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Kolonodale矿床是东南亚红土镍矿带上一处典型矿床,位于印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛东部。矿床产自富镁超基性岩红土风化壳,矿化剖面自上而下出现红土层→腐岩层→基岩层垂向分带。红土镍矿石产在红土剖面上部,载镍矿物是铁质氧化物。硅镁镍矿石产在红土剖面中下部,载镍矿物为镍蛇纹石、镍滑石等含水层状硅酸盐矿物。地球化学分析显示,沿矿化剖面元素地球化学分异非常显著,Ni次生富集效应明显。超基性岩红土化过程的元素地球化学行为具有多样性,Fe、Al、Ti、Cr属残留富集组分,Si、Mg属淋滤缺失组分,Mn、Ca、Co、Ni属次生富集组分。通过典型矿床对比,Kolonodale矿床属原地自生硅酸盐型红土镍矿床,其发育受地质背景和地表环境条件的综合制约。富镁超基性岩、良好的构造组合、稳定的大地构造环境、湿热热带雨林气候、有利地形地貌等均是成矿有利条件。综合分析认为,Kolonodale矿床的成矿过程可划分为腐岩化、红土化和次生富集3个成矿阶段。  相似文献   

Kolonodale矿床是东南亚红土镍矿带上一处典型矿床,位于印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛东部。矿床产自富镁超基性岩红土风化壳,矿化剖面自上而下出现红土层→腐岩层→基岩层垂向分带。红土镍矿石产在红土剖面上部,载镍矿物是铁质氧化物。硅镁镍矿石产在红土剖面中下部,载镍矿物为镍蛇纹石、镍滑石等含水层状硅酸盐矿物。地球化学分析显示,沿矿化剖面元素地球化学分异非常显著,Ni次生富集效应明显。超基性岩红土化过程的元素地球化学行为具有多样性,Fe、Al、Ti、Cr属残留富集组分,Si、Mg属淋滤缺失组分,Mn、Ca、Co、Ni属次生富集组分。通过典型矿床对比,Kolonodale矿床属原地自生硅酸盐型红土镍矿床,其发育受地质背景和地表环境条件的综合制约。富镁超基性岩、良好的构造组合、稳定的大地构造环境、湿热热带雨林气候、有利地形地貌等均是成矿有利条件。综合分析认为,Kolonodale矿床的成矿过程可划分为腐岩化、红土化和次生富集3个成矿阶段。  相似文献   

云南墨江金厂镍_金矿床镍矿化地质特征及形成时间   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
云南墨江金厂镍_金矿床位于北西走向的哀牢山蛇绿混杂岩带,镍矿体分布于金厂超基性岩体接触带附近的北西走向构造破碎带中,含矿围岩主要为上泥盆统金厂组烂山段变余粉砂岩、石英岩和板岩,少数为硅质菱镁岩和蛇纹岩。镍矿体与围岩为过渡关系,多数与金矿体在空间上分离,少数重叠、穿插,镍矿化时间晚于金矿化。镍矿体以强烈铬绢云母化、硅化和黄铁矿化为特征,矿石类型有绿色泥岩稠密浸染状黄铁矿型和石英岩浸染状黄铁矿型两种,含镍0.5%至1.2%。矿石的金属矿物组合为黄铁矿_方硫镍矿_辉砷镍矿_辉锑矿_闪锌矿,镍矿化属于中低温热液矿化。为了了解金厂镍矿化与超基性岩成岩的时间和成因联系,在了解区域超基性岩体形成时代的基础上,测定了两类镍矿体中3个蚀变铬绢云母的40Ar/39Ar年龄。铬绢云母的40Ar/39Ar似坪年龄分别为(63.09±0.16)Ma、(62.05±0.14)Ma和(61.55±0.23)Ma,代表镍矿化时间。镍矿化发生于新生代初,比金厂超基性岩侵入晚240Ma以上,金厂镍_金矿床镍矿体是海西期形成的金厂超基性岩在新生代初受热液淋滤形成的。  相似文献   

Mineralogical and multi-element chemical analyses of drill-cuttings and surface samples have been used to determine element patterns in residual bauxitic laterite, in southwest Western Australia, as an aid in prospecting for base-metal and gold mineralization. In the profiles studied, components can be divided into those which are generally leached (Ba, Co, La, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sr, Ta, Y, Zn, CaO, K2O, MgO and Na2O); those which are mobilized and reprecipitated within the profile (Au, Ce, Cr, Cu, Mo and Fe2O3) and those which are essentially residual (Nb, Sn, Th, V, W, Zr, Al2O3 and TiO2). Their mobility depends on rock type, minerals present, Eh/pH fluctuations and degree of mechanical movement in the upper parts of the laterite profile. “Residual” components have been mobilized in the profile but have not been transported any great distance. Anomalous concentrations of As, Au, Cr, Cu, Mo, Nb, Sn, Th, V and W, retained at the surface within recognizable lateral distance (100–150 m) of their bedrock sources, appear suitable as either direct or indirect indicators of bedrock mineralization.Significant concentration of gold occurs within the lower part of the lateritic hardcap and upper part of the underlying nodular “B-zone”. Local concentrations of gold lower in the profile are attributed to still-stands of the water table during periods of generally increasing aridity over the last 30 million years.  相似文献   

The Avebury Ni deposit, which has a resource of 260,000 tons of Ni at a grade of 0.9%, is a unique example of a significant Ni sulfide deposit associated with an ophiolite sequence; the deposit is unique because it was formed by hydrothermal processes and also because ophiolites are generally considered unprospective for magmatic Ni sulfide mineralization. The deposit is hosted by Middle Cambrian cumulate peridotite and dunite rocks that were most probably formed from S-poor boninitic magmas. The mineralization, which consists principally of pentlandite, occurs in both serpentinites and skarns in the ultramafic cumulates. The ultramafic rocks are variably metasomatised as the result of the intrusion of the Late Devonian Heemskirk granite. Sulfide-rich and sulfide-poor portions of the ultramafic rocks are variably enriched in W, Bi, U, Pb, Mo, Sn and Sb relative to the primitive mantle. Modest to strong correlations between Cu, Au, Pd, REE, Sn, Mo, W and Ni provide strong evidence that the mineralization is hydrothermal in origin. In situ metasomatism of a magmatic Ni sulfide deposit is ruled out on the basis of poor or negative correlations between Ir, Ru, Rh and Pt when compared to Ni. Although the sulfide-free ultramafic rocks have high Ni contents, this Ni would have been unavailable to the ore-forming fluids as it was hosted in inaccessible sites, such as oxides and silicates. The strong correlations between Au, Pd and Ni suggest that the source of the Ni was magmatic sulfides somewhere at depth that not only have high Ni but also elevated Pd and Au contents.  相似文献   

Guizhou is one of the dominating karst regions,where laterite is widespread,in China.Seventy-two laterite samples were taken from twelve laterite sections in the karst areas of Guizhou Province,which are possessed of typical subtropical karst geomphological and ecological environmental features and have evolved completely from dolostones and limestones.In terms of the major,trace and REE deta for thd samples this paper discusses the geochemical characteristics of laterite in the karst areas with an attempt to disclose the geochemical process and evolutionary rule of laterite formation.There have been involved three important pedogenetic geochemical precesses in the formation of laterite in the karst areas:(1)enrichment of silicon and aluminum and depletion of calcium and magnesium;(2)enrichment of iron and manganese;and(3) enrichment of aluminum and depletion of silicon.During the formation and evolution of laterite,obvious enrichment and differentiation of trace elements such as Cu,Pb,Zn,Ni,Co,Cr,Pb,F,Cl,and As can be observed,but for the rare-earth elements,their enrichment is remarkable against a weak differentiation.The REE distribution patterns in the laterite are similar to those of its parental carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

Data of a study on red and yellow soils in the Northeast Plateau, Thailand, indicate that the soils are highly leached and well developed under oxidizing condition. They have been developed on slope wash materials and local alluvium underlain by cemented gravels and laterite. Appreciable amounts of Fe-oxides can be found in these soils, mainly in the form of goethite and hematite and in both silt and clay fractions. Other important constituents of these soils are quartz and kaolinite. The soil fabric contains argillan and ferri-argillan on skeleton grains and pore walls, indicating prolonged leaching and oxidizing state of the solum. Laterites found are both massive and pisolithic gravels. Since spot accumulation and separation of argillan and Fe-oxides were not observed in the soils it seems that the soils and laterite have been controlled by different sets of genetic processes.  相似文献   

新疆金窝子金矿床形成时代研究及成因机制讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
金窝子金矿是新疆东天山—北山金矿集中区东段的一个重要金矿床。对其形成时代及成矿机制一直存在不同认识。由于成矿时代直接关系到对其成矿机制的理解,为此,笔者对金窝子金矿的形成时代及剪切带活动时代进行了精细的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年代学研究。结果表明:金窝子金矿形成于早三叠世,为印支早期的产物,与东天山东部地区的区域韧性剪切带的活动时代有很好的耦合关系。  相似文献   

古鲁韦镍矿床位于津巴布韦大岩墙上,矿体严格受含镍的超基性岩——津巴布韦大岩墙控制,并与超基性岩体风化层深度关系密切。文章通过对古鲁韦风化壳镍矿床成矿地质背景和镍矿体地质特征的阐述,说明镍矿成因与超基性岩体、地形地貌、气候等关系,认为含镍的超基性岩经过化学风化作用以后,在风化带中经过富集形成了现在的矿床。  相似文献   

The Agnew nickel sulfide deposit is spatially associated with a lenticular body of ultramafic rocks which shows a concentric zonation in metamorphic mineralogy. Olivine + tremolite + chlorite + cummingtonite ±enstatite assemblages occur at the margin of the ultramafic lens, giving way to olivine + anthophyllite, olivine + talc and olivine + antigorite assemblages successively inwards. These rocks are interpreted as having crystallized from komatiitic lavas, and exhibit a spectrum of compositions from those of original flow tops to pure olivine adcumulates. The relative modal abundances of metamorphic olivine, tremolite and chlorite reflect original proportions of cumulus olivine and komatiite liquid in the protolith. Peak metamorphic conditions are estimated at 550° C, based on garnet-biotite thermometry, at a maximum pressure of 3 kb. This temperature falls within the narrow range over which metamorphic olivine may co-exist with enstatite, anthophyllite, talc or antigorite depending upon the fugacity of water in the metamorphic fluid. The observed mineralogical zonation is therefore attributed to infiltration by CO2-rich fluids, generated by decarbonation of talc-carbonate rocks formed during pre-metamorphic marginal alteration of the ultramafic lens. Metamorphic fluids were essentially binary mixtures of water and CO2, with minor H2S having a maximum partial pressure less than 1 percent of total pressure. Enstatite-bearing assemblages formed in the presence of CO2-rich fluids at fluid: rock volume ratios close to one, while anthophyllite, talc and antigorite bearing assemblages formed in the presence of progressively more water-rich fluids at progressively lower fluid-rock ratios.  相似文献   

红土型镍矿中镍的常压酸溶浸出是近年来国际上研究的热点。本文对红土型镍矿常压硫酸浸出液中镍的分离富集进行了初步的实验研究。不同条件的硫酸盐结晶实验表明,红土镍矿硫酸常压浸出液硫酸盐结晶析出晶体主要为MgSO4.H2O。析出晶体中除了金属元素Mg,还有少量的Fe和Ni,并且Fe/Ni较原矿中大大缩小。该硫酸盐析出晶体利于后续处理中金属Ni的进一步富集回收。利用硫酸盐结晶过程富集与回收红土型镍矿常压硫酸浸出液中镍的方法,既减少能源消耗,又有利于环境保护,是一种简单易行且成本低廉的绿色生产工艺。  相似文献   

位于东南亚热带地区的菲律宾和印度尼西亚是世界上主要的红土型镍矿产区。在菲律宾南部的苏里高(Surigao)地区广泛分布红土型镍矿床,矿床类型属于含水镁硅酸盐型。笔者等主要通过对菲律宾苏里高地区Pili红土型镍矿详细的野外地质调查,结合红土风化壳剖面的矿物学组成及地球化学特征来探讨热带地区红土风化壳的分层特征及元素迁移富集规律。根据矿物组成特征将Pili红土型镍矿风化壳剖面自上而下分为四层:黏土层、红土层、腐岩层以及基岩。其中腐岩层镍含量可达1%以上,是主要的镍含矿层。红土剖面地球化学特征显示红土层呈现富Fe、Mn贫Si、Mg的特征。上部黏土层相对红土层反而出现富Al、Si、Cr、Ni贫Fe、Mn的特征。区别于常见的红土型镍矿,Pili镍矿红土层反而呈现贫镍的特征。剖面元素迁移率特征显示,黏土层经历了强烈的Si、Mg、Fe、Mn流失,红土层经历了Mg、Si等元素的强烈流失以及Fe、Mn等元素中等程度的流失。下层腐岩层中经历了Fe、Mn、Cr等元素的富集以及镍的强烈富集。由此我们提出三阶段过程来解释Pili红土型镍矿的元素迁移和富集:腐岩发育阶段、红土发育阶段以及晚期溶解再沉淀阶段。腐岩初始发育阶段未发生明显的元素迁移流失。红土初始发育阶段受地表流体的影响发生了强烈的Mg、Si等元素的流失。红土初始形成以后,受热带地区强降水作用影响,后期还原性地表流体不断淋滤使其上部还经历了强烈的Fe、Mn流失而形成黏土层。中部的红土层也相应发生了强烈的镍流失和中等程度的Fe、Mn流失。该阶段强烈的元素迁移可能是热带地区红土型镍矿风化壳所特有的特征。流体淋滤携带的镍逐渐由红土层向下迁移,并以含镍镁硅酸盐的形式最终富集在腐岩层中。本研究的发现对该区红土型镍矿找矿勘查工作具有重要指示意义。  相似文献   

The problem of the origin of the Witwatersrand gold-uranium deposit is considered. The fluvial and explosion hydrothermal origin of pyrite spheroids and Au-bearing pseudoconglomerate is denied. Evidence for the primary character of spheroids and the autochthonous crystallization of pyrite under endogenic conditions is furnished. The association of gold with carbonaceous rocks is interpreted in terms of the nuclear magnetic physicochemical phenomena. It is concluded that the Witwatersrand deposit is a hydrothermal metasomatic deposit.  相似文献   

A set of platinum group element (PGE) analyses of about 120 samples from a 250-m continuous drill core through the Mount Keith komatiite-hosted nickel orebody, combined with Ni, Cu, Co, S, and major elements, reveals a complex trend of covariance between the original cumulus components of a thick sequence of nearly pure olivine–sulphide liquid adcumulates. The intersection is divided into informal chemostratigraphic zones, defined primarily by combinations of fine-scale cyclicity in original olivine composition, defined by Mg#, and sulphide composition, defined by Pt/S and Ni/S. Contents of Ni and PGE in 100% sulphides (tenors) were determined from linear regressions of the Ni–S and PGE–S covariance for each zone. Inferred olivine compositions range from about Fo92 to Fo94.6 and show a broad decrease from bottom to top of the sequence complicated by numerous reversals, revealing crystallisation in an open conduit system. Ni and PGE tenors of Mount Keith sulphide ores have typical values similar to the type I deposits of the Kambalda Dome. Mobility of S, at least on the scale of 2-m sample composites, is evidently relatively minor. Tenors for the various zones range 12–22% Ni, 370–1540?ppb Pt, 970–3670?ppb Pd, 100–460?ppb Ir, 170–460?ppb Rh, and 710–1260?ppb Ru. Pt, Pd, and Rh tenors are very strongly correlated, but the iridium group of platinum group elements (IPGEs; Ir and Ru) less so. Tenor variations are predominantly controlled by variations in magma/sulphide ratio R (100–350), with a minor component of variance from equilibrium crystallisation trends in the parent magma. PGE depletion in the silicate melt due to sulphide liquid extraction is limited by entrainment of sulphide liquid droplets and continuous equilibration with the transporting silicate magma. Ratios of the PGEs to one another are similar to those in the host komatiite magma, with the exception of Pt, which is systematically depleted in ores, relative to Rh and Pd and relative to host magma, by a consistent factor of about 2 to 2.5. This anomalous Pt depletion relative to PGE element ratios in unmineralized komatiitic rocks matches that observed in bulk compositions of many komatiite-hosted orebodies. The highly consistent nature of this depletion, and particularly the very strong correlation between Pt, Pd, and Rh in the Mount Keith deposit, argue that this depletion is a primary magmatic signal and not an artefact of alteration. Differential diffusion rates between Pt and the other PGEs, giving rise to a low effective partition coefficient for Pt into sulphide liquid, is advanced as a possible but not definitive explanation.  相似文献   

栗子沟金矿位于河南省熊耳山变质核杂岩中,矿区内已有矿化类型有Au、Ag、Pb(Ag),显示出矿区内有较大的找矿潜力.笔者以金矿床为研究对象,通过对流体包裹体的分析研究认为,在不同的矿化阶段包裹体类型及包裹体类型组合不同,成矿早期(Ⅰ),流体以高温、高盐度为特征,反映出其来源可能来自深部;在主成矿期(Ⅱ),流体裹包体则表现为均一温度的降低,盐度总体呈现为降低,但变化范围较大18.14%~0.59%,到了成矿晚期(Ⅲ),成矿流体进一步演化,温度降低,盐度减少.氢、氧同位素研究表明,早期阶段成矿流体的δD为-77.85‰~-70.43‰,应来源于岩浆热液或变质热液;第Ⅱ阶段和第Ⅲ阶段明显偏离岩浆水,向大气水方向飘移.  相似文献   

红土型金矿是在红土化作用下形成的一种金矿,对该类矿床,应着重掌握两点(1)金矿源(体)层或含金高的岩石.(2)先期已形成的金矿体或金矿化体.应加强找矿准则,评价标志及经济有效的勘查技术方法研究,探讨红土型金矿床成因,指导找矿.  相似文献   

川西松潘-甘孜弧前盆地的形成及演化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
地处柴南缘昆中蛇绿杂岩带与羌塘地块北缘可可西里-金沙江古缝合线之间的松潘-甘孜褶皱带(包括东昆仑构造带),其主体应属古特提斯洋晚石炭世-晚三叠世时期向其北侧的柴达木古陆南缘俯冲过程中在活动陆缘弧-沟间隙之间增生形成的一个大型弧前构造带。具有由弧前盆地沉积楔和基底增生杂岩构成的双重结构特点,其形成与冈瓦纳大陆北缘若尔盖"三角"地块的楔入及俯冲带向南迁移有关。大致经历了晚石炭世-早三叠世狭窄弧前盆地和中晚三叠世宽阔弧前盆地两个主要演化阶段。  相似文献   

阿尔泰山南缘赛都金矿床的构造-成矿流体及其演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赛都金矿床位于新疆额尔齐斯构造带北西段,矿体受韧性剪切构造带的控制,赋存于玛尔卡库里巨型剪切带内的蚀变糜棱岩带内.构造-成矿流体早期以中高温、富CO2-N2等挥发分为特征,包裹体均一温度252.0~408.0℃;中期以CO2-H2O流体为主,包裹体均一温度203.0~325.8℃,反映了中温热液特征;中晚期演化为中低温、中低盐度的盐水溶液体系,包裹体均一温度120.0~221.0℃.矿石中黄铁矿的δ34S变化范围在3.53‰~5.88‰之间;铅同位素组成的206Pb/204Pb变化于18.099 7~18.358 5,207Pb/204Pb变化于15.487 7~15.579 0,208Pb/204Pb变化于38.111 6~38.355 1.硫铅同位素研究表明成矿物质是从深部富集的,在造山作用过程中从深部岩石通过热液萃取获得.主要的金矿化与后碰撞造山的伸展构造环境有关,构造-成矿流体的演化特征与剪切带演化过程相吻合.  相似文献   

内蒙古嘎仙矿床为大兴安岭北段与岩浆作用有关的大型低品位镍钴硫化物矿床,成矿作用主要与花岗质岩浆作用有关。文章主要对矿区内矿体下盘的花岗岩类(花岗斑岩、长石斑岩、伟晶状花岗岩、黑云母花岗岩)进行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年,获得花岗斑岩的谐和线年龄(125.3±1.1)Ma~(127.5±4.5)Ma,长石斑岩的谐和线年龄为(128.1±2.2)Ma,伟晶状花岗岩的谐和线年龄为(127.9±2.3)Ma,黑云母花岗岩的谐和线年龄为(127.9±1.4)Ma,说明这些花岗岩类主要形成于中生代早白垩世。通过对矿化超镁铁岩、科马提岩、镁铁岩(辉绿岩、玄武岩)、长英质岩(闪长岩、长石斑岩、斜长花岗岩、花岗斑岩、伟晶状花岗岩、黑云母花岗岩)及围岩(大理岩)的主量、微量元素地球化学测试分析,结果表明,与吉峰科马提岩成分相比较,矿化超镁铁岩具有较高的w(SiO_2)(40.53%~54.96%)、w(TiO_2)(0.24%~0.86%)、w(Al_2O_3)(3.58%~10.47%)、w(FeO)(5.30%~8.80%)、w(CaO)(7.35%~13.66%)、w(Na_2O)(0.01%~0.76%)、w(K_2O)(0.02%~0.66%)和w(P_2O_5)(0.06%~0.61%);镁铁岩(包括辉绿辉长岩、玄武岩)铝含量较高,w(Al_2O_3)=16.34%~17.74%;长英质岩类也富铝质(Al_2O_3/(CaO+Na_2O+K_2O)=1.34~1.63),多数岩石属于钙碱性系列。闪长岩与镁铁岩相比,具有较高的硅、铝、钾、钠,较低的铁、镁和钙,微量元素具有大离子亲石元素富集,高场强元素相对亏损的右倾模式;稀土元素具有轻稀土元素富集,重稀土元素相对亏损特征,超镁铁岩类成分点位于N-MORB与OIB范围之间,而镁铁岩和长英质岩类成分点位于E-MORB和OIB之间。镁铁岩落入火山弧玄武岩范围,长英质岩落入火山弧花岗岩+同碰撞花岗岩范围,同属于造山后花岗岩的范围,因此镁铁质岩的形成应属于俯冲-碰撞环境,而长英质岩的形成应属于造山后伸展环境。根据各岩类所含成矿元素和亲流体元素分析,认为含矿热液来自矿区西部的深部,并且构建了嘎仙矿床的成矿模型,即超镁铁岩先期侵位,后期经历了区域的变质变形,最后发生燕山期大规模花岗质岩浆活动及成矿流体的蚀变矿化。  相似文献   

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