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Rb–Sr multimineral isochron data for metamorphic veins allow to date separate increments of the mineral reaction history of polymetamorphic terranes. Granulite facies rocks of the Lindås nappe, Bergen Arcs, Norway, were subducted and exhumed during the Caledonian orogeny. The rocks show petrographic evidence for two distinct events of local fluid infiltration and vein formation, along fractures and shear zones. The first occurred at eclogite facies (15–21 kbar, 650–750°C) and a later one at amphibolite facies conditions (8–10 kbar, 600°C). The presence of fluids enabled local metamorphic equilibration only near fluid pathways. In fluid-absent domains, preexisting assemblages were metastably preserved. This resulted in a heterogeneity of metamorphic signatures on meter to μm-scales. Well-preserved granulite facies rocks preserve their Proterozoic Rb–Sr mineral ages, as does the U–Pb system of zircon in most lithologies. Six Rb/Sr multimineral isochron ages for eclogite facies veins and their immediate wallrocks date the fluid-induced eclogitization at 429.9 ± 3.5 Ma (2σ, weighted average, MSWD = 0.39). An eclogite facies vein has yielded metamorphic zircon with concordant U–Pb ages of 429 ± 3 Ma, identical to the U–Pb age of 427.4 ± 0.9 Ma for zircon xenocrysts in an amphibolite facies vein. Seven Rb/Sr mineral isochron ages date amphibolite-facies fluid infiltration at 414.2 ± 2.8 Ma (MSWD = 1.5), an age value testifying to residence of the rocks in the deep orogenic crust at temperatures >600°C for nearly 15 Ma. The new data show that Rb–Sr mineral isochron ages effectively date fluid-induced (re)crystallization events rather than stages of cooling. The direct link between isotopic ages and distinct petrographic equilibrium assemblages aids to constrain the evolution of rocks in the P–T-reaction-time space, which is essential for understanding exhumation histories and the internal dynamics of orogens in general.  相似文献   

Pressure estimates for amphibolite-facies metamorphism at Plutonic Gold Mine (Plutonic), Marymia Inlier, Western Australia, were recently revised significantly upwards from ~4 ± 2 kbar/550–600°C to ≥8 kbar/~600°C, based on the calculated stability fields for mineral assemblages in garnet-free mafic rocks. These conditions are anomalous in the context of the Yilgarn Craton. Here, we present new mineral equilibria calculations for rare garnet-bearing rock types from Plutonic that confirm those higher pressure estimates, and provide confidence that the determinations of metamorphic conditions based only on results from metamorphosed mafic rocks are robust and reliable. Taken together, the new estimates (7.3–8.2 kbar/580–590°C) from the garnet-bearing rocks, and the existing results from the mafic rocks, provide evidence that, most probably during the late Archean, rocks now exposed along the northern margin of the Yilgarn Craton underwent substantial increases in pressure, which was likely followed by rapid exhumation.  相似文献   

A typical HP/MT (high pressure/medium temperature) eclogite from Xiongdian, northwestern Dabie Mountains, has been geochronologically studied using the single-zircon U-Pb, 40Ar-39Ar and Sm-Nd methods. Prismatic zircons occurring as inclusions within garnets define a minimum crystallization age of 399.5±1.6 Ma. 40Ar-39Ar dating on amphibole gives a plateau age.of 399.2 ± 4 Ma, which is interpreted as a retrogression age of amphibolite facies. This integrated study enables us to conclude that the age of high-pressure metamorphism is older than 399.5 ± 1.6 Ma, suggesting Caledonian collision between the North China and Yangtze plates. Round zircon within the aggregate of quartz and muscovite gives a concordant age of 301± 2 Ma, reflecting a later retrogression event. An age profile of post-eclogite metamorphism is documented, including amphibolite facies metamorphism at 399.2 Ma shortly after eclogitization and later retrogressive metamorphism at 301 Ma. Sm-Nd mineral isochron of garnet+omphacite gives  相似文献   

Amphibole concentrates from four samples of variably retrogressed eclogite from the Tsäkkok Lens of the Seve Nappe Complex display discordant40Ar/39Ar age spectra suggestive of extraneous argon contamination.36Ar/40Ar vs.39Ar/40Ar isotope correlations are well-defined for two samples and yield ages of 464.7 ± 1.3 Ma and 463.2 + 6.3 Ma. Inverse ordinate intercepts are very much larger than 295 and confirm significant extraneous argon components. Two white mica concentrates from metasedimentary units of the Tsäkkok Lens display internally concordant40Ar/39Ar age spectra which define plateau ages of 448.2 ± 1.6 Ma and 468.4 ± 0.9 Ma. An amphibole concentrate from a metamorphosed basic dike within the Sarek Lens of the Seve Nappe Complex yields an isotope correlation age of 463.8 ± 12.3 Ma, suggesting a post-metamorphic thermal evolution similar to that of the Tsäkkok Lens. The amphibolite and white mica ages are interpreted to date post-metamorphic cooling through appropriate temperatures for intracrystalline retention of argon following amphibolite facies retrogression of the eclogite facies assemblages. The Seve Nappe Complex appears to have originated within distal facies of the late Proterozoic-early Paleozoic miogeocline of Baltica. The present40Ar/39Ar results provide a record of early Paleozoic (pre-Middle Ordovician) tectonothermal activity and therefore are compatible with previous suggestions of significant early Caledonian orogenesis within the Scandinavian Caledonides.
Zusammenfassung Die Amphibolitkonzentrate aus vier Proben unterschiedlich regressiver Eklogite aus der Tsäkkok-Linse des Seve-Deckenkomplexes spiegeln diskordante40Ar/39Ar Altersspektren wieder. Diese deuten an, daß eine Argonkontamination von außen stattgefunden hat.36Ar/40Ar gegen39Ar/40Ar Isotopen sind für zwei Proben genau bestimmt und liefern Alter von 464,7 ± 1,3 Mio. und 463,2 ± 6,3 Mio. Jahre. Inverse Ordinatenabschnitte sind sehr viel größer als 295 und bestätigen erhebliche Argon-Fremdkomponenten. Zwei Hellglimmerkonzentrate aus metasedimentären Einheiten der Tsäkkok-Linse zeigen intern konkordante40Ar/39Ar Altersspektren, welche Plateaualter von 448,2 ± 1,6 Mio. und 468,4 ± 0,9 Mio. Jahre besitzen. Ein Amphibolkonzentrat aus einem metamorphen basischen Gang innerhalb der Sarek-Linse des Seve-Deckenkomplexes liefert ein Isotopenkorrelationsalter von 463,8 ±12,3 Mio. Jahre, welches eine postmetamorphe thermale Entwicklung andeutet, die ähnlich der Tsäkkok-Linse ist. Die Amphibol- und Hellglimmeralter werden dahingehend interpretiert, daß sie die postmetamorphe thermale Abkühlung durch entsprechende Temperaturen für das intrakristalline Zurückhalten des Argons datieren, die im Anschluß an die Amphibolitfaziesregression der Eklogitfaziesvergesellschaftung folgte. Der Seve-Deckenkomplex scheint aus einer distalen Fazies spätprotero- bis frühpalaeozoischen Miogeosynklinale von Baltika hervorgegangen zu sein. Die jetzigen40Ar/39Ar Ergebnisse liefern eine Aufzeichnung von frühpaleozoischen (Vor-Mittelordovizium) tektono-thermalen Aktivitäten, und sie sind daher vergleichbar mit früheren Vermutungen von einer bedeutenden frühkaledonischen Orogenese innerhalb der skandinavischen Kaledoniden.

Résumé Les concentrés d'amphiboles de quatre échantillons d'éclogites, rétromorphosés à des degrés divers, provenant de la lentille de Träkkok («Seve Nappe Complex») montre un spectre discordant d'âges40Ar/39Ar, ce qui suggère une contamination par un apport d'argon. Les corrélations entre36Ar/40Ar et39Ar/40Ar sont bien définies pour deux échantillons et fournissent des âges de 464,7 ± 1,3 Ma et 463,2 ±6,3 Ma. Les rapports40Ar/36Ar sont beaucoup plus élevés que 295 et confirment un apport extérieur d'argon significatif. Deux concentrés de mica blanc provenant des unités métasédimentaires de la lentille de Tsäkkok présentent des spectres d'âges40Ar/39Ar concordants, qui définissent des âges-plateau de 448,2 ± 1,6 Ma et 468,4 ± 0,9 Ma. Un concentré d'amphibole provenant d'un dyke basique métamorphisé dans la lentille des Sarek du «Seve Nappe Complex» fournit par corrélation isotopique un âge de 463,8 ± 12,9 Ma, ce qui suggère une évolution thermique post-métamorphique similaire à celle de la lentille de Tsäkkok. Les âges fournis par les amphiboles et les micas blancs sont interprétés comme correspondant au refroidissement post-métamorphique, à travers des températures permettant la rétention intracristalline de l'argon, à la suite de la rétromorphose des éclogites dans le faciès des amphiboles. Le «Seve Nappe Complex» a dû être engendré dans les faciès distaux du miogéosynclinal tardi-protérozoïque à éo-paléozoïque de la Baltique. Les valeurs actuelles de40Ar/39Ar enregistrent l'activité tectonothermique du Paléozoïque inférieur (pré-Ordovicien moyen); elles sont donc en accord avec l'hypothèse antérieurement émise d'une orogenèse éo-calédonienne au sein des Calédonides Scandinaves.

Tsäkkok Seve, , 40Ar/39Ar. , -. 36Ar/40Ar 39Ar/40Ar 464,7±1,3 , 463,2±6,3 . 295 , . Tsäkkok , 448,2±1,6 468,4±0,9 . Sarek Seve 463,8±12,3 ., , Tsäkkok. , , , coxpa . Seve, , - . 40Ar/39Ar - , .. . .

The Scandinavian Caledonides contain the record of several high-pressure events reflecting distinct episodes of collision and subduction in the course of the global Caledonian plate reorganization process. In this study, the timing and speed of one of these events in the Tromsø Nappe of the Uppermost Allochthon are detailed using multiple U–Pb geochronometers. This unit contains eclogites, the largest of which forms a whole mountain top, whereas many others occur as smaller lenses enclosed within a metamorphosed supracrustal sequence. A minimum age for the sedimentation is provided by a zircon age of 493 +5/-2 Ma for an eclogitized felsic intrusion. Formation of the eclogite, at pressures reaching 2.8 GPa, occurred at 452.1±1.7 Ma as evidenced by U–Pb in eclogitic zircon. Similar ages of 451–450 Ma are also provided by high-Al titanite in eclogite and titanite in leucosome veins, the latter of which was formed by partial melting during the exhumation of the eclogite. An age of 449 Ma for a rutile porphyroblast in another vein further confirms the rapidity of this high-pressure process. Matrix rutiles in two other eclogites yielded ages of 436 Ma and younger, probably indicating partial resetting during a subsequent metamorphic overprint. Lead isotopic compositions with high 207Pb/ 204Pb ratios are indicative of old crustal sources, thus supporting the previously proposed notion that the Uppermost Allochthon was derived from the Neoproterozoic margin of Laurentia.  相似文献   

The first evidence for ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism in the Seve Nappe Complex of the Scandinavian Caledonides is recorded by kyanite-bearing eclogite, found in a basic dyke within a garnet peridotite body exposed close to the lake Friningen in northern Jämtland (central Sweden). UHP metamorphic conditions of ~ 3 GPa and 800 °C, within the stability field of coesite, are constrained from geothermobarometry and calculated phase equilibria for the peak-pressure assemblage garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite. A prograde metamorphic evolution from a lower P–T (1.5–1.7 GPa and 700–750 °C) stage during subduction is inferred from inclusions of pargasitic amphibole, zoisite and kyanite in garnet cores. The post-UHP evolution is constrained from breakdown textures, such as exsolutions of kyanite and silica from the Ca-Eskola clinopyroxene. Near isothermal decompression of eclogite to lower crustal levels (~ 0.8–1.0 GPa ) led to formation of sapphirine, spinel, orthopyroxene and diopside at granulite facies conditions. Published age data suggest a Late Ordovician (460–445 Ma) age of the UHP metamorphism, interpreted to be related to subduction of Baltoscandian continental margin underneath an outboard terrane, possibly outermost Laurentia, during the final stages of closure of the Iapetus Ocean. The UHP rocks were emplaced from the hinterland collision zone during Scandian thrusting of the nappes onto the Baltoscandian foreland basin and platform. The record of P–T conditions and geochonological data from UHP rocks occurring within the allochthonous units of the Scandinavian Caledonides indicate that Ordovician UHP events may have affected much wider parts of the orogen than previously thought, involving deep subduction of the continental crust prior to final Scandian collision between Baltica and Laurentia.  相似文献   

An exceptionally well-exposed part of the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt (Manitoba/Saskatchewan) is used to characterize the mineral assemblage evolution associated with prehnite–pumpellyite through amphibolite facies metamorphism of basalts. Data from these rocks are combined with a large literature data set to assess the ability of current thermodynamic models to reproduce natural patterns, evaluate the use of metabasic rocks at these grades to estimate pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions of metamorphism, and to comment on the metamorphic devolatilization that occurs. At Flin Flon, five major isograds (actinolite-in, prehnite- and pumpellyite-out, hornblende-in, oligoclase-in, and actinolite-out) collectively represent passage from prehnite–pumpellyite to lower amphibolite facies conditions. The evolution in mineral assemblages occurs in two narrow (~1,000 m) zones: the prehnite–pumpellyite to greenschist facies (PP-GS) transition and greenschist to amphibolite facies (GS-AM) transition. Across the GS-AM transition, significant increases in the hornblende and oligoclase proportions occur at the expense of actinolite, albite, chlorite, and titanite, whereas there is little change in the proportions of epidote. The majority of this mineral transformation occurs above the oligoclase-in isograd within the hornblende–actinolite–oligoclase zone. Comparison with thermodynamic modelling results suggests data set 5 (DS5) of Holland and Powell (1998, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 16 (3):309–343) and associated activity–composition (a–x) models is generally successful in reproducing natural observations, whereas data set 6 (DS6) (Holland & Powell, 2011, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 29 (3):333–383) and associated a–x models fail to reproduce the observed mineral isograds and compositions. When the data from Flin Flon are combined with data from the literature, two main pressure-sensitive facies series for metabasites are revealed, based on prograde passage below or above a hornblende–albite bathograd at ~3.3 kbar: a low-pressure ‘actinolite–oligoclase type’ facies series, characterized by the appearance of oligoclase before hornblende, and a moderate- to high-pressure ‘hornblende–albite type’ facies series, characterized by the appearance of hornblende before oligoclase. Concerning the PP-GS transition, the mineral assemblage evolution in Flin Flon suggests it occurs over a small zone (<1,000 m), in which assemblages containing true transitional assemblages (prehnite and/or pumpellyite coexisting with actinolite) are rare. This contrasts with thermodynamic modelling, using either DS5 or DS6, which predicts a wide PP-GS transition involving the progressive appearance of epidote and actinolite and disappearance of pumpellyite and prehnite. Patterns of mineral assemblages and thermodynamic modelling suggest a useful bathograd (‘CHEPPAQ bathograd’), separating prehnite–pumpellyite-bearing assemblages at low pressures and pumpellyite–actinolite-bearing assemblages at higher pressures, occurs at ~2.3 to 2.6 kbar. Observations from the Flin Flon sequence suggests devolatilization across the GS-AM transition (average: ~1.8 wt% H2O) occurs over a very narrow interval within the actinolite–hornblende–oligoclase zone, associated with the loss of >75% of the total chlorite. By contrast, modelling of the GS-AM transition zone predicts more progressive dehydration of ~2 wt% H2O over a >50°C interval. Observations from the field suggest devolatilization across the PP-GS transition occurs over a very narrow interval given the rarity of transitional assemblages. Modelling suggests fluid release of 1.0–1.4 wt% resulting from prehnite breakdown over a ~10°C interval. This fluid may not be entirely lost from the rock package due to involvement in the hydration of igneous mineralogy across the PP-GS transition as observed in the Flin Flon sequence.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1986,33(4):255-264
The Rooiberg (Felsite) Group is a rare example of a conformable succession that apparently spans the period of evolution of an oxygen-rich atmosphere. This conclusion is reached indirectly from a review of the Proterozoic stratigraphy of South Africa, and directly from a consideration of the Rooiberg itself. The atmospheric transition coincides with the stratigraphic interval between the dark silicic lavas and associated grey volcaniclastics of the Damwal Formation, and the overlying red rhyodacites and intercalated red-bed sedimentary rocks of the Selonsrivier Formation. Radiometric age measurements indicate that this transition occurred after 2224 ± 21 Ma but before 2090 ± 40 Ma.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U–Pb monazite dates of ca 1600–1580 Ma are reported from three samples taken from the southeastern margin of the Proterozoic Mt Isa Block. The samples include an upper amphibolite facies paragneiss and a pegmatite from the host sequence of the Cannington Ag–Pb–Zn deposit and a middle amphibolite facies metasediment from the Soldiers Cap Group near Maronan station. These dates are interpreted to represent the timing of amphibolite facies metamorphism at the southeastern margin of the Mt Isa Block. They are in accordance with the results of earlier SHRIMP U–Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar dating, which suggested that metamorphism in the southeastern Mt Isa Block occurred approximately 50 million years earlier than metamorphism in the western Mt Isa Block. This challenges the common perception of orogeny in the Mt Isa Block in which ‘peak metamorphism’, and the deformation events associated with it, can be correlated across the entire terrane.  相似文献   

Abstract A high‐angle ductile thrusting deformation with top‐to‐the‐north movement penetratively developed in the Proterozoic‐Early Paleozoic metamorphic rocks along the Central East Kunlun belt. The deformed rocks suffered epidote‐amphibolite facies metamorphism. On the basis of our previous study, we present more data in this paper to further support that the ductile thrust deformation occurred in the later Caledonian and more detailed information about the deformation. A zircon U‐Pb concordant age of 446±2.2 Ma of a deformed granodiorite in the ductile thrust zone was obtained and can be interpreted as the lower limit of the deformation. A syntectonically crystallized and also strongly deformed hornblende Ar/Ar dating gives an Ar/Ar plateau age of 426.5±3.8 Ma, which represents the deformation age. A strongly orientated muscovite gives an Ar/Ar plateau age of 408±1.6 Ma, representing the cooling age after the peak temperature, constraining the upper limit of the ductile thrust deformation. This ductile thrust deformation can be interpreted as the result of the closing of the Central East Kunlun archipelago ocean. To the north, Ar/Ar plateau ages of 382.9±0.2 Ma and 386.8±0.8 Ma of muscovite in the deformed Xiaomiao Group represent the uplift cooling ages of deeper rocks after the thrusting movement. The original thrusting foliation has a low angle. A rotation model was put forward to explain the development of the foliation from the original low‐angle to present high‐angle dipping.  相似文献   

Evidence for glacial erosion of competent intrusive igneous rock is described for sites at Quart Pot Creek, Stanthorpe, Queensland. The bedrock, comprising the Stanthorpe Adamellite, was emplaced during the Early‐Middle Triassic. It is argued that the pluton was exposed during the late Middle ‐ Late Triassic and subjected to glacial erosion at that time. This was consequent to the rapid uplift and denudation of the landscape, which accompanied the Hunter‐Bowen Orogeny. Burial of the eroded surface occurred most probably during that ice age and a subsequent period of subsidence. The ancient surface has been exhumed during more recent denudation. It is suggested that during the late Middle ‐ Late Triassic, climatic conditions remained cold enough over this part of southeastern Australia at least for valley glaciers to form and influence landscape development.  相似文献   

As the diversion dike of the Middle Route of the South to North Water Transfer Project (MRSNWTP), the water quality and water quantity of Danjiangkou Reservoir is critical to the project. At present, the rates of industrial wastewater treatment and sewage discharge, which belongs to Chinese State Standard in the districts near the reservoir except Shiyan city, are less than 60% and 40% respectively. The point source pollutants will be controlled because of the project after some time, but the non-point source pollutants caused by vegetation degradation and water-soil erosion will not be controlled effectively in a long time. Water samples were collected from the Danjiangkou Reservoir during 2004 and 2005 and analyzed for trace metals, i.e., silver (Ag), aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), bismuth (Bi), calcium (Ca), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), mercury (Hg), potassium (K), lithium (Li), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), sodium (Na), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), antimony (Sb), selenium (Se), silicon (Si), strontium (Sr), vanadium (V), zinc (Zn), chemicophysical parameters and nutrients, i.e., temperature (T), pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, total suspended solid (TSS), nitrate/ammonia/ammonium-nitrogen (NO3^-/NH3/NH4^+-N), total nitrogen (TN), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), total phosphorus (TP), potassium permanganate index (IMn), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved inorganic carbon (HCO3^-). Our results are water quality belongs to Chinese standard level II, trace metals are low, but they are accumulating, and many of which, i.e., As, Pb, will endanger reservoir water security.  相似文献   

A high-angle ductile thrusting deformation with top-to-the-north movement penetratively developed in the Proterozoic-Early Paleozoic metamorphic rocks along the Central East Kunlun belt. The deformed rocks suffered epidote-amphibolite facies metamorphism. On the basis of our previous study, we present more data in this paper to further support that the ducdle thrust deformation occurred in the later Caledonian and more detailed information about the deformation. A zircon U-Pb concordant age of 446±2.2 Ma of a deformed granodiorite in the ductile thrust zone was obtained and can be interpreted as the lower limit of the deformation. A syntectonically crystallized and also strongly deformed hornblende Ar/ Ar dating gives an Ar/Ar plateau age of 426.5±3.8 Ma, which represents the deformation age. A strongly orientated muscovite gives an Ar/Ar plateau age of 408±1.6Ma, representing the cooling age after the peak temperature, constraining the upper limit of the ductile thrust deformation. This ductile thru  相似文献   

The Middle to lower Upper Devonian succession of the Rügen Depression in NE Germany consists of largely clastic sediments, whereas the Upper Devonian deposits are mixed carbonate and clastic. Petrographic and geochemical data suggest that the sediments were deposited in a cratonic or recycled setting. Deposition was largely confined to a fault-bounded basin, located between two structural highs. During the Devonian, the Rügen area underwent evolution from a continental and marginal marine area during the Eifelian-early Frasnian to a deeper marine environment during the late Frasnian-early Famennian. By the latest Famennian, an open-shelf carbonate-facies environment was established.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):1038-1050
The New England Orogen of easternmost Australia is dominated by suites of Palaeozoic to earliest Mesozoic rocks that formed in supra-subduction zone settings at Gondwana's eastern margin. On the northern New South Wales coast at Rocky Beach, Port Macquarie, a serpentinite mélange carries rare tectonic blocks of low-grade, high-pressure, metamorphic rocks derived from sedimentary and igneous protoliths. Dominant assemblages are glaucophane + phengite ± garnet ± lawsonite ± calcite ± albite blueschists and lawsonite-bearing retrogressed garnet + omphacite eclogites. In some blocks with sedimentary protoliths, eclogite forms folded layers within the blueschists, which is interpreted as Mn/(Mn + Fe) compositional control on the development of blueschist versus eclogite assemblages. Review of previous studies indicates pressure–temperature conditions of 0.7–0.5 GPa and ≤ 450 °C. Three samples of high-pressure metasedimentary rocks contain Archaean to 251 ± 6 Ma (Permo-Triassic) zircons, with the majority of the grains being Middle Devonian to Middle Carboniferous in age (380–340 Ma). Regardless of age, all grains show pitting and variable rounding of their exteriors. This morphology is attributed to abrasion in sedimentary systems, suggesting that they are all detrital grains. New in situ metamorphic zircon growth did not develop because of the low temperature (≤ 450 °C) of metamorphism. The Permo-Triassic, Devonian and Carboniferous zircons show strong heavy rare earth element enrichment and negative europium anomalies, indicating that they grew in low pressure igneous systems, not in a garnet-rich plagioclase-absent high pressure metamorphic environment. Therefore the youngest of these detrital zircons provides the maximum age of the metamorphism. A titanite + rutile porphyroblast within an eclogite has a U–Pb age of 332 ± 140 Ma (poor precision due to very low U abundances of mostly < 1 p.p.m.) and provides an imprecise direct age for metamorphism. In the south of the Port Macquarie area, the Lorne Basin ≥ 220 Ma Triassic sedimentary and volcanic rocks unconformably overlie serpentinite mélange, and provide the minimum age of the high-pressure metamorphism. Our preferred interpretation is that the 251 Ma zircons are detrital and thus the Port Macquarie high-pressure metamorphism is constrained to the end of the Permian–Early Triassic. Emplacement of the serpentinite mélange carrying the Rocky Beach high-pressure rocks might have been due to docking of a Permian oceanic island arc (represented by the Gympie terrane in southern Queensland?) and an Andean-style arc at the eastern Australian margin (expressed in the New England Orogen by 260–230 Ma north-south orientated magmatic belts). Alternatively, if the 251 Ma grains are regarded as having grown in thin pegmatites, then the dominant Devonian–Carboniferous detrital population still indicates a maximum age for the high pressure metamorphism of ca. 340 Ma. A ≤ 340 Ma age of metamorphism would still be much younger than the previously suggested ca. 470 Ma (Ordovician) age, which was based on Ar–Ar dating of phengites.  相似文献   

The Bathonian Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) is proposed at the base of limestone bed RB071 (bed 23 in Sturani 1967) in the Ravin du Bès Section (43° 57′ 38′′ N, 6° 18′ 55′′ E), Bas-Auran area, “Alpes de Haute Provence” French department. The Ravin du Bès Section, as formal candidate GSSP for the base of the Bathonian Stage, satisfies most of the requirements recommended by the International Commission on Stratigraphy: 1) The exposure extends over 13 m in thickness. At the Bajocian-Bathonian transition, no vertical (bio-, ichno- or tapho-) facies changes, condensation, stratigraphic gaps or hiatuses have been recorded. Structural complexity, synsedimentary and tectonic disturbances, or important alterations by metamorphism are not relevant constraints. 2) There is a well-preserved, abundant and diverse fossil record across the boundary interval, with key markers (ammonites and nannofossils) for worldwide correlation. The base of the Bathonian Stage and Zigzag Zone in Bas-Auran corresponds to the first occurrence level of Gonolkites convergens Buckman, which coincides with the first occurrence of Morphoceras parvum Wetzel. Calcareous nannofossils, as secondary global marker, are present in all beds and allow characterizing the Bajocian-Bathonian transition. 3) Regional analyses of sequence stratigraphy and manganese chemostratigraphy are available. Spectral gamma-ray data corroborate an Early Bathonian deepening half-cycle of second order. 4) The criteria of accessibility, conservation and protection are assured by the “Réserve Naturelle Géologique de Haute Provence”. The Cabo Mondego Section (Portugal) is suggested as the Bathonian auxiliary section and point (ASSP) within this GSSP proposal.  相似文献   

A newly discovered eclogite belt in the eastern part of the Lhasa Block, Tibet, is about 500–1000 m wide and at least 60 km long in an E–W direction. The eclogites occur as tectonic slices in garnet-bearing, mica–quartz schist. They are generally fresh and form thick, massive layers that consist chiefly of garnet (Grt) + omphacite (Omp) + phengite (Phe) + rutile (Rut) + quartz (Qtz). P–T calculations based on the Grt–Omp–Phe mineral assemblage yielded peak metamorphic conditions of 2.7 GPa and 730 °C, close to the phase boundary between coesite and quartz and thus the eclogites can be regarded as part of a very high-pressure metamorphic belt. Petrochemical data suggest that the eclogite protoliths were typical MORB basalts, derived from depleted mantle. SHRIMP U–Pb dating of zircons from the eclogite yielded metamorphic ages ranging from 242 ± 15 to 292 ± 13 Ma, with an average value of 262 ± 5 Ma. The MORB eclogites are interpreted to be remnants of Paleo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere. The eclogites, along with Permian island arc volcanic rocks to the north, are believed to mark a Carboniferous–Permian suture zone dividing the Lhasa Block into a northern and southern segment. This newly identified suture zone suggests that the border of the Paleo-Tethyan Ocean jumped southward from north of the Bangong-Nujiang suture to within what is now the Lhasa Block.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the regional and structural framework of the Cretaceous rocks in the Afikpo Basin located in the southeastern part of the Lower Benue Trough. Results from regional tectonics are presented together with those of the microtectonic analysis of microfaults in the Owutu-Afikpo-Adadama area in the basin. The Owutu-Afikpo-Adadama ridge at the north-central part of the basin marks the boundary between the Late Cenomanian-Turonian-Conianian sediments and the Campanian-Maastrichtian sandstones. This ridge trends N45°E on average and is faulted in three main directions, namely: (1) N-S normal faults; (2) NE-SW strike-slip faults; and (3) NW-SE strike-slip faults. The faulted rocks along these brittle discontinuities are mainly cataclastics with internal fracture cleavage and sigmoidal quartz mosaics that are reminiscent of extensional deformation. The cataclasites often bear slickenside striations.  相似文献   

A relative water-depth model for the Chalk of the Paris Basin is proposed, based on the lateral variations of the high-frequency metre-scale cycles, which are characteristic features easily identified in the field. The studied outcrops are the Cenomanian–Middle Coniacian cliffs of Normandy. The main result of this study is to highlight the importance of storm activity in the deposition of the Chalk. The relative water-depth model is based on storm-induced shell concentrations observed within the two components of the metre-thick cycles: the depositional interval itself and the top hiatal surface.Six types of shell concentrations are defined, along with seven types of depositional facies making up the depositional units, as well as eight types of hiatal surface. Three cycle associations, differing in their thickness and the amount and type of non-carbonate constituents, can be identified in the Lower to Upper Cenomanian, the Upper Cenomanian to Lower Turonian and the Middle Turonian to Middle Coniacian.A relative water-depth profile model for all these cycles is based on the shell concentrations and a “water-depth equivalence” is proposed between the three cycle associations (lateral “facies” substitution diagram). This model is tested using palaeocological data (irregular echinoids) and by correlating field sections in terms of stacking patterns. Most of the studied deposits accumulated above the storm wave base (upper offshore zone or mid ramp).  相似文献   

Microtextural, U–Pb, trace element and Lu–Hf analyses of zircons from gneisses dredged from the Chukchi Borderland indicate a long-lived, Cambrian–Ordovician, granulite facies metamorphism. These results reveal a complete prograde, peak and cooling history of zircon growth during anatexis. Early increasing temperatures caused modification and Pb-loss of Precambrian zircons by recrystallization and dissolution/re-precipitation of existing grains. Small variations in initial 176Hf/177Hf results (0.282325–0.282042) and flat HREE patterns of these zircons indicate that they grew by dissolution/re-precipitation in the presence of garnet. Zircons subsequently crystallized from a partial melt during peak to post-peak metamorphism from 530 to 485 Ma. A broad range of initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios (0.282693–0.282050) and mineral inclusions within zircons suggest that this phase of growth incorporated Zr and Hf obtained from the breakdown of Zr-enriched phases. Microtextural evidence along with trace element and isotopic data suggests that final growth of metamorphic rims on zircon occurred during slow cooling and crystallization of residual partial melts during the early Ordovician (485–470 Ma). Younger, late Ordovician–Silurian (420–450 Ma) euhedral, oscillatory-zoned, trace element-enriched zircons crystallized within leucocratic veins that intrude the gneisses. Their age corresponds to granitoids dated from this same dredge. The intrusives and veins provide evidence that the Chukchi Borderland rifted from a position near Pearya and northwest Svalbard, which represent the northern continuation of the Caledonian orogen. Evidence for earlier Cambrian metamorphism has not been reported from this region. The age of granulite facies metamorphism reported here represents the earliest phase of deformation in the Arctic Caledonides.  相似文献   

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