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The Abu Ruweis Formation is composed of carbonates, evaporites, and mudstones, with some locally developed pelletic, oolitic and stromatolitic limestones. The lateral persistence of bedding, the purity of the evaporite rocks, the alternating arrangement of marine carbonates and evaporites indicates periodic deposition in subaqueous conditions (salina). Petrographic investigations, X-ray diffraction analysis as well as chemical analysis have shown that the outcropping evaporite beds are mainly composed of secondary gypsum, with rare anhydrite relics. Five microfacies of gypsum were recognized according to their fabrics: porphyroblastic and granoblastic gypsum showing polarization texture, gypsum pseudomorph after anhydrite laths, and satin spar gypsum. The textures they display indicate a hydration origin of precursor anhydrite, which is in turn rehydrated from primary gypsum. Some of these anhydrites were formed as a result of replacement processes of the carbonate sediments associated with the evaporites, as evidenced from the textural relationships of the carbonate and sulfate minerals. The O18 content ranges from 1.45 to 8.38% PDB and the C13 content ranges from −1.52 to 4.73% PDB. Trace elements analysis has shown that the Abu Ruweis dolomites are rich in strontium (up to 600 ppm), and sodium (up to 835 ppm). The isotope composition and trace elements content, as well as the petrographic characteristics point to a penecontemporaneous hypersaline dolomitization origin for the Abu Ruweis dolomites. The evaporites were deposited during a regressive lowstand systems tract, whereas the carbonates were deposited under shallow water marine conditions during a highstand systems tract. The Abu Ruweis succession represents a relatively stable arid climate within a rapidly subsiding basin. Restricted conditions were provided by the development of beach barriers.  相似文献   

Sabkhas are ubiquitous geomorphic features in eastern Saudi Arabia. Seven brine samples were taken from Sabkha Jayb Uwayyid in eastern Saudi Arabia. Brine chemistry, saturation state with respect to carbonate and evaporate minerals, and evaporation-driven geochemical reaction paths were investigated to delineate the origin of brines and the evolution of both brine chemistry and sabkha mineralogy. The average total dissolved solids in the sabkha brines is 243 g/l. The order of cation dominance is Na+   >>  Mg2+ >>  Ca2+>K+, while anion dominance is Cl >> SO4 2− >> HCO3 . Based on the chemical divide principle and observed ion ratios, it was concluded that sabkha brines have evolved from deep groundwater rather than from direct rainfall, runoff from the surroundings, or inflow of shallow groundwater. Aqueous speciation simulations show that: (1) all seven brines are supersaturated with respect to calcite, dolomite, and magnesite and undersaturated with respect to halite; (2) three brines are undersaturated with respect to both gypsum and anhydrite, while three brines are supersaturated with respect to both minerals; (3) anhydrite is a more stable solid phase than gypsum in four brines. Evaporation factors required to bring the brines to the halite phase boundary ranged from 1.016 to 4.53. All reaction paths to the halite phase boundary follow the neutral path as CO2 is degassed and dolomite precipitates from the brines. On average, a sabkha brine containing 1 kg of H2O precipitates 7.6 g of minerals along the reaction path to the halite phase boundary, of which 52% is anhydrite, 35.3% is gypsum, and 12.7% is dolomite. Bicarbonate is the limiting factor of dolomite precipitation, and sulfate is the limiting factor of gypsum and anhydrite precipitation from sabkha brines.  相似文献   

Although basaltic volcanic scoria deposits are widespread in and around the scoria cones present in the Harrats, very few occurrences have been evaluated and still fewer have been exploited. The scoria from a quarry in central Harrat Rahat was investigated and assessed for its industrial utilization. Cubes were prepared from several concrete mixes using scoria as lightweight coarse and fine aggregates in different percentages. The compressive strength values of the cubes were found to be acceptable and satisfy the ASTM (1995) requirement for structural concrete. The scoria was also assessed for its utilization as a cement additive. Pozzolanic activity was tested according to the Italian standards and found to be acceptable. The strength activity index with Portland cement and the effectiveness of scoria admixture in controlling alkali-silica reactions were tested according to ASTM (1995) standards. Mortar cubes were specially prepared for these studies using different mixes and different storage procedures. The results satisfied the ASTM (1995) requirements as cement additive. The utilization of scoria as a heat-insulating material was tested and the results were found to satisfy the ASTM (1995) requirements. This fact suggests it could be utilized in the manufacture of the building blocks. It is recommended to evaluate the other scoria deposits, exploit the economically feasible ones and utilize them for different industrial applications. The manufacturing of heat-insulating concrete or building blocks using scoria is of prime importance as an energy saver.  相似文献   

Although evidence for Quaternary environmental changes in the Arabian Peninsula is now growing, research has mostly been conducted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and in the Sultanate of Oman. There have been virtually no recent studies in Saudi Arabia, especially in the central region such as around Al‐Quwaiayh. In this area there are a series of outwash plains developed along the eastern edge of the Arabian Shield that formed in the late Quaternary. Four sedimentary sections, which are representative of the deposits that have accumulated, have been studied and five luminescence ages obtained. These are the first luminescence ages acquired from Quaternary sediments in central Saudi Arabia. The preserved fluvial deposits in the study area have formed during humid events at ca. 54 ka, ca. 39 ka and ca. 0.8 ka. In more recent times aeolian sands have been encroaching on to the distal parts of the outwash plains. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aeromagnetic data covering an area of about 40,000 km2 at the west central Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia has been collected and interpreted to provide structural map of the area. A number of normalized derivatives were used to help interpret the signature of magnetic data so that weak and small amplitude anomalies can be amplified relative to the stronger and larger amplitude anomalies. The interpretations obtained from these geophysical techniques of the field data demonstrated a strong correlation between magnetic anomalies and mapped subsurface geology. Based upon the variation in magnetic lineaments, shape amplitude, and trend structural map of the west central Arabian Shield on Saudi Arabia were obtained.  相似文献   

Earth Fissuring and Land Subsidence in Western Saudi Arabia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The present investigation deals with the engineering geological evaluation of earth fissuring associated with land subsidence in Wadi Al-Yutamah. The investigations include surface mapping and sampling, in situ and laboratory soil testing, water well inventory, geophysical survey, and monitoring of open fissures and the level of the wadi floor.The earth fissures in the area developed as a result of land subsidence due to man-induced water level declines caused by pumping water from the wadi aquifer above a safe yield. This situation has produced a compaction of underlying unconsolidated sediments and formed hair fissures above ridges and steps of buried surface bedrock. These hair fissures enlarged later after flood erosion and possible enhancement with hydrocompaction.The wadi soil in the study area consists mainly of silt of low plasticity, low density and high void ratio and it was classified as loess like material and collapsing soil. The settlement in the area is greatly increased by excessive wetting under constant pressures. The calculated coefficients of subsidence (collapse) show that the wadi soils were considered to pose moderate problems when wetted.Monitoring of the existing open earth fissures using extensometers indicates that the width of the fissure increases after flooding or rain falls. Monitoring of the ground level using GPS techniques, shows a good relation between the declination of the water table and the subsidence of the ground of the wadi floor.  相似文献   

Given the growing interest of the general public in accessing commercial weather forecasts through various media outlets and the available impetuses for promoting tourism in Saudi Arabia (SA), a first attempt is made to present a forecast skill comparison for surface temperature in four cities (Wejh, Yenbo, Jeddah, and Gizan) along the west coast of SA, for the 61-day transitional period (from January 16 to March 16) between the December-January-February (DJF) and the March-April-May (MAM) seasons. A simple skill score comparison method is used to assess the next-day city forecasts for surface temperature from six commercial weather forecast providers based on the operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) model outputs. All the NWP model forecast providers performed better than the respective daily climatology (Clm) for each station. Depending upon the station and the provider, the absolute average maximum daily surface temperature difference between the forecasts and the observations was less than 2 °C. Daily surface temperature forecasts from two versions of an atmospheric-ocean general circulation model are also compared to assess their performance for these coastal locations.  相似文献   

A hydrogeological and hydrochemical study was conducted on a shallow alluvial aquifer, Wadi Wajj, in western Saudi Arabia to assess the influence of protection measures on groundwater quality. The hydrochemistry was assessed up-gradient and down-gradient from potential contamination sources in the main city in dry and wet seasons prior to and after the installation of major drainage and wastewater facilities. Wadi Wajj is an unconfined aquifer where water is stored and transmitted through fractured and weathered bedrock and the overlying alluvial sediments. Natural recharge to the aquifer is about 5% of rainfall-runoff. Hydrochemistry of the aquifer shows temporal and seasonal changes as influenced by protection measures and rainfall runoff. Both groundwater and runoff showed similar chemical signature, which is mostly of chloride-sulfate-bicarbonate and sodium-calcium type. Groundwater downstream of the city, though of poorer quality than upstream, showed significant improvement after the installation of a concrete runoff tunnel and a wastewater treatment plant. Concentrations of many of the groundwater quality indicators (e.g., TDS, coliform bacteria, and nitrate) exceed US Environmental Protection Agency drinking-water standards. Heavy metal content is, however, within allowable limits by local and international standards. The chemical analyses also suggest the strong influence of stream runoff and sewage water on the groundwater quality.

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Résumé Une étude hydrogéologique et géochimique a été menée sur l’aquifère phréatique alluviale Wadi Wajj dans l’Ouest de l’Arabie Saoudite afin d’évaluer l’influence de mesures de protection sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine. L’hydrogéochimie de l’eau a été étudiée en amont et en aval de sources potentielles de contamination dans la ville principale, pendant les saisons sèches et humides, avant et après l’installation de réseaux majeurs de drainage et d’eaux usées. L’aquifère Wadi Wajj est libre, l’eau est stockée et s’écoule dans les sédiments alluviaux et dans le socle fracturé et altéré sous-jacent. La recharge naturelle de l’aquifère représente 5% des eaux de pluie et de ruissellement. L’hydrogéochimie de l’eau de l’aquifère montre que les changements saisonniers et temporaires sont influencés par les mesures de protection et par le ruissellement des eaux pluviales. L’eau souterraine et l’eau de ruissellement ont présenté le même faciès chimique, de type bicarbonatée-sulfatée-chlorée et calco-sodique. En aval de la ville, l’eau souterraine, bien que de moins bonne qualité qu’en amont, a présenté une nette amélioration après l’installation d’un système de récupération et d’une station de traitement des eaux usées. Les concentrations de plusieurs paramètres indicateurs de la qualité de l’eau (tels que la charge totale dissoute, les coliformes, et les nitrates) dépassent les normes de potabilité de l’eau de consommation de l’agence américaine de la protection de l’environnement. Les teneurs en métaux lourds en revanche n’excèdent pas les normes locales et internationales. Les analyses chimiques indiquent aussi l’influence importante de l’écoulement par ruissellement et des eaux usées sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine.

Resumen Un estudio hidrogeológico e hidroquímico fue hecho en un acuífero somero de Wadi Wajj, en Arabia Saudi oeste para evaluar la influecia de medidas de protección en la calidad del agua subterránea. La hidroquímica fue evaluada gradiente-arriba y gradiente-abajo de las fuentes potenciales de contaminación de la ciudad principal durante las estaciones seca y lluviosa, antes y después de la instalación de sistemas principales de drenaje y aguas servidas. Wadi Wajj es un acuífero no-confinado donde el agua es almacenada y transmitida a través de roca fracturada y meteorizada, y los sedimentos aluviales que le sobreyacen. La recarga natural del acuífero es de cerca del 5% de la precipitación-escorrentía. La hidroquímica del acuífero muestra cambios temporales y estacionales influenciados por las medidas de protección y la escorrentía de precipitación. Ambas, agua subterránea y escorrentía mostraron composición química similar, siendo mayoritariamente de tipos cloruro-sulfato-bicarbonato y sodio-calcio. El agua subterránea aguas arriba de la ciudad, aunque de calidad más pobre que aguas abajo, mostró significante mejoría después de la instalación de un tunel de concreto para escorrentía y una planta de tratamiento de aguas servidas. Las concentraciones de muchos de los indicadores de calidad de agua subterránea (e.g., STD, coliformes, y nitrato) exceden los estándares de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental USA para agua potable. El contenido de metales pesados está, sin embargo, dentro de los límites permisibles de los estándares locales e internacionales. Los análisis químicos también sugieren la fuerte influencia de la escorrentía y aguas residuales en la calidad del agua subterránea.

Summary This paper presents a brief review of the geological and geotechnical aspects of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The first part of the paper presents a brief summary of the geological aspects and the soil characteristics in different parts of the country. The second part gives a brief outline of the major geotechnical problems encountered in the regions of the Kingdom along with their geographical locations.  相似文献   

The extent of desertification on Saudi Arabia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Desertification is the process that turns productive deserts into non-productive deserts as a result of poor land-management. Desertification reduces the ability of land to support life, affecting wild species, domestic animals, agricultural crops and humans. The reduction in plant cover that accompanies desertification leads to accelerated soil erosion by wind and water. South Africa is losing approximately 300–400 million tons of topsoil every year. As vegetation cover and soil layer are reduced, rain fall impact and run-off increases. This paper discusses the extent of desertification, its potential threat to sustained irrigated agriculture and possible measures adopted to control ongoing desertification processes to minimize the loss of agricultural productivity in an arid country such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

A detailed ore microscopic study strengthened by fire assay data of Al Wajh stream sediments (Wadi Al Miyah, Wadi Haramil and Wadi Thalbah) in northwestern Saudi Arabia shows economic concentrations of gold in the silt fraction (40–63 μm). However, particles of extremely fine “dusty” gold (≤40 μm in size) were also identified in most stations as independent grains. The maximum gold content in the samples of Wadi Al Miyah is 13.61 wt%, which is reported for the heavy fraction (<40 μm). Maximum gold content in the heavy fractions of Wadi Haramil stream sediments amounts 6.90 g/t Au in a relatively coarse fraction (63–125 μm). It appears that the most fertile heavy fraction in gold among the analysed samples are those from Wadi Thalbah that have the highest index figure, which makes the placer gold in them more profitable from the economic point of view. The gold content in the heavy fractions of samples from Wadi Thalbah is economically high lying in the range 6.27–28.83 g/t Au, except for a sample collected at the upstream with 0.77 g/t Au. Al Wajh stream sediments (including the beach light and black sands) are also rich in Fe–Ti oxides, rutile and zircon, whereas monazite and thorite are much lesser. Mineral chemistry of magnetite indicates a distinct titanomagnetite variety (with 3.85 wt% TiO2) which is consistent with the ore microscopic investigation. The titanomagnetite is V- and Cr-free, which indicates derivation from a more felsic source than a mafic one. No traces of U were found in zircon that sometimes bears up to 2.74 wt% Hf2O3. Chemical analyses of monazite show typical common contents of rare earth elements such as La, Ce, Nd and Sm. Thorite is either U-free or uranothorite varieties where the latter contains up to 31.79 wt% UO2. One of the U-free thorite grains is Y-bearing and contains 7.13 wt% Y2O3.
كيميائية المعادن من التحليل التقديري الناري لرسوبيات الوديان في منطقة الوجه- شمال غرب المملكة العربية السعودية
توضح الدراسة المجهرية للخامات المعدنية والتي تعضدها بيانات التحليل التقديري الناري لرسوبيات الوديان بمنطقة الوجه (وادي المياه، وادي حرامل، وادي ثلبة) في شمال المملكة العربية السعودية، أن هناك تركيزات اقتصادية للذهب في كسرة الغرين التي يتراوح حجمها من 40 إلى 63 ميكرومتر. في معظم الحالات المدروسة تم رصد حبيبات من الذهب الطليق متناهية الصغر (أقل أو تساوي 40 ميكروميتر). كما اتضح أيضا أن أعلى محتوى لفلز الذهب وجد في القطفات المعدنية الثقيلة دقيقة الحجم المأخوذة من وادي المياه والتي تقدر 13.61 جرام/الطن. أما المحتوى الأعلى في القطفات المعدنية الثقيلة الأكبر نسبيا في الحجم (تتراوح من 63 إلى 125 ميكروميتر) المأخوذة من الرواسب الوديانية بوادي حرامل يصل إلى 6.90 جرام/طن. ويبدو أن القطفات الثقيلة لرسوبيات وادي ثلبة الوديانية هي الأخصب من حيث محتوى الذهب وتلك العينات لها شكل مميز مما يجعل ذهب المراقد بذلك الوادي ذو ربحية مشجعة وذلك من الناحية الاقتصادية. وتتراوح التركيزات الاقتصادية للذهب في عينات وادي ثلبة بين 6.27 - 28.83 جرام/طن باستثناء عينة وحيدة تم تسجيل كمية ذهب بها لا تتعدى 0.77 جرام/طن. عينات الرواسب الوديانية بمنطقة الوجه (بما في ذلك الرمال الشاطئية السوداء والفاتحة اللون) غنية بمعادن خامات أكاسيد الحديد والتيتانيوم والروتيل والزيركون، بالإضافة إلى كميات أقل بكثير من معدني المونازيت والثوريت. وتوضح كيمياء المعادن أن معدن الماجنيتيت غني بالتيتانوماجنيتيت (ماجنيتيت تيتاني به 3.85% من ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم) وهو ما أثبتته أيضا الدراسة المجهرية. وهذا الماجنيتيت التيتاني لا يحتوي على عنصري الكروم والفاتيديوم مما يعطي دلالة على أن هذه الصخور فلسية أكثر منها مافية، وأن الزيركون الموجود لا يحتوي على عنصر اليورانيوم بينما يحتوي على أكسيد هافتيوم حتى 2.74%. أما التحاليل الكيميائية للمونازيت فإنها تظهر وجود كميات من العناصر الأرضية النادرة مثل اللانثاتوم والسيريوم والنيوديوم والسماريوم. أما معدن الثوريت فقد تم تسجيل نوعان منه أحدهما لا يحتوي على اليورانيوم أما الآخر فيحتوي على 31.79% من ثاني أوكسيد اليورانيوم. ولقد اكتشف في إحدى حبيبات الثوريت أنها لا تحتوي على اليورانيوم ولكنها تحتوي على عنصر أكسيد الأيتريوم تصل نسبته إلى 7.13%.

Water samples from 72 wells tapping the Jilh aquifer were collected and analyzed for 10 different water quality parameters. Using these data, a regional irrigation water quality was assessed using three techniques: (i) United States Department of Agriculture method (USDA), (ii) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) guidelines for water quality assessment, and (iii) Water-Types approach. The USDA method revealed that the aquifer water salinity, as represented by electrical conductivity, ECw, ranges from high salinity (C3: ECw > 0.75–2.25 dS/m) to a very high salinity (C4: ECw > 2.25 dS/m). The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) varied from low (S1) to very high (S4) sodicity. Therefore, the water of the Jilh aquifer is dominantly of the C4–S2 class representing 56% of the total wells followed by C4–S1, C4–S3, C3–S1 and C4–S4 classes at 19%, 14%, 8%, and 3% of the wells respectively. The FAO system indicated moderate to severe restriction on the use for irrigation and slight to moderate ion toxicities for Na+, Cl, B+, NO3 and HCO3. It is clear that, both USDA and FAO systems condemn the Jilh groundwater as hazardous for irrigation due to its high salt content, unless certain measures for salinity control are undertaken. The dominant salt constituents in the water are Mg–Cl2, Na–Cl and Ca–Cl2 as per the Water-Types method. However, due to the complexity in classifying the aquifer groundwater for irrigation, a simplified approach acknowledging three class groups (I-suitable water, II-conditionally suitable water and III-unsuitable water) adopted from the three methods, is suggested in this paper. The simplified approach combines C–S classes of the USDA method among these three groups according to the lowest ratings. The salinity of the FAO method has been split arbitrarily into slight and moderate subclasses with values of 0.7–2.25 and >2.25 dS/m, respectively; to match with the C3-class of the USDA system. The Water-Types were classified assuming that Ca–Cl2 is the least hazardous salt, followed by Mg–Cl2 and Na–Cl. Using this integrated hydrochemical method, the majority of the wells (92%) contain unsuitable water for irrigation (Group III) while the remaining wells (8%) are in Group II with water considered conditionally suitable for irrigation.  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge estimation has become a priority issue for humid and arid regions, especially in regions like Saudi Arabia, where the precipitation varies over space and time as a result of topography and seasonality. Wadi Tharad is a typical arid area in western Saudi Arabia. Within its drainage area of 400 km2, the groundwater system shows a graded hydrochemical zonation from the hydrocarbonate in the upper reach to the chloride zone in the lower reach. The saturation index (SI) varies depending on the concentrations of carbonate minerals; the mean for calcite and dolomite is about in equilibrium (e.g., zero value). As halite and gypsum indices are negative, it is undersaturated. Isotopic compositions of H and O in the groundwater show that the groundwater recharge resources are mainly from meteoric water. The chloride-mass balance method was refined to estimate the amount of recharge, which is probably 11% of the effective annual rainfall. These results can be used to improve the accuracy of future groundwater management and development schemes.  相似文献   

The Tawil Sandstone (Lower Devonian) in Central Saudi Arabia overlies the Sharwara Member of the Tayyarat Formation (Silurian) and succeeded conformly by the Shaiba Member of the Jauf Formation. Petrographical data reveal that the Tawil Sandstone comprises 96% quartz, 3% feldspar, and 1% rock fragments and all samples are classified as quartz arenites. The presence of well sorted, altered to fresh feldspar, and discriminate function analysis suggests that the sediments have been subjected to substartial reworking resulting in a high level of maturity. Modal analysis data (Q–F–L) suggest a stable cratonic provenance for the sediments and accumulation in a passive margin basin is indicated (binary plot of SiO2 vs K2O/Na2O). Diagenetic features include dissolution of feldspar and rock fragments, compaction, reduction of the existing pore space through rearrangements, and rotation and fragmentation of grains resulting in dissolution of quartz grains and cementation.  相似文献   

This article examines recent higher education projects in two resource-rich, developmental states: Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia. These projects are indicative of broader trend across Asia to move beyond previous national universities, toward a state-initiated model of the globally competitive university, which is designed to become an regional hub for elite education. Drawing on a range of qualitative methods, I consider the geopolitical context in which these projects have been conditioned and materialized, with a focus on how they are legitimated by policy-makers in the two case countries. By reframing discussions about the globalization of higher education in terms of a geopolitics of higher education, I argue that the cases of Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia are not exceptions set outside of the hegemonic liberal system, but that they are ‘mirrors’ of recent internationalization agendas undertaken by elite Western universities. Through considering localized discourses of promoting knowledge-based economies, I consider how elites simultaneously work with and reconfigure globally-hegemonic discourses, and specifically how these elite university projects are part of broader authoritarian political configurations in Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

The current study aimed at evaluating the capabilities of seven advanced machine learning techniques(MLTs),including,Support Vector Machine(SVM),Random Forest(RF),Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline(MARS),Artificial Neural Network(ANN),Quadratic Discriminant Analysis(QDA),Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA),and Naive Bayes(NB),for landslide susceptibility modeling and comparison of their performances.Coupling machine learning algorithms with spatial data types for landslide susceptibility mapping is a vitally important issue.This study was carried out using GIS and R open source software at Abha Basin,Asir Region,Saudi Arabia.First,a total of 243 landslide locations were identified at Abha Basin to prepare the landslide inventory map using different data sources.All the landslide areas were randomly separated into two groups with a ratio of 70%for training and 30%for validating purposes.Twelve landslide-variables were generated for landslide susceptibility modeling,which include altitude,lithology,distance to faults,normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI),landuse/landcover(LULC),distance to roads,slope angle,distance to streams,profile curvature,plan curvature,slope length(LS),and slope-aspect.The area under curve(AUC-ROC)approach has been applied to evaluate,validate,and compare the MLTs performance.The results indicated that AUC values for seven MLTs range from 89.0%for QDA to 95.1%for RF.Our findings showed that the RF(AUC=95.1%)and LDA(AUC=941.7%)have produced the best performances in comparison to other MLTs.The outcome of this study and the landslide susceptibility maps would be useful for environmental protection.  相似文献   

The Kas Formation in SE Turkey was deposited as part of the Permian sequence on the northern margin of the Arabian Plate. Its stratigraphic relationship to time‐equivalent strata of the Arabian Plate was mentioned briefly in previous studies, but has not been elaborated and illustrated in detail. This biostratigraphic review of existing palaeontological data has improved the accuracy of age interpretation for the Kas Formation, and the relationship of its excellent palynological record to the international Permian chronostratigraphic units. As a result, this study has identified a number of key palynological species from the Kas Formation, which occur as well as in the ‘Basal Khuff Clastics’ of Saudi Arabia and in the ‘Khuff transition section’ of Oman. All these units have approximately the same age: Wordian to early Capitanian, based on ‘age control’ provided by Foraminifera. This study also demonstrates that, by using key palynological taxa, correlation of strata would be possible across the entire Arabian Plate in this narrow time range. Hence, the ‘Oman and Saudi Arabia Palynological Zone 6’ (OSPZ6) is applicable throughout the Arabian Plate area, including the northern regions of SE Turkey and Iraq. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Neogene-Quaternary Harrat Rahat volcanic field is part of the major intercontinental Harrat fields in western Saudi Arabia.It comprises lava flows of olivine basalt and hawaiite,in addition to mugearite,benmorite,and trachyte that occur mainly as domes,tuff cones and lava flows.Based on opaque mineralogy and mineral chemistry,the Harrat Rahat volcanic varieties are distinguished into Group I(olivine basalt and hawaiite) and Group II(mugearite,benmorite and trachyte).The maximum forsterite content(~85) is encountered in zoned forsteritic olivine of Group I,whereas olivine of Group II is characterized by intermediate(Fo=50),fayalitic(Fo=25) and pure fayalite in the mugearite,benmorite and trachyte,respectively.The more evolved varieties of Group II contain minerals that show enrichment of Fe2+,Mn2+and Na+that indicates normal fractional crystallization.The common occurrence of coarse apatite with titanomagnetite in the benmorite indicates that P5+becomes saturated in this rock variety and drops again in trachyte.Cr-spinel is recorded in Group I varieties only and the Cr#(0.5) suggests lherzolite as a possible restite of the Harrat Rahat volcanics.The plots of Cr# vs.the forsterite content(Fo) suggest two distinct trends,which are typical of mixing of two basaltic magmas of different sources and different degrees of partial melting.The bimodality of Harrat Rahat Cr-spinel suggests possible derivation from recycled MORB slab in the mantle as indicated by the presence of high-Al spinel.It is believed that the subcontinental lithospheric mantle was modified by pervious subduction process and played the leading role in the genesis of the Harrat Rahat intraplate volcanics.The trachytes of the Harrat Rahat volcanic field were formed most probably by melting of a lower crust at the mantle-crust boundary.The increase in fO2 causes a decrease in Cr2 O3,and Al2 O3,and a strong increase in the proportion of Fe3+and Mg# of spinel crystallizing from the basaltic melt at T ~1200°C.The olivine-pyroxene and olivine-spinel geothermometers yielded equilibrium temperature in the range of 935-1025°C,whereas the range of <500-850°C from single-pyroxene thermometry indicates either post crystallization reequilibrium of the clinopyroxene,or the mineral is xenocrystic and re-equilibrated in a cooling basaltic magma.  相似文献   

The Rabigh area, a coastal region north of Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia contains raised Quaternary coral reefal terraces and reworked coral fragments mixed with sand and gravel. This area has a thin exposure Lower Miocene shallow marine carbonate rocks that laterally pass into evaporites. The Miocene carbonate and evaporite rocks conformably overly the Lower Miocene siliciclastic sequence, are in turn capped by the Harrat basaltic boulders. The Miocene carbonates are made up of dolomitic packstone, wackestone and mudstone, whereas the overlying Quaternary reefal terraces are composed of coral boundstone and grainstones.The Quaternary reefal terraces of Rabigh area have been dated using the uranium-series dating method to obtain precise dates for these corals. The calculated ages (128, 212 and 235 ka) indicate that deposition took place during high sea level stands associated with interglacial times during Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS) 5 and 7. The youngest age (128 ka) clearly corresponds to stage 5e of the last interglacial period. The obtained ages correlate well with those of the emerged reefs on the Sudanese and Egyptian coasts at the western side of the Red Sea. The broad distribution of wet climate, pluvial deposits on the continents and high sea level stands indicate a wide geographical range of the interglacial events of the Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS) 5 and 7.The oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of the Miocene and Quaternary carbonate rocks in Rabigh area show a broad range of δ13C and δ18O. The Quaternary carbonate rocks have significantly higher δ13C than the Miocene ones, but low δ13C values of the Miocene samples likely indicate a high contribution of carbon from organic sources at the time of deposition. Linear trends are evident in both groups of samples supporting the likelihood of secondary alteration.  相似文献   

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