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由于受长期地表降水与排水下渗、前期施工、拆迁等加卸载作用及车辆交通荷载的扰动影响,城市拆迁场地土体的特性与处于原始地形地貌和地层分布的土体情况有所不同。目前尽管已经发表了大量黄土浸水试验的成果,但基本都是在原状黄土场地进行,而在这类扰动场地黄土中开展浸水试验的研究尚不多见。在兰州东岗轨道交通车辆段建设场地进行了累计观测时间超过100天的试坑原位浸水试验。结合室内土工试验和现场测试结果,讨论了该扰动场地黄土浸水产生沉降变形的特征。结果表明:该扰动场地浸水发生沉降变形的时间发展过程具有"缓慢增长-突增-趋于稳定"的特点,其总沉降也远小于既有原状黄土场地的实测结果,应理解为广义的浸水增湿湿陷,其变形包括压缩变形和湿陷变形两部分,二者比例近似为7:3;前期扰动导致的较低的孔隙比和试坑开挖造成的卸荷是其总变形量较小的原因,但是其浸水沉降变形增长过程中突增的湿陷变形和土层空间分布不均匀引起的差异沉降值得引起注意。研究结果对于进一步加深对黄土湿陷变形与水稳定性的理解,选择扰动场地黄土地基处理和防排水措施具有一定的参考价值。   相似文献   

The Dolní Věstonice–Pavlov–Milovice area (Czech Republic) on the slopes of the Pavlov Hills provides an opportunity for correlating the geomorphology of the Dyje River valley with Gravettian settlement patterns. Although the sites vary in size and complexity, they create a regular chain of strategic locations at elevations between 200 m and 240 m asl. In 2009, a road collapsed into deserted cellars inside the village of Milovice and revealed a complex of archaeological layers deep within loess, at an elevation of only 175 m asl. This paper presents an analysis of this atypical archaeological site location and compares the results with the other sites. We argue that this location allowed direct contact with mammoth herds concentrated on the floodplain, while the aquatic environment offered possibilities for gathering plants and fishing. This site represents a new aspect of organized settlement, hunting strategies, and short‐distance human movements during the Gravettian within this area. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Mockingbird Gap site is one of the largest Clovis sites in the western United States, yet it remains poorly known after it was tested in 1966–1968. Surface collecting and mapping of the site revealed a dense accumulation of Clovis lithic debris stretching along Chupadera Draw, which drains into the Jornada del Muerto basin. We conducted archaeological testing and geoarchaeological coring to assess the stratigraphic integrity of the site and gain clues to the paleoenvironmental conditions during the Clovis occupation. The 1966–1968 excavations were in stratified Holocene eolian sand and thus that assemblage was from a disturbed content. An intact Clovis occupation was found elsewhere in the site, embedded in the upper few centimeters of a well‐developed buried Bt horizon formed in eolian sand, representing the regional Clovis landscape. Coring in Chupadera Draw revealed ∼11 m of fill spanning the past ∼11,000 14C years. The stratified deposits provide evidence of flowing and standing water on the floor of the draw during Clovis times, a likely inducement to settlement. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The site of Moravany-Žakovska in western Slovakia is situated in a loessic terrain and is dated to the end of the Late Glacial Maximum. This article shows the importance of analyzing the 0.01-0.1 mm fraction to interpret the sedimentological environment and a number of measured anthropogenic indices, such as burnt quartz grains, charcoal, radiolarite chips, microflakes, and microfragments of bone. Analysis of the profile of the site through time reveals the relationship between occupational levels and phases of slope wash that occurred during wetter climatic episodes; these are separated by phases of aeolian sedimentation. At the same time, analysis of anthropogenic indices in this size fraction permitted the identification of occupational levels, including those not recorded by macrofinds. Analysis of anthropogenic indices in horizontal exposures enabled the identification of latent settlement structures such as hearths, areas of radiolarite processing, zones where mineral dyes were prepared, and other structures not recorded by macrofinds.  相似文献   

The low-gradient Red River is a rapidly migrating, sinuous stream with easily erodible banks. Avulsion is common at many scales, from individual meander bends that are cut off to major sections of the river that form multiple, complex meander belts. The present meander belt can be subdivided into mappable landforms—termed phases—that are associated with river courses of different ages and thus associated with archeological sites of different ages. Within the study area two phases are present. The younger Modern meander belt phase has formed within the past 0.2–0.3 ky, precluding preservation of prehistoric archaeological sites. Any protohistoric artifacts that may have been preserved in this meander belt phase would be deeply buried because as much as 2 m of the vertical accretion sediment has accumulated between artificial levees in <0.1 ky and 1–2 m of sediment has accumulated beyond the artificial levees in <0.2 ky. Archeological site preservation in this highly mobile fluvial end member can be used as a predictor for other, similar streams. A large prehistoric site is preserved on an older (0.5–1 kya) Late Prehistoric meander belt phase associated with an abandoned river course. In the study area a Fourche Maline 7 period (A.D. 800–900) through Caddo IV period (ca. A.D. 1500–1700) archeological site (3MI3/30) is preserved on this slightly higher altitude portion of the flood plain. At locations proximal to the river, the site may be buried by overbank sediment 0.4 m thick, but at more distant locations the site is at the surface or only buried by thin overbank sediment because of low sedimentation rates (0.04 cm yr−1) over the span of a millennium. Sites, such as 3MI3/30, that are occupied contemporaneous with overbank sedimentation may be stratified; however, localized erosion and removal of some archeological material may occur where channelized flow crosses the natural levee. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Human population movements into and around the outer Shumagin Islands of southwestern Alaska during the last 5000 years, and temporal gaps in Shumagin habitation correlate inversely with geologically inferred prehistoric earthquakes. Clusters of inferred seismic activity correlate with temporal gaps or with small, sparsely distributed archaeological sites; periods of relative seismic quiescence coincide with settlement florescence. Variations in terrace and archaeological site heights across the study area indicate differential uplift of the outer Shumagin Islands when corrected for the Holocene sea level rise and post-glacial isostatic adjustments.  相似文献   

The application of both thermoluminescence and infrared stimulated luminescence dating to the extensively studied “classical” Hungarian loess/paleosol sequences from Basaharc, Mende, and Paks provides a reliable chronological framework and climatostratigraphic reconstruction for the last interglacial/glacial cycle. Based on this combined luminescence dating study a new chronology is proposed for the “Young Loess” in Hungary. Luminescence dating suggests that the loess below the MF2 horizon formed during the penultimate glaciation. The MF1 horizon probably formed during an interstade within oxygen isotope stage 3. For the youngest loess, overlying MF1, a very high accumulation rate was determined. Large time gaps occur above MF2 and MF1, indicating that most of the record of the last glaciation is missing in the standard sections at Basaharc, Mende, and Paks. Either large discontinuities or a very low accumulation rate occurred in all three type sections during the soil-forming periods. High-resolution studies of climatic proxies using this combined luminescence dating approach provide a reliable chronological framework for loess and loess derivatives of the last glacial cycle in Hungary, although a precise and complete chronostratigraphic reconstruction cannot be achieved from the incomplete records found at these sites.  相似文献   

This paper presents the study and palaeoecological analysis of fossil fish vertebrae of the Arbreda Cave (Serinyà, Girona), probably the most significant Catalan palaeolithic site. Morphological and radiographical studies were used to identify vertebrae to genus and, whenever possible, to species level. The taxa identified are: Anguilla anguilla, Barbussp., Leuciscussp., Rutilus sp., Salmo salar, Salmo trutta and Salmo sp. Species distribution at various archaeological levels provided palaeoecological data. There is a high proportion of Salmo trutta remains in the Upper Gravettian level and a sudden decrease of fossil fish bones in the Solutrean level with shouldered points. This decrease coincides with the period of lower temperatures of the Late Pleniglacial. Finally, the post-glacial terra rossa level is characterised by the absence of Salmo trutta remains. The presence of Salmo salar in Mediterranean sites has often been discussed. However, the dating of remains of this Atlantic species found in the Arbreda Cave makes it likely that these specimens were caught in Atlantic rivers on the northern Pyrennean slope and then transported to the area studied. © 1997 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Poland, loess mainly occurs in the southern part of the country, in the Polish Uplands, and on the northern foreland of the Sudetes and the Carpathians. Most of these sediments come from the time of the last glaciation–the Vistulian (Weichselian) glaciation. Thin covers of loess from the penultimate glaciation have been preserved in Upper Silesia. Only a few sites from the Middle Palaeolithic remain in the loess. In the eastern part of Poland loess creates profiles several metres high. Discoveries in this zone represent the cultural sequence from the transition from the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic. We know more traces of various cultures from the Upper Palaeolithic exist. The study attempts to synchronise profiles from selected archaeological open-air sites, outlines of the history of research on loess sites, and attempts to explain terminological and conceptual issues. The issue of loess in the cave site profiles will not be discussed in the article.  相似文献   

New field investigations of the Achenheim sequence (Alsace, France) allow for the characterization of variations in the low-field magnetic susceptibility over most of the last climatic cycle, i.e., the past 130,000 yr. New stratigraphic data and thermoluminescence measurements permit reassessment of the previous chronological interpretation of the Upper Pleistocene at Achenheim. A high-resolution analysis of magnetic susceptibility discloses the occurrence of a fine-grained “marker” horizon which was also found recently in another section. This horizon is interpreted as a small-scale dust layer deposited prior to the main interval of loess deposition. The horizon, deposited at the marine isotope stage (MIS) 5/4 boundary, has been found in other loess sequences and is especially prevalent in central Europe. It is characterized by low susceptibility values and a grayish color. New thermoluminescence dates indicate that the loess deposition took place after the MIS 5/4 boundary, i.e., after 70,000 yr. These results are consistent with the Greenland GRIP ice-core dust record which also demonstrates a dusty atmosphere after 72,000 yr ago. On a more regional scale, the Achenheim loess sequence demonstrates a reliable correlation between the western side of the Eurasian loess belt and the dust record of the Greenland ice cores.  相似文献   

This study examines the Holocene history of a glacially-sculpted Maine embayment using both geological and archaeological data bases. High-resolution seismic profiling, in combination with vibracores and Holocene sea-level curves, were used to develop the Holocene stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution of Johns Bay and Pemaquid Beach, Maine. These geological databases were, whenever possible, integrated with the Johns Bay archaeological database and general archaeological settlement paradigms for coastal Maine. As sea level has risen from its -65 m lowstand at the beginning of the Holocene, Johns Bay has evolved from a narrow fluvial system, to an estuary, to its present form of an open embayment. Over roughly the last 4000 years, the Pemaquid Beach area has changed from a forested upland, to a bedrock-pinned freshwater wetland, to a pocket barrier fronting a small salt marsh. The barrier continues to migrate over the salt marsh, which is transgressing the freshwater environments. The first evidence of human settlement in Johns Bay is at 4000–5000 yr B.P. Archaeological site distribution around Johns Bay has been examined in light of an estuarine embayment evolution model developed for the Maine coast. Sites are concentrated in zone 1 (the inner embayment). This zone is currently experiencing sediment accumulation. Zone 2 (middle embayment) is undergoing erosion, and zone 3 (outer embayment) has been stripped of sediment. Archaeological sites in these outer areas have been eroded. The Pemaquid Beach area has a history of occupation dating back 4000–5000 years. The last 2000 years of this record is found in stratigraphic context in the Nahanada site. The first 3000 years is represented by a collection of artifacts found out of context on the beach in front of the Nahanada site. The artifacts, dated by morphology, present a time continuum from 4000–5000 yr B.P. until the occupation of the Nahanada site. Thus, it is suggested that the Nahanada site represents the back of a chronologically shingeled settlement area that extended to the 5000 yr B.P. shoreline. Finally, a model for the development of chronologically shingled sites is suggested.  相似文献   

This article investigates changing lake levels in the late Pleistocene eastern Great Lakes in order to gain insights into the Early Palaeo‐Indian occupations. Significant new information bearing on lake level history is provided, notably the first well‐documented deposits of a high water level above modern in the ca. 11,000–10,300 B.P. period in the southern Lake Huron basin. The lake level information, along with paleoenvironmental and site data, reinforces site age estimates to the 11th millennium B.P.; suggests significant numbers of sites have been inundated by rising water levels; provides specific information on the setting of archaeological sites such as placing the Parkhill site adjacent to a large lake estuary; indicates reasons for the attractiveness of shorelines to Palaeo‐Indians including persistence of more open areas conducive to higher game productivity; and points to ideal areas for future archaeological site survey, particularly in the Lake Erie drainage. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, we compiled unpublished archival documentation of archaeological site locations from the southern part of the Cuyahoga River Valley in northeastern Ohio, USA, registered at the State of Ohio Historic Preservation Office into a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database. Using digitized soil shapefiles to generate a geomorphic data layer, we assessed the spatial and temporal distribution of 79 known archaeological sites by landform association. This digital compilation indicates that Woodland period, Late Prehistoric, and Historic sites occur in most geomorphic settings along the river valley. In contrast, Paleoindian and Archaic sites only occur on Wisconsinan cut terraces and in upland interfluve settings, indicating that most of these documented sites are in primary contexts and have not been reworked. We discuss the distribution of archaeological sites in the study region as a function of various factors, including cultural activities, taphonomic processes, landform development, and the nature and extent of the original archaeological surveys. Observed spatial patterns of known sites clearly reflect local geomorphological controls; artifactual contexts from the earlier prehistoric periods are underrepresented in the database. We conclude that additional site surveys, as well as the excavation and documentation of new sites in this part of Ohio, are required to understand local prehistoric economies and to ascertain patterns of culturally mediated land use. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Archaeological sites containing significant information not available from terrestrial sites occur along former land surfaces now submerged and buried on the continental shelf. Although sites may occur anywhere along these former land surfaces, factors essential to man's survival, such as fresh water and food resources, make site locations somewhat predictable. Landforms such as rivers, lakes, and bays represent locations where one or more of the basic subsistence factors are provided. These relict landforms on the continental shelf can be detected easily using high-resolution seismic profilers. Physical sampling of landforms targeted as potential site areas is usually the only method for confirming the presence of an archaeological site. Sediment samples from a potential site are subjected to a series of sedimentary analyses which discriminate between archaeological deposits and natural sedimentary deposits. These methods for locating inundated and buried archaeological sites on the continental shelf were tested in a Gulf of Mexico study funded by the United States Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. The study suggests that at least two locations sampled along the ancient Sabine River Valley represent archaeological deposits dating from the Late Wisconsinan period of lower sea stand.  相似文献   

Saye, S.R., Nass, K.H. and Easton, C.N., 1988. Performance of heavy structures founded upon loess at varying moisture conditions. Eng. Geol., 25: 325–339.

The site preparation for foundations and records of performance of three storage structures founded on loess are presented to illustrate the engineering problems and the range in compressibility of loess associated with different moisture conditions. The sites are located in western Iowa and eastern Nebraska. The structures are a 7500 m3 capacity steel water storage reservoir founded on dry collapsible loess along the bluff line of the Missouri River; a 7200 m3 capacity concrete grain elevator supported by a rigid mat founded on saturated and partially saturated loess; and a 10 m high soil preload for a 54 m diameter ammonia storage tank underlain by saturated and partially saturated loess.

The foundation design, the site preparation and the observed settlements are presented for each structure. The settlement behavior varies markedly with the individual moisture conditions and the apparent preconsolidation of the loess. The apparent preconsolidation is attributed to desiccation and appears to vary systematically.  相似文献   

Geoarchaeological investigations along the Galana River, eastern Kenya, document a pattern of channel aggradation and then degradation from the Middle to Late Holocene. Archaeological occupations at six sites in fluvial terraces along a ˜100 km stretch of the Galana River in Tsavo East National Park correspond with fluvial aggradation beginning ca. 6000 years ago. Artifact analyses indicate that the inhabitants of these sites utilized ceramics and stone tools similar to Pastoral Neolithic traditions detected at other penecontemporaneous archaeological sites in East Africa and possessed domesticated cattle from ca. 3700 years ago. The site occupations that occur during this period have dense artifact concentrations of predominantly locally procured items. The Galana River incised after ca. 900 years ago and there is a noticeable paucity of archaeological material, reflecting more peripatetic lifestyles. This shift in settlement pattern may reflect a decrease in reliance on riverine food sources during the Late Holocene, with diminished riparian environments associated with channel incision. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A deeply buried horizon containing mint‐condition flint artefacts was discovered in 2006 during archaeological investigations in advance of major roadworks near Dartford, Kent, in southeast England. The context of the artefacts and the freshness of their condition suggest this horizon represents a buried occupation surface. Optically stimulated luminescence dating places this horizon in the period Marine Isotope Stage 5d–5b, early in the British Devensian glaciation. This paper describes details of the artefacts, their context and dates, and outlines how this apparent occupation fits in with the wider pattern of Neanderthal settlement in Britain and northwest Europe in the later Pleistocene. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Palaeoenvironmental research is playing an important role in recent archaeological investigations. We present preliminary results of geoarchaeological analyses conducted at a palaeochannel located between two prehistoric archaeological sites in eastern Hungary. The study area lies within the Körös River Basin in Békés County, a region of intensive human occupation beginning in the Neolithic, ca. 7550 BP, and represents only the second palynological analysis done in conjunction with archaeological investigations and adjacent to an archaeological site in the Körös region. Pollen from an environmental monolith was used to reconstruct the local vegetation composition and the human impact on arboreal and non-arboreal vegetation near the archaeological sites. Sediment analyses helped to reconstruct hydrological activity and human impact on the local palaeochannel. Results indicate that activity from the Neolithic onwards played an important role in local environmental change, including increasing sedimentation and deposition of organic matter in the local waterway, some forest clearance and a shift from primarily arboreal vegetation to more grasses on elevated surfaces. The trophic status of the local channel changed several times during the Holocene. In addition, indications that groundwater levels may have been fluctuating during the period of human occupation, when combined with the other changes in the area, provide a possible partial explanation for changing settlement patterns.  相似文献   

Among the numerous factors that trigger landslide events, the anthropogenic impact caused by inadequate planning and faulty land use in urban areas is increasing. The Zemun settlement on the northern outskirts of Belgrade has experienced a number of landslides in the last three decades, endangering buildings and roads, and claiming human lives, particularly in the case of the 2010/2011 landslides. Selected meteorological parameters were used to calculate rainfall erosivity indices such as Precipitation Concentration Index and Modified Fournier Index over the period 1991–2015. Drought indices, Lang aridity index and Palfai Drought Index were calculated as well. Mann–Kendall trend test was applied to identify potential rising and/or declining trends both in meteorological parameters and calculated indices. Trend analysis of the annual and seasonal scales yielded a statistically significant trend in the spring time series. Stable arid and pronounced drought conditions were recorded. The modified Fournier index based on monthly mean values yields moderate aggressiveness, with several extreme values indicating very high erosivity classes, especially for 2010/2011. The geological substrate is predominantly loess and hence highly susceptible to erosion and slope failure when climatological conditions are suitable. Accelerated urbanization at the end of the last century reduced vegetation cover, intensified pressure on the vertical loess slope, and lacked suitable rain drainage systems so that surface-water runoff was directed into the porous loess, thereby endangering slope stability. We proposed a geomorphic model to describe the nature of the erosional processes on the loess cliffs of the Zemun loess plateau. Results from this study have implications for mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

中国陆架第四纪地质学研究的最新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自本世纪50年代以来,中国的陆架地质学的研究已经取得了长足的进步。尤其是90年代以来对于晚第四纪的陆架环境的研究,出现以“陆架沙漠化”为首的一系列最新理论和重大发现。综述和总结了这一领域的最新成就:①末次冰期盛时中国陆架区的环境演变特点;②末次冰期盛时出露的陆架平原上的沙漠化现象、成因及证据;③陆架区海底埋藏黄土的发现与沿岸出露黄土的对比分析及意义。  相似文献   

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