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刘东生 《第四纪研究》1993,13(4):344-348
袁复礼教授是我国当代地貌学和第四纪地质学研究的开创者之一。半个多世纪以来袁老师的弟子满天下。受过袁老师教诲的学生之多,成绩之大恐怕在国内没有人能够比得上。也只有这样才可以看出袁老师为中国的第四纪和地质科学的发展所花费的心血和做出的贡献的份量和意义。袁复礼教授的一生的地质工作和他的教育工作都说明他是一位不服输的地质学家,是一位把地质学念在“身上”的地质学家,更是一位能够和大山岩石谈话的地质学家。  相似文献   

张立生 《地质学报》2022,96(1):25-49
谢家荣是中国地质学家群体中极其重要和突出的一位,他在地质科学领域里涉猎面之广,在我国地质界独一无二,是一位“全方位的地质学家”,是现代中国地质学领域当之无愧的拓荒者。本文略述其简历和他在中国煤岩学和煤地质学、土壤学、石油地质学、铀钍矿产地质与勘查、北京西山地质研究、中国大地构造学、矿床学、经济地质学和地质教育领域的贡献与成就。谢家荣对中国地质事业和中国地质学会的建立与成长都作出了不可磨灭的贡献,是我们永远都不应该忘记、都值得纪念的一位伟大的地质学家。  相似文献   

念侯老   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国的建立激发了侯老的工作热情,踏遍祖大地,马不停蹄,为祖经济建设急需的若干矿种在理论上和生产上都做出了创造笥成绩,锐意创新,组织创建了若干现代化研究实验室,拓宽了中国科学院地质研究所的技术覆盖能力,使地质研究所的工作已经可与当时国际上一些著名研究单位外于同一起跑线上。  相似文献   

程裕淇 《第四纪研究》1989,9(3):224-226
李四光先生是我国老一辈地质学家之一,对地质学的许多分支学科作出了重要贡献。他建立了地质力学,并以发现中国第四纪冰川而闻名于世。我对1933年11月他在中国地质学会第十届年会上关于庐山第四纪冰川的理事长演说至今记忆犹新。作为一个科学家,他强调一个地质工作者首先要做好野外工作,一切地质假说和理论必须以事实为依据。作为新中国的第一任地质部部长,他鼓励地质工作者要为祖国的社会主义建设作出贡献。  相似文献   

The profile of geoconservation is now higher than ever before with a significant number of people employed worldwide within geoconservation or having an element of it included within their role. Sixty years ago, employment within geoconservation, and even geoconservation itself, were largely unheard of. In 1950, an experienced geologist in his late 50s, William Archibald Macfadyen, ‘Macfadyen’ or ‘Mac’ to his colleagues, became the first full-time professional geoconservationist. After serving in two World Wars and enjoying a long career working as a geologist and hydrogeologist in the Middle East and Africa, he was employed by the newly created government conservation agency in Great Britain, the Nature Conservancy. His role was to help implement new national nature conservation legislation that included the conservation of geological and geomorphological features. Between 1950 and 1960, Macfadyen pioneered geoconservation, working to interpret and implement the new legislation to protect a series of geological and geomorphological sites across Great Britain. Working largely alone he visited, and scheduled for protection, a series of well over 600 sites, developed records to support their conservation, addressed practical conservation issues relating to site damage and enhancement, established a geological advisory committee to support his work, published an account of some of the sites protected and successfully applied his geological expertise to wider issues relating to wildlife conservation. He undoubtedly built the foundations of geoconservation in Great Britain, and in doing so influenced its development worldwide. It is argued here that Macfadyen is worthy of recognition as the ‘father of geoconservation’.  相似文献   

时值侯德封先生百年华诞之际,仅以此文缅怀他老人家在中国开拓矿业及发展地学两个方面所做出的重大贡献。  相似文献   

王鸿祯 《第四纪研究》1994,14(2):115-118
尹赞勋先生是我国著名的地质学家和古生物学家,又是我国地质事业的一位开拓者和组织者。尹先生对科学界、地质界的贡献是多方面的。在地质教育方面,自1952年至1956年,他参加了北京地质学院的筹建工作,并担任了第一任副院长兼教务长。在北京地质学院任职期间,他竭尽全力推进各项教学工作,培养了大批学生,满足了第一个五年计划对地质人才的需求。他为北京地质学院的成就而自豪,并长期关怀学院的成长,关怀地质教育的健康发展。我们缅怀尹先生的最好方法就是推动学校工作的进一步向前发展,使之建成为当代地质教学和科研的一个中心。  相似文献   

简要叙述了老地质学家、贵州省地质局原总工程师燕树檀在地质事业特别是在贵州地质事业发展中的主要贡献、工作业绩,缅怀了他爱岗敬业、学而不厌、诲而不倦、严谨求实、克己奉公、淡泊名利的人格风貌和做人为学的高尚精神品质,表达了贵州地矿系统职工对他的敬佩、景仰的感情。  相似文献   

Hugh Miller was a Victorian geologist and stonemason of humble origins, who did much to further public interest in the new science of geology. His most famous book, The Old Red Sandstone (1841) , ran to many editions, and his discoveries of Devonian fossil fishes were of great importance to science. Despite this, he is a relatively unsung geological hero beyond his native land.  相似文献   

In 1953, R. G. Carruthers, a respected geologist, published a private scientific pamphlet which challenged the established view of British Quaternary stratigraphy. Carruthers had no other route but private publication. Why was this, and what was the foundation for his ideas? We explore Carruthers' theory in the light of current knowledge and consider the lessons for scientific publication provided by it.  相似文献   

加强地质工作质量是保证勘查成果的当务之急   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过近几年的地质资料管理和矿产资源储量评审工作,发现在现行的地质工作中,质量管理已经到了不可不抓的境地。特别是2007年温家宝总理对一名老地质工作者反映地质工作质量问题的批复,更促使我们认识到加强地质工作质量是保证勘查成果的当务之急。  相似文献   

Colleagues of the late I. F. Grigor'yev outline his career, which contributed much to the, prospecting and development aspects of the minerals industry of the U.S.S.R. Grigor'yev, was a practicing mining geologist, mineralogist, crystallographer, and teacher. He combined mineralogy and other geologic specializations to evolve some basic laws of distribution of ore deposits. Grigor'yev was involved in economic and political, as well as scientific, aspects of mining geology.—A. Eustus  相似文献   

Napoleon Bonaparte was in 1798 the first general to involve geologists as such in a military campaign. But geologists were attached to his army as civilians, without military rank or command function. In contrast, the Prussian general (later Field Marshal) Gebhard von Blücher has generally been credited with first making use of a geologist in military uniform: Professor Karl von Raumer, during the 1813–14 war of German liberation from French Napoleonic domination. Authors have claimed that Blücher consulted Raumer for information on the terrain of Silesia before triumphing over the French at the Battle of the Katzbach in 1813, and that Raumer was therefore the first geologist to help plan a military operation. But is this true? Did Raumer in effect initiate German military use of geology – pioneering the widespread use of geologists, many of them professors, in the 20th century German army?  相似文献   

Knud Ellitsgaard‐Rasmussen's career spanned an astounding period of change in the science. He was not a geologist whose name was widely known and it is probably true to say that few students today, even in his native Denmark, have heard of him. He was nevertheless a figure of huge importance to geological research in his role as someone who directed geology along very productive lines, creating an environment which was highly conducive to the successful careers of many talented researchers. He saw and presided over geology as it evolved from the heroic days of an individual with a dog‐sledge and a microscope to later days with armies of personnel, aircraft, marine geophysical vessels, the GPS and the ICP‐MS. He led the mapping of a subcontinent.  相似文献   

SospeterMuhongo 《《幕》》2004,27(4):305-306
Professor Ali Basira Henri Kampunzu passed away on Monday, 29 November 2004 at the Midland Park Hospital in Johannesburg(South Africa) and was laid down to eternal peace on Monday, 06 December 2004 in his home country in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC). He was a well-known and greatlya cknowledged trilingual African geoscientist. Some argue that he was the best-known and the greatest African geologist of our time.  相似文献   

Alfred Bentz was the leading oil geologist in Germany during the Third Reich, the World War II and thereafter. His relevant activities are treated here mainly on the base of documents in the Geologenarchiv Freiburg. In spite of his prominent position during the Nazi Regime he can obviously not be blamed for personal guilt. As a loyal civil servant he was embedded in the tragic German fate in these years.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvanian Minnelusa Sandstone is one of the most prolific oil producing formations in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming. Virtually all petroleum accumulation is in stratigraphic traps, with much production from paleotopographic highs beneath a regional unconformity. Oil is trapped in dune sands. Both thickness of sandstones and their cementation vary greatly over short distances. The exploration area comprises 60 townships and 3400 wells. About 95% of the wells have sonic ray logs. The database includes cartographic data, formation, and zone tops picked by a single geologist, and normalized ray and sonic logs. Great emphasis is placed on data quality. Newly released logs are added monthly. This database provides the exploration geologist with a new way of doing subsurface interpretation. Free from demands of gathering and tabulating basic data, the geologist is able to do more creative work. A new and original concept—one that would take several person-months of manual effort to work out—can be mapped out and evaluated in less than a week.  相似文献   

Ken McNamara 《Geology Today》2014,30(4):142-146
Standing on guard at the entrance to the Palaeozoic section of the University of Cambridge's Sedgwick Museum is a bronze statue of the man after whom the museum was named—the 7th Woodwardian Professor, the Reverend Adam Sedgwick. In one hand he holds his trusty geological hammer, in the other is a rock. Sedgwick, the man who unraveled many of the mysteries of the early Palaeozoic rocks of Wales, looks as if he has just cracked a piece of rock off an outcrop. Yet, rather incongruously, he is swathed in his academic gown—our man is clearly both the consummate field geologist and the academic.  相似文献   

1999年6月28日是国际著名华裔地质学家KennethJinghwaHsu(许靖华)院士、教授70华诞。70年来,许教授在地质学、社会学及人文科学方面取得了卓越的成就,获得了众多的殊荣和褒奖,为当代人类做出了重要贡献,这是炎黄子孙的骄傲和自豪。  相似文献   

John Farey was a pioneer British geologist whose work has been too long overlooked. His only major geological publication was concealed in what appears to be a local report on the agriculture and minerals of Derbyshire, commissioned by the Board of Agriculture and published in three volumes between 1811 and 1817. Farey also published an extraordinary amount in periodicals and prepared a remarkable series of geological maps and cross-sections which were never published, although a number of hand-drawn copies circulated and undoubtedly influenced the rise of stratigraphical geology.  相似文献   

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