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Total soluble carbohydrate, individual sugars and starch content in green shoots of Ceratophyllum demersum, Elodea canadensis, Myriophyllum exalbescens, Potamogeton foliosus and P. zosteriformis from Shoal Lake (Manitoba-Ontario) were examined in relation to tissue chlorophyll content, water chemistry and temperature. The different species showed a variety of seasonal carbohydrate patterns. Seasonal concentrations of total soluble carbohydrate were significantly positively correlated with chlorophyll and total chlorophyll a + b in E. canadensis and P. foliosus. Seasonal starch content was inversely correlated with chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll a + b in C. demersum and P. foliosus. In C. demersum nonstructural carbohydrate was inversely correlated with total alkalinity, total molybdenum reactive phosphorus, total inorganic nitrogen and temperature of the water. Sucrose concentrations in P. foliosus in June were positively correlated with phosphorus levels in the water.  相似文献   

人工湿地植物根区微生物与净化效果的季节变化   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42  
人工湿地污水处理系统具有净化效果显著、建设和运行费用低廉、管理简便等优点.近年来越来越受到人们的重视.人工湿地生态系统受环境影响较大,研究人工湿地在不同季节的净化功能对于充分发挥其作用具有重要意义.对不同季节的芦苇(Phragmite saus-tralis)、茭白(Zizania caduciflora)和香蒲(Typha latifolia)等湿地系统植物根区、无植物对照基质微生物分布状况以及净化效果进行了研究,结果显示:(1)种植不同植物的湿地系统根区微生物数量不同,其湿地净化效果也不同;(2)季节变化显示湿地系统秋季的细菌总数量比夏季高;但对照系统夏季的真菌和放线菌数量明显高于秋季;(3)湿地系统总磷(TP)的去除率夏季高于秋季;(4)相关性分析发现湿地植物根区的细菌总数与BOD5的去除率之间存在显著相关性;而根区微生物数量与TP、CODCr和凯氏氮(KN)的去除率之间不存在显著相关性,具体机理还需进一步研究.  相似文献   

A quantification of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria present in different compartments (water, sediments, submerged macrophytes) of a treated sewage channel was made to estimate their influence on the nitrogen balance and to assess the significance of macrophytes for nitrification and nitrogen conversions in general. Considerable numbers of autotrophic and heterotrophic nitrifying and denitrifiying bacteria were found to be present in the epiphytic communities of different species of submerged macrophytes of a treated sewage channel. Comparing the influence of the different compartments on total stream nitrification and denitrification it could be concluded that dense beds of submerged macrophytes particularly positively influence nitrification. Epiphytic nitrifiers were estimated to be as important for the total nitrification as nitrifiers in the sediment. Denitrification was mainly taking place in the sediment. The influence of the suspended nitrifiers and denitrifiers on the nitrogen balance was assumed to be negligible.  相似文献   

Results are presented of studying quantitative regularities of utilizing aromatic amines (benzidine, α- naphthylamine) by Chara algae (Nitella spec., Charafragilis) and higher aquatic plants (Elodea canadensis). It is shown that the basic part of eliminated benzidine is subjected to oxidative conversions under the action of macrophyte enzyme systems. Not more than 20% of eliminated benzidine accumulate in vegetative tissues.  相似文献   

Water Resources - Data of long-term measurements of under-ice solar radiation, water temperature, and chlorophyll a are analyzed in four phytoplankton groups (green, diatoms, blue-green, and...  相似文献   

The variability in water chemistry of samples taken on a monthly basis (March 1999 to February 2000) from two shallow tropical ponds was studied. The effect of location and pond depth on water chemistry was also examined. The study demonstrated that intraannual variability in nutrient concentration is high. Thus, a high annual sampling frequency is required to provide representative annual mean water quality data. Routine monitoring during the monsoons is important for studies on dissolved oxygen and macrophyte growth. Significant differences were found between the topmost and bottommost points for samples of dissolved oxygen collected from the deepest part of both ponds. For nutrient analysis (nitrogen and phosphorus), sample from any location was found to be representative of the whole pond.  相似文献   

Humic substances (HS) can be extracted from water into chloroform in one step by means of cetyl-pyridinium chloride and sodium chloride. The absorbance (at 450 nm) of the extract is proportional to the HS content. Two procedures are presented for HS concentrations of 2 … 20 mg/l and 20 … 200 mg/l water, respectively.  相似文献   

Species composition, abundance, and seasonal distribution of the Gastropoda fauna and the physical and chemical variables of Upper Sakarya River System have been investigated between October 1998 and August 1999. Gastropod fauna in the Upper Sakarya River System was represented by 9 species of Prosobranchia and 7 species of Pulmonata. Diversity, dominance, and abundance of the Gastropoda species were recorded seasonally. The abundance of some of the 16 species was correlated positively with temperature, dissolved oxygen and negatively or positively with pH and nitrate. It was observed that Gyraulus albus (Müller, 1774), Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805, Valvata pulchella Studer, 1820, and Oxyloma elegans (Risso, 1826) can tolerate a high level of NO‐N while V. piscinalis (Müller, 1774) spread out in unpolluted water. Although the species and their numbers change at the stations, the maximum numbers were found during autumn, while minimums were identified during the winter sampling. Gyraulus albus was the most widespread species in our research area. Only 5 species (Gyraulus albus, Physa acuta, Valvata cristata (Muller, 1774), Valvata pulchella, Melanopsis praemorsa costata (Olivier, 1804)) were determined each season. However, no Gastropoda were found at the station 3 that has high BOD, NO‐N, NO‐N, and NH3 levels.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the determination of LTm values of zolone, rogor, sumithion and abate for Channa gachua by conducting static bioassay experiments. The TLm values for zolone came out to be 0.08275 mg/l, 0.08225 mg/l, 0.0815 mg/l and 0.0810 mg/l; for rogor 5.155 mg/l; 4.955 mg/l, 4.65 mg/l and 4.475 mg/l; for sumithion 12.60 mg/l, 12.50 mg/l, 12.30 mg/l and 12.20 mg/l and for abate 217.25 mg/l, 225.575 mg/l, 221.575 mg/l and 217.25 mg/l for 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours, respectively. Relative susceptibility indicates that this fish is not susceptible to zolone and less to rogor, sumithion and abate, respectively. Present studies also show that increased temperature and pH increase the toxicity of all the biocides, but increased hardness of water decreases the toxicity of biocide solutions. The safe concentrations for zolone, rogor, sumithion and abate came out to be 0.02437 mg/l, 1.3733 mg/l, 3.6907 mg/l and 66.678 mg/l, respectively.  相似文献   

In natural waters arsenic normally occurs in the oxidation states +III (arsenite) and +V (arsenate). The removal of As(III) is more difficult than the removal of As(V). Therefore, As(III) has to be oxidized to As(V) prior to its removal. The oxidation in the presence of air or pure oxygen is slow. The oxidation rate can be increased by ozone, chlorine, hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, or H2O2. The oxidation of As(III) is also possible in the presence of manganese oxide coated sands or by advanced oxidation processes. Arsenic can be removed from waters by coprecipitation with Fe(OH)3, MnO2 or during water softening. Fixed‐bed filters have successfully been applied for the removal of arsenic.The effectiveness of arsenic removal was tested in the presence of adsorbents such as FeOOH, activated alumina, ferruginous manganese ore, granular activated carbon, or natural zeolites. Other removal technologies are anion exchange, electrocoagulation, and membrane filtration by ultrafiltration, nanofiltration or reverse osmosis.  相似文献   

Site closure for soil vacuum extraction (SVE) application typically requires attainment or specified soil concentration standards based on the premise that mass flux from the vadose zone to ground water not result in levels exceeding maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Unfortunately, realization of MCLs in ground water may not be attainable at many sites. This results in soil remediation efforts that may be in excess of what is necessary for future protection of ground water and soil remediation goals which often cannot be achieved within a reasonable time period. Soil venting practitioners have attempted to circumvent these problems by basing closure on some predefined percent total mass removal, or an approach to a vapor concentration asymptote. These approaches, however, are subjective and influenced by venting design. We propose an alternative strategy based on evaluation of five components: (1) site characterization, (2) design. (3) performance monitoring, (4) rule-limited vapor transport, and (5) mass flux to and from ground water. Demonstration of closure is dependent on satisfactory assessment of all five components. The focus of this paper is to support mass flux evaluation. We present a plan based on monitoring of three subsurface zones and develop an analytical one-dimensional vertical flux model we term VFLUX. VFLUX is a significant improvement over the well-known numerical one-dimensional model. VLEACH, which is often used for estimation of mass flux to ground water, because it allows for the presence of nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) in soil, degradation, and a lime-dependent boundary condition at the water table inter-face. The time-dependent boundary condition is the center-piece of our mass flux approach because it dynamically links performance of ground water remediation lo SVE closure. Progress or lack of progress in ground water remediation results in either increasingly or decreasingly stringent closure requirements, respectively.  相似文献   

Scattering of incident plane harmonic pseudo P‐, SH‐, and SV‐waves by a two‐dimensional basin of arbitrary shape is investigated by using an indirect boundary integral equation approach. The basin and surrounding half‐space are assumed to be generally anisotropic, homogeneous, linearly elastic solids. No material symmetries are assumed. The unknown scattered waves are expressed as linear combinations of full‐space time‐harmonic two‐dimensional Green functions. Using the Radon transform, the Green functions are obtained in the form of finite integrals over a unit circle. An algorithm for the accurate and efficient numerical evaluation of the Green functions is discussed. A detailed convergence and parametric analysis of the problem is presented. Excellent agreement is obtained with isotropic results available in the literature. Steady‐state surface ground motion is presented for semi‐circular basins with generally anisotropic material properties. The results show that surface motion strongly depends upon the material properties of the basin as well as the angle of incidence and frequency of the incident wave. Significant mode conversion can be observed for general triclinic materials which are not present in isotropic models. Comparison with an isotropic basin response demonstrates that anisotropy is very important for assessing the nature of surface motion atop basins. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于2014年10月2016年7月在云南程海和阳宗海开展了4个季度(秋季,10月;冬季,1月;春季,4月;夏季,7月)的调查,研究了两个湖泊的水体分层特征,探讨了热力分层及其变化与其他环境因子对浮游植物生物量的潜在影响,结果显示:程海和阳宗海水体分层的特征均为冬季混合、春季形成分层、夏秋季分层稳定,两湖均属暖单次混合型湖泊;程海分层期温跃层的平均深度(顶界)、厚度和强度分别为17.70±3.89 m、5.54±4.44 m和0.67±0.43℃/m,阳宗海的分别为12.53±3.35 m、8.25±4.85 m和0.53±0.43℃/m.在热力分层稳定期,两湖底层达到缺氧甚至厌氧状态,底层的电导率总体较表层高.调查期间,两个湖泊水柱表层浮游植物生物量(以叶绿素a浓度表征)均在冬季出现峰值,程海和阳宗海的分别为19.22±11.08和45.82±9.41μg/L;进一步分析发现,热力分层的消退可能是导致水体表层无机营养盐升高(底层供给)的重要原因,加之适宜的光热条件可诱导两湖冬季水华的发生;在其他季节转化期间,浮游植物生物量变化的主要影响因子亦具有一定的共性及湖泊与季节异质性.  相似文献   

Crescentic sandbars and rip channels along wave‐dominated sandy beaches are relevant to understand localized beach and dune erosion during storms. In recent years, a paradigm shift from hydrodynamic template models to self‐organization mechanisms occurred to explain the formation of these rhythmic features. In double sandbar systems, both the inner‐ and outer‐bar rip channels and crescentic planshapes are now believed to be free instabilities of the nearshore system arising through self‐organization mechanisms alone. However, the occasional occurrence of one or two inner‐bar rip channels within one outer‐bar crescent suggests a forced, morphologically coupled origin. Here we use a nonlinear morphodynamic model to show that alongshore variability in outer‐bar depth, and the relative importance of wave breaking versus wave focussing by refraction across the outer bar, is crucial to the inner‐bar rip channel development. The coupling patterns simulated by our model are similar to those observed in the field. Morphological coupling requires a template in the morphology (outer‐bar geometry) which, through the positive feedback between flow, sediment transport and the evolving morphology (that is, self‐organization) enforces the development of coupling patterns. We therefore introduce a novel mechanism that blurs the distinction between self‐organization and template mechanisms. This mechanism may also be extended to explain the dynamics of other nearshore patterns, such as beach cusps. The impact of this novel mechanism on the alongshore variability of inner‐bar rip channels is investigated in the companion paper. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of humic substances in aquatic ecosystems can have important effects on ecosystem productivity, negatively impacting primary productivity while positively impacting secondary productivity. In the present investigation, a large shallow lake ecosystem was studied to determine the spatial and seasonal variation of the composition and concentration of humic substances. Concentrations of total dissolved organic matter, humic acid, and fulvic acid were found to display significant spatial distributions (1.3…13.5 mg/L, DOM; 0.1…5.4 mg/L, HA). The distribution is described by using mapping techniques and the analysis of the spatial distribution of the lake. An analysis of the seasonal variations also indicated the dependence of the occurrence of these compounds on meteorological and hydrological conditions. To identify the potential sources of these organic materials, an analysis was made of the ratio of humic and fulvic acid fractions and total DOM. It was found that areas of high DOM concentration coincided with the areas of highest HA percentage of total DOM. Furthermore using the ratio of the normalised concentrations of HA, FA, and residual DOM (< 5000 g/mol) it was found that areas dominated by each are spatially distinct. This confirms the hypothesis that in these shallow lakes, photodegradation and bacterioplankton activity will create a residence time dependent zonation of each component of the total DOM.  相似文献   

Better quantification of continental water storage variations is expected to improve our understanding of water flows, including evapotranspiration, runoff and river discharge as well as human water abstractions. For the first time, total water storage (TWS) on the land area of the globe as computed by the global water model WaterGAP (Water Global Assessment and Prognosis) was compared to both gravity recovery and climate experiment (GRACE) and global positioning system (GPS) observations. The GRACE satellites sense the effect of TWS on the dynamic gravity field of the Earth. GPS reference points are displaced due to crustal deformation caused by time-varying TWS. Unfortunately, the worldwide coverage of the GPS tracking network is irregular, while GRACE provides global coverage albeit with low spatial resolution. Detrended TWS time series were analyzed by determining scaling factors for mean annual amplitude (f GRACE) and time series of monthly TWS (f GPS). Both GRACE and GPS indicate that WaterGAP underestimates seasonal variations of TWS on most of the land area of the globe. In addition, seasonal maximum TWS occurs 1 month earlier according to WaterGAP than according to GRACE on most land areas. While WaterGAP TWS is sensitive to the applied climate input data, none of the two data sets result in a clearly better fit to the observations. Due to the low number of GPS sites, GPS observations are less useful for validating global hydrological models than GRACE observations, but they serve to support the validity of GRACE TWS as observational target for hydrological modeling. For unknown reasons, WaterGAP appears to fit better to GPS than to GRACE. Both GPS and GRACE data, however, are rather uncertain due to a number of reasons, in particular in dry regions. It is not possible to benefit from either GPS or GRACE observations to monitor and quantify human water abstractions if only detrended (seasonal) TWS variations are considered. Regarding GRACE, this is mainly caused by the attenuation of the TWS differences between water abstraction variants due to the filtering required for GRACE TWS. Regarding GPS, station density is too low. Only if water abstractions lead to long-term changes in TWS by depletion or restoration of water storage in groundwater or large surface water bodies, GRACE may be used to support the quantification of human water abstractions.  相似文献   

Steady state scattering of incident P, SV, SH and Rayleigh waves by general non-axisymmetric three dimensional dipping layers is investigated by using an indirect boundary integral equation method. Material of the half-space and the layer is assumed to be linear, weakly anelastic, homogeneous and isotropic. Systematic comparisons between three dimensional and two dimensional models demonstrate that the validity of a two dimensional approximation for a given basin shape may be affected strongly by changes in azimuthal angle of incidence, type of incident wave and frequency. The discrepancies of two dimensional modelling appear to be much more pronounced for the case of an incident SH wave. Another important feature of the results is the existence of strong coupling between P/SV and SH modes, which has no correspondence in two dimensional models. Such off-azimuthal mode conversions are particularly strong for an incident SH wave.  相似文献   

By the example of some phenols and qninones, in aqueous solutions possibilities for the quantitative determination are tested separately and in the mixture. Methods for thin-layer chromatography and spectrophotometry were developed. There can be chromatographically deteeted between 5 and 80 μg of substance. Phenol and quinone concentrations of 1.5 · 10?3 … 0.5 · 10?4 M were spectrophotometrically investigated.  相似文献   

Long-term dynamics of water level in Lake Nero (1930–2011) has been analyzed. Pronounced trends, determined by the climate and anthropogenic components have been identified. Up to the 1970s, at a drop in lake water level, the ecosystem still showed the main features of a shallow water body overgrown with macrophytes. Water level rise caused a more intense development of phytoplankton, an increase in biogenic element concentrations, a decrease in water transparency and the contribution of cyanobacteria of S1 codon; pondweed disappeared almost completely. Step-by-step regression analysis of phytoplankton development indices and hydrological characteristics showed that water transparency in Lake Nero depends by 80% directly on water exchange and inversely on the concentration of chlorophyll a in seston. The main hypothesis of the study was confirmed: the key trigger in phytoplankton–macrophytes competition is water level rise.  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of fifteen active ingredients of plant protecting products in ground-, raw, and drinking water. After extraction and enrichment of the pesticides from the water sample with solid-phase extraction, the extract is fractionated on silica-coated TLC plates, first in a so-called screening gradient by AMD (automated multiple development). The detection of the pesticides is performed by UV multidetection. Positive results from the first separation are confirmed by a second separation on silica in an AMD gradient of distinctly different selectivity, compared to the first separation. Following this strategy, it is possible to distinguish nearly all nonvolatile, from water extractable, active ingredients of plant protecting products in the market. UV spectra are taken for further confirmation of positive results. In most cases, this is possible even at the limit of determination. All chromatograms and spectra shown are raw data, resulting from the confirmatory test DIN 38407 part 11, in the laboratory of one participant*). The method is standardized in the meantime as DIN V 38407-11.  相似文献   

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