atmospheric motion, such as thermal tides and transient waves. Thus, POD is shown to be an efficient method for the identification of different classes of atmospheric modes. It also provides insight into the non-linear interaction of these modes.  相似文献   

Radiative control of surface temperature is a key characteristic of the martian environment and its low-density atmosphere. Here we show through meteorological modeling that surface temperature can be far from radiative equilibrium over numerous sloping terrains on Mars, where nighttime mesoscale katabatic winds impact the surface energy budget. Katabatic circulations induce both adiabatic atmospheric heating and enhancement of downward sensible heat flux, which then becomes comparable to radiative flux and acts to warm the ground. Through this mechanism, surface temperature can increase up to 20 K. One consequence is that warm signatures of surface temperature over slopes, observed through infrared spectrometry, cannot be systematically associated with contrasts of intrinsic soil thermal inertia. Apparent thermal inertia maps retrieved thus far possibly contain wind-induced structures. Another consequence is that surface temperature observations close to sloping terrains could allow the validation of model predictions for martian katabatic winds, provided contrasts in intrinsic thermal inertia can be ruled out. The thermal impact of winds is mostly discussed in this paper in the particular cases of Olympus Mons/Lycus Sulci and Terra Meridiani but is generally significant over any sloped terrains in low thermal inertia areas. It is even general enough to apply under daytime conditions, thereby providing a possible explanation for observed afternoon surface cooling, and to ice-covered terrains, thereby providing new insights on how winds could have shaped the present surface of Mars.  相似文献   

The oblateness of the Martian upper atmosphere was determined from analysis of photoelectric observations of the 8 April 1976 occultation of ε Geminorum by Mars at seven stations. The oblatness is 0.0096 ± 0.0023, consistent with a mean equator-to-pole temperature difference in excess of ~ 50°K, vertically averaged from the surface to the occulation altitude of ~70 km. The astrometric solution provides precise determination of the occultation path relative to the Martian shadow, and absolute vertical alignment of upper atmospheric temperature profiles obtained by inversion of occultation light curves. The observations can be compared directly with models of atmospheric tides computed for the conditions at the suboccultation regions on Mars.  相似文献   

An atomic oxygen flow system and a C14 radiochemical technique have been used to show that the reactions O + CO → CO2 and O + O → O2, are heterogeneously catalysed by solid CO2 at 77 K.The O-CO recombination is first order in CO and inhibited by O, whereas the O-O recombination is first order in O and weakly inhibited by CO. Assuming simple first order kinetics, recombination coefficients γco = 1.3(±0.9) × 10?5 and γO = 0.05± 0.02 are determined. A recombination mechanism involving an intermediate adsorbed CO3 is proposed. If the kinetic results are assumed to apply under Martian surface conditions, then conversion of CO to CO2 by reaction on the solid CO2 at the polar caps occurs at ~10 times the total column recombination rates for homogeneous reactions previously proposed; night-side CO2 ice clouds would also constitute an important recombination surface.  相似文献   

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