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Hydrochemical investigations in the Kalambaina Formation have been initiated to determine potability and suitability of the shallow groundwater for domestic and agricultural uses. This limestone formation is an extensive aquifer supplying water to livestock and domestic wells in its outcrop areas. The aquifer is recharged by rainfall and discharges mainly into the Sokoto–Rima River system and lakes at Kware, Gwadabawa and Kalmalo in Nigeria. Because recharge to the aquifer is mainly from rainfall, the quality of the groundwater is controlled essentially by chemical processes in the vadose zone and locally by human activities. Water samples were taken at 11 sites comprising boreholes, dug wells and a spring and were chemically analysed for their major ion components. Hydrochemical results show water of fairly good quality. It is, however, hard and generally of moderate dissolved solids content. Concentration of the total dissolved solids is between 130 and 2,340 mg/l. Concentrations of ions vary widely but a high concentration of K+ is found in places. NO3 is on the higher side of the World Health Organization (WHO) permissible limits, indicating pollution in such areas. Groundwater chemistry is predominantly of two facies, namely the calcium–magnesium–bicarbonate and calcium–magnesium–sulphate–chloride facies. These facies probably evolved primarily as a result of dissolution of calcium and magnesium carbonates as well as some human/land-use activities.  相似文献   

The Iullemmeden Basin (Mali-Niger-Benin-Nigeria) of tectono-epeirogenic origin was invaded several times by epicontinental transgressions during the Cretaceous and Paleocene.Three major subdivisions are recognized in the Nigerian section of the basin (the “Sokoto Basin”): (1) the lower, continental beds (= Continental Intercalaire) of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age, (2) intermediate marine and brackish water deposits and (3) “Continental T Terminal” of upper Eocene-Miocene age.The geology of the Iullemmeden Basin is reviewed and updated. The relationships between the “Continental Intercalaire” of francophone authors and the Illo and Gundumi Formations are analysed and the type sections of the latter described. It is suggested that the Illo and Gundumi Formations are lateral equivalents.Detailed information on the formations of the Maastrichtian Rima Group is presented. It is concluded that there is no age difference of consequence between the Paleocene Dange, Kalambaina and Gamba Formations.The epicontinental transgressions are interpreted as coming from the north-east, east of the Hoggar massif during the Cenomanian and Turonian and west of the Hoggar during the Maastrichtian and Paleocene. The Sokoto Paleocene molluscan fauna is considered to be terminal Paleocene to Eocene and somewhat younger than the Ewekoro association of coastal Nigeria.A new interpretation of the Continental Terminal is presented. The structural history of the Sokoto Basin is reviewed and partly re-interpreted in the light of new field evidence.  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian Patti Formation, which consists of shale - claystone and sandstone members, constitutes one of the three Upper Cretaceous lithostratigraphic units of the intracratonic southeastern Bida Basin, in central Nigeria. Well exposed outcrops of this formation were investigated at various locations around the confluence of the Niger and Benue Rivers. The lithostratigraphic sections were measured and their peculiar sedimentological features such as textures, physical and biogenic sedimentary structures, facies variations and associations were documented and used to interpret the depositional environments and develop a paleogeographic model. Some selected representative samples of the sedimentary depositional facies were also subjected to grain size analysis.Three shoreline sedimentary depositional facies composed of shoreface, tidal channel, and tidal marsh to coastal swamp facies were recognized in the study area. Continental sedimentary depositional facies such as fluvial channel, swamp, and overbank were also documented. The sandstones of the shoreface and tidal channel facies are medium- to coarse-grained, moderately sorted (standard deviation ranges from 0.45–1.28 averaging 0.72), and quartzarenitic. The fluvial channel sandstone facies are coarse- to very coarse-grained, mostly poorly sorted (standard deviation ranges from 0.6–1.56 averaging 1.17), and subarkosic. Typical sedimentary structures displayed by the shoreface and tidal channel facies include burrows, clay drapes, hummocky and herringbone cross stratifications, whereas the fluvial channel sandstone facies are dominated by massive and planar cross beddings. The tidal marsh to coastal swamp shales and ferruginised siltstone facies are fossiliferous and bioturbated, whereas the nonmarine swamp siltstones contain vegetal imprints and lignite interbeds. The overbank claystone facies are massive and kaolinitic.In the study area, a regressive to transgressive model is proposed for the Patti Formation. This model correlates with stratigraphically equivalent sediments of the Ajali and Mamu Formations in the adjacent Anambra Basin to a great extent.  相似文献   

The Calafate Formation crops out in south-western Santa Cruz Province, Argentina, and displays a stacking of asymmetrical coarsening–fining-upward cycles. These cycles are interpreted as the product of short-lived transgressive-regressive events in which the coarsening upward part represents sedimentary aggradation with a stable or decreasing sea level. Sedimentological and palynological analyses indicate nearshore marine conditions. Even though the existence of an estuary or incised valley cannot be determined, this is the most probable palaeogeographic model. Based on dinoflagellate cysts, the base of the section is considered to be not older than Maastrichtian. The presence of the oyster Ambigostrea clarae (Ihering) occurring together with the dinoflagellate cyst species Manumiella druggii (Stover) Bujak and Davies and Eisenackia circumtabulata Drugg in the middle part of the section indicates an age no older than late Maastrichtian. According to sedimentological data, deposits representing the Cretaceous–Palaeogene transition would have been eroded, which is confirmed by the presence of Grapnelispora loncochensis Papú. This megaspore is a consistent component of the Maastrichtian assemblages from Patagonia.  相似文献   

The Erlian Basin is one of the non-marine Cretaceous basins of north-east China that developed during the late Mesozoic continental extension in eastern Asia. This basin experienced two major tectonic events: (i) a syn-rift stage that was dominated by a fluvial–lacustrine depositional environment and (ii) a post-rift stage that was dominated by a fluvial environment. A new sedimentological study performed on Erlian Formation drill cores has led to the determination of an architectural model and to the subsequent characterisation of the stratigraphic evolution of this sedimentary unit during the late Cretaceous. The palynological occurrences that were identified in samples provided a possible stratigraphical age for the Erlian Formation.Sediments of the Erlian Formation occur at the top of the Cretaceous stratigraphic column of the Erlian Basin and were deposited during the post-rift stage. Facies architecture and the ideal succession of facies that were identified for this formation exhibit two different members, both dominated by a fluvial depositional environment: (i) the lower member, which is dominated by channels of a braided river system and (ii) the upper member, which is dominated by overbank deposits. The lower member expresses a tectonically induced uplift as indicated by channels clustering under negative accommodation, whereas a period of stratigraphic base-level rise that is associated with an increase of accommodation is identified in the upper member. Therefore the Erlian Formation highlights an alternation of short uplifts that were dominated by braided fluvial channel deposits with periods of stratigraphic base-level rise that were dominated by overbank deposits. This sedimentological architecture has significant metallogenic implications for the origin of confined permeable sandstone layers, which represent adequate host-rocks for roll front-type uranium deposits.The palynological assemblage Exesipollenites, Ulmipollenites/Ulmoideipites, Buttinia and Momipites that were recognised in two samples of the Erlian Formation has revealed a post-late Campanian age therefore more likely indicating a late Cretaceous age of deposition for the sediments of the Erlian Formation.  相似文献   

The late Permian to Triassic sediments of the Solway Basin consist of a layer-cake succession of mature, predominantly fine-grained red clastics laid down in semi-arid alluvial plain to arid sabkha and saline marginal marine or lacustrine environments. The Cumbrian Coastal Group consists of Basal Clastics and Eden Shales. The Basal Clastics are thin regolith deposits resting unconformably on all-underlying units and are composed of mixtures of angular local gravel and far-transported fine to very fine-grained sands deposited as basal lag. The Eden Shales are predominantly gypsiferous red silty mudstones, with thin very fine-grained sandstone beds, and with thick marine gypsum beds at the base, deposited at a saline lake margin. The overlying Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group consists of the Annan and Kirklinton Sandstones. The Annan Sandstones are predominantly thick-bedded, multi-storied, fine-grained mature red quartz sandstones in which coarse sand is practically absent despite channels with clay pebbles up to 30 cm in diameter. The overlying, predominantly aeolian, Kirklinton Sandstones consist of festoon cross-bedded and parallel-laminated fine-grained sandstones, almost identical to the Annan Sandstones except that mica and clay are absent. The Stanwix Shales, located above, consist of interbedded red, blue and green mudstones, siltstones, and thin very fine-grained sandstones, with gypsum layers. Although the entire succession can plausibly be interpreted as deposited in a large desert basin opening into a hypersaline marine or lacustrine embayment to the southwest, the uniformly fine-grained nature of the succession is unusual, as is the absence of paleosols, and body and trace fossils. There is almost no coarse sand even in the river channel units, and it seems likely that the basin was not only extremely arid but supplied predominantly by wind rather than water.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the regional and structural framework of the Cretaceous rocks in the Afikpo Basin located in the southeastern part of the Lower Benue Trough. Results from regional tectonics are presented together with those of the microtectonic analysis of microfaults in the Owutu-Afikpo-Adadama area in the basin. The Owutu-Afikpo-Adadama ridge at the north-central part of the basin marks the boundary between the Late Cenomanian-Turonian-Conianian sediments and the Campanian-Maastrichtian sandstones. This ridge trends N45°E on average and is faulted in three main directions, namely: (1) N-S normal faults; (2) NE-SW strike-slip faults; and (3) NW-SE strike-slip faults. The faulted rocks along these brittle discontinuities are mainly cataclastics with internal fracture cleavage and sigmoidal quartz mosaics that are reminiscent of extensional deformation. The cataclasites often bear slickenside striations.  相似文献   

The economic importance of the Cretaceous sequence of the Benue Valley is highlighted. The linear sedimentary basin or trough, as sometimes described, is underlain essentially by marine Cretaceous rocks, starting from the Middle Albian, and ranging to the Maastrichtian. There is, so far, no evidence of the occurrence of younger rocks in the Upper and Middle Benue area, though in the Lower Benue and the Niger Delta regions, Palaeocene to Recent formations overlie the older formations.The depositional processes and the tectonics associated with this period caused the emplacement of an accumulation of a number of important minerals of sedimentary and igneous origins, including lead-zinc, barytes, limestone and coal. There are indications of the possible occurrence of evaporites as evidenced by brine-springs associated with collapse features and fracture systems related to diapiric dome structures. The use of the minerals in the Nigerian economy is discussed. There are also favourable prospects for uranium and hydrocarbons. The immediate future will usher in a period of intensive exploration work aimed at evaluating these resources.  相似文献   

通过岩心、钻井、地震等资料以及物源分析,详细研究了东非鲁伍马盆地构造及沉积演化特征,初步提出了研究区窄陆架背景之下的沉积体系模式。研究认为,鲁伍马盆地陆坡较陡峭且峡谷水道非常发育,而深海平原地形趋于平缓,这有利于形成大型海底扇沉积体系。鲁伍马盆地沉积主要受控于鲁伍马河水系,尤其从渐新世开始受区域隆升影响,导致盆地西缘遭受抬升剥蚀,沉积物源供应充足,加之鲁伍马河水系较为发育,并伴随全球性海退,形成了庞大的向海推进的鲁伍马三角洲沉积体系,这也为海底扇的发育提供了丰富的物源,使得研究区发育了鲁伍马三角洲—水道—海底扇复合沉积体系。  相似文献   

The Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Pindos Zone in western Greece document the evolution of a Tethyan deep-water basin. New sedimentological and micropalaeontological studies reveal a complex basin history. Siliceous sediments with abundant radiolaria and organic-rich facies prevailed up to the early Late Cretaceous. Within the sediment-starved pre-Middle Cenomanian, marked black shale levels appear that are probably linked to oceanic anoxic events. At the change from the late Early to the early Middle Cenomanian, the sedimentary regime altered abruptly. The early Late Cretaceous is characterized by major calcareous redepositional events (orbitoline horizons) and often associated siliciclastic turbidite deposition (submarine-fan environments). In the late Late Cretaceous, carbonate supply increased rapidly, resulting in the evolution of a carbonate slope and basin-plain setting. Pelagic and allodapic limestones recorded basinwide blooms in planktonic foraminifera (elevata event) and a polyphase redepositional history that is interpreted to reflect the sensitivity of the basin to the tectonic evolution of Apulia.  相似文献   

利用高分辨率三维地震资料,对西非尼日利亚海上OML130地区近海底深水沉积进行了研究.剖析了深水水道体系各沉积单元地震反射特征,详细论述了水道与堤岸单元的外形几何特征及内部充填特征,即单一水道在剖面上为V字型,下部地震反射为强反射、低连续,代表相对粗颗粒碎屑沉积,顶部为中强振幅、连续性强、水平层状地震反射特征,反映了水道发育晩期废弃充填的特点,平面形态为高弯度条带状.在分析水道下切侵蚀与充填特征的基础之上,总结了水道体系内水道之间的3种叠置样式,研究表明平面上类似曲流河沉积体系的水道体系内,后期单一水道的发生不一定是在前期水道基础之上直接侧向迁移与顺流演化,而可能是另一个新的沉积过程,因而在不同位置展现不同的水道叠置样式.通过分析水道体系形成演化的主要影响因素,结合研究区浅层与深层资料,提出了被动大陆边缘深水水道体系的沉积模式.研究认为,在陆坡上某一区域,在物源供给及海平面变化,尤其是流域地形(构造或沉积所致)影响下,使得水道体系、朵叶体系既可以同时出现,也可以在顺流方向交替出现.借助近海底的高分辨率三维地震资料对深水沉积进行研究,可以揭示沉积单元特征,从而建立研究区内适性强的沉积演化模式,为深水油气勘探与开发提供更为成功的服务.  相似文献   

The occurrence of redeposited sediments and foraminiferids within the Upper Senonian deposits of the Silesian Unit (Northern Carpathians) have allowed a reconstruction of a part of the southern slope of the Silesian Basin. Three main zones have been established with specific sediments and associations of foraminiferids; basin plain, slope and upper slope-shelf which correspond to part of the “Recurvoides” and “Marssonella” associations sensu Haig (1979). Nine species of Foraminiferida from the uppermost associations are described.  相似文献   

西非塞内加尔盆地是全球近期油气勘探最活跃的前缘盆地之一。基于盆地最新的油气藏数据和勘探成果,应用石油地质综合研究和含油气系统分析的方法,研究了塞内加尔盆地的油气分布规律和主控因素,以成藏组合为评价单元,评估了待发现油气可采资源量,并探讨了盆地油气资源潜力和未来的勘探领域。研究表明,盆地发育3套含油气系统,志留系含油气系统、盐下三叠系含油气系统和白垩系含油气系统,白垩系含油气系统是最重要的含油气系统。区域上,盆地的油气主要分布于毛里塔尼亚次盆和北部次盆;层系上,油气主要储集于上白垩统赛诺曼阶、下白垩统阿尔比阶和中新统;埋深上,盆地油气储量集中分布于1 500~2 000 m和2 000~2500 m。油气富集的主要控制因素是生储盖的有效配置、优质的储层和圈闭及盐活动。资源评价结果表明,塞内加尔盆地待发现石油、天然气和凝析油的可采资源量分别为1 5083×106 bbl、363 Tcf(万亿立方英尺)和3270×106 bbl,合计7 8879×106 boe油当量,最具勘探潜力的成藏组合是上白垩统赛诺曼阶成藏组合和下白垩统阿尔比阶成藏组合。  相似文献   

The lowest unit of the Talchir Formation of Talchir Basin, Orissa, was described by pioneer workers as the ‘basal boulder bed’. In an attempt to explain the co-existence of gravel and clay, materials of contrasting hydraulic properties, a probable situation resembling the effects of the action of ground-ice enabled boulders to be carried down by sluggish currents resulting in an intermixture of large boulders and fine mud was conceived. Misinterpretation of this conclusion led to a general tendency to describe the ‘basal boulder bed’ as ‘glacial tillite’. However, the unit described as ‘basal boulder bed’ is actually represented by a matrix rich conglomerate with pockets of normally graded silty clay. The present study reveals that the depositional imprints preserved in this part of the sedimentary succession indicate emplacement of successive debris flows generated through remobilization of pre-existing unconsolidated sediments. Small pockets of fine-grained turbidites presumably deposited from the entrained turbidity currents associated with the debris flows suggest the composite character of the debris flow deposit.  相似文献   

为研究下刚果盆地和加蓬盆地盐下构造特征的差异性,指导其盐下勘探,通过不同构造位置的地震、地质剖面分析,对比两盆地裂陷期构造特征的异同。研究结果表明两者均经历了裂谷期、过渡期和漂移期三大构造演化阶段。在裂陷期,两者构造格局相同,但构造规模和隆坳格局有一定的差异性。下刚果盆地内裂谷盆地隆坳特征更为明显,加蓬盆地外裂谷盆地隆坳格局更加清楚。裂陷期的有利勘探区带,下刚果盆地主要集中在内裂谷盆地,加蓬盆地则主要集中在外裂谷盆地。裂谷作用的起始时间、转换断层和基底性质差异可能是造成两者异同的主要原因。  相似文献   

为精细解剖西非油气富集的Rio Muni盆地复杂盐拱构造带上的油藏特征,为其他相似地区油藏评价提供一定参考,以位于复杂盐拱构造带上的H油藏为例,利用地震、测井、录井、钻井和MDT测试等资料分析H油藏的构造、沉积、储层和油层分布特征及成藏主控因素等。研究得出,H油藏属于典型的构造岩性复合油藏,为构造背景下的岩性边水油藏,具有多套油水系统,构造高部位发育盐刺穿,储层既有浊积砂岩储层又有滑脱灰岩储层,主要分布于构造的翼部低部位,滑脱断层和盐拱是油气成藏的主控因素。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地侏罗系沉积体系纲要   总被引:24,自引:8,他引:24  
侏罗系为准噶尔盆地重要的含油气层系,其层序发育较完整,沉积相类型丰富,沉积体系多样。露头、钻测井、地震三位一体研究表明,侏罗系发育七个三级层序,其沉积相类型包括冲积扇、河流、三角洲、扇三角洲、湖泊和沼泽等。这些沉积相在各层序体系域内呈有序排列。各期物源及岩相古地理分析表明,准噶尔盆地侏罗纪发育八套沉积体系,即克拉美丽山前冲积扇-辫状河-曲流河-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系、乌伦古扇三角洲-湖泊沉积体系、德伦山前辫状河-曲流河-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系、哈拉阿拉特山前冲积扇-辫状河-三角洲-湖泊体系、车拐冲积扇-辫状河-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系、四棵树曲流河-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系、伊林黑比尔根山前冲积扇-辫状河-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系、博格达山前曲流河-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系。其中克拉美丽沉积体系的发育最具有继承性。这些沉积体系的展布在总体上控制了盆地内部油气有利储集层的发育。  相似文献   

In the Tarim Basin, dolomite, which formed during the middle Cambrian associated with evaporites, has been attributed to the sabkha-style dolomite formed during the syndepositional period. The sedimentary microfacies suggests dolomite formation in the middle Cambrian is an ancient analogue of the sabkha of Abu Dhabi. Poorly crystallised dolomite spheroids or ovoids within or on the surface of dolomite crystals are a common phenomenon that can be widely observed in different stromatolites in the upper part of the intertidal zone and strongly resemble the morphology in modern sabkha dolomite-producing microbial mats and in microbial culture experiments. These lines of evidence suggest organic substrates for dolomite nucleation. Dolomite formation in the middle Cambrian in the Tarim Basin has been considered a classic analogue for carbonate and evaporate assemblages. The extent of microbial dolomite in ancient sabkha environments is proposed as an alternative model for dolomite formation, in which the mineral properties of organic substrates play a crucial role.  相似文献   

This study highlights the distribution of hydraulic conductivity (K) in the regional aquiferous Ajali Formation of SE-Nigeria on one hand and assesses the possible influences of textural and geochemical characteristics on the hydraulic conductivity on the other hand. The investigation approach involved field sampling and collection of 12 sandstone samples from different outcrop locations, followed by laboratory studies such as grain-size analysis (GSA), constant head permeameter test and geochemical analysis of major and trace elements using X-ray fluorescence method. GSA and textural studies show that the sandstones range from fine to medium sands, constituting about <75–99% sand fraction, with graphic mean grain size of 0.23–0.53 mm. Other parameters such as coefficient of uniformity (Cu) range from 1.58 to 5.25 (av. 2.75), while standard deviation (sorting) values of 0.56Ø–1.24Ø imply moderately well sorted materials. In addition, the order of the estimated K values is Kpermeameter>KBeyer>KHazen>KKozeny-Carmen>KFair-Hatch with average values of 1.4×10?3, 4.4×10?4, 3.8×10?4, 2.2×10?4 and 8.1×10?5m/s, respectively. These values fall within the range of 10?5 and 10?3m/s for fine to medium sands. However, multivariate factor analysis of the data revealed significant positive dependence of the empirically determined K values on graphic mean grain size and percentage sand content and much less dependence on sorting and total porosity. Geochemical profiles of the fresh samples are dominated by quartz with corresponding SiO2 content of 76.1–98.2% (av. 89.7%) while other major oxides are generally below 1.0wt.% in the fresh samples. However, the ferruginized samples exhibited elevated concentrations of Al2O3 (3.50–11.60wt.%) and Fe2O3 (1.80–3.60wt.%), which are clear indications of weathering/ferruginization processes with attendant trace metal release/enrichment (2.5mg/l Cu, 7.5mg/l Pb, 6.5mg/l Zn, 3.9mg/l Ni and 19.6mg/l Cr) call for concern in respect of the chemical quality of the groundwater system. The associated groundwater is generally soft, slightly acidic, and with low dissolved solids (EC=14–134μs/cm) dominated by silica; implying water from clean sandy aquifer devoid of labile and weatherable minerals. Nonetheless, most of the metals (with exception of Si, Fe and Mn) exhibited higher degree of mobility (2–12 folds), which can be attributed to reduction of Fe-/Mn-oxyhydroxides as sinks/hosts for trace metals. Consequently, infiltration-induced geochemical reactions (redox, ferruginization and leaching processes) signify potential environmental impact in terms of groundwater quality as well as borehole/aquifer management, especially under humid tropical environment of the study area.  相似文献   

田涛  任战利  吴晓青  陈玉林 《地质科学》2013,48(4):1258-1270
非洲G盆地是受中非剪切带影响而发育形成的典型被动裂谷盆地,其南部凹陷带为盆地主要油源区。为进一步明确G盆地油气勘探方向,需开展盆地南部凹陷热演化史及油气成藏方面的研究。油层测温表明,南部凹陷现今平均地温梯度为3.9 ℃/100 m,属于中温型地温场。根据镜质体反射率、包裹体测温恢复了G盆地凹陷带古地温演化史,研究表明G盆地凹陷白垩纪古地温梯度为2.4~3.77 ℃/100 m,古地温梯度低于现今地温梯度。古地温恢复及热史模拟表明最高地温是在现今达到的,下白垩统烃源岩热演化程度主要受现今地温场控制。包裹体均一温度分析表明G盆地南部凹陷存在两次流体作用事件,分别发生在晚白垩世早期(96.0~87.0 Ma)及第四纪(3.0~0 Ma)。下白垩统油气的主要成藏期在晚白垩世早期。  相似文献   

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