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A small (360 × 180 m) rhyolitic intrusive body in the lower portion of the Portage Lake Lava Series of Michigan's Keweenaw peninsula was mapped and sampled in detail. The rhyolite is one of a number of similar bodies which make up less than 1% of the total volume of this thick Late-Precambrian plateau basalt pile. The rock is a low-calcium rhyolite with fine-grained homogeneous texture and sparse phenocrysts of plagioclase and quartz. Analyses of selected trace and major elements for 21 samples taken from the body reveal a chemical zonation consisting of a core zone enriched in K, Rb and Ba, and a border zone relatively poor in these elements. Little areal difference is found with respect to other elements tested (Mn, Sr, Zr, Ca, Ti, and Fe). This apparently primary zonation seems to result from the migration of K, Rb and Ba during crystallization of the shallow intrusive. Though zoned, the trace-element chemistry of the Fish Cove body is distinct from that of eight other rhyolites in the Portage Lake Lava Series, and suggests that fingerprinting by trace elements might be a fruitful method for identifying and correlating the sources of numerous rhyolitic pebbles in conglomerates interbedded with the basaltlava flows of the Portage Lake Series.  相似文献   

The Ishpeming Greenstone Belt is an Archean belt in the southern part of the Canadian Shield in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, U.S.A. Two volcanic cycles are preserved in it. The oldest formation, and basal to the first cycle (the Kitchi Schist), consists of mafic metavolcanics, has a major serpentinized ultramafic body near its base, and grades upward to a coarse felsic volcanic breccia at the top of the cycle. This unit in turn is overlain by a sequence of mafic flows that grades upward to interbedded mafic flows and exhalites of the Mona Schist. This sequence has been intruded by the Dead River Pluton.The Ishpeming Greenstone Belt probably represents the keel of a previously much more extensive Greenstone Belt.Gold mineralization occurs associated with mafic basaltic volcanic rocks and serpentinized ultramafics low in the succession, and with carbonate-rich quartz-chlorite-sericite schists and exhalites higher in the sequence. No mineral deposits are now being exploited here.  相似文献   

The Llano uplift exposes rocks of approximately 1000 m.y. age. The weighted average composition of the exposed crust is: 70.7% SiO2; 0.35% TiO2; 13.6% A12O3; 3.4% total Fe as Fe2O3; 1.1% MgO; 2.6% CaO; 3.3% Na2O; and 4.4% K2O. This composition is similar to, but more potassic, than equivalent estimates for the Canadian shield.  相似文献   

The West Farrington pluton in the North Carolina Piedmont isconcentrically zoned from gabbro-diorite near the chilled marginsto leucogranodiorite in the center. A crystallization modelfor the West Farrington pluton has been derived utilizing chemical,petrographic, field, and experimental data. The model involvessimple in situ fractional crystallization from the margins inward,with minimal contamination, crystal settling and floating, ormetasomatism. Rocks of the pluton can be considered as mixturesof early crystallizing minerals (liquidus or near-liquidus phases)and crystallized interstitial liquids. Relative percentage ofentrapped pore liquid increased with increasing degree of crystallization. The original tonalite magma began crystallizing Fe-Ti spinels,plagioclase, and hornblende within a short temperature interval.Crystallization of these minerals controlled fractionation trends.The initial water content in the magma was probably 2–3per cent; under such conditions water saturation would havebeen reached after about 60 per cent of the magma crystallized,assuming crystallization in the lower epizone at about 2000bars total pressure.  相似文献   

The three anthracite coal fields of eastern Pennsylvania occur in large synclinal basins surrounded by sandstone hogback ridges. The streams draining the coal regions are heavily contaminated by sulfuric acid due to the weathering of pyrite in the abandoned mines and culm. Dams could be built in the water gaps of the streams leaving the basins, forming huge reservoirs. For example, in the western part of the Middle Coal Field (Shamokin-Mt. Carmel area), the construction of four dams would form a reservoir that would inundate practically all the culm banks, abandoned mines, and environmentally abused lands in this coal field. The reservoir (at approximately 410 m elevation) would be approximately 140 sq km in area and could be the source of water for pumped-storage hydroelectricity generation. The water should have moderately good quality and could serve the recreational needs of a vast population of the Middle Atlantic states.  相似文献   

Loading trends and sources of CI in the South Fork of the Shenandoah River, Virginia were analyzed for the period 1929–1982. CI has increased from approximately 2 mg/L (2,776 tons/yr) to over 10 mg/L (14,256 tons/yr). Natural CI is estimated to be 1.01 mg/L (1,388 tons/yr) with precipitation providing 0.99 mg/L and rocks 0.02 mg/L. From 1929 to 1949 CI concentrations were relatively constant and independent of discharge, conforming to the Type II curve of Davis and Zobrist (1978), indicative of natural or relatively uncontaminated streams. Since 1952 CI concentrations increased exponentially as river discharge decreases conforming to the Type I curve of Davis and Zobrist for polluted streams. Since 1965 anthropogenic CI loading at 12,868 tons/yr has remained relatively constant. Four major sources contribute 92.2 percent (11,871 tons/yr) of the anthropogenic CI: (1) deicing salts—4,149 tons/yr, (2) domestic sewage—3,015 tons/yr, (3) livestock and poultry wastes—2,458 tons/yr, and (4) commercial fertilizers—2,249 tons/yr.  相似文献   

We describe a small ilium, with fibrous texture characteristic of juvenile bone, from the lower Cenomanian of central Utah, U.S.A. The ilium was recovered from the upper part of the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation. The ilium most closely resembles that of immature ceratopsid ilia referred to Agujaceratops mariscalensis from the Campanian Aguja Formation of southern Texas, U.S.A. Both have everted dorsal margins over the iliac body, subhorizontal postacetabular processes, and laterally compressed, anteroventrally curved preacetabular processes. If correctly identified, the small ilium from the Cedar Mountain Formation is the oldest ceratopsid or ceratopsoid known, and shows that the diversity of early ceratopsians was greater than previously realized.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of Sr has been measured in 73 formation-water samples from Paleozoic strata in the Illinois basin; 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.7079 to 0.7108. With the exception of four samples, the waters are more radiogenic than corresponding Paleozoic sea-water values. The relatively narrow range of slightly elevated 87Sr/86Sr rations is uniformly distributed in waters throughout the stratigraphic column and in Silurian waters across the basin. Isotopic analyses of core samples from reservoir rocks show an absence of water-rock Sr isotopic equilibration. Basin lithology and analyses of detrital rock units indicate that clay minerals in shales and in quartz sandstone matrices represent the only significant source of radiogenic Sr for the waters. Silurian and Devonian water show a two-component mixing relation which suggests that they comprise a single hydrogeological system that evolved when radiogenic water from New Albany shales entered Silurian-Devonian carbonate rocks and mixed with marine interstitial water. Regional migration of the waters and associated petroleum within the Silurian-Devonian strata, proposed in other studies, is consistent with the Sr isotopic data. Under favorable circumstances subsurface waters are capable of retaining a Sr isotopic recor of their evolution.  相似文献   

Summary The Golden Sunlight gold-silver telluride deposit, hosted primarily within the Mineral Hill breccia pipe (MHBP), is spatially related to a high-level, Late Cretaceous multiple intrusive, alkaline to subalkaline porphyry system. Base metal veins and manganese (rhodochrosite) mineralization occur up to 2km from the MHBP and form part of a regional mineral zonation pattern genetically related to a low-grade porphyry molybdenum system. Proterozoic rocks of the LaHood Formation and the informally named Bull Mountain Group host the MHBP and contain stratabound sulphides/ sulphosalts (up to 50% pyrite with minor to trace amounts of chalcopyrite, tennantite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, and molybdenite). Four periods of hypogene mineralization occur in the breccia pipe. Stages I and IV constitute ,99% of the mineralization; native gold (4–11 wt.% Ag), calaverite, tetradymite, tellurobismuthite, Se-bearing Bi sulphosalts (aikinite, lindströmite, krupkaite, gladite, bismuthinite, and ?benjaminite), tennantite (Zn, Fe, Te, and Bi varieties), coloradoite, melonite, galena (up to 6.7 wt.% Bi and 6.4 wt.% Se), stannite, chalcocite, and the rare mineral buckhornite are included in stage Ib. Minor amounts of base metals are present in stage II. Gold-silver tellurides (krennerite, petzite, sylvanite, and possibly the rare x-phase) developed in stage III whereas barite, fluorite, dolomite, magnesite, trace kaolinite, and sericite formed during stage IV. Utilizing the mineral assemblages in stage Ib, calculated values of logf Te2 and logf S2 range from -10.5 to -9.7, and -12.6 to -5.5, respectively.Ore forming components (e.g., Au, Ag, Te, Cu, Bi, Mo, and much of the S) were likely derived from the Late Cretaceous intrusive system with possible contributions from the Proterozoic host rocks.
Mineralogie der Golden Sunlight Gold-Silber-Tellurid-Lagerstätte, Whitehall, Montana
Zusammenfassung Die Golden Sunlight Gold-Silber-Tellurid-Lagerstätte, die hauptsächlich im Brekzienschlot von Mineral Hill (Mineral Hill breccia pipe, MHBP) eingelagert ist, steht räumlich mit einem erzreichen, multi-intrusiven, alkalischen bis sub-alkalischen Porphyritsystem aus der Oberkreide in Beziehung. Erzadern und Mn-Mineralisation (Rhodochrosit) finden sich bis zu 2 km vom MHBP entfernt und sind Bestandteil einer regionalen Vererzung die genetisch zu einem erzarmen Mo-hältigen Porphyritsystem in Beziehung steht. Proterozoische Gesteine aus der LaHood-Formation und der inoffiziell benannten Bull Mountain Group umgeben den MHBP und enthalten schichtgebundene Sulfide und Sulfosalze (bis zu 50% Pyrit mit Neben- bis Spurenmengen von Kupferkies, Tennantit, Pyrrhotin, Zinkblende, Bleiglanz und Molybdänit).[Der Brekzienschlot zeigt vier Phasen hypogener Mineralisation. Stufen I und IV enthalten 99% der Mineralisation: gediegen Gold (4–11 Gew.% Ag), Calaverit, Tetradymit, Tellurobismuthit, Se-hältige Bi-Sulfosalze (Aikinit, Lindströmit, Krupkait, Gladit, Bismuthinit und ?Benjaminit) Tennantit (Zn-, Fe-, Te- und Bi-Varietäten), Coloradoit, Melonit, Bleiglanz (mit bis zu 6.7 Gew.% Bi und 6.4 Gew.% Se), Zinnstein, Chalcocit, sowie das seltene Mineral Buckhornit treten in Stufe Ib auf. Geringere Mengen von Buntmetallen kommen in Stufe II vor. Gold-Silber-Telluride (Krennerit, Petzit, Sylvanit und möglicherweise die seltene X-Phase) sind in Stufe III ausgebildet und in Stufe IV wurden Baryt, Flusspat, Dolomit, Magnesit, Spuren von Kaolin und Serizit gebildet. Unter Verwendung der Mineralassoziationen der Stufe Ib lassen sich Werte von logf Te2 zwischen - 10.5 und - 9.7 und von logf S2 zwischen - 12.6 und - 5.5 errechnen.[Die erzbildenden Komponenten (z.B. Au, Ag, Te, Cu, Bi, Mo und der Grossteil von S) stammen wahrscheinlich vom Intrusivsystem aus der Oberkreide, möglicherweise mit Beiträgen der proterozoischen Umgebung.[/ p]

With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Summary A detailed electron microprobe study of the mineralogy of fifteen eclogites from the Moses Rock kimberlitic dyke, Utah, has demonstrated complexity in compositional zoning of minerals. Most of the eclogites examined are of the almandine-jadeite type and zonal and irregular variation in grossular content of garnet and acmite, jadeite and diopside-hedenbergite content of pyroxene produce large uncertainties in temperature estimates based on Fe/Mg partitioning between garnet and clinopyroxene. Zoning pattems of increasingX Mg in both clinopyroxene and garnet, and increasingX Jd in clinopyroxene, suggest the introduction of Mg and Na throughout the evolution of these essentially bimineralic assemblages. Averaged data yield temperatures from 340°C to 500°C at 10 kbar for compositions of rims of coexisting garnet and clinopyroxene. Two samples contain pyrope-rich gamets but coexisting pyroxenes are extremely magnesian and temperatures of equilibration of both primary omphacite-pyrope and secondary omphacite-almandine/pyrope-chlorite are only slightly higher (500–650° at 10 kbar) than those for almandine jadeite eclogites and estimates overlap with those of some examples of the latter type. Unlike the majority of almandine-jadeite eclogites, two examples contain garnets with almandine-cores and pyrope-rich rims without accompanying variation in grossular content. The simple interpretation of these samples as evidence of garnet growth during prograde metamorphism is precluded by complex zoning in coexisting clinopyroxene. The eclogites provide evidence for the presence of a metamorphic terrane including rocktypes resembling those of blueschist terranes beneath the Colorado Plateau but do not permit deduction of theP,T path by which such rocktypes reached theirP,TT-conditions (10 kbar, 400–600°C) of metamorphism.
Petrogenese von Eklogit-Einschlüssen im Moses Rock Dyke, Utah, U.S.A.
Zusammenfassung Eine detaillierte Studie der Mineralogie von fünfzehn Eklogiten vom Moses Rock Kimberlit-Dyke (Utah) mittels mikrosonde zeigte komplexe Zonierung der Zusammensetzung der Minerale. Die meisten der untersuchten Eklogite gehören zum Almandin-Jadeit-Typ; zonare und irreguläre Variationen der Grossularkomponente der Granate und der Akmit-, Jadeit- und der Diopsid-Hedenbergitkomponenten der Pyroxene resultieren in großen Unsicherheiten bei Temperaturabschätzungen auf der Basis von Fe/Mg-Verteilungen zwischen Granat und Clinopyroxenen. Durchschnittswerte von Randzonen koexistierender Granate und Clinopyroxene ergeben Temperaturen von 340°C bis 500°C für 10 kb.Zwei Proben enthielten pyropreichen Granat, die koexistierenden Clinopyroxene sind extrem Mg-reich und die Gleichgewichtstemperaturen sowohl von primärem Omphacit-Pyrop als auch von sekundärem Omphacit-Almandin/Pyrop-Chlorit sind nur geringfügig höher (500°–600°C bei 10 kb) als die für Almandin-Jadeit-Eklogite; die Schätzungen überlappen mit denen von einigen Proben des letzteren Typs.Im Gegensatz zur Mehrheit der Almandin-Jadeit-Eklogite enthalten zwei Proben Granate mit almandinreichen Kernen und pyropreichen Rändern ohne gleichzeitige Schwankungen im Grossulargehalt. Eine einfache Interpretation dieser als Beweis für Granatwachstum während prograder Metamorphose muß jedoch ausgeschlossen werden, da die koexistierenden Clinopyroxene komplex zoniert sind.Die Eklogite können als Beweis angesehen werden für das Vorhandensein eines metamorphen Bereichs unter dem Colorado-Plateau, der Gesteinstypen enthält, die denen der Glaukophanschieferfacies ähneln. Es können jedoch keine Aussagen über denP-T-Weg gemacht werden, über den diese Gesteinstypen ihre heute feststellbarenP-T-Bedingungen (400°–600°C, 10 kb) erreicht haben.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The Fetterman Mammoth locality, eastern Wyoming, U.S.A., produced the remains of a single subadult mammoth and a small lithic assemblage. This paper employs a fine‐grained taphonomic approach to investigate the events responsible for the deposit's creation. No cultural modifications were noted on any of the specimens. Long axis orientations plotted against a reconstruction of the depositional surface suggest limited postdepositional movement of individual disarticulated elements. Weathering patterns based on in situ upside and downside positioning document two discrete episodes of sedimentation. These results suggest that the mammoth remains and the cultural assemblage may be separated by at least one depositional event and, as such, their association is considered equivocal. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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