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Thermal mineral water springs in Karlovy Vary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the western part of the Czech Republic about 130–180 km west of the capital of Prague, in an area of about 300 sq km, several dozen mineral springs occur from various origins, with water of different chemical characteristics, temperatures, and levels of carbonation and radioactive intensity. Mineral waters are widely utilized, in particular for spa treatment of a broad range of ailments as well as for bottling (curative and table waters), industrial uses of carbon dioxide, evaporation for the salts dissolved in them and, in regard to thermal waters, for local heating.  相似文献   

Summary The studied, perfectly shaped Carlsbad twins from Loket (loc. swimming pool) are orthoclase perthites of low triclinicity (=0.0–0.3); the sodic phase relates to low albite. All phenocrysts having zonal structure contain small areas of triclinic feldspars (=0.6–0.8) independent on the zonality of low triclinicity. This microclinization is believed to be younger than the host orthoclase. The content of microcline within the phenocryst varies from about 10 to 30 percent.
Röntgenographische, optische und chemische Variation der Kalifeldspäte von Loket (Elbogen), Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad)-Massiv, Tschechoslowakei
Zusammenfassung Die untersuchten, ideal ausgebildeten Karlsbad-Zwillinge von Loket (Lokalität Badeanstalt) sind Orthoklas-Perthite kleiner Triklinität (=0,0–0,3); die Natronfeldspat-Phase entspricht Albit. Alle Phänokristalle mit Zonarbau enthalten unabhängig von der schwachen zonaren Triklinität kleine Bereicho von triklinem Feldspat (=0,6–0,8). Diese Mikroklinisierung ist anscheinend jünger als der umschließende Orthoklas. Der Mikroklingehalt der Phänokristalle schwankt von ungefähr 10 bis zu 30%.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Stratiform barite deposits (SB) and vein Pb-Zn barite deposits (VB) are known in a rift basin in central Guangxi. The former is hosted in the Upper Devonian chert beds and the latter occurs in the Middle and Lower Devonian neritic sediments. The two types of mineralization are believed to have a common origin as evidenced by the following observations: (1) Spatially, they are closely associated with each other. (2) They possess a basic similarity, but also show systematic variations from VB to SB in terms of ore composition, structural and textural features, temperature of mineralizing solutions, country rocks and alteration. (3) Their δ34S values are more similar to the average value of marine sulfate in Late Devonian than to that in Early Devonian. A model for thermal water deposition has been proposed to illustrate the genesis of these deposits.  相似文献   

The author unites deposits, the material of which had been supplied as thermal solutions and deposited predominantly on the sea floor, under the name of thermal-sedimentary. It is assumed that the iron of such deposits had been extracted as Fe2+ from rocks by waters heated by the subterranian heat. The ferruginous precipitates producing thermal-sedimentary iron ores are formed, in the author's opinion, at discharge points of thermal solutions. Iron contained in them is precipitated as ferrihydrite (2.5Fe2O3·4.5H2O), which spontaneously transforms into hematite.
Zusammenfassung Der Autor faßt unter dem Begriff thermalsedimentär Lagerstätten zusammen, deren Stoffbestand in Thermallösungen zugeführt und hauptsächlich auf dem Meeresboden abgelagert wurde. Es wird angenommen, daß das Eisen derartiger Lagerstätten durch zirkulierende Wässer, die ihre Erwärmung dem unterirdischen Kreislauf verdanken, als Fe2+ aus den durchflossenen Gesteinen herausgelöst worden ist. Die eisenhaltigen Ablagerungen, die die thermal-sedimentären Eisenerze bilden, werden nach Ansicht des Autors an den Austrittsstellen der Thermallösungen gebildet. Das Eisen, das in ihnen enthalten ist, fällt als Ferrihydrit aus, welches unmittelbar in Hämatit übergeführt wird.

黄龙主沟露天钙华分布面积为634 712m2,最大厚度为19.72m.在3.5万年以来的演化过程中形成了绚丽多姿的钙华彩池、钙华滩流、钙华瀑布、钙华洞穴等景观.它被誉为"人间瑶池",是世界著名的旅游胜地.其中钙华彩池105 932m2,钙华滩流157 882m2.根据钙华在演变过程中所处的阶段可划分为成长区、平衡区、消退区、非沉积区等4个演化分区.钙华景观的发展演化不由其形成时代的新老决定,而与自身所处的地质背景、水循环系统控制下的钙华源泉的稳定性密切相关.目前,黄龙钙华景观主体处于青壮年期.  相似文献   

Physicochemical numerical simulation of the system water-serpentinized ultramafic rocks of the Aganozerskoe deposit (systems closed and open with respect to atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide) indicates that wetting and oxygen access to chromite ore and mined processed rock in the open system should result in chromite oxidation and enhance Cr migration. In the closed system, in which the processed rock is stored at the bottom of a water body and is inaccessible to atmospheric gases, the oxidation dissolution of chromite is less intense.  相似文献   

陆地热泉钙华是沉淀于富Ca2+和HCO3-热泉(普遍T≥30℃)的陆地碳酸盐沉积物/岩。热泉钙华独特的形成环境、岩石矿物学特征、地球化学特征和流体性质对古环境、古气候、早期生命起源、新构造运动、陆相热水沉积学、地热资源等方面研究具有重要指示意义。尽管相关学者对陆地热泉钙华开展了相关研究,但由于热泉钙华沉积-成岩过程中受复杂外界条件控制,其时空分布、沉积特征、矿物组成、地球化学特征、微生物作用、流体来源、成岩作用、古气候记录等系列科学问题有待深入研究。在国内外大量文献的基础上,结合研究团队对云南腾冲火山地热区热泉钙华的认识,综述了目前国内外学者对陆地热泉钙华的研究进展,总结了热泉钙华研究意义,提出了当前热泉钙华研究存在的问题及下步研究方向,为更加全面地认识陆地热泉钙华沉积及未来研究提供启示。  相似文献   

硅藻对地表石灰华沉积的生物作用及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石灰华是岩溶地貌的重要组成部分。藻类在石灰华的形成过程中起着非常重要的生物控制作用。硅藻对地表石灰华沉积的生物作用,主要包括同化作用、拦截和粘结作用、结壳作用、胶结作用。对于生物作用中的钙化作用和分泌作用,硅藻可能具有这两种作用,其形成机理尚需进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Re-Os同位素体系已成为金属矿床定年和示踪的重要手段之一。文章在简述Re-Os同位素体系基本原理基础上,综述了国内外的最新研究成果,认为Re-Os同位素测试对象不再局限于辉钼矿和铜镍硫化物矿石,黄铁矿、毒砂、磁黄铁矿、镍黄铁矿、闪锌矿等也常作为测试对象用于金矿床、铅锌矿床、沉积喷流型钴(金)等矿床的定年。地壳岩石与原始地幔相比,具有较高的187 Os/188 Os比值、γOs值以及Re/Os比值,因此,硫化物或矿石的Re-Os同位素组成和普通Os—Re/Os比值图解可以揭示斑岩矿床、金矿、铅锌矿以及铜镍硫化物矿的成矿物质来源。辉钼矿则可以通过Re含量来示踪成矿物质来源。Re-Os同位素也可与其他同位素结合(如187 Os/188 Os-87Sr/86Sr)共同判明不同端元组分对成矿的贡献。  相似文献   

关于四川黄龙钙华CO2成因的讨论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从气体成分、泉口出露地质特征、CO2动态变化规律等,对黄龙钙华的热成因论进行了讨论,认为黄龙地区不具备喷出幔源气体的地质结构。黄龙钙华是地壳表层地质作用高寒岩溶形成的产物,即冷成因。  相似文献   

The authors demonstrate that precise facts arising from experimental mineralogy enable an important role to be ascribed to the mechanical actions and thermal gradients in the study of the migrations and concentrations of the chemical elements to be found within the lithosphere. The mechanical actions associated with tectonic are, in the production of a micro-porosity, capable of transforming mechanically non-uniform rocks into immense reservoirs for fluids. The tectonic deformations can bring about reduction of the porosity if moderate or, on the contrary, can lead to a considerable opening-up by intragranular microfissuration commencing at different stress levels depending on the nature and tectonic history of the rocks. In this way, under the influence of comparable mechanical action, certain rocks may consolidate, whilst adjacent rocks may open up. Finally, micro-fissuration is capable of facilitating the release of essential fluids and gasses (H2O, CO2) and of increasing the solubility of many minerals. The fluid-impregnated porous rocks are subjected to the geothermal gradient. The effect of thermal diffusion and gravity provides concentrations, even in the case of diluted solutions, sufficient to induce crystallisation without displacement of the liquid. Calculations based on an elementary theory show that, with entirely plausible geothermal gradients, the times and the thicknesses of porous rock necessary to produce crystallisation are low when compared to the overall geological scale. This process is as permanent as is the geothermal gradient. The mode of concentration takes full account of the layered aspect of the venous deposits without the necessity to envisage large displacements of liquid. It also takes account of the preferential concentration of the metalbearing deposits on the domes of the batholiths.
Résumé Les auteurs montrent que des faits précis issus de la minéralogie expérimentale permettent d'attribuer un rôle important aux actions mécaniques et aux gradients thermiques dans l'étude des migrations et des concentrations d'éléments chimiques au sein de la lithosphère. Les actions mécaniques liées à la tectonique sont à l'origine d'une microporosité susceptible de transformer les roches mécaniquement non uniformes en immenses réservoirs de fluides. Les déformation tectoniques peuvent entraîner des tassements de cette porosité, si elles sont modérées, ou, au contraire, une large ouverture par microfissuration intragranulaire à partir de seuils de contraintes qui diffèrent selon la nature et l'histoire tectonique des roches. C'est ainsi que, sous des actions mécaniques comparables, certaines roches peuvent se tasser, tandis que les roches adjacentes peuvent s'ouvrir. Enfin, la microfissuration est susceptible de faciliter la libération des fluides essentiels (H2O, CO2) et d'accroître la solubilité de nombreux minéraux. Les roches poreuses et imprégnées de fluides sont soumises à un gradient thermique: le gradient géothermique. L'effet thermogravitationnel résultant de la thermodiffusion et de la gravité, peut permettre, à partir de solutions même diluées, d'obtenir des concentrations suffisantes pour donner lieu à des cristallisations sans déplacement de liquide. Les calculs réalisés à partir d'une théorie élémentaire montrent qu'avec des gradients géothermiques plausibles, les temps et les épaisseurs de roches poreuses, nécessaires pour réaliser des cristallisations, sont faibles à l'échelle géologique. Ce processus est aussi permanent que le gradient géothermique. Ce mode de concentration rend parfaitement compte de l'aspect rubanné des dépôts filoniens sans qu'il soit nécessaire d'imaginer d'importants déplacements de liquide. Il rend compte aussi de la concentration préférentielle de gîtes métallifères sur les coupoles des batholites éruptifs.

The cationic and anionic compositions of pore water in shallow deposits of Buor-Khaya Bay is studied. Significant concentration heterogeneity of the vertical ionic profile in the studied drill columns is shown. It is established that the vertical ionic profile of shelf deposits of the Laptev Sea is basically formed under the influence of thawing of underwater permafrost, hydrodynamic conditions, the water mass, and heat flows and depends on the lithological and granulometric types of the deposits. The highest concentrations of ions are registered in plant detritus represented by ground grass vegetation. A relationship between the ionic composition of pore water and cryogenic state of the sequence and its variability is demonstrated using the method of major components.  相似文献   

九寨沟早期钙华体的岩溶作用与湖瀑景观的形成   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
九寨沟与四川西北部碳酸盐岩地区早期钙华体在52~3万年前的冰缘环境中形成.3万年后,区内气温在振荡中升高,使九寨冰缘退缩,岩溶水酸化并具溶蚀性,在早期钙华体上形成了湖瀑等各种溶蚀形态,渗流溶蚀和混合溶蚀是壶穴湖、梯湖和溶蚀湖形成的主要机制,溶蚀侵蚀伴有季节性钙华沉淀形成着叠水和瀑布.保护湖瀑景观的原则是抑制钙华的溶蚀强度,运用岩溶水的瀑堤效应促进CaCO3沉淀,增强瀑堤的固结,减少渗漏.  相似文献   

随着新型热红外传感器的相继问世及热辐射相关理论的不断发展,热红外遥感在资源勘查尤其是铀矿勘查领域呈现出了巨大的应用潜力。从地表温度、热惯量和热红外光谱3个方面对热红外遥感在资源勘查应用中的理论依据、研究现状进行了阐述,对其在铀矿勘查应用中的研究目标、研究内容进行了详细论述,并以ASTER热红外波段为数据源在华南某花岗岩铀矿区进行了实例应用,取得了良好的效果。实践表明,热红外遥感技术在铀矿勘查领域具有良好的应用前景和独特的应用价值,必将在铀矿找矿工作中发挥重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

四川九寨沟、黄龙钙华景观保护研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
九寨沟、黄龙钙华景观保护建设,迫在眉睫。本文在评述九寨沟、黄龙钙华景观特征的基础上,通过对其变化的制约因素的研究,表明两者均存在两个动态平衡体系,即与生态地质作用之间的动态平衡和与人类活动间的动态平衡体系;并从两个动态平衡体系来探讨保护对策。  相似文献   

金属矿山矿井涌水是在矿山开采和利用过程中产生的特殊废水,对若干新建和续采铅锌矿矿井涌水水质进行分析,获得了新建矿山矿井涌水水质pH值在6.34~8.07之间,悬浮物在11.0~63.0mg/L之间;硫化物在0.005~0.02mg/L之间;铜在0.001~0.05mg/L之间;锌在0.05~0.41mg/L之间;铅在0.01~0.06mg/L之间;镉在0.001~0.05mg/L之间;砷在0.0007~0.066mg/L之间;汞0.0001mg/L;六价铬在0.03~0.04mg/L之间。续采矿山矿井涌水水质pH值在2.1~8.28之间;悬浮物在20~103mg/L之间;硫化物在0.002~0.015mg/L之间;硫酸盐在75~805mg/L之间;铜在0.01~0.65 mg/L之间;锌在0.08~285.67mg/L之间;铅在0.01~0.84mg/L之间;镉在0.03~2.18mg/L之间;砷在0.0006~1.0mg/L之间;汞在0.00001~0.00006mg/L之间;六价铬在0.004~0.024mg/L之间。大部分续采矿山矿井涌水为酸性废水,绝大多数续采矿山矿井涌水金属元素特别是主元素超出《铅锌工业污染物排放标准》(GB25461-2010)标准限值。探讨了模拟矿山开采条件浸泡矿石水质分析可获得新建矿山生产时实际的矿井涌水水质。  相似文献   

正Objective One of major challenges in paleoenvironmental reconstruction using travertine in the Huanglong area is whether one can accurately determinate the age of travertine through high-precision and high-resolution dating techniques.Previous works of ~(14)C or ESR chronology,however,have shown that the variation of deposition ages of travertine was displayed inconsistent  相似文献   

洞穴滴水主要来源于大气降水的入渗,是岩溶洞穴内的低能量的渗流水,它受控于水- 土- 岩的相互作用。本文通过对桂林盘龙洞滴水一个水文年的动态监测表明,洞穴滴水对大气降水的响应较快,其所记录的滴水特性直接反映大气降水的物理、化学特征,并系统地记录了滴水溶- 侵蚀和沉积过程,以及与生态环境和石漠化的演化历史。常年性滴水的动态监测,揭示在夏半年( 5- 10月)是新碳酸盐的主要沉积时段,表现出新碳酸盐的沉积具有与雨热同季的特点。暴雨或季节性滴水基本保持了雨水的物理化学特性,滴水量大,滴速快,因而具有较强的溶- 侵蚀作用,导致盘龙洞石笋Pa、Pb、Pc 形成后被溶- 侵蚀的体积分别达339872 cm3、13 680 cm3 和33 792 cm3; 在冬半年,常年性滴水由于滴速和滴量较小,其溶- 侵蚀性较弱;而在夏半年,由于滴水的饱和度高,沉积量大,往往将在冬半年形成细微的滴溶蚀凹坑或孔穴填平补齐。   相似文献   

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