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E.A. Cloutis  P. Hudon  T. Hiroi 《Icarus》2011,216(1):309-346
We have examined the spectral reflectance properties and available modal mineralogies of 39 CM carbonaceous chondrites to determine their range of spectral variability and to diagnose their spectral features. We have also reviewed the published literature on CM mineralogy and subclassification, surveyed the published spectral literature and added new measurements of CM chondrites and relevant end members and mineral mixtures, and measured 11 parameters and searched pair-wise for correlations between all quantities. CM spectra are characterized by overall slopes that can range from modestly blue-sloped to red-sloped, with brighter spectra being generally more red-sloped. Spectral slopes, as measured by the 2.4:0.56 μm and 2.4 μm:visible region peak reflectance ratios, range from 0.90 to 2.32, and 0.81 to 2.24, respectively, with values <1 indicating blue-sloped spectra. Matrix-enriched CM spectra can be even more blue-sloped than bulk samples, with ratios as low as 0.85. There is no apparent correlation between spectral slope and grain size for CM chondrite spectra - both fine-grained powders and chips can exhibit blue-sloped spectra. Maximum reflectance across the 0.3-2.5 μm interval ranges from 2.9% to 20.0%, and from 2.8% to 14.0% at 0.56 μm. Matrix-enriched CM spectra can be darker than bulk samples, with maximum reflectance as low as 2.1%. CM spectra exhibit nearly ubiquitous absorption bands near 0.7, 0.9, and 1.1 μm, with depths up to 12%, and, less commonly, absorption bands in other wavelength regions (e.g., 0.4-0.5, 0.65, 2.2 μm). The depths of the 0.7, 0.9, and 1.1 μm absorption features vary largely in tandem, suggesting a single cause, specifically serpentine-group phyllosilicates. The generally high Fe content, high phyllosilicate abundance relative to mafic silicates, and dual Fe valence state in CM phyllosilicates, all suggest that the phyllosilicates will exhibit strong absorption bands in the 0.7 μm region (due to Fe3+-Fe2+ charge transfers), and the 0.9-1.2 μm region (due to Fe2+ crystal field transitions), and generally dominate over mafic silicates. CM petrologic subtypes exhibit a positive correlation between degree of aqueous alteration and depth of the 0.7 μm absorption band. This is consistent with the decrease in fine-grained opaques that accompanies aqueous alteration. There is no consistent relationship between degree of aqueous alteration and evidence for a 0.65 μm region saponite-group phyllosilicate absorption band. Spectra of different subsamples of a single CM can show large variations in absolute reflectance and overall slope. This is probably due to petrologic variations that likely exist within a single CM chondrite, as duplicate spectra for a single subsample show much less spectral variability. When the full suite of available CM spectra is considered, few clear spectral-compositional trends emerge. This indicates that multiple compositional and physical factors affect absolute reflectance, absorption band depths, and absorption band wavelength positions. Asteroids with reflectance spectra that exhibit absorption features consistent with CM spectra (i.e., absorption bands near 0.7 and 0.9 μm) include members from multiple taxonomic groups. This suggests that on CM parent bodies, aqueous alteration resulted in the consistent production of serpentine-group phyllosilicates, however resulting absolute reflectances and spectral shapes seen in CM reflectance spectra are highly variable, accounting for the presence of phyllosilicate features in reflectance spectra of asteroids across diverse taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

E.A. Cloutis  T. Hiroi 《Icarus》2011,212(1):180-209
Existing reflectance spectra of CI chondrites (18 spectra of 3 CIs) have been augmented with new (18 spectra of 2 CIs) reflectance spectra to ascertain the spectral variability of this meteorite class and provide insights into their spectral properties as a function of grain size, composition, particle packing, and viewing geometry. Particle packing and viewing geometry effects have not previously been examined for CI chondrites. The current analysis is focused on the 0.3-2.5 μm interval, as this region is available for the largest number of CI spectra. Reflectance spectra of powdered CI1 chondrites are uniformly dark (<10% maximum reflectance) but otherwise exhibit a high degree of spectral variability. Overall spectral slopes range from red (increasing reflectance with increasing wavelength) to blue (decreasing reflectance with increasing wavelength). A number of the CI spectra exhibit weak (<5% deep) absorption bands that can be attributed to both phyllosilicates and magnetite. Very weak absorption bands attributable to other CI phases, such as carbonates, sulfates, and organic matter may be present in one or a few spectra, but their identification is not robust. We found that darker spectra are generally correlated with bluer spectral slopes: a behavior most consistent with an increasing abundance of fine-grained magnetite and/or insoluble organic material (IOM), as no other CI opaque phase appears able to produce concurrent darkening and bluing. Magnetite can also explain the presence of an absorption feature near 1 μm in some CI spectra. The most blue-sloped spectra are generally associated with the larger grain size samples. For incidence and emission angles <60°, increasing phase angle results in darker and redder spectra, particularly below ∼1 μm. At high incidence angles (60°), increasing emission angle results in brighter and redder spectra. More densely packed samples and underdense (fluffed) samples show lower overall reflectance than normally packed and flat-surface powdered samples. Some B-class asteroids exhibit selected spectral properties consistent with CI chondrites, although perfect spectral matches have not been found. Because many CI chondrite spectra exhibit absorption features that can be related to specific mineral phases, the search for CI parent bodies can fruitfully be conducted using such parameters.  相似文献   

Multiple reflectance spectra of 11 CV chondrites have been measured to determine spectral–compositional relationships for this meteorite class and to aid the search for CV parent bodies. The reflectance of CV chondrite spectra is variable, ranging from ~5% to 13% at 0.56 μm, and ~5% to 15% at the 0.7 μm region local reflectance maximum. Overall slopes range from slightly blue to red for powders, while slab spectra are strongly blue-sloped. With increasing average grain size and/or removal of the finest fraction, CV spectra generally become more blue-sloped. CV spectra are characterized by ubiquitous absorption features in the 1 and 2 μm regions. The 1 μm region is usually characterized by a band centered near 1.05–1.08 μm and a band or shoulder near 1.3 μm that are characteristic of Fe-rich olivine. Band depths in the 1 μm region for powdered CVs and slabs range from ~1% to 10%. The 2 μm region is characterized by a region of broad absorption that extends beyond 2 μm and usually includes band minima near 1.95 and 2.1 μm; these features are characteristic of Fe2+-bearing spinel. The sample suite is not comprehensive enough to firmly establish whether spectral differences exist between CVR, CVOxA, and CVOxB subclasses, or as a function of metamorphic grade. However, we believe that the mineralogic and petrologic differences that exist between these classes, and with varying petrologic subtype (CV3.0–>3.7), may not be significant enough to result in measurable spectral differences that exceed spectral variations within a subgroup, within an individual meteorite, or as a function of grain size. Terrestrial weathering seems to affect CV spectra most noticeably in the visible region, resulting in more red-sloped spectra for finds as compared to falls. The search for CV parent bodies should focus on the detection of olivine and spinel absorption bands, specifically absorption features near 1.05, 1.3, 1.95, and 2.1 μm, as these are the most commonly seen spectral features of CV chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Infrared diffuse reflectance spectra (2.53–25 μm) of some carbonaceous (C) chondrites were measured. The integrated intensity of the absorption bands near 3 μm caused by hydrous minerals were compared with the modal content of hydrous minerals for the meteorites. The CM and CI chondrites show larger values of the integrated intensity than those of the unique C chondrites Y82162, Y86720 and B7904, suggesting that the amount of hydrous minerals in the CM and CI chondrites is larger, which supports the contention that hydrous minerals were dehydrated by thermal metamorphism in the unique chondrites. Orgueil (CI) has the largest value of the integrated intensity among the C chondrites we measured and shows a sharp absorption band at 3685 cm?1 (2.71 μm) that is not seen in the spectra of the CM chondrites. There is an excellent correlation between the observed hydrogen content in C chondrites and the integrated intensity. The CM chondrites show a wide variation in the strength of absorption bands at 1470 cm?1 (6.8 μm), despite the similarity in absorption features near 3 μm for all CM chondrites. The 1470 cm?1 band could be due to the presence of some hydrocarbons but may also be a result of terrestrial alteration processes.  相似文献   

We have carried out a systematic study involving SEM, EPMA, and TEM analyses to determine the textures and compositions of sulfides and sulfide–metal assemblages in a suite of minimally to weakly altered CM and CR carbonaceous chondrites. We have attempted to constrain the distribution and origin of primary sulfides that formed in the solar nebula, rather than by secondary asteroidal alteration processes. Our study focused primarily on sulfide assemblages associated with chondrules, but also examined some occurrences of sulfides within the matrices of these meteorites. Although sulfides are a minor phase in carbonaceous chondrites, we have determined that primary sulfide grains are actually a major proportion of the sulfide grains in weakly altered CM chondrites and have survived aqueous alteration relatively unscathed. In minimally altered CR chondrites, we have determined that essentially all of the sulfides are of primary origin, confirming the observations of Schrader et al. ( 2015 ). The pyrrhotite–pentlandite intergrowth (PPI) grains formed from crystallization of monosulfide solid solution (mss) melts, while sulfide-rimmed metal (SRM) grains formed from sulfidization of Fe,Ni metal. Micron-sized metal inclusions in some PPI grains may have formed by co-crystallization of metal and sulfide from a sulfide melt that experienced S volatilization during the chondrule formation event, or alternatively, may be a remnant of sulfidization of Fe,Ni metal that also occurred during chondrule formation. Sulfur fugacity for SRM grains ranged from −18 to −10 (log units) largely in agreement with predicted solar nebular values. Our observations show that understanding the formation mechanisms of primary sulfide grains provides clues to solar nebular conditions, such as the sulfur fugacity during chondrule formation.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of several carbonaceous chondrites in order to obtain additional information on the surface materials of their presumed parent bodies, C-type asteroids. The presence and intensity of absorption bands near 3 μm in the reflectance spectra are due to the presence and abundance of hydrates and/or hydroxyl ions. The absorption features of the 3 μm hydration bands of carbonaceous chondrites were compared with those of asteroids 1 Ceres and 2 Pallas. They are commonly classified into separate subtypes, G- and B-type. The spectral shapes of Pallas and Renazzo (CR2 chondrite) around the 3 μm absorption band are an excellent match. This result may suggest that the amount of hydrous minerals in the surface material of Pallas is smaller than that in the CM2 or CI chondrites, and the hydrous minerals on the surface of Pallas may be similar to those found in Renazzo. The spectral features around the 3 μm band of Ceres are different from those of carbonaceous chondrites studied in this paper.  相似文献   

The presence of primary iron sulfides that appear to be aqueously altered in CM and CR carbonaceous chondrites provides the potential to study the effects and, by extension, the conditions of aqueous alteration. In this work, we have used SEM, TEM, and EPMA techniques to characterize primary sulfides that show evidence of secondary alteration. The alteration styles consist of primary pyrrhotite altering to secondary pentlandite (CMs only), magnetite (CMs and CRs), and phyllosilicates (CMs only) in grains that initially formed by crystallization from immiscible sulfide melts in chondrules (pyrrhotite‐pentlandite intergrowth [PPI] grains). Textural, microstructural, and compositional data from altered sulfides in a suite of CM and CR chondrites have been used to constrain the conditions of alteration of these grains and determine their alteration mechanisms. This work shows that the PPI grains exhibit two styles of alteration—one to form porous pyrrhotite‐pentlandite (3P) grains by dissolution of precursor PPI grain pyrrhotite and subsequent secondary pentlandite precipitation (CMs only), and the other to form the altered PPI grains by pseudomorphic replacement of primary pyrrhotite by magnetite (CMs and CRs) or phyllosilicates (CMs only). The range of alteration textures and products is the result of differences in conditions of alteration due to the role of microchemical environments and/or brecciation. Our observations show that primary sulfides are sensitive indicators of aqueous alteration processes in CM and CR chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have investigated the mineralogy, petrography, bulk chemistry, and light element isotope composition of the ungrouped chondrites North West Africa (NWA) 1152 and Sahara 00182. NWA 1152 contains predominantly type 1 porphyritic olivine (PO) and porphyritic olivinepyroxene (POP) chondrules. Chondrule silicates are magnesium‐rich (Fo98.8 ± 1.2, n = 36; Fs2.3 ± 2.1 Wo1.2 ± 0.3, n = 23). Matrix comprises ?40 vol% of the sample and is composed of a micron sized silicate groundmass with larger silicate, sulfide, magnetite, and Fe‐Ni metal (Ni ?50 wt%) grains. Phyllosilicates were not observed in the matrix. Refractory inclusions are rare (0.3 vol%) and are spinel pyroxene aggregates or amoeboid olivine aggregates; melilite is absent from the refractory inclusions. Sahara 00182 contains predominantly type 1 PO chondrules, POP chondrules are less common. Most chondrules contain blebs of, and are often rimmed with, Fe‐Ni metal and sulfide. Chondrule phenocrysts are magnesium‐rich (Fo92.2 ± 0.6, n = 129; Fs4.4 ± 1.8 Wo1.3 ± 1.1, n = 16). Matrix comprises ?30 vol% of the meteorite and is predominantly sub‐micron silicates, with rare larger silicate gains. Matrix Fe‐Ni metal (mean Ni = 5.8 wt%) and sulfide grains are up to mm scale. No phyllosilicates were observed in the matrix. Refractory inclusions are rare (1.1 vol%) and melilite is absent. The oxygen isotope composition of NWA 1152 falls within the range of the CV chondrites with δ17O = ?3.43%0 δ18O = 0.70%0 and is similar to Sahara 00182, δ17O = ?3.89%0, δ18O = ?0.19%0 (Grossman and Zipfel 2001). Based on mineralogical and petrographic characteristics, we suggest NWA 1152 and Sahara 00182 show many similarities with the CR chondrites, however, oxygen isotopes suggest affinity with the CVs. Thus, neither sample can be assigned to any of the currently known carbonaceous chondrite groups based on traditionally recognized characteristics. Both samples demonstrate the complexity of inter‐ and intra‐group relationships of the carbonaceous chondrites. Whatever their classification, N WA 1152 and Sahara 00182 represent a source of relatively pristine solar system material.  相似文献   

Abstract— Calcium‐aluminum‐rich refractory inclusions (CAIs) in CR chondrites are rare (<1 vol%), fairly small (<500 μm) and irregularly‐shaped, and most of them are fragmented. Based on the mineralogy and petrography, they can be divided into grossite ± hibonite‐rich, melilite‐rich, and pyroxene‐anorthite‐rich CAIs. Other types of refractory objects include fine‐grained spinel‐melilite‐pyroxene aggregates and amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs). Some of the pyroxene‐anorthite‐rich CAIs have igneous textures, and most melilite‐rich CAIs share similarities to both the fluffy and compact type A CAIs found in CV chondrites. One major difference between these CAIs and those in CV, CM, and CO chondrites is that secondary mineral phases are rare. In situ ion microprobe analyses of oxygen‐isotopic compositions of 27 CAIs and AOAs from seven CR chondrites demonstrate that most of the CAIs are 16O‐rich (δ17O of hibonite, melilite, spinel, pyroxene, and anorthite < ?22‰) and isotopically homogeneous within 3–4‰. Likewise, forsterite, spinel, anorthite, and pyroxene in AOAs have nearly identical, 16O‐rich compositions (?24‰ < δ17O < ?20‰). In contrast, objects which show petrographic evidence for extensive melting are not as 16O‐rich (δ17O less than ?18‰). Secondary alteration minerals replacing 16O‐rich melilite in melilite‐rich CAIs plot along the terrestrial fractionation line. Most CR CAIs and AOAs are mineralogically pristine objects that largely escaped thermal metamorphism and secondary alteration processes, which is reflected in their relatively homogeneous 16O‐rich compositions. It is likely that these objects (or their precursors) condensed in an 16O‐rich gaseous reservoir in the solar nebula. In contrast, several igneous CAIs are not very enriched in 16O, probably as a result of their having melted in the presence of a relatively 16O‐poor nebular gas. If the precursors of these CAIs were as 16O‐rich as other CR CAIs, this implies either temporal excursions in the isotopic composition of the gas in the CAI‐forming regions and/or radial transport of some CAI precursors into an 16O‐poor gas. The absence of oxygen isotope heterogeneity in the primary minerals of melilite‐rich CAIs containing alteration products suggests that mineralogical alteration in CR chondrites did not affect oxygen‐isotopic compositions of their CAIs.  相似文献   

Abstract— Results from an inorganic geochemical modeling study support a scenario in which low‐temperature aqueous alteration of an anhydrous CM asteroidal parent body and melt water from H2O and CO2 ices produces the altered assemblage observed in CM carbonaceous chondrites (chrysotile, greenalite, tochilinite, cronstedtite and minor calcite and magnetite). We consider a range of possible precursor mineral assemblages, varying with respect to the Fe‐oxidation state of the initial anhydrous phases. The aqueous solutions produced by this alteration are generally strongly basic and reducing and a large quantity of H2, and possible CH4, gas can be released during aqueous alteration.  相似文献   

We report on the primary and secondary mineralogies of three coarse-grained igneous calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) (Compact Type A [CTA], Type B [B], and forsterite-bearing type B [FoB]) from the Northwest Africa (NWA) 5343 (CK3.7) and NWA 4964 (CK3.8) carbonaceous chondrites, compare them with the mineralogy of igneous CAIs from the Allende (CV3.6) chondrite, and discuss the nature of the alteration processes that affected the CK and CV CAIs. The primary mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the CK3 CAIs studied are similar to those from Allende; however, primary melilite and anorthite are nearly completely absent. Although the secondary minerals identified in CK CAIs (Al-diopside, andradite, Cl-apatite, clintonite, forsterite, ferroan olivine, Fe,Ni-sulfides, grossular, ilmenite, magnetite, plagioclase, spinel, titanite, and wadalite) occur also in the Allende CAIs, there are several important differences: (i) In addition to melilite and anorthite, which are nearly completely replaced by secondary minerals, the alteration of CK CAIs also affected high-Ti pyroxenes (fassaite and grossmanite) characterized by high Ti3+/Ti4+ ratio and spinel. These pyroxenes are corroded and crosscut by veins of Fe- and Ti-bearing grossular, Fe-bearing Al,Ti-diopside, titanite, and ilmenite. Spinel is corroded by Fe-bearing Al-diopside and grossular. (ii) The secondary mineral assemblages of grossular + monticellite and grossular + wollastonite, commonly observed in the Allende CAIs, are absent; the Fe-bearing grossular + Fe-bearing Al-diopside ± Fe,Mg-spinel, Fe-bearing grossular + Fe,Mg-olivine ± Fe,Mg-spinel, and Ca,Na-plagioclase + Fe-bearing Al-diopside + Fe-bearing grossular assemblages are present instead. These mineral assemblages are often crosscut by veins of Fe-bearing Al-diopside, Fe,Mg-olivine, Fe,Mg-spinel, and Ca,Na-plagioclase. The coarse-grained secondary grossular and Al-diopside often show multilayered chemical zoning with distinct compositional boundaries between the layers; the abundances of Fe and Ti typically increase toward the grain edges. (iv) Sodium-rich secondary minerals, nepheline and sodalite, commonly observed in the peripheral portions of the Allende CAIs, are absent; Ca,Na-plagioclase is present instead. We conclude that coarse-grained igneous CAIs from CK3.7–3.8 s and Allende experienced an open-system multistage metasomatic alteration in the presence of an aqueous solution–infiltration metasomatism. This process resulted in localized mobilization of all major rock-forming elements: Si, Ca, Al, Ti, Mg, Fe, Mn, Na, K, and Cl. The metasomatic alteration of CK CAIs is more advanced and occurred under higher temperature and higher oxygen fugacity than that of the Allende CAIs.  相似文献   

Abstract– We used instrumental neutron activation analysis and petrography to determine bulk and phase compositions and textural characteristics of 15 carbonaceous chondrites of uncertain classification: Acfer 094 (type 3.0, ungrouped CM‐related); Belgica‐7904 (mildly metamorphosed, anomalous, CM‐like chondrite, possibly a member of a new grouplet that includes Wisconsin Range (WIS) 91600, Dhofar 225, and Yamato‐86720); Dar al Gani (DaG) 055 and its paired specimen DaG 056 (anomalous, reduced CV3‐like); DaG 978 (type 3 ungrouped); Dominion Range 03238 (anomalous, magnetite‐rich CO3.1); Elephant Moraine 90043 (anomalous, magnetite‐bearing CO3); Graves Nunataks 98025 (type 2 or type 3 ungrouped); Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95566 (anomalous CM2 with a low degree of aqueous alteration); Hammadah al Hamra (HaH) 073 (type 4 ungrouped, possibly related to the Coolidge‐Loongana [C‐L] 001 grouplet); Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85311 (anomalous CM2 with a low degree of aqueous alteration); Northwest Africa 1152 (anomalous CV3); Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 91008 (anomalous, metamorphosed CM); Queen Alexandra Range 99038 (type 2 ungrouped); Sahara 00182 (type 3 ungrouped, possibly related to HaH 073 and/or to C‐L 001); and WIS 91600 (mildly metamorphosed, anomalous, CM‐like chondrite, possibly a member of a new grouplet that includes Belgica‐7904, Dhofar 225, and Y‐86720). Many of these meteorites show fractionated abundance patterns, especially among the volatile elements. Impact volatilization and dehydration as well as elemental transport caused by terrestrial weathering are probably responsible for most of these compositional anomalies. The metamorphosed CM chondrites comprise two distinct clusters on the basis of their Δ17O values: approximately ?4‰ for PCA 91008, GRO 95566, DaG 978, and LEW 85311, and approximately 0‰ for Belgica‐7904 and WIS 91600. These six meteorites must have been derived from different asteroidal regions.  相似文献   

Two compound calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), 3N from the oxidized CV chondrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 3118 and 33E from the reduced CV chondrite Efremovka, contain ultrarefractory (UR) inclusions. 3N is a forsterite‐bearing type B (FoB) CAI that encloses UR inclusion 3N‐24 composed of Zr,Sc,Y‐rich oxides, Y‐rich perovskite, and Zr,Sc‐rich Al,Ti‐diopside. 33E contains a fluffy type A (FTA) CAI and UR CAI 33E‐1, surrounded by Wark‐Lovering rim layers of spinel, Al‐diopside, and forsterite, and a common forsterite‐rich accretionary rim. 33E‐1 is composed of Zr,Sc,Y‐rich oxides, Y‐rich perovskite, Zr,Sc,Y‐rich pyroxenes (Al,Ti‐diopside, Sc‐rich pyroxene), and gehlenite. 3N‐24’s UR oxides and Zr,Sc‐rich Al,Ti‐diopsides are 16O‐poor (Δ17O approximately ?2‰ to ?5‰). Spinel in 3N‐24 and spinel and Al‐diopside in the FoB CAI are 16O‐rich (Δ17O approximately ?23 ± 2‰). 33E‐1’s UR oxides and Zr,Sc‐rich Al,Ti‐diopsides are 16O‐depleted (Δ17O approximately ?2‰ to ?5‰) vs. Al,Ti‐diopside of the FTA CAI and spinel (Δ17O approximately ?23 ± 2‰), and Wark‐Lovering rim Al,Ti‐diopside (Δ17O approximately ?7‰ to ?19‰). We infer that the inclusions experienced multistage formation in nebular regions with different oxygen‐isotope compositions. 3N‐24 and 33E‐1’s precursors formed by evaporation/condensation above 1600 °C. 3N and 33E’s precursors formed by condensation and melting (3N only) at significantly lower temperatures. 3N‐24 and 3N’s precursors aggregated into a compound object and experienced partial melting and thermal annealing. 33E‐1 and 33E avoided melting prior to and after aggregation. They acquired Wark‐Lovering and common forsterite‐rich accretionary rims, probably by condensation, followed by thermal annealing. We suggest 3N‐24 and 33E‐1 originated in a 16O‐rich gaseous reservoir and subsequently experienced isotope exchange in a 16O‐poor gaseous reservoir. Mechanism and timing of oxygen‐isotope exchange remain unclear.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have studied both of the known glass-free, hibonite-pyroxene spherules: MYSM3, from Murray (CM2), and Y17–6, from Yamato 791717 (CO3). They consist of hibonite plates (~2 wt% TiOtot2) enclosed in Al-rich pyroxene that has such high amounts of CaTs (CaAl2SiO6) component, up to ~80 mol%, that it must have crystallized metastably. Within the pyroxene, abundances of MgO and SiO2 are strongly correlated with each other and are anticorrelated with those of Al2O3, reflecting an anticorrelation between the diopside and CaTs components of the pyroxene. In contrast with previous results for Type B fassaite, however, we do not observe an anticorrelation between MgO and TiOtot2, possibly reflecting different relative distribution coefficients for Ti3+ and Ti4+ in the aluminous pyroxene of the spherules from those found for fassaite in Type B inclusions. Previously described hibonite-silicate spherules have 26Mg deficits but the present samples do not. Furthermore, the pyroxene in Y17-6 has excess 26Mg, while the hibonite it encloses does not, indicating that the two phases either had different initial 26Al/27Al ratios or different initial 26Mg/24Mg ratios. The Ti isotopic compositions of the present samples are highly unusual: δ50Ti = 103.4 ± 5.2%o in MYSM3 and -61.4 ± 4.1%0 in Y17-6, which are among the largest 50Ti anomalies reported for any refractory inclusion. The textures suggest that hibonite crystallized first; but based on the calculated bulk compositions of both spherules, it is not the liquidus phase in either sample, which suggests that the hibonite in both samples is relict. The presence of ragged hibonite grains in MYSM3 and rounded hibonite grains in Y17-6 and a lack of isotopic equilibrium between pyroxene and hibonite support this conclusion. The spherules crystallized from liquid droplets that probably formed as a result of the melting of solid precursor grains that included hibonite. The heating events were too short and/or not hot enough to melt all the hibonite. The droplets cooled quickly enough that CaTs-rich pyroxene crystallized instead of anorthite. Based on the observed differences in isotopic composition, it is unlikely that the precursors of the present samples formed in the same reservoir as each other or as the previously described hibonite-silicate spherules, providing further evidence of the isotopic heterogeneity of the early solar nebula.  相似文献   

We report microscopic, cathodoluminescence, chemical, and O isotopic measurements of FeO‐poor isolated olivine grains (IOG) in the carbonaceous chondrites Allende (CV3), Northwest Africa 5958 (C2‐ung), Northwest Africa 11086 (CM2‐an), and Allan Hills 77307 (CO3.0). The general petrographic, chemical, and isotopic similarity with bona fide type I chondrules confirms that the IOG derived from them. The concentric CL zoning, reflecting a decrease in refractory elements toward the margins, and frequent rimming by enstatite are taken as evidence of interaction of the IOG with the gas as stand‐alone objects. This indicates that they were splashed out of chondrules when these were still partially molten. CaO‐rich refractory forsterites, which are restricted to ?17O <?4‰ likely escaped equilibration at lower temperatures because of their large size and possibly quicker quenching. The IOG thus bear witness to frequent collisions in the chondrule‐forming regions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The outer portions of many type I chondrules (Fa and Fs <5 mol%) in CR chondrites (except Renazzo and Al Rais) consist of silica‐rich igneous rims (SIRs). The host chondrules are often layered and have a porphyritic core surrounded by a coarse‐grained igneous rim rich in low‐Ca pyroxene. The SIRs are sulfide‐free and consist of igneously‐zoned low‐Ca and high‐Ca pyroxenes, glassy mesostasis, Fe, Ni‐metal nodules, and a nearly pure SiO2 phase. The high‐Ca pyroxenes in these rims are enriched in Cr (up to 3.5 wt% Cr2O3) and Mn (up to 4.4 wt% MnO) and depleted in Al and Ti relative to those in the host chondrules, and contain detectable Na (up to 0.2 wt% Na2O). Mesostases show systematic compositional variations: Si, Na, K, and Mn contents increase, whereas Ca, Mg, Al, and Cr contents decrease from chondrule core, through pyroxene‐rich igneous rim (PIR), and to SIR; FeO content remains nearly constant. Glass melt inclusions in olivine phenocrysts in the chondrule cores have high Ca and Al, and low Si, with Na, K, and Mn contents that are below electron microprobe detection limits. Fe, Ni‐metal grains in SIRs are depleted in Ni and Co relative to those in the host chondrules. The presence of sulfide‐free, SIRs around sulfide‐free type I chondrules in CR chondrites may indicate that these chondrules formed at high (>800 K) ambient nebular temperatures and escaped remelting at lower ambient temperatures. We suggest that these rims formed either by gas‐solid condensation of silica‐normative materials onto chondrule surfaces and subsequent incomplete melting, or by direct SiO(gas) condensation into chondrule melts. In either case, the condensation occurred from a fractionated, nebular gas enriched in Si, Na, K, Mn, and Cr relative to Mg. The fractionation of these lithophile elements could be due to isolation (in the chondrules) of the higher temperature condensates from reaction with the nebular gas or to evaporation‐recondensation of these elements during chondrule formation. These mechanisms and the observed increase in pyroxene/olivine ratio toward the peripheries of most type I chondrules in CR, CV, and ordinary chondrites may explain the origin of olivine‐rich and pyroxene‐rich chondrules in general.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites of the lowest petrologic types were surveyed by X‐ray mapping techniques. A variety of metamorphic effects were noted and subjected to detailed analysis using electron microprobe, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and cathodoluminescence (CL) methods. The distribution of Cr in FeO‐rich olivine systematically changes as metamorphism increases between type 3.0 and type 3.2. Igneous zoning patterns are replaced by complex ones and Cr‐rich coatings develop on all grains. Cr distributions in olivine are controlled by the exsolution of a Cr‐rich phase, probably chromite. Cr in olivine may have been partly present as tetrahedrally coordinated Cr3+. Separation of chromite is nearly complete by petrologic type 3.2. The abundance of chondrules showing an inhomogeneous distribution of alkalis in mesostasis also increases with petrologic type. TEM shows this to be the result of crystallization of albite. Residual glass compositions systematically change during metamorphism, becoming increasingly rich in K. Glass in type I chondrules also gains alkalis during metamorphism. Both types of chondrules were open to an exchange of alkalis with opaque matrix and other chondrules. The matrix in the least metamorphosed chondrites is rich in S and Na. The S is lost from the matrix at the earliest stages of metamorphism due to coalescence of minute grains. Progressive heating also results in the loss of sulfides from chondrule rims and increases sulfide abundances in coarse matrix assemblages as well as inside chondrules. Alkalis initially leave the matrix and enter chondrules during early metamorphism. Feldspar subsequently nucleates in the matrix and Na re‐enters from chondrules. These metamorphic trends can be used to refine classification schemes for chondrites. Cr distributions in olivine are a highly effective tool for assigning petrologic types to the most primitive meteorites and can be used to subdivide types 3.0 and 3.1 into types 3.00 through 3.15. On this basis, the most primitive ordinary chondrite known is Semarkona, although even this meteorite has experienced a small amount of metamorphism. Allan Hills (ALH) A77307 is the least metamorphosed CO chondrite and shares many properties with the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094. Analytical problems are significant for glasses in type II chondrules, as Na is easily lost during microprobe analysis. As a result, existing schemes for chondrule classification that are based on the alkali content of glasses need to be revised.  相似文献   

J.N. Goswami  D. Lal 《Icarus》1979,40(3):510-521
We have carried out extensive particle track studies for several C2 chondrites. On the basis of these and the available data on spallogenic stable and radioactive nuclides in several C1 and C2 chondrites, we have constructed a scenario for the precompaction irradiation of these meteorites. We discuss the rather severe constraints which these data place on the events leading to the formation of the parent bodies of the carbonaceous chondrites. Our analyses suggest that the precompaction solar flare and solar wind irradiation of the individual components most probably occurred primarily while the matter had accreted to form swarms of centimeter- to meter-sized bodies. This irradiation occured very early, within a few hundred my of the birth of the solar system; the pressure in the solar system had then dropped below 10?9 atm. Further, the model assumes that soon after the irradiation of carbonaceous matter as swarms, the small bodies coalesced to form kilometer-sized objects, in time scales of 105±1 years, a constraint defined by the low cosmogenic exposure ages of these meteorites. Collisions among these objects led to the formation of much-larger-sized parent bodies of the carbonaceous chondrites. Implicit in this model is the existence of “irradiated” components at all depths in the parent bodies, which formed out of the irradiated swarm material.  相似文献   

We report the results of an experiment that produced a residue which closely matches the hydrocarbon component of the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite. This experiment suggests that the parent material of the meteoritic component originated as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon species in carbon stars during their later stages of evolution. The experiments also indicate that the pathway from those formation sites to eventual incorporation into the meteorite parent body involved hydrogenation in a plasma in the solar nebula or in H II regions prior to the solar nebula. This model is consistent with what is known about the meteoritic hydrocarbon component including deuterium abundance, the observation of cosmic infrared emission bands best attributed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules, and the inherent stability of these molecules that allows their formation in stars and subsequent survival in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

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