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Over 40 ammonites, mostly Promicroceras, with epifaunal worm tubes are described from the Lower Jurassic, Charmouth Mudstone Formation (Lias Group) of Dorset. Serpulids that were overgrown by the ammonites or responded to the ammonites’ growth attached to juvenile, living ammonites. Some epifaunal serpulids attached post-mortem, indicating oxygenated bottom water, which was rare in the lower Charmouth Mudstone Formation. Other serpulids do not conform to either pre- or post-mortem growth predictions and require individual assessment. The commonest pattern of growth for serpulids on live juvenile ammonites was attachment in the umbilical seam, with later growth onto, and finally around, the venter. Reconstructing this pattern shows that serpulids kept their aperture at 6 o’clock with respect to the orientation of the living ammonite (105-115° behind the ammonite aperture) throughout life. Reorientation of growth lines in serpulid worms just before the aperture suggests some worm tubes were fully grown. The 6 o’clock position of the aperture enabled feeding currents generated by the worms to parallel currents generated by swimming ammonites, thus maximizing food gathering and confirming that ammonites swam backwards. The mid-ventral position enabled the worm to deploy its branchia on both sides of the ammonite. Growth on ammonites was beneficial to the worms, but parasitic to the ammonites. Promicroceras with epifaunal worm tubes died at smaller sizes than unencumbered examples and size at death correlates inversely to extra weight of worm tubes. Uniformitarian comparisons suggest fossil serpulid worms grew in one season and that Promicroceras reached full size in two or three years.  相似文献   

The analysis of all available data on the structure of the Bajocian-Bathonian boundary section in the outskirts of Saratov (Sokur quarry) and the taxonomic composition of its ammonites, belemnites, and bivalves revealed a continuous succession of the Pseudocosmoceras michalskii (Upper Bajocian), Oraniceras besnosovi, and Arcticoceras ishmae (Lower Bathonian) zones. In connection with the critique by Meledina et al. (2009), correlation of Bajocian and Bathonian boundary strata of the Central Russia and Northern Siberia is discussed. The inconsistency of Siberian bivalve and belemnite assemblages with Central Russian ammonite zones is explained by heterochronous invasions of different molluscan groups.  相似文献   

<正> 广西西部早三叠世地层发育,分布广泛,化石丰富。前人对其有不少研究。早期主要有徐瑞粦(1932)、许德佑(1936—1937,1938)、赵金科等(1940—1943)对本区有关地层进行调查研究。解放后,菊石由赵金科(1959)系统深入地研究,建立了广西西部下三叠统逻楼群8个菊石带,为华南早三叠世地层分类奠定了基础。到1976年,早三叠世  相似文献   

The Jurassic-Cretaceous (Volgian-Lower Valanginian) boundary deposits in the lower reaches of the Lena River (near the village of Chekurovka and on the Cape Chucha, North Yakutia) are described bed-by-bed. The taxonomic composition of ammonites and bivalves (mainly Buchia) is determined. The species assemblages are biostratigraphically analyzed and biostratigraphic units of the bed and zone ranks are recognized based on by Buchia and ammonites. Analogues of the Buchia Zones (buchiazones) Unschensis, Okensis, Tolmatschewi, Inflata and ammonite zones Exoticus, Okensis, Sibiricus, Analogus, Mesezhnikowi and ? Klimovskiensis are established in this region for the first time. A correlation of the distinguished buchiazones with the buchiazones of the Nordvik Peninsula, New Siberian Islands (Stolbovoy Island), the basin of the Anyuy River, and Northern California is proposed. The ammonite assemblages constantly contain phylloceratids; some stratigraphic intervals also contain lytoceratids; this is probably connected with a Paleo-Pacific influence. Unlike the ammonite assemblages of the same age of the Khatanga depression, the subzones cannot be distinguished in the Sibiricus and Kochi Zones of the Lower Lena due to differences in the stratigraphic ranges of some ammonite species. Hectoroceras in the Kochi zone is very rare and Praetollia predominates here.  相似文献   

New thoracican cirripede material from the Kimmeridge Clay (Upper Jurassic, Tithonian) is described. This includes a log, encrusted on the lower surface with hundreds of perfectly preserved, articulated specimens of Etcheslepas durotrigensis Gale, 2014, and fewer specimens of Concinnalepas costata (Withers, 1928). Some individuals are preserved in life position, hanging from the underside of the wood, and the material provides new morphological information on both species. It appears that Martillepas ovalis (Withers, 1928), which occurs at the same level (Freshwater Steps Stone Band, pectinatus Zone) attached preferentially to ammonites, whereas E. durotrigensis and C. costata used wood as a substrate for their epiplanktonic lifestyle. Two regurgitates containing abundant barnacle valves, mostly broken, and some bivalve fragments, have been found in the Kimmeridge Clay. These were produced by a fish grazing on epiplanktonic species, and are only the second example of regurgitates containing barnacle valves known from the fossil record. The evolution of modern barnacle groups is discussed in the light of the new Jurassic material as well as recently published molecular phylogenies. New clades defined herein are called the Phosphatothoracica, the Calamida and the Unilatera.  相似文献   

The Middle Oxfordian to lowermost Upper Kimmeridgian ammonite faunas from northern Central Siberia (Nordvik, Chernokhrebetnaya, and Levaya Boyarka sections) are discussed, giving the basis for distinguishing the ammonite zones based on cardioceratid ammonites of the genus Amoeboceras (Boreal zonation), and, within the Kimmeridgian Stage, faunas–for distinguishing zones based on the aulacostephanid ammonites (Subboreal zonation). The succession of Boreal ammonites is essentially the same as in other areas of the Arctic and NW Europe, but the Subboreal ammonites differ somewhat from those known from NW Europe and Greenland. The Siberian aulacostephanid zones—the Involuta Zone and the Evoluta Zone—are correlated with the Baylei Zone (without its lowermost portion), and the Cymodoce Zone/lowermost part of the Mutabilis Zone (the Askepta Subzone) from NW Europe. The uniform character of the Boreal ammonite faunas in the Arctic makes possible a discussion on their phylogeny during the Late Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian: the succession of particular groups of Amoeboceras species referred to successive subgenera is revealed by the occurrence of well differentiated assemblages of typical normal-sized macro and microconchs, intermittently marked by the occurrence of assemblages of paedomorphic “small-sized microconchs” appearing at some levels preceeding marked evolutionary modifications. Some comments on the paleontology of separate groups of ammonites are also given. These include a discussion on the occurrence of Middle Oxfordian ammonites of the genus Cardioceras in the Nordvik section in relation to the critical review of the paper of Rogov and Wierzbowski (2009) by Nikitenko et al. (2011). The discussion shows that the oldest deposits in the section belong to the Middle Oxfordian, which results in the necessity for some changes in the foraminiferal zonal scheme of Nikitenko et al. (2011). The ammonites of the Pictonia involuta group are distinguished as the new subgenus Mesezhnikovia Wierzbowski and Rogov.  相似文献   

The most complete Hungarian Valanginian perisphinctid ammonite fauna of the Mecsek Mountains (South Hungary) consists of 14 species is reported. Thurmanniceras sp. aff. otopeta, Fuhriella michaelis, F. cf. hoheneggeri, Sarasinella cf. ambigua, Neocomites (Neocomites) subtenuis, Neocomites (Eristavites) platycostatus are reported for the first time from Hungary. The fauna comprises 23 ammonite species and is reported from Valanginian tuffaceous marl, alternating marl–limestone beds and loose limestone blocks. Two studied sections represent the Lower Valanginian Thurmanniceras pertransiens and partly the Busnardoites campylotoxus Zones while ammonites from loose blocks indicate the latter and possibly the Upper Valanginian Saynoceras verrucosum Zone. Variations in the faunal composition of the marl beds and the limestone blocks respectively, refer to the contrast between the ammonite ecological demands. Phylloceratid and lytoceratid ammonites prevail the marl beds, while olcostephanid and neocomitid ammonites prevail the shallower platform-like limestones. Sediment accumulation rate in that palaeo volcano related environment was high and bottom currents frequently washed together ammonite shells or filled their body chambers with smaller ammonite shell fragments. Due to the fast sedimentation the sections represent only partially the recognized ammonite zones therefore long-term or even infra-regional correlation was not possible. Palaeobiogeographically, the ammonite fauna has Mediterranean character and it shows close relationships to the Valanginian faunas of the Bakony Mts. (Hungary), Western Carpathians (Slovakia), Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria), and SE Spain. The presence of Fuhriella species is remarkable and enlarges our knowledge on the distribution of this enigmatic ammonite taxon adding new data to its Valanginian stratigraphic position and geographic distribution.  相似文献   

The biotic turnover in the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition and changes in assemblages of bivalves, ostracodes, foraminifers, dinocysts, spores, and pollen are described. Only five of 24 bivalve genera and two of four ostracode genera cross the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary so that composition of genera and families to be entirely renewed at the base of the Harpoceras falciferum Zone. In the interval of three ammonite zones, diversity of foraminifers is reducing from 27 genera in the Amaltheus margaritatus Zone (upper Pliensbachian) to 17 and then to 15 genera in the Tiltoniceras antiquum (lower Toarcian) and Harpoceras falciferum zones, respectively. Single dinocysts of the Pliensbachian are replaced by their abundant specimens at the base of the Toarcian, and substantial changes in composition of palynological assemblages are simultaneously established. Factors responsible for “mass extinctions” of marine invertebrates are suggested to be the paleogeographic reorganization, anoxic events, eustatic sea-level changes, and climatic fluctuations. The biotic turnover in the Arctic region is interrelated mainly with thermal changes, which caused the southward displacements of taxa distribution areas during a rapid cooling and their gradual return to former habitat areas in the period of warming, rather than with extinction events.  相似文献   

The taphonomy of trace fossils and their substrates remains an understudied facet of sedimentary geology. Contrary to common prejudice, trace fossils are not invariably preserved in situ, but may be exhumed and reworked following lithification. The trace fossils most commonly found ex situ are borings in mobile shelly substrates. Two notable, but contrasting, examples of post-mortem transport of borings are described from the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of southern Limburg, the Netherlands. A long, unusually straight and complete calcareous tube assigned to Teredolites longissimus Kelly and Bromley is an organically secreted internal mould, produced by a teredinid or pholadid bivalve boring in wood and lining their tube. Strictly, this is part of the body fossil of the producing bivalve, but it is also an organically generated internal mould of the boring. A flint steinkern of a right valve of Crassatella bosquetiana d’Orbigny preserves a suite of silicified borings. Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke is a U-shaped boring with a vane connecting the parallel limbs. Talpina isp. is a slender, simple, branched tunnel. Most unexpected, Spirichnus spiralis Fürsich et al. is a spiral ‘worm’ boring hitherto only known from the Upper Jurassic. This stratigraphic gap is likely an artefact; only mouldic preservation of the bored substrate would expose the distinctive Spirichnus boring. These ichnofossils are united in their occurrence in unusual preservational systems.  相似文献   

Late Barremian ammonite fauna from the epipelagic marlstone and marly limestone interbeds of Boljetin Hill (Boljetinsko Brdo) of Danubic Unit (eastern Serbia) is described. The ammonite fauna includes representatives of three suborders (Phylloceratina, Lytoceratina and Ancyloceratina), specifically Hypophylloceras danubiense n. sp., Lepeniceras lepense Rabrenović, Holcophylloceras avrami n. sp., Phyllopachyceras baborense (Coquand), Phyllopachyceras petkovici n. sp., Phyllopachyceras eichwaldi eichwaldi (Karakash), Phyllopachyceras ectocostatum Drushchits, Protetragonites crebrisulcatus (Uhlig), Macroscaphites perforatus Avram, Acantholytoceras cf. subcirculare (Avram), Dissimilites cf. trinodosus (d'Orbigny) and Argvethites? sp. The taxonomic composition and percent abundance of the identified ammonites indicate that their taxa are predominantly confined to the Tethyan realm. Ammonites with smooth and slightly sculptured shells predominate among the studied fauna. The ammonite-bearing succession from Boljetin represents the lower part of the Upper Barremian, ranging in ammonite zonation from the Toxancyloceras vandenheckei Zone to the lower part of the Imerites giraudi Zone. The associated organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts confirm the Late Barremian age of the ammonite-bearing levels.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous outcrop belt of the Mississippi Embayment in the Gulf Coastal Plain (GCP) spans the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. A detailed reconstruction of this time interval is critical for understanding the nature of biotic and environmental changes preceding the end-Cretaceous Mass Extinction event and for deciphering the likely extinction mechanism (i.e., bolide impact versus volcanism). Eight sections encompassing the K/Pg succession across the Mississippi Embayment were analyzed using biostratigraphic sampling of ammonites, dinoflagellates, and nannofossils. An upper Maastrichtian ammonite zonation is proposed as follows, from oldest to youngest: Discoscaphites conradi Zone, D. minardi Zone, and D. iris Zone. Our study documents that the ammonite zonation established in the Atlantic Coastal Plain (ACP) extends to the GCP. This zonation is integrated with nannofossil and dinoflagellate biostratigraphy to provide a framework to more accurately determine the age relationships in this region. We demonstrate that ammonites and dinoflagellates are more reliable stratigraphic indicators in this area than nannofossils because age-diagnostic nannofossils are not consistently present within the upper Maastrichtian in the GCP. This biostratigraphic framework has the potential to become a useful tool for correlation of strata both within the GCP and between the GCP, Western Interior, and ACP. The presence of the uppermost Maastrichtian ammonite D. iris, calcareous nannofossil Micula prinsii, and dinoflagellates Palynodinium grallator and Disphaerogena carposphaeropsis suggests that the K/Pg succession in the GCP is nearly complete. Consequently, the GCP is an excellent setting for investigating fine scale temporal changes across the K/Pg boundary and ultimately elucidating the mechanisms causing extinction.  相似文献   

The heteromorph ammonite Pravitoceras sigmoidale Yabe, of the family Nostoceratidae, is the zonal marker of the upper Campanian P. sigmoidale Zone in southwest Japan, and is the main component of ammonite assemblages in this zone. We explain the taphonomic processes underlying the occurrence of P. sigmoidale in the Izumi Group, specifically in the Minato (Awaji Island), Anaga (Awaji Island), Koike–Omoizaki (Shikoku), and Hidonodani sections (Shikoku). The first two sections consist mainly of the non-turbiditic Northern Marginal Facies (NMF), while the latter two sections comprise the Main Facies (MF), a turbiditic facies deposited in waters deeper than those of the NMF. We recognise three modes of occurrence of P. sigmoidale, as follows: (1) In nodules crowded with P. sigmoidale (NCP); this mode occurs only in the NMF, and includes juvenile and adult specimens, together with other ammonites such as Solenoceras (Oxybeloceras) aff. humei (Douvillé), (2) In mudstone with isolated P. sigmoidale (MIP), which is found in all of the sections studied, (3) In sandstone with isolated P. sigmoidale (SIP), which occurs only in the MF. Adult individuals of P. sigmoidale are dominant in most of the sections, while juveniles were observed only in the Minato section, which originally was closer to land areas. The number of specimens of P. sigmoidale and Solenoceras spp. tends to increase in sections representing depositional environments proximal to terrestrial areas. Ammonite assemblages could have been transported from shallow- to deep-water settings by turbidity currents. The sorting of components by transport processes likely contributed to the formation of these fossil assemblages in different areas. This is an important clue to understanding the habitat of heteromorph ammonite life assemblages consisting mainly of P. sigmoidale.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation at Sihetun, Beipiao, western Liaoning, northeastern China, is well-known for yielding diverse and excellently preserved fossils of the Jehol Biota. The lower unit of Yixian Formation, dominated by lacustrine deposits, is rich in concentrations of two freshwater bivalves: Sphaerium anderssoni and Arguniella ventricosa. These bivalve concentrations can be divided into three types that comprise either paucispecific A. ventricosa or S. anderssoni, or both bivalves in similar amounts. The lithological, biotic, and taphonomic features of 12 bivalve concentrations are recorded, and the taphonomic signatures (such as shell articulation, size-frequency distribution, and orientation) are analyzed. Autochthonous as opposed to allochthonous bivalve concentrations are discriminated. A very short time-averaging effect is recognized in some concentrations, which was probably caused by seasonal or episodic water-level fluctuations and hypoxia. Three factors operated on the bivalve concentrations before final burial: in-situ reworking, transport, and time-averaging. Although time-averaging of the death assemblages was limited to several years, it is in this way that several generations of the two bivalve species could become preserved together. Reworking of the bivalve concentrations was most likely caused by storm action.  相似文献   

The outcrop of the Marnes Bleues at the Col de Pré-Guittard, 11 km north of the village of Rémuzat in the Départment of Drôme in southeastern France is probably the most intensively studied succession spanning the Aptian/Albian boundary interval. Following the rejection of the proposed GSSP for the base of the Albian Stage (based on the first occurrence of the ammonite Leymeriellla tardefurcata in the section at Le Pillart, Tartonne, Alpes-de-Haute Provence), we re-visit the Pré-Guittard section. A new candidate GSSP defined by the first occurrence of the planktonic foraminifera Microhedbergella renilaevis Huber and Leckie, 2011 is here proposed. This first occurrence is placed in a 100 m section with 28 secondary markers, including calcareous nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera, palynomorphs, an inoceramid bivalve, ammonites, stable carbon isotopes, and local marker beds. The outcrop fulfils most of the physical criteria required of a Global Stratotype Section and Point.  相似文献   

This work is a study of the ammonite record of a new stratigraphic section of Aptian age, at the Mina Texali (Puebla State, Central Mexico). A detailed biostratigraphic analysis was carried out on 309 specimens systematically sampled on a bed-by-bed basis. An Aptian ammonite zonation is proposed for the Mina Texali (= MT) section with two interval zones, Dufrenoyia justinae and Caseyella sp., and one informal biostratigraphic unit represented by the Huastecoceras trispinosoides beds. We also analyze the taxonomic composition, paleoecology and some systematic issues of the ammonite record of the MT section. The first record in Mexico of the genera Pseudosaynella, Xerticeras and the nautiloid Heminautilus is identified in this section. The ammonite assemblage is assigned to the proximal part of the outer neritic region of the continental shelf. The ammonite record of the studied section is diagnostic in establishing the lower-upper Aptian transition, and the local zonation of the MT provides important data for the development of an Aptian standard ammonite zonation for the Central Atlantic province.  相似文献   

A previously uncollected fauna of ammonites, bivalves, and other molluscs, associated with radiolarian microfossils, has been newly recognized near Lawn Hill on the east coast of central Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. The regional biostratigraphic zonation indicates that the Lawn Hill fauna is correlative with the Nostoceras hornbyense zonule of the Pachydiscus suciaensis ammonite biozone, recognized in the Nanaimo Group of southeast Vancouver Island. The Nostoceras hornbyense Zone (new) is herein proposed for strata of Pacific coast Canada containing the zonal index. Several molluscan taxa present in the Lawn Hill section are new to British Columbia and the ammonite fauna suggests that the Nostoceras hornbyense Zone is late Campanian in age, supported by radiolarian taxa present in the section. Strata sampled in the Lawn Hill section preserve reversed-polarity magnetization, considered likely correlative with Chron 32r. The presence of the Nostoceras hornbyense Zone on Queen Charlotte Islands is the first recognition of this zone in Canada north of central Vancouver Island and represents the youngest Cretaceous known in this region. Campanian radiolarians identified from the Lawn Hill section are also the first recognized from the Pacific coast of Canada.  相似文献   

Stratigraphically important ammonites Deshayesites ex gr. deshayesi (d’Orbigny, 1840), Deshayesites sp. juv., and Paradeshayesites aff. callidiscus [Casey, 1961] from lower Aptian pelagic sediments at the Verkhorech’e Village have been described and depicted. The new finds and revision of previously found ammonites allow the recognition of ammonite zones Deshayesites volgensis and Deshayesites deshayesi in the Southwestern Crimea.  相似文献   

Eight biohorizons, four of which were previously distinguished in Central Poland and four new (contradictionis, pommerania, kuteki, and pilicensis), were identified in the Dorsoplanites panderi zone of the Upper Jurassic Middle Volgian Substage of the European part of Russia on the basis of the succession of ammonites of the Zaraiskites genus. The peculiarities of variations of the ammonite complexes in space and time testify to the stepwise warming during the Panderi Chron and the occurrence of the significant latitudinal temperature gradient in the Middle Russian Sea. New species Zaraiskites kuteki is described.  相似文献   

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