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Yangbajain contains the largest geothermal energy power station in China. Geothermal explorations in Yangbajain first started in 1976, and two plants were subsequently built in 1981 and 1986. A large amount of geothermal fluids have been extracted since then, leading to considerable surface subsidence around the geothermal fields. In this paper, InSAR time series analysis is applied to map the subsidence of the Yangbajain geothermal fields during the period from December 2011 to November 2012 using 16 senses of TerraSAR-X stripmap SAR images. In the case of the TerraSAR-X data, most orbital fringes were removed using precise orbits during the interferometric processing. However, residual orbital ramps remain in some interferograms due to the uncertainties in the TerraSAR-X orbits. To remove the residual orbital ramps, we estimated a best-fit ‘twisted plane’ for each epoch interferogram using quadratic polynomial models based on a network approach. This method removes most of the long-wavelength signals, including orbit ramps and atmospheric effects. The vertically strati?ed component (Topography Correlated Atmospheric Delay, TCAD) was also removed using a network approach. If the influence of seasonal frozen ground (SFG) is not taken into consideration, our results show that the subsidence rate around power plant I (the south plant) is approximately 20?mm/yr with a peak of 30?mm/yr. The subsidence rate around power plant II (the north plant) is approximately 10?mm/yr, when accounting for the influence of SFG on the power plant and its surrounding ground surface. Our results show that ground motion is caused by seasonal frozen ground and is strongly related to the temperature change.  相似文献   

张奎  汪慧  宋瑞庆  盛耀彬 《遥感学报》2017,21(4):645-652
相位萃取技术可最小化多基线InSAR处理中干涉像对的去相关噪声,已成为雷达干涉测量研究领域中热点技术之一。本文首先设计并实现了一套专门针对小数据集的基于相位萃取技术的多基线InSAR处理流程。整个流程分为两大模块。第一个模块为称为预处理模块,通过图像配准、地形相位移除等操作生成相位萃取技术所需的零基线SAR图像堆栈。第二个模块首先基于多视像元生成相干矩阵,并且在此基础上完成相位萃取操作。然后,利用小基线集技术的思想在萃取相位上分离出各相位稳定点上的形变情况。为了保证结果可靠性,在这一模块中还加入了大气相位预估与移除的步骤。最后,该流程被应用到了5景拍摄于太原地区的PALSAR图像上。实验结果表明,相位萃取技术在小数据集情况下仍然能够有效提升数据的相干性,这有利于多基线InSAR输出结果密度的提升。  相似文献   

The drainage network of a sixth-order tropical river basin, viz. Ithikkara river basin, was extracted from different sources such as Survey of India topographic maps (1: 50,000; TOPO) and digital elevation data of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) (30 m) and Shuttle Radar Topography Mapping Mission (SRTM) (90 m). Basin morphometric attributes were estimated to evaluate the accuracy of the digital elevation model (DEM)-derived drainage networks for hydrologic applications as well as terrain characterization. The stream networks derived from ASTER and SRTM DEMs show significant agreement (with slight overestimation of lower order streams) with that of TOPO. The study suggests that SRTM (despite the coarser spatial resolution) provides better results, in drainage delineation and basin morphometry, compared to ASTER. Further, the variability of basin morphometry among the data sources might be attributed to spatial variation of elevation, raster grid size and vertical accuracy of the DEMs as well as incapability of the surface hydrologic analysis functions in the GIS platform.  相似文献   

大气波动严重地制约了传统D-InSAR技术在缓变形滑坡体形变监测中的应用.为此,针对树坪滑坡区特殊的地理位置、复杂的地形地貌特征以及多雨潮湿的气候条件,通过分析湿延迟相位随高程变化的空间分布特征,分别建立了空间局部区域内大气效应与相应高程之间的最优函数校正模型,将模拟的湿延迟相位从解缠相位中去除,最终恢复出树坪滑坡体的形变场.试验结果表明,该方法显著地降低了干涉图中的湿延迟相位,清楚地框出了树坪滑坡体形变场在11d中的位置、大小及其分布情况,这对三峡库区缓变形滑坡体的全面监测具有重要意义.  相似文献   

张过  郑玉芝 《遥感学报》2015,19(3):409-430
有理函数模型RF在卫星图像领域的主要应用是进行对象空间和图像空间的转换。Radarsat-2元数据中使用三阶有理函数模型和80个有理多项式模型参数RPCs(Rational Polynomial Coefficients),为RF模型从光学图像领域的应用扩展到合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像领域提供了契机。本文对多种传感器、成像模式及不同处理级别SAR图像的RPC产品的制作和属性进行综述,主要研究高分辨率星载SAR卫星标准分级产品的制作流程。以中国广州作为实验区域,利用该地区不同级别的条带模式SM(Strip Map)Terra SAR-X和COSMO-Sky Med数据,对提出的分级和生产方案进行验证,结果表明,有理函数模型在SAR图像产品分级体系中具有可行性且效果良好。  相似文献   

从规则格网DEM自动提取汇水区域及其子区域的方法   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
朱庆  田一翔  张叶廷 《测绘学报》2005,34(2):129-133
从DEM自动提取的汇水区域及其子区域信息对进一步的水文分析有着重要的辅助作用.在经过洼地处理的DEM及得到水流方向矩阵的基础上,本文提出并实现了一种汇水区域及其子区域的提取算法.该算法首先提取整个DEM区域内每条河流的汇水区域,然后按照不同的要求划分子区域.经过试验,与现有的方法相比,该算法在提取效率和结果准确性方面都有明显提高.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于相关信号子空间处理方法(coherent signal subspace method,CSSM)的多频带InSAR自适应DEM重构方法,采用广义像素模型对各频带InSAR信号建模,再用CSSM中构造聚焦矩阵的思想将多频带相关矩阵变换到参考频率上,然后采用子空间投影方法来估计高程信息。该方法可以在图像配准精度很差(可以允许达到一个分辨单元)的条件下得到稳健的估计性能,仿真数据和SIR-C实际雷达数据验证了此方法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对基于常规合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量(differential interferometry synthetic aperture radar,D-InSAR)技术成果无法反演全部概率积分参数问题,开展了融合D-InSAR和遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)的概率积分参数反演方法研究。①依据采动区D-InSAR视线(line of sight,LOS)方向变形为下沉和南北、东西方向水平移动沿LOS方向投影的关系,基于GA理论,首次构建了融合D-InSAR和GA的概率积分法预计全参数反演模型,并编制了求参软件。模拟实验结果表明,q、tanβ、b、θ的相对误差不超过6.7%,拐点偏移距S相对误差不超过20%(参数敏感度低,对求参整体效果影响小);求参拟合下沉误差为-5.90~6.10 mm,拟合中误差约为±2.20 mm,整体求参效果较好。②利用融合D-InSAR和GA的概率积分法预计全参数反演模型,在一定的假设条件下,对2012年3月11日9310工作面开采沉陷的动态概率积分参数进行了求取,得到q=0.172,b=0.13,tanβ=2.08,θ=88°,S1=-10 m,S2=9 m,S3=-85 m,S4=30 m,拟合误差约为-35.00~45.00 mm,拟合中误差为±15.16 mm,并认为S3=-85 m主要为9310工作面开采导致邻近9312采空区边界的悬臂梁或砌体梁失稳"活化"所致。  相似文献   

由于GPS与InSAR间具有很好的互补性,使得二者的数据融合能够在时间域和空间域提高地面沉降监测的能力,现已成为国内外地面沉降监测技术的研究重点.概述InSAR技术监测地面沉降的应用现状和InSAR/GPS数据融合的研究现状,分析InSAR/GPS数据融合在矿区地表形变监测中应用的可行性以及主要研究内容.  相似文献   

DEM精度检查中等高线回放的量化方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
范青松  汤翠莲  胡鹏 《测绘科学》2008,33(3):118-120
目前数字高程模型(DEM)精度检查中广泛采用等高线回放方法,以目视检查方式进行,定性为主。基于集合论引进了一种量化方法,即层次等高线差异栅格分析法,用于描述等高线回放的平面位置变形量。实验证明此方法不仅可视化效果好,其量化指标有助于定位DEM误差,包括粗差;也适合对不同DEM内插方法精度评定的对比分析。  相似文献   

德国新型雷达遥感系统TerraSAR-X介绍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007-06-15,德国雷达遥感卫星TerraSAR-X在俄罗斯位于Kazachstan的Baikonur发射中心发射成功.4d后,第一批雷达数据成功传回到位于德国Neustrelitz的德国遥感数据中心(DFD).发射后8周,卫星系统已经完全正常运行,并传回了超过2 500幅雷达图像.第一批影像产品已经由DLR遥感信息处理研究所(IMF)制作完成.  相似文献   

The methodology of catchment extraction especially from regular grid digital elevation models (DEMs) is briefly reviewed. Then an efficient algorithm, which combines vector process and traditional neighbourhood raster process, is designed for extracting the catchments and subcatchments from depressionless DEMs. The catchment area of each river in the grid DEM data is identified and delineated, then is divided into subcatchments as required. Compared to traditional processes, this method for identifying catchments focuses on the boundaries instead of the area inside the catchments and avoids the boundary intersection phenomena. Last, the algorithm is tested with a set of DEMs of different sizes, and the result proves that the computation efficiency and accuracy are better than existent methods.  相似文献   

InSAR提取DEM的原理与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍合成孔径雷达干涉测量的原理和DEM获取流程。基于Linux操作系统,利用Gamma软件处理平台,对上海某地区ERS-1/2卫星影像数据进行处理,成功提取高精度的数字高程模型。  相似文献   

The methodology of catchment extraction especially from regular grid digital elevation models (DEMs) is briefly reviewed. Then an efficient algorithm, which combines vector process and traditional neighbourhood raster process, is designed for extracting the catchments and subcatchments from depressionless DEMs. The catchment area of each river in the grid DEM data is identified and delineated, then is divided into subcatchments as required. Compared to traditional processes, this method for identifying catchments focuses on the boundaries instead of the area inside the catchments and avoids the boundary intersection phenomena. Last, the algorithm is tested with a set of DEMs of different sizes, and the result proves that the computation efficiency and accuracy are better than existent methods.  相似文献   

2007-06-15,德国雷达遥感卫星TerraSAR-X在俄罗斯位于Kazachstan的Baikonur发射中心发射成功。4d后,第一批雷达数据成功传回到位于德国Neustrelitz的德国遥感数据中心(DFD)。发射后8周,卫星系统已经完全正常运行,并传回了超过2 500幅雷达图像。第一批影像产品已经由DLR遥感信息处理研究所(IMF)制作完成。  相似文献   

Model improvements and validation of TerraSAR-X precise orbit determination   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The radar imaging satellite mission TerraSAR-X requires precisely determined satellite orbits for validating geodetic remote sensing techniques. Since the achieved quality of the operationally derived, reduced-dynamic (RD) orbit solutions limits the capabilities of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) validation, an effort is made to improve the estimated orbit solutions. This paper discusses the benefits of refined dynamical models on orbit accuracy as well as estimated empirical accelerations and compares different dynamic models in a RD orbit determination. Modeling aspects discussed in the paper include the use of a macro-model for drag and radiation pressure computation, the use of high-quality atmospheric density and wind models as well as the benefit of high-fidelity gravity and ocean tide models. The Sun-synchronous dusk–dawn orbit geometry of TerraSAR-X results in a particular high correlation of solar radiation pressure modeling and estimated normal-direction positions. Furthermore, this mission offers a unique suite of independent sensors for orbit validation. Several parameters serve as quality indicators for the estimated satellite orbit solutions. These include the magnitude of the estimated empirical accelerations, satellite laser ranging (SLR) residuals, and SLR-based orbit corrections. Moreover, the radargrammetric distance measurements of the SAR instrument are selected for assessing the quality of the orbit solutions and compared to the SLR analysis. The use of high-fidelity satellite dynamics models in the RD approach is shown to clearly improve the orbit quality compared to simplified models and loosely constrained empirical accelerations. The estimated empirical accelerations are substantially reduced by 30% in tangential direction when working with the refined dynamical models. Likewise the SLR residuals are reduced from \(-3\,\pm \,17\) to \(2\,\pm \,13\) mm, and the SLR-derived normal-direction position corrections are reduced from 15 to 6 mm, obtained from the 2012–2014 period. The radar range bias is reduced from \(-10.3\) to \(-6.1\) mm with the updated orbit solutions, which coincides with the reduced standard deviation of the SLR residuals. The improvements are mainly driven by the satellite macro-model for the purpose of solar radiation pressure modeling, improved atmospheric density models, and the use of state-of-the-art gravity field models.  相似文献   

Global change issues are high on the current international political agenda. A variety of global protocols and conventions have been established aimed at mitigating global environmental risks. A system for monitoring, evaluation and compliance of these international agreements is needed, with each component requiring comprehensive analytical work based on consistent datasets. Consequently, scientists and policymakers have put faith in earth observation data for improved global analysis. Land cover provides in many aspects the foundation for environmental monitoring [FAO, 2002a. Proceedings of the FAO/UNEP Expert Consultation on Strategies for Global Land Cover Mapping and Monitoring. FAO, Rome, Italy, 38 pp.]. Despite the significance of land cover as an environmental variable, our knowledge of land cover and its dynamics is poor [Foody, G.M., 2002. Status of land cover classification accuracy assessment. Rem. Sens. Environ. 80, 185–201]. This study compares four satellite derived 1 km land cover datasets freely available from the internet and in wide use among the scientific community. Our analysis shows that while these datasets have in many cases reasonable agreement at a global level in terms of total area and general spatial pattern, there is limited agreement on the spatial distribution of the individual land classes. If global datasets are used at a continental or regional level, agreement in many cases decreases significantly. Reasons for these differences are many—ranging from the classes and thresholds applied, time of data collection, sensor type, classification techniques, use of in situ data, etc., and make comparison difficult. Results of studies based on global land cover datasets are likely influenced by the dataset chosen. Scientists and policymakers should be made aware of the inherent limitations in using current global land cover datasets, and would be wise to utilise multiple datasets for comparison.  相似文献   

融合像素—多尺度区域特征的高分辨率遥感影像分类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘纯  洪亮  陈杰  楚森森  邓敏 《遥感学报》2015,19(2):228-239
针对基于像素多特征的高分辨率遥感影像分类算法的"胡椒盐"现象和面向对象影像分析方法的"平滑地物细节"现象,提出了一种融合像素特征和多尺度区域特征的高分辨率遥感影像分类算法。(1)首先采用均值漂移算法对原始影像进行初始过分割,然后对初始过分割结果进行多尺度的区域合并,形成多尺度分割结果。根据多尺度区域合并RMI指数变化和分割尺度对分类精度的影响,确定最优分割尺度。(2)融合光谱特征、像元形状指数PSI(Pixel Shape Index)、初始尺度和最优尺度区域特征,并对多类型特征进行归一化,最后结合支持向量机(SVM)进行分类。实验结果表明该算法既能有效减少基于像素多特征的高分辨率遥感影像分类算法的"胡椒盐"现象,又能保持地物对象的完整性和地物细节信息,提高易混淆类别(如阴影和街道,裸地和草地)的分类精度。  相似文献   

城市的地表沉降可能导致人民经济财产安全的损失,因此,对城区地表沉降进行持续监测是保证城市安全的重要环节。基于稳定散射地物的时间序列InSAR近年来被逐渐应用于形变监测中,来自不同轨道监测到的同一位置的形变情况不同,且无法获得一个完整地表沉降的形变信息。本文提出了一个新的多轨道时序InSAR数据融合方法,以辽宁省沈阳市铁西区为例,利用一组Terra SAR-X升轨数据和一组COSMO-SkyMed降轨数据,通过SBAS-InSAR方法进行处理,并采用Kriging插值方法和奇异值分解求逆等方法对其进行融合,得到了一个垂直方向的完整的形变场,为城市沉降值的获取和分析提供了一个更加准确的变形监测。  相似文献   

For areas of the world that do not have access to lidar, fine-scale digital elevation models (DEMs) can be photogrammetrically created using globally available high-spatial resolution stereo satellite imagery. The resultant DEM is best termed a digital surface model (DSM) because it includes heights of surface features. In densely vegetated conditions, this inclusion can limit its usefulness in applications requiring a bare-earth DEM. This study explores the use of techniques designed for filtering lidar point clouds to mitigate the elevation artifacts caused by above ground features, within the context of a case study of Prince William Forest Park, Virginia, USA. The influences of land cover and leaf-on vs. leaf-off conditions are investigated, and the accuracy of the raw photogrammetric DSM extracted from leaf-on imagery was between that of a lidar bare-earth DEM and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM. Although the filtered leaf-on photogrammetric DEM retains some artifacts of the vegetation canopy and may not be useful for some applications, filtering procedures significantly improved the accuracy of the modeled terrain. The accuracy of the DSM extracted in leaf-off conditions was comparable in most areas to the lidar bare-earth DEM and filtering procedures resulted in accuracy comparable of that to the lidar DEM.  相似文献   

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