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A dust scattering model was recently proposed to explain the shallow X-ray decay (plateau) observed prevalently in Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) early afterglows. In this model, the plateau is the scattered prompt X-ray emission by the dust located close (about 10 to a few hundred pc) to the GRB site. In this paper, we carefully investigate the model and find that the scattered emission undergoes strong spectral softening with time, due to the model's essential ingredient that harder X-ray photons have smaller scattering angle thus arrive earlier, while softer photons suffer larger angle scattering and arrive later. The model predicts a significant change, that is  Δβ∼ 2–3  , in the X-ray spectral index from the beginning of the plateau towards the end of the plateau, while the observed data show close to zero softening during the plateau and the plateau-to-normal transition phase. The scattering model predicts a big difference between the harder X-ray light curve and the softer X-ray light curve, i.e. the plateau in harder X-rays ends much earlier than in softer X-rays. This feature is not seen in the data. The large scattering optical depths of the dust required by the model imply strong extinction in optical,   A V ≳ 10  , which contradicts current findings of   A V = 0.1–0.7  from optical and X-ray afterglow observations. We conclude that the dust scattering model cannot explain the X-ray plateaus.  相似文献   

We give an elementary model for the evolution of dust in galaxies, based on abundance arguments. The model takes account of grain core production in both supernovae and giant stars, and includes mantle growth in the interstellar medium. Destruction of grain cores does not appear to be a dominant effect. We show that a self-consistent picture can be made in which the interstellar dust mass is an approximately constant fraction of the heavy element mass in the interstellar medium. This result is demonstrated to be essentially independent of outflow or inflow of interstellar material.  相似文献   

A full-sky template map of the Galactic free–free foreground emission component is increasingly important for high-sensitivity cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. We use the recently published Hα data of both the northern and southern skies as the basis for such a template.
The first step is to correct the Hα maps for dust absorption using the 100-μm dust maps of Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis. We show that for a range of longitudes, the Galactic latitude distribution of absorption suggests that it is 33 per cent of the full extragalactic absorption. A reliable absorption-corrected Hα map can be produced for ∼95 per cent of the sky; the area for which a template cannot be recovered is the Galactic plane area  | b | < 5°, l = 260°–0°–160°  and some isolated dense dust clouds at intermediate latitudes.
The second step is to convert the dust-corrected Hα data into a predicted radio surface brightness. The free–free emission formula is revised to give an accurate expression (1 per cent) for the radio emission covering the frequency range 100 MHz–100 GHz and the electron temperature range 3000–20 000 K. The main uncertainty when applying this expression is the variation of electron temperature across the sky. The emission formula is verified in several extended H  ii regions using data in the range 408–2326 MHz.
A full-sky free–free template map is presented at 30 GHz; the scaling to other frequencies is given. The Haslam et al. all-sky 408-MHz map of the sky can be corrected for this free–free component, which amounts to a  ≈6  per cent correction at intermediate and high latitudes, to provide a pure synchrotron all-sky template. The implications for CMB experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

The luminosities of the optical afterglows of gamma-ray bursts, 12 h (rest-frame time) after the trigger, show a surprising clustering, with a minority of events being at a significantly smaller luminosity. If real, this dichotomy would be a crucial clue to understand the nature of optically dark afterglows, i.e. bursts that are detected in the X-ray band, but not in the optical. We investigate this issue by studying bursts of the pre- Swift era, both detected and undetected in the optical. The limiting magnitudes of the undetected ones are used to construct the probability that a generic burst is observed down to a given magnitude limit. Then, by simulating a large number of bursts with pre-assigned characteristics, we can compare the properties of the observed optical luminosity distribution with the simulated one. Our results suggest that the hints of bimodality present in the observed distribution reflect a real bimodality: either the optical luminosity distribution of bursts is intrinsically bimodal, or there exists a population of bursts with a quite significant grey absorption, i.e. wavelength-independent extinction. This population of intrinsically weak or grey-absorbed events can be associated with dark bursts.  相似文献   

While all but one of the gamma-ray bursts observed in the X-ray band showed an X-ray afterglow, about 60 per cent of them have not been detected in the optical band. We demonstrate that in many cases this is not as a result of adverse observing conditions, or delay in performing the observations. We also show that the optically non-detected afterglows are not affected by particularly large Galactic absorbing columns, since its distribution is similar for both the detected and non-detected burst subclasses. We then investigate the hypothesis that the failure of detecting the optical afterglow is due to absorption at the source location. We find that this is a marginally viable interpretation, but only if the X-ray burst and afterglow emission and the possible optical/UV flash do not destroy the dust responsible for absorption in the optical band. If dust is efficiently destroyed, we are led to conclude that bursts with no detected optical afterglow are intrinsically different. Prompt infrared observations are the key to solving this issue.  相似文献   

Polarized diffuse emission observations at 1.4 GHz in a high Galactic latitude area of the Northern celestial hemisphere are presented. The  3.2 × 3.2 deg2  field, centred at  RA = 10h58m, Dec. =+42°18' (B1950)  , has Galactic coordinates   l ∼ 172°, b ∼+63°  and is located in the region selected as northern target of the Balloon-borne Radiometers for Sky Polarization Observations experiment. Observations have been performed with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope. We find that the angular power spectra of the E and B modes have slopes of  β E =−1.79 ± 0.13  and  β B =−1.74 ± 0.12  , respectively. Because of the very high Galactic latitude and the smooth emission, a weak Faraday rotation action is expected, which allows both a fair extrapolation to cosmic microwave background polarization (CMBP) frequencies and an estimate of the contamination by the Galactic synchrotron emission. We extrapolate the E -mode spectrum up to 32 GHz and confirm the possibility to safely detect the CMBP E -mode signal in the Ka band found in another low-emission region. Extrapolated up to 90 GHz, the Galactic synchrotron B mode looks to compete with the cosmic signal only for models with a tensor-to-scalar perturbation power ratio   T / S < 0.001  , which is even lower than the T / S value of 0.01 found to be accessible in the only other high Galactic latitude area investigated to date. This suggests that values as low as   T / S = 0.01  might be accessed at high Galactic latitudes. Such low-emission values can allow a significant redshift of the best frequency to detect the CMBP B mode, also reducing the contamination by Galactic dust, and opening interesting perspectives to investigate inflation models.  相似文献   

The near-infrared (NIR) extinction power-law index (β) and its uncertainty is derived from three different techniques based on star counts, colour excess and a combination of them. We have applied these methods to Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) data to determine maps of β and NIR extinction of the small cloud IC 1396 W. The combination of star counts and colour excess results in the most reliable method to determine β. It is found that the use of the correct β map to transform colour excess values into extinction is fundamental for column density profile analysis of clouds. We describe how artificial photometric data, based on the model of stellar population synthesis of the Galaxy, can be used to estimate uncertainties and derive systematic effects of the extinction methods presented here. We find that all colour excess based extinction determination methods are subject to small but systematic offsets, which do not affect the star counting technique. These offsets occur since stars seen through a cloud do not represent the same population as stars in an extinction-free control field.  相似文献   

We report the results of a submillimetre continuum emission survey targeted towards 78 star formation regions, 72 of which are devoid of methanol maser and UC H  ii  regions, identified in the Swedish ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST)/SEST IMaging Bolometer Array (SIMBA) millimetre continuum survey of Hill et al. At least 45 per cent of the latter sources, dubbed 'mm-only', detected in this survey are also devoid of the mid-infrared MSX  emission. The 450- and 850-μm continuum emission was mapped using the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) instrument on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). Emission is detected towards 97 per cent of the 78 sources targeted as well as towards 28 other SIMBA sources lying in the SCUBA fields.
In total, we have identified 212 cores in this submillimetre survey, including 106 previously known from the SIMBA survey. Of the remaining 106 sources, 53 result from resolving a SIMBA source into multiple submillimetre components, whilst the other 53 sources are submillimetre cores, not seen in the SIMBA. Additionally, we have identified two further mm-only sources in the SIMBA images. Of the total 405 sources identified in the SIMBA survey, 255 are only seen at millimetre wavelengths.
We concatenate the results from four (sub)millimetre continuum surveys of massive star formation, together with the Galactic plane map of Pierce-Price et al. in order to determine the dust grain emissivity index β for each of the sources in the SIMBA source list. We examine the value of β with respect to temperature, as well as for the source classes identified in the SIMBA survey, for variation of this index. Our results indicate that β is typically 2, which is consistent with previous determinations in the literature, but for a considerably larger sample than previous work.  相似文献   

We present ISOPHOT observations of eight interstellar regions in the 60–200 μm wavelength range. The regions belong to mostly quiescent high-latitude clouds and have optical extinction peaks from   AV ∼1–6 mag  . From the 150- and 200-μm emission, we derived colour temperatures for the classical big grain component which show a clear trend of decreasing temperature with increasing 200-μm emission. The 200-μm emission per unit   AV   , however, does not drop at lower temperatures. This fact can be interpreted in terms of an increased far-infrared (FIR) emissivity of the big grains. We developed a two-component model including warm dust with the temperature of the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) of   T = 17.5 K  , and cold dust with   T = 13.5 K  and FIR emissivity increased by a factor of >4. A mixture of the two components can reproduce the observed colour variations and the ratios   I 200/ AV   and  τ200/ AV   . The relative abundance of small grains with respect to the big grains shows significant variations from region to region at low column densities. However, in lines of sight of higher column density, our data indicate the disappearance of small grains, perhaps a signature of adsorption/coagulation of dust. The larger size and porous structure could also explain the increased FIR emissivity. Our results from eight independent regions suggest that these grains might be ubiquitous in the galactic ISM.  相似文献   

对年轻超新星遗迹的射电观测有助于理解超新星遗迹的早期演化. 选取银河系最年轻的超新星遗迹\lk G1.9+0.3进行了研究. 收集了已有的射电流量密度测量, 转化到同一频率, 从而获得了G1.9+0.3的流量密度在过去近50 yr的演化. 发现流量密度在2008年之前几乎一直在增加, 随后开始减小, 流量密度达到峰值的年龄约为\lk 150--155 yr. 流量密度的增加可能由磁场放大或者粒子加速效率提高产生的高能电子增多导致. 根据流量密度到达峰值的年龄, 结合前人的数值模拟, 讨论了超新星抛射物的质量和超新星爆发释放的动能.  相似文献   

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