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A. G. Brown 《地球表面变化过程与地形》1985,10(3):281-291
The vertical and horizontal variation of sedimentary fades is the raw data for the interpretation of flood plain history from which palaeohydrological inferences are frequently drawn. Mixed and fine floodplain sediments present problems of interpretation because of a large grain size range and frequent polymodality caused by the mixing of process-associated grain size components. This paper discusses the use of traditional grain size statistics and the use of the mode and multivariate statistics. The mode, although much neglected, is indicative of up-profile grain size changes and has practical advantages over the mean for mixed and fine floodplain sediments. Constrained cluster analysis and principal components analysis are used directly on Coulter counter results. These techniques can rapidly divide a floodplain profile into grain size units and indicate the principal vectors of grain size variation which will be related to the changing processes of deposition. Principal components analysis reveals the importance of the medium to fine silt category in accounting for grain size variations, suggesting that a critical factor in determining the type of alluvial unit deposited is the degree to which it has received fine suspended material. Grain size data from the Lower Severn are used to construct a CM diagram which is compared with a texture triangle. From both the CM and multivariate analysis a generalized backswamp profile is constructed which shows the existence of a coarser top unit caused by the addition of a fine to medium sand component to the underlying sediment during the Late Holocene. 相似文献
The main indicators of Quaternary tectonic uplift are the young mountain slopes of the Darjeeling Himalaya, rising straight above the Ganga–Brahmaputra foredeep, fragments of uplifted river terraces and fresh fault scarps. Evidence for the continuation of the uplift includes downcutting of the Tista and other straight rivers in the bedrock, continuing aggradation in the plains and overriding of the metamorphic rocks on the alluvia. Owing to deforestation and extensive land use, the earlier natural tendency of a dominance of channel incision over slope degradation has changed to prevailing aggradation, even in steep valley reaches, caused by intensive slope mass movements and the overloading of the mountain creeks. Aggradation progresses upstream along the rivers dissecting the mountain front. 相似文献
1 BACKGROUND The Kankakee River, which straddles the States of Indiana and Illinois in the Midwest, is shown in Fig. 1. This figure also shows the dividing line between these two states and the streamgaging and few sediment gaging stations in the basin. The main stem of the river in Indiana was channelized, thus bypassing numerous oxbows, meanders, side channels, etc., that existed before the 1890s. Before channelization in Indiana, the river essentially flowed through a wetland/mar… 相似文献
Channel avulsion occurred on the Thomson River in Victoria, Australia, in 1952 along a 12 km length of the valley. A comparison of the old and new channels reveals considerable differences in channel characteristics. The old channel was perched above the floodplain on an alluvial ridge such that when bankfull capacity was exceeded, floodwaters concentrated on the lowest part of the floodplain some distance away. This is where the new channel formed. It is an incised channel with larger capacity and longer meander wavelength than the old channel and is also shorter and steeper. The new channel is subject to larger floodflows and a more variable flood regime than the old course because of the differences in the channel/floodplain relationship and channel capacity. The resulting concentration of stream power along the new course is responsible for the contrast in channel characteristics and for the more rapid meander migration. This example shows that river metamorphosis can occur without major environmental changes. Measures of channel geometry such as gradient, sinuosity, and meander wavelength therefore cannot be used in palaeohydrological work to infer climatic or other environmental changes without independent supporting evidence. Differences in channel geometry can arise simply from changes in the relationship between the channel and its loodplain. 相似文献
James E. Pizzuto 《地球表面变化过程与地形》1986,11(4):441-450
The bankfull depths of 15 midwestern sand-bed streams increase with increasing variability of flow. Depths are also well represented by a simple one-dimensional model of vertical floodplain accretion. Thus, the correlation between depth and flow variability may be explained by the ability of deep, sediment-laden flows to construct high floodplains. Bankfull depths are also strongly correlated with the average annual maximum flow. Apparently, the average annual maximum flow adequately represents the cumulative influence of varying flows on rivers studied here. These observations further validate the concept of a dominant channel-forming discharge of moderate return frequency in humid temperate climates. 相似文献
Hydrologic changes have a great impact on the long-term river morphology. The most common anthropic cause is the construction of dams, which often reduces both the discharge regime and sediment transport, producing a narrowing and degradation of the river bed. In this study we propose a simple, lumped morphodynamic model that describes fluvial cross-section dynamics consequent to changes in discharge and sediment transport induced by external factors. The model provides the temporal dynamics of the river width and bed quote. These dynamics result not to be trivial and can exhibit non monotonic behavior, with aggradations and degradations, and narrowing and widening. The model has been tested on real rivers using data obtained from field studies. The agreement between the outcomes and the data measured in the field works is always satisfactory. 相似文献
The amounts of alluvial storage and the mechanisms responsible for the dispersal of sediment associated with historic metal mining are examined for a 115 year timespan on a 22 km reach of the River South Tyne, northern England. Analysis of lateral and vertical channel change over this period, the extent of actively reworked gravels, and identification of metals in alluvial units, show five ‘sedimentation zones’ separated by more stable reaches. Aggradation in the late nineteenth century was followed by a period of storage and local reworking, and then incision. Some reaches show short-term storage of sediment injected from tributaries which may be dispersed by floods. There is some evidence of transfer of sediment bodies downvalley within sedimentation zones, and of a sediment ‘wave’ movement between zones in lower parts of the South Tyne investigated. Present-day incision, the variation in the area of actively reworked gravel spreads, and the widespread dispersal of fine-grained toxic metal mining wastes all have practical implications. The intricate response of the channel system to historic changes in sediment supply is not readily described by either a complex response model or a simple translatory wave. 相似文献
D. A. Hughes 《地球表面变化过程与地形》1980,5(3):297-304
The factors affecting the relationship between channel discharge and volume of inundation are discussed. For many floodplains this relationship is not simple, but involves hysteretic effects which vary according to the hydrological characteristics of individual floods and the way in which these interact with the surface form of the floodplain reach. Some methods of deriving or estimating the extent of the hysteresis on floodplain reaches are suggested, although an acute lack of available data prevents detailed examination at present. Further investigations are required before floodplain conductivity relations can be used as an aid to flood routing procedures or in floodplain management problems. A major priority must be the acquisition of sequential inundation data. 相似文献
During February 1990 a flood event on the River Tay with an estimated recurrence interval of 70 years in its lower reaches caused extensive flooding and geomorphological change. The most extensive area of flooding and dramatic geomorphological change, the erosion of two new channels across the floodplain, was in the vicinity of the village of Caputh, Perthshire. The location of the eroded channels relates to the position of former river courses, identifiable by depressions in the floodplain surface and floodplain stratigraphy. The lower floodplain surface elevation and occurrence of gravel and sand deposits along the line of the former river courses caused the area to be more vulnerable to erosion and controlled the morphology of the eroded channels. 相似文献
Pedro A. BASILE Gerardo A. RICCARDI Center for Hydroenvironmental Research National University of Rosario Riobamba bis 《国际泥沙研究》2002,(1)
1 INTRODUCTION Mathematical models to analyze the one-dimensional morphological evolution of alluvial rivers, induced either by natural events or anthropic actions, have been commonly applied since the original work of de Vries (1957, 1965, 1969). In the last decades much effort was made in developing suitable 2D horizontal and 3D time-depending mathematical models to study riverbed changes. In fact, full 2D-H hydro-morphological models (Olesen, 1987; Spasojevic and Holly, 1988) as w… 相似文献
Andrew Simon 《地球表面变化过程与地形》1989,14(1):11-26
Dredging and straightening of alluvial channels between 1959 and 1978 in West Tennessee caused a series of morphologic changes along modified reaches and tributary streams. Degradation occurred for 10 to 15 years at sites upstream of the area of maximum disturbance and lowered bed-levels by as much as 6·1 m. Following degradation, reaches upstream of the area of maximum disturbance experienced a secondary aggradation phase in response to excessive incision and gradient reduction. Aggradation downstream of the area of maximum disturbance reached 0·12 m per year with the greatest rates occurring near the stream mouths. The adjustment of channel geometry and phases of channel evolution are characterized by six process-oriented stages of morphologic development—premodified, constructed, degradation, threshold, aggradation, and restabilization. Down-cutting and toe removal during the degradation stage causes bank failure by mass wasting when the critical height and angle of the bank material is exceeded (threshold stage). Channel widening continues through the aggradation stage as the ‘slough line’ develops as an initial site of lower-bank stability. The bank profile develops three dynamic elements (1) vertical face (70° to 90°), (2) upper bank (25° to 50°), and (3) slough line (20° to 25°). Alternate channel bars form during the restabilization stage and represent incipient meandering of the channel. 相似文献
Paul D. Bates Malcolm G. Anderson Laura Baird Des E. Walling David Simm 《地球表面变化过程与地形》1992,17(6):575-588
A prototype two-dimensional finite element flow model for depth-averaged free surface flows was developed for floodplain environments. Limited refinement of the model's physical representation was undertaken and the enhanced scheme applied to an 11 km river channel/floodplain reach in the U.K. Preliminary model results indicate that this modelling approach can be used to identify dynamic variations in the flow field parameters over length scales of the order of 10-100 m. Potentially, such data have the ability to permit detailed analysis of short-term floodplain sedimentary dynamics. 相似文献
Discharge of groundwater from a limestone aquifer through floodplain sediments is associated with a large decrease in the nitrate concentration of the water. Results are presented to show that only a small amount of this reduction is caused by dilution of groundwater by water already present within the floodplain sediments; most of the effect is an active reduction process, most probably biological denitrification. The nitrate reduction process appears to operate independently of surface vegetation type and tends to be focused in specific regions of the floodplain where sediments are anaerobic and carbon-rich. The results suggest that active denitrification can operate throughout the winter, when nitrate concentrations in groundwater are at their highest and that the process remains effective even during periods of maximum run-off. The results show that undrained floodplains can be used as buffer zones to protect surface waters from groundwater polluted with agriculturally derived nitrate. 相似文献
Groundwater heads and chemical composition were measured at approximately two week intervals during the summer of 1993 along a 1 km transect across the Insh Marshes floodplain mire in Inverness-shire, Scotland. Groundwater heads were generally higher near the valley side slope, with lower pH values and greater dissolved organic carbon, A1 and C1 concentrations. In the centre of the transect, upward groundwater heads were identified and pH, conductivity and concentrations of base cations were much greater. Near the River Spey, pH and base cation concentrations decreased and A1 and C1 concentrations increased. Deep groundwater followed a similar spatial trend but was generally more base-rich than shallow groundwater. These variations reflect the influence of three major water sources with different chemical signatures. Runoff from the valley side slope increased dissolved organic carbon and A1 in the shallow groundwater, the upward flow of groundwater increased the pH and Ca concentration and inundation near the river decreased the base status and increased C1 and A1. 相似文献
Two distinct types of alluvial fans occur in the Bow River Valley, Alberta, Canada: fluvially dominated and debris flow dominated. Large, gently sloping fans dominated by fluvial processes are associated with large and less rugged drainage basins, and small rugged basins have produced small, steep fans dominated by debris flow processes. Quantitative analysis demonstrates that strong fan-basin morphometric relationships occur despite a short fan history. Statistical analysis of fan area-basin area relationships indicate that debris flow fan areas do not increase in size as quickly as contributing basins. The relationship of fluvial fan area to basin area is not statistically significant. However, this relationship is probably affected by fan erosion. Examination of fan slope to basin ruggedness relationships indicates that fan slope increases more rapidly than basin ruggedness for both fan types. This is likely related to non-linear discharge and sediment size effects on fluvial fans, and reworking of larger fan surfaces by fluvial processes on debris flow fans. 相似文献
Herein a simplified quasi-two dimensional horizontal hydro-morphological mathematical model is presented. The governing equations for the quasi-2D horizontal time-depending flow field are represented by the well-known approach of interconnected cells. New discharge laws between cells are incorporated. The model is capable of predicting temporal changes in water depth, velocity distribution,sediment transport, bed elevation, as well as water and suspended sediment exchanges between main stream and flood plains. An application of the model to the middle reach of the Argentinean Parana River is presented. Satisfactory results were obtained during model calibration, validation and application. 相似文献
The ecological functioning of floodplain lakes is largely influenced by the interaction with the river mainstem. In this study, seasonal variation in water chemistry and the relationship with the river conditions were compared between floodplain lakes that differ in the level of connection to the Usumacinta River, the largest river of Mesoamerica. Samples for suspended solids, nutrients, and chlorophyll a were collected through the year in lakes permanently connected to the river and in lakes that only received water from the Usumacinta for a short period during peak flow. Floodplain lakes showed higher total suspended solids than the river during the dry season while during the rainy season greater differences were observed between the river and the lakes, probably explained by higher concentrations in the river and greater sedimentation in the lakes. Greater organic matter content in the suspended solids was observed in the floodplain lakes, particularly in the more isolated lakes, likely related to high algal biomass. Nitrate concentrations were always higher in the river than in the lakes and lower nitrate concentrations occurred at the isolated lakes, suggesting that processes that remove nitrate occur through the year and are a common feature of floodplain lakes. Phosphorus in the connected lakes was higher than in the river only during the dry season, while in the isolated lakes concentrations were always greater than in the river. Chlorophyll a concentrations were higher in the connected lakes than in the river only during the dry season, while the more isolated lakes exhibited higher values through the year, showing signs of eutrophication. Suspended organic matter, nitrate, and chlorophyll showed larger differences between lake and river sites in the more isolated lakes, probably related to greater water residence time and its influence on primary production. Less connected lakes are more vulnerable to flow alteration because the brief period of connection to the river can be compromised and the effects of eutrophication exacerbated. 相似文献
We analysed total bacterial number and mean volume of cells at three sites in each of ten floodplain lakes in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza River, North-Eastern Poland to test bacterioplankton communities change according to the distance to the river. The composition of the bacterial communities was determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization method. Total number of bacteria in the lakes ranged from 4.0 to 7.48 cells × 106 mL−1 with dominance by Actinobacteria, the contribution of which was positively correlated with water level. Old river channels (side-arms) featured Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria. The community of Betaproteobacteria was limited by concentration of dissolved organic carbon. Archaea, in spite of a minor role (<3.65% of DAPI-4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) in the communities, showed a positive relation to floodplain lake isolation. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that bacterioplankton in riverine lakes was similar to that in rivers, while lakes with limited water exchange showed a similarity to fertile lakes. Water level and nutrients were among the factors determining bacterial community structure. 相似文献
Donna C. Marron 《地球表面变化过程与地形》1992,17(7):675-685
Arsenic-contaminated mine tailings that were discharged into Whitewood Creek at Lead, South Dakota, from 1876 to 1978, were deposited along the floodplains of Whitewood Creek and the Belle Fourche River. The resulting arsenic-contaminated floodplain deposit consists mostly of overbank sediments and filled abandoned meanders along White-wood Creek, and overbank and point-bar sediments along the Belle Fourche River. Arsenic concentrations of the contaminated sediments indicate the degree of dilution of mine tailings by uncontaminated alluvium. About 13 per cent of the 110 × 106 Mg of mine tailings that were discharged at Lead were deposited along the Whitewood Creek floodplain. Deposition of mine tailings near the mouth of Whitewood Creek was augmented by an engineered structure. About 29 per cent of the mine tailings delivered by Whitewood Creek were deposited along the Belle Fourche River floodplain. About 60 per cent of that sediment is contained in overbank deposits. Deposition along a segment of the Belle Fourche River was augmented by rapid channel migration. The proportions of contaminated sediment stored along Whitewood Creek and the Belle Fourche River are consistent with sediment storage along the floodplains of perennial streams in other, similar sized watersheds. 相似文献
Widespread loss and degradation of riverine habitats due to dams, diversions, levees, and human development have led to an increase in river habitat enhancement projects in recent decades. These projects typically focus on improving either terrestrial (e.g., riparian vegetation) or aquatic (e.g., fish spawning and rearing) habitats, and do not commonly address the relationship between the two systems. However, there is abundant evidence that fundamental linkages exist between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and anthropogenic impacts such as urban expansion, agricultural activities, and river impoundment can synergistically degrade both systems. This study examines the effects of adult and juvenile salmonid habitat restoration on recruitment, density, and composition of riparian vegetation in an area heavily impacted by mining and flow regulation. For a year following in-channel coarse sediment placement and floodplain construction in an area previously covered with coarse mine tailings, we compared the abundance, richness and diversity of vegetation across four treatments: the newly constructed floodplain, isolated mine tailings, mine tailings near an access road, and a remnant riparian area that was less impacted by mining. Richness and diversity were higher in the floodplain than in any of the other treatments; we identified a total of 15 plant families in the floodplain treatments, as compared to three to five families in the other treatments. We observed significant differences in plant assemblage composition between treatments, with higher richness of primarily obligate or facultative wetland plant taxa in the floodplain treatment. This study demonstrates that restoring hydrological linkages between aquatic and terrestrial habitats, and redistribution of sediment size classes altered by mining, can create conditions that promote rapid wetland plant colonization, enhancing biodiversity and improving ecosystem function. 相似文献