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Y. Moudden  J.C. McConnell 《Icarus》2007,188(1):18-34
In this paper we present the design and some results of an on-line chemical model of the atmosphere of Mars using a three-dimensional dynamical-chemical model. A chemistry module has been added to the 3D Mars Global Multiscale Model (GM3), a general circulation model based on the Canadian weather forecast model. As water is a major fuel for chemistry on Mars, we have taken care to simulate the atmospheric water vapor content, taking into account evaporation from and condensation to the polar caps and in the atmosphere we allow for freezing and formation of a bulk cloud and sedimentation. The chemical module includes the main neutral carbon-oxygen-hydrogen-nitrogen species and associated relevant reactions. The outputs of the model are analyzed in the light of our current understanding of the chemistry on Mars. The results are in general accordance with 1D models and with two other 3D models with more limited chemistry. The model does not require elevated diffusion coefficients to fit observational data in the thermosphere as was suggested in some 1D studies. The large scale transport and the downward thermospheric transport in the winter pole appear to have a significant role in the concentrations of some trace species.  相似文献   

Winter polar warmings in the middle atmosphere of Mars occur due to the adiabatic heating associated with the downward branch of the cross-equatorial meridional circulation. Thus, they are the manifestation of the global meridional transport rather than of local radiative effects. We report on a series of numerical experiments with a recently developed general circulation model of the martian atmosphere to examine the relative roles of the mechanical and thermal forcing in the meridional transport. The experiments were focused on answering the question of whether the martian circulation is consistent with the thermally driven nearly inviscid Hadley cell, as was pointed out by some previous studies, or it is forced mainly by zonally asymmetric eddies. It is demonstrated that, under realistic conditions in the middle atmosphere, the meridional transport is maintained primarily by dissipating large-scale planetary waves and solar tides. This mechanism is similar to the “extratropical pump” in the middle atmosphere on Earth. Only in the run with artificially weak zonal disturbances, was the circulation reminiscent of thermally induced Hadley cells. In the experiment with an imposed dust storm, the modified atmospheric refraction changes the vertical propagation of the eddies. As the result, the Eliassen-Palm fluxes convergence increases in high winter latitudes of the middle atmosphere, the meridional transport gets stronger, and the polar temperature rises. Additional numerical experiments demonstrated that insufficient model resolution, increased numerical dissipation, and, especially, neglect of non-LTE effects for the 15 μm CO2 band could weaken the meridional transport and the magnitude of polar warmings in GCMs.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(9):1103-1112
Temperature inversions and the warmings over the winter poles in the Martian atmosphere occur due to the adiabatic heating associated with the downward branch of the Hadley circulation. We present results of simulations with a recently developed GCM which suggest that the warmings are the manifestations of the global meridional transport, and are strongly related to atmospheric eddies (planetary waves and tides). To date, sets of data required for the validation of the predicted warmings and the corresponding circulation patterns do not extend far enough into the middle atmosphere of Mars. This motivated our radiative and retrieval simulations to demonstrate that sub-millimeter observations can provide the required fields to validate and constrain the GCM results.  相似文献   

An investigation of the Martian polar cap winds and their response to a variety of factors is carried out by a series of numerical experiments based on a zonally symmetric primitive equation model. These factors are the seasonal thermal forcing, mass exchange between polar caps and atmosphere, large-scale topography, and polar cap size. The thermal forcing sets up a circulation whose surface winds adjust to achieve angular momentum balance, with low-latitude easterlies and high-latitude westerlies. The maximum westerlies occur roughly where the horizontal temperature gradients are largest. This pattern changes when cap and atmosphere exchange mass. Corriolis forces acting on the net outflow or inflow produce easterlies at the surface during spring (outflow) and westerlies during winter (inflow). Topography appears to have a small effect, but cap size does play a role, the circulation intensity increasing with cap size. Peak surface winds occur when outflow or inflow is a maximum and are 20 m sec?1 during spring and 30 m sec?1 during winter for the northern hemisphere. The model results show that surface winds near the edge of a retreating polar cap are substantially enhanced, a result which is consistent with the Viking observations of local dust storm activity near the edge of the south polar cap during spring. The results also indicate that the surficial wind indicators near the south pole are formed during spring and those near the north pole during winter. The implication is that the high-latitude dune fields in the northern hemisphere are formed at a time when the terrain is being covered with frost. It is therefore suggested that the saltating particles are “snowflakes” which have formed by the mechanism proposed by Pollack etal. The model results for the winter simulation, which have formed by the mechanism transport by large-scale eddies, compare favorably with general circulation model (GCM) calculations. This suggests that the eddy transports may be less important than those associated with the net mass flow, and that 2-D climate modeling may be more succesful for Mars than Earth.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, General Circulation Models (GCM) have been used to simulate the current martian climate. The calibration of these GCMs with the current seasonal cycle is a crucial step in understanding the climate history of Mars. One of the main climatic signals currently used to validate GCMs is the annual atmospheric pressure cycle. It is difficult to use changes in seasonal deposits on the surface of Mars to calibrate the GCMs given the spectral ambiguities between CO2 and H2O ice in the visible range. With the OMEGA imaging spectrometer covering the near infra-red range, it is now possible to monitor both types of ice at a spatial resolution of about 1 km. At global scale, we determine the change with time of the Seasonal South Polar Cap (SSPC) crocus line, defining the edge of CO2 deposits. This crocus line is not symmetric around the geographic South Pole. At local scale, we introduce the snowdrop distance, describing the local structure of the SSPC edge. Crocus line and snowdrop distance changes can now be used to calibrate GCMs. The albedo of the seasonal deposits is usually assumed to be a uniform and constant parameter of the GCMs. In this study, albedo is found to be the main parameter controlling the SSPC recession at both global and local scale. Using a defrost mass balance model (referred to as D-frost) that incorporates the effect of shadowing induced by topography, we show that the global SSPC asymmetry in the crocus line is controlled by albedo variations. At local scale, we show that the snowdrop distance is correlated with the albedo variability. Further GCM improvements should take into account these two results. We propose several possibilities for the origin of the asymmetric albedo control. The next step will be to identify and model the physical processes that create the albedo differences.  相似文献   

We present the seasonal and geographical variations of the martian water vapor monitored from the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer Long Wavelength Channel aboard the Mars Express spacecraft. Our dataset covers one martian year (end of Mars Year 26, Mars Year 27), but the seasonal coverage is far from complete. The seasonal and latitudinal behavior of the water vapor is globally consistent with previous datasets, Viking Orbiter Mars Atmospheric Water Detectors (MAWD) and Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS/TES), and with simultaneous results obtained from other Mars Express instruments, OMEGA and SPICAM. However, our absolute water columns are lower and higher by a factor of 1.5 than the values obtained by TES and SPICAM, respectively. In particular, we retrieve a Northern midsummer maximum of 60 pr-μm, lower than the 100-pr-μm observed by TES. The geographical distribution of water exhibits two local maxima at low latitudes, located over Tharsis and Arabia. Global Climate Model (GCM) simulations suggest that these local enhancements are controlled by atmospheric dynamics. During Northern spring, we observe a bulge of water vapor over the seasonal polar cap edge, consistent with the northward transport of water from the retreating seasonal cap to the permanent polar cap. In terms of vertical distribution, we find that the water volume mixing ratio over the large volcanos remains constant with the surface altitude within a factor of two. However, on the whole dataset we find that the water column, normalized to a fixed pressure, is anti-correlated with the surface pressure, indicating a vertical distribution intermediate between control by atmospheric saturation and confinement to a surface layer. This anti-correlation is not reproduced by GCM simulations of the water cycle, which do not include exchange between atmospheric and subsurface water. This situation suggests a possible role for regolith-atmosphere exchange in the martian water cycle.  相似文献   

We present a Mars General Circulation Model (GCM) numerical investigation of the physical processes (i.e., wind stress and dust devil dust lifting and atmospheric transport) responsible for temporal and spatial variability of suspended dust particle sizes. Measurements of spatial and temporal variations in airborne dust particles sizes in the martian atmosphere have been derived from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) spectral and emission phase function data [Wolff, M.J., Clancy, R.T., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 108 (E9), doi:10.1029/2003JE002057. 1-1; Clancy, R.T., Wolff, M.J., Christensen, P.R., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 108 (E9), doi:10.1029/2003JE002058. 2-1]. The range of dust particle sizes simulated by the NASA Ames GCM is qualitatively consistent with TES-derived observations of effective dust particle size variability. Model results suggest that the wind stress dust lifting scheme (which produces regionally confined dust lifting) is the process responsible for the majority of the dust particle size variability in the martian atmosphere. Additionally, model results suggest that atmospheric transport processes play an important role in the evolution of atmospheric dust particles sizes during substantial dust storms on Mars. Finally, we show that including the radiative effects of a spatially variable particle size distribution significantly influences thermal and dynamical fields during the dissipation phase of the simulated global dust storm.  相似文献   

Dry convective instabilities in Mars’s middle atmosphere are detected and mapped using temperature retrievals from Mars Climate Sounder observations spanning 1.5 martian years. The instabilities are moderately frequent in the winter extratropics. The frequency and strength of middle atmospheric convective instability in the northern extratropics is significantly higher in MY 28 than in MY 29. This may have coupled with changes to the northern hemisphere mid-latitude and tropical middle atmospheric temperatures and contributed to the development of the 2007 global dust storm. We interpret these instabilities to be the result of gravity waves saturating within regions of low stability created by the thermal tides. Gravity wave saturation in the winter extratropics has been proposed to provide the momentum lacking in general circulation models to produce the strong dynamically-maintained temperature maximum at 1-2 Pa over the winter pole, so these observations could be a partial control on modeling experiments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have analyzed neutron spectroscopy data gathered by the High Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) instrument onboard Mars Odyssey for comparison of polar regions. It is known that observation of the neutron albedo of Mars provides important information about the distribution of water-ice in subsurface layers and about peculiarities of the CO2 seasonal cycle. It was found that there are large water-rich permafrost areas with contents of up to ∼50% water by mass fraction at both the north and south Mars polar regions. The water-ice layers at high northern latitudes are placed close to the surface, but in the south they are covered by a dry and relatively thick (10-20 cm) layer of soil. Analysis of temporal variations of neutron flux between summer and winter seasons allowed the estimation of the masses of the CO2 deposits which seasonally condense at the polar regions. The total mass of the southern seasonal deposition was estimated as 6.3×1015 kg, which is larger than the total mass of the seasonal deposition at the north by 40-50%. These results are in good agreement with predictions from the NASA Ames Research Center General Circulation Model (GCM). But, the dynamics of the condensation and sublimation processes are not quite as consistent with these models: the peak accumulation of the condensed mass of CO2 occurred 10-15 degrees of Ls later than is predicted by the GCM.  相似文献   

Mars General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations are presented to illustrate the importance of the ice emissivity of the seasonal CO2 polar caps in regulating the effects of airborne dust on the martian CO2 cycle. Simulated results show that atmospheric dust suppresses CO2 condensation when the CO2 ice emissivity is high but enhances it when the CO2 ice emissivity is low. This raises the possibility that the reason for the repeatable nature of the CO2 cycle in the presence of a highly variable dust cycle is that the CO2 ice emissivity is “neutral” - the value that leads to no change in CO2 condensation with changing atmospheric dust. For this GCM, the “neutral” emissivity is approximately 0.55, which is low compared to observed cap emissivities. This inconsistency poses a problem for this hypothesis. However, it is clear that the CO2 ice emissivity is a critical physical parameter in determining how atmospheric dust affects the CO2 cycle on Mars.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the temperature retrievals from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) nadir spectra to yield latitude-height resolved maps of various atmospheric forced wave modes as a function of season for a full Mars year. Among the isolated wave modes is the zonal mean, time mean temperature, which we used to derive zonal mean zonal winds and stationary wave quasi-geostrophic indices of refraction, diagnostic of their propagation. The diurnal Kelvin wave was isolated in the data, with results roughly consistent with models (Wilson and Hamilton, 1996, J. Atmos. Sci. 33, 1290-1326). The s = 1 and s = 2 stationary waves were found to have significant amplitude in ducts extending up the winter polar jets, while the s = 3 stationary wave was found to be confined to near the surface. The s = 1 stationary wave was found to have little phase tilt with height during northern winter, but significant westward phase tilt with height in the southern winter. This indicates that the wave carries heat poleward, slightly more than that found in Barnes et al. (1996; J. Geophys. Res. 101, 12,753-12,776). The s = 1 stationary wave is likely the dominant mechanism for eddy meridional heat transport for the southern winter. We noted that the phase of the s = 2 stationary wave is nearly constant with time, but that the s = 1 stationary wave moved 90° of longitude from fall to winter and back in spring in the North. While interannual variability is not yet addressed, overall, these results provide the first comprehensive benchmark for forced waves in Mars’s atmosphere against which future atmospheric models of Mars can be compared.  相似文献   

A dynamical mechanism for the Martian (atmospheric) polar warming observed by the Viking IRTM during the 1977 winter solstice dust storm (and a similar one possibly observed by Mariner 9 in 1971) is proposed, and investigated using a simplified nonlinear model. The model is of a type previously used to successfully simulate the essential aspects of terrestrial sudden stratospheric warmings. The dynamical mechanism is, in part, very similar fundamentally to that responsible for these warmings, involving planetary-scale waves. A number of numerical experiments have been conducted to assess the basic viability of such a mechanism for the martian polar warming and to examine its sensitivity to several factors. These experiments demonstrate that a planetary wave mechanism can produce a polar warming with the magnitude and suddenness of that observed. A planetary wave mechanism must primarily involve wavenumber 1, as wavenumber 2 is too strongly vertically trapped to produce a warming like that observed. The necessary wave forcing in the present model can be topographic (mechanical) or thermal (and nonstationary), and is relatively large but certainly plausible. The strong radiative damping in the Mars atmosphere acts to substantially inhibit a warming, through its effects on both the zonal flow and the wave. Dissipation plays a greater role relative to transience in a model Martian warming of the type studied here than in a sudden stratospheric warming. Increasing radiative damping during a warming due to higher temperatures and greater dust loading may play a role in yielding a relatively rapid cooling phase for the Mars warming event. The residual mean meridional circulation during a model warming entails strong poleward and downward flow into high northern latitudes, throughout a very deep region. This probably indicates similar transport of atmospheric dust, as well as water. Such transports are of considerable potential significance for both the dust and water cycles on Mars.  相似文献   

Measurements of winter polar atmospheric temperatures on Mars are presented for the two 1977 dust storms observed by Viking. These data show a strong time and spatial dependence of the polar warming and provide important boundary conditions for dynamical models of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

A general circulation model is used to evaluate changes to the circulation and dust transport in the martian atmosphere for a range of past orbital conditions. A dust transport scheme, including parameterized dust lifting, is incorporated within the model to enable passive or radiatively active dust transport. The focus is on changes which relate to surface features, as these may potentially be verified by observations. Obliquity variations have the largest impact, as they affect the latitudinal distribution of solar heating. At low obliquities permanent CO2 ice caps form at both poles, lowering mean surface pressures. At higher obliquities, solar insolation peaks at higher summer latitudes near solstice, producing a stronger, broader meridional circulation and a larger seasonal CO2 ice cap in winter. Near-surface winds associated with the main meridional circulation intensify and extend polewards, with changes in cap edge position also affecting the flow. Hence the model predicts significant changes in surface wind directions as well as magnitudes. Dust lifting by wind stress increases with obliquity as the meridional circulation and associated near-surface winds strengthen. If active dust transport is used, then lifting rates increase further in response to the larger atmospheric dust opacities (hence circulation) produced. Dust lifting by dust devils increases more gradually with obliquity, having a weaker link to the meridional circulation. The primary effect of varying eccentricity is to change the impact of varying the areocentric longitude of perihelion, l, which determines when the solar forcing is strongest. The atmospheric circulation is stronger when l aligns with solstice rather than equinox, and there is also a bias from the martian topography, resulting in the strongest circulations when perihelion is at northern winter solstice. Net dust accumulation depends on both lifting and deposition. Dust which has been well mixed within the atmosphere is deposited preferentially over high topography. For wind stress lifting, the combination produces peak net removal within western boundary currents and southern midlatitude bands, and net accumulation concentrated in Arabia and Tharsis. In active dust transport experiments, dust is also scoured from northern midlatitudes during winter, further confining peak accumulation to equatorial regions. As obliquity increases, polar accumulation rates increase for wind stress lifting and are largest for high eccentricities when perihelion occurs during northern winter. For dust devil lifting, polar accumulation rates increase (though less rapidly) with obliquity above o=25°, but increase with decreasing obliquity below this, thus polar dust accumulation at low obliquities may be increasingly due to dust lifted by dust devils. For all cases discussed, the pole receiving most dust shifts from north to south as obliquity is increased.  相似文献   

Bruce M. Jakosky 《Icarus》1983,55(1):19-39
The behavior of water vapor in the Mars atmosphere requires that there be a seasonally accessible nonatmospheric reservoir of water. Coupled models have been constructed which include exchange of water with the regolith and with the polar caps, and transport through the atmosphere due to its circulation. Comparison of the model results with the vapor observations and with other data regarding the physical nature of the surface allows constraints to be placed on the relative importance of each process. The models are capable of satisfactorily explaining the gross features of the observed behavior using plausible values for the regolith and atmosphere mixing terms. In the region between the polar caps, the regolith contributes as much water to the seasonal cycle of vapor as does transport in from the more-poleward regions, to within a factor of 2. Globally, 10–40% of the seasonal cycle of vapor results from exchange of water with the regolith, about 40% results from the behavior of the residual caps, and the remainder is due to exchange of water with the seasonal caps. It is difficult to determine the relative importance of the processes more precisely than this because both regolith and polar cap exchange of water act to first order in the same direction, producing the largest vapor abundance during the local summer. The system is ultimately regulated on the seasonal time scale by the polar caps, as the time to reach equilibrium between the atmosphere and regolith or between the polar atmosphere and the global atmosphere is much longer than the time for the polar caps to equilibrate with the local atmosphere. This same behavior will hold for longer time scales, with the polar caps being in equilibrium with the insolation as it changes on the obliquity time scale, and the atmosphere and regolith following along.  相似文献   

Within the numerical general-circulation model of the Martian atmosphere MAOAM (Martian Atmosphere: Observation and Modeling), we have developed the water cycle block, which is an essential component of modern general circulation models of the Martian atmosphere. The MAOAM model has a spectral dynamic core and successfully predicts the temperature regime on Mars through the use of physical parameterizations typical of both terrestrial and Martian models. We have achieved stable computation for three Martian years, while maintaining a conservative advection scheme taking into account the water–ice phase transitions, water exchange between the atmosphere and surface, and corrections for the vertical velocities of ice particles due to sedimentation. The studies show a strong dependence of the amount of water that is actively involved in the water cycle on the initial data, model temperatures, and the mechanism of water exchange between the atmosphere and the surface. The general pattern and seasonal asymmetry of the water cycle depends on the size of ice particles, the albedo, and the thermal inertia of the planet’s surface. One of the modeling tasks, which results from a comparison of the model data with those of the TES experiment on board Mars Global Surveyor, is the increase in the total mass of water vapor in the model in the aphelion season and decrease in the mass of water ice clouds at the poles. The surface evaporation scheme, which takes into account the turbulent rise of water vapor, on the one hand, leads to the most complete evaporation of ice from the surface in the summer season in the northern hemisphere and, on the other hand, supersaturates the atmosphere with ice due to the vigorous evaporation, which leads to worse consistency between the amount of the precipitated atmospheric ice and the experimental data. The full evaporation of ice from the surface increases the model sensitivity to the size of the polar cap; therefore, the increase in the latter leads to better results. The use of a more accurate dust scenario changes the model temperatures, which also strongly affects the water cycle.  相似文献   

P. Rannou  F. Hourdin  D. Luz 《Icarus》2004,170(2):443-462
We have developed a coupled general circulation model of Titan's atmosphere in which the aerosol haze is treated with a microphysical model and is advected by the winds. The radiative transfer accounts for the non uniform haze distribution and, in turn, drives the dynamics. We analyze the GCM results, especially focusing on the difference between a uniform haze layer and a haze layer coupled to the dynamics. In the coupled simulation the aerosols tend to accumulate at the poles, at latitudes higher than ±60°. During winter, aerosols strongly radiate at thermal infrared wavelengths enhancing the cooling rate near the pole. Since this tends to increase the latitudinal gradients of temperature the direct effect of this cooling excess, in contrast to the uncoupled haze case, is to increase the strength of the meridional cells as well as the strength of the zonal winds and profile. This is a positive feedback of the haze on dynamics. The coupled model reproduces observations about the state of the atmosphere better than the uniform haze model, and in addition, the northern polar hood and the detached haze are qualitatively reproduced.  相似文献   

We report ground-based laser heterodyne spectroscopy of non-thermal emission in the cores of the 10.33-μmR(8) and 10.72-μmP(32) lines of 12C16O2, obtained at 23 locations on the disk of Mars during the 1984 opposition, at Ls = 130°. The data were obtained at a sub-Doppler spectral resolution, and the temperature of the middle Martian atmosphere (50–85 km) is derived from the frequency width and intensity of the R(8) emission, and from the total intensity of the P(32) emission. We find that the temperature of the middle Martian atmosphere varies with latitude. Near the subsolar latitude, the average 50- to 85-km temperature is close to the radiative equilibrium value for a CO2 atmosphere. However, at high latitudes in both the northern (summer) and southern (winter) hemispheres the 50- to 85-km temperature exceeds the CO2 radiative equilibrium value; a meridional gradient in the range of 0.4 – 0.9°K per degree of latitude is indicated by our data. The highest temperatures are seen at high latitudes in the winter hemisphere, reminiscent of the seasonal effects seen at the Earth's mesopause. As in the terrestrial case, this winter polar warming in the Martian middle atmosphere necessitates departures from radiative equilibrium; dynamical heating of order 4 × 102 ergs g−1 sec−1 is required at the edge of the winter polar night. A comparison with 2-D circulation models shows that the presence of atmospheric dust may enhance this dynamical heating at high winter latitudes, and may also account for heating at high latitudes in the summer hemisphere.  相似文献   

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