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Chondrules are the dominant component of chondritic meteorites and attest to high-temperature transient heating events within the protoplanetary disk. They provide valuable constraint on the disk environments in which they formed and potentially the evolution of primitive planetary materials in the disk. The oxygen isotopic composition of CR2 chondrite type-II chondrules was investigated. Our data show significant variation in the isotopic compositions of the chondrules with no petrographic or geochemical means to identify what chondrule will plot where on a three-isotope diagram. Although we cannot rule out that these chondrules may have come from another chondrite-forming region, we argue in context of type-I chondrules from CR2 chondrites that CR2 type-II chondrules record changes in solid and gas composition during formation due to the vaporization of icy bodies in localized regions of the inner disk.  相似文献   

We have calculated a model for the dust envelope of the protoplanetary nebula IRAS 18062+2410 using observations from the ultraviolet to the far infrared. We assume that the envelope is spherically symmetrical and consists of identical silicate grains with a radius of 0.10 micron, and with the number density of the grains inversely proportional to the square of the distance. The optical depth of the envelope, whose inner boundary is 1.40×10?3 pc from the center of the star, is 0.050 at 10 microns. At the inner envelope boundary, the temperature of the dust grains is 410 K and their density is 2.7×10?7 cm?3. Using calculations of stellar evolution at the stage following the exit from the asymptotic giant branch, we estimate the dust envelope’s expansion velocity to be 12 km/s. The mass-loss rate of the star preceding the ejection of the envelope was about 4.5×10?6 M /yr. The observed excess of far-IR flux is not associated with the continuum radiation of the nebula, and may provide evidence for the presence of dust ejected by the star in earlier stages of its evolution.  相似文献   

We present images of the star-forming regionG23.01–0.41 at 6.7GHz in the Class II methanol maser transition 51–60 A +, produced from archival observations on the European VLBI Network. Our map of the source and its maser spots contains 24 maser components. The data for each spot—absolute coordinates, coordinates relative to the calibration feature, peak flux and flux integrated over the spot, size, position angle, velocity along the line of sight, and line full width at half-maximum—are collected in tabular form. The spatial region occupied by the maser spots is approximated by a 200×130 milliarcsec ellipse in position angle PA = −0.40°, centered on the absolute coordinates α 0 = 18h34m40.282s, δ 0 = −09°00′38.27″ (J2000). If the source is a protoplanetary disk, then, for the distance estimate derived from trigonometric parallax, its diameter is 1800 AU, and the mass of the central protostar is 23.5M .  相似文献   

Results of JHKLM photometry for the protoplanetary nebula candidate V1027 Cyg obtained in 1991–2008 are reported. In all bands, the brightness variations did not exceed 0.2 m . Estimated linear trends demonstrate no significant changes in the mean brightness and color indices of the object, with the possible exception of the L-M color index, which showed a small decrease. A search for possible periodicities in the brightness variations yielded the most probable period of 237d. A model for a spherically-symmetric dust shell has been calculated based on the photometric results supplemented with data on the mid- and far-infrared fluxes. The estimated mass-loss rate of the star is 1.3 × 10−5 M /year.  相似文献   

Soil maps can be used to generate maps showing the areal distribution of bedrock. This technique is especially useful in heavily vegetated areas where weathering is intense and outcrops sparse. Broad lithologic categories that are readily distinguished include: diabase/basalt, sandstone, shale, limestone, conglomerate, and hornfels. Using soil maps is not a substitute for field work, but is a valuable tool to aid in making geologic maps. Soil maps can also be used to produce derivative maps showing slope steepness and landslide distribution.  相似文献   

Using a model-independent technique, we have reconstructed a one-dimensional strip distribution of the brightness over a stellar disk from observations of microlensing of a Galactic bulge star by a caustic of the binary gravitational lens OGLE-1999-BUL-23, obtained by the international PLANET group. The ill-posed inverse problem was solved using a regularization method taking into account the non-negativity of the brightness distribution. The radial brightness distribution was searched for on a compact set of convex-upward, monotonically non-increasing, non-negative functions, assuming that the source is circularly symmetrical. The reconstructed brightness distribution is compared with the results of model fitting and limb-darkening calculations based on models of stellar atmospheres.  相似文献   

The insoluble organic matter (IOM) of the Orgueil meteorite contains deuterium-rich radicals detectable by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) techniques (Gourier et al., 2008). However the structure of these deuterium carriers remains poorly constrained. In this work, their electronic structure is deduced from the measurement of the spin states S by transient nutation in pulsed-EPR. It is shown that these deuterium-rich radicals are dominated by biradicaloids (species with S = 0 ground state and thermally accessible S = 1 state) and biradicals (species with S = 1 ground state) representing ∼61% and ∼31% of the radicals in the IOM of Orgueil, respectively, while single radicals (S = 1/2) contribute only to ∼8%. This is definitely different from mature terrestrial IOMs, which are known to contain almost exclusively S = 1/2 radicals. A structural model is proposed, whereby the occurrence of dominant biradicaloids and biradicals is the direct consequence of the structure of the IOM, made of a network of small aromatic moieties linked by branched and short aliphatic units. This implies that the formation of stable biradicaloids and biradicals by C-H breaking and their deuterium enrichment are produced after the formation of the IOM in the primitive solar system. These results reinforce the idea that the formation of the IOM and the deuterium-rich hotspots are the product of ion chemistry in the solar disk.  相似文献   

An evaluation of morphometric parameters of two drainage networks derived from different sources was done to determine the influence of sub-basins to flooding on the main channel in the Havran River basin (Balıkesir-Turkey). Drainage networks for the sub-basins were derived from both topographic maps scaled 1:25.000 and a 10-m resolution digital elevation model (DEM) using geographic information systems (GIS). Blue lines, representing fluvial channels on the topographic maps were accepted as a drainage network, which does not depict all exterior links in the basin. The second drainage network was extracted from the DEM using minimum accumulation area threshold to include all exterior links. Morphometric parameters were applied to the two types of drainage networks at sub-basin levels. These parameters were used to assess the influence of the sub-basins on the main channel with respect to flooding. The results show that the drainage network of sub-basin 4—where a dam was constructed on its outlet to mitigate potential floods—has a lower influence morphometrically to produce probable floods on the main channel than that of sub-basins 1, 3, and 5. The construction of the dam will help reduce flooding on the main channel from sub-basin 4 but it will not prevent potential flooding from sub-basin 1, 3 and 5, which join the main channel downstream of sub-basin 4. Therefore, flood mitigation efforts should be considered in order to protect the settlement and agricultural lands on the floodplain downstream of the dam. In order to increase our understanding of flood hazards, and to determine appropriate mitigation solutions, drainage morphometry research should be included as an essential component to hydrologic studies.  相似文献   

In recent years SAR interferometry has become a widely used technique for measuring altitude and displacement of the surface of the earth. Both these capabilities are highly relevant for landslide susceptibility studies. Although there are many problems that make the use of SAR interferometry less suitable for landslide inventory mapping, it’s use in landslide monitoring and in the generation of input maps for landslide susceptibility assessment looks very promising. The present work attempts to evaluate the usefulness and limitations of this technique based on a case study in the Swiss Alps. Input maps were generated from ERS repeat pass data using SAR interferometry. A land cover map has been generated by image classification of multi-temporal SAR intensity images. An InSAR DEM was generated and a number of maps were derived from it, such as slope-, aspect, altitude- and slope form classes. These maps were used to generate landslide and rockfall susceptibility maps, which give fairly well acceptable results. However, a comparison of the InSAR DEM with the conventional Swisstopo DEM, indicated significant errors in the absolute height and slope angles derived from InSAR, especially along the ridges and in the valleys. These errors are caused by low coherence mostly due to layover and shadow effects. Visual comparison of stereo images created from hillshading maps and corresponding DEMs demonstrate that a considerable amount of topographic details have been lost in the InSAR-derived DEM. It is concluded that InSAR derived input maps are not ideal for landslide susceptibility assessment, but could be used if more accurate data is lacking.  相似文献   

Interpolated geochemical maps contain problems of sample catchments and vacant sample areas. However, the resemblance of these maps with regional geological maps implies that there are strong correlations between them. A conceptual model of the geological units from multivariate chemical elements is constructed by decision tree technique. The reproducibility of the geological map with the conceptual model is about 80% in the Chungbuk province map of Korea. Statistical uncertainties indicate that rock units could be predicted reasonably well by decision tree if the geological map polygon is big enough. Misinterpreted points are due to interpolation problems between samples from adjacent rock units and from different sample catchments. In the Chungbuk example, the latter is less significant. The size of the map polygon is one of the most critical factors, and a polygon size greater than 50 km2 is reliable for such analyses for the Chungbuk example. Combined lithologies in a single mapping unit are not critically affected by decision tree prediction.  相似文献   

The conditions required for the expulsion of dust grains from primordial galaxies (dark-matter halos) are considered. The initial configuration is taken to be a dark-matter halo with the profile of a modified isothermal sphere; the baryons are taken to be in equilibrium with the corresponding virial temperature. The baryon density profile is calculated assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. A star-formation rate corresponding to a star-forming efficiency of 10% is assumed. The dust is transported from the galaxy by the radiation of stars concentrated in the central regions. Due to friction via collisions with gas in central regions, a fairly high luminosity is required in order for the radiation pressure to be strong enough to expel dust from the galaxy—the ratio of the luminosity to the total mass of the galaxy can reach unity.  相似文献   

为弥补当前描述城市地表灰尘径流冲刷过程的指数衰减模型偏于经验、物理力学机制认识不足的问题,考虑到地表灰尘的泥沙物质属性,基于泥沙科学、从泥沙运动力学角度研究地表灰尘的径流冲刷过程与模拟方法。通过比较发现,地表灰尘径流冲刷指数衰减模型与河道冲刷条件下输沙调整的滞后响应模型具有一定的相似性。基于上述比较结果,参考河道冲刷条件下输沙调整的滞后响应模型方程,针对地表径流汇流的延时效应及不平衡输沙特点,并考虑地表灰尘颗粒的非均匀性及分组冲刷过程,对地表灰尘径流冲刷指数衰减模型进行了改进,建立了地表灰尘的分组不平衡冲刷模型。结合广东东莞牛山工业园区地表灰尘径流冲刷过程的实测资料,对模型进行了应用比较。结果表明:相比指数衰减模型,分组不平衡冲刷模型模拟地表径流灰尘浓度值与实测值变化趋势更为符合,确定性系数与纳什效率系数由0.15与0.59升至0.73与0.70,模拟效果进一步提高。研究结果有助于促进地表灰尘径流冲刷过程模拟由经验分析向具有物理基础的模拟方法转变。  相似文献   

The analysis of the kinematic properties of the Galactic thick disk based on data from modern catalogs of stellar radial velocities and proper motions is presented. A new aspect of new determination of the kinematic characteristics of the thick disk is that the selected objects define this disk’s properties near the plane of symmetry. The velocity dispersion of stars in the Galactic thick disk in the radial direction and the direction of the Galactic rotation have been determined. The stellar-velocity distribution in the direction of the rotation is asymmetric. The parameters of this asymmetry have been determined, and the lag of the rotational velocity of the thick disk relative to objects in the thin disk estimated. The value of this “asymmetric drift,” about 20 km/s, suggests larger spatial scales for the kinematic characteristics in the radial direction for the Galactic thick disk than for the thin disk.  相似文献   

The extraction of the water hydrographical pattern and watershed and subwatershed boundary is very important for many types of study. In Jordan the topographic map scale 1:25,000 produced at the Royal Jordanian Geographic Center is considered the most important source of contour lines and drainage pattern; therefore, it is imperative to estimate the accuracy of these types of data extracted from the previous topographic maps. In this project we aim to extract the hydrographical pattern of the Humrat Assahn basin in two methods: (1) an orthophoto based on aerial photographs using Socetset as photogrammetric software and (2) topographic maps at scale 1:25,000. A precise Digital Terrain Model (DTM) was built from stereoscopic aerial photographs using Socetset software. As we know, the quality of DTM is imperative to assure precise results and depends on the method of creation of this DTM besides other factors. A complete data base for the necessary information for achieving this objective was built. The obtained results were evaluated using GPS points and photo-interpretation. The results show that the drainage pattern extracted from DTM using photogrametric software was very accurate; meanwhile, the accuracy of the drainage pattern extracted from topographic maps has some flaws.  相似文献   

Interpretation of moment measures derived from water-lain sediments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT Although mean size provides a useful value for characterizing sediments, it is an inadequate expression of the interaction between sediments and hydraulic regimes and many authors have explored the significance of other statistical moment measures in different parts of the particle size spectrum. Few publications, however, have described such relationships over a very wide range of particle sizes. Using a combined data base (of marine and lacustrine sediments) we have been able to demonstrate the following: The distributions of standard deviation (and entropy) values are repeated in similar form on either side of the sand size class, describing mixtures between sands and gravel and sands and clay. Skewness is modified by the hydraulic response of the sediment and a skewness divide is present at about 2.7 φ, where it coincides with the minimum shear velocity required to initiate particle motion. This divide may be used to distinguish between high and low energy regimes. Kurtosis, like standard deviation, is a measure of the mixing of end member populations but it is more sensitive to changes in the tails of distribution curves. The maximum positive peak of kurtosis, at about 2.5 φ, lies close to the skewness divide (in our data). By using skewness/kurtosis plots it is possible to define separate field distribution for sediments which, to a greater or lesser degree, appear to conform to hydraulic equilibrium. By using sediments which are close to equilibrium (and lie at or close to our skewness/kurtosis boundary curves, it should be possible to define hydraulic shear velocities, at the time of formation. Values may be established by empirical relationships or by defining the break-point (traction and intermittent suspension) between linear components of individual sample φ size/probability distribution plots. Such relationships should be enhanced by using hydraulic equivalent diameters instead of sieve diameters. In fine sediments, the use of fractional (silt: clay) ratios offers sensitivity at a level comparable to that of skewness/kurtosis plots and may be more easily computed.  相似文献   

Data from the Hipparcos catalog are used to study the internal kinematics of the Hyades cluster. Cluster members whose proper motions and parallaxes are known with precisions not less than 5 mas/yr and 3 mas were used. The proper motions were reduced to the cluster center. A correlation between a component of the tangential velocity and the parallax provides evidence for possible rotation of the cluster. The total velocity gradient is 0.04±0.03 km s?1 pc?1. The rotation axis is located perpendicular to the direction to the Hyades apex on the celestial sphere.  相似文献   

This paper deals with bacterial leaching of copper dust emanating from furnaces at Sarcheshmeh copper complex. Regarding the considerable amount of acid leachable copper, a sulphuric acid leaching process was performed prior to bacterial leaching. Some shake flask and then bioreactor tests were conducted using a mixed culture of Acidithiobacilli and the effect of significant parameters such as culture medium, pulp density and bacterial inoculation rate were investigated. By increasing the pulp density because of higher toxicity and shear stress much more microorganisms and richer nutrient medium were needed. Favoured conditions that governed the agitated bioreactors caused a remarkable promotion in metal dissolution rate in comparison with shake flask. Copper recovery by bacterial leaching in shaking flasks and chemical leaching after 22 d were 87% and 38%, respectively. At the same condition, the maximum copper recovery in bioreactor was 91% within 6.5 d.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of investigations of physical and chemical properties of after reclamation dust that is generated in the foundry industry. Universally applied mechanical reclamation processes of spent moulding sands generate large amounts of after-reclamation dusts containing mainly rubbed spent binding agents and quartz dusts. An amount of after-reclamation dusts—in dependence of the reclamation system efficiency and the reclaim dedusting system—can reach 5–10 % in relation to the total reclaimed spent moulding sand. After-reclamation dusts originated from spent moulding sands with different kinds of resins mostly belong to dangerous wastes, since they contain chemo-setting binders with dangerous substances removed in the reclamation process. None of the companies producing mechanical reclamation systems offers presently the complex technology and equipment for utilisation of after reclamation dusts, which would meet technical and economic expectations of foundry plants. The paper presents the results of research carried out at the Faculty of Foundry Engineering AGH UST in Cracow which aims on the determination of possibilities of using the post-reclamation dust generated during mechanical reclamation of used moulding sands with organic resins as a source of energy. Different dusts generated in the mechanical reclamation process of used organic sands, delivered from foundries, were tested to determine their chemical composition, granular characterisation and physicochemical properties. As a result of the investigations, possible ways to utilise the dusts are presented.  相似文献   

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