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A.V. Pathare  M.R. Balme  M.C. Towner 《Icarus》2010,209(2):851-853
Competing hypotheses for the diameter dependence of terrestrial and martian dust devil frequency are assessed using new field observations from two sites in the southwestern United States. We show that at diameters less than 12 m, our observed dust devil size-frequency distributions are better fit by an exponential function than by a power law formulation, and discuss the implications for larger dust devils on Earth and Mars.  相似文献   

D. Reiss  J. Raack  H. Hiesinger 《Icarus》2011,211(1):917-920
We report on the first observations of bright dust devil tracks (BDDTs) on Earth, observed in the Turpan depression desert in northwestern China, where raindrop impacts on sand surfaces form aggregates of sand, silt and clay resulting in rough surface textures, which are destroyed by passages of dust devils leading to smooth surface textures within the tracks. The differences in photometric properties between the track and outside the tracks cause the albedo differences leading to the formation of BDDTs and similar processes might lead to BDDTs on Mars in areas with thick dust covers.  相似文献   

Ralph D. Lorenz 《Icarus》2009,203(2):683-684
Estimates from visual surveys of the frequency of dust devils, even at terrestrial localities known for their abundance, vary by some four orders of magnitude, making a quantitative hazard assessment difficult. Here I show (1) that new high-quality observations from Mars fit a power law size distribution, (2) that such a power law population can unify the discrepant terrestrial surveys, and (3) that the populations on the two planets appear similar.  相似文献   

The conditions of formation and the form of yardangs in ignimbrites in the Central Andes of Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina may be the most convincing terrestrial analog to the processes and lithology that produce the extensive yardangs of the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) of Mars. Through remote and field study of yardang morphologies in the Central Andes we highlight the role that variable material properties of the host lithology plays in their final form. Here, ignimbrites typically show two main facies: an indurated and jointed facies, and a weakly to poorly indurated, ash- and pumice-rich facies. Both facies are vertically arranged in large (erupted volume >100's of km3) ignimbrites resulting in a resistant capping layer, while smaller (10's of km3) ignimbrites are made predominantly of the weakly indurated facies. The two facies have quite different mechanical properties; the indurated facies behaves as strong rock, fails by block collapse and supports steep/vertical cliffs, while the non-indurated facies is more easily eroded and forms gentle slopes and manifests as more subdued erosional forms. In response to aeolian action, the presence of an upper indurated facies results in large, elongate, high aspect ratio (1:20-1:40) megayardangs that form tall (100 m), thin ridges with steep to vertical walls. These are built on a broad apron of the weakly indurated facies with abundant fallen blocks from the upper indurated facies. These terrestrial megayardangs appear to be analogous to megayardangs with associated block fields seen on Mars. Smaller-volume, weakly indurated ignimbrites are sculpted into smaller, stubbier forms with aspect ratios of 1:5-1:10 and heights rarely exceeding 10 m. Excavation of a windward basal moat suggests an erosional progression like that seen in incipient yardangs on Mars. Excavation rates of 0.007-0.003 cm/year are calculated for the weakly indurated ignimbrites. While a persistent strong unidirectional wind is the dominant parameter controlling yardang formation and orientation, a role for flow separation and vorticity is also suggested by our observations at both yardang types. While the indurated facies is commonly pervasively jointed, jointing is of secondary importance in controlling yardang orientation. Serrated margins, a common feature on Mars, result from oblique intersections of jointing with yardang flanks or scarps of ignimbrite. The processes of yardang formation we describe from ignimbrites from the Central Andes are not necessarily specific to ignimbrites, but do connote that degree and distribution of induration is a major control in yardang formation and this has implications for the lithology of the MFF on Mars.  相似文献   

D. Reiss  M. Zanetti  G. Neukum 《Icarus》2011,215(1):358-369
Active dust devils were observed in Syria Planum in Mars Observer Camera - Wide Angle (MOC-WA) and High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) imagery acquired on the same day with a time delay of ∼26 min. The unique operating technique of the HRSC allowed the measurement of the traverse velocities and directions of motion. Large dust devils observed in the HRSC image could be retraced to their counterparts in the earlier acquired MOC-WA image. Minimum lifetimes of three large (avg. ∼700 m in diameter) dust devils are ∼26 min, as inferred from retracing. For one of these large dust devil (∼820 m in diameter) it was possible to calculate a minimum lifetime of ∼74 min based on the measured horizontal speed and the length of its associated dust devil track. The comparison of our minimum lifetimes with previous published results of minimum and average lifetimes of small (∼19 m in diameter, avg. min. lifetime of ∼2.83 min) and medium (∼185 m in diameter, avg. min. lifetime of ∼13 min) dust devils imply that larger dust devils on Mars are active for much longer periods of time than smaller ones, as it is the case for terrestrial dust devils. Knowledge of martian dust devil lifetimes is an important parameter for the calculation of dust lifting rates. Estimates of the contribution of large dust devils (>300-1000 m in diameter) indicate that they may contribute, at least regionally, to ∼50% of dust entrainment by dust devils into the atmosphere compared to the dust devils <300 m in diameter given that the size-frequency distribution follows a power-law. Although large dust devils occur relatively rarely and the sediment fluxes are probably lower compared to smaller dust devils, their contribution to the background dust opacity by dust devils on Mars could be at least regionally large due to their longer lifetimes and ability of dust lifting into high atmospheric layers.  相似文献   

The level of precision of modern numerical ephemeris of the Solar System necessitates taking into account the gravitational influence of the largest asteroids on the terrestrial planets. This can be done in a straightforward manner when assuming that the mass of the asteroid is well known. Nevertheless, this is rarely the case, even for the largest asteroids. In this paper, we use recent determinations of the masses of Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta to both qualitatively and quantitatively determine the action of these asteroids on the orbital parameters of the Earth and Mars. This is done by the numerical integration by comparing the orbital motions of the perturbed planet when adding or not the perturbing asteroid to the classical 9 bodies problem (the Sun + the eight planets). Some preliminary results are discussed. Published in Russian in Astronomicheskii Vestnik, 2009, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 83–86. The text was submitted by the autors in English.  相似文献   

Polygonal crack systems with domal microrelief imaged by the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity show remarkable similarity to terrestrial crack systems developed on outcrop surfaces. Study of Jurassic Navajo Sandstone surfaces show development of crack systems in relatively isotropic host rock as a result of tensile weathering stresses. These terrestrial analogs are utilized to understand potential weathering processes on Mars.  相似文献   

New Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRise and CRISM imagery of polar layered terrain of Mars reveals striking similarities to icy debris fans along the base of steep escarpments in Alaska formed in high-latitude periglacial environments. Process and morphologic observations of a deglaciating site in the Wrangell Mountains reveal a complex suite of supraglacial processes involved in the construction of icy debris fans. Snow, ice, and sediment are delivered to the fans from degradation of an upper-level icecap. Alaskan icy debris fans were studied during an 8-day reconnaissance mission in July 2006. We directly observed 289 major depositional events dominated by dry snow/ice avalanches, but also including icy debris flows, rockfalls, small jokulhlaups, and glacial calving. Small fans with larger catchments receive episodic icy debris flows triggered by outburst flows that mobilize rockfall sediment temporarily stored in catchments above the fan apex. Large fans with smaller catchments have better linkage to the upper icecap, providing a direct pathway for frequent large avalanches. The large, avalanche-dominated fans thicken rapidly from an overabundance of snow/ice supply to the point where they become hybrid fan-glaciers. Surficial geology evolves rapidly in this high-latitude environment through both depositional events and solar-driven albedo changes that occur daily. Ground penetrating radar surveys show that subsurface sedimentary architecture and fan evolution is similar to the active surface processes and deposits observed on the fans. Direct field observations of active geomorphic processes provide unique insights on the pace and nature of high-latitude landscape evolution during climate changes on both planets.  相似文献   

A comparison of the internal structure of Earth-like planets is unavoidable to understand the formation and evolution of the solar system, and the differences between Earth’s, Mars’, and Venus’ atmospheres, surfaces and tectonic behaviors. Recent studies point at the role of core structure and dynamics in the evolution of the atmosphere, mantle and crust. On Earth, the crust thickness and the radius and physical state of the cores are known for almost one century, since the advent of seismological observations, but the lack of long-term surface-based geodetic, electromagnetic and seismological observations on the other planets, results in very large uncertainties on the crust thickness, on the temperature and composition of their mantle, and on the size and physical state of their cores. According to the currently available geodetic data, Mars’ dimensionless mean-moment-of-inertia ratio is equal to 0.3653±0.0008. When combined with geochemical observations and with the inputs of laboratory experiments on planetary materials at high pressure and high temperature, this result constrains a narrow range of density values for Mars’ mantle and favors a light [6200-6765 kg m−3] sulfur-rich core, but it still allows for a 1600-1750 km range for the core radius, i.e. an uncertainty at least ten times larger than the precision obtained in 1913 by Gutenberg for the Earth’s core. Mars’ mantle density distribution may be explained by a large range of temperatures and mineralogical compositions, either olivine- or pyroxene-rich. The unknown mean thickness of Mars’ crust makes necessary a number of working assumptions for the interpretation of gravimetric and magnetic data. The situation is worse for Venus, and the most conservative model of its deep interior is a transposition of the Earth’s structure scaled to Venus’ radius and mass. The temperature conditions at the surface of this planet hardly make possible long-term ground-based measurements, but this is indeed feasible at the surface of Mars. Precise measurements of Mars’ crust thickness, core radius and structure, and the proof of the existence or absence of an inner core, would put tight constraints on mantle dynamics and thermal evolution, and on possible scenarios leading to the extinction of Mars’ magnetic field about 4.0 Ga ago. Long-lasting surface-based geodetic, seismological and magnetic observations would provide this information, as well as the distributions as a function of depth of the density, elastic and anelastic parameters, and electrical conductivity. Current studies on the structure of Earth’s deep interior demonstrate that the latter data set, when constrained by laboratory experiments, may be inverted in terms of temperature, chemical, and mineralogical compositions.  相似文献   

Polygonal terrain is found in a variety of polar environments on Earth and Mars. As a result, many areas of northern Canada may represent ideal terrestrial analogues for specific regions of Mars - in particular the northern plains. In the Canadian Arctic, polygon troughs are commonly underlain by wedges of massive ice, with rare examples of other wedge types. If the same is true for Mars, this raises interesting implications for the processes that concentrate H2O at the Martian poles. This study uses an electromagnetic induction sensor to investigate the electromagnetic characteristics of terrestrial polar ice-wedge polygons. Surveys were conducted in two regions of the Canadian Arctic using a DUALEM-1S dual-geometry electromagnetic induction sensor, which measures electrical conductivity in the first 1.5-2 m of the subsurface. At locations where strong geomorphological evidence of ice was found, polygon troughs corresponded to local conductive anomalies. Trenching confirmed the presence of ice wedges at one site and allowed ground-truthing and calibration of the geophysical data. Previously unknown bodies of massive ice were also identified through the use of this geophysical technique. This study shows that an electromagnetic induction sounder is a useful instrument for detecting and mapping out the presence of subsurface ice in the Canadian Arctic. Taking together with its small size, portability and ruggedness, we suggest that this would also be a useful instrument for any future missions to Mars’ polar regions.  相似文献   

The search for biosignatures in the soil of Mars is a major objective of the planet exploration, but the detection of such structures is not straightforward due to the degradation of the organic material. In a previous work our group has analyzed the spectral reaction to thermal processing of biomineral carbonate samples including fresh and fossil shells. We found that two terrestrial fossil shells collected from clay deposits preserve their biomineral characteristics much better than coeval fossils not embedded in clay layers.In the present paper we extend our analysis to a set of fossils found in three different terrestrial clay deposits. Our results confirm that the level of degradation may be much lower than the standard values if fossils are surrounded by clay minerals. As a result these fossils have a spectroscopic response to thermal treatment which make them much more distinguishable from their abiotic counterparts than coeval fossils not collected from clay deposits. This result implies that the phyllosilicates regions recently discovered on Mars may represent very interesting environments that can provide conditions favorable to preserve evidence of biomarkers, and hence can be regarded as good candidate locations for their detection.  相似文献   

A new optical instrument has been developed to precisely measure the local accumulation of dust particles on a surface. This device can be used in combination with applied magnetic or electric fields in order to investigate physical properties of the dust and its interactions with the surface. In this prototype instrument, permanent magnets were used to capture suspended magnetic dust in a Mars simulation wind tunnel. The scientific objectives that may be addressed with such a device are discussed.  相似文献   

Mid-latitude pedestal craters on Mars offer crucial insights into the timing and extent of widespread ice-rich deposits during the Amazonian period. Our previous comprehensive analysis of pedestal craters strongly supports a climate-related formation mechanism, whereby pedestals result from impacts into ice-rich material at mid latitudes during periods of higher obliquity. The ice from this target deposit later sublimates due to obliquity changes, but is preserved beneath the protective cover of the armored pedestal. As such, the heights of pedestals act as a proxy for the thicknesses of the paleodeposits. In this analysis, our measurement of 2300 pedestal heights shows that although pedestals can reach up to ∼260 m in height, ∼82% are shorter than 60 m and only ∼2% are taller than 100 m. Mean pedestal heights are 48.0 m in the northern mid latitudes and 40.4 m in the southern mid latitudes, with the tallest pedestals located in Utopia Planitia, Acidalia Planitia and Malea Planum. We use these data in conjunction with prior climate model results to identify both regional and global trends regarding ice accumulation during obliquity excursions. Our data provide evidence for multiple episodes of emplacement and removal of the mid-latitude ice-rich deposit based on stratigraphic relationships between pedestal craters and the close proximity of pedestals with significantly different heights.  相似文献   

108 +/- 11 photons of the martian He 584-angstroms airglow detected by the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite during a 2-day exposure (January 22-23, 1993) correspond to the effective disk average intensity of 43 +/- 10 Rayleigh. Radiative transfer calculations, using a model atmosphere appropriate to the conditions of the observation and having an exospheric temperature of 210 +/- 20 K, result in a He mixing ratio of 1.1 +/- 0.4 ppm in the lower atmosphere. Nonthermal escape of helium is due to electron impact ionization and pickup of He+ by the solar wind, to collisions with hot oxygen atoms, and to charge exchange with molecular species with corresponding column loss rates of 1.4 x 10(5), 3 x 10(4), and 7 x 10(3) cm-2 sec-1, respectively. The lifetime of helium on Mars is 5 x 10(4) years. The He outgassing rate, coupled with the 40Ar atmospheric abundance and with the K:U:Th ratio measured in the surface rocks, is used as input to a single two-reservoir degassing model which is applied to Mars and then to Venus. A similar model with known abundances of K, U, and Th is applied to Earth. The models for Earth and Mars presume loss of all argon accumulated in the atmospheres during the first billion years by large-scale meteorite and planetesimal impacts. The models show that the degassing coefficients for all three planets may be approximated by function delta = delta (0)(t(0)/t)1/2 with delta (0) = 0/1, 0.04, and 0.0125 Byr-1 for Earth, Venus, and Mars, respectively. After a R2 correction this means that outgassing processes on Venus and Mars are weaker than on Earth by factors of 3 and 30, respectively. Mass ratios of U and Th are almost the same for all three planets, while potassium is depleted by a factor of 2 in Venus and Mars. Mass ratios of helium and argon are close to 5 x 10(-9) and 2 x 10(-8) g/g in the interiors of all three planets. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Suspended dust is a dominant component of the Martian environment. It has a major influence on atmospheric circulation and it is deposited widely over the planetary surface causing a serious hazard to instrumentation. In order to study dust transport, quantification of the wind flow and dust concentration are vital. A simple laser-based anemometer system is presented that is able to measure suspended dust grain velocity and turbulence from a landed spacecraft. This system has advantages over other techniques of wind speed determination in being insensitive to contamination or atmospheric conditions such as temperature, pressure or composition. For the first time it would allow direct measurement of the suspended dust concentration on Mars. A prototype instrument has been constructed and successfully tested in a wind tunnel facility under simulated Martian conditions. The optics are simple in design, light weight and the instrument has low power consumption. It is also robust and the output signal is easily interpreted, producing only a small data volume. Future improvements will be discussed, specifically modification to measure wind direction, the possibility of obtaining information about dust grain size and the construction of a flight model.  相似文献   

Terrestrial analogs to the Moon and Mars have been used to advance knowledge in planetary science for over a half-century. They are useful in studies of comparative geology of the terrestrial planets and rocky moons, in astronaut training and testing of exploration technologies, and in developing hypotheses and exploration strategies in astrobiology. In fact, the use of terrestrial analogs can be traced back to the origins of comparative geology and astrobiology, and to the early phases of the Apollo astronaut program. Terrestrial analog studies feature prominently throughout the history of both NASA and the USGS’ Astrogeology Research Program. In light of current international plans for a return missions to the Moon, and eventually to send sample return and manned missions to Mars, as well as the recent creation of various analog research and development programs, this historical perspective is timely.  相似文献   

We photogeologically mapped the SP Mountain region of the San Francisco Volcanic Field in northern Arizona, USA to evaluate and improve the fidelity of approaches used in geologic mapping of Mars. This test site, which was previously mapped in the field, is chiefly composed of Late Cenozoic cinder cones, lava flows, and alluvium perched on Permian limestone of the Kaibab Formation. Faulting and folding has deformed the older rocks and some of the volcanic materials, and fluvial erosion has carved drainage systems and deposited alluvium. These geologic materials and their formational and modificational histories are similar to those for regions of the Martian surface. We independently prepared four geologic maps using topographic and image data at resolutions that mimic those that are commonly used to map the geology of Mars (where consideration was included for the fact that Martian features such as lava flows are commonly much larger than their terrestrial counterparts). We primarily based our map units and stratigraphic relations on geomorphology, color contrasts, and cross-cutting relationships. Afterward, we compared our results with previously published field-based mapping results, including detailed analyses of the stratigraphy and of the spatial overlap and proximity of the field-based vs. remote-based (photogeologic) map units, contacts, and structures. Results of these analyses provide insights into how to optimize the photogeologic mapping of Mars (and, by extension, other remotely observed planetary surfaces). We recommend the following: (1) photogeologic mapping as an excellent approach to recovering the general geology of a region, along with examination of local, high-resolution datasets to gain insights into the complexity of the geology at outcrop scales; (2) delineating volcanic vents and lava-flow sequences conservatively and understanding that flow abutment and flow overlap are difficult to distinguish in remote data sets; (3) taking care to understand that surficial materials (such as alluvium and volcanic ash deposits) are likely to be under-mapped yet are important because they obscure underlying units and contacts; (4) where possible, mapping multiple contact and structure types based on their varying certainty and exposure that reflect the perceived accuracy of the linework; (5) reviewing the regional context and searching for evidence of geologic activity that may have affected the map area yet for which evidence within the map area may be absent; and (6) for multi-authored maps, collectively analyzing the mapping relations, approaches, and methods throughout the duration of the mapping project with the objective of achieving a solid, harmonious product.  相似文献   

As universal products of biological processes, volatile organic sulfur compounds such as methyl mercaptan (CH3SH) may be essential in the search for signs of life on Mars and in exoplanet atmospheres. Methyl mercaptan is implicated in the origin of life at sites of low-temperature hydrothermal activity driven by serpentinization. Serpentinization may occur on Mars, in icy satellite oceans, and in other small wet bodies to a greater extent than on Earth, with important implications for life. We characterized absorption features in pure laboratory sample spectra of CH3SH using the Carbon Isotope Laser Spectrometer (CILS), an infrared (3.27μm) tunable diode laser spectrometer with capabilities nearly identical to those of the Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS) instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory. The molecular species proves detectable by CILS and TLS at the sensitivities approaching the level of parts per trillion with pre-concentration. These measurements demonstrate the possibility for detection of methyl mercaptan, with implications for its possible use as an in situ biosignature for Earth-based and extraterrestrial exploration.  相似文献   

We present the Messinian evaporite suite (Mediterranean region) and the Solfatara hydrothermal system (Phlegraean Fields volcanic province, Italy), discuss their implications for understanding the origin of sulfates on Mars and show preliminary sets of VNIR laboratory and in situ reflectance spectra of rocks from these geologic systems. The choice was based on a number of evidence relative to Mars: (1) the chemistry of the Martian sulfates, suggesting fluid interactions with possibly alkali-basaltic rocks and/or regolith; (2) close range evidence of sulfates within sedimentary formations on Mars; (3) sulfate spectral signatures associated to large-scale layered patterns interpreted as thick depositional systems on Mars. The Messinian evaporites comprise three units: primary shallow-water sulfates (primary lower gypsum: PLG), shallow- to deep-water mixed sulfates and clastic terrigenous deposits (resedimented lower gypsum: RLG), and shallow-water associations of primary sulfates and clastic fluvio-deltaic deposits (upper evaporites: UE). The onset of the Messinian evaporites records the transition to negative hydrologic budget conditions associated with the Messinian Salinity Crisis, which affected the entire Mediterranean basin and lasted about 640 kyr. The Solfatara is a still evolving hydrothermal system that provides epithermal deposits precipitated from the interaction of fluids and trachybasaltic to phonolitic rocks. Thermal waters include alkali-chloride, alkali-carbonate and alkali-sulfate endmembers.The wide spectrum of sedimentary gypsum facies within the Messinian formation includes some of the depositional environments hitherto identified on Mars and others not found on Mars. The PLG unit includes facies associations correlated over long distances, that could be a possible analog of the stratified rock units exposed from Arabia Terra at least as far as Valles Marineris. The facies cycles within the UE unit can be compared to the sequences of strata observed in craters such as Holden and Eberswalden. The UE unit records paleoenvironmental changes which are ultimately controlled by terrestrial climatic variations. They can be considered as a reliable climatic proxy and may be useful for the reconstruction of climatic events on Mars. The intermediate Messinian RLG unit has not, at present, a well-defined depositional counterpart on Mars, although there are some similarities with the northern lowlands and Vastitas Borealis Formation. The dramatic variation of hydrologic budget conditions at the onset of the Messinian evaporites may provide criteria for the interpretation of similar variations on Mars.The volcanic rocks at the Solfatara bear some similarities with the “alkaline magmatic province” observed at the Gusev crater on Mars, and the assemblages of hydrothermal phases resulting from the Solfatara's parent rocks could be analogues for processes involving Gusev-type rocks.The Messinian sulfates have a prevalent Ca-sulfatic composition and wide textural variability. Preliminary laboratory reflectance spectra of rock samples in the VNIR region reveal the signature of sulfates and mixtures of several Fe-bearing phases. At the Solfatara, in situ reflectance measurements of epithermal minerals close to active fumaroles showed the presence of Fe-bearing sulfates, hematite, Al- and K-sulfates and abundant amorphous fraction. XRD analysis supported this interpretation.The range of depositional facies observed in the Messinian units and the variety of minerals detected in the Solfatara will be useful for the interpretation of close range data of Mars. The spectral characterization at various scales of the Messinian sedimentary facies and the Solfatara hydrothermal minerals will both help in the exploration of Mars from orbit and with close range inspection.  相似文献   

We calculate the amount of methane that may form via reactions catalyzed by metal-rich dust that condenses in the wake of large cometary impacts. Previous models of the gas-phase chemistry of impacts predicted that the terrestrial planets' atmospheres should be initially dominated by CO/CO2, N2, and H2O. CH4 was not predicted to form in impacts because gas-phase reactions in the explosion quench at temperatures ∼2000 K, at which point all of the carbon is locked in CO. We argue that the dust that condenses out in the wake of a large comet impact is likely to have very effective catalytic properties, opening up reaction pathways to convert CO and H2 to CH4 and CO2, at temperatures of a few hundred K. Together with CO2, CH4 is an important greenhouse gas that has been invoked to compensate for the lower luminosity of the Sun ∼4 Gyr ago. Here, we show that heterogeneous (gas-solid) reactions on freshly-recondensed dust in the impact cloud may provide a plausible nonbiological mechanism for reducing CO to CH4 before and during the emergence of life on Earth, and perhaps Mars as well. These encouraging results emphasize the importance of future research into the kinetics and catalytic properties of astrophysical condensates or “smokes” and also more detailed models to determine the conditions in impact-generated dust clouds.  相似文献   

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