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次表层叶绿素最大值(subsurface chlorophyll maxima, SCMs)广泛存在于全球各海域, 该最大值层往往具有较高的海洋初级生产力和新生产力, 因此研究其年际变化特征对深入理解气候变化影响下海洋生态系统变化有重要意义。本文采用一维物理-生态耦合模型(one-dimensional physical-biological coupled model, MEM-1D)较好地模拟了1994—2019年南海北部海盆区海温、盐度、营养盐和叶绿素的垂向分布, 并采用3种统计方法, 分别从整体趋势、不同时间尺度及显著变化三方面分析了SCMs特征因子(强度、深度和厚度)的年际变化特征。总体而言1994—2019年SCMs强度整体减小趋势较弱(趋势斜率S<0), 具体表现为先减小(1994—2004年)后增大(2005—2012年)再减小(2013—2019年), 其中1999—2004年显著变小; SCMs深度呈变深趋势(趋势斜率S>0), 1994—2011年逐渐变深, 之后逐渐变浅, 但变化不显著; SCMs厚度整体呈增大趋势, 1999年起显著变大。相关分析发现, 海表面温度在年际变化上与SCMs特征因子间不存在相关性(P>0.05); 海表面温度对SCMs的影响主要表现在季节尺度上, SCMs深度和强度均与海表面温度呈一致性变化。季节性差分自回归滑动平均模型对SCMs三个特征因子的拟合效果较好, 平均绝对百分比误差分别为5.33%(强度)、0.62%(深度)、2.49%(厚度), 模型可用于对SCMs特征因子变化趋势的预测。  相似文献   

南海中部海区表层沉积物中火山碎屑的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

南海中部海区溶解氧垂直分布最小值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨嘉东 《海洋与湖沼》1991,22(4):353-359
本文根据国家海洋局1983年9月—1985年1月在南海中部海区的综合调查资料,分析了该海区溶解氧的垂直结构特征和氧最小值的分布变化规律。结果表明,在水深500m至1000或1500m处终年存在着氧含量普遍小于2.0×10~(-3)的氧最小层,其厚度南部高于北部。氧最小值的含量在(1.65—2.10)×10~(-3)之间,其量值也明显地随着纬度而增加。文中还对氧最小层形成的机理作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

南海中部表层沉积物的元素地球化学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张富元 《海洋与湖沼》1991,22(3):253-263
根据1983年9月—1984年7月所调查的南海中部91个表层沉积物中Fe,Mn等18种元素分析并结合其它资料的详细研究结果表明:(1)南海中部沉积物具有在近海—深海环境下形成的半深海沉积物的地球化学特征;(2)元素含量分布规律是,Al,K,Fe,Mg,Cu,Ce,Ni,Ba,Mn,Zn,Pb,N含量从陆架外缘到陆坡直至深海递增;Ca,Sr,C_(有机)从陆架外缘到陆坡含量渐增,由陆坡向深海锐减;Si和Ti含量在陆坡低、陆架外缘和深海高;(3)因子分析得出三种元素组合,即常量元素Al,Si,K,Fe,Mg,Ti,微量元素Cu,Co,Ni,Mn,Ba和Ca,Sr,C_(有机),N组合;(4)沉积物元素组成和含量的主要控制因素是沉积物类型。  相似文献   

Vertical variability in the bio-optical properties of seawater in the northern South China Sea(NSCS) including inherent optical properties(IOPs) and chlorophyll a concentration(Chl) were studied on the basis of in situ data collected in summer 2008 using an absorption/attenuation spectrophotometer. An empirical model was developed to estimate Chl profiles based on the absorption line height at long wavelengths, with a relative root mean square error of 37.03%. Bio-optical properties exhibited large horizontal and vertical spatial variability. As influenced by coastal upwelling and the Zhujiang River(Pearl River) discharge, both IOPs and Chl exhibited high values in the surface waters of the inner shelf, which tended to decrease with distance offshore. Subsurface maximum layers of IOPs and Chl were observed in the middle and outer shelf regions, along with significantly higher values of attenuation coefficients beneath this layer that rapidly increased towards the bottom. In the open ocean, both IOPs and Chl exhibited consistent variability, with the subsurface maximum layer typically located at34–84 m. Phytoplankton were found to be one of the major components in determining the vertical variability of bio-optical properties, with their vertical dynamics influenced by both physical forcing and light attenuation effects. The depth of the subsurface maximum layer was found to be closely related to the fluctuation of the oceanic thermocline and the depth of the euphotic zone, which also affected the total integrated biomass of the upper ocean. Typically high values of attenuation coefficients observed in the bottom waters of the continental shelf reflected the transport of particulate matter over the bottom boundary layer. Our results reveal large spatial differences in bio-optical profiles in response to complex marine ecodynamics in the NSCS. From the perspective of marine research, high-resolution optical measurements are clearly advantageous over conventional bottle sampling.  相似文献   

对南沙海区微表层和次表层中溶解态痕量金属铜、铅、锌、镉的含量进行了测定,并探讨了其与DOC的关系。结果显示:铜、铅、锌、镉在微表层中均有富集,海洋微表层中富集的痕量金属的量(ΔM)与富集的DOC的量(ΔDOC)具有相关性,ΔDOC越大,ΔM也越大;南沙海区微表层和次表层中所测的痕量金属对鱼卵和鱼幼体不会造成毒害作用。  相似文献   

大亚湾海区微表层、次表层BOD和COD的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究表明,大亚湾海区海--气界面微表层对BOD和COD均产生了富集,但富集概率有所差别,BOD为87.5%,COD为100%,平均富集因数,BOD为3.00,COD为3.28.BOD和COD与相应的营养盐和Chl·a的回归分析表明,其相关显著性水平,微、次表层优于表、底层.  相似文献   

海洋次表层叶绿素最大值的分布和形成机制研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
全球海洋生物剖面存在许多显著的共性,次表层叶绿素最大值(Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum,SCM)就是其中之一。SCM一般出现在浮游植物水华期间稳定海洋水体的近表层或真光层底部附近,此特征最早是由Yentsch[1]描述。他指出,在印度洋相对稳定的水体结构中,物理与生物的耦合作用  相似文献   

南海东北部表层海水中^226Ra的分布   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
报道1994航次南海东北部的^226Ra,利用Mn-纤维富集海水的Ra同位素,采用Mn-纤维直接射气法测量^226Ra的比活率,^228Ra的比活度采用^228Ac的β计数法测量。研究海区^226Ra的放射性比活度范围为0.62-1.17Bq.m^-3,^228Ra/Ra)A.R.介于2.78-4.59。^226Ra的表层比活度分布大致表现为该海区东北部较高,中南部也有一较大值,表明陆源物质对两个  相似文献   

南海中北部表层沉积物的矿物沉积   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
苏广庆  王天行 《台湾海峡》1992,11(2):118-124
本文研究了南海中北部500多个样品的矿物学。认为,本区表层沉积物中矿物种类繁多,分布较为普遍,碎屑矿物(含火山物质)、粘土矿物、自生矿物常有出现。以前者为最显著(共60多种,其中重矿物50多种,轻矿物近10种),主要分布于陆架区及深海盆;粘土矿物次之,多分布于陆坡~深海盆;自生矿物较少,陆架~深海盆均有分布。文中根据矿物沉积特征和环境差异,把它划分为6个矿物区。  相似文献   

南海中部海域铵浓度及其与浮游植物的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨嘉东 《台湾海峡》1993,12(4):369-375
本文根据1983年9月至1985年1月南海中部海域调查的资料,分析了该海区海水中铵浓度的频率分布,垂直分布特征和次表层铵最大值的形成及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,铵浓度变化范围在0-2.71μmol/dm^3之间,铵含量小于0.5μmol/dm^3的样品数约为样品总数的78%,铵最大值出现在表层和次表层机率较大。文中还对该海域表层的铵含量与浮游植物的关系进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

南海中部和冲绳海槽沉积物中的氨基酸物质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对南海中部和冲绳海槽三个深海沉积物柱状样腐植物质水解氨基酸的研究,试图阐述南海和冲绳海槽沉积物的演化与沉积环境。  相似文献   

Two anticyclonic subsurface eddies (SSEs) are detected from the in-situ hydrography data of the southern South China Sea (SCS) during 15–25 October 2011. Both SSEs have the lens-shaped water bodies below the thermocline. Their maximum swirl speed appears at the depth of lens׳ core, which is also characterized by a dump in the TS diagram. These eddies do not have an enclosed saline-water or warm-water body in its lens׳ core, which is different from those SSEs reported in other seas. These SSEs should be locally generated by the horizontal shear of the Southeast Vietnam Offshore Current. In the SSE generation site of the southern SCS, there is an upper-layer anticyclonic eddy (AE2) that is right above the SSE (SE2). After leaving its generation site, the eddy loses its energy source and starts to weaken. In this case, the eddy will decay quickly in the upper layer due to the restraint of the thermocline, and finally evolves into a pure subsurface eddy (i.e. SE4).  相似文献   

Researches on the currents in the South China Sea (SCS) and the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas are reviewed. Overall seasonal circulation in the SCS is cyclonic in winter and anticyclonic in summer with a few stable eddies. The seasonal circulation is mostly driven by monsoon winds, and is related to water exchange between the SCS and the East China Sea through the Taiwan Strait, and between the SCS and the Kuroshio through the Luzon Strait. Seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea Warm Current in the northern SCS and the Kuroshio intrusion to the SCS are summarized in terms of the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas.  相似文献   

古南海的展布范围以及俯冲消亡过程等一直是地质学家们争论的焦点问题。这不仅与南海扩张诱因密切相关,而且对南海地球动力学研究有重大的指导意义。在研究前人文献的基础上,对南海南部造山运动以及古南海俯冲过程之间的关系进行详细的论述。结果表明,南海南部构造活动主要分为两期:第一期运动从早白垩纪到晚白垩纪,古太平洋的洋壳俯冲到婆罗洲岛下方,俯冲带位于现今卢帕尔线一带,引起了曾母-南沙地块不断向西南婆罗洲靠近,并于晚白垩纪引发了碰撞造山运动。由于婆罗洲自身是由众多地块拼合而成,所以在始新世期间发生了多期碰撞之后的地块变形重组事件。最终在晚始新世(37 Ma)完成最后一期变形(沙捞越运动)。第二阶段是晚始新世(35 Ma)到中中新世(15.5 Ma),位于西巴拉姆线以东至菲律宾卡加延一带的古南海从西巴拉姆线以东,向婆罗洲岛下方俯冲,随后扩散到沙巴以及巴拉望岛以南的地区,直至菲律宾的民都洛岛一带停止俯冲。由此产生的拖曳力是南海扩张的主要诱因。与古太平洋板块俯冲产生的效果相似,古南海的俯冲使得婆罗洲岛与南沙地块不断靠近。在中中新世(15.5 Ma),引起南沙地块与婆罗洲岛在沙巴地区的碰撞(沙巴造山)以及巴拉望北部陆壳与菲律宾岛弧的碰撞而停止。由此带来的不整合面在南海南部普遍可见,甚至到达了巴拉望岛一带。而现今南沙海槽与巴拉望海槽并非是俯冲带的前渊,前者是对沙巴新近纪增生楔重力驱动变形的响应,后者是巴拉望岛北侧伸展背景下产生的半地堑盆地,在后期增生楔的作用下发生强烈沉降所形成。真正的俯冲带则分别位于南沙海槽东南部以及巴拉望海槽东南部。据现有证据推测,最少在10 Ma之前古南海就在菲律宾民都洛一带停止俯冲,从而完成了整个古南海的封闭。  相似文献   

Surface maps of nitrate, phosphate and silicate of the East China Sea (ECS) have been constructed and are described. Reports on exchanges of material between the ECS and the South China Sea (SCS) through the Taiwan Strait are reviewed. Recent advances seem to have reversed the earlier view that the SCS exports nutrients to the ECS through the Taiwan Strait. This is because the northward flow of seawater in the summer carries little nutrient. On the other hand, the waters flowing southward along the coast of China in winter carry orders of magnitude higher nutrient concentrations. The outflow of subsurface waters from the SCS, however, is the major source of new nutrients to the ECS continental shelves because these subsurface waters flow out of the Luzon Strait, join the northwardly flowing Kuroshio and enter the Okinawa trough. Around 10% of the nutrients exported from the SCS through the Luzon Strait upwell onto the ECS shelf. These inputs are larger than the aggregate of all the rivers that empty into the ECS, contributing 49% of the externally sourced nitrogen, 71% of the phosphorous, and 54% of the silica for the ECS.  相似文献   

为研究南海中部沉积物的粒度特征及其蕴含的古海洋信息,对南海中部中沙以南的陆坡和海盆区表层沉积物及分别位于陆坡和海盆的2根柱样进行了粒度、扫描电镜、CaCO3和生物硅含量的分析.结果显示,南海中部沉积物由三类颗粒组分构成,其中,第一类颗粒组分的峰值粒径在5~10μm之间,主要由陆源矿物碎屑组成;第二类组分的峰值粒径在40~70 μm之间,主要由有孔虫和硅藻组成;第三类颗粒组分的峰值粒径> 400 μm,由生物骨骼碎屑组成.这三类颗粒组分中第一类在研究区表层沉积物中均存在,第三类则随机分布,第二类颗粒组分多以有孔虫为主,其含量受水深控制.在南海中部碳酸钙临界补偿深度[Dc(CaC03)]以浅的陆坡区,因有孔虫含量较多,沉积物粒度曲线多为双峰形态,而在Dc(CaCO3)值以下的海盆区,因大部分有孔虫被溶解,沉积物中第二类颗粒组分为含量相对较低的硅藻,沉积物粒度曲线呈单峰或双峰形态.无论是陆坡区还是海盆区的柱样沉积,其平均粒径、第二类颗粒组分含量的变化均反映了有孔虫或硅藻含量的变化,因此,可以作为研究南海中部古生产力的替代性指标.  相似文献   

文章分析了2013年南海南部4个季节航次的叶绿素a (Chl a)调查数据, 结果显示: 150m以浅水柱Chl a质量浓度均值分别为早春0.14mg•m-3、初夏0.12mg•m-3、初秋0.18mg•m-3、初冬0.16mg•m-3。早春和初夏偏低的原因与早春风速小, 初夏水温高, 不利于水体的垂直混合, 限制了深层海水中丰富的营养盐向上层水体补充有关。4个季节中海水次表层Chl a质量浓度最大值层(SCML)均出现在50m和75m, 这两个水层的Chl a质量浓度差异小, 季节变化不大, 平均值变化范围分别为0.24~0.26mg•m-3和0.22~0.26mg•m-3。受混合层深度和温跃层上界深度的共同影响, 50m水层Chl a质量浓度主要受制于深层富营养盐海水的向上补充, 75m水层Chl a质量浓度受水温的影响明显。  相似文献   

A recurring spring mesoscale eddy in the western South China Sea (SCS) is studied using remote sensing data and historical in situ observations. The feature first appears east of the central Vietnam coast in February as a high sea-level anomaly, grows rapidly to a well-developed anticyclonic eddy by March, matures in April, and decays in May. Besides the warm-core feature, it also has an inherent low-salinity property, so it is named "spring mesoscale high (SMH)". Though with clear interannual variation in terms of intensity and spatial coverage, the SMH always emerges in the region between 110 E and 114 E and between 12 N and 16 N. The formation of SMH is ascribed to the combined effects of wind forcing and releasing of potential energy set up by winter monsoon. In particular, the wind-stress curl plays an important role in its development, maintenance, and dissipation.  相似文献   

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