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黄土磁化率各向异性(AMS)被认为是重建古风向变化重要的指标之一,在黄土高原地区得到广泛的应用。然而新疆地区的黄土磁化率各向异性研究相对薄弱。通过对新疆塔城盆地库尔托别剖面磁化率各向异性参数和磁化率分析古风向和风力强度的变化,结果表明:塔城地区末次冰期以来以东南风为主,剖面从下至上,可分为5个阶段:第1阶段(12~14 m):对应MIS3c时期,磁组构特征受水流作用的影响明显,表现为东南风。第2阶段(6~12 m):对应MIS3b时期,出现西南风,但主要还是以东南风为主。第3阶段(4~6 m):对应MIS3a早中期,以东南风为主,西南风逐渐消失,并且风力强度逐渐减弱。第4阶段(0.5~4 m):对应MIS3a晚期和MIS2早期,表现为东南风,风力强度波动较大。第5阶段(0~0.5 m):磁组构特征受成壤作用影响强烈。  相似文献   

Magnetic fabric was determined by applying the anisotropy from the low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) technique in 62 mafic dykes from the Mesozoic Florianópolis (Santa Catarina Island) dyke swarm, southern Brazil. These dykes cut the crystalline basement rocks, which are mainly Proterozoic. They are vertical or subvertical in dip and trend mainly NE, although NW-trending dykes are also found. Dykes are tholeiitic in composition and are geochemically similar to those from the Ponta Grossa swarm. Thicknesses vary from 0.3 to 60 m. Polished sections show that titanomagnetites carry the AMS in these dykes. Hysteresis parameters show that the magnetic minerals fall in the PSD range. Two types of magnetic fabric are recognized. Type I is characterized by K 1- K 2 parallel to the dyke wall, representing magma flow within the dykes; type II, with K 1- K 3 parallel to the dyke wall, was found in four dykes. Type I is found in 94 per cent of the dykes, and approximately 20 per cent of these have K 1 inclinations of less than 30°, suggesting horizontal or subhorizontal flow. About 80 per cent have K 1 inclinations of greater than 30°, due to inclined to vertical flow. The comparison of AMS studies from both the Florianópolis and the Ponta Grossa dykes suggests a source position closer to Santa Catarina Island than the Ponta Grossa arch.  相似文献   

Ceramics were used as a model to investigate the pore fabric originated during ductile deformation. The magnetic anisotropy was used to measure the pore fabric after pore saturation by a ferromagnetic fluid. The ductile deformation of the ceramics was investigated by measuring the magnetic anisotropy of dry specimens. The character and symmetry of the pore fabric are compatible with those of the deformations forming the fabric of the ceramics: in the linearly extruded ceramics, the pore fabric is dominantly prolate, while in the pressed ceramics it is dominantly oblate.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks forming sills, dykes or lava flows may display a magnetic anisotropy derived from the viscous flow during their emplacement. We model a sill as a steady-state flow of a Bingham fluid, driven by a pressure gradient in a horizontal conduit. The magma velocity as a function of depth is calculated from the motion and constitutive equations. Vorticity and strain rate are determined for a reference system moving with the fluid. The angular velocity and the orientation of an ellipsoidal magnetic grain immersed in the fluid are calculated as functions of time or strain. Magnetic susceptibility is then calculated for a large number of grains with a uniform distribution of initial orientations. It is shown that the magnetic lineation oscillates in the vertical plane through the magma flow direction, and that the magnetic foliation plane changes periodically from horizontal to vertical. The results are compared with the magnetic fabric of Ferrar dolerite sills (Victoria Land, East Antarctica) derived from low-field susceptibility measurements.  相似文献   

We analyse the relation between rock fabric, expressed by the preferred orientation of rock-forming minerals and microcracks, and elastic anisotropy of crystalline rock from the KTB pilot well. Detailed analyses of mineralogical composition, textures and microcrack fabrics were performed. In addition, ultrasonic velocity measurements of spherical samples in several directions were carried out at various confining pressures, and inverted in terms of the complete set of 21 elastic constants. By comparing the elastic tensors of the rocks at the final confining pressure (at which most of the microcracks are closed) with those at a lower pressure level, it is possible to separate the anisotropy induced by microcracks from that caused by mineral alignment. In contrast to previous work, no a priori knowledge of the type of anisotropy (triclinic, monoclinic, orthotropic etc.), or of the spatial orientation of the symmetry elements (planes, axes) of the cracked rock or of the intact rock is assumed. Furthermore, no restrictive assumptions on the orientation distribution function and the shape of the cracks are needed.
The results show that the elastic anisotropy characteristics, whether they are related to the microcracks or to the rock-forming minerals, are clearly correlated with the directly observed rock fabrics. We show that the symmetry directions of the mineral fabric and of microcrack fabric agree. A further result is that the microcrack-induced anisotropy dominates the other causes of anisotropy at confining pressures smaller than a few tens of megapascals, the situation being reversed at higher pressures. The laboratory data are quantitatively compared with sonic log data from the KTB well, showing the influence of pore fluids, effective pressure and crack density reduction on the anisotropy in situ .  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility values for topsoils across England arc combined with data for soil type, geochemistry and concentrations of magnetotactic bacteria in order to evaluate different theories for explaining soil magnetism. Strongly magnetic soils in unpolluted areas are found over weakly magnetic substrates and are dominated by ultrafine superparamagnetic grains. Magnetotactic bacteria are present in insufficient concentrations to account for strongly magnetic soils, and crop burning is discounted as a major factor. A small number of samples show high values associated with either airborne magnetic particulates from pollution or residual primary ferrimagnetic minerals from igneous substrates. The results are used to construct a new mechanism for the formation of secondary ferrimagnetic minerals that links abiological weathering and biological fermentation processes. The fundamental driving force in the mechanism is Fe supply, which may be linked to climate. Observed causative associations between climate and the magnetic susceptibility of loess-palaeosol sequences are supported by the findings.  相似文献   

Amplitude measurements of the transverse component of SKS waves, the so-called splitting intensity, can be used to formulate a non-linear inverse problem to image the 3-D variations of upper mantle anisotropy. Assuming transverse isotropy (or hexagonal symmetry), one can parametrize anisotropy by two anisotropic parameters and two angles describing the orientation of the symmetry axis. These can also be written as two collinear pseudo-vectors. The tomographic process consists of retrieving the spatial distribution of these pseudo-vectors, and thus resembles surface wave vectorial tomography. Spatial resolution results from the sensitivity of low-frequency SKS waves to seismic anisotropy off the ray path. The expressions for the 3-D sensitivity kernels for splitting intensity are derived, including the near-field contributions, and validated by comparison with a full wave equation solution based upon the finite element method. These sensitivity kernels are valid for any orientation of the symmetry axis, and thus generalize previous results that were only valid for a horizontal symmetry axis. It is shown that both lateral and vertical subwavelength variations of anisotropy can be retrieved with a dense array of broad-band stations, even in the case of vertically propagating SKS waves.  相似文献   

云南中甸纳帕海湖泊沉积物的磁化率及环境意义   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29  
研究区母岩特性,搬运距离和搬运营力决定了磁性矿物主要赋存在砂砾级颗粒中,纳帕海潮泊沉积物的磁化率与颗粒粒径,沉积相和有机质含量存在密切的相关关系,滨浅湖环境中砂砾级颗粒含量增加以及波浪淘洗对磁性矿物的富集作用,磁化率较高;浅湖环境中粉砂增多,砂减少,磁化率较之滨浅湖有所降低,在低能的半深湖/深湖环境中,由于缺乏磁性矿物的输入,磁化率再次降低,有机质含量很高的湖岸湖环境由于有机质的稀释作用磁化率值最低,磁化率等环境替代指标以及和北半球气候变化阶段,深海氧同位素阶段的对比,将纳帕海近6ka年来划分成6个主要的环境演化阶段,32kaB.P.(14.99m)和15kaB.P.(6.06m)分别是环境和气候变化的重要转折点,32-15ka B.P.期间出现的高湖面表明,虽然大气温度下降但有效湿度增加,全新世湖泊的急剧萎缩预示在大气温度增加的同时有效湿度降低,暖偏于构成了研究区全新世气候演化的特色。  相似文献   

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