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根据以往维护水管倾斜仪的一些经验,介绍了在DSQ水管倾斜仪的标定过程中,调整换能器电压灵敏度的一些技巧。  相似文献   

DSQ型短线水管倾斜仪及标定装置的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了具有国产化、小型化、数字化、短化特点的DSQ型短基线水管仪的原理、结构与性能指标,并介绍了该仪器在7个试验台8条短基线上的试验与监测记录、精度估算结果。在全国30多个台站与朝鲜平壤大成山地震台的推证明,该仪器在小于或等于5m的洞体基线上均能取得清晰、光滑、令人满意的倾斜固体潮汐观测结果,成功率达100%,精度达当今国际同类先进水平。  相似文献   

讨论了DSQ型水管倾斜仪标定中的重要环节和方法,以及有关参数的原理和程序计算,为正确进行水管仪标定提供了一些参考经验和计算工具。  相似文献   

水管倾斜仪与摆式倾斜仪抗干扰能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在理论上对负荷引起的干扰大小进行了定量计算,并结合观测实际,对水管倾斜仪与摆式倾斜仪的抗干扰能力进行了分析.结果表明:同样的干扰源对摆式倾斜仪的干扰要大于水管倾斜仪的,同样的孕震信息也易于被摆式倾斜仪接收到.  相似文献   

山东水管倾斜仪观测运行分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了山东地区3个地震台站安装的水管倾斜仪的基本概况,并选取各台2007年—2011年的观测数据,从资料的完整性、观测质量及受干扰情况等方面进行了分析和探讨。结果表明:3个台站的观测资料均有很好的连续性和完整性,仪器稳定性较高,观测系统运转正常,可为地震研究提供数据支持。同时发现,在日常观测中,水管仪地倾斜观测主要受气压、降雨、观测环境变化和仪器调修等因素的干扰。  相似文献   

针对天津蓟县小辛庄山洞DSQ水管倾斜仪出现的2次因水质异常导致的故障事件,通过分析2次故障事件,判别排查方法的共性和差异性,确定故障产生的原因,并对故障判别及排查方法进行分析总结,旨在为今后蓟县台及其他形变台站发生同类故障现象的排查提供经验积累。  相似文献   

1 研究背景 水管倾斜仪是我国重要的地球物理观测仪器之一,是一种自动测量地壳倾斜变化,进而获取固体潮信息的高精密仪器.为保证观测数据的长期有效性,需对该仪器进行调零操作.传统调零由手工调节垂直微调装置旋钮完成(聂磊等,1984),操作步骤如下:水管倾斜仪测量数据超出量程,观测人员进入硐室,打开其钵体上端的罩子,调整垂直...  相似文献   

杨江  王平  陈志高  黄俊 《地震工程学报》2019,41(5):1228-1233
现有水管倾斜仪可清晰记录长周期固体潮信息,但由于其固有周期高,对短周期倾斜形变无法响应,易导致震前短临异常信息缺失。通过机械结构优化以降低仪器固有周期,拓展仪器的观测频带;采用更高精度的传感器和放大电路提高仪器信噪比,保证固体潮观测正常;最后通过连续对比观测,分析仪器频带拓宽后的观测数据差异。  相似文献   

双阳地震台DSQ型水管倾斜仪NS分量自2019年10月以来出现加速S倾打破年变形态的异常变化情况.为此对该测项仪器观测状态、观测环境变化、观测台站附近干扰等因素进行科学合理的分析研究,综合分析认为双阳台水管倾斜仪NS分量S倾加速变化为前兆异常.  相似文献   

谢健健  胡卫建 《山西地震》2002,(3):13-15,21
选取了河南郑州台数字化 DSQ型水管倾斜仪观测资料较好的 2 0 0 1年 10月 1日至 12月 31日的数据进行了分析处理 ,对该仪器的观测精度进行了评定。经计算 ,其北南向和东西向日飘移分别为 0 .0 0 0 7s和 0 .0 0 2 6 s,M2 的振幅因子为 0 .714 9和 0 .6 4 14 ,振幅因子中误差为 0 .0 0 5 5和0 .0 0 4 4。  相似文献   

河北区域地震前兆台网6个地震台站配备DSQ型水管倾斜仪进行地倾斜观测,选取2009—2016年记录的观测数据,对水管倾斜仪两端点一致性进行相关性分析。结果表明:各台站水管倾斜仪同一分量2个端点的相关系数、方差及均值、潮汐参数无显著性差异,相关性较高,表征产出的数据稳定、可靠。  相似文献   

通过跟踪分析湖州地震台数字化水管倾斜仪和垂直摆倾斜仪连续2年的资料质量,发现水管倾斜仪观测精度高于垂直摆倾斜仪,并且资料稳定性逐年提高。从映震效能看,水管倾斜仪同震响应幅度远大于垂直摆,水管倾斜仪的自振周期远大于垂直摆倾斜仪而接近远震面波的周期,形成谐振,但两者的同震响应时间相当。  相似文献   

为了完成测斜系统传感器信号调制、控制、三总线信号驱动、转换及上传数据解调电路功能,根据三总线信号特点,设计出一套数据接口、信号采集与控制电路,帧形成及字形成电路.经过室内及十余次野外油田试验,表明:接口及信号调制控制传输电路达到功能设计要求,微电扫测斜系统电子仪传输后转换精度达到4.2‰,表示每帧数据传输时间的时间字偏差不超过0.3‰,说明该短节电路设计可靠稳定,满足功能要求.  相似文献   

通过对呼和浩特地震台与包头地震台DSQ型水管倾斜仪的观测环境、仪器安装运行情况及2015—2017年观测资料的观测精度、稳定性、连续性和可靠性等方面进行对比,做出质量评定,运用多种处理方法进行了系统计算和分析。使用维尼迪柯夫调和分析得出M2波潮汐因子均方差质量指标,得出内在质量精度。应用契比雪夫多项式对年度观测资料拟合分析,从而得出仪器的相对噪声水平,进行两台指标对比分析。对台站地形变观测资料前兆观测系统做出正确的认识和客观的评价,为今后的地震前兆研究和预测具有重要的实际意义。   相似文献   

供水管网在地震时的可靠性评估方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一种供水管网系统在地震作用时间的可靠性分析方法,开发出相应计算机应用软件并通过实例计算验证了该方法的可靠性和实用性。  相似文献   

Soil pipes (continuous macropores expanding laterally in the soil subsurface) are a key factor controlling hillslope water cycles and sediment transport. Soil pipes usually enhance slope stability under rainfall events through their high water drainage ability, and pipe clogging by sediments is regarded as a risk for slope failure. In this study, we conducted a bench-scale pipe clogging experiment to clarify the effect of air mobility in soil pipes on water flow and water pressure build-up in the slope at the clogged point. Before pipe clogging, the soil pipe drained rainwater effectively and lowered the groundwater table. After the pipe clogging event, the mobility of air in the soil pipe before the clogging determined the water flow in the slope. When the air in the soil pipe connected to the atmosphere and moved freely, the water level in the soil pipe increased at the pipe clogging, and water pressure build-up was limited near the pipe outlet. On the other hand, when air in the soil pipe was entrapped by the clogging, water pressure suddenly increased, and the groundwater table of the whole slope rose correspondingly. This study clearly demonstrated the importance of pipe morphology with respect to air connectivity between the pipe and atmosphere to elucidate the water flow and slope stability during the pipe clogging event. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the analytical properties of the solutions of the sensitivity equations for steady-state, two-dimensional shallow water flow. These analytical properties are used to provide guidelines for model calibration and validation. The sensitivity of the water depth/level and that of the longitudinal unit discharge are shown to contain redundant information. Under subcritical conditions, the sensitivities of the flow variables are shown to obey an anisotropic elliptic equation. The main directions of the contour lines for water depth and the longitudinal unit discharge sensitivity are parallel and perpendicular to the flow, while they are diagonal to the flow for the transverse unit discharge sensitivity. Moreover, the sensitivity for all three variables extends farther in the transverse direction than in the longitudinal direction, the anisotropy ratio being a function of the sole Froude number. For supercritical flow, the sensitivity obeys an anisotropic hyperbolic equation. These findings are confirmed by application examples on idealized and real-world simulations. The sensitivities to the geometry, friction coefficient or model boundary conditions are shown to behave in different ways, thus providing different types of information for model calibration and validation.  相似文献   

荷载作用下,桥梁挠度测试方法有拉线位移计法、水准仪或全站仪法、光电或激光位移计法、全球定位系统(GPS)法、摄像法以及倾角仪法等,但这些方法在高速铁路列车作用下的高频振动实时动挠度测试方面的研究较少。基于倾角仪测试法,对高频振动下桥梁的实时动挠度测试方法进行研究。室内和现场测试结果表明:该法不仅可以测试梁两端的实时倾角值,而且通过测试桥梁有限部位的实时动倾角,可拟合得到整座桥梁的实时动倾角曲线,通过积分可得到桥梁的实时动挠度曲线,且测试的挠度值不受桥墩下沉及支座变形的影响。该方法可为高铁桥梁健康监测提供可靠的实时动倾角曲线和实时动挠度曲线。  相似文献   

We examine the value of additional information in multiple objective calibration in terms of model performance and parameter uncertainty. We calibrate and validate a semi‐distributed conceptual catchment model for two 11‐year periods in 320 Austrian catchments and test three approaches of parameter calibration: (a) traditional single objective calibration (SINGLE) on daily runoff; (b) multiple objective calibration (MULTI) using daily runoff and snow cover data; (c) multiple objective calibration (APRIORI) that incorporates an a priori expert guess about the parameter distribution as additional information to runoff and snow cover data. Results indicate that the MULTI approach performs slightly poorer than the SINGLE approach in terms of runoff simulations, but significantly better in terms of snow cover simulations. The APRIORI approach is essentially as good as the SINGLE approach in terms of runoff simulations but is slightly poorer than the MULTI approach in terms of snow cover simulations. An analysis of the parameter uncertainty indicates that the MULTI approach significantly decreases the uncertainty of the model parameters related to snow processes but does not decrease the uncertainty of other model parameters as compared to the SINGLE case. The APRIORI approach tends to decrease the uncertainty of all model parameters as compared to the SINGLE case. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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