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The rapid invasion of the plant Spartina alterniflora in coastal wetland areas can threaten the capacity of their soils to store carbon(C), nitrogen(N), and sulfur(S). In this study, we investigated the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of C, N and S of both soil and(native and invasive) plants in four typical coastal wetlands in the core area of the Yancheng National Nature Reserve, China. The results show that the invasive S. alterniflora greatly influenced soil properties and increased soil C, N and S storage capacity: the stock(mean ± standard error) of soil organic carbon(SOC,(3.56 ± 0.36) kg/m~3), total nitrogen(TN,(0.43 ± 0.02) kg/m~3), and total sulfur(TS,(0.69 ± 0.11) kg/m~3) in the S. alterniflora marsh exceeded those in the adjacent bare mudflat, Suaeda salsa marsh, and Phragmites australis marsh. Because of its greater biomass, plant C((1193.7 ± 133.6) g/m~2), N((18.8 ± 2.4) g/m~2), and S((9.4 ± 1.5) g/m~2) storage of S. alterniflora was also larger than those of co-occurring native plants. More biogenic elements circulated in the soil-plant system of the S. alterniflora marsh, and their spatial and temporal distribution patterns were also changed by the S. alterniflora invasion. Soil properties changed by S. alterniflora's invasion thereby indirectly affected the accumulation of soil C, N and S in this wetland ecosystem. The SOC, TN, and TS contents were positively correlated with soil electrical conductivity and moisture, but negatively correlated with the pH and bulk density of soil. Together, these results indicate that S. alterniflora invasion altered ecosystem processes, resulted in changes in net primary production and litter decomposition, and increased the soil C, N and S storage capacity in the invaded ecosystems in comparison to those with native tallgrass communities in the coastal wetlands of East China.  相似文献   

通过周年取样、种类鉴定和生物量统计分析,对黄海北部大连地区仿刺参养殖池塘浮游植物种类组成的季节演替和生物量周年变化进行了研究。结果表明:该地区仿刺参养殖池塘中浮游藻类组成依次为硅藻门、蓝藻门、绿藻门和甲藻门,硅藻门和绿藻门作为池塘主要优势种全年均有分布;实验池塘浮游藻类年平均生物量为20.91 mg/L,各池塘浮游植物生物量季节变化趋势相同,最大生物量出现于8月初,为46.18 mg/L,最小生物量出现在2月,为2.26 mg/L。分析表明,浮游植物生物量与水温、透明度成极显著的相关性,并受硝酸氮、磷酸盐、硅酸盐及硝酸氮与磷酸盐的交互作用影响。  相似文献   

A ten-year chlorophyll-a concentration dataset from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer(MODIS) were used to analyze the variation of phytoplankton biomass and its potential relation with climate in the East China Sea. The result indicated that the phytoplankton biomass generally had a regular pattern every year, and phytoplankton bloom mainly occurred between May and July. The highest phytoplankton biomass appeared near the Yangtze River Estuary. The lowest phytoplankton biomass located near the Taiwan Strait. In general, the starting bloom time was earlier in the south than in the north, and the span time of the former was also longer. During the recent ten years, the phytoplankton biomass around the Yangtze River Estuary decreased obviously. The change of phytoplankton biomass was found to be related with the Ni?o3.4 Index. The correlation between the intensity of phytoplankton bloom with the number and square of red tide were 0.63 and 0.74, respectively.  相似文献   

Improving the performance of anode is a crucial step for increasing output power of marine sediment microbial fuel cells(MSMFCs) to drive marine monitor to work for a long term on the ocean floor. A pyrolyzed iron phthalocyanine modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite(FePc/MWCNTs) has been utilized as a novel nodified anode in the MSMFC. Its structure of the composite modified anode and electrochemical performance have been investigated respectively in the paper. There is a substantial improvement in electron-transfer efficiency from the bacteria biofilm to the modified anode via the pyrolyzed FePc/MWCNTs composite based on their cyclic voltammetry(CV) and Tafel curves. The electron transfer kinetic activity of the FePc/MWCNTs-modified anode is 1.86 times higher than of the unmodified anode. The maximum power density of the modified MSMFC was 572.3 ± 14 m W m-2, which is 2.6 times larger than the unmodified one(218.3 ± 11 m W m-2). The anodic structure and cell scale would be greatly minimized to obtain the same output power by the modified MSMFC, so that it will make the MSMFC to be easily deployed on the remote ocean floor. Therefore, it would have a great significance for us to design a novel and renewable long term power source. Finally, a novel molecular synergetic mechanism is proposed to elucidate its excellent electrochemical performance.  相似文献   

【目的】综述重金属元素镉Cd和铜Cu对海洋浮游植物的毒性效应研究,总结重金属对海洋浮游植物的毒性作用机制,为开展重金属对海洋浮游植物毒害机理的深入研究提供借鉴。【方法】以毒理实验中常用的重金属镉和铜为代表,总结了重金属对海洋浮游植物毒理研究的常用测试指标,归纳了重金属对海洋浮游植物光合作用、抗氧化系统等方面的毒性作用机制。【结果】重金属对海洋浮游植物毒性作用机制概括为:1)重金属替换与其结构相似的作为酶辅助因子的金属元素,使浮游植物体内某些酶失活;2)重金属直接或间接诱导活性氧的产生,使浮游植物受到氧化胁迫;3)重金属与生物大分子中的某些基团亲和性高而结合,阻断相关的生理生化过程。【结论】重金属的毒性效应因浮游植物种类不同而有所差异,今后相关研究中需更加关注重金属在多种海洋浮游植物共存环境下的毒性效应及机制,将有助于全面系统地理解重金属对海洋浮游植物的致毒机理。  相似文献   

Effects of different nitrogen(N) compounds and concentrations on the growth of the three different phytoplankton taxa, Skeletonema costatum(Bacillariophyceae), Prorocentrum micans(Dinophyceae), and Chattonella marina(Raphidophyceae), were investigated. The Monod equation was applied to examine effects of N concentrations on the growth of algal cells. Results showed that nitrate(NO_3~-N) and urea served as good N sources for the three phytoplankton taxa. S. costatum grew well on all of the seven N sources. C. marina can effectively use the two amino acids, glycine(Gly) and serine(Ser), however cannot utilize alanine(Ala), threonine(Thr), and asparaginic acid(Asp). P. micans cannot grow in five amino acid substrates. All of the three phytoplankton taxa grew well under different proportions of urea-N, and C. marina grew significantly better in medium with both NO_3~-and urea-N. The values of maximum growth rate(μmax) and half-saturation nutrient concentration(KS) for NO_3~-N were 0.71 divisions d~(-1) and 53.55 μmol L~(-1) for S. costatum, 0.67 divisions d~(-1) and 23.31 μmol L~(-1) for P. micans, and 0.23 divisions d~(-1) and 17.57 μmol L~(-1) for C. marina, respectively. The results suggested that S. costatum had a high N demand for growth, and was capable of using wide ranges of N compounds. The strategy of N utilization for S. costatum may make this species an advantage in N-enriched sea areas especially the dissolved organic nitrogen(DON) rich coastal waters, which might be the reason why S. costatum widely distributes in the cosmopolitan coastal and estuarine sea areas.  相似文献   

Time-series of chlorophyll-a(CHL),a proxy for phytoplankton biomass,and various satellite-derived climate indicators are compared in a region of the Subantarctic Southern Ocean(40°-60°S,110°-140°E)for years 2012-2014.CHL reached a minimum in winter(June)and a maximum in late summer(early February).Zonal mean CHL decreased towards the south.Mean sea surface temperature(SST)ranged between 8℃and 15℃and peaked in late February.CHL and SST were positively correlated from March to June,negatively correlated from July to September.CHL and wind speed(WIND)were negatively correlated with peak WIND occurred in winter.Wind direction(WIRD)was mostly in the southwest to westerly direction.The Antarctic Oscillation index(AAO)and CHL were negatively correlated(R=−0.58),indicating that as synoptic wind systems move southwards,CHL increases,and conversely when wind systems move northwards,CHL decreases.A genetic algorithm is used to calibrate the biogeochemical DMS model’s key parameters.Under 4×CO2(after year 2100)Regional mean SST increases 12%-17%,WIND increases 1.2ms−1,Cloud Cover increases 4.8%and mixed layer depth(MLD)decreases 48m.The annual CHL increases 6.3%.The annual mean DMS flux increase 25.2%,increases 37%from day 1 to day 280 and decrease 3%from day 288 to day 360.The general increase of DMS flux under 4×CO2 conditions indicates the Subantarctic regional climate would be affected by changes in the DMS flux,with the potential for a cooling effect in the austral summer and autumn.  相似文献   

To evaluate the influence of wetland reclamation on vertical distribution of carbon and nitrogen in coastal wetland soils, we measured the soil organic carbon(SOC), soil total nitrogen(STN) and selected soil properties at five sampling plots(reed marsh, paddy field, corn field, forest land and oil-polluted wetland) in the Liaohe River estuary in September 2013. The results showed that reclamation significantly changed the contents of SOC and STN in the Liaohe River estuary(P 0.001). The SOC concentrations were in the order: oil-polluted wetland corn field paddy field forest land reed marsh, with mean values of 52.17, 13.14, 11.46, 6.44 and 6.16 g/kg, respectively. STN followed a similar order as SOC, with mean values of 1351.14, 741.04, 632.32, 496.17 and 390.90 mg/kg, respectively. Interaction of reclamation types and soil depth had significant effects on SOC and STN, while soil depth had significant effects on SOC, but not on STN. The contents of SOC and STN were negatively correlated with pH and redox potential(Eh) in reed marsh and corn field, while the SOC and STN in paddy field had positive correlations with electrical conductivity(EC). Dissolved organic carbon(DOC), ammonium nitrogen(NH_4~+-N) and nitrate nitrogen(NO_3~–-N) were also significantly changed by human activities. NH_4~+-N and NO_3~–-N increased to different degrees, and forest land had the highest NO_3~–-N concentration and lowest DOC concentration, which could have been caused by differences in soil aeration and fertilization. Overall, the results indicate that reed harvest increased soil carbon and nitrogen release in the Liaohe River Estuary, while oil pollution significantly increased the SOC and STN; however, these cannot be used as indicators of soil fertility and quality because of the serious oil pollution.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide(CO) concentrations, sea-to-air fluxes and microbial consumption rate constants, along with atmospheric CO mixing ratios, were measured in the East China Sea(ECS) in autumn. Atmospheric CO mixing ratios varied from 96 to 256 ppbv, with an average of 146 ppbv(SD = 54 ppbv, n = 31). Overall, the atmospheric CO concentrations displayed a decreasing trend from inshore to offshore stations. The surface water CO concentrations in the investigated area ranged from 0.24 to 6.12 nmol L~(-1), with an average of 1.68 nmol L~(-1)(SD = 1.50 nmol L~(-1), n = 31). The surface water CO concentrations were affected significantly by sunlight. Vertical profiles showed that CO concentrations declined rapidly with depth, with the maximum appearing in the surface water. The surface CO concentrations were oversaturated, with the saturation factors ranging from 1.4 to 56.9, suggesting that the ECS was a net source of atmospheric CO. The sea-to-air fluxes of CO in the ECS ranged from 0.06 to 11.31 μmol m~(-2) d~(-1), with an average of 2.90 μmol m~(-2) d~(-1)(SD = 2.95μmol m~(-2) d~(-1), n = 31). In the incubation experiments, CO concentrations decreased exponentially with incubation time and the processes conformed to the first order reaction characteristics. The microbial CO consumption rate constants in the surface water(KCO) ranged from 0.063 to 0.22 h~(-1), with an average of 0.12 h~(-1)(SD = 0.062 h~(-1), n = 6). A negative correlation between KCO and salinity was observed in the present study.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations in phytoplankton community structure were investigated for the Sanggou Bay (SGB) and the adjacent Ailian Bay (ALB) and Lidao Bay (LDB) in Shandong Peninsula,eastern China.The species composition and cell abundance of phytoplankton in the bay waters in spring (April 2011),summer (August 2011),autumn (October 2011),and winter (January 2012) were examined using the Uterm6hl method.A total of 80 taxa of phytoplankton that belong to 39 genera of 3 phyla were identified.These included 64 species of 30 genera in the Phylum Bacillariophyta,13 species of 8 genera in the Phylum Dinophyta,and 3 species of 1 genus in the Phylum Chrysophyta.During the four seasons,the number of phytoplankton species (43) was the highest in spring,followed by summer and autumn (40),and the lowest number ofphytoplankton species (35) was found in winter.Diatoms,especially Paralia sulcata (Ehrenberg) Cleve and Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis Ehrenberg,were predominant in the phytoplankton community throughout the study period,whereas the dominance of dinoflagellate appeared in summer only.The maximum cell abundance of phytoplankton was detected in summer (average 8.08 × 103 cells L-1) whereas their minimum abundance was found in autumn (average 2.60 x 103 cellsL-1).The phytoplankton abundance was generally higher in the outer bay than in the inner bay in spring and autumn.In summer,the phytoplankton cells were mainly concentrated in the south of inner SGB,with peak abundance observed along the western coast.In winter,the distribution of phytoplankton cells showed 3 patches,with peak abundance along the western coast as well.On seasonal average,the Shannon-Wiener diversity indices of phytoplankton community ranged from 1.17 to 1.78 (autumn 〉 summer 〉 spring 〉 winter),and the Pielou's evenness indices of phytoplankton ranged from 0.45 to 0.65 (autumn 〉 spring 〉 summer〉 winter).According to the results of canonical correspondence analysis,phosphate level w  相似文献   

采用丙酮萃取分光光度法、荧光显微计数法、平板计数法分别研究湖光岩玛珥湖5个站位表层水体浮游植物生物量、浮游细菌生物量、可培养细菌数量的周年变化。结果表明,湖光岩玛珥湖浮游植物生物量(以碳C计)和浮游细菌生物量(以C计)、可培养细菌数量周年波动范围分别为84.17~243.64 mg/m3、20.53~43.60 mg/m3、0.10×103~3.63×103 m L-1。三者的周年变化趋势呈规律性同步增减,峰值均出现在3月份,且在5个采样站位间差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。与主要生态因子的相关分析显示,浮游植物与浮游细菌生物量均与总氮呈显著正相关(P0.05),而可培养细菌数量与氨氮呈显著正相关(P0.05),与溶解性氮和磷酸盐呈显著负相关(P0.05),但三者与多数调查的生态因子之间相关性无统计学意义(P0.05)。浮游植物的初级生产可能是调控细菌周年变化潜在的主导因素。  相似文献   

The increasing riverine pollutants have resulted in nutrient enrichment and deterioration of water quality in the coastal water of Guangxi Province, China. However, the quantitative relationship between nutrient loads and water quality responses, which is crucial for developing eutrophication control strategies, is not well studied. In this study, the riverine fluxes of nutrients were quan- tified and integrated with nutrient cycling and phytoplankton dynamics by using box models for Guangxi coastal bays. The model concepts and biogeochemical equations were the same; while most model parameters were specific for each bay. The parameters were calibrated with seasonal observations during 2006--2007, and validated with yearly averaged measurements in 2009. The gen-eral features of nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics were reproduced, and the models were proved feasible under a wide range of bay conditions. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen was depleted during the spring algal bloom in Zhenzhu Bay and Fangcheng Bay with relatively less nutrient inputs. Phosphorus concentration was high in spring, which decreased then due to continuous phytoplankton consumption. Chlorophyll-a concentration reached its annual maximum in summer, but was the minimum in winter. Eutrophication was characterized by both an increase in nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton biomass in Lianzhou Bay. Either about 80% re-duction of nitrogen or 70% reduction of phosphorus was required to control the algal bloom in Lianzhou Bay. Defects of the models were discussed and suggestions to the environmental protection of Guangxi coastal bays were proposed.  相似文献   

虾池浮游微藻的种类组成、数量和多样性变动   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
报道了在集约化养虾中应用有益微生物制剂对虾池浮游微藻的影响,分析了整个养虾周期浮游微藻的种类组成、生物量、优势种及多样性指数的周期变化情况。结果表明,早期虾池浮游微藻细胞数量维持在1×103~3×103mL-1的水平,养殖中期开始呈指数增长状态,后期达到顶峰,并维持在70×103~160×103mL-1的水平,生物量比自然海区高。优势种类明显,前期为中肋骨条藻和伏氏海毛藻等硅藻类,后期则为绿球藻和栅列藻等绿藻类,水色及藻相呈良好状态,而不施加芽孢杆菌制剂的对照池则在后期出现较大比例的有害的蓝藻。虾池藻类多样性指数、均匀度指数和种类丰度均呈现前期高后期低的趋势,而优势度指数则相反,呈现前期低后期高的趋势。浮游植物的多样性指数为0.60~3.80,平均为1.88,均匀度指数为0.14~0.83,平均为0.45;种类丰度为0.80~2.46,平均为1.38;优势度指数在0.17~0.85,平均为0.41。多样性指数和均匀度均比粤东海域低,但优势度则甚高。  相似文献   

Soil carbon(C), nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) concentrations and stoichiometries can be used to evaluate the success indicators to the effects of wetland restoration and reflect ecosystem function. Restoration of inland soda saline-alkali wetlands is widespread, however, the soil nutrition changes that follow restoration are unclear. We quantified the recovery trajectories of soil physicochemical properties, including soil organic carbon(SOC), total nitrogen(TN), and total phosphorus(TP) pools, for a chronosequence of three restored wetlands(7 yr, 12 yr and 21 yr) and compared these properties to those of degraded and natural wetlands in the western Songnen Plain, Northeast China. Wetland degradation lead to the loss of soil nutrients. Relative to natural wetlands, the mean reductions of in SOC, TN, and TP concentrations were 89.6%, 65.5% and 52.5%, respectively. Nutrients recovered as years passed after restoration. The SOC, TN, and TP concentrations increased by 2.36 times, 1.15 times, and 0.83 times, respectively in degraded wetlands that had been restored for 21 yr, but remained 29.2%, 17.3%, and 12.8% lower, respectively, than those in natural wetlands. The soil C∶N(RC N), C∶P(R CP), and N∶P(R NP) ratios increased from 5.92 to 8.81, 45.36 to 79.19, and 7.67 to 8.71, respectively in the wetland that had been restored for 12 yr. These results were similar to those from the natural wetland and the wetland that had been restored for 21 yr(P 0.05). Soil nutrients changes occurred mainly in the upper layers(≤ 30 cm), and no significant differences were found in deeper soils( 30 cm). Based on this, we inferred that it would take at least 34 yr for SOC, TN, and TP concentrations and 12 yr for RC N, R CP, and RN P in the top soils of degraded wetlands to recover to levels of natural wetlands. Soil salinity negatively influenced SOC(r =-0.704, P 0.01), TN(r =-0.722, P 0.01), and TP(r =-0.882, P 0.01) concentrations during wetland restoration, which indicates that reducing salinity is beneficial to SOC, TN, and TP recovery. Moreover, plants were an important source of soil nutrients and vegetation restoration was conducive to soil nutrient accumulation. In brief, wetland restoration increased the accumulation of soil biogenic elements, which indicated that positive ecosystem functions changes had occurred.  相似文献   

Electrode materials have an important effect on the property of microbial fuel cell(MFC). Carbon foam is utilized as an anode and further modified by urea to improve its performance in marine benthic microbial fuel cell(BMFC) with higher voltage and output power. The electrochemical properties of plain carbon foam(PC) and urea-modified carbon foam(UC) are measured respectively. Results show that the UC obtains better wettability after its modification and higher anti-polarization ability than the PC. A novel phenomenon has been found that the electrical potential of the modified UC anode is nearly 100 m V lower than that of the PC, reaching-570 ±10 m V(vs. SCE), and that it also has a much higher electron transfer kinetic activity, reaching 9399.4 m W m-2, which is 566.2-fold higher than that from plain graphite anode(PG). The fuel cell containing the UC anode has the maximum power density(256.0 m W m-2) among the three different BMFCs. Urea would enhance the bacteria biofilm formation with a more diverse microbial community and maintain more electrons, leading to a lower anodic redox potential and higher power output. The paper primarily analyzes why the electrical potential of the modified anode becomes much lower than that of others after urea modification. These results can be utilized to construct a novel BMFC with higher output power and to design the conditioner of voltage booster with a higher conversion ratio. Finally, the carbon foam with a bigger pore size would be a potential anodic material in conventional MFC.  相似文献   

在海洋渔业中 ,存在着自然状态的不确定性 ,这会引起人的行为的不确定性 ,进而引起资源供给的不确定性。不确定性使渔民对其行为的预期存在风险 ,因而他们总是试图规避风险以减少不确定性带来的损失。人们的风险规避行为可能带来海洋渔业资源过度使用的效应  相似文献   

Trophic interaction among various biomass groups in a swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus polyculture pond was investigated using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis. The polycultured animal species also included white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, short-necked clam Ruditapes philippinarum, and redlip mullet Liza haematochila. The mean δ~(13)C value for all the biomass groups in polyculture ecosystem ranged from -25.61‰ to -16.60‰, and the mean δ~(15)N value ranged from 6.80‰ to 13.09‰. Significant difference in the δ~(13)C value was found between particulate organic matter(POM) and sediment organic matter(SOM)(P 0.05), indicating that these two organic matter pools have different material sources. Assuming that a ~(13)C-enrichment factor of 1.00‰ and a ~(15)N-enrichment factor of 2.70‰ existed between consumer and prey, diets of the four cultured animals were estimated using a stable isotope mixing model. The estimated model results indicated that P. trituberculatus mainly feed on Aloidis laevis; L. vannamei mainly feed on shrimp feed; while A. laevis, R. philippinarum and L. haematochelia mainly feed on POM. Shrimp feed was also an important food source of R. philippinarum and L. haematochelia. The diets of P. trituberculatus, L. vannamei, R. philippinarum, and L. haematochila showed complementary effects in this polyculture ecosystem. Our finding indicated that the polyculture of these four organisms with suitable farming density could make an effective use of most of the food sources, which can make a highly efficient polyculture ecosystem.  相似文献   

主体性、自由与海洋文化的价值观照   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以形而上的目光审视文化和海洋文化,可以发现,海洋文化是意义世界的海洋呈现,是主体性的海洋表征、是海洋人的自觉、自为和自由,是主客体四维关系的价值建构。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the phytoplankton community structures of reservoirs of different trophic status, located in a cold region. Physical and chemical variables and the phytoplankton communities were investigated in two reservoirs (Xiquanyan Reservoir and Taoshan Reservoir) in Northeast China in 2009. The two reservoirs showed strong seasonal fluctuations in their physical and chemical composition. Results of the trophic status index indicated that Xiaquanyan Reservoir was mesotrophic, whilst Taoshan Reservoir was eutrophic. Diatoms were the dominant phytoplankton group in Xiquanyan Reservoir throughout all seasons of the study, while in Taoshan Reservoir, diatoms dominated in spring, and cyanobacteria dominated in summer and autumn. This difference was resulted from differences in local environmental factors, including nutrients and hydrology. This study suggests that in mesotrophic reservoirs, nutrients played a key role in controlling seasonal phytoplankton successions, whereas in eutrophic reservoirs water temperature was the key factor in a cold region. Notably, the dominant species in summer in the Taoshan Reservoir was Microcystis, which may produce toxins depending on the ambient conditions, and presenting a risk of local toxin contamination.  相似文献   

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