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《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(12):1701-1711
The Venus Express mission will focus on a global investigation of the Venus atmosphere and plasma environment, while additionally measuring some surface properties from orbit. The instruments PFS and SPICAV inherited from the Mars Express mission and VIRTIS from Rosetta form a powerful spectrometric and spectro-imaging payload suite. Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC)—a miniature wide-angle camera with 17.5° field of view—was specifically designed and built to complement these experiments and provide imaging context for the whole mission. VMC will take images of Venus in four narrow band filters (365, 513, 965, and 1000 nm) all sharing one CCD. Spatial resolution on the cloud tops will range from 0.2 km/px at pericentre to 45 km/px at apocentre when the full Venus disc will be in the field of view. VMC will fulfill the following science goals: (1) study of the distribution and nature of the unknown UV absorber; (2) determination of the wind field at the cloud tops (70 km) by tracking the UV features; (3) thermal mapping of the surface in the 1 μm transparency “window” on the night side; (4) determination of the global wind field in the main cloud deck (50 km) by tracking near-IR features; (5) study of the lapse rate and H2O content in the lower 6–10 km; (6) mapping O2 night-glow and its variability.  相似文献   

Observations of the dayside of Venus performed by the high spectral resolution channel (–H) of the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on board the ESA Venus Express mission have been used to measure the altitude of the cloud tops and the water vapor abundance around this level with a spatial resolution ranging from 100 to 10 km. CO2 and H2O bands between 2.48 and 2.60 μm are analyzed to determine the cloud top altitude and water vapor abundance near this level. At low latitudes (±40°) mean water vapor abundance is equal to 3 ± 1 ppm and the corresponding cloud top altitude at 2.5 μm is equal to 69.5 ± 2 km. Poleward from middle latitudes the cloud top altitude gradually decreases down to 64 km, while the average H2O abundance reaches its maximum of 5 ppm at 80° of latitude with a large scatter from 1 to 15 ppm. The calculated mass percentage of the sulfuric acid solution in cloud droplets of mode 2 (~1 μm) particles is in the range 75–83%, being in even more narrow interval of 80–83% in low latitudes. No systematic correlation of the dark UV markings with the cloud top altitude or water vapor has been observed.  相似文献   

We present new wind measurements in Venus’ lower mesosphere from visible spectroscopy during the 2007 worldwide coordinated ground campaign in support of ESA's Venus Express mission. These observations consisted of high-resolution spectra of Fraunhofer lines in the entire visible range (0.37-1.05 μm) to measure the winds near 68 km using the Doppler shift of solar radiation scattered by clouds toward the observer's direction. The observations included various points of the dayside hemisphere at a phase angle of ∼109°. We took advantage of two symmetrical elongations in July and September 2007 at Canada-France-Hawaii's 3.6-m telescope. Kinematical fits to the Doppler winds provide a mean equatorial velocity of (104±10) m s−1 for the zonal retrograde flow. This velocity agrees quite well with the mean value obtained by tracking the UV markings from several spacecraft.  相似文献   

We analyze night-time near-infrared (NIR) thermal emission images of the Venus surface obtained with the 1-μm channel of the Venus Monitoring Camera onboard Venus Express. Comparison with the results of the Magellan radar survey and the model NIR images of the Beta-Phoebe region show that the night-time VMC images provide reliable information on spatial variations of the NIR surface emission. In this paper we consider if tessera terrain has the different NIR emissivity (and thus mineralogic composition) in comparison to the surrounding basaltic plains. This is done through the study of an area SW of Beta Regio where there is a massif of tessera terrain, Chimon-mana Tessera, surrounded by supposedly basaltic plains. Our analysis showed that 1-μm emissivity of tessera surface material is by 15–35% lower than that of relatively fresh supposedly basaltic lavas of plains and volcanic edifices. This is consistent with hypothesis that the tessera material is not basaltic, maybe felsic, that is in agreement with the results of analyses of VEX VIRTIS and Galileo NIMS data. If the felsic nature of venusian tesserae will be confirmed in further studies this may have important implications on geochemical environments in early history of Venus. We have found that the surface materials of plains in the study area are very variegated in their 1-μm emissivity, which probably reflects variability of degree of their chemical weathering. We have also found a possible decrease of the calculated emissivity at the top of Tuulikki Mons volcano which, if real, may be due to different (more felsic?) composition of volcanic products on the volcano summit.  相似文献   

Strong ultraviolet radiation from the Sun ionizes the upper atmosphere of Venus, creating a dense ionosphere on the dayside of the planet. In contrast to Earth, the ionosphere of Venus is not protected against the solar wind by a magnetic field. However, the interaction between charged ionospheric particles and the solar wind dynamic and magnetic pressure creates a pseudo-magnetosphere which deflects the solar wind flow around the planet (Schunk and Nagy, 1980). The combination of changing solar radiation and solar wind intensities leads to a highly variable structure and plasma composition of the ionosphere. The instrumentation of the Venus Express spacecraft allows to measure the magnetic field (MAG experiment) as well as the electron energy spectrum and the ion composition (ASPERA-4 experiment) of the upper ionosphere and ionopause. In contrast to the earlier Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) measurements which were conducted during solar maximum, the solar activity was very low in the period 2006-2009. A comparison with PVO allows for an investigation of ionospheric properties under different solar wind and EUV radiation conditions. Observations of MAG and ASPERA have been analyzed to determine the positions of the photoelectron boundary (PEB) and the “magnetopause” and their dependence on the solar zenith angle (SZA). The PEB was determined using the ELS observations of ionospheric photoelectrons, which can be identified by their specific energy range. It is of particular interest to explore the different magnetic states of the ionosphere, since these influence the local plasma conductivity, currents and probably the escape of electrons and ions. The penetration of magnetic fields into the ionosphere depends on the external conditions as well as on the ionospheric properties. By analyzing a large number of orbits, using a combination of two different methods, we define criteria to distinguish between the so-called magnetized and unmagnetized ionospheric states. Furthermore, we confirm that the average magnetic field inside the ionosphere shows a linear dependence on the magnetic field in the region directly above the PEB.  相似文献   

We investigate the Venus cloud top structure by joint analysis of the data from Visual and Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) and the atmospheric temperature sounding by the Radio Science experiment (VeRa) onboard Venus Express. The cloud top altitude and aerosol scale height are derived by fitting VIRTIS spectra at 4–5 μm with temperature profiles taken from the VeRa radio occultation. Our study shows gradual descent of the cloud top from 67.2 ± 1.9 km in low latitudes to 62.8 ± 4.1 km at the pole and decrease of the aerosol scale height from 3.8 ± 1.6 km to 1.7 ± 2.4 km. These changes correlate with the mesospheric temperature field. In the cold collar and high latitudes the cloud top position remarkably coincides with the sharp minima in temperature inversions suggesting importance of radiative cooling in their maintenance. This behaviour is consistent with the earlier observations. Spectral trend of the cloud top altitude derived from a comparison with the earlier observations in 1.6–27 μm wavelength range is qualitatively consistent with sulphuric acid composition of the upper cloud and suggests that particle size increases from equator to pole.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1415-1424
The forthcoming observations by Venus Express provide an ideal opportunity to comprehensively study the atmosphere of Venus for the first time since Pioneer Venus (1978–1992), and for the first time ever in detail at polar latitudes. This article reviews some of our current knowledge from space and ground-based observations about the upper atmosphere of Venus, such as its thermal structure, the global distribution of gases and dynamics. We discuss the processes most likely responsible for phenomena such as the cold nightside cryosphere, the cloud top superrotation and waves, and highlight outstanding scientific challenges for Venus Express measurements. In particular, we describe an experiment to measure atmospheric drag using the on-board accelerometers.  相似文献   

Electron density profiles of Venus' ionosphere are inverted from the Venus Express(VEX) one-way open-loop radio occultation experiments carried out by the Shanghai 25 m antenna from November 2011 to January 2012 at solar maximum conditions and by the New Norcia 35 m antenna from August 2006 to June 2008 at solar intermediate conditions. The electron density profile(from 110 km to 400 km), retrieved from the X-band egress observation at the Shanghai station, shows a single peak near 147 km with a peak density of about 2 × 104cm-3at a solar zenith angle of 94?. As a comparison, the VEX radio science(Ve Ra) observations at the New Norcia station were also examined, including S- and X-band and dual-frequency data in the ingress mode. The results show that the electron density profiles retrieved from the S-band data are more analogous to the dual-frequency data in terms of the profile shape, compared with the X-band data. Generally, the S-band results slightly underestimate the magnitude of the peak density, while the X-band results overestimate it.The discrepancy in the X-band profile is probably due to the relatively larger unmodeled orbital errors. It is also expected that the ionopause height is sensitive to the solar wind dynamical pressure in high and intermediate solar activities, usually in the range of 200–1000 km on the dayside and much higher on the nightside. Structural variations("bulges" and fluctuations) can be found in the electron density profiles during intermediate solar activity, which may be caused by the interaction of the solar wind with the ionosphere. Considerable ionizations can be observed in Venus' nightside ionosphere, which are unexpected for the Martian nightside ionosphere in most cases.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1315-1335
The Venus Express Radio Science Experiment (VeRa) uses radio signals at wavelengths of 3.6 and 13 cm (“X”- and “S”-band, respectively) to investigate the Venus surface, neutral atmosphere, ionosphere, and gravity field, as well as the interplanetary medium. An ultrastable oscillator (USO) provides a high quality onboard reference frequency source; instrumentation on Earth is used to record amplitude, phase, propagation time, and polarization of the received signals. Simultaneous, coherent measurements at the two wavelengths allow separation of dispersive media effects from classical Doppler shift.VeRa science objectives include the following:
  • (1)Determination of neutral atmospheric structure from the cloud deck (approximately 40 km altitude) to 100 km altitude from vertical profiles of neutral mass density, temperature, and pressure as a function of local time and season. Within the atmospheric structure, search for, and if detected, study of the vertical structure of localized buoyancy waves, and the presence and properties of planetary waves.
  • (2)Study of the H2SO4 vapor absorbing layer in the atmosphere by variations in signal intensity and application of this information to tracing atmospheric motions. Scintillation effects caused by radio wave diffraction within the atmosphere can also provide information on small-scale atmospheric turbulence.
  • (3)Investigation of ionospheric structure from approximately 80 km to the ionopause (<600 km), allowing study of the interaction between solar wind plasma and the Venus atmosphere.
  • (4)Observation of forward-scattered surface echoes obliquely reflected from selected high-elevation targets with anomalous radar properties (such as Maxwell Montes). More generally, such bistatic radar measurements provide information on the roughness and density of the surface material on scales of centimeters to meters.
  • (5)Detection of gravity anomalies, thereby providing insight into the properties of the Venus crust and lithosphere.
  • (6)Measurement of the Doppler shift, propagation time, and frequency fluctuations along the interplanetary ray path, especially during periods of superior conjunction, thus enabling investigation of dynamical processes in the solar corona.

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1344-1351
Radio waves and optical flashes consistent with the lightning generation have been reported frequently at Venus. These observations point to the presence of electrical discharges in the sulfuric acid clouds of Venus. A particularly strong whistler-mode signal has been found propagating parallel to the magnetic field in the night ionosphere near 100 Hz by the Pioneer Venus spacecraft. At high (radio) frequencies, intermittent signals are also seen reminiscent of terrestrial lightning. However, these signals appear to be weaker than their terrestrial counterparts. On Venus Express, the magnetometer bandwidth is sufficient to record the lightning signals propagating in the whistler mode and will be used to map the occurrence of lightning across the nightside of the planet.  相似文献   

A total of 205 dust devils were detected in 23 High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) images taken between January 2004 and July 2006 with the ESA Mars Express orbiter, in which average dust devil heights were ∼660 m and average diameters were ∼230 m. For the first time, dust devil velocities were directly measured from orbit, and range from 1 to 59 m/s. The observed dust devil directions of motion are consistent with data derived from a General Circulation Model (GCM). In some respects HRSC dust devil properties agree favorably with data from the NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit dust devil analyses. The spatial distribution of the active dust devils detected by HRSC supports the conjecture that the ascending branch of the Hadley circulation is responsible for the increase in dust devil activity, especially observed during southern summer between 50° and 60° S latitude. Combining the dust-lifting rate of 19 kg/km2/sol derived from the Spirit observations with the fewer in number but larger in size dust devils from various other locations observed by HRSC, we suggest that dust devils make a significant contribution to the dust entrainment into the atmosphere and to the martian dust cycle.  相似文献   

The dynamics of Venus’ mesosphere (60–100 km altitude) was investigated using data acquired by the radio-occultation experiment VeRa on board Venus Express. VeRa provides vertical profiles of density, temperature and pressure between 40 and 90 km of altitude with a vertical resolution of few hundred meters of both the Northern and Southern hemisphere. Pressure and temperature vertical profiles were used to derive zonal winds by applying an approximation of the Navier–Stokes equation, the cyclostrophic balance, which applies well on slowly rotating planets with fast zonal winds, like Venus and Titan. The main features of the retrieved winds are a midlatitude jet with a maximum speed up to 140 ± 15 m s?1 which extends between 20°S and 50°S latitude at 70 km altitude and a decrease of wind speed with increasing height above the jet. Cyclostrophic winds show satisfactory agreement with the cloud-tracked winds derived from the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC/VEx) UV images, although a disagreement is observed at the equator and near the pole due to the breakdown of the cyclostrophic approximation. Knowledge of both temperature and wind fields allowed us to study the stability of the atmosphere with respect to convection and turbulence. The Richardson number Ri was evaluated from zonal field of measured temperatures and thermal winds. The atmosphere is characterised by a low value of Richardson number from ~45 km up to ~60 km altitude at all latitudes that corresponds to the lower and middle cloud layer indicating an almost adiabatic atmosphere. A high value of Richardson number was found in the region of the midlatitude jet indicating a highly stable atmosphere. The necessary condition for barotropic instability was verified: it is satisfied on the poleward side of the midlatitude jet, indicating the possible presence of wave instability.  相似文献   

While CO, HCl, and HF, that were considered in the first part of this work, have distinct absorption lines in high-resolution spectra and were detected four decades ago, the lines of HDO, OCS, and SO2 are either very weak or blended by the telluric lines and have not been observed previously by ground-based infrared spectroscopy at the Venus cloud tops. The H2O abundance above the Venus clouds is typically below the detection limit of ground-based IR spectroscopy. However, the large D/H ratio on Venus facilitates observations of HDO. Converted to H2O with D/H ≈ 200, our observations at 2722 cm−1 in the Venus afternoon show a H2O mixing ratio of ∼1.2 ppm at latitudes between ±40° increasing to ±60° by a factor of 2. The observations in the early morning reveal the H2O mixing ratio that is almost constant at 2.9 ppm within latitudes of ±75°. The measured H2O mixing ratios refer to 74 km. The observed increase in H2O is explained by the lack of photochemical production of sulfuric acid in the night time. The recent observations at the P-branch of OCS at 4094 cm−1 confirm our detection of OCS. Four distributions of OCS along the disk of Venus at various latitudes and local times have been retrieved. Both regular and irregular components are present in the variations of OCS. The observed OCS mixing ratio at 65 km varies from ∼0.3 to 9 ppb with the mean value of ∼3 ppb. The OCS scale height is retrieved from the observed limb darkening and varies from 1 to 4 km with a mean value of half the atmospheric scale height. SO2 at the cloud tops has been detected for the first time by means of ground-based infrared spectroscopy. The SO2 lines look irregular in the observed spectra at 2476 cm−1. The SO2 abundances are retrieved by fitting by synthetic spectra, and two methods have been applied to determine uncertainties and detection limits in this fitting. The retrieved mean SO2 mixing ratio of 350 ± 50 ppb at 72 km favors a significant increase in SO2 above the clouds since the period of 1980-1995 that was observed by the SOIR occultations at Venus Express. Scale heights of OCS and SO2 may be similar, and the SO2/OCS ratio is ∼500 and may be rather stable at 65-70 km under varying conditions on Venus.  相似文献   

R.S. Lindzen  H. Teitelbaum 《Icarus》1984,57(3):356-361
The altitude variation of the zonal wind velocity in the Venus atmosphere above the cloud layer is deduced from the structure of the wavenumber 2 solar tide. Results show that the amplitude of the zonal wind increases with respect to altitude near the equator, but decreases for latitudes greater than 30°. Thus, the zonal wind becomes concentrated at lower latitudes by 100 km altitude.  相似文献   

The MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding) instrument on the Mars Express spacecraft provides both local and remote measurements of electron densities and measurements of magnetic fields in the martian ionosphere. The density measurements show a persistent level of large fluctuations, sometimes as much as a factor of three or more at high altitudes. Large magnetic field fluctuations are also observed in the same region. The power spectrums of both the density and magnetic field fluctuations have slopes on a log-log plot that are consistent with the Kolmogorov spectrum for isotropic fluid turbulence. The fractional density fluctuation, Δne/ne, of the turbulence increases with altitude, and reaches saturation, Δne/ne ∼ 1, at an altitude of about 400 km, near the nominal boundary between the ionosphere and the magnetosheath. The fluctuations are usually so large that a well-defined ionopause-like boundary between the ionosphere and the solar wind is seldom observed. Of mechanisms that could be generating this turbulence, we believe that the most likely are (1) solar wind pressure perturbations, (2) an instability in the magnetosheath plasma, such as the mirror-mode instability, or (3) the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability driven by velocity shear between the rapidly flowing magnetosheath and the ionosphere.  相似文献   

In this study, magnetic field measurements obtained by the Venus Express spacecraft are used to determine the bow shock position at solar minimum. The best fit of bow shock location from solar zenith angle 20-120° gives a terminator bow shock location of 2.14 RV (1 RV=6052 km) which is 1600 km closer to Venus than the 2.40 RV determined during solar maximum conditions, a clear indication of the solar cycle variation of the Venus bow shock location. The best fit to the subsolar bow shock is 1.32 RV, with the bow shock completely detached. Finally, a global bow shock model at solar minimum is constructed based on our best-fit empirical bow shock in the sunlit hemisphere and an asymptotic limit of the distant bow shock which is a Mach cone under typical Mach number of 5.5 at solar minimum. We also describe our approach to making the measurements and processing the data in a challenging magnetic cleanliness environment. An initial evaluation of the accuracy of measurements shows that the data are of a quality comparable to magnetic field measurements made onboard magnetically clean spacecraft.  相似文献   

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