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Abstract— The Vredefort Granophyre represents impact melt that was injected downward into fractures in the floor of the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa. This unit contains inclusions of country rock that were derived from different locations within the impact structure and are predominantly composed of quartzite, feldspathic quartzite, arkose, and granitic material with minor proportions of shale and epidiorite. Two of the least recrystallized inclusions contain quartz with single or multiple sets of planar deformation features. Quartz grains in other inclusions display a vermicular texture, which is reminiscent of checkerboard feldspar. Feldspars range from large, twinned crystals in some inclusions to fine‐grained aggregates that apparently are the product of decomposition of larger primary crystals. In rare inclusions, a mafic mineral, probably biotite or amphibole, has been transformed to very fine‐grained aggregates of secondary phases that include small euhedral crystals of Fe‐rich spinel. These data indicate that inclusions within the Vredefort Granophyre were exposed to shock pressures ranging from <5 to 8–30 GPa. Many of these inclusions contain small, rounded melt pockets composed of a groundmass of devitrified or metamorphosed glass containing microlites of a variety of minerals, including K‐feldspar, quartz, augite, low‐Ca pyroxene, and magnetite. The composition of this devitrified glass varies from inclusion to inclusion, but is generally consistent with a mixture of quartz and feldspar with minor proportions of mafic minerals. In the case of granitoid inclusions, melt pockets commonly occur at the boundaries between feldspar and quartz grains. In metasedimentary inclusions, some of these melt pockets contain remnants of partially melted feldspar grains. These melt pockets may have formed by eutectic melting caused by inclusion of these fragments in the hot (650 to 1610 °C) impact melt that crystallized to form the Vredefort Granophyre.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 80 km wide Vredefort dome presents a unique opportunity to investigate the deep levels of the central uplift of a very large impact structure. Exposure of progressively older strata in the collar of the dome and of progressively higher‐grade metamorphic rocks toward its center is consistent with differential uplift; however, the deepest levels exposed correspond to pre‐impact midcrust, rather than lower crust, as has been suggested previously. Pre‐impact Archean gneissic fabrics in the core of the dome are differentially rotated, with the angle of rotation increasing sharply at a distance of ?16–19 km from the center. The present asymmetric dips of the collar strata, with layering dipping outward at moderate angles in the southeastern sector but being overturned and dipping inward in the northwestern sector, and the eccentric distribution of the pre‐impact metamorphic isograds around the core of the dome can be reconciled with symmetric rotation of an initially obliquely NW‐dipping target sequence during central uplift formation. The rocks in the core of the dome lack distinctive megablocks or large‐slip‐magnitude faults such as have been described in other central uplifts. We suggest that the large‐scale coherent response of these rocks to the central uplift formation could have been accommodated by small‐scale shear and/or rotation along pervasive pseudotachylitic breccia vein‐fractures.  相似文献   

Genesis and emplacement of Vredefort Granophyre, the impact melt rock exposed on the Vredefort Dome, the erosional remnant of the central uplift of the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa, have long been debated. This debate was recently reinvigorated by the discovery that besides the previously known felsic variety of >66 wt% SiO2, a second, somewhat more mafic phase of <66 wt% SiO2 occurs along a Granophyre dike on farms Kopjeskraal and Eldorado in the northwest sector of the dome. Two hypotheses have been put forward to explain the genesis and emplacement of this second phase: (1) successive injections of impact melt into extensional fractures opened in the course of central uplift formation/crater modification, with melts of distinct compositions derived from a differentiating impact melt body in the crater, and (2) generation of the more mafic phase as a product of admixture/assimilation of a mafic country rock component, either the so-called epidiorite of possible Ventersdorp Supergroup affiliation or the Dominion Group meta-lava (DGL), to Felsic Granophyre. In the latter model, contamination with mafic country rock would have occurred during downward intrusion and stoping into and below the crater floor. The so-called Mafic Granophyre has previously only ever been sampled on a single site (Farm Kopjeskraal). In this study, samples of Granophyre occurring along the southerly extension of this dike on farm Rensburgdrif, and from a second dike on the Rietkuil property further southwest were investigated by field work, and petrographic, geochemical, and isotopic analysis. The mafic phase indeed occurs in the interior of the dike at Rensburgdrif, and also on Rietkuil. New geochemical and Sr-Nd isotope data support the hypothesis that the Mafic Granophyre composition represents a mixture between Felsic Granophyre and a mafic country rock. A 20% admixture of epidiorite or DGL to Felsic Granophyre provides an excellent match for the chemical composition of the Mafic Granophyre. The Sr-Nd isotope data indicate that this admixture likely involved the epidiorite component rather than DGL. Together with earlier Sr-Nd-Os-Se isotopic data, and other geochemical data, these results further support formation of the Mafic Granophyre by local assimilation/admixture of epidiorite to Felsic Granophyre.  相似文献   

Granophyre dykes in the central part of the Vredefort impact structure are believed to be the remnants of the impact melt sheet, which intruded downwards along the fractures in the crater floor. Little is known about their original penetration depth, dip, structural relationships with the host rocks, and their general geophysical characteristics. This information is critical to understand the emplacement history of the granophyre dykes, as it relates to the formation and modification of large impact structures. We conducted magnetic and resistivity surveys across the Daskop granophyre dyke (DGD), one of the impact melt dykes in the structure's core. The magnetic survey revealed that the DGD gives a strong magnetic response at positions where the dyke outcrop exceeds the surface topography, but a very weak response where the outcrop is nearly at the same elevation as the surrounding topography. The magnetic anomaly is thus predominantly due to the outcrop protruding above ground level, suggesting a limited volume of dyke material in the subsurface and a small penetration depth. The resistivity survey performed on two profiles, set perpendicularly across the DGD, indicated a shallow penetration depth (<3 m), consistent with the magnetic interpretation. Thus, our geophysical study demonstrates that the DGD is currently at the very bottom of its original emplacement. This may either be an erosional coincidence, or it may be controlled by a fundamental process of impact cratering. Further studies are warranted to determine if other granophyre dykes at Vredefort are similarly at their lowermost terminations.  相似文献   

Abstract— Shatter cones have been described from many meteorite impact structures and are widely regarded as a diagnostic macroscopic recognition feature for impact. However, the origin of this meso‐ to macroscopic striated fracture phenomenon has not yet been satisfactorily resolved, and the timing of shatter cone formation in the cratering process still remains enigmatic. Here, previous results from studies of shatter cones from the Vredefort impact structure and other impact structures are discussed in the light of new field observations made in the Vredefort Dome. Contrary to earlier claims, Vredefort cone fractures do not show uniform apex orientations at any given outcrop, nor do small cones show a pattern consistent with the previously postulated “master cone” concept. Simple back‐rotation of impact‐rotated strata to a horizontal pre‐impact position also does not lead to a uniform centripetal‐upward orientation of the cone apices. Striation patterns on the cone surfaces are variable, ranging from the typically diverging pattern branching off the cone apex to subparallel‐to‐parallel patterns on almost flat surfaces. Striation angles on shatter cones do not increase with distance from the center of the dome, as alleged in the literature. Instead, a range of striation angles is measured on individual shatter cones from a specific outcrop. New observations on small‐scale structures in the collar around the Vredefort Dome confirm the relationship of shatter cones with subparallel sets of curviplanar fractures (so‐called multipli‐striated joint sets, MSJS). Pervasive, meter‐scale tensile fractures cross‐cut shatter cones and appear to have formed after the closely spaced MSJ‐type fractures. The results of this study indicate that none of the existing hypotheses for the formation of shatter cones are currently able to adequately explain all characteristics of this fracturing phenomenon. Therefore, we favor a combination of aspects of different hypotheses that includes the interaction of elastic waves, as supported by numerical modeling results and which reasonably explains the variety of shatter cone shapes, the range of striation geometries and angles, and the relationship of closely spaced fracture systems with the striated surfaces. In the light of the currently available theoretical basis for the formation of shatter cones, the results of this investigation lead to the conclusion that shatter cones are tensile fractures and might have formed during shock unloading, after the passage of the shock wave through the target rocks.  相似文献   

Noble gases in the five angrites Northwest Africa (NWA) 1296, 2999, 4590, 4801, and 4931 were analyzed with total melting and stepwise heating methods. The noble gases consist of in situ components: spallogenic, radiogenic, nucleogenic, and fission. Cosmic-ray exposure ages of the angrites (including literature data) spread uniformly from <0.2 to 56 Ma, and coarse-grained angrites have longer exposure ages than fine-grained angrites. It is implied that the parent bodies from which the two subgroups of angrites were ejected are different and have distinct orbital elements. The 244Pu-136Xe relative ages of the angrites obtained by using 244Pu/150Nd ratios are as old as that of Angra dos Reis, reflecting their early formation. On the other hand, another method to obtain 244Pu-136Xe relative ages, using fission 136Xe, spallogenic 126Xe, and Ba/REE ratios, yields systematically older 244Pu-136Xe ages than those obtained by using 244Pu/150Nd ratios, which is explained by apparently high Ba/REE ratios caused by Ba contamination during terrestrial weathering. The 244Pu/238U ratio at 4.56 Ga of angrites is estimated as 0.0061 ± 0.0028, which is consistent with those for chondrules, chondrites, achondrites, and a terrestrial zircon. It is suggested that initial 244Pu/238U ratio has been spatially homogeneous at least in the inner part of the early solar system.  相似文献   

Some results of an all-sky survey of meteor radiant distributions over an 8 year period are presented in the form of radiant activity plots for each month of the year, deduced from data obtained with the monostatic direction-finding meteor radar at Grahamstown (26.5 E, 33.3 S). The major showers stand out prominently in the appropriate months, as expected, and sporadic activity is found to be largely associated with diffuse sources 20° west of the sun and 20° east of the antihelion point. These sources exhibit an annual variability which is similar in successive years. Although there has been no allowance here for instrumental bias it is concluded that the results reflect significant seasonal trends which warrant further exploration. Ir is suggested that single-station radars could play an important role in this regard. Attention is also drawn to an apparent source at the south celestial pole, and its possible origin is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Olivine in the angritic meteorite Lewis Cliff (LEW) 86010 contains abundant exsolution lamellae of kirschsteinite. Compositional gradients adjacent to the interface in both host and lamellae were formed by diffusion of chemical components into and out of the lamellae during cooling and growth. We have compared these gradients with compositional profiles calculated from diffusion and heat flow equations to estimate the cooling rate and burial depth of the sample. The resulting values for cooling rate and burial depth depend on which values are used for the diffusion rate of Ca in olivine, and how measured diffusivities are extrapolated to the lower temperatures at which the lamellae grew. If the highest diffusion coefficients are used, the cooling rates obtained from seven different lamellae range from 30 to 52 °C/year, with an average of 42 °C/year, and burial depths (assuming an overburden with a thermal diffusivity typical of solid rock) range from 14 to 17 m, with an average of 15 m. If the lowest reasonable diffusion coefficients are used, the cooling rates range from 1.4 to 2.2 °C/year, with an average of 1.7 °C/year, and the depths range from 68 to 83 m, with an average of 75 m. For the highest Ca diffusivities, details of the compositional profiles near the olivine/kirschsteinite interface suggest that continuous cooling was greatly accelerated at a temperature near 600–700 °C. The simplest physical explanation for such an acceleration is excavation of the sample from its original burial depth by an impact event. If Ca diffusivities are lower, a two-stage cooling history is not required.  相似文献   

Miller Range (MIL) 13317 is a heterogeneous basalt‐bearing lunar regolith breccia that provides insights into the early magmatic history of the Moon. MIL 13317 is formed from a mixture of material with clasts having an affinity to Apollo ferroan anorthosites and basaltic volcanic rocks. Noble gas data indicate that MIL 13317 was consolidated into a breccia between 2610 ± 780 Ma and 1570 ± 470 Ma where it experienced a complex near‐surface irradiation history for ~835 ± 84 Myr, at an average depth of ~30 cm. The fusion crust has an intermediate composition (Al2O3 15.9 wt%; FeO 12.3 wt%) with an added incompatible trace element (Th 5.4 ppm) chemical component. Taking the fusion crust to be indicative of the bulk sample composition, this implies that MIL 13317 originated from a regolith that is associated with a mare‐highland boundary that is KREEP‐rich (i.e., K, rare earth elements, and P). A comparison of bulk chemical data from MIL 13317 with remote sensing data from the Lunar Prospector orbiter suggests that MIL 13317 likely originated from the northwest region of Oceanus Procellarum, east of Mare Nubium, or at the eastern edge of Mare Frigoris. All these potential source areas are on the near side of the Moon, indicating a close association with the Procellarum KREEP Terrane. Basalt clasts in MIL 13317 are from a very low‐Ti to low‐Ti (between 0.14 and 0.32 wt%) source region. The similar mineral fractionation trends of the different basalt clasts in the sample suggest they are comagmatic in origin. Zircon‐bearing phases and Ca‐phosphate grains in basalt clasts and matrix grains yield 207Pb/206Pb ages between 4344 ± 4 and 4333 ± 5 Ma. These ancient 207Pb/206Pb ages indicate that the meteorite has sampled a range of Pre‐Nectarian volcanic rocks that are poorly represented in the Apollo, Luna, and lunar meteorite collections. As such, MIL 13317 adds to the growing evidence that basaltic volcanic activity on the Moon started as early as ~4340 Ma, before the main period of lunar mare basalt volcanism at ~3850 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 1.13-km-diameter Pretoria Saltpan impact crater is located about 40 km NNW of Pretoria, South Africa. The crater is situated in 2.05 Ga old Nebo granite of the Bushveld Complex that is locally intruded by about 1.3 Ga old volcanic rocks. In 1988, a borehole was drilled in the center of the crater. At depths >90 m, breccias were found that contained minerals with characteristic shock-metamorphic features, thus confirming the impact origin of the crater. Fragments of impact glass were recovered from the melt breccias and several hundred sub-millimeter-sized glass fragments were subjected to fission track analysis. The measurements were complicated by the inhomogeneous composition of the impact glasses, but analysis of a large number of tracks yielded an age of 220 ± 52 ka for the Saltpan crater.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 4734 is an unbrecciated basaltic lunar meteorite that is nearly identical in chemical composition to basaltic lunar meteorites NWA 032 and LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02205. We have conducted a geochemical, petrologic, mineralogic, and Sm‐Nd, Rb‐Sr, and Ar‐Ar isotopic study of these meteorites to constrain their petrologic relationships and the origin of young mare basalts. NWA 4734 is a low‐Ti mare basalt with a low Mg* (36.5) and elevated abundances of incompatible trace elements (e.g., 2.00 ppm Th). The Sm‐Nd isotope system dates NWA 4734 with an isochron age of 3024 ± 27 Ma, an initial εNd of +0.88 ± 0.20, and a source region 147Sm/144Nd of 0.201 ± 0.001. The crystallization age of NWA 4734 is concordant with those of LAP 02205 and NWA 032. NWA 4734 and LAP 02205 have very similar bulk compositions, mineral compositions, textures, and ages. Their source region 147Sm/144Nd values indicate that they are derived from similar, but distinct, source materials. They probably do not sample the same lava flow, but rather are similarly sourced, but isotopically distinct, lavas that probably originate from the same volcanic complex. They may have experienced slightly different assimilation histories in route to eruption, but can be source‐crater paired. NWA 032 remains enigmatic, as its source region 147Sm/144Nd definitively precludes a simple relationship with NWA 4734 and LAP 02205, despite a similar bulk composition. Their high Ti/Sm, low (La/Yb)N, and Cl‐poor apatite compositions rule out the direct involvement of KREEP. Rather, they are consistent with low‐degree partial melting of late‐formed LMO cumulates, and indicate that the geochemical characteristics attributed to urKREEP are not unique to that reservoir. These and other basaltic meteorites indicate that the youngest mare basalts originate from multiple sources, and suggest that KREEP is not a prerequisite for the most recent known melting in the Moon.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate the origin of Offset Dikes and their age relationships to major impact generated lithologies in the Sudbury multi-ring impact structure, such as the Main Mass of the Sudbury “Igneous” Complex, zircon and baddeleyite were dated by the U-Pb chronometer. The rocks analysed are one diorite and two quartz diorites from inside the Foy Offset, one quartz diorite from the contact zone, and two country rock samples collected at 10 and 30 m distances from the contact within the Levack Gneiss Complex. The 21 analysed zircon and baddeleyite fractions yield a crystallization age of 1852 +4/-3 (2σ) Ma for the accessory minerals in the Foy Offset Dike and an age of 2635 ± 5 Ma for the shocked Levack country rock, in which zircons show significant shock effects (multiple sets of planar fractures), in contrast to the totally unshocked zircons of the Offset Dike. Within given errors, the new age of 1852 Ma is identical to the pooled 1850 ± 1 Ma U-Pb age determined by Krogh et al. (1984) as the crystallization age of accessory phases in different lithologies of the Sudbury “Igneous” Complex, which has been interpreted to represent the coherent impact melt sheet of the Sudbury Structure. This excellent agreement of the ages substantiates that emplacement of the Offset Dikes occurred coevally with the formation of the impact melt sheet. Total absence of inherited zircons in the central part of the Foy Offset indicates melting of the precursor material at temperatures well above 1700 °C, which emphasizes the origin of the dike lithologies by impact melting.  相似文献   

Abstract— Landsat TM, aerial photograph image analysis, and field mapping of Witwatersrand supergroup meta‐sedimentary strata in the collar of the Vredefort Dome reveals a highly heterogeneous internal structure involving folds, faults, fractures, and melt breccias that are interpreted as the product of shock deformation and central uplift formation during the 2.02 Ga Vredefort impact event. Broadly radially oriented symmetric and asymmetric folds with wavelengths ranging from tens of meters to kilometers and conjugate radial to oblique faults with strike‐slip displacements of, typically, tens to hundreds of meters accommodated tangential shortening of the collar of the dome that decreased from ?17% at a radius from the dome center of 21 km to <5% at a radius of 29 km. Ubiquitous shear fractures containing pseudotachylitic breccia, particularly in the metapelitic units, display local slip senses consistent with either tangential shortening or tangential extension; however, it is uncertain whether they formed at the same time as the larger faults or earlier, during the shock pulse. In addition to shatter cones, quartzite units show two fracture types—a cmspaced rhomboidal to orthogonal type that may be the product of shock‐induced deformation and later joints accomplishing tangential and radial extension. The occurrence of pseudotachylitic breccia within some of these later joints, and the presence of radial and tangential dikes of impact melt rock, confirm the impact timing of these features and are suggestive of late‐stage collapse of the central uplift.  相似文献   

The Tissint meteorite fell on July 18, 2011 in Morocco and was quickly recovered, allowing the investigation of a new unaltered sample from Mars. We report new high‐field strength and highly siderophile element (HSE) data, Sr‐Nd‐Hf‐W‐Os isotope analyses, and data for cosmogenic nuclides in order to examine the history of the Tissint meteorite, from its source composition and crystallization to its irradiation history. We present high‐field strength element compositions that are typical for depleted Martian basalts (0.174 ppm Nb, 17.4 ppm Zr, 0.7352 ppm Hf, and 0.0444 ppm W), and, together with an extended literature data set for shergottites, help to reevaluate Mars’ tectonic evolution in comparison to that of the early Earth. HSE contents (0.07 ppb Re, 0.92 ppb Os, 2.55 ppb Ir, and 7.87 ppb Pt) vary significantly in comparison to literature data, reflecting significant sample inhomogeneity. Isotope data for Os and W (187Os/188Os = 0.1289 ± 15 and an ε182W = +1.41 ± 0.46) are both indistinguishable from literature data. An internal Lu‐Hf isochron for Tissint defines a crystallization age of 665 ± 74 Ma. Considering only Sm‐Nd and Lu‐Hf chronometry, we obtain, using our and literature values, a best estimate for the age of Tissint of 582 ± 18 Ma (MSWD = 3.2). Cosmogenic radionuclides analyzed in the Tissint meteorite are typical for a recent fall. Tissint's pre‐atmospheric radius was estimated to be 22 ± 2 cm, resulting in an estimated total mass of 130 ± 40 kg. Our cosmic‐ray exposure age of 0.9 ± 0.2 Ma is consistent with earlier estimations and exposure ages for other shergottites in general.  相似文献   

Parts I and II of our analysis of the evolution of the solar system were devoted mainly to the mechanical processes. The present part (Part III) deals primarily with the plasma processes and the hydromagnetic aspects.Much confusion in the cosmogonic field is due to the treatment of the early phases of the evolution of a circumstellar medium by pre-hydromagnetic methods, or by erroneous application of magnetohydrodynamics. In order to reduce the speculative element as far as possible the present analysis tries to connect the cosmogonic processes as directly as possible to laboratory plasma physics and to space phenomena actually observed today (Section 10).Models of the Laplacian type have been made obsolete by magnetohydrodynamics. Furthermore they are in conflict with observations. A new model is suggested (Section 11).A plasma surrounding a rotating central body may attain a state of partial corotation which is determined by the balance between gravitation and the centrifugal force acting on a plasma in a dipole field. Condensation from a partially corotating plasma results in grains orbiting in ellipses withe=1/3 and finally accreting to bodies at 2/3 of the central distance of the point of condensation (Section 12).An application of the theory to the Saturnian rings and to the asteroidal belt shows that the falldown ratio 2/3 (derived from the geometry of a dipole field) is essential for the understanding of their structure. The structure of the groups of planets and satellites is also discussed but only in a preliminary way. The behavior of volatile substances is a major problem which still awaits an appropriate treatment (Section 13).  相似文献   

  1. Introduction and Survey. The method for studying the structure and evolution of the solar system is discussed. It is pointed out that theories that account for the origin of planets alone are basically insufficient. Instead one ought to aim for a general theory for the formation of secondary bodies around a central body, applicable both to planet and satellite formation. A satisfactory theory should not start from assumed properties of the primitive Sun, which is a very speculative subject, but should be based on an analysis of present conditions and a successive reconstruction of the past states.
  2. Orbits of Planets and Satellites. As a foundation for the subsequent analysis, the relevant properties of planets and satellites are presented.
  3. The Small Bodies. The motion of small bodies is influenced by non-gravitational forces. Collisions (viscosity) are of special importance for the evolution of the orbits. It is pointed out that the focusing property of a gravitational field (which has usually been neglected) leads to the formation of jet streams. The importance of this concept for the understanding of the comet-meteoroid relations and the structure of the asteroidal belt is shown.
  4. Resonance Structure. A survey is given of the resonances in the solar system and their possible explanation. It is concluded that in many cases the resonances must already be produced at the times when the bodies formed. It is shown that resonance effects put narrow limits on the post-accretional changes of orbits.
  5. Spin and Tides. Tidal effects on planetary spins and satellite orbits are discussed. It is very doubtful if any satellite except the Moon and possibly Triton has had its orbit changed appreciably by tidal effects. The isochronism of planetary and asteroidal spins is discussed, as well as its bearing on the accretional process.
  6. Post-accretional Changes in the Solar System. The stability of the solar system and upper limits for changes in orbital and spin data are examined. It is concluded that much of the present dynamic structure has direct relevance to the primordial processes.

In this fourth and last part of our analysis, the first section (14) contains a study of the chemical composition of the planets and satellites. A sharp distinction is made between the large quantity of speculations about the interiors of the bodies and the rather meagerfacts known with a reasonable degree of certainty. It is shown, however, that the latter are sufficient todisprove the old concept of a Laplacian disc of homogeneous chemical composition. There is asystematic variations in the chemical composition of planets (and probably also of satellites) so that heavy elements are more abundant in the outermost and in the innermost regions of the systems. Section 15 containsa study of meteorites. These have earlier been interpreted in terms of ‘exploded planets’ and condensation processes in thermodynamic equilibrium. It is shown that such models are irreconcilable with the laws of physics and also with the meteoritic observations. These instead are found toprovide abundant information on the processes in jet streams and on early fractionation and condensation. Further work along these lines supplemented with other solar system materials studies may lead to a detailed reconstruction of important events in the evolution of the solar system. Section 16 demonstrates that the location of the different groups of secondary bodies is a result of a plasma phenomenon occurring at the critical velocity limit. These have recently been studied in detail in the laboratory but have not yet been fully applied to astrophysics.Groups of bodies in the planetary and the satellite systems related by the critical velocity shouldhave the same gravitational potential. There are large chemical differences between groups of different gravitational potential. This is reconcilable with the chemical differentiation found in Section 14. Finally, Section 17 deals with thestructure of the different groups of bodies and shows that the mass distributionis a function of the spin of the central body. Summarizing the properties and distribution of bodies in the solar system against this background, it is shown that there isno need for ‘missing planets’ or to explode hypothetical large bodies. Nor is there any justification for involvingdrastic ad hoc changes in the orbits of existing bodies. The scheme is complete in the sense that in all places where groups of bodies are expected, such bodies are actually found. All of the existing bodies are accounted for (with the exception of the small Martian satellites!). The general conclusion is that already with the empirical material now availableit is possible to suggest a series of basic processes leading to the present structure of planet and satellite systems in an internally consistent way. With the expected flow of data from space research the evolution of the solar system may eventually be described with about the same confidence and accuracy as the geological evolution of the Earth.  相似文献   

Autocorrelation analysis of sunspot number, solar radio flux, and interplanetary field in the period 1967 to 1970 yields new information concerning solar atmospheric rotation. The upper chromosphere and the lower corona are rotating on the average about 5 to 8 % faster than is either the photosphere or the upper corona. In addition, short-lived features in the chromosphere and lower corona are found to rotate sometimes as much as 10% faster than relatively long-lived features at the same height. Coronal and photospheric features are found to rotate more or less synchronously. Analysis of yearly data has indicated a considerable change in rotation periods from one year to another.  相似文献   

Abstract— The South Range Breccia Belt (SRBB) is an arcuate, 45 km long zone of Sudbury Breccia in the South Range of the 1.85 Ga Sudbury Impact Structure. The belt varies in thickness between tens of meters to hundreds of meters and is composed of a polymict assemblage of Huronian Supergroup (2.49–2.20 Ga), Nipissing Diabase (2.2 Ga), and Proterozoic granitoid breccia fragments ranging in size from a few millimeters to tens of meters. The SRBB matrix is composed of a fine‐grained (~100 μm) assemblage of biotite, quartz, and ilmenite, with trace amounts of plagioclase, zircon, titanite, epidote, pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and occasionally chlorite. The SRBB hosts the Frood‐Stobie, Vermilion, and Kirkwood quartz diorite offset dykes, the former being associated with one of the largest Ni‐Cu‐PGE sulphide deposits in the world. Optical petrography and whole‐rock geochemistry concur with previous studies that have suggested that the matrix of the SRBB is derived from comminution and at least partial frictional melting of the wall rock Huronian Supergroup lithologies. Rare earth element (REE) data from all sampled lithologies associated with the SRBB exhibit crustal signatures when normalized to C1 chondrite values. Additionally, REE data from the quartz diorites, disseminated sulphides in Sudbury Breccia, and a sample of an aphanitic biotite‐hornblende tonalite dyke exhibit flat slopes when compared to the mafic and felsic norites, quartz gabbro, and granophyre units of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC), which suggests that these lithologies are representative of bulk SIC melt. We suggest that the SRBB was formed by high strain‐rate (>1 m/s), gravity‐driven seismogenic slip of the inner ring of the Sudbury Impact Structure during postimpact crustal readjustment (crater modification stage). Failure of the hanging wall may have facilitated the injection of bulk SIC melt into the SRBB, along with the Ni‐Cu‐PGE sulphides of the Frood‐Stobie deposit. Postimpact Penokean (1.9–1.7 Ga) tectonism, particularly northwest‐directed shearing along the South Range Shear Zone and associated thrust faulting, could account for the present subvertical orientation of the SRBB, and the apparent lack of a connection at depth with the SIC.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ibitira is a strongly recrystallized and unbrecciated noncumulate eucrite. We measured Ca compositional profiles of Ibitira pyroxene by electron microprobe and computed the cooling rate and burial depth from pyroxene exsolution profiles to gain information on early thermal history of Ibitira. Pyroxene begins to exsolve at 1082 °C and cools down to 550 °C at a rate of 0.02 °C/year, forming an augite lamella about 7.0 μm in width. A notable characteristic of the Ca profile of augite lamellae in Ibitira pyroxene is a gradient near the interface between augite and low‐Ca pyroxene (pigeonite). This profile suggests that after thermal metamorphism Ibitira pyroxene experienced a sudden temperature rise to above solidus temperature of pyroxene (~1082 °C), and subsequent rapid cooling. The 39Ar‐40Ar age of 4.485 Ga for Ibitira, which is the oldest 39Ar‐40Ar age for noncumulate eucrites, may date this reheating event.  相似文献   

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