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Data from permanent seasonal observations are used to show changes in the chemical composition of water and the discharge of major dissolved chemicals by rivers flowing into the White Sea in years with different water abundances. The proportions of the anthropogenic component in the discharge of nitrate nitrogen and in the total of principal ions were evaluated for the Nizhniy Vyg River. 相似文献
Herbert Siegel Torsten Seifert Gerald Schernewski Monika Gerth Thomas Ohde Jan Reißmann Victor Podsetchine 《Ocean Dynamics》2005,55(1):47-66
The western Baltic Sea infront of the German coast is a highly variable dynamical system, dominated by a complex and small-scale morphometry, the water exchange between the Baltic and North Seas, and driven by local wind. Neither data collection, nor satellite images or model simulations alone were able to explain the observed spatial patterns and transport processes. Therefore, all these methods were combined to explain the dynamical features and to systematise them according to the typical local wind pattern and time series. The aim was to develop an instrument for regional authorities which supports the interpretation of coastal water monitoring data and forms a basis for an improved monitoring strategy. Satellite data of sea surface temperature and ocean colour from the sensors NOAA-AVHRR and SeaWiFS were applied for synoptic investigations in the entire region and Landsat-7-ETM+ for regional studies. Model simulations were performed for the western Baltic using a 3D model MOM-3 and for the Szczecin Lagoon using 2D model FEMFLOW. For the first time, regional particularities in the coastal dynamical features and processes are derived for the main wind directions and for transitions between dominant wind situations west and east as derived from wind statistics. The simulated transport of particles released from different coastal and open sea sources indicate the affected areas during changing forcing conditions. The results support the interpretation of acquired coastal monitoring data as well as the assessment and optimisation of the monitoring programme. 相似文献
Mara Monica Tiberti Stefano Lorito Roberto Basili Vanja Kastelic Alessio Piatanesi Gianluca Valensise 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2008,165(11-12):2117-2142
We calculated the expected impact on the Italian coast of the Adriatic Sea of a large set of tsunamis resulting from potential earthquakes generated by major fault zones. Our approach merges updated knowledge on the regional tectonics and scenario-like calculations of expected tsunami impact. We selected six elongated potential source zones. For each of them we determined a Maximum Credible Earthquake and the associated Typical Fault, described by its size, geometry and kinematics. We then let the Typical Fault float along strike of its parent source zone and simulated all tsunamis it could generate. Simulations are based on the solution of the nonlinear shallow water equations through a finite-difference technique. For each run we calculated the wavefields at specified simulation times and the maximum water height field (above mean sea level), then generated travel-time maps and maximum water height profiles along the target coastline. Maxima were also classified in a three-level code of expected tsunami threat. We found that the southern portion of Apulia facing Albania and the Gargano promontory are especially prone to the tsunami threat. We also found that some bathymetric features are crucial in determining the focalization-defocalization of tsunami energy. We suggest that our results be taken into account in the design of early-warning strategies. 相似文献
Nutrient Transport into the White Sea with River Runoff 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Averaged data from long-term observations of concentrations of mineral-nutrient fractions along with fragmentary data and indirect estimates of organic-component concentrations in the tributaries of the sea (the Niva, the Onega, the Northern Dvina, the Mezen, and the Kem rivers) are analyzed. Monthly variations in the concentrations of the major nutrients in the river water flowing into the sea are characterized, and relationships between them in different seasons are determined. Annual nutrient transport into the White Sea by river water is assessed based on characteristics of river runoff and nutrient concentrations using a mathematical model. Wide variations are established in the ratios of organic and mineral fractions of nutrients delivered into the sea. The shares of mineral components in the total runoff of Ntot and Ptot into the sea are found to be equal to 18.1 and 18.8%, respectively. 相似文献
Almudena Fontán Manuel González Neil Wells Michael Collins Julien Mader Luis Ferrer Ganix Esnaola Adolfo Uriarte 《Continental Shelf Research》2009,29(8):998-1007
The Basque coastal area, in the southeastern Bay of Biscay, can be characterised as being more influenced by land climate and inputs, than other typically ‘open sea’ areas. The influence of coastal processes, together with the presence of irregular and steep topography, complicate greatly the water circulation patterns. Water movement along the Basque coastal area is not well understood; observations are scarce and long-term current records are lacking. The knowledge available is confined to the surface currents: the surface water circulation is controlled mainly by wind forcing, with tidal and density currents being weak. However, there is a lack of knowledge available on currents within the lower levels of the water column; likewise, on the main time-scales involved in the water circulation. This study quantifies the contribution of the tidal and wind-induced currents, to the overall water circulation; it identifies the main time-scales involved within the tidal and wind-induced flows, investigating difference in such currents, throughout the water column, within Pasaia Bay (Basque coast). Within this context, extensive oceanographic and meteorological data have been obtained, in order to describe the circulation. The present investigation reveals that the circulation, within the surface and the sub-surface waters, is controlled mainly by wind forcing fluctuations, over a wide range of meteorological frequencies: third-diurnal, semidiurnal and diurnal land–sea breezes; synoptic variability; frequencies, near fortnightly periods; and seasonal. At the lower levels of the water column, the main contribution to the water circulation arises from residual currents, followed by wind-induced currents on synoptic time-scales. In contrast, tidal currents contribute minimally to the overall circulation throughout the water column. 相似文献
Yu. K. Vasil’chuk N. L. Frolova E. D. Krasnova N. A. Budantseva A. C. Vasil’chuk L. V. Dobrydneva L. E. Efimova E. V. Terskaya Ju. N. Chizhova 《Water Resources》2016,43(5):828-838
The isotopic features of Lake Trekhtsvetnoe in the White Sea coast area were studied in 2012–2015 in both winter and summer. Lake Trekhtsvetnoe is a water body, separating from the sea, with constant vertical stratification throughout the observation period. Its isotopic, hydrophysical, and biological characteristics have been studied. By the isotopic profile of lake water body, three zones can be identified in the lake: (1) 0–1 m: mixolimnion zone with δ18O varying from–12 to–11.1‰; (2) 1.0–3.0 m: zone with transitional properties with δ18O varying from–11.1 to–5.5‰; (3) 3.0–7.6 m: monimolimnion zone with highest values of δ18O—from–5.5 to–4.7‰. 相似文献
Excitation of Resonant Modes along the Japanese Coast by the 1993 and 1983 Tsunamis in the Japan Sea
Kuniaki Abe 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2009,166(1-2):117-130
We observed seiches at 55 ports in Japan facing the Japan Sea and obtained dominant periods from their maximum spectral amplitudes. These periods were mostly determined ranging from 10 to 40 minutes. They were compared with dominant periods of the 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-oki tsunami and the 1983 Nihonkai Chubu-oki tsunami at the same ports. As a result, relations of dominant periods between seiches and tsunamis are classified into three types. The first one is fundamental mode excitation, the second is higher mode excitation and the third is no excitation. Plotting the maximum spectral amplitude normalized at an epicentral distance of 50 km versus the ratio of the tsunami dominant period to the seiche dominant period, we obtained resonance curves having maxima at one. This fact shows a contribution of resonance to the amplification. Thus it is recognized that the dominant period of seiching is an important factor in interpreting amplification and resonance of tsunami. 相似文献
Proshkina Z. N. Valitov M. G. Kolpashchikova T. N. Naumov S. B. 《Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth》2021,57(1):98-109
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The residual vector В (B, β) calculated from the difference of the observed tidal variations in gravity Аobs(А, α)... 相似文献
The objectives of this study were to measure: (1) Irgarol and GS26575 (major metabolite) during the peak 2004 boating season at selected marinas and reference areas in the Carolinian Zoogeographic Province of the Eastern United States; (2) Irgarol and GS26575 at selected stations during the summer months in the Back Creek/Severn River area in Maryland in 2003 and 2004; and (3) structural and functional characteristics of resident phytoplankton communities concurrently with Irgarol and GS26575 monitoring in Back Creek/Severn River area. Irgarol concentrations from 14 marinas in the Carolinian Province ranged from non-detectable (<1 ng/L) to 85 ng/L; concentrations were less than 16 ng/L at all reference sites. The probability of exceeding the plant 10th centile for Irgarol (251 ng/L) was less than 0.6% for all marinas and 0.01% for all reference areas. These data suggest low ecological risk from Irgarol exposure for both marina and reference areas in the Carolinian Province. Irgarol concentrations ranged from 5 ng/L at the Severn River reference site to 1,816 ng/L in Port Annapolis marina during the two year study. Ecological risk from Irgarol exposure was high for the Port Annapolis marina sites based on a probability of exceeding the plant 10th centile. However, risk was low for Severn River and Severn River reference sites. Functional and structural measures of resident phytoplankton communities in the Back Creek and Severn River did not suggest that these target species are impaired in the Port Annapolis marina area where probabilistic analysis predicted adverse effects from Irgarol exposure. 相似文献
南黄海及沿岸地震活动时空动态扫描特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
从中强震成组孕育出发,研究了南黄海及沿岸地区地震活动时空动态图象扫描特征,探索了该区地震危险性预测的有关问题。结果表明,该区20多年来4级地震活动总休上呈相对平稳状态,但在不同时段则出现不断演变迁移的4级地震局部集中区及低b值区等异常区域,5~6级中强地震大都发生于异常区的边中附近;异区内4级地震累积频度往往呈非线性指数加速,中强震发生于4级地震非线性指数加速的后期或其后的异常平静期中。这种地震活 相似文献
Methods of systems analysis and mathematical modeling are used to generalize hydrological, hydrochemical, and hydrobiological observational data with the aim to study the biohydrochemical conditions of organic and biogenic substance transformations in eight water areas in the White Sea. A hydroecological model describing transformations of N, P, and Si compounds and dissolved organic C, as well as the regime of O2 was used as a means of the study. Water exchange between water areas was evaluated using a hydrodynamic model. Averaged data on annual variations in water temperature, illumination, and transparency, as well as run-off characteristics (water flow in river mouths and organic and biogenic matter concentrations in the river water entering the sea) were used to calculate the dynamics of organic and mineral compounds of nutrients in different areas of the sea. The principal attention is paid to the verification of the model against field observational data, assessment of the biomass development conditions of aquatic animals, analysis of model results regarding the turnover time of organic and mineral components, and the evaluation of balances of organic dissolved and particulate N and P forms.__________Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2005, pp. 435–451.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Leonov, Filatov, Chicherina. 相似文献
The main feature of the present-day hydrological conditions governing the formation of biological production in the Sea of Azov is shown to be the appreciable freshening of seawater, which is due, first of all, to climate changes. It is established that the freshening of seawater can benefit most for the reproduction of fish resources in the Sea of Azov only if the river runoff withdrawals are reduced step by step down to 5 km3/year (14% of the norm), the annual runoff is maintained at 35–36 km3, and the spring runoff is restored to 18.5 km3. 相似文献
P. Kaikkonen L.L. Vanyan S.E. Hjelt A.P. Shilovsky K. Pajunpää P.P. Shilovsky 《Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors》1983,32(4):301-305
Three groups of electromagnetic data have been considered in order to construct a preliminary geoelectrical depth model of the old basement of the Baltic shield: (i) audiomagnetotelluric data in the period range (ii) magnetotelluric data in the period range 25–1000 s; and (iii) global magnetovariation-sounding data in the period range >6 h.These data sets fit together on a common apparent-resistivity curve, indicating the existence of a unified geoelectrical model. This model does not support the existence of conducting crustal or asthenospheric layers. 相似文献
V. V. Shcherbakova N. V. Lubnina V. P. Shcherbakov G. V. Zhidkov V. A. Tsel’movich 《Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth》2017,53(5):714-732
The results of paleomagnetic studies and paleointensity determinations from two Neoarchaean Shala dikes with an age of ~2504 Ma, located within the Vodlozerskii terrane of the Karelian craton, are presented. The characteristic components of primary magnetization with shallow inclinations I = ?5.7 and 1.9 are revealed; the reliability of the determinations is supported by two contact tests. High paleointensity values are obtained by the Thellier–Coe and Wilson techniques. The calculated values of the virtual dipole moment (11.5 and 13.8) × 1022 A m2 are noticeably higher than the present value of 7.8 × 1022 A m2. Our results, in combination with the previous data presented in the world database, support the hypothesized existence of a period of high paleointensity in the Late Archaean–Early Proterozoic. 相似文献
Paolo Cipollini Francisco M. Calafat Svetlana Jevrejeva Angelique Melet Pierre Prandi 《Surveys in Geophysics》2017,38(1):33-57
We examine the issue of sustained measurements of sea level in the coastal zone, first by summarizing the long-term observations from tide gauges, then showing how those are now complemented by improved satellite altimetry products in the coastal ocean. We present some of the progresses in coastal altimetry, both from dedicated reprocessing of the radar waveforms and from the development of improved corrections for the atmospheric effects. This trend towards better altimetric data at the coast comes also from technological innovations such as Ka-band altimetry and SAR altimetry, and we discuss the advantages deriving from the AltiKa Ka-band altimeter and the SIRAL altimeter on CryoSat-2 that can be operated in SAR mode. A case study along the UK coast demonstrates the good agreement between coastal altimetry and tide gauge observations, with root mean square differences as low as 4 cm at many stations, allowing the characterization of the annual cycle of sea level along the UK coasts. Finally, we examine the evolution of the sea level trend from the open to the coastal ocean along the western coast of Africa, comparing standard and coastally improved products. Different products give different sea level trend profiles, so the recommendation is that additional efforts are needed to study sea level trends in the coastal zone from past and present satellite altimeters. Further improvements are expected from more refined processing and screening of data, but in particular from the constant improvements in the geophysical corrections. 相似文献
南海东南边缘的马尼拉海沟是国际上公认具有发生破坏性地震海啸条件的危险地区,由于南海没有大面积的岛屿阻隔海啸传播,如果在马尼拉海沟发生大地震引发海啸,那么将对广东省漫长的海岸线造成严重破坏。广东省南海地震海啸监测预警系统建设在广东省地震速报系统和国家地震自动速报备份系统的基础上,由地震速报、震源机制快速计算、海啸数值模拟计算等模块组成,对南海地震海啸进行实时监测,提供海啸波浪到达海岸线的估计时刻和最大海浪高度,提供预警信息等社会公共服务。 相似文献
C.C. Davison 《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》1984,4(4):95-102
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited is constructing an Underground Research Laboratory (URL) at a depth of 250m in a plutonic rock body near Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba. The facility is being constructed to carry out a variety of in situ geotechnical experiments as part of the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program. A unique feature of the URL, in comparison to other similar facilities such as the Stripa Mine in Sweden, is that it is to be constructed below the ground water table in a previously undisturbed plutonic rock body. One of the main research objectives of the project is to develop and validate comprehensive three-dimensional models of the hydrogeology of the rock mass encompassing the URL site. These models will be used, before excavation of the URL shaft begins, to predict the hydrogeological perturbation that will be created by the excavation of the shaft and the horizontal working levels below the ground water table. As a model-validation exercise, these drawdown predictions will be compared with actual hydrogeological perturbations that will be monitored at the study area over the next several years by an extensive network of instrumented boreholes. Measurements made in an array of boreholes extending to depths of 1,000m on the 4.8 km2 study area have established that the permeability distribution in three major extensive subhorizontal fracture zones controls the movement of ground water within the rock mass. Several types of multiple-interval completion systems have been installed in the boreholes to monitor the three-dimensional, physico-chemical hydrogeological conditions within the fractured rock mass. These include conventional piezometer nests and water-table wells that have been installed in shallow holes (less than 30m deep), and multiple-packer/ multiple-standpipe piezometers and multiple-interval casing systems installed in deeper holes (30 to 1,000m deep). An automated, electronic, piezometric pressure-monitoring system has been designed to collect continuous measurements from 75 isolated hydrogeological monitoring positions within the rock mass. Another 200 positions are being monitored frequently using a variety of techniques. Piezometric data have been collected from this monitoring network to establish baseline conditions prior to any excavation into the rock mass. These data have also been used to determine the steady-state, three-dimensional ground water flow regimes that exist at the URL site under natural conditions. 相似文献
Functioning of the White Sea Ecosystem: Studying the Transformations of Organogenic Substances Using a Mathematical Model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Long-term observational data on hydrology, hydrochemistry, and hydrobiology are generalized and used for systems analysis of the biohydrochemical transformation processes of organic and biogenic substances in a marine environment. An ecological model with the systematized data is used to assess the annual dynamics of concentrations of organic and mineral N, P, and Si compounds and dissolved organic C and O2 in eight water areas within the White Sea at specified conditions of water mass transport, river runoff, and water exchange with the Barents Sea. Variations in the biomasses of the major transformers of organic and biogenic substances (heterotrophic bacteria, phyto- and zooplankton, and microphytes) and their biological production were also evaluated. These characteristics serve as indicators of the state of the water environment, the presence of nutrients in it, and their import from outside. 相似文献