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H. Miura  T. Nakamoto 《Icarus》2005,175(2):289-304
Chondrule formation due to the shock wave heating of dust particles with a wide variety of shock properties are examined. We numerically simulate the steady postshock region in a framework of one-dimensional hydrodynamics, taking into account many of the physical and chemical processes that determine the properties of the region, especially nonequilibrium chemical reactions of gas species. We mainly focus on the dust particle shrinkage due to the evaporation in the postshock hot gas and the precursor size conditions for chondrule formation. We find that the small precursors whose radii are smaller than a critical value, , cannot form chondrules because they evaporate away completely in the postshock region. The minimum value of is about 10 μm, though it depends on the shock speed and the preshock gas density. Furthermore, we demonstrate the chondrule size distributions which are formed through the shock-wave heating. These results indicate that the shock-wave heating model can be regarded as a strong candidate for the mechanism of chondrule formation.  相似文献   

Meteoritical and astrophysical models of planet formation make contradictory predictions for dust concentration factors in chondrule-forming regions of the solar nebula. Meteoritical and cosmochemical models strongly suggest that chondrules, a key component of the meteoritical record, formed in regions with solids-to-gas mass ratios orders above the solar nebula average. However, models of dust grain dynamics in protoplanetary disks struggle to surpass concentration factors of a few except during very short-lived stages in a dust grain's life. Worse, those models do not predict significant concentration factors for dust grains the size of chondrule precursors. We briefly develop the difficulty in concentrating dust particles in the context of nebular chondrule formation and show that the disagreement is sufficiently stark that cosmochemists should explore ideas that might revise the concentration factor requirements downward.  相似文献   

Abstract— We investigate the possible formation of chondrules by planetesimal bow shocks. The formation of such shocks is modeled using a piecewise parabolic method (PPM) code under a variety of conditions. The results of this modeling are used as a guide to study chondrule formation in a one‐dimensional, finite shock wave. This model considers a mixture of chondrule‐sized particles and micron‐sized dust and models the kinetic vaporization of the solids. We found that only planetesimals with a radius of ?1000 km and moving at least ?8 km/s with respect to the nebular gas can generate shocks that would allow chondrule‐sized particles to have peak temperatures and cooling rates that are generally consistent with what has been inferred for chondrules. Planetesimals with smaller radii tend to produce lower peak temperatures and cooling rates that are too high. However, the peak temperatures of chondrules are only matched for low values of chondrule wavelength‐averaged emissivity. Very slow cooling (<?100s of K/hr) can only be achieved if the nebular opacity is low, which may result after a significant amount of material has been accreted into objects that are chondrule‐sized or larger, or if chondrules formed in regions of the nebula with small dust concentrations. Large shock waves of approximately the same scale as those formed by gravitational instabilities or tidal interactions between the nebula and a young Jupiter do not require this to match the inferred thermal histories of chondrules.  相似文献   

John T. Wasson 《Icarus》2008,195(2):895-907
Studies of matrix in primitive chondrites provide our only detailed information about the fine fraction (diameter <2 μm) of solids in the solar nebula. A minor fraction of the fines, the presolar grains, offers information about the kinds of materials present in the molecular cloud that spawned the Solar System. Although some researchers have argued that chondritic matrix is relatively unaltered presolar matter, meteoritic chondrules bear witness to multiple high-temperature events each of which would have evaporated those fines that were inside the high-temperature fluid. Because heat is mainly transferred into the interior of chondrules by conduction, the surface temperatures of chondrules were probably at or above 2000 K. In contrast, the evaporation of mafic silicates in a canonical solar nebula occurs at around 1300 K and FeO-rich, amorphous, fine matrix evaporates at still lower temperatures, perhaps near 1200 K. Thus, during chondrule formation, the temperature of the placental bath was probably >700 K higher than the evaporation temperatures of nebular fines. The scale of chondrule forming events is not known. The currently popular shock models have typical scales of about 105 km. The scale of nebular lightning is less well defined, but is certainly much smaller, perhaps in the range 1 to 1000 m. In both cases the temperature pulses were long enough to evaporate submicrometer nebular fines. This interpretation disagrees with common views that meteoritic matrix is largely presolar in character and CI-chondrite-like in composition. It is inevitable that presolar grains (both those recognized by their anomalous isotopic compositions and those having solar-like compositions) that were within the hot fluid would also have evaporated. Chondrule formation appears to have continued down to the temperatures at which planetesimals formed, possibly around 250 K. At temperatures >600 K, the main form of C is gaseous CO. Although the conversion of CO to CH4 at lower temperatures is kinetically inhibited, radiation associated with chondrule formation would have accelerated the conversion. There is now evidence that an appreciable fraction of the nanodiamonds previously held to be presolar were actually formed in the solar nebula. Industrial condensation of diamonds from mixtures of CH4 and H2 implies that high nebular CH4/CO ratios favored nanodiamond formation. A large fraction of chondritic insoluble organic matter may have formed in related processes. At low nebular temperatures appreciable water should have been incorporated into the smoke that condensed following dust (and some chondrule) evaporation. If chondrule formation continued down to temperatures as low as 250 K this process could account for the water concentration observed in primitive chondrites such as LL3.0 and CO3.0 chondrites. Higher H2O contents in CM and CI chondrites may reflect asteroidal redistribution. In some chondrite groups (e.g., CR) the Mg/Si ratio of matrix material is appreciably (30%) lower than that of chondrules but the bulk Mg/Si ratio is roughly similar to the CI or solar ratio. This has been interpreted as a kind of closed-system behavior sometimes called “complementarity.” This leads to the conclusion that nebular fines were efficiently agglomerated. Its importance, however is obscured by the observation that bulk Mg/Si ratios in ordinary and enstatite chondrites are much lower than those in carbonaceous chondrites, and thus that complementarity did not hold throughout the solar nebula.  相似文献   

Abstract— The properties of compound chondrules and the implications that they have for the conditions and environment in which chondrules formed are investigated. Formulae to calculate the probability of detecting compound chondrules in thin sections are derived and applied to previous studies. This reinterpretation suggests that at least 5% of chondrules are compounds, a value that agrees well with studies in which whole chondrules were removed from meteorites. The observation that adhering compounds tend to have small contact arcs is strengthened by application of these formulae. While it has been observed that the secondaries of compound chondrules are usually smaller than their primaries, these same formulae suggest that this could be an observation bias. It is more likely than not that thin section analyses will identify compounds with secondaries that are smaller than their primaries. A new model for chondrule collisional evolution is also developed. From this model, it is inferred that chondrules would have formed, on average, in areas of the solar nebula that had solids concentrated at least 45 times over the canonical solar value.  相似文献   

Abstract— Meteoritic data strongly suggest that most chondrules reached maximum temperatures in a range of 1650–2000 K and cooled at relatively slow rates of 100–1000 K/h, implying a persistence of external energy supply. The presence of fine‐grained rims around chondrules in most unequilibrated chondrites also indicates that a significant quantity of micron‐sized dust was present in chondrule formation regions. Here, we assume that the persistent external energy source needed to explain chondrule cooling rates consists primarily of radiation from surrounding heated chondrules, fine dust, and gas after the formation event. Using an approximate one‐dimensional numerical model for the outward diffusion of thermal radiation from such a system, the scale sizes of formation regions required to yield acceptable cooling rates are determined for a range of possible chondrule, dust, and gas parameters. Results show that the inferred scale sizes depend sensitively on the number densities of micron‐sized dust and on their adopted optical properties. In the absence of dust, scale sizes > 1000 km are required for plausible maximum chondrule number densities and heated gas parameters. In the presence of dust with mass densities comparable to those of the chondrules and with absorptivities and emissivities of ~0.01 calculated for Mie spheres with a pure mineral composition, scale sizes as small as ~100 km are possible. If dust absorptivities and emissivities approach unity (as may occur for particles with more realistic shapes and compositions), then scale sizes as small as ×10 km are possible. Considering all uncertainties in model parameters, it is concluded that small scale sizes (10–100 km) for chondrule formation regions are allowed by the experimentally inferred cooling rates.  相似文献   

We propose a new scenario for compound chondrule formation named as “fragment-collision model,” in the framework of the shock-wave heating model. A molten cm-sized dust particle (parent) is disrupted in the high-velocity gas flow. The extracted fragments (ejectors) are scattered behind the parent and the mutual collisions between them will occur. We modeled the disruption event by analytic considerations in order to estimate the probability of the mutual collisions assuming that all ejectors have the same radius. In the typical case, the molten thin () layer of the parent surface will be stripped by the gas flow. The stripped layer is divided into about 200 molten ejectors (assuming that the radius of ejectors is 300 μm) and then they are blown away by the gas flow in a short period of time (). The stripped layer is leaving from the parent with the velocity of depending on the viscosity, and we assumed that the extracted ejectors have a random velocity Δv of the same order of magnitude. Using above values, we can estimate the number density of ejectors behind the parent as . These ejectors occupy ∼9% of the space behind the parent in volume. Considering that the collision rate (number of collisions per unit time experienced by an ejector) is given by Rcoll=σcollnv, where σcoll is the cross-section of collision [e.g., Gooding, J.K., Keil, K., 1981. Meteoritics 16, 17-43], we obtain by substituting above values. Since most collisions occur within the short duration () before the ejectors are blown away, we obtain the collision probability of Pcoll∼0.36, which is the probability of collisions experienced by an ejector in one disruption event. The estimated collision probability is about one order of magnitude larger than the observed fraction of compound chondrules. In addition, the model predictions are qualitatively consistent with other observational data (oxygen isotopic composition, textural types, and size ratios of constituents). Based on these results, we concluded that this new model can be one of the strongest candidates for the compound chondrule formation. It should be noted that all collisions do not necessarily lead to the compound chondrule formation. The formation efficiency and the future works which should be investigated in the forthcoming paper are also discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— To assess whether the alkali behavior observed in chondrules of primitive meteorites is attributable to volatilization from the raw materials of chondrules during chondrule formation events or attributable to condensation processes from the nebular gas, we set up a new experimental device able to expose silicate melt samples to a controlled alkali partial pressure at high temperature under fixed O fugacity. Using a mixture of potassium carbonate (K2CO3) and graphite (C) as the source of the K gas (Kg), we studied the condensation kinetics of K and its solubility in CaO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 silicate melts, according to the reaction 2 K (g) + 1/2 (g) = K2O (melt) From these results, we show that alkali entering in chondrules from the nebular gas is a viable mechanism to explain the chondrules alkali contents and their δ41K‐isotopic signatures, at timescales relevant to chondrule formation. Finally, we also suggest that chondrules may have formed in non‐canonical nebular environments and that the flash‐heating scenario is not a prerequisite to chondrule formation.  相似文献   

Cooling rates are one of the few fundamental constraints on models of chondrule formation. In this study, we used Cu and Ga diffusion profiles in metal grains to determine the cooling rates of type I chondrules in the Renazzo CR2 chondrite. To improve previous estimations of cooling rates obtained using this method, we used CT scanning and serial polishing of our sections to analyze equatorial sections of large metal grains. Through the cores of these metal grains situated at the surface of chondrules, the cooling rates calculated range from 21 to 86 K h−1 for a peak temperature Tp ~ 1623–1673 K. A metal grain embedded in the core of a chondrule exhibits a cooling rate of 1.2 K h−1 at a Tp ~ 1573 K. We also measured Cu-Ga diffusion profiles from nonequatorial sections of metal grains and calculated a lower range of cooling rates of 15–69 K h−1 for Tp ~ 1473–1603 K compared to our results from equatorial sections. The high cooling rates inferred from the lightning model (several thousand K h−1) are clearly at odds with the values obtained in this work. The X-wind model predicts cooling rates (~6–10 K h−1) lower than most of our results. The cooling rates calculated here are in close agreement with those inferred from shock wave models, in particular for temperatures at which olivine crystallizes (from ~10 to several hundreds K h−1 between 1900 and 1500 K). However, the chemical compositions of metal grains in Renazzo are consistent with the splashing model, in which a spray of metal droplets originated from a partially molten planetesimal. Volatile siderophile element depletion is explained by evaporation before metal was engulfed within silicate droplets. Liquid metal isolated from the liquid silicate crystallized during cooling, reacted with the ambient gas, and then re-accreted within partially molten chondrules.  相似文献   

The importance of experiments: Constraints on chondrule formation models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— We review a number of constraints that have been placed on the formation of chondrules and show how these can be used to test chondrule formation models. Four models in particular are examined: the “X‐wind” model (sudden exposure to sunlight <0.1 AU from the proto‐Sun, with subsequent launching in a magnetocentrifugal outflow); solar nebula lightning; nebular shocks driven by eccentric planetesimals; and nebular shocks driven by diskwide gravitational instabilities. We show that constraints on the thermal histories of chondrules during their melting and crystallization are the most powerful constraints and provide the least ambiguous tests of the chondrule formation models. Such constraints strongly favor melting of chondrules in nebular shocks. Shocks driven by gravitational instabilities are somewhat favored over planetesimal bow shocks.  相似文献   

Abstract— Interactions between nebular gas and molten silicates or oxides could have played a major role in the formation and differentiation of the first solids formed in the solar system. In order to simulate such interactions, we set up a new experimental device in which isothermal condensation experiments have been conducted. Partially molten chondrule‐like samples have been exposed to high SiO(g) partial pressures, for intervals between 80 and 300 s and at temperatures ranging from 1600 to 1750 K. Results show that silica entering from the gas phase could be responsible for several textural and mineralogical features observed in natural chondrules. For instance, these experiments reproduce not only the mineralogical zonation of porphyritic olivine‐pyroxene chondrules with the peripheral location of pyroxenes, but also olivine resorption textures and the common poikilitical enclosure of olivines in pyroxenes. In the light of these similarities, we advocate that gas‐melt interactions through condensation are viable mechanisms for chondrule formation and hence may place severe constraints on the history of these primitive objects. In the nebula, high SiO(g) partial pressures could have been established by the volatilization of regions with high dust/gas ratio. A possible scenario for this stochastic thermal activity is the intense activity of the protosun in its young stellar object phase.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured the δ57Fe of olivines in nine Chainpur chondrules. All are within error of normal (typically 2σ ≤ 1–2%0). Most of the chondules could not have lost more than ~20% of their FeO by Rayleigh evaporation and none can have lost more than ~61%. Yet, the range of Fo contents in these chondrules is Fo78–99.9. The isotopic compositions of the chondrules clearly demonstrate that, for instance, type I chondrules cannot form from type II chondrules by evaporation of FeO under Rayleigh conditions. The isotopic compositions also place constraints on the minimum cooling rates these chondrules could have experienced. These cooling rates must also be equal to or slower than those required to produce the chondrule textures. Assuming flash heating and evaporation rates like those measured in vacuum, the minimum cooling rates necessary to prevent detectable Fe isotopic fractionation via Rayleigh evaporation approach those needed to produce barred and porphyritic textures. The presence of hydrogen in the nebula, non‐linear cooling and other effects will all tend to increase the cooling rates required to prevent δ57Fe > 1–2%0, perhaps by as much as 1–2 orders of magnitude. The two most likely ways that the cooling rates required to prevent δ57Fe >1–2%0 can be kept below those needed to produce barred and porphyritic textures are (1) the pH2 in the nebula was low enough to keep evaporation rates close to those in vacuum, or (2) back reaction of chondrules with Fe in the gas suppressed isotopic fractionation.  相似文献   

In general, barred olivine (BO) chondrules formed from completely melted precursors. Among BO chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, there are significant positive correlations among chondrule diameter, bar thickness, and rim thickness. In the nebula, smaller BO precursor droplets cooled faster than larger droplets (due to their higher surface area/volume ratios) and grew thinner bars and rims. There is a bimodal distribution in the olivine FeO content in BO chondrules, with a hiatus between 11 and 19 wt% FeO. The ratio of (FeO rich)/(FeO poor) BO chondrules decreases from 12.0 in H to 1.6 in L to 1.3 in LL. This is the opposite of the case for porphyritic chondrules: the mean (FeO rich)/(FeO poor) modal ratio increases from 0.8 in H to 1.8 in L to 2.8 in LL. During H chondrite agglomeration, most precursor dustballs were small with low bulk FeO/(FeO + MgO) ratios and moderately high melting temperatures. The energy available for chondrule melting from flash heating was relatively low, capable of completely melting many ferroan dusty precursors (to form FeO-rich BO chondrules), but incapable of completely melting many magnesian dusty precursors (to form FeO-poor BO chondrules). When L and LL chondrites agglomerated somewhat later, significant proportions of precursor dustballs were relatively large and had moderately high bulk FeO/(FeO + MgO) ratios. The energy available from flash heating was higher, capable of completely melting higher proportions of magnesian dusty precursors to form FeO-poor BO chondrules. These differences may have resulted from an increase in the amplitude of lightning discharges in the nebula caused by enhanced charge separation.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied the elemental and isotopic abundances of noble gases (He, Ne, Ar in most cases, and Kr, Xe also in some cases) in individual chondrules separated from six ordinary, two enstatite, and two carbonaceous chondrites. Most chondrules show detectable amounts of trapped 20Ne and 36Ar, and the ratio (36Ar/20Ne)t (from ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites) suggests that HL and Q are the two major trapped components. A different trend between (36Ar/20Ne)t and trapped 36Ar is observed for chondrules in enstatite chondrites indicating a different environment and/or mechanism for their formation compared to chondrules in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites. We found that a chondrule from Dhajala chondrite (DH‐11) shows the presence of solar‐type noble gases, as suggested by the (36Ar/20Ne)t ratio, Ne‐isotopic composition, and excess of 4He. Cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages of most chondrules are similar to their host chondrites. A few chondrules show higher CRE age compared to their host, suggesting that some chondrules and/or precursors of chondrules have received cosmic ray irradiation before accreting to their parent body. Among these chondrules, DH‐11 (with solar trapped gases) and a chondrule from Murray chondrite (MRY‐1) also have lower values of (21Ne/22Ne)c, indicative of SCR contribution. However, such evidences are sporadic and indicate that chondrule formation event may have erased such excess irradiation records by solar wind and SCR in most chondrules. These results support the nebular environment for chondrule formation.  相似文献   

Millimeter-sized, spherical silicate grains abundant in chondritic meteorites, which are called as chondrules, are considered to be a strong evidence of the melting event of the dust particles in the protoplanetary disk. One of the most plausible scenarios is that the chondrule precursor dust particles are heated and melt in the high-velocity gas flow (shock-wave heating model). We developed the non-linear, time-dependent, and three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation code for analyzing the dynamics of molten droplets exposed to the gas flow. We confirmed that our simulation results showed a good agreement in a linear regime with the linear solution analytically derived by Sekyia et al. [Sekyia, M., Uesugi, M., Nakamoto, T., 2003. Prog. Theor. Phys. 109, 717-728]. We found that the non-linear terms in the hydrodynamical equations neglected by Sekiya et al. [Sekiya, M., Uesugi, M., Nakamoto, T., 2003. Prog. Theor. Phys. 109, 717-728] can cause the cavitation by producing negative pressure in the droplets. We discussed that the fragmentation through the cavitation is a new mechanism to determine the upper limit of chondrule sizes. We also succeeded to reproduce the fragmentation of droplets when the gas ram pressure is stronger than the effect of the surface tension. Finally, we compared the deformation of droplets in the shock-wave heating with the measured data of chondrules and suggested the importance of other effects to deform droplets, for example, the rotation of droplets. We believe that our new code is a very powerful tool to investigate the hydrodynamics of molten droplets in the framework of the shock-wave heating model and has many potentials to be applied to various problems.  相似文献   

Abstract— The primordial asteroid belt contained at least several hundred and possibly as many as 10,000 bodies with diameters of 1000 km or larger. Following the formation of Jupiter, nebular gas drag combined with passage of such bodies through Jovian resonances produced high eccentricities (e = 0.3‐0.5), low inclinations (i < 0.5°), and, therefore, high velocities (3–10 km/s) for “resonant” bodies relative to both nebular gas and non‐resonant planetesimals. These high velocities would have produced shock waves in the nebular gas through two mechanisms. First, bow shocks would be produced by supersonic motion of resonant bodies relative to the nebula. Second, high‐velocity collisions of resonant bodies with non‐resonant bodies would have generated impact vapor plume shocks near the collision sites. Both types of shocks would be sufficient to melt chondrule precursors in the nebula, and both are consistent with isotopic evidence for a time delay of ?1‐1.5 Myr between the formation of CAIs and most chondrules. Here, initial simulations are first reported of impact shock wave generation in the nebula and of the local nebular volumes that would be processed by these shocks as a function of impactor size and relative velocity. Second, the approximate maximum chondrule mass production is estimated for both bow shocks and impact‐generated shocks assuming a simplified planetesimal population and a rate of inward migration into resonances consistent with previous simulations. Based on these initial first‐order calculations, impact‐generated shocks can explain only a small fraction of the minimum likely mass of chondrules in the primordial asteroid belt (?1024‐1025g). However, bow shocks are potentially a more efficient source of chondrule production and can explain up to 10–100 times the estimated minimum chondrule mass.  相似文献   

Abstract— Research on chondrules during the past decade and a half has produced a number of constraints on the processes that formed these enigmatic objects. Although some chondrules may have formed in exceptional ways, it now seems clear that the vast majority did not form by condensation or by any other process that resulted in an extended (>100 s) period of heating; viable models of chondrule formation must generate brief (1–10 s) “flash” heating events. Many chondrules were incompletely melted, indicating that the heat source was marginal; coarse-grained rims are probably the result of heating by the same source that heated chondrules. Although some chondrules are enriched in refractories and poor in volatiles, most chondrules contain FeS in their interiors, implying that the last generation of chondrules formed after the local nebula had cooled below 650 K. The very small weight fraction of chondrules haying small (<50 μm in ordinary chondrites) radii requires either that (a) the formational process destroyed small chondrules by volatilizing them or efficiently recycling them into larger chondrules, or (b) that nebular size-sorting occurred and the fine fraction is not well represented in our known set of chondrites. Our recent studies of compound chondrules show that about 60% are siblings that formed together in the same heating event, and about 40% are independents that originated in different events. Independent compound chondrules tend to have similar FeO/(FeO + MgO) ratios, a possible indication of a high degree of compositional homogeneity in nebular subrogions defined by location or time. About 8% of barred olivine chondrules are the primaries of independently formed compound chondrules, and have thus been subjected to at least two flash-heating events. Allowance for observational biases suggests that a sizable fraction of chondrules have experienced two thermal events strong enough to produce major melting as well as many additional events that could produce minor melting, sintering, and crystal growth.  相似文献   

Chondrules are microscopic, recrystallized melt droplets found in chondritic meteorites. High-resolution isotope analyses of minor elements require large enough element quantities which are obtained by dissolving entire chondrules. This work emphasizes the importance of X-ray computed tomography (XCT) to detect features that can significantly affect the bulk chondrule isotope composition. It thereby expands on other works by looking into chondrules from a wide range of chondrites including CR, CV, CB, CM, L, and EL samples before turning toward complex and time-consuming chemical processing. The features considered are metal and igneous rims, compound chondrules, matrix remnants, and metal contents. In addition to the identification of these features, computed tomography prevents the inclusion of non-chondrule samples (pure matrix or metal) as well as samples where two different chondrule fragments with potentially different isotope compositions are held together by matrix. Matrix surrounding chondrules is also easily detected and the affected chondrules can be omitted or reprocessed. The results strongly encourage to perform XCT before dissolution of chondrules for isotope analysis as a non-invasive method.  相似文献   

Mg‐rich olivine is a ubiquitous phase in type I porphyritic chondrules in various classes of chondritic meteorites. The anhedral shape of olivine grains, their size distribution, as well as their poikilitic textures within low‐Ca pyroxene suggest that olivines suffer dissolution during chondrule formation. Owing to a set of high‐temperature experiments (1450–1540 °C) we determined the kinetics of resorption of forsterite in molten silicates, using for the first time X‐ray microtomography. Results indicate that forsterite dissolution in chondrule‐like melts is a very fast process with rates that range from ~5 μm min?1 to ~22 μm min?1. Forsterite dissolution strongly depends on the melt composition, with rates decreasing with increasing the magnesium and/or the silica content of the melt. An empirical model based on forsterite saturation and viscosity of the starting melt composition successfully reproduces the forsteritic olivine dissolution rates as a function of temperature and composition for both our experiments and those of the literature. Application of our results to chondrules could explain the textures of zoned type I chondrules during their formation by gas‐melt interaction. We show that the olivine/liquid ratio on one hand and the silica entrance from the gas phase (SiOg) into the chondrule melt on the other hand, have counteracting effects on the Mg‐rich olivine dissolution behavior. Silica entrance would favor dissolution by maintaining disequilibrium between olivine and melt. Hence, this would explain the preferential dissolution of olivine as well as the preferential abundances of pyroxene at the margins of chondrules. Incipient dissolution would also occur in the silica‐poorer melt of chondrule core but should be followed by crystallization of new olivine (overgrowth and/or newly grown crystals). While explaining textures and grain size distributions of olivines, as well as the centripetal distribution of low‐Ca pyroxene in porphyritic chondrules, this scenario could also be consistent with the diverse chemical, isotopic, and thermal conditions recorded by olivines in a given chondrule.  相似文献   

Abstract— The role of oxygen isotope exchange during evaporation and condensation of silicate melt is quantitatively evaluated. Silicate dusts instantaneously heated above liquidus temperature are assumed to cool in gas and experience partial evaporation and subsequent recondensation. The results show that isotopic exchange effectively suppresses mass‐dependent O‐isotope fractionation even if the degree of evaporation is large, which is the fundamental difference from the case without isotopic exchange. The final composition of silicate melt strongly depends on the initial abundance of oxygen in the ambient gas relative to that in silicate dust, but not on the cooling rate of the system. The model was applied to O‐isotope evolution of silicate melts in isotopically distinct gas of the protoplanetary disk. It was found that deviation from a straight mixing line toward the δ18O‐rich side on the three‐oxygen isotope diagram is inevitable when mass‐dependent fractionation and isotopic exchange take place simultaneously; the degree of deviation depends on the abundance of oxygen in an ambient gas and isotopic exchange efficiency. The model is applied to explain O‐isotopic compositions of igneous CAIs and chondrules.  相似文献   

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