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Dan Klooster 《Geoforum》2010,41(1):117-129
Trans-nationally-scaled, multi-stakeholder, non-governmental product certification systems are emerging as important elements of neoliberal environmental governance. However, analysts question the extent to which they represent effective alternatives to the damaging impacts of neoliberalized, global production. They call for work examining the environmental politics arising in these new arenas of regulation, where social movements advocating environmental conservation and social justice interact with business interests in debates over how to use neoliberal tools to govern global commodity chains. This article examines The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) process to revise tree plantation certification standards. First, it considers the political process surrounding standard-setting and argues that tensions between rigor, legitimacy, and acceptability restrain the political struggles over standards within voluntary, multi-stakeholder environmental governance organizations. It proffers findings at odds with the expectation that mainstreaming diminishes the rigor of social and environmental standards. Second, it speculates on the implications of this form of neoliberal environmental governance for promoting more sustainable productions of nature. The review process failed to adequately consider the role of plantation certification in strategies for natural forest conservation. Neither did it adequately consider vital questions of the appropriate scale and location of production, the community actors best suited to deliver both forest conservation and poverty alleviation, or the need to encourage reduced consumption. The reliance on a neoliberal framework and values limits the scope of action. These contradictions suggest that FSC certification is an important part of what needs to be a broader movement questioning current practices of environmentally damaging production and complicit, complacent, consumption.  相似文献   

Lacassin  Leloup  Trinh  & Tapponnier 《地学学报》1998,10(2):106-111
We re-examine several unconformity sites in northwestern Vietnam where the Indosinian orogenesis has been defined. Field observations in the Black-River (Song Da) region, near Son La, demonstrate that red sandtones and conglomerates, reportedly of Cretaceous age, occur unconformably above schistosed epimetamorphic middle-Triassic sediments. A mesozoic unconformity thus really exists in this region, though the age of deformation is poorly contrained (upper Triassic to upper Cretaceous). In most places, however, the unconformity is strongly deformed, folded Triassic limestones are often thrusted onto the Cretaceous rocks. This implies that Tertiary deformations probably due to the India–Asia collision have been strong in the northern part of the Indochina block.  相似文献   

As Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) continues to gain attention as a policy tool for securing efficient and effective environmental governance, a rising tide of criticism warns of the potentially detrimental social–ecological consequences of nature commodification and ‘green neoliberalism’. These concerns are also expressed at international policy fora, where the market rhetoric has met with political resistance from countries belonging to the ‘Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America’ (ALBA). But despite this ideological opposition, some ALBA countries are increasingly integrating PES into their environmental policies. In this article we consider the reasons underlying this apparent contradiction and relate it to the notion of ‘epistemic circulation’. On the basis of a study on the evolution of PES-thinking in Nicaragua (an ALBA member) and a reassessment of the supposed ‘success’ of an influential pilot project, we shed light on the forces driving the adoption of particular PES modes and contextualise practical difficulties to endorsing more critical approaches to the tool. Instead of either ideologically rejecting PES as a neoliberal evil or embracing it uncritically as the new panacea, we argue that it is precisely through the socio-political processes surrounding environmental governance debates that the application of PES is shaped. In practice, it may either contribute to an imposed and dispossessing form of capitalism, or tend towards a more negotiated and socio-culturally embedded version of it. Only through its reconceptualisation based on political–cultural primacy rather than market-fetishism can PES achieve its true potential within a broader strategy towards improved environmental governance.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes, such as C, N, O and S, are successfully used as classical environmental tracers. During the last few years, heavy stable isotopes are getting more and more attention as tracers and proxies in biogeochemical and environmental studies. Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) has enabled scientists to obtain high precise isotopic analyses of heavy elements such as Cl, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Hg and Pb. These isotopic systems can be used as important tracers in studying metal contaminants, biomedical processes and pollution of aquatic environments. MC-ICPMS is a powerful technique for the isotopic analysis of most elements, with the exception of light elements such as H, C, N and O and noble gases. The advantage of the ICP source is that it can ionize all elements with very high sensitivity. Various inlet systems can be used to introduce samples into the mass spectrometer, for instance gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), laser ablation, or conventional liquid nebulization. The aerosol is transported by an Ar and/or He gas flow into the ICP source where it is effectively ionized and introduced into the mass analyzer through a differential pumping system. The variable multicollector detector array allows the user to adjust the detector positions along the focal plane of the mass spectrometer so that all isotopes of interest can be measured simultaneously. Molecular interferences as carbides, nitrides, oxides, argides or doubly-charged species can show up in the mass spectrum and interfere with the elemental isotope peaks. High mass resolution is needed to effectively discriminate against these interferences. The ion optics of the Finnigan NEPTUNE is specially designed to meet this requirement and expand the power of isotope ratio measurements even to elements where previously isobaric interferences were the limit.  相似文献   

He  Ling-Yun  Zhang  Hong-Zhen 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(1):611-630
Natural Hazards - Existing researches about environment regulation mainly focus on its effect on enterprises’ production decision-making behavior but neglects the effect on the individual and...  相似文献   

The Earth's atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere are increasingly being modified by human activity. Given this anthropogenic influence on the natural environment, the case for recognizing an Anthropocene Epoch has recently been made and there is ongoing debate as to whether, and how, to formally characterize and define such an epoch. As a contribution to this debate, this article explores whether or not the landscapes, deposits, landforms and key marker horizons that may be used to characterize and define an Anthropocene Epoch could, and should, be identified and conserved in the same manner as other parts of the geological succession. Anthropogenic features pose a conservation challenge, however, as they often cross cut existing conservation frameworks which tend to focus on the natural, historic or cultural environment. Developing a coherent approach to the conservation of the indicators of an Anthropocene Epoch would, therefore, require an integrated system of describing, auditing and designating features for conservation. A major benefit of such an approach would be the opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration between the wide range of researchers interested or involved in studying and conserving the record of anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   

Sylvy Jaglin 《Geoforum》2008,(6):1897-1906
The central focus of this paper is on the differentiation of basic urban trading services in middle income cities and its role in service provision for the poor. Most studies dedicated to service delivery to the poor emphasize the inequalities pertaining from a growing differentiation in provision and take up some of the arguments of the splintering urbanism thesis. The paper examines some of the main claims made in this debate through a case study of Cape Town (South Africa). It illustrates how differentiation is implemented through service levels and tariffs and suggests that it is a pragmatic way of accommodating social and spatial disparities in a highly polarized city, while making progressive steps in favour of the poor. The main argument is that, in Cape Town like in many middle income cities, urban diversity restricts the relevance of conventional social policies and the scope of local solidarity with regard to service delivery. The differentiation of provision is thus a strategy to bring the diversity within the public service, and hence to preserve an institutional and financial public capacity of delivering subsidized services to the poor.  相似文献   

This paper analyses and evaluates the bordering and othering impacts of environmental geopolitical discourse on land conservation in Southern Africa. Through a theoretical in-depth analysis of the use and contents of the term conservation, this paper examines how conservation is determined, instrumentalized and interpreted by the state, international governmental and non-governmental institutions, and specific interest groups including neo-liberal capitalists and local communities especially in the developing world context. In particular, we discuss the impact of current transboundary park-like conservation practices in Southern Africa and how these feed into the continuous attempts to colonise Southern Africa's nature. Native Americans were not mistaken when they accused the Whites of having forked tongues. By separating the relations of political power from the relations of scientific reasoning while continuing to shore up power with reason and reason with power, the moderns have always had two irons in the fire. They have become invincible. (Latour, 1993, p. 38) Since most of us live in a hierarchical society, any discourse on wildlife tends to be about social relationships. Whom can we exclude from our Garden of Eden, and how can we keep `others' from trespassing on valuables that help sustain our life and livelihoods, if not our identities. Marks (1994, p. 120) ...it could be argued that binary divisions are deeply etched into social space and it is a deeper understanding of boundary erection and distancing that is required if we are to provide alternatives to exclusion and conflict (Sibley, 2001, p. 240).  相似文献   

Sophie Wynne-Jones 《Geoforum》2012,43(6):1035-1044
This paper critically engages with the role of conservation practitioners as ‘expert intermediaries’ in the development of payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes in the UK. Centring on the case study of the Wildlife Trust’s Pumlumon Project in Mid Wales, the paper connects the advance of neoliberal governance strategies to the experiences and attitudes of conservationists, charting a more personalised geography of how PES has gained traction here, beyond its dissemination as an anonymous discourse or top-down imposition. In methodological terms, the paper combines ethnography with the insights of governmentality in order to demonstrate how conservationists have made sense of, and subsequently engaged with processes of neoliberalisation. This is set out as a means to attain a grounded perspective on the advancement of PES, but equally to appreciate how the hegemony of market-style governance is accepted and advanced by the conservationists involved.  相似文献   

Peter Newby 《GeoJournal》1997,43(4):351-358
Urban planners have to develop a planning doctrine (Faludi and Van der Valk 1990). This concept stands for a body of thoughts concerning (a) spatial arrangements within an area, (b) the development of that area; and (c) the way both should be handled. To be successful, they need a planning community (planners, top officials and sub-national establishments for political support) that nurtures it. The planners of the Amsterdam General Extension Plan (1935) developed a doctrine that covers three levels of functions and activities: (1) Amsterdam is a regional centre, a closed functional system, an orthogenetic city. (2) a monocentric urban form and (3) homogeneous neighbourhood communities around a common neighbourhood centre (church, school, medical services, shops). Since the early 1970s Amsterdam has become (1) an international centre, a heterogenetic city, part of a network city system, (2) has developed into a polycentric urban region, and (3) has been acquiring ethnically mixed quarters, divided communities losing their basic function as common neighbourhood centres and even as control areas or domains (Hägerstrand 1970). So in Amsterdam the planning-doctrine was not particularly successful.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1998,13(3):329-337
The Oder river drains a highly polluted industrial area and enters the Baltic Sea through a system of shallow lagoons. Surficial sediments in the discharge area of the Oder are highly enriched in heavy metals compared to their preindustrial background levels. Pore-water studies in short sediment cores reveal anoxic environments over the entire sediment column, except for a suboxic layer in the uppermost 5 to 20 mm of the sediment where Mn- and Fe-oxyhydroxides are reduced by organic matter. Heavy metals (such as Cu, Zn and Pb) are mobilized within the suboxic zones in the inner lagoon (represented by the Oder Lagoon) and in the open Baltic (represented by the Arkona Basin). The Achterwasser, located between the Oder Lagoon and the Arkona Basin, is directly affected by sea-level fluctuations in the Baltic. Pore-water studies indicate that, in contrast to the situation in the Oder Lagoon and Arkona Basin, surficial sediments of the Achterwasser represent a sink for heavy metals. This is associated with the high rate of Fe-sulphide formation occurring there, at least seasonally during salt-water inflow.  相似文献   

We examine the performance of water user associations (WUAs) and the role of actors, power relations, socio-institutional dynamics, and context in supplying water to poor urban and peri-urban neighborhoods of Malawi’s two major cities. Using a preliminary survey, key-informant interviews, focus groups, secondary data, and insights from the community-based natural resources management (CBNRM) literature and common-pool resources (CPR) theory, we argue that while a business-based WUA model can enhance water supply and access, the urban/peri-urban and historical context alters the nature of water and social actors and power relations involved, causing tradeoffs between water-supply and social goals of ownership, participation, and empowerment. The ensuing tradeoffs demonstrate that water supply to the urban/peri-urban landscape through community-based initiatives require flexibility in CBNRM expectations.  相似文献   

Carbonate xenoliths containing olivine and rimmed by kaersutitic amphibole were collected in basaltic rocks of the Basal Complex of La Palma. The mineralogical composition and microscopic appearance may suggest a relationship with carbonatites in general, thus a major element, trace element and stable isotope study was conducted to investigate the origin of the carbonate formation. Based on electron microprobe analyses, the carbonate is calcite with up to 6.3 wt% MgO and 7.2 wt% SiO2. The elevated SiO2 content may suggest a melt origin for the carbonate. However, the C and O isotope compositions of the carbonate xenoliths (δ13C and δ18O around −1‰ and 13‰, respectively) are similar to those of calcite veins and amygdales in basaltic rocks of the Basal Complexes of La Palma and Fuerteventura and are interpreted as produced by fluid degassing and metasomatism by CO2-H2O fluid derived from mobilization of sedimentary material. Trace element contents determined by laser-ablation ICP-MS analyses support the assumed origin, thus, the relationship with carbonatitic melts can be excluded. Based on trace element compositions, the amphibole surrounding the xenoliths is not related genetically to the carbonate. The elevated SiO2 content of the calcite can be attributed to submicron relics of pyroxene, thus, the use of this feature as an evidence for melt origin is questionable.  相似文献   

The Carboniferous Bowland Shale in England, and its correlatives in Ireland, contain anomalously high concentrations of trace elements, including selenium (Se), molybdenum (Mo) and arsenic (As). High levels of these elements reflect high sulphur contents as these elements occur as trace constituents of pyrite. Anomalous Se in particular may have a volcanic provenance, from contemporary volcanic activity and/or drainage from Ordovician volcanogenic sulphide deposits. Following concern over the release of Se and As into groundwater during shale gas extraction in the US, the potential fate of Se and As during any future shale gas extraction from the Bowland Shale merits attention. It is at least an environmental issue that must be managed, but at best it could be an opportunity for extraction of Se in an environmentally sensitive manner.  相似文献   

Sudan has been at the centre of the debate of drought and famine issues over the last 3 or 4 years. While the ideas of a simplistic casual link between these two phenomena has been partially slain, there still remains the desire in some circles to find a scapegoat for famine. Drought remains one of the readiest to hand. Rather than being seen as a basic characteristic of the rainfall resource which requires management, drought is seen as such an abnormality that it provides too convenient an excuse for the failure of agriculture, inadequacy of water supplies, exhaustion of soils and other environmental phenomena that have afflicted Sudan within the last 3–4 years (and longer). Such an attitude is in danger of converting rainfall in Sudan from an asset to a liability. This paper examines rainfall in Sudan as a resource and hence a potential asset. Drought is recognised as an inherent characteristic of that resource and its management discussed. It is suggested that the performance of indigenous traditional adaptive strategies has contrasted favourably with those of Governmental institutions. Reasons for this are given. Some broad options for future perspectives on the effective management of rainfall are outlined.  相似文献   

Most of the existing predictive malaria risks spatial models use very broad spatial scales, and they are usually built-up for continental or national outlines. These models usually do not account for the complexity of socio-economic variables intervening into the malaria transmission process as well malaria prevention strategies. These spatial and thematic shortcomings are particularly interesting when looking at urban environments. This paper explains why a focus on urban malaria overcomes these shortcomings. A set of environmental variables derived from remotely sensed and ground climate station sources was used to build-up an ecological model. An original data collection process based on GPS measurements and retrospective interviews was introduced for the creation of various geoepidemiological and geosocial variables. Multinomial logistic models were used to predict and evaluate the contribution of various thematically separated groups of variables to malaria risk. Finally, it was possible to statistically and spatially evaluate the contribution of ecologic, socio-ecologic, socio-economic and behavioural characteristics of these groups of variables to malaria risks.  相似文献   

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