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As part of an integrated study of the hydrology, meltwater quality and dynamics of the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, the glacier's drainage network structure was determined from patterns of dye recovery in 342 injection experiments conducted from 47 moulins distributed widely across the glacier. This structure was compared with theoretical predictions based upon reconstructed patterns of water flow governed by (a) the subglacial hydraulic potential surface, and (b) the subglacial bedrock surface. These reconstructions were based on measurements of ice surface and bedrock topography obtained by a combination of ground survey and radio-echo sounding techniques. The two reconstructions simulate the drainage system structures expected for (a) closed channels, in which water is pressurized by the overlying ice, and (b) gravity-driven, open-channel flow. The closed-channel model provides the best fit to the observed structure, even though theoretical calculations suggest that, under summer discharge conditions, open-channel flow may be widespread beneath the glacier. Possible reasons for this apparent discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Dye tracing techniques were used to investigate the glacier-wide pattern of change in the englacial/subglacial drainage system of Haut Glacier d'Arolla during the ablation seasons of 1990 and 1991. Analysis of breakthrough curve characteristics indicate that over the course of a melt season, a system of major channels developed by headward growth at the expense of a hydraulically inefficient distributed system. By the end of the melt season, this channel system extended at least 3·3 km from the snout of the 4 km long glacier and drained the bulk of supraglacially derived meltwater passing through the glacier. The upper limit of the channel system closely followed the retreating snowline up-glacier. Rates of headward channel growth reached c. 65 m d−1, although these rates decreased in the upper 1 km of the glacier where snowline retreat exposed a patchy firn aquifer. It appears that the removal of snow (with its high albedo and significant water storage capacity) from the glacier surface resulted in a dramatic increase in the volume of runoff into moulins, and in the peakedness of daily runoff cycles. This induced transient high water pressures within the distributed drainage system, which caused it to evolve rapidly into a channelised system. It is therefore likely that, at a local scale, channel growth occurred down-glacier from moulins, and that the overall up-glacier-directed pattern of channel formation was caused by the retreating snowline exposing new moulins and crevasses to inputs of ice-derived meltwater. Damping of diurnal melt inputs by storage in the firm aquifer accounts for the slowing of channel growth in the upper glacier. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Until now, alpine glacial meltwaters have been assumed to consist of two components, dilute quickflow and concentrated delayed flow, the mixing of which has been regarded as chemically conservative for the major dissolved ions and electrical conductivity. Dye tracing results suggest that this two-component model adequately represents the sub-glacial hydrology of the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. However, laboratory dissolution experiments in which various concentrations of glacial rock flour are placed in dilute solutions show that this rock flour is highly reactive and suggest that bulk meltwaters may acquire significant amounts of solute through rapid chemical reactions with suspended sediment which occur after mixing of the two components. This view is supported by detailed analysis of variations in the hydrochemistry of meltwaters draining from the Haut Glacier d'Arolla over three diurnal cycles during the 1989 melt season. Variations in the composition of bulk meltwaters are controlled by two main factors: dilution of the delayed flow component by quickflow, and the extent of post-mixing reactions. The latter depends on the suspended sediment concentration in bulk meltwaters and on the duration of contact between these waters and suspended sediment. Seasonal changes in the magnitude of these factors result in changes in the character and causes of diurnal variations in meltwater chemistry. In June, these variations reflect discharge-related variations in residence time within a distributed subglacial drainage system; in July, when a channelized drainage system exists beneath the lower glacier, they primarily reflect the dilution of delayed flow by quickflow; in August, when suspended sediment concentrations are particularly high, they reflect varying degrees of solute acquisition by post-mixing reactions with suspended sediment that take place in arterial channels at the glacier bed.  相似文献   

Studies of glacier hydrology rely increasingly on measurements made in boreholes as a basis for reconstructing the character and behaviour of subglacial drainage systems. In temperate glaciers, in which boreholes remain open to the atmosphere following drilling, the interpretation of such data may be complicated by supraglacial or englacial water flows to and from boreholes. We report on a suite of techniques used to identify borehole water sources and to reconstruct patterns of water circulation within boreholes at Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. Results are used to define a number of borehole ‘drainage’ types. Examples of each drainage type are presented, along with the manner in which they influence interpretations of borehole water‐levels, borehole water‐quality data, and borehole dye traces. The analysis indicates that a full understanding of possible borehole drainage modes is required for the correct interpretation of many borehole observations, and that those observations provide an accurate indication of subglacial conditions only under relatively restricted circumstances. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

S. Jobard  M. Dzikowski   《Journal of Hydrology》2006,330(3-4):663-671
Proglacial discharge is controlled by the geometry of the glacial drainage network and by meltwater processes. The glacial drainage systems of some alpine glaciers have been characterised using a model based on a proglacial discharge analysis. In this paper, we apply high frequency systemic analysis to data collected from the Baounet Glacier (French Alps) during two successive ablation seasons. Our approach is based on an analysis of the evolution of daily recession curves during the ablation period. The observed data are fitted by a single β-coefficient dependant recession law. Changes in β are compared to variations in the daily discharge amplitude and the time lag between air temperature and proglacial discharge. The changes in the β values do not appear to be related to changes in the time lag and the amplitude of the daily discharge. There were significant variations in the β-coefficient during the two ablation periods studied here even if there was no time lag or the daily discharge amplitude change. High values of β correspond to high drainage velocities; therefore increases in β values can be used as an indicator of the evolution of the glacier’s internal drainage network.  相似文献   

Digital elevation models of the surface and bed of Midtdalsbreen, Norway are used to calculate subglacial hydraulic potential and infer drainage system structure for a series of subglacial water pressure assumptions ranging from atmospheric to ice overburden. A distributed degree‐day model is used to calculate the spatial distribution of melt on the glacier surface throughout a typical summer, which is accumulated along the various drainage system structures to calculate water fluxes beneath the glacier and exiting the portals for the different water pressure assumptions. In addition, 78 dye‐tracing tests were performed from 33 injection sites and numerous measurements of water discharge were made on the main proglacial streams over several summer melt seasons. Comparison of the calculated drainage system structures and water fluxes with dye tracing results and measured proglacial stream discharges suggests that the temporally and spatially averaged steady‐state water pressures beneath the glacier are ~70% of ice overburden. Analysis of the dye return curves, together with the calculated subglacial water fluxes shows that the main drainage network on the eastern half of the glacier consists of a hydraulically efficient system of broad, low channels (average width/height ratio ≈ 75). The smaller drainage network on the west consists of a hydraulically inefficient distributed system, dominated by channels that are exceptionally broad and very low (average width/height ratio ≈ 350). The even smaller central drainage network also consists of a hydraulically inefficient distributed system, dominated by channels that are very broad and exceptionally low (average width/height ratio ≈ 450). The channels beneath the western and central glacier must be so broad and low that they can essentially be thought of as a linked cavity system. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological characteristics of englacial and subglacial drainage systems in Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, were examined by analysing temporal variations of discharge and sediment load in the proglacial Phelan Creek in 2001. From data plots on semi‐log paper, it appeared appropriate to separate both discharge and sediment load into fast and slow components. The two components were possibly produced by two different drainage systems: an englacial and subglacial, ‘channellized’ system in the ablation zone, and a subglacial, ‘distributed’ system in the accumulation zone. The data indicate the occurrence of an event during which part of the ‘distributed’ drainage system changed into the ‘channellized’ drainage system. The daily time‐series of discharge and sediment load were represented using a tank model. In the model, the drainage from an additional tank was added, supposing that a subglacial reservoir full of water and sediment collapsed slowly when the subglacial drainage system changed from distributed to channellized. The simulation with the collapsed tank gave much more reasonable results than those with no collapsed tank. The contribution of the collapsed tank to total sediment load is 24%, which is much larger than 9% to total discharge. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a geoid model for the area of Lake Vostok, Antarctica, from a combination of local airborne gravity, ice-surface and ice-thickness data and a lake bathymetry model. The topography data are used for residual terrain modeling (RTM) in a remove–restore approach together with GOCE satellite data. The quasigeoid is predicted by least-squares collocation (LSC) and subsequently converted to geoid heights. Special aspects of that method in presence of an ice sheet are discussed.It is well known that a body freely floating in water is in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium (HE). This usually applies, e.g., to ice shelves or sea ice. However, it has been shown that this is valid also for the ice sheet covering the subglacial Lake Vostok. Thus, we demonstrate the use of such a refined regional geoid model for glaciological and geophysical applications by means of the HE surface of that lake. The mean quadratic residual geoid signal (0.56 m) w.r.t. the GOCE background model exceeds the residual variations of the estimated apparent lake level (ALL) (0.26 m) within the central part of the lake. An approach considering the actual geopotential at the ALL has been derived and subsequently applied. In this context, downward continuation of the potential field within the ice sheet as well as the latitudinal tilt of off-geoid equipotential surfaces are discussed. In view of the accuracy of the ice-thickness measurements that dominate the total error budget of the estimated ALL these effects are negligible. Thus, the HE surface of subglacial lakes may safely be described by a constant height bias in small-scale regional applications. However, field continuation is significant with respect to the formal uncertainty of the quasigeoid, which is at the level of 5 cm given that accurate airborne gravity data (±2 mGal) are available.  相似文献   

The Kverkfjöll area, NE Iceland is characterised by subglacial basalt pillow lavas erupted under thick ice during the last major glaciation in Iceland. The water contents of slightly vesiculated glassy rims of pillows in six localities range from 0.85±0.03 to 1.04±0.03 wt %. The water content measurements allow the ice thickness to be estimated at between 1.2 and 1.6 km, with the range reflecting the uncertainty in the CO2 and water contents of the melt. The upper estimates agree with other observations and models that the ice thickness in the centre of Iceland was 1.5–2.0 km at the time of the last glacial maximum. Many of the pillows in the Kverkfjöll area are characterised by vesiculated cores (40–60% vesicles) surrounded by a thick outer zone of moderately vesicular basalt (15–20% vesicles). The core contains ~1 mm diameter spherical vesicles distributed uniformly. This observation suggests a sudden decompression and vesiculation of the still molten core followed by rapid cooling. The cores are attributed to a jökulhlaup in which melt water created by the eruption is suddenly released reducing the environmental pressure. Mass balance and solubility relationships for water allow a pressure decrease to be calculated from the observed change of vesicularity of between 4.4 and 4.7 MPa depressurization equivalent to a drop in the water level in the range 440–470 m. Consideration of the thickness of solid crust around the molten cores at the time of the jökulhlaup indicates an interval of 1–3 days between pillow emplacement and the jökulhlaup. Upper limits for ice melting rates of order 10?3 m/s are indicated. This interpretation suggests that jökulhlaups can reactivate eruptions.  相似文献   

The Forestry Commission carry out drainage work in the uninclosed portion of the New Forest which includes cutting artificial drains and deepening and straightening natural channels. This paper, based on observation of operations on 53 channels for periods up to eight years between 1962 and 1975, examines the geomorphic results of such work. Of 24,000 metres of channel inspected, 24 per cent by length showed erosion, 40 per cent deposition and 36 per cent no apparent change since the work was executed. The subsequent pattern of erosion and deposition within the channels is governed largely by channel slope, but also by the nature of the superficial material and the width: depth ratio of the excavated channel. It is suggested that the choice of some preferred width: depth ratio for a given channel slope might reduce erosion. Instances are given where erosion might be described as severe, 0.5 cubic metres of material per metre of channel per year in two cases, but it appears that after a few years channels stabilize and erosion is also arrested by growth of vegetation.  相似文献   

Drainage reorganization events have the potential to drive incision and erosion at high rates normally attributed to tectonic or climatic forcing. It can be difficult, however, to isolate the signal of transient events driven by drainage integration from longer term tectonic or climatic forcing. We exploit an ideal field setting in Aravaipa Creek Basin of southeastern Arizona, USA, to isolate just such a signal. Aravaipa Creek Basin underwent a period of transient incision that formed Aravaipa Canyon, evacuating a significant volume of sedimentary basin fill and Tertiary bedrock from the previously internally drained basin. We use digital terrain analyses to reconstruct the pre-incision landscapes of both Aravaipa Creek Basin and the adjacent Lower San Pedro Basin, which we use to quantify the magnitude of incision and erosion since the drainage basins integrated. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide burial dates from 10Be and 26Al concentrations in latest stage basin fill in Aravaipa Creek enable us to calculate long-term incision and erosion rates from 3 Myr to the present. A 10Be concentration–depth profile from the Lower San Pedro Basin confirms that the San Pedro River incised into its high stand deposits prior to 350 000–400 000 years ago. Combining our landscape reconstructions with these age constraints, we determine that the transient rates of incision that created Aravaipa Canyon were 150 m/Myr or more, but that the background rate of erosion since integration is an order of magnitude lower, between 10 and 20 m/Myr. These results support our growing understanding that tectonic and climatic forcings need not apply for all episodes of rapid, transient incision and erosion during landscape evolution. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Katla subglacial caldera is one of the most active and hazardous volcanic centres in Iceland as revealed by its historical volcanic activity and recent seismic unrest and magma accumulation. A petrologic and geochemical study was carried out on a suite of mid-Pleistocene to Recent lavas and pyroclastic rocks originated from the caldera. The whole series is characterised by a bimodal composition, including Fe-Ti transitional alkali basalts and mildly alkalic rhyolites. Variations in trace-element composition amongst the basalts and rhyolites show that their chemical differentiation was mainly controlled by fractional crystallisation and possible assimilation. The petrology and chemistry of the few intermediate extrusive rocks show that they were derived from magma mingling or hybridisation. The absence of extrusive rocks of true intermediate magmatic composition and the occurrence of amphibole-bearing felsic xenoliths support the hypothesis of partial melting of the hydrated basalt crust as the main process leading to the generation of rhyolites. The 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr values of Katla volcanic rocks fit the general isotopic array defined by late Quaternary to Recent lavas from Iceland. A few rock specimens are distinguished by low 143Nd/144Nd values suggesting assimilation and mixing of much older crustal material. Despite their similar whole-rock chemical compositions, the postglacial rhyolitic extrusives differ from the felsic xenoliths by their glass composition and the absence of amphibole. This, together with the general chemical trend of volcanic glasses, indicates that the postglacial rhyolitic extrusives were probably derived by a process involving late reheating and partial melting of crustal material by intrusion of basaltic magmas.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was applied to glacial and loess deposits in the north flank of the Terskey-Alatoo Range, Kyrgyz Republic, to elucidate the glacier chronology of the central Asian mountains during the Last Glacial. Moraines in five parts of study area were classified into four stages (Terskey Stages I–IV) based on their geographical position and elevation, and their moraine rock weathering. According to this classification, the oldest moraines (Terskey Stage I) were at 2100–2250 m a.s.l. and the second-oldest moraines (Terskey Stage II) were at 2400–2700 m a.s.l. Quartz samples from moraines of these two stages were used for OSL dating. The OSL ages of the quartz samples indicate that glacier expansion in the Terskey Stage II occurred between 21 and 29 ka BP.  相似文献   

The Matera Horst (“Murgia materana”) is included in the Apulian plateau, basically formed by Mesozoic shallow-water carbonates. The zone is located in a present-day temperate belt and form a flat-topped morphostructural large element inside the foreland area of the southern Apennines. This horst is bordered by high-angle faults and surrounded by downthrown blocks covered by Plio-Quaternary marine and alluvial sediments. The structural high experienced several morphological cycles from Miocene to Quaternary. In particular, three evolutionary stages can be recognized at least. The first stage is currently represented by relics of a flat erosional landscape at the top of the relieves. The second one is testified by gentle slopes with wide glacis at the foothills, locally covered by coarse waste deposits. During the third stage a series of marine terraces formed and a drainage system developed creating both bland valleys and well-defined channels and gorges. The latter streams deeply carve the Cretaceous limestone of the Matera Horst for they represent the morphological response to the tectonic uplift of the area and clearly post-date the former features. Since the fluvial net took place on Pleistocene covers, later widely eroded, it is possible to conclude that the major part of the Matera Horst drainage system represents a good example of superimposition. However, low order streams and segments of major rivers appear to be structurally controlled, as suggested by comparison with the fracture system. Further, also open synclines and gently steeped flexures may locally exert a driving control on minor streams. These apparently conflicting genetic hypotheses can be explained by the role of exhumation of inherited structures of the bedrock in add to a constant interplay between tectonics, erosion and drainage evolution during Quaternary times.  相似文献   

Two carbonate deposits are identified on the exposed bedrock surface in the forefield of Glacier de Tsanfleuron, Switzerland: macrocrystalline sparite and microcrystalline micrite. Comparison of the distributions of these forms with lee-side slope facets identified by high-pass filtering of a flow-parallel bedrock profile at a range of frequencies reveals two significant results. First, while the distribution of sparite is consistent with formation in the lee side of subglacial bedrock hummocks, that of micrite is not. This contrasts with previous investigations in which both sparite and micrite have been considered to form by mineral concentration and precipitation during the refreezing of regelation-related basal meltwaters in the lee side of bedrock hummocks. Alternative mechanisms of micrite formation involving carbonate deposition and/or precipitation within subglacial bedrock hollows are proposed. Second, the distribution of sparite is most strongly correlated with the distribution of lee-side slope facets identified by filtering at a frequency equivalent to a hummock wavelength of c. 0·1 m. This correspondence indicates empirically that pressure-related melting and refreezing (regelation) operates most effectively around bedrock hummocks that are shorter than c. 0·1 m. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deciphering the complex interplays between climate, uplift and erosion is not straightforward and estimating present‐day erosion rates can provide useful insights. Glaciers are thought to be powerful erosional agents, but most published ‘glacial’ erosion rates combine periglacial, subglacial and proglacial erosion processes. Within a glaciated catchment, sediments found in subglacial streams originate either from glacial erosion of substratum or from the rock walls above the glacier that contribute to the supraglacial load. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN) are produced by interactions between cosmic ray particles and element targets at the surface of the Earth, but their concentration becomes negligible under 15 m of ice. Measuring TCN concentrations in quartz sand sampled in subglacial streams and in supraglacial channels is statistically compliant with stochastic processes (e.g. rockfalls) and may be used to discriminate subglacial and periglacial erosion. Results for two subglacial streams of the Bossons glacier (Mont Blanc massif, France) show that the proportion of sediments originating from glacially eroded bedrock is not constant: it varies from 50% to 90% (n = 6). The difference between the two streams is probably linked to the presence or absence of supraglacial channels and sinkholes, which are common features of alpine glaciers. Therefore, most of the published mean catchment glacial erosion rates should not be directly interpreted as subglacial erosion rates. In the case of catchments with efficient periglacial erosion and particularly rockfalls, the proportion of sediments in the subglacial stream originating from the supraglacial load could be considerable and the subglacial erosion rate overestimated. Here, we estimate warm‐based subglacial and periglacial erosion rates to be of the same order of magnitude: 0.39 ± 0.33 and 0.29 ± 0.17 mm a?1, respectively. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hui-Ping  Zhang  Shao-Feng  Liu  Nong  Yang  Yue-Qiao  Zhang  Guo-Wei  Zhang 《Island Arc》2006,15(2):239-250
Abstract   The Minshan Mountain and adjacent region are the major continental escarpments along the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The Minjiang drainage basin is located within the plateau margin adjacent to the Sichuan Basin. Based on the analysis of the digital elevation model (DEM) acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), we know that the Minjiang drainage basin has distinct geomorphic characteristics. The regular increasing of local topographic relief from north to south is a result of the Quaternary sediment deposition within the plateau and the holistic uplift of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau versus the Sichuan Basin. Results from DEM-determined Minjiang drainage sub-basins and channel profiles show that the tributaries on the opposite sides are asymmetric. Lower perimeter and area of drainage sub-basins, total channel length and bifurcation ratio within eastern flank along the Minjiang mainstream are the result of the Quaternary differential uplift of the Minshan Mountain region. Shorter stream lengths and lower bifurcation ratio might be the indications of the undergrowth and newborn features of these eastern streams, which are also representative for the eastern uplift of the Minshan Mountain.  相似文献   


利用MOD10A1和MYD10A1冰雪反照率数据, 分析了大高加索山脉地区加拉巴西冰川和德扬库特冰川的反照率时空分布特征, 并使用五种反照率聚合方法, 对这两条冰川2002—2019年夏季反照率与物质平衡关系开展相关性研究.结果表明, 加拉巴西冰川和德扬库特冰川反照率随年份增加而明显减小, 两条冰川在夏季都出现了最低反照率, 加拉巴西冰川在冬季出现最高反照率, 而德扬库特冰川则出现在春季; 加拉巴西冰川夏季高海拔和低海拔区域的反照率差异较德扬库特冰川更为明显; 两条冰川夏季反照率均与夏季物质平衡表现出一定的正相关性, 其中加拉巴西冰川的相关性更加显著, 使用平均最小反照率方法时两者相关系数最大可达0.874(p<0.05), 德扬库特冰川使用加权平均反照率方法时两者相关系数最大为0.765(p<0.05).德扬库特冰川反照率与物质平衡相关性较低的原因可能是坡向和低海拔导致了其更易受暖湿气流影响, 冰川消融中短波辐射能占比较低, 反照率对其消融的影响小.


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