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Zusammenfassung An Hand des reichhaltigen Materials an Strömungs- und Salzgehaltsmessungen des Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamtes Cuxhaven wird die Brackwasserzone im Mündungsgebiet der Elbe festgelegt und die Verschiebung ihres Schwerpunktes flußabwärts während der letzten Jahrzehnte nachgewiesen. Die qualitativen Eigenschaften im Mündungsgebiet eines Tideflusses werden untersucht; auf die Schwierigkeiten der Salzgehaltsmessung im Brackwasser wird eingegangen. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist der Reichtum der Brackwasserzone an Kolloiden und der hiermit im Zusammenhang stehende Schlickfall in den Häfen und auf den Untiefen dieses Gebietes. Der Mischungsvorgang des salzreichen Seewassers mit dem Flußwasser der Elbe in seiner Abhängigkeit von den Gezeitenströmen wird verfolgt. Für den Gang des Salzgehaltes an der Oberfläche mit der Tide wird eine charakteristische Kurve gefunden, die nicht nur für die Elbe, sondern für die Gezeitenflüsse überhaupt typisch zu sein scheint.
Hydrographic studies of the zone of brackish water in the estuary of the Elbe river
Summary With the aid of a rich material of measurements of tidal currents and salinity observations from the Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Cuxhaven, the author determines the zone of brackish water in the estuary of the Elbe river and proves that its centre has been displaced downstream during the recent decades. The qualitative features of the estuary of a river are investigated; the difficulties encountered in determining the salinity of brackish water are discussed. The abundance in colloids in brackish water is of special importance, giving rise to increased precipitation of mud particles in the ports and on the shoals of the area in question. The mixing process of the saltwater with the fresh water of the Elbe river as depending on the tidal streams is pursued. A curve is found which is characteristic of the variations in surface salinity under the influence of tides; this curve seems to be typical not only of the Elbe estuary but also of other tidal rivers.

Études hydrographiques de la région de l'eau saumâtre dans l'estuaire de l'Elbe
Résumé À l'aide d'un grand nombre de mesures de courants et d'observations de salinité du Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Cuxhaven l'auteur précise la région de l'eau saumâtre dans l'embouchure de l'Elbe et prouve que son centre s'est déplacé en aval pendant les dernières dizaines d'années. Les caractéristiques qualitatives rencontrées dans l'estuaire d'un fleuve sont examinées et les difficultés que l'on rencontre en déterminant la salinité de l'eau saumâtre sont exposées. La richesse en colloides de la zone saumâtre est d'une grande importance parce qu'elledonne lieu à la précipitation plus intensive des particules vaseuses dans les ports et sur les bas-fonds de cette région. Les procès de mélange de l'eau salée avec l'eau douce de l'Elbe sous l'influence des courants de marée sont poursuivis. Une courbe caractéristique est dessinée qui montre les variations de la salinité à la surface causées par les marées; elle semble être typique non seulement pour l'estuaire de l'Elbe mais encore pour d'autres fleuves à mareé.

Fritz Lucht 《Ocean Dynamics》1953,6(4-6):186-207
Zusammenfassung Die Beschaffenheit des wandernden Materials wird nach sedimentpetrographischen Methoden untersucht und ein Plan der regionalen Verteilung der Korngrößen im Untersuchungsgebiet entworfen. Die Ursprungsgebiete, aus denen der Sand in die untere Elbe gelangt, werden aufgezeigt, und die Wanderung des Nordseesandes stromauf wird verfolgt. Einigen allgemeinen Bemerkungen über die Berechnung des Sandtransportes folgen Angaben über die Mengen, die durch verschiedene Querprofile des Untersuchungsgebietes auf Grund von Messungen festgestellt worden sind. Der Darstellung der direkten Sandwanderungsmessung und ihrer Ergebnisse folgt die Beschreibung einer indirekten Methode und die Angabe der hiermit erzielten Ergebnisse der Massenberechnung in den letzten 20 Jahren. Die Schwankungen in der Sedimentation und Erosion werden zu den Windverhältnissen am Feuerschiff Elbe 1 in Verbindung gesetzt, wobei eine befriedigende Übereinstimmung gefunden wird, was darauf hindeutet, daß die Nordsee mit ihren meteorologischen und hydrographischen Verhältnissen in der Hauptsache für die Sandwanderung im Untersuchungsgebiet bestimmend ist. Das Sandtransportgleichgewicht in einem Tidefluß wird behandelt, und die Bedingungen hierfür werden aufgezeigt.
On the transport of sand in the outer estuary of the Elbe
Summary The nature of the migrating material is investigated with the aid of the methods of sedimentary petrography and a plan of the regional distribution of the sizes of grains in the investigated area is given. The regions of origin from which the sand is carried into the lower Elbe are pointed out and the transport of the sand from the North Sea is traced up-stream. Some general remarks on the calculation of the sand transport are followed by some information about the quantities which have been ascertained with the aid of several cross-profiles in the area under investigation. After the explanation of the direct measurement of sand migration an indirect method is described and the results gained by it in mass calculation during the last 20 years are given. The fluctuations in sedimentation and erosion are related to the wind distribution near Elbe I light-vessel and a rather good correspondence is found, pointing out the sand transport in the Elbe estuary to be mainly governed by the meteorological and hydrographical conditions in the North Sea. The balance of the sand transport of a tidal river is treated and its conditions are laid open.

Sur le cheminement du sable dans l'estuaire inférieur de l'Elbe
Résumé Dans cet article on étudie selon des méthodes de la pétrographie sedimentaire la nature des matériaux mouvants et on dresse un plan de la distribution des diamètres des grains dans la zone d'exploration. On révèle les zones d'origine des sables de l'Elbe inférieur et poursuit la progression vers l'amont du sable de la mer du Nord. Après quelques notes générales sur le calcul du transport de sable on précise les quantités mesurées à l'aide de diverses coupes transversales dans la zone d'exploration. Puis, on décrit la mesure directe des sables cheminants et ses résultats ainsi qu'une méthode indirecte du calcul des masses de sable et on en donne les résultats obtenus pendant les vingt dernières années. Une confrontation des fluctuations de la sédimentation et de l'érosion avec la distribution des vents auprès du bateau-feu Elbe I conduit à un accord satisfaisant entre ces facteurs, d'où suit que ce sont, avant tout, les conditions météorologiques et hydrographiques de la mer du Nord qui exercent une influence décisive sur le cheminement du sable dans l'estuaire de l'Elbe. Enfin, le bilan du transport de sable dans un estuaire est discuté et ses conditions sont révélées.

The attempt was made to use the alga Scenedesmus quadricauda for the purification of wastewaters from the production of artificial leather. The dimethylamine contained in these wastewaters is continuously decomposed and the remaining nitrogen-containing residuals are used as a nutrient source for the production of algal biomass. In continuous experiments with original wastewaters, dimethylamine and its metabolites showed a pronounced inhibiting effect. In practice, a longer retention time in the reactors as well as a sufficient share of municipal wastewater are required in order to avoid a limiting of growth due to a phosphorus deficiency. The second part of this paper is concluded by information about other investigations performed by us on the purification of artificial leather wastewaters with the aid of the biological nitrogen elimination under specific conditions with a successful denitrification of up to 95%.  相似文献   

The development of the phytoplankton was observed from 1984 to 1986 in the Warnow-River (GDR, Mecklenburg). The dominant algae throughout the year were the Bacillariophyceae with their maximum in spring (1984: 36.1 mm3/1, 1986: 32.3 mm3/1) or in autumn (1985: 48.3 mm3/1). There is not any limitation of phytoplankton by inorganic nutritation (N, P) throughout the year. The phytoplankton production was most influenced by the turbulance of water. Classification of banked-up rivers with the help of the plankton-quotients of Thunmark and Nygaard is impossible.  相似文献   

The authors describe a possibility of a fast determination of the metabolic activity of various activated sludge samples. There is not used the sludge property of digestion, but the biosynthesis of aminopeptidases. Egg albumin has been found to be the optimum standard indicator. The activity of the investigated activated sludge is derived from the rate of the biosynthesis of aminopeptidases. The technique proposed can be used also for determining the toxic effects of different substances on activated sludge.  相似文献   

In the production of a special artificial leather (BAREX) in the CSSR wastewaters containing dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethylamine (DMA) are produced. Investigations have shown that cultures of algae (Scenedesmus quadricauda) are able to use the two substances as a nitrogen nutrient source after a time of adaptation. In the course of the reactions of decomposition the pH-value plays an important part, since at increased values ammonia is released, which has a temporarily inhibitory effect on the production of algae masses and daughter cells. This detrimental effect can be considerably reduced by aeration with carbondioxide containing (3%) air. Since the production of algal biomass is restricted by a phosphorus deficiency, too, a combined treatment with municipal sewage is very advantageous, according to the results from investigations.  相似文献   

For checking the quality of the effluent from an activated sludge plant for waste-waters from the sulphite pulp production the respiration of an activated sludge sample in air-saturated water is determined initially without the addition of substrate (ground respiration) and after that with an addition of substrate (methanol, substrate respiration) by means of the Clark-electrode. The measuring device is designed by means of zero displacement in such a way that the difference of the oxygen concentration is indicated by a time relay as the difference quotient. Between the ground respiration and the effluent concentration of BOD5 exists a significant positive regression, which can be used for controlling the plant. The determination of the substrate respiration serves only for checking with respect to perhaps given inhibition of the conversion of matter by the activated sludge. The determination of the activity of the activated sludge sample takes only 20 min; inclusive of the required determination of the dry matter of sludge, the technique provides a well reproducible measured value for the biochemical conversion in the activated sludge plant within 1… 1.5 h.  相似文献   

Prerequisite to the nitrogen leaching from agricultural soils in spring is the ecologically optimum control of the first nitrogen fertilizer application. On the basis of investigations having been carried out for some years, a method for determining the optimum time of fertilization with the aid of phenological data is presented. The blossoming data of Anemone nemorosa proved to be a suitable sensitive indicator, their onset of blossoming is the optimum time for the first nitrogen application. In dependence on the height and variation of weather, in the subdued mountains this time is 90 … 116 d after the beginning of the year and corresponds to a temperaturetotal ≥ 5°C of 80 … 120°C or > 0°C: 160 … 230°C. Possibly, the leaf development of Alchemilla vulgaris or the first development of Poa pratensis are suitable as other bioindicators. The boundary conditions and disturbance variables of the bioindication are discussed. By the phenological date-determination of the beginning of fertilization the nitrogen losses can be reduced by 10 … 20% and the nitrate leaching can be considerably reduced especially in drinking-water protection areas.  相似文献   

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