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Archaeological sites containing significant information not available from terrestrial sites occur along former land surfaces now submerged and buried on the continental shelf. Although sites may occur anywhere along these former land surfaces, factors essential to man's survival, such as fresh water and food resources, make site locations somewhat predictable. Landforms such as rivers, lakes, and bays represent locations where one or more of the basic subsistence factors are provided. These relict landforms on the continental shelf can be detected easily using high-resolution seismic profilers. Physical sampling of landforms targeted as potential site areas is usually the only method for confirming the presence of an archaeological site. Sediment samples from a potential site are subjected to a series of sedimentary analyses which discriminate between archaeological deposits and natural sedimentary deposits. These methods for locating inundated and buried archaeological sites on the continental shelf were tested in a Gulf of Mexico study funded by the United States Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. The study suggests that at least two locations sampled along the ancient Sabine River Valley represent archaeological deposits dating from the Late Wisconsinan period of lower sea stand.  相似文献   

The Tepexpan Palaeoindian skeleton was discovered in 1947 close to the former Lake Texcoco margin, in the Basin of Mexico. The find has been the object of considerable interest and discussion over the last 60 years regarding its real age and archaeological interpretation. Here we report new AMS radiocarbon dates associated with the sedimentary succession at Tepexpan with ages between 19,110 ± 90 and 612 ± 22 14C years BP and a new uranium-series date for the skeleton with an age of 4700 ± 200 years BP that indicates a mid Holocene age. The sedimentary succession was studied in detail using: stable isotopes, diatoms, organic geochemistry and tephrochronology. The multi-proxy evidence suggests large changes around the margins of Lake Texcoco in terms of the balance between aquatic and terrestrial plants, C3 and C4 plants, saline, alkaline and freshwater conditions, volcanic activity, marginal reworking of lake sediments and input from the drainage basin through the late Pleistocene–late Holocene. These changes had large impacts on the prehistoric human populations living by the lake shores since the late Pleistocene in the Basin of Mexico.  相似文献   

Thermoluminescence (TL) dates are presented for the Upper Pleistocene loess sequence that overlies a Paleolithic site 14.5 km southeast of Rawalpindi, northern Pakistan (lat. 33° 30′ 30″ long. 73° 10′ 40″). These dates provide the first dating of Pleistocene blade assemblages in Pakistan, and also indicate that the loess is associated with the last, and not just the penultimate, glaciation of the Himalayas as had been previously thought. The site includes the remains of a structure and numerous blade tools, and may have been used for skin-working or some comparable activity. The ten TL dates presented span the age range 64–24 ka, and imply an early date for blade industries in the northern part of the Indian sub-continent of ca. 45–42 ka.  相似文献   

Molluscs, collected from loess and loess-like profiles of Hungary by a method developed for high resolution stratigraphic studies, were statistically evaluated for a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Species were ranged according to 4 important ecological factors, namely: soil type, air humidity, temperature and vegetation. Based on temporal change in dominance, palaeoecological periods were discerned. During the Würm glacial period 5 major changes were detected by this method. Between the fourth and fifth interval so delimited (Late Würm and late glacial periods) 9 events of short duration could be identified and their ecological significance was reconstructed.  相似文献   

Foraminifera, sedimentology, and tephra geochemistry in core 93030-006 LCF from the southwestern Iceland shelf were used to reconstruct paleoenvironments between 12.7 and 9.4 14C ka BP. Seismic-reflection profiles place the core in glacial-marine and marine sediments within one meter of the underlying glacial till. Foraminifers in the earliest glacial-marine sediments provide a record of ice-distal conditions and immigration of slope species onto the shelf in association with warm Atlantic water. Meltwater increased during the Allerød under a weakened Atlantic water influence. Arctic conditions began by 11.14 14C ka BP with an abrupt increase in meltwater and near exclusion of boreal fauna from the shelf. Meltwater diminished in the early Younger Dryas, coinciding with sea-surface cooling between 11.14 and 10.5 14C ka BP. A slight warming recorded in the uppermost glacial-marine sediments was interrupted by an inferred jökulhlaup event emanating from glacier ice on the Western Volcanic Zone. Retreat of the ice margin from the sea sometime between c. 10.3 and 9.94 14C ka BP coincided with this event. The onset of postglacial marine sedimentation occurred along with increasing evidence of Atlantic water c. 9.94 14C ka BP and was interrupted by a short-lived Pre-boreal cooling of the Irminger Current c. 9.91 14C ka BP. Conditions similar to those today were established by 9.7 14C ka BP.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the loess–paleosol sequence of Nussloch, Germany, by using n-alkanes as plant leaf-wax-derived lipid biomarkers. We found that n-alkane patterns and concentrations in the Saalian loess and the last interglacial Eemian paleosol of Nussloch point to very strong degradation and prevailing deciduous vegetation. Degradation effects in the overlying paleosols and loess layers are less pronounced and allow for the application of an end-member mixing model to estimate vegetation changes semi-quantitatively. Our findings highlight the potential for the interpretation of degradation-corrected n-alkane ratios. n-Alkane modelling results for loess layers, paleosols and an in-filled paleochannel dated to ~ 60–32 ka suggest that up to ~ 50% of the n-alkanes were derived from deciduous trees or shrubs. This finding is in agreement with the abundant occurrence of wood fragments and indicates a highly variable and dynamic landscape dominated by tundra shrubland. On the other hand, deciduous trees or shrubs did not contribute significantly to the soil organic matter in the late Weichselian loess layers and the intercalated Gelic Gleysols (~ 32–18 ka).  相似文献   

侯连海  张子慧 《地质通报》2004,23(8):784-789
研究表明,内蒙古包头市阿善遗址的鸟类化石总计有5目7科10属10种鸟类,其中赤嘴潜鸭、白枕鹤和骨顶鸡为中国鸟类首次化石记录。阿善遗址鸟类群除3种为鸡形目地栖者外,其余全为涉水鸟类,是中国迄今为止首次发现的以水鸟为主体的史前时期鸟类群。这些鸟类化石对研究遗址的生态环境、气候变化以及鸟类地理分布、迁徙和演化等都有重要意义。  相似文献   

Thermoluminescence (TL) and infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) sediment-dating methods have been applied to paleosol- and tephra-bearing loess sequences younger than marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 7 at three important sites. TL ages indicate the development of significant paleosols ∼75,000 and ∼30,000 yr ago in the loess sequence at the Gold Hill site. Relatively minor soil development occurred ∼70,000 and ∼48,000 yr ago. Like the ∼75,000-yr-old soil, the 30,000-yr-old soil is apparently of global extent, and consistent in timing with inferred warm intervals elsewhere (e.g., Greenland, Europe, western and central China). At Birch Hill, replicate TL dating of primary loess combined with two earlier TL results from the same site, and with an earlier mean fission-track-glass-shard age of 140,000 ± 10,000 yr for the associated Old Crow tephra, yield a more precise numeric age of 142,300 ± 6600 yr for this Alaska/Yukon chronostratigraphic marker ash bed. Three of the TL ages at the Halfway House site are difficult to interpret, but combined with other evidence, they indicate: (1) the upper 5-6 m of loess from Halfway House is not part of the Gold Hill Loess (equivalent to pre-MIS 5 age) as long thought by T.L. Péwé, but rather is much younger; (2) the regionally significant variegated tephra, found in the Fairbanks and Klondike areas and previously thought to be older than MIS 5, has an age of 77,800 ± 4100 yr (late MIS 5).  相似文献   

During the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation, about 15,000–13,000 yr B.P., a lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet occupied the Puget lowland of western Washington. At its maximum extent about 14,000 yr ago, the ice sheet extended across the Puget lowland between the Cascade Range and Olympic Mountains and terminated about 80 km south of Seattle. Meltwater streams drained southwest to the Pacific Ocean and built broad outwash trains south of the ice margin. Reconstructed longitudinal profiles for the Puget lobe at its maximum extent are similar to the modern profile of Malaspina Glacier, Alaska, suggesting that the ice sheet may have been in a near-equilibrium state at the glacial maximum. Progressive northward retreat from the terminal zone was accompanied by the development of ice-marginal streams and proglacial lakes that drained southward during initial retreat, but northward during late Vashon time. Relatively rapid retreat of the Juan de Fuca lobe may have contributed to partial stagnation of the northwestern part of the Puget lobe. Final destruction of the Puget lobe occurred when the ice retreated north of Admiralty Inlet. The sea entered the Puget lowland at this time, allowing the deposition of glacial-marine sediments which now occur as high as 50 m altitude. These deposits, together with ice-marginal meltwater channels presumed to have formed above sea level during deglaciation, suggest that a significant amount of postglacial isostatic and(or) tectonic deformation has occurred in the Puget lowland since deglaciation.  相似文献   

Six methods for approximating late Pleistocene (Pinedale) equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) are compared for rapidity of data collection and error (RMSE) from first-order trend surfaces, using the Colorado Front Range. Trend surfaces computed from rapidly applied techniques, such as glaciation threshold, median altitude of small reconstructed glaciers, and altitude of lowest cirque floors have relatively high RMSEs (97–186 m) because they are subjectively derived and are based on small glaciers sensitive to microclimatic variability. Surfaces computed for accumulation-area ratios (AARs) and toe-to-headwall altitude ratios (THARs) of large reconstructed glaciers show that an AAR of 0.65 and a THAR of 0.40 have the lowest RMSEs (about 80 m) and provide the same mean ELA estimate (about 3160 m) as that of the more subjectively derived maximum altitudes of Pinedale lateral moraines (RMSE = 149 m). Second-order trend surfaces demonstrate low ELAs in the latitudinal center of the Front Range, perhaps due to higher winter accumulation there. The mountains do not presently reach the ELA for large glaciers, and small Front Range cirque glaciers are not comparable to small glaciers existing during Pinedale time. Therefore, Pleistocene ELA depression and consequent temperature depression cannot reliably be ascertained from the calculated ELA surfaces.  相似文献   

The fine-fraction mineralogy of the red sediments and of the upland soils along the Visakhapatnam—Bhimunipatnam coastal region has been studied by X-ray analysis. Dominant kaolinite with subordinate illite is the general clay-mineral assemblage in both the red sediments and the soils. The similar clay-mineral composition indicates that the upland soils are the source for the clay material in the red sediments. Montmorillonite is present in some samples and shows greater abundance in the red sediments than in the soils. The additional montmorillonite is considered to have been formed by post-depositional diagenesis in the red sediments at the expense of illite. Differences in the intensity of the weathering process controlled by the gradient in the source area have been suggested as being responsible for the variation in type and abundance of the clay minerals in the red sediments. It is inferred that humid and tropical to subtropical climatic conditions prevailed and persisted throughout the Late Pleistocene and Holocene in the Visakhapatnam region.  相似文献   

Some recent finds from two working pits in the outwash sands of the Cheshire Plain are recorded. The opportunity is taken to discuss the dating and ecology of the fauna in relation to past and present theories of environment in the late Pleistocene, and their relationship to the fauna of the Macclesfield New Cemetery Beds.  相似文献   

A previously unknown and morphologically distinct pentadactyl mammal track was recovered from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Laramie Formation at the Fossil Trace site, a National Natural Landmark which is the type locality for Schadipes crypticus, the only named mammal track known from North America. The track is different, and larger than S. crypticus, and thus is evidence of a diversity of mammal trackmakers at this site. Although Cretaceous mammal tracks are very rare, preliminary indications are that those currently known are all morphologically distinct and therefore indicative of a global diversity of different trackmakers, as the body fossil record suggests. Lack of well-preserved mammal trackways with morphologically distinct manus and pes footprints hampers efforts to name diagnostic ichnotaxa.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted along the middle South Platte River to better define the geomorphic contexts of Paleoindian sites and to reconstruct the alluvial and eolian geochronology. Paleoindian sites are associated with the Kersey terrace (the downstream equivalent of the Broadway terrace). The Kersey alluvium was deposited during Clovis occupation and the surface stabilized by 10,000 B.P. Post-Clovis sites post-date aggradation and stream downcutting may have started as early as 10,500 B.P. Subsequent floodplain development and downcutting formed the Kuner terrace (the possible downstream equivalent of the Piney Creek terrace) no later than 3000 B.P. and the Hardin terrace probably within the last 1000 years. Soils on the Kersey terrace are Ustochrepts (gravelly alluvium) or Haplustalfs (sandy and clayey alluvium). Soils on the Kuner terrace are cumulic Ustorthents and Ustochrepts. Soils on the Hardin terrace are Ustorthents with no obvious horizonation. Eolian sands began accumulating in the region by 10,000 B.P., but most are probably late Holocene deposits and are indicative of drier post-Pleistocene climate. Correlations with deposits in low order tributaries and other drainages can be difficult to make a) using soils because soil development varies as a function of parent material texture and b) because aggradation and degradation may be out-of-phase.  相似文献   

新疆且末县银石山地区巴颜喀拉山群为一套以复理石、类复理石沉积为主的地层,在1:25万区调中采集到较多的生物化石.其中三叠纪的菊石、古植物、放射虫等标准化石分子产于正常沉积的泥晶灰岩、碎屑岩、硅质岩等岩层中,代表巴颜喀拉山群的沉积时代,且在纵向与横向上控制程度高.石炭纪、二叠纪的有孔虫、腕足等化石产于外来滑动岩块成因的灰岩透镜体中,属沉积混杂带进的异地异时分子.据此,确定区内该套地层为三叠系,而不是前人划分的二叠系地层时代.  相似文献   

The uranium/thorium (U/Th) dating method was applied to pedogenic/diagenic ferricretes developed within glacial drifts from the northern West Coast Ranges of Tasmania. The dates derived from the method are, by definition, minima for the sediments, with the ferricretes being secondary mineral deposits which appear in the form of bands, horizons or nodules comprised of indurated masses of iron oxy(hydr)oxides developed post-depositionally within the host sediment or soil. The absence of such deposits in well-identified drift sediments of the last glaciation suggests the development of ferricrete horizons in glacial drifts occurred during earlier interstadials and interglacials. This has been confirmed by the uranium/thorium dating of ferricrete bands within glacigenic sediments obtained from three drill cores from the Boco Valley. The ages derived were found to be consistent with estimates for the timing of glaciation derived from palaeomagnetic analyses, radiocarbon dating and relative dating techniques. The results show that the uranium/thorium method can be used to successfully date ferricretes obtained from within glacial sediments of ages <350000 yr and provides valuable information regarding the minimum age of the host sediment. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The δD of cellulose from 14C-dated wood, collected in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado, decreased by about 45‰ from 9600 to 3100 yr B.P. and an additional 25‰ to the present. The wood samples are from trees that grew above present-day tree line and reflect a time of warmer average summer temperatures. These changes in δD are interpreted to indicate a major change during the Holocene in the sources of moisture, in the seasonality of precipitation, or in both.  相似文献   


真猛犸象(Mammuthus primigenius)是晚更新世古北界最典型的动物之一,曾广泛分布于欧亚大陆和北美地区。了解真猛犸象的食物结构对探讨其演化乃至灭绝极具科学意义。目前,通过真猛犸象化石及伴生动物群的C、N稳定同位素分析揭示真猛犸象的食物结构,国际上已有不少报道,却缺少东亚地区的研究案例。为此,本文以黑龙江省大庆博物馆馆藏的东北地区晚更新世真猛犸象及伴生动物群的骨骼化石为研究对象,开展了包括真猛犸象、披毛犀、马科、牛科等9种33个个体的C、N稳定同位素分析。研究结果显示:在所有动物中,真猛犸象具有最高的δ15N值,高于植食和肉食动物。显然,与其他动物相比,真猛犸象具有独特的摄食行为,可能受到生态环境、生理特点、食粪行为等多个因素的影响。结合国际上已发表的关于真猛犸象化石的同位素数据,笔者发现:真猛犸象的食物来源较为稳定,食物专门化程度较高。由此可见,真猛犸象具有的独特摄食行为,可能是其不能很好适应更新世晚期环境和气候变化而造成灭绝的动因之一。


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