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The paper deals with a transformation model of a backward district into a prosperous one. The district is geographically located in Lixiahe region, Jiangsu Province. The region had long been known as one of the poorest area in China, and had been alternatively attacked by flood, waterlogging, drought, salinization, and plague of insect. Since the seventies of this oentury efforts to open up trenches on lowland and to level up the shoaly land have been made. A kind of tree, which is tolerable to high watertable, was used to afforest the land. Cereal crop, vegetable and beans are grown. In some cases, the shoaly land is used for sheep grazing and fishery. A favorable combination of forestry, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery has been set up in the region. There are five types of managements in the system: 1) forestry-agriculture complex management, 2) forestry-fishery complex management, 3) forestry-aquatic plant-fishery complex management, 4) forestry-animal husbandry complex management, and 5) forestry-edible mushroom complex management. The principles and ecological benefits of this system can be identified: 1) Increase soil fertility by piling mud from marsh land on top soil, and thicken the arable layer. 2) Enhance the utilization rate of sunlight and energy, due to the change of microclimate in field. 3) As a result of multiple layer cultivation and multi-cropping, the production has been greatly increased. 4) Accelerate the cycling of matter and conversion of energy and nutrient of the system. 5) Decrease the consumption of soil fertility and increase the capability of controlling insect pests. 6) Improve ecological environment by afforestation. 7) Raise income and provide jobs for local peasants, even some ones from other part of this province.  相似文献   

2011年以来,中国地质调查局在沂蒙山区组织实施了1∶5万标准图幅水文地质调查4万余km2,并在严重缺水村镇开展了大量的找水打井示范工作,获得了较为丰富的地质数据,对断陷盆地地下水流系统取得了新认识。受中新生代构造影响,沂蒙山区发生断裂褶皱、伸展滑脱及岩浆侵入活动,形成一系列“南超覆北断陷”的地堑—半地堑盆地,并最终形成现今典型的“盆—山”岩溶水文地质结构,及以盆地为单元的相对独立的岩溶地下水流系统。为研究沂蒙山区地下水流系统发育特征,选择莱芜盆地为典型研究区,基于野外地质调查,通过综合分析盆地南北两侧地貌单元、含水岩组立体空间分布及地下水水位、水化学及同位素结果等,探讨了沂蒙山区典型“盆—山”结构塑造的多级岩溶地下水流系统特征。结果表明,莱芜盆地岩溶地下水由盆地外围向盆地中心呈“向心式”径流;受人类活动影响、地质构造控制和含水层分布制约,盆地南北两侧地下水流系统特征存在差异:盆地南部发育中间和局部两级地下水流系统;盆地北部则仅发育单一的局部地下水流系统,但占有已勘查论证的近1/2的地下水水源地。此外,研究发现在大汶河最低侵蚀基准面,区域滑脱构造及热液混合作用拆离...  相似文献   

A model to derive direct runoff hydrograph for an ungauged basin using the physical properties of the basin is presented. The basin is divided into grid cells and canal elements. Overland flow is generated from each grid cell of the basin by application of continuous effective rainfall of 1 mm/hr to the basin. The flow generated is routed through downstream grid cells and the canal elements using the kinematic wave approach. The travel time for direct runoff from each grid cell to the basin outlet is calculated and the S-curve is derived for the basin. The S-curve is used to derive the unit hydrograph of a given duration for the basin. The model, referred as Cell-basin model was applied to the Upper Kotmale Basin in Sri Lanka and the model predictions of direct runoff hydrographs for rainfall events agreed with the observations to a reasonable accuracy. Comparison of the unit hydrographs obtained from the model and from the conventional Snyder’s synthetic unit hydrograph using regionalized parameters assuming the basin as an ungauged basin, with the unit hydrograph derived from the observations showed that the model predicted unit hydrograph was more suitable than that obtained by Snyder’s method for Sri Lankan up country basins. Thus, the present model is a useful tool to obtain direct runoff hydrograph for ungauged basins.  相似文献   

TheSonghuaRiver,oneofthemajorriversinNortheastChina,hastwosources:thenorthsourceistheNenjiangRiverandthesouthsourceistheSecondSonghuaRiver.ThetrunkstreamoftheNenjiangRiver,risingatthesouthernfootoftheYilehuliMountain,is1370kmlonganditswatershedareais…  相似文献   

为分析高黎贡山羚牛生境质量状况,探讨其生境保护策略。本文建立高黎贡山自然保护区北段范围的数字地形模型,并将其应用在濒危珍稀动物--羚牛的生境评价研究中。通过羚牛活动区的海拔高度、坡度及植被类型等数据的叠置分析,获得了羚牛的潜在生境区,同时再综合考虑人类活动对其影响,便得到羚牛的实际生境。结合羚牛的生态习性与实地调查资料,选择海拔高度、坡度、植被因子、人类活动影响因子四个指标对其生境的适宜性进行了划分和评价。结果表明:(1)无人类活动影响下,羚牛可在研究区内大部分地区生存。从1974、1989、1999、2004年几个时相的图像分析,适宜羚牛生存的生境面积逐年减少,而不适宜的面积逐年增加。(2)人类活动影响下,适宜羚牛生存的生境大面积消失,生境丧失比例逐年增加。  相似文献   

There are eighty sedimentary basins in five different types in African continent, i. e. craton sag basin, foreland basin, intermountain basin, passive margin basin and rift basin, which underwent the stress environment of stable depression-compression-extension. The first three types of basins had been intensely influenced by Hercynian and Alpine tectonic movement, while the later two types of basins always exist in a stable extension environment. Different basin evolution caused the obviously hydrocarbon distribution difference. In North Africa, marginal craton sag and rift basins show great expedition potential of hydrocarbon, marginal craton sag basins had good formation and preservation of Lower Silurian hot shale, tectonic-strata traps and migration pathway formed by Hercynian unconformity, and rift basins had excellent Upper Cretaceous marine source rocks and good hydrocarbon preservation with little tectonic activity. Meanwhile, in the salt-containing passive margin basins and delta basins of West Africa, thick strata containing high quality source rocks and plastic strata were well developed. Source rocks of high maturity, good hydrocarbon preservation, growth faults and deformational structure traps were formed by abundant overlying sediments and sources supplied from Tertiary large water system.  相似文献   


There are eighty sedimentary basins in five different types in African continent,i.e.craton sag basin,foreland basin,intermountain basin,passive margin basin and rift basin,which underwent the stress environment of stable depression-compression-extension.The first three types of basins had been intensely influenced by Hercynian and Alpine tectonic movement,while the later two types of basins always exist in a stable extension environment.Different basin evolution caused the obviously hydrocarbon distributio...  相似文献   

Human beings have had a tremendous impact on natural ecosystems and are now the principal power to change the biosphere.It is logical that we should pay close attention to the interaction between human systems and environ-mental systems.Taking Minqin bsin ,Gansu Province,as a case,this paper focuses on the evolution of regional physic-cal environments and the cultural systems by which people maintain their relationships with those environments.This pa-per presents the conceptural framework for the man-land system.Expecting to accelerate the regional sustainable develop-ment,it also analyses the evolutionary mechanism of regional man-land system.On the basis of reviewing and analyzing the evolution of man-land system in Minqin basin,the paper also brings forward an adujusting mode for the studied area, which consists of three aspects:to build up a concept that economic growth must harmonize with environmental qualityˊs and land productivityˊs improvement;to make a whole planning and management in the drainage area;and to push for-ward the technique of water-saving irrigation and establish water-saving agricultural system. Itˊs meaningful for resource exploitation and sustainable development of Chinese northwestern arid area,which is represented by Minqin basin,by under-standing what great changes the basin has experienced is experiencing at the global background,and studying its time standing what great changes the basin has experienced and is experiencing at the global background,and studying its time order and territorial structure ,the systemˊs character and law of evolution,trend and the regulating ways to improve man-land relationship.  相似文献   

According to the characteristics of sedimentary facies and their vertical associations, sequence association of sedimentary facies can be divided into 2 types and 28 subtypes. The first type (type A) is a sedimentary sequence without volcanic rocks, including 18 subtypes. The second type (type B) is a volcanogenic succession including 10 subtypes. Each subtype may reflect certain filling condition under certain sedimentary environment. Time and space distribution of different types of sequence associations can reflect tectonics that controlled the basin evolution, sedimentary environments and palaeogeography.  相似文献   

山城眺望空间OSCA模型构建及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山体是大自然赋予城市的天然景观资源,通过山与城市中建筑群构成的山城空间关系,可形成多类型的眺望景观。当前山城眺望景观在建设热潮中不断被破坏,逐渐消失在林立的高楼中,需要进行一定的控制和保护。以济南市中心城区为例,基于眺望控制分区,寻找城市建筑发展演变、分区建设的规律,结合元胞自动机与多智能体,提出基于眺望景观控制下的山城眺望空间CA-OSCA模型(Overlooking Space Cellular Automata),构建山城眺望空间演变模型。利用GIS等数据分析平台,对模拟结果进行分析,构建真实城市空间下的未来山城眺望空间景观三维模型,以更加直观、真实地方法探讨在眺望景观分区控制的影响下,未来城市空间结构的发展模式,最终为未来山城眺望景观空间的控制与保护以及眺望景观保护下,山城城市未来空间发展结构提出发展策略。  相似文献   

According to the characteristics of sedimentary facies and their vertical associations, sequence association of sedimentary facies can be divided into 2 types and 28 subtypes. The first type (type A) is a sedimentary sequence without volcanic rocks, including 18 subtypes. The second type (type B) is a volcanogenic succession including 10 subtypes.Each subtype may reflect certain filling condition under certain sedimentary environment. Time and space distribution of different types of sequence associations can reflect tectonics that controlled the basin evolution, sedimentary environments and palaeogeography.  相似文献   

以蔬菜为例,建立农业产、供、销信息网络服务系统,并以金堂县主导农产品为对象试作电子商务网页,以供该县在新一轮农业产业化结构调整中应用。  相似文献   

Southeast China coastal areas belong to subtropical monsoon climatic zone,thus easily affected by floods resulted from typhoons and rainstorm.Since the areas of river basins are small,rivers flood regulation capacities are low,and therefore flood hazard is grave.In the paper,taking the Yongjiang basin in southeast China as an example,the approaches and methods of geographic information system(GIS) applied to flood disaster control and reduction research on small basin are explred.On GIS help the rainfall-runoff calculation model and the river dchannel flood routing model are developed.And the evaluating flood submerged are and the damage assessment models are built supported by digit elevation models.Lastly the decision support system on GIS supported for flood control in research basin has been set up.This greatly improves flood-proofing decision-making capacities in river basin,and provides valuable information and a mode for flood prevention and reduction in the medium and small basin .Meanwhile,the research indicates that technologies of GIS provide a powerful tool for flood disaster control.  相似文献   

线性加权回归模型的高原山地区域降水空间插值研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在山地和高原区域,地形对降水影响比较显著。常规空间插值方法通常不考虑地形要素,插值精度有限。考虑到降水量与高程存在较强的相关关系,采用局部线性加权回归模型预测山地和高原区域的降水分布。推导了回归计算公式,并在ArcGIS 9.0中编程实现算法。选取美国德克萨斯州西北部地区进行局部线性加权回归空间插值,并与普通Kriging、倒距离加权法比较。误差分析表明:在地形复杂的地区,线性加权回归模型比传统方法有优势。  相似文献   

Soil-vegetation-atmosphere radiative transfer model in microwave region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The radiative transfer is one of the significant theories that describe the processes of scattering, emission, and absorption of electromagnetic radiant intensity through scattering medium. It is the basis of the study on the quantitative remote sensing. In this paper, the radiative characteristics of soil, vegetation, and atmosphere were described respectively. The numerical solution of radiative transfer was accomplished by Successive Orders of Scattering (SOS). A radiative transfer model for simulating microwave brightness temperature over land surfaces was constructed, designed, and implemented. Analyzing the database generated from soil-vegetation-atmosphere radiative transfer model under Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) configuration showed that the atmospheric effects on microwave brightness temperature should not be neglected, particularly for higher frequency, and can be parameterized. At the same time, the relationship between the emissivities of the different channels was developed. The study results will promote the development of algorithm to retrieve geophysical parameters from microwave remotely sensed data.  相似文献   

对武汉区域气象中心并行计算机系统进行了详细地介绍,分析了并行计算机体系结构、网络和存储系统特点;给出了在并行计算机SP上实现数值预报业务并行化的部分结果;对数值预报模式在串、并行编程环境下的结果进行了分析比较。  相似文献   

集成Spring与Hibernate框架技术构建基于J2EE的Web应用可以提高J2EE项目的可重用性.介绍了使用技术的原理及组合Spring Hibernate框架的Web应用.并给出在该框架下设计的农业信息化平台系统的实现,为相关Web应用系统设计提供了范例.  相似文献   


Ecological security defined as the creation of a condition where the physical surroundings of a community provide for the needs of its inhabitants without diminishing its natural stock,which is important for regional security and social stability.In recent years,land use patterns in the Changbai Mountain region have changed significantly with intensive human activities,and consequently led to increasing problems in regional ecological security.Based on the Pressure-State-Impact-Response(PSIR) model and the mathematical method of catastrophe progression supported by geographical information system(GIS),the ecological security situation of the study area under land use and cover change(LUCC) was evaluated.The results indicated that the ecological security in Changbai Mountain region varied nonlinearly,which got better from 1990 to 2000 but became worse from 2000 to 2007,the ecological security levels in Changbai Mountain region were mainly medium and medium to low during the past 17 years,with higher values of Ecological Security Index(ESI) in the central region and lower values in the east and west,the ecological security situation was more serious in the settlements and river valleys,where the LUCC was most remarkable.  相似文献   

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