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利用华南精细数值天气预报模式,设计了无同化资料(CTRL)、同化雷达反演水汽(EXP1)以及同化雷达反演水汽、地面和探空资料(EXP2)三个试验,对2017年登陆广东沿海的四个台风降水预报与路径预报进行模拟,以评估资料同化对登陆台风短期降水预报、路径预报的影响。分析结果如下:雷达反演水汽同化后对未来24小时降水预报技巧均有正的改善,对台风路径预报影响不大;在此基础上同化地面、探空资料后对台风路径预报有改进,对降水预报改进不明显(与EXP1比)。通过诊断分析台风“玛娃”,发现模式初值场水汽的增量配合对流上升区有利于短时间内成云致雨,从而提高短时降水预报;地面及探空资料同化有利于登陆台风的短时路径预报。 相似文献
The track of Typhoon Haitang (0505), which passed through the Taiwan Island and landed again,has been successfully simulated by using the non-hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model MM5. Itsstructure is analyzed on the landing stage, and it is found that there exist good relationships between thetyphoon abnormal moving track and its asymmetry structure. The effect of terrain of Taiwan Island on thetyphoon Haitang, which made it rotate before landing and present a "V" type abnormal moving track inTaiwan straits, has also been simulated. Further analysis shows that the terrain of Taiwan Island not onlydirectly affects the typhoon moving track, but also changes the typhoon track by affecting its asymmetricstructure. Therefore, the typhoon asymmetric structure and the effect of terrain of Taiwan Island togetherresults in the abnormal rotating track. The terrain of Taiwan Island tends to increase the SW-NEasymmetric structure of the typhoon and has different effect on SE-NW asymmetric structure during thelandfall process of typhoon Haitang before entering and moving out of the Taiwan straits. 相似文献
利用非静力模式MM5模拟台风“海棠”(0505)穿过台湾岛再次登陆的移动路径,分析了“海棠”登陆台湾岛前后结构特征变化。结果表明:台风自身的非对称结构与台风异常移动路径密切相关。另外,就台湾岛地形对台风“海棠”登陆台湾前打转和在台湾海峡出现“V”型移动异常路径影响进行数值试验表明:台湾岛地形不但可以直接影响台风移动路径,而且通过影响台风非对称结构来改变台风移动路径,因此,登陆台湾前逆时针打转异常路径是在弱引导气流中台风自身非对称结构和台湾岛地形共同作用的结果;台湾岛地形有使台风东北-西南向非对称增大趋势,而在台风进入台湾海峡前后对东南。西北向非对称有明显不同影响。 相似文献
The spatio-temporal characteristics of typhoon precipitation over China are analyzed in this
study. The results show that typhoon precipitation covers most of central-eastern China. Typhoon
precipitation gradually decreases from the southeastern coastal regions to the northwestern mainland. The
maximum annual typhoon precipitation exceeds 700 mm in central-eastern Taiwan and part of Hainan,
while the minimum annual typhoon precipitation occurs in parts of Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi and
Sichuan, with values less than 10 mm. Generally, typhoons produce precipitation over China during April
– December with a peak in August. The annual typhoon precipitation time series for observation stations
are examined for long-term trends. The results show that decreasing trends exist in most of the stations
from 1957 to 2004 and are statistically significant in parts of Taiwan, Hainan, coastal Southeast China and
southern Northeast China. The anomaly of typhoon precipitation mainly results from that of the general
circulation over Asia and the Walker Cell circulation over the equatorial central and eastern Pacific.
Typhoon torrential rain is one of the extreme rainfall events in the southeastern coastal regions and parts of
central mainland. In these regions, torrential rains are mostly caused by typhoons. 相似文献
以2019年8月在浙江舟山对1909号超强台风“利奇马”的移动观测试验为基础,利用同一地点释放的9次GPS探空气球,对比了风廓线雷达和多普勒激光测风雷达与GPS探空的吻合程度,并利用车载雨滴谱仪对风廓线雷达在不同台风降水强度下的适用性进行了研究。结果表明,在100~300 m高度范围内激光测风雷达观测风速比风廓线雷达更准确。由水平风速对比结果可知,风廓线雷达在3~4 km高度范围内偏差最小(3.59 m/s),相关性最高(0.86),而在1 km高度下偏差最大(6.39 m/s),相关性最低(0.54);在中雨及大雨条件下适用性最差,最大风速偏差约为18 m/s。由水平风向对比结果可知,风廓线雷达与GPS探空总体上吻合较好,相关系数均大于0.85,均方根偏差均小于11 °。另外,降水强度对风廓线雷达的风向观测影响较小,风向偏差随降水强度的变化总体趋于平稳,基本分布在-20 °~20 °之间。 相似文献
中国台风降水的气候特征 总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12
对中国台风降水的时空分布特征进行研究,发现台风降水分布在中国中东部广大地区,台风降水量自东南沿海向西北内陆逐渐减少.台风降水最大值出现在台湾岛的中东部地区和海南岛的个别地区,年平均台风降水量大于700 mm,最小值出现在内蒙古、山西、陕西、四川的部分地区,年平均台风降水量不足10 mm.台风降水一般出现在4~12月,峰值出现在8月.1957~2004年期间台风降水呈下降趋势.台风降水的异常主要由于亚洲地区大气环流和赤道中东太平洋沃克环流的异常变化所引起.进一步分析发现,台风降水在中国大部分地区为减少趋势,且这种趋势在台湾岛、海南岛、东南沿海部分地区和东北南部较显著.台风暴雨是我国东南沿海及部分内陆地区的极端强降水事件之一,这些地区的暴雨和大暴雨很大程度上是台风带来的. 相似文献
The structural characteristics of 2004 typhoon Aere’s precipitation are analyzed using the
high-resolution data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) of the National Aeronautics
Space Administration (NASA). It is found that the typhoon’s characteristics vary at different stages of its
development. To analyze the asymmetric causation of precipitation distribution, data from the National
Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis are used to calculate the vertical integral of the
water vapor flux vector. The results show that because of this process, along with the unique phenomenon
of twin-typhoon circulation, the easterly air current of the typhoon’s northern side and the southwesterly air
current of its southern side play a joint role in transporting water vapor. Furthermore, its transport effects
vary greatly at the different stages of development, showing the peculiarity of the water source for this
typhoon process. The distributions of the typhoon convection area—characterized by heavy precipitation
and a maximum-value area of the water vapor flux, as well as a strong ascending-motion area—differ at
different stages of the typhoon’s development. The non-uniform distribution of water vapor flux and the
vertical motion bring about asymmetrical distribution of the typhoon precipitation. 相似文献
The structural characteristics of 2004 typhoon Aere's precipitation are analyzed using the high-resolution data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) of the National Aeronautics Space Administration(NASA).It is found that the typhoon's characteristics vary at different stages of its development.To analyze the asymmetric causation of precipitation distribution,data from the National Center for Environmental Prediction(NCEP) reanalysis are used to calculate the vertical integral of the water vapo... 相似文献
Typhoon KROSA in 2007 is simulated using GRAPES, a mesoscale numerical model, in which a two-parameter mixed-phase microphysics scheme is implanted. A series of numerical experiments are designed to test the sensitivity of landfalling typhoon structure and precipitation to varying cloud microphysics and latent heat release. It is found that typhoon track is sensitive to different microphysical processes and latent heat release. The cloud structures of simulated cyclones can be quite different with that of varying microphysical processes. Graupel particles play an important role in the formation of local heavy rainfall and the maintenance of spiral rainbands. Analysis reveals that the feedback of latent heat to dynamic fields can significantly change the content and distribution of cloud hydrometeors, thus having an impact on surface precipitation. 相似文献
2008年台风“凤凰”的移动过程及对江苏降水的影响 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
分析了2008年08号台风“凤凰”的移动过程及其对江苏降水的影响。由其移动路径和移动过程中副热带高压的变化,以及影响江苏降水环流形势的演变可以发现,“凤凰”的移动路径主要受强大而稳定的副热带高压引导;西南季风和副热带高压南侧的东南风为台风降水输送了丰富的水汽,给江苏地区强降水提供了有利的环境场;冷空气的侵入也是台风“凤凰”登陆后造成江苏持续性降水的主要原因之一,但同时冷空气的入侵也破坏了台风的暖心结构,加快了台风的消亡。 相似文献
登陆台风近地层湍流特征观测分析 总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15
在对多个登陆台风实地观测的基础上,选取出较有代表性的实验观测个例:“黄蜂”、“杜鹃”和“黑格比”3个登陆台风,分析探讨在登陆台风的中心、靠近中心位置的强烈影响区域和台风外围环流影响地区近地层湍流特征,以期对登陆台风的边界层湍流过程有所认识。观测资料分析显示,在登陆台风的中心及其强烈影响的区域:(1)风速和湍流强度均有强烈的变化;(2)水平湍流积分尺度明显增大,越靠近中心位置,增大越明显,而垂直方向没有明显变化;(3)在湍流谱的低频和高频区,湍能均可增大1~2个量级,其中垂直方向湍能增大的幅度略小于水平方向;(4)湍谱在惯性子区u,v,w3个方向的分布均不满足-5/3次方律,存在较大偏移,而在台风外围环流影响区和无台风影响时,则无上述的4个特征。 相似文献
登陆台风Matsa维持机理的数值研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
使用新一代中尺度WRF模式对2005年台风Matsa(麦莎)登陆后的变化特征进行了数值模拟;对其登陆后强度持续维持的机理作了初步探讨;对登陆后涡动动能收支作了诊断分析。台风"麦莎"登陆后长久维持与以下因素密切相关。(1)持续的水汽输送通道。"麦莎"登陆后两条持续维持的水汽输送通道将暖湿空气源源不断地送入台风,为"麦莎"的维持提供了潜热能。(2)增强的高层辐散风场。200 hPa附近的辐散风场随着时间的增加而增强,所产生的"抽吸"作用和"减压"作用,对"麦莎"环流和强度的维持起到了重要的作用。(3)长久剧烈的上升运动。"麦莎"登陆后一直保持着剧烈的上升运动,强烈的上升运动把低层的暖湿空气向上输送,为"麦莎"的维持提供热能和动能。(4)活跃的中尺度扰动。"麦莎"的螺旋云带中活跃着中尺度对流系统,它们在低层所产生的较强辐合作用对"麦莎"气旋式环流的维持起到了正反馈作用。(5)涡动动能收支的诊断分析表明,"麦莎"登陆后,地形等摩擦作用和水平输送使其能量耗损,垂直通量散度项使其能量增加,平均动能与涡动动能之间的转换项是涡动动能收支中的相对小项;但随着时间的增加摩擦动能耗散作用逐渐减小,"麦莎"从中高层环境中获得了能量,涡动动能的增加从高层开始逐渐向中低层传播。 相似文献
一种可用于登陆台风定量降水估计(QPE)方法的初步建立 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
借鉴Adler-Negri[1]、Goldenberg等[2]及李俊等[3]的工作,通过对三者工作的有机结合及完善,针对登陆台风GMS-5 IR1TBB特征及逐时观测雨量强度及水平分布特点,初步建立一种可用于登陆台风的定量降水估计(QPE)方法,并结合0104号登陆台风“尤特”个例,从各站点逐时雨量、过程雨量以及区域面雨量角度,分析检验了初步建立的云估计降水方法的定量估计能力。结果表明:(1)所建QPE方法可以反映出登陆台风逐时降水的水平分布不均匀性,可以分离出对流降水和层云降水,但对大于15.0 mm/h的降水强度估计能力有限。(2)51.7%的站点过程雨量相对误差小于20%,过程雨量相对误差小于40%的站点数占总站点数的75.9%,表明所建QPE方法对过程雨量的估计能力还是相当强的,这也间接反映了其对逐时雨量较强的估计能力。(3)所建QPE方法对逐时面雨量也具有一定的估计能力,可以为抗旱、防洪决策服务提供一定的参考。 相似文献
利用WRF模式,研究了模式水平和垂直网格分辨率对台风“天鸽”(2017)模拟的影响。结果表明:水平分辨率的改变会对台风路径造成一定的影响,这种影响与改变水平分辨率以后所引起的台风强度和结构的变化有关。使用更高的水平分辨率时模拟的台风强度往往更强。此外,改变垂直分辨率对台风的路径模拟也有一定的影响。采用双曲正切的垂直分层方法,提高垂直层数,模式大气的垂直分辨率都有增加,但是在低层和高层垂直分辨率的增加更大。低层和高层垂直分辨率增加,模拟的台风强度增强。模式的水平分辨率和垂直分辨率之间匹配才能比较好地模拟台风,双向嵌套模式在提高嵌套层数的同时也要增加模式的垂直分辨率。台风强度和结构变化密切相关,台风强度增强的重要原因是台风云墙随着分辨率的增加更加陡峭,垂直风速随着水平分辨率的提高逐渐增强。 相似文献
近46年影响福建的台风降水的气候特征分析 总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10
对1960~2005年46年间影响福建的台风降水进行时空分析,结果表明:影响福建的台风降水主要发生在5~11月,8月是台风降水最多的月份;自1960年以来台风降水整体呈下降趋势;在地域分布上台风降水由闽南沿海向闽西北内陆逐渐减小,最大台风降水出现在闽南和闽东北地区;台风暴雨是福建地区的极端强降水事件之一,台风暴雨频发区主要集中在沿海及闽西南地区;受福建山地地形作用山脉以东的台风暴雨发生的概率要大大高于山脉西侧地区.台风降水的异常与亚洲地区500 hPa大气环流和赤道东太平洋海温异常关系密切,它们可能主要通过大气环流的改变进而对影响中国台风北上路径起到调制作用,并最终引起福建地区台风降水的异常. 相似文献
The results of an analysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of typhoon precipitation
influencing Fujian from 1960 to 2005 show that typhoon precipitation in Fujian province occurs from May
to November, with the most in August. There has been a decreasing trend since 1960. Typhoon
precipitation gradually decreases from the coastal region to the northwestern mainland of Fujian and the
maximum typhoon precipitation occurs in the northeast and the south of Fujian. Typhoon torrential rain is
one of the extreme rainfall events in Fujian. High frequencies of typhoon torrential rain occur in the coastal
and southwest regions of the province. With the impact of Fujian’s terrain, typhoon precipitation occurs
more easily to the east of the mountains than to the west. Atmospheric circulation at 500 hPa over Asia and
sea surface temperature anomalies of the equatorial eastern Pacific are analyzed, with the finding that they
are closely connected with the anomaly of typhoon precipitation influencing Fujian, possibly mainly by
modulating the northbound track of typhoons via changing the atmosphere circulation to lead to the
anomaly of typhoon precipitation over the province. 相似文献
Typhoon Usagi (1319) was simulated by using the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting numerical model (WRF) with different horizontal resolution to understand the impact of horizontal resolution on the intensity and characteristics of typhoon’s microstructures (including dynamic and microphysical structure). The simulated results show that the improvement of horizontal resolution from 5 km to 1 km has little impact on the track which is comparable to real results, but has a significant impact on the intensity and microstructures, and especially, the impact on wind speed at 10 m height, the vertical movement and precipitation intensity is the greatest. When the resolution is increased to 1 km, the intensity and characteristics of typhoon’s microstructures can be simulated better. In lower resolution simulations, some structural characteristics, including more asymmetrical and more outward tilted eyewall, and less water vapor flux on sea surface, work together to weaken typhoon intensity. 相似文献