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海洋蓝藻固氮基因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氮是海洋浮游植物必需的大量元素,又是海洋浮游植物生长的主要限制因子之一,研究氮元素的补充机制对了解海洋生态系统有重要意义。海区氮营养盐的补充主要通过新生氮实现,其主要补充机制为径流输入、大气干湿沉降、水体混合、上升流及生物固氮作用。生物固氮是指固氮生物将大气中的氮气还原成氨的过程,对地球上氮循环和氮平衡具有不可替代的作用。海洋生物固氮作用是维持海洋初级生产力和新生产力的一个重要生态反应。海洋中固氮生物种类较多,主要包括固氮蓝藻、异养细菌和光合细菌。  相似文献   

几种海洋蓝藻生长条件的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对Synechococcus bacillaris,Oscillatoria lud,Schizothrix calcicola,Spirulina platensis等4各海洋蓝藻的生长条件的研究表明,除S.platensis外,其他3种蓝藻在“f/2”培养基中生长良好,外源生长因子对生长有不同程度的促进作用。S.bacillaris适应较高光强,其温度和pH最适范围较窄,S.calcicola  相似文献   

1994年,日本Kazusa实验室首先启动了淡水蓝藻Synechocystissp.PCC6803的基因组计划,并于1996年完成基因组测序的工作。Synechocystissp.PCC6803基因组大小为3.57 Mb,共有3 168个基因,是目前研究最多也最为透彻的蓝藻基因组。除此之外,美国能源部下属的联合基因组研究所(JointGe  相似文献   

将从极端耐盐的假单胞杆菌中克隆得到的3个基因,即转录调控因子基因,NADH脱氢酶Ⅱ基因和磷酸甘油磷酸酯酶基因转入淡水蓝藻Synechococcus sp.PCC 7942中,使受体藻对NaCl的耐受性从低于2.5%显著提高到4.5%,进一步证明了这3个基因确定与生物的耐盐性密切相关。本实验为进一步培育耐盐经济作物奠定了基础。  相似文献   

菌藻相互作用是海洋生态学领域研究的重要方向之一.海洋微微型蓝藻(Marine picocyanobacteria)是遍布全球海洋的重要初级生产者,在全球碳循环和微食物网中发挥重要作用.原绿球藻属(Prochlorococcus)和聚球藻属(Synechococcus)是海洋微微型蓝藻最重要的两个类群.原位调查和培养实验...  相似文献   

对海南省三亚湾及邻近海域的主要生态系统的真光层水域、珊瑚礁、红树林、海藻垫生态系统中的海洋蓝藻的种类、分布和季节变化特点进行调查研究,共采集和分离了11属24种蓝藻。结果表明,三亚湾海域真光层水域主要以来自外海的外源性海洋蓝藻束毛藻为主要优势群落,其次有共生蓝藻胞内植生藻Richelia intracelluu-laris和单细胞蓝藻集胞藻属Synechocystis,其中束毛藻主要在南海季风转换期和西南季风控制期的3—8月为主,而蓝藻胞内植生藻的硅藻根管藻共生体主要出现在8—10月的另一季风转换期。在珊瑚礁生态系统中,蓝藻呈多样性分布,有集胞藻属、鱼腥藻属Anabaena、念珠藻属Nostoc、眉藻属Catothrix、颤藻属Oscillatoria和鞘丝藻属Lyngbya,它们主要在3月下旬至8月生物量较高,束毛藻也是珊瑚礁生态系中蓝藻的重要组成部分。红树林生态系统中蓝藻主要以颤藻为主要优势种,其次是鞘丝藻也占重要的比例,在4—10月底都有较高的生物量,它们主要分布在0—5cm深的表土层,其次在红树的根际、气生根和幼苗的茎叶表面都有分布。海洋近岸微型海藻垫中,有些群落主要以颤藻属和鞘丝藻属为主,有些微藻垫以眉藻属为主要优势属种,蓝藻种群随季节的变化有明显的演替。  相似文献   

两种海洋酵母生长繁殖与盐度关系的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰国宝 《海洋科学》1990,14(2):18-21

海洋细菌Pseudomonas sp.色素的提取及稳定性的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对分离自广东大亚湾表层海水的一株海洋细菌(Pseudomonassp.)所产的灵菌红素,作了提取和稳定性分析,探讨了酸度、温度、紫外线、金属离子对色素稳定性的影响.结果证明,灵菌红素在pH 2~pH 5之间稳定性很好,在碱性环境中稳定性差;在pH=3时该色素的热稳定性好,pH>5时其热稳定性较差;紫外线随溶液的pH增大对色素的稳定性影响越大,pH=9时的影响最大;Zn^2+对该色素有增色作用,Mg^2+和Mn^2+则有一定的破坏作用,Pb^2+可以使色素产生沉淀,其它金属离子影响不大.总之,该灵菌红素各种性质比较稳定,具有作为一种天然色素资源的开发和应用价值.  相似文献   

海洋蓝藻束毛藻的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远洋性海洋蓝藻束毛藻(Trichodesmium spp.)广泛分布于热带和亚热带贫营养盐海域的表层水面,是所生存环境中初级生产力的主要贡献者,它能在进行光合作用的同时将空气中游离的氮气转化成可利用的化合态氮,从而减弱了氮营养对初级生产力的限制。  相似文献   

为了筛选可以耐受高浓度铯离子(Cs+)的海洋细菌并探究细菌耐受Cs+的机制,本研究从广西近海沉积物样品中筛选出一株能够耐受700 mmol/dm3 Cs+的海洋细菌,是目前已报道的可耐受最高浓度Cs+的细菌。通过形态学分析、16S rRNA序列分析及生理生化特性的测定,确定该菌属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus),故将该菌株命名为Bacillus sp.Cs-700。在添加有700 mmol/dm3氯化铯的培养基中,菌体对铯的移除率最高可达52.06%。研究结果表明Bacillus sp.Cs-700不但具有耐受高浓度Cs+的特性,还具有较好的铯移除能力,具有修复放射性铯污染环境的潜力。本研究可为探索海洋放射性铯的生态修复提供参考。  相似文献   

海洋生物固氮是指固氮生物利用固氮酶将氮气转化为生物可利用铵盐的海洋氮元素输入过程,和反硝化及厌氧氨氧化等氮流失途径一起制约着大洋氮收支平衡。而固氮速率的测定是研究海洋生物固氮的最直接方式。自发现海洋生物固氮作用以来,固氮速率的测定方法在不断更新改进,但总体来说仍存在较大不确定性。最近用15N2同位素示踪法及其他相关数据综合得到全球海洋固氮量为196.1 Tg N∙a−1,最高固氮速率发生在南太平洋热带地区。但分布受到多种因素的影响。其中,物理因素中的光照和温度是全球范围固氮速率分布的最佳预测因子,光照为固氮过程提供能量,温度通过影响固氮酶活性而发挥作用。在化学因素中,铁元素的缺乏成为固氮的重要限制因子。除此之外,还有生物因素,如浮游植物和异养固氮生物等,对固氮量的贡献影响较大。最近有研究对以往固氮作用区域和反硝化作用空间相互耦合的观点表示质疑,提出二者分布空间分离的新格局。研究多控制因素对固氮生物的耦合效应、明确不同物种对固氮总量的相对贡献以及进一步建立固氮速率的原位测定方法是未来海洋固氮作用研究的主要工作。  相似文献   

海洋生物固氮作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张润  陈敏 《台湾海峡》2010,29(3):428-433
近年来,海洋生物固氮作用研究已成为海洋氮循环研究热点之一,因为它补充了海洋中的结合态氮,影响着海洋氮储库的收支平衡,进而调控海洋的初级生产力,并因此与海洋颗粒有机碳的迁出以及海洋对大气CO2的吸收密切相关.海洋生物固氮作用的研究主要是在近30a开展起来的,现有观点认为全球海洋生物固氮速率为100~200 Tg/a.15↑N2示踪法和乙炔还原法是最重要的生物固氮速率实测方法,而硝酸盐异常指数法、15↑N同位素收支平衡法、卫星遥测法等则是重要的间接估测方法.束毛藻曾被认为是全球海洋最重要的固氮生物,但近年来也发现了固氮生物在微微(pi-co)级和微(nano)级的分布,表明以往基于束毛藻的固氮速率可能是被低估的.海洋生物固氮作用营养盐限制的研究主要集中在铁和磷这2个元素的作用,但目前尚无定论.在中国边缘海生物固氮作用的研究还很匮乏,少数研究表明除黑潮区外,由束毛藻所支持的固氮速率并不高.就海洋固氮作用研究的未来发展,指出今后必须在更大时空尺度上开展海洋生物固氮作用研究,以弥补现有实测数据的不足,并获取固氮微生物种类组成的准确信息,在确定海洋生物固氮作用控制因素的同时,追踪新固定氮的流向,进而为海洋氮循环提供准确信息.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry (FCM) is now becoming a routine tool for the enumeration and optical characterization of bacteria in marine environments. We investigated the effects of sample fixation and storage upon flow cytometric determination of marine bacteria. Fixed and unfixed seawater samples were analyzed by FCM immediately aboard ship and/or later in the laboratory, and the appearances of the fluorescence signals and bacterial counts of these samples were compared. Fixation and storage led to the formation of multiple peaks in fluorescence histograms; this was also seen in 22 out of 36 samples frozen in liquid nitrogen. Fixation did not, but storage did induce a decrease of bacterial counts: a rapid decrease during the first 3 days followed by a slower decline. The decline of cell numbers in stored samples was expressed by a regression model. Our studies indicate that precaution is necessary when interpreting the data from fixed and/or stored marine bacterial samples analyzed by FCM. The possibility that the procedure of fixation and storage leads to the appearance of high DNA and low DNA bacterial groups should be considered.  相似文献   

对来自于不同海域的红树树皮、海苔(海洋生物样)和海泥(海洋底质)样品进行细菌分离,并采用管碟法测试了分离出的海洋细菌对金黄色葡萄球菌Staphylococcus aureus、枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis、大肠杆菌Escherichia coli、白色念珠菌Candida albicans、黑曲霉As...  相似文献   

Measurements of nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) showed greatest rates in the saltmarsh pans with a benthic layer of cyanobacteria present. The smallest amount of nitrogen fixation occurred on the marsh surface where a Puccinellia maritima/Halimione portulacoides plant association shaded the underlying sediment. Phototrophic nitrogen fixation was always greater than dark, chemotrophic, bacterial fixation.Only a small proportion of the total amount of ammonium, which was formed during detrital breakdown, was nitrified to nitrate. Although there is a high capacity for bacterial nitrate reduction in these sediments, the process is limited by low nitrate availability and most nitrate upon reduction is converted to ammonium rather than being denitrified to gaseous products. Denitrification does not, therefore, result in any great loss of nitrogen from the saltmarsh.There was little net import or export of nitrogen on an annual basis, although nitrate and organic-N in small particulate material was removed from tidal water by the marsh, and there was net annual export of ammonium, dissolved organic-N and organic-N in large particulate material. Losses of nitrogen by the small net tidal export and by denitrification were approximately balanced by nitrogen fixation. It was concluded that the nitrogen cycle of the Colne Point saltmarsh was balanced on an annual basis, with most nitrogen being recycled within the marsh. The saltmarsh did not apparently act as a net source of nitrogen for the adjacent estuary, although it may act as an important processor of nitrogen, removing some forms of nitrogen such as nitrate from tidal water while exporting other forms of nitrogen such as dissolved organic-N.  相似文献   

Dinitrogen (N2) fixed by a group of prokaryotes (diazotrophs) is the dominant process adding bioavailable nitrogen into the ocean. Although it has been intensively studied how N2 fixation is controlled by resources (bottom-up factors), it is unclear whether the grazing (top-down control) effectively impacts growth and distribution of different diazotroph groups. In this study, we evaluate this question by conducting log-log regression of diazotroph biomass onto corresponding N2 fixation rates in the global ocean. The slope of the regression for Trichodesmium is ~0.8, indicating that a small portion of the increase in N2 fixation does not accumulate as its biomass. This leads to a conclusion that Trichodesmium is under a substantial top-down control, although bottom-up control still dominates. We also analyze the residuals of the regression in the North Atlantic, concluding that free trichomes of Trichodesmium are subject to stronger top-down control than its colonies. The weak correlation between the biomass and N2 fixation of unicellular cyanobacterial diazotrophs indicates that the degree of top-down control on this type of diazotrophs varies greatly. The analyses obtain unrealistic results for diatom-diazotroph assemblages due to complicated nitrogen sources of these symbioses. Our study reveals the variability of top-down control among different diazotroph groups across time and space, suggesting its importance in improving our understandings of ecology of diazotrophs and predictions of N2 fixation in biogeochemical models. Measurements of size-specific N2 fixation rates and growth rates of different diazotroph groups can be useful to more reliably analyze the top-down control on these key organisms in the global ocean.  相似文献   

The bioavailability of nutrients is important in controlling ecological processes and nitrogen cycling in oligotrophic mangrove forests, yet the variation of diazotrophic community structure and activity with nutrient availability in sediments remains largely unexplored. To investigate for the first time how nutrients in sediments affect spatial and temporal patterns of diazotrophic community structure and activity, the sedimentary environment of Twin Cays, Belize, was examined with respect to the effects of long‐term fertilization [treatments: control (Ctrl), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P)] on N2 fixation rates and nifH gene community structure. We found that N2 fixation rates were significantly higher at the P‐treatment, intermediate at the Ctrl‐treatment and lower in the N‐treatment (P: 4.2 ± 0.5, Crtl: 0.8 ± 0.1, N: 0.4 ± 0.1 nmol·N·g?1·h?1; P < 0.001) with spatial (Ctrl‐ and P‐treatments) and temporal (only P‐treatment) variability positively correlated with live root abundance (r2 = 0.473, P < 0.001) and concentration (r2 = 0.458, P < 0.0001). The community structure of diazotrophs showed larger spatial and temporal variability in the fertilized treatments than in the Ctrl‐treatment, with the relative abundance of OTUs (nifH operational taxonomic units) at the fertilized treatments inversely related to live root abundance. Overall, long‐term fertilization (with either N or P) affects not only nutrient levels in mangrove sediments directly, but also spatial and temporal patterns of both community structure and activity and likely plant‐microbe interactions as well. Our findings suggest that the maintenance of natural nutrient conditions in mangrove sediments is important to ensure the stability of microbial functional groups like diazotrophs.  相似文献   

厦门港中华哲水蚤碳氮收支的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在分析厦门港中华哲水蚤元素组成基础上,研究其各项生理速率并估算碳氮收支.结果表明:摄食率与饵料含量呈线性相关,未发现饱和摄食.同化效率介于92%~96%之间,与饵料含量及摄食率无关.呼吸率与摄食率及同化率均呈线性相关,其SDA系数介于摄入碳量的9.3%(m/m)或同化碳量的9.9%(m/m).总氮排泄率随摄食率与同化率的提高而呈线性增加.随着摄食率的提高,分配给卵生产的能量也增多,二者呈线性相关.饵料中N含量是厦门港中华哲水蚤生长的主要限制因子,当其对N的摄食率低于10.5×10~(-3)(m/m)/d时,动物“负”生长.  相似文献   

产淀粉酶的海洋曲霉菌的分离及酶学特性初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从乐清湾红树林中分离获得2株产淀粉酶的真菌,经初步鉴定为曲霉属菌株,暂命名为曲霉5#和曲霉34#。对它们的生长温度、固体发酵时的产酶条件以及淀粉酶特性进行了初步研究。该研究结果表明,曲霉5#和曲霉34#的最适生长温度分别为30~35℃和25~30℃,最高生长温度分别为40℃和35℃,在10℃下均能生长。对两株菌进行固体发酵时其最佳培养时间为96 h。两株菌所产淀粉酶的最适pH值为7.0,最适反应温度为40℃;淀粉酶在50℃下仍能保持活力,60℃下酶活力开始下降,80℃时酶几乎失活;离子对淀粉酶的激活或抑制作用也相似。  相似文献   

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