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Sub-daily alias and draconitic errors in the IGS orbits   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Harmonic signals with a fundamental period near the GPS draconitic year (351.2 days) and overtones up to at least the sixth multiple have been observed in the power spectra of nearly all products of the International GNSS Service (IGS), including station position time series, apparent geocenter motions, orbit jumps between successive days, and midnight discontinuities in earth orientation parameter (EOP) rates. Two main mechanisms have been suggested for the harmonics: mismodeling of orbit dynamics and aliasing of near-sidereal local station multipath effects. Others have studied the propagation of local multipath errors into draconitic position variations, but orbit-related processes have been less examined. We elaborate our earlier analysis of GPS day-boundary orbit discontinuities where we observed some draconitic features as well as prominent spectral bands near 29-, 14-, 9-, and 7-day periods. Finer structures within the sub-seasonal bands fall close to the expected alias frequencies for 24-h sampling of sub-daily EOP tide lines but do not coincide precisely. While once-per-revolution empirical orbit parameters should strongly absorb any sub-daily EOP tide errors due to near-resonance of their respective periods, the observed differences require explanation. This has been done by simulating EOP tidal errors and checking their impact on a long series of estimated daily GPS orbits and EOPs. Indeed, simulated tidal aliases are found to be very similar to the observed IGS orbital features in the sub-seasonal bands. Moreover and unexpectedly, some low draconitic harmonics were also produced, potentially a source for the widespread errors in most IGS products. The results from this study are further evidence for the need of an improved sub-daily EOP tide model.  相似文献   

章浙涛 《测绘学报》2020,49(7):936-936
正由于系统误差的时空复杂特性及认知有限,即使通过了差分和线性组合、经验模型改正及传统参数化吸收等方式,在GNSS观测值中仍然会有残余系统误差的存在,这些残余系统误差可称为非模型化误差。非模型化误差会对GNSS精密定位与导航产生负面作用。为突破现有GNSS应用的精度和可靠性,本文研究了GNSS非模型化误差的处理理论与方法,包括不同应用模式和观测环境下的处理策略,并建立随外界条件变化而自适应调整的非模型化误差处理流程。  相似文献   

Troposphere-induced errors in GPS-derived geodetic time series, namely, height and zenith total delays (ZTDs), over Japan are quantitatively evaluated through the analyses of simulated GPS data using realistic cumulative tropospheric delays and observed GPS data. The numerical simulations show that the use of a priori zenith hydrostatic delays (ZHDs) derived from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) numerical weather model data and gridded Vienna mapping function 1 (gridded VMF1) results in smaller spurious annual height errors and height repeatabilities (0.45 and 2.55 mm on average, respectively) as compared to those derived from the global pressure and temperature (GPT) model and global mapping function (GMF) (1.08 and 3.22 mm on average, respectively). On the other hand, the use of a priori ZHDs derived from the GPT and GMF would be sufficient for applications involving ZTDs, given the current discrepancies between GPS-derived ZTDs and those derived from numerical weather models. The numerical simulations reveal that the use of mapping functions constructed with fine-scale numerical weather models will potentially improve height repeatabilities as compared to the gridded VMF1 (2.09 mm against 2.55 mm on average). However, they do not presently outperform the gridded VMF1 with the observed GPS data (6.52 mm against 6.50 mm on average). Finally, the commonly observed colored components in GPS-derived height time series are not primarily the result of troposphere-induced errors, since they become white in numerical simulations with the proper choice of a priori ZHDs and mapping functions.  相似文献   

Reducing errors in the GRACE gravity solutions using regularization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nature of the gravity field inverse problem amplifies the noise in the GRACE data, which creeps into the mid and high degree and order harmonic coefficients of the Earth’s monthly gravity fields provided by GRACE. Due to the use of imperfect background models and data noise, these errors are manifested as north-south striping in the monthly global maps of equivalent water heights. In order to reduce these errors, this study investigates the use of the L-curve method with Tikhonov regularization. L-curve is a popular aid for determining a suitable value of the regularization parameter when solving linear discrete ill-posed problems using Tikhonov regularization. However, the computational effort required to determine the L-curve is prohibitively high for a large-scale problem like GRACE. This study implements a parameter-choice method, using Lanczos bidiagonalization which is a computationally inexpensive approximation to L-curve. Lanczos bidiagonalization is implemented with orthogonal transformation in a parallel computing environment and projects a large estimation problem on a problem of the size of about 2 orders of magnitude smaller for computing the regularization parameter. Errors in the GRACE solution time series have certain characteristics that vary depending on the ground track coverage of the solutions. These errors increase with increasing degree and order. In addition, certain resonant and near-resonant harmonic coefficients have higher errors as compared with the other coefficients. Using the knowledge of these characteristics, this study designs a regularization matrix that provides a constraint on the geopotential coefficients as a function of its degree and order. This regularization matrix is then used to compute the appropriate regularization parameter for each monthly solution. A 7-year time-series of the candidate regularized solutions (Mar 2003–Feb 2010) show markedly reduced error stripes compared with the unconstrained GRACE release 4 solutions (RL04) from the Center for Space Research (CSR). Post-fit residual analysis shows that the regularized solutions fit the data to within the noise level of GRACE. A time series of filtered hydrological model is used to confirm that signal attenuation for basins in the Total Runoff Integrating Pathways (TRIP) database over 320 km radii is less than 1 cm equivalent water height RMS, which is within the noise level of GRACE.  相似文献   

It is a crucial task to establish a precise mathematical model for global navigation satellite system (GNSS) observations in precise positioning. Due to the spatiotemporal complexity of, and limited knowledge on, systematic errors in GNSS observations, some residual systematic errors would inevitably remain even after corrected with empirical model and parameterization. These residual systematic errors are referred to as unmodeled errors. However, most of the existing studies mainly focus on handling the systematic errors that can be properly modeled and then simply ignore the unmodeled errors that may actually exist. To further improve the accuracy and reliability of GNSS applications, such unmodeled errors must be handled especially when they are significant. Therefore, a very first question is how to statistically validate the significance of unmodeled errors. In this research, we will propose a procedure to examine the significance of these unmodeled errors by the combined use of the hypothesis tests. With this testing procedure, three components of unmodeled errors, i.e., the nonstationary signal, stationary signal and white noise, are identified. The procedure is tested by using simulated data and real BeiDou datasets with varying error sources. The results show that the unmodeled errors can be discriminated by our procedure with approximately 90% confidence. The efficiency of the proposed procedure is further reassured by applying the time-domain Allan variance analysis and frequency-domain fast Fourier transform. In summary, the spatiotemporally correlated unmodeled errors are commonly existent in GNSS observations and mainly governed by the residual atmospheric biases and multipath. Their patterns may also be impacted by the receiver.  相似文献   

Adjustment has been based on the assumption that random errors of measurements are added to functional models. In geodetic practice, we know that accuracy formulae of modern geodetic measurements often consist of two parts: one proportional to the measured quantity and the other constant. From the statistical point of view, such measurements are of mixed multiplicative and additive random errors. However, almost no adjustment has been developed to strictly address geodetic data contaminated by mixed multiplicative and additive random errors from the statistical point of view. We systematically develop adjustment methods for geodetic data contaminated with multiplicative and additive errors. More precisely, we discuss the ordinary least squares (LS) and weighted LS methods and extend the bias-corrected weighted LS method of Xu and Shimada (Commun Stat B29:83–96, 2000) to the case of mixed multiplicative and additive random errors. The first order approximation of accuracy for all these three methods is derived. We derive the biases of weighted LS estimates. The three methods are then demonstrated and compared with a synthetic example of surface interpolation. The bias-corrected weighted LS estimate is unbiased up to the second order approximation and is of the best accuracy. Although the LS method can warrant an unbiased estimate for a linear model with multiplicative and additive errors, it is less accurate and always produces a very poor estimate of the variance of unit weight.  相似文献   

An algorithm for considering time-correlated errors in a Kalman filter is presented. The algorithm differs from previous implementations in that it does not suffer from numerical problems; does not contain inherent time latency or require reinterpretation of Kalman filter parameters, and gives full consideration to additive white noise that is often still present but ignored in previous implementations. Simulation results indicate that the application of the new algorithm yields more realistic and therefore useful state and covariance information than the standard implementation. Results from a field test of the algorithm applied to the problem of kinematic differential GPS demonstrate that the algorithm provides slightly pessimistic covariance estimates whereas the standard Kalman filter provides optimistic covariance estimates.  相似文献   

GNSS导航卫星多维粗差定位算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有GNSS导航卫星多维粗差定位算法研究较少,本文提出采用全局-局部测试法查找观测值中的粗差。从函数模型方面详细论述全局测试和局部测试判断并定位粗差的过程,并且结合蒙特卡罗方法模拟的导航实验数据验证本文所提出的方法。模拟实验表明,该方法能比较快速且准确地定位含粗差观测值,从理论上补充了GNSS导航卫星多粗差定位的算法,也在一定程度上提高了多星座导航完备性。  相似文献   

In this work, a regional network of permanent Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers is used to estimate the decorrelation of the spatially correlated errors in differential GNSS positioning. Emphasis is laid on the dispersive errors (i.e. mainly the ionosphere). A new index, based on variance as function of station separation (semivariance) is proposed and compared to the existing I95 index. This study uses data from the 29–30th October 2003, a period with severe ionospheric activity. The proposed index is shown to give realistic predictions of differential measurement accuracy, and has potential for further development towards use in RTK-networks.  相似文献   

An alternative approach to the traditionally employed method is proposed for treating the ionospheric range errors in transionospheric propagation such as for GNSS positioning or satellite-borne SAR. It enables the effects due to horizontal gradients of electron density (as well as vertical gradients) in the ionosphere to be explicitly accounted for. By contrast with many previous treatments, where the expansion of the solution for the phase advance is represented as the series in the inverse frequency powers and the main term of the expansion corresponds to the true line-of-sight distance from the transmitter to the receiver, in the alternative technique the zero-order term is the rigorous solution for a spherically layered ionosphere with any given vertical electron density profile. The first-order term represents the effects due to the horizontal gradients of the electron density of the ionosphere, and the second-order correction appears to be negligibly small for any reasonable parameters of the path of propagation and its geometry for VHF/UHF frequencies. Additionally, an “effective” spherically symmetric model of the ionosphere has been introduced, which accounts for the major contribution of the horizontal gradients of the ionosphere and provides very high accuracy in calculations of the phase advance.  相似文献   

Method for evaluating real-time GNSS satellite clock offset products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Real-time satellite clock offset products are frequently utilized in navigation and positioning service fields. The precision of such products is a key issue for their application. The evaluation methods existed for satellite clock offset products are mostly based on post-processed satellite clock offset solutions, which will encounter problems in real-time product evaluation, especially for real-time satellite clock offset products estimated from data with regional stations only. We propose an improved evaluation method for global navigation satellite system (GNSS) satellite clock offset products. In the proposed method, we use all-satellite reference method instead of single-satellite reference method to eliminate the timescale in satellite clock offset products. Moreover, a preprocessing step is suggested to detect gross errors and initial clock bias before evaluating the precision of the satellite clock offsets. We conduct two examples to verify our method, and the experimental results show that the proposed method is more reasonable in assessing the GNSS satellite clock offset precision, and it also provides a reliable approach to analyzing the estimated satellite clock offset in both real-time and post-processed, or globally and regionally.  相似文献   

After reviewing the overall goals of geodesy, the paper focuses on the unique properties of inertial survey systems in the geodetic arsenal: three-dimensionality; ability to determine relative positions and changes in the anomalous components of the earth’s gravity field; and independence of line-of-sight observations and the effects of refraction, both traditional antagonists in geodetic operations. Inertial survey systems, including field and office computational procedures, are briefly reviewed. Their short-comings are pointed out and certain remedies offered. Future possible improvements in hardware and software, as well as the development of hybrid systems (e.g., with gravity gradiometers), are discussed. “Apart from the refinement of existing techniques through the use of computers and the introduction of electromagnetic and optical distance measurement devices, instrumental research and development has been conducted by scientists and engineers outside the geodetic profession. This separateness of geodetic instrument research and development is seen as a deficiency by some, because of the reduced interaction between measurement techniques and the problems to which they apply. However, geodesy does not seem extraordinarily different from other environmentally oriented sciences in this respect and certainly has been quick to adopt new techniques once the benefits become evident.” (NAS 1978, p. 6) From the Keynote Address presented at Second International Symposium on Inertial Technology for Surveying and Geodesy, June 1–5, 1981, Banff, Alberta, Canada.  相似文献   

After deriving models for changes of coordinates and azimuths due to rotations, the investigation considers methods for modeling terrestrial orientation in adjustments of geodetic networks. If a misorientation of a geodetic network exists, this can be due to systematic errors in astronomic longitude or in astronomic azimuth, or in both. A separation of these two effects is not possible in practice. The initial azimuth at the datum origin contributes to the orientation only as much as any other azimuth of the same weight.  相似文献   

The term “entity” covers, when used in the field of electronic data processing, the meaning of words like “thing”, “being”, “event”, or “concept”. Each entity is characterized by a set of properties. An information element is a triple consisting of an entity, a property and the value of a property. Geodetic information is sets of information elements with entities being related to geodesy. This information may be stored in the form ofdata and is called ageodetic data base provided (1) it contains or may contain all data necessary for the operations of a particular geodetic organization, (2) the data is stored in a form suited for many different applications and (3) that unnecessary duplications of data have been avoided. The first step to be taken when establishing a geodetic data base is described, namely the definition of the basic entities of the data base (such as trigonometric stations, astronomical stations, gravity stations, geodetic reference-system parameters, etc...). Presented at the “International Symposium on Optimization of Design and Computation of Control Networks”, Sopron, Hungary, July 1977.  相似文献   

A review of recent progress and current activities towards an improved formulation and solution of geodetic boundary value problems is given. Improvements stimulated and required by the dramatic changes of the real world of geodetic measurements are focused upon. Altimetry–gravimetry problems taking into account various scenarios of non-homogeneous data coverage are discussed in detail. Other problems are related to free geodetic datum parameters, most of all the vertical datum, overdetermination or additional constraints imposed by satellite geodetic observations or models. Some brief remarks are made on pseudo-boundary value problems for geoid determination and on purely gravitational boundary-value problems. Received: 17 March 1999 / Accepted: 19 April 1999  相似文献   

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