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A new model on the directional spectrum of wind waves for deep water is proposed based on the statistics of wind waves. This model contains three parameters: the wave age, the inverse spectral bandwidth and the local spectral-peak angular frequency. The inverse spectral bandwidth is a robust parameter for describing the spectral steepness of wind waves. Using the inverse spectral bandwidth parameter, the proposed model can well describe various observations obtained from the open ocean and laboratory tank.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Numerousinvestigationsondeepwaterwindwavespectrumhavebeen performed (Phillips ,195 8;Bretschneider,195 9;PiersonandMoscowitz ,196 4;Hasselmannetal.,1973;Donelanetal.,1985 ;Ban ner ,1990 ;Wenetal.,1999) .Ondimensionalground ,Phillips (195 8)suggestedthattheequilibriumfre quencyspectrumofwindwavesfordeepwatershouldbe proportionaltoω- 5,andthecorrespondingwavenumberspectrumshouldbe proportionaltok- 4,whereωistheangularfrequencyandkisthewavenumber.Forfully developedwindwaves…  相似文献   

1 Introduction1.1 Proposed ModelonDirectionalFrequencySpec trum ThisisthePartⅡofthetwo papersetondirection alspectraofwindwaves.Anewmodelonthedirec tionalspectrumofwindwavesfordeepwaterispro posedbasedonthestatisticsofwindwavesinthePartⅠ .Substituting (4 5 )ofPartⅠinto (4 0 )andaddingapeak enhancementitemγΓ,weobtainS(ω ,) =0 .0 0 93αaαwD( ,k) ωpω2 ξ- 4g2ω5×exp - 2 ξ+14[bωp +(1-b)ωp]4ω4 γΓ. (1)Here ,αaisthewaveagefactorofspectralcoefficientdefinedbyαa = ω0 .55…  相似文献   

A method to retrieve ocean wave spectra from SAR images, named Parameterized First-guess Spectrum Method (PFSM), was proposed after interpretation of the theory to ocean wave imaging and analysis of the drawbacks of the retrieving model generally used. In this method, with additional information and satellite parameters, the separating wave-number is first calculated to determine the maximum wave-number beyond which the linear relation can be used. The separating wave-number can be calculated using the additional information on wind velocity and parameters of SAR satellite. And then the SAR spectrum can be divided into SAR spectrum of wind wave and of swell according to the result of separating wave-number. The portion of SAR spectrum generated by wind wave, is used to search for the most suitable parameters of ocean wind wave spectrum, including propagation direction of ocean wave, phase speed of dominating wave and the angle spreading coefficient. The swell spectrum is acquired by directly inversing the linear relation of ocean wave spectrum to SAR spectrum given the portion of SAR spectrum generated by swell. We used the proposed method to retrieve the ocean wave spectrum from ERS-SAR data from the South China Sea and compared the result with altimeter data. The agreement indicates that the PFSM is reliable.  相似文献   

Studying the relationship between wave steepness and wave age is important for describing wind wave growth with energy balance equation of significant waves. After invoking the dispersion rela- tion of surface gravity wave in deep water, a new relationship between wave steepness and wave age is revealed based on the “3/2-power law” (Toba, 1972), in which wave steepness is a function of wave age with a drag coefficient as a parameter. With a given wave age, a larger drag coefficient would lead to larger wave steepness. This could be interpreted as the result of interaction between wind and waves. Comparing with previous relationships, the newly proposed one is more consistent with observational data in field and laboratory.  相似文献   

Under the influence of various natural and human factors, the relationship between the ecosystem services provided for human beings by a karst ecosystem is becoming increasingly complex, profoundly limiting the effective and sustainable development of the social economy and ecosystem protection in karst areas. Taking Guizhou, China as an example, which includes both karst(including five different landforms) and non-karst area, the study explored and compared the tradeoff and synergy between ecosystem services in both terrain types. The results showed higher change rates of water yield and soil retention in karst areas than those in non-karst areas, with only small differences in the carbon storage and crop production change. The ecosystem service relationships in the karst area from 1995 to 2005 were consistent with the relationships in the non-karst area. However, differences were observed in most of these relationships from 2005 to 2015. The relationships between ecosystem services in different karst landforms from 1995 to 2005 remained the same, but there are differences found in the relationships of ecosystem services from 2005 to 2015. The trade-off and synergistic relationships between ecosystem services in the different landforms were closely related to the changes of climate and land use, particularly related to rainfall, rainfall erosivity, farmland, and forestland.  相似文献   

Using the latest version of Mesoscale Modeling System (MM5v3), we assimilated wind data from the scatterometer and built a model to assimilate the wind field over eastern China seas and adjacent waters and applied the wave model WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ to test the sea area with assimilative wind and blended wind of QSCAT and NCEP as driving forces. High precision and resolution numerical wave results were obtained. Analysis indicated that if we replace the model wind result with the blended wind, better sea surface wind results and wave results could be obtained.  相似文献   

The Bohai Sea is one of the southernmost areas for sea ice formation in the northern hemisphere. Sea ice disasters in this body of water severely affect marine activities and the safety of coastal residents. In this study, we analyze the variation characteristics of the sea ice in the Bohai Sea and establish an annual regression model based on predictable mode analysis method. The results show the following: 1) From 1970 to 2018, the average ice grade is(2.6±0.8), with a maximum of 4.5 and a minimum of 1.0. Liaodong Bay(LDB) has the heaviest ice conditions in the Bohai Sea, followed by Bohai Bay(BHB) and Laizhou Bay(LZB). Interannual variation is obvious in all three bays, but the linear decreasing trend is significant only in BHB. 2) Three modes are obtained from empirical orthogonal function analysis, namely, single polarity mode with the same sign of anomaly in all of the three bays and strong interannual variability(82.0%), the north–south dipole mode with BHB and LZB showing an opposite sign of anomalies to that in LDB and strong decadal variations(14.5%), and a linear trend mode(3.5%). Critical factors are analyzed and regression equations are established for all the principal components, and then an annual hindcast model is established by synthesizing the results of the three modes. This model provides an annual spatial prediction of the sea ice in the Bohai Sea for the first time, and meets the demand of operational sea ice forecasting.  相似文献   

The thermal condition anomaly of the western Pacific warm pool and its zonal displacement have very important influences on climate change in East Asia and even the whole world. However, the impact of the zonal wind anomaly over the Pacific Ocean on zonal displacement of the warm pool has not yet been analyzed based on long-term record. Therefore, it is important to study the zonal displacement of the warm pool and its response to the zonal wind anomaly over the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Based on the NCDC monthly averaged SST (sea surface temperature) data in 2°×2° grid in the Pacific Ocean from 1950 to 2000, and the NCEP/NCAR global monthly averaged 850 hPa zonal wind data from 1949 to 2000, the relationships between zonal displacements of the western Pacific warm pool and zonal wind anomalies over the tropical Pacific Ocean are analyzed in this paper. The results show that the zonal displacements are closely related to the zonal wind anomalies over the western, central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Composite analysis indicates that during ENSO events, the warm pool displacement was trigged by the zonal wind anomalies over the western equatorial Pacific Ocean in early stage and the process proceeded under the zonal wind anomalies over the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean unless the wind direction changes. Therefore, in addition to the zonal wind anomaly over the western Pacific, the zonal wind anomalies over the central and eastern Pacific Ocean should be considered also in investigation the dynamical mechanisms of the zonal displacement of the warm pool.  相似文献   

El Nio events with an eastern Pacific pattern(EP) and central Pacific pattern(CP) were first separated using rotated empirical orthogonal functions(REOF).Lead/lag regression and rotated singular value decomposition(RSVD) analyses were then carried out to study the relation between the surface zonal wind(SZW) anomalies and sea surface temperature(SST) anomalies in the tropical Pacific.A possible physical process for the CP El Ni o was proposed.For the EP El Ni o,strong westerly anomalies that spread eastward continuously produce an anomalous ocean zonal convergence zone(ZCZ) centered on about 165°W.This SZW anomaly pattern favors poleward and eastward Sverdrup transport at the equator.For the CP El Nio,westerly anomalies and the ZCZ are mainly confined to the western Pacific,and easterly anomalies blow in the eastern Pacific.This SZW anomaly pattern restrains poleward and eastward Sverdrup transport at the equator;however,there is an eastward Sverdrup transport at about 5°N,which favors the warming of the north-eastern tropical Pacific.It is found that the slowness of eastward propagation of subsurface warm water(partly from the downwelling caused by Ekman convergence and the ZCZ) is due to the slowdown of the undercurrent in the central basin,and vertical advection in the central Pacific may be important in the formation and disappearance of the CP El Nio.  相似文献   

The wind system over the seas southeast of Asia (SSEA) plays an important role in China's climate variation. In this paper, ERS scatterometer winds covering the period from January 2000 to December 2000 and the area of 2-41 °N, 105- 130°E were analyzed with a distance-weighting interpolation method and the monthly mean distribution of the sea surface wind speed were given. The seasonal characteristics of winds in the SSEA were analyzed. Based on WAVEWATCH Ⅲ model, distribution of significant wave height was calculated.  相似文献   

The continuous decrease of low-slope cropland resources caused by construction land crowding poses huge threat to regional sustainable development and food security. Slope spectrum analysis of topographic and geomorphic features is considered as a digital terrain analysis method which reflects the macro-topographic features by using micro-topographic factors. However, pieces of studies have extended the concept of slope spectrum in the field of geoscience to construction land to explore its expa...  相似文献   

Overview of In—Situ Biodegradation and Enhancement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microbial degradation technologies have been developed to restore ground water quality in aquifers polluted by or-ganic contaminants effectively in recent years. However, in course of the degradation, the formation of biofilms in ground wa-ter remediation technology can be detrimental to the effectiveness of a ground water remediation project. Several alternatives are available to a remedial design engineer, such as Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) and in -situ bioremediation, Hy-drogen Releasing Compounds (HRCs) barrier, Oxygen Releasing Compounds (ORCs) barrier etc. which are efficient and cost ?effective technologies. Excessive biomass formation renders a barrier ineffective in degrading the contaminants, Efforts are made to develop kinetics models which accurately determine bio - fouling and bio - film formation and to control excessive biomass formation.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Since the first use in human genetic research in1966,allozyme has become the most popular genetic marker for population genetics studies for almost all groups of animals and plants(Lewontin and Hubby,1966;Murphy et al.,1996).In the past seve…  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were encapsulated with alginate, gelatin and trehalose additives by the extrusion method and dried at 4 ℃. The microcapsules were generally spherical and had a wrinkled surface with a size of 1.7 mm ± 0.2 mm. Trehalose as a carbohydrate source in the culture medium could reduce acid production and performed no function in the positive proliferation of LAB. Using trehalose as a carbohydrate source and protective medium simultaneously had a benefit in the protection of LAB cells dur...  相似文献   

1 Introduction Image is generally a mental picture which is built on an environmental impression. Since the 1960s, the urban image has become a new field for studying urban spatial structure from perceptive of environment (Gu and Song, 2001). Lynch (1960) considered that urban image implies “discernable” and “impressive”. However, the urban image emphasizes urban spatial structure and landscapes. In tourism the image of destination has developed into two components closely interrelated: …  相似文献   

Nature tourism and particularly tourism in national parks have acquired significant importance in contemporary societies. Post-Fordist consumers have reevaluated the meanings of ‘nature' and ‘natural spaces' and now avoid standardization to seek singularity. Tourism in national parks is a consequence of this tendency and has both positive and negative aspects. The purpose of this sociological research is to describe the most relevant conflicts in the Picos de Europa National Park(Spain) involving the park's conservation, local economic development,and tourism. Seven in-depth interviews and three focus groups were addressed to key local stakeholders.In this research were identified three chief areas of existing or potential inter-related conflicts and the main actors interacting with them. The first is on population, particularly, the negative consequences of depopulations on the local socio-economic development and the environment. A second source of conflicts identified is caused by the difficult conciliation between commercial exploitation and conservation of the protected natural area. More precisely, this specific form of tourism positively contributes to the economy of local communities whilst problems can arise for the conservation goals of National Parks. Thirdly, in this research is also analyzed the institutional governance and the inter and intra-governmental conflicts as well as with the Park's management body. These findings provide important information for the improved management of tourism and conflicting interests in natural parks.  相似文献   

The research area is situated in the western part of Tarim basin,which includes Awati depression and Bachu uplifted block. It underwent three times processes of compression in a large scale and a near term extension since Cambrian. The first compression occurred during Middle Cambrian to Devonian, which formed fault band folds in NW axial direction. They were "under-water uplift"and distributed all over the research area. The second compression occurred in Late Permian and formed fault band folds and a few fault propagation folds in NS axial direction. They are developed near Tumuxiuke fault belt and the northern research area. The western anticline is bigger than the eastern one in extent and size. The third compression occurred during Palaeogene to Quaternary and formed tumuxiuke fault belt and fault propagation folds in NW direction. They are distributed over the south part of the research area. Tumuxiuke fault belt is a big scale dextral reversed strike-slip fault belt; it transformed or destroyed the fold structure of the research area. A short-term extension occurred during Early Permian. Tarim Basin is in the rift forming stage of craton, and there exist widespread basic volcanic rocks, basic intrusive bodies and dikes.  相似文献   

1 Introduction “Tourism is advanced by businesses and governments alike as a development mechanism which can lift people out of poverty and make them equal partners in society. But regardless of how altruistic this claim may sound, it is doubtful whether those who are intended to benefit— at least according to the rhetoric—have gained nearly as much as those promoting tourism through corporate globalization… The tourism sector is tied closely to the globalizing force which pursues profit o…  相似文献   

The research area is situated in the western part of Tarim basin, which includes Awati depression and Bachu uplifted block. It underwent three times processes of compression in a large scale and a near term extension since Cambrian. The first compression occurred during Middle Cambrian to Devonian, which formed fault band folds in NW axial direction. They were "under-water uplift" and distributed all over the research area. The second compression occurred in Late Permian and formed fault band folds and a few fault propagation folds in NS axial direction. They are developed near Tumuxiuke fault belt and the northern research area. The western anticline is bigger than the eastern one in extent and size. The third compression occurred during Palaeogene to Quaternary and formed tumuxiuke fault belt and fault propagation folds in NW direction. They are distributed over the south part of the research area. Tumuxiuke fault belt is a big scale dextral reversed strike-slip fault belt; it transformed or destroyed the fold structure of the research area. A short-term extension occurred during Early Permian. Tarim Basin is in the rift forming stage of craton, and there exist widespread basic vol- canic rocks, basic intrusive bodies and dikes.  相似文献   

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