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南海北部渐新世末的构造事件   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
ODP1148站以及珠江口盆地沉积物均记录了渐新世末发生的重大地质构造事件, 这一构造事件在时间上与南海扩张轴发生跳跃的时间十分吻合, 是渐新世以来南海构造演化史上最为重大的构造事件, 涉及到南海扩张、盆地类型转化、沉积物源变迁等一系列相关联的重大地质事件.伴随这一地质构造事件, 南海北部沉积物成分发生剧烈改变, 出现渐新世-中新世地球化学成分上的跳跃, 在深海沉积中发生沉积间断及滑塌事件, 并使珠江口盆地由断陷型盆地转为坳陷型盆地, 白云凹陷由渐新世晚期的浅水陆架环境转为中新世以后的深水陆坡环境.可以认为, 这次构造运动奠定了我国现代的地理格局, 也标志着我国东部陆相盆地最佳烃源岩形成期的结束, 在南海乃至东亚地区影响深远.   相似文献   

南海晚渐新世滑塌沉积指示的地质构造事件   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
南海北部ODP1148站晚渐新世至早中新世沉积以滑塌堆积和长时间沉积缺失为主要特征.由构造活动引起的沉积间断始于渐新世中期28.5 Ma至早中新世23 Ma左右结束.主间断面位于25 Ma, 亦即滑塌沉积层的底界.4次沉积间断总共造成至少3 Ma沉积记录的缺失.综合岩性、古生物年代测定、地球化学等分析结果, 表明南海晚渐新世的海底扩张模式呈多次跳跃式, 并以“25 Ma事件”为型变高峰.这一系列构造活动是欧亚、澳大利亚、菲律宾-太平洋板块相互作用的结果, 直接导致南海向前期裂谷更发育, 红河大断裂左擦拉张更强的南部扩张的转型.1148站的滑塌沉积为此次南海扩张转型提供了直接的证据.   相似文献   

河源盆地晚白垩世东源组发现的霸王龙类牙齿化石估计长度大于10cm。从其大小和形态判断,应为霸王龙类的牙齿。牙齿保存部分稍微弯曲,中部横截面呈微弱的D形。牙齿的釉质非常薄,釉质脱落后暴露出的牙齿部分显示出明显的纵向条纹。牙齿的牙本质厚度在不同方向上变化较大,且牙本质具有明显的分层现象。该牙齿化石的发现,为以后在该地区晚白垩世地层中发现霸王龙类骨骼化石提供确凿的依据。  相似文献   

河源盆地晚白垩世东源组发现的霸王龙类牙齿化石估计长度大于10cm。从其大小和形态判断,应为霸王龙类的牙齿。牙齿保存部分稍微弯曲,中部横截面呈微弱的D形。牙齿的釉质非常薄,釉质脱落后暴露出的牙齿部分显示出明显的纵向条纹。牙齿的牙本质厚度在不同方向上变化较大,且牙本质具有明显的分层现象。该牙齿化石的发现,为以后在该地区晚白垩世地层中发现霸王龙类骨骼化石提供确凿的依据。  相似文献   

南海北部珠江口—琼东南盆地白垩系—下渐新统记录了华南大陆边缘从主动陆缘向被动陆缘的转换过程。基于盆地构造-地层、单井相、地震相等特征的综合分析,结合南海中南部的沉积环境和区域构造演化,探讨南海北部白垩纪—渐新世早期的沉积环境演变及构造控制背景。研究发现: (1)南海北部白垩系广泛分布,古新统分布极为有限; 始新世早-中期,琼东南盆地只在部分凹陷深部发育了小规模的滨浅湖相和扇三角洲相沉积,珠江口盆地白云凹陷以大规模发育的湖泊相为特征; 始新世晚期—渐新世早期,琼东南盆地和珠江口盆地白云凹陷都受到海侵作用的影响,以海岸平原相和滨浅海相为主。 (2)构造演变包括5期:包括白垩纪安第斯型大陆边缘的“弧—盆”体系发育期,古新世区域隆升剥蚀山间盆地发育期,始新世早-中期裂陷发育,始新世晚期—渐新世早期陆缘破裂期,渐新世晚期东部海盆稳定扩张期。最后,探讨了南海盆地中生代末/新生代初的动力学转换过程及特征。  相似文献   

华南陆块受多阶段超大陆聚合、裂解,碰撞、陆内造山,及伸展等作用影响,造成其深部结构和构造极其复杂。岩石圈有效弹性厚度(Te)是表征地质时间尺度上岩石圈力学强度的定量指标,可为深入认识岩石圈力学结构及演化提供有效约束。本文基于导纳和相关函数联合方法对地壳布格重力异常和地形数据进行计算,获得华南陆块Te的空间分布。Te高值(>20 km)区域主要分布于扬子地块的四川盆地周边区域,而Te低值(<20 km)区域集中于华夏地块和江南造山带区域。由于Te分布特征与地热场、地震关系密切。通过分析研究区Te与地热场(地表热流、居里面深度)、地震之间的关系,本文得到如下认识:(1)Te与地热场参数具有较好的相关性,但受浅部地壳被破坏,深部仍为克拉通地壳影响,导致龙门山断裂带和江南造山带区域的Te与地表热流或居里面深度之间的部分对应关系相反。(2)Te与地震关系复杂,Te较薄区域并不代表着地震频发区域,地震活动性与其所处的深部环境相关。龙门山断裂带强震频发的原因是受周边两块体中上地壳刚性地层长期相互作用,致使应力和能量积累较强;华夏地块区域地震较少是因为深部热物质上涌对华夏地块的壳幔进行强烈...  相似文献   

王立成  刘成林  张华 《地球学报》2013,34(5):585-593
海相钾盐的形成需要构造、气候和成钾物源三者的耦合作用, 而构造是首要控制因素。华南地块发育震旦晚期—早寒武世灯影组海相蒸发岩, 本文通过古大陆位置、古纬度和古气候、古地理以及古海水成分等文献综合分析, 提出灯影组沉积时期, 华南地块位于印度大陆西北缘, 是冈瓦纳大陆的一部分。华南地块灯影组沉积与印度、巴基斯坦、阿曼、伊朗等地的同时期沉积相似, 并形成一个巨型的碳酸盐台地, 其中发育众多的局限盐盆地蒸发岩, 古气温最高可达40℃。同时, 通过与巴基斯坦盐岭地区含钾蒸发岩盐岭组的构造-沉积背景对比, 表明两者均为冈瓦纳大陆北缘被动大陆边缘盆地沉积, 具有相似的蒸发岩沉积序列和形成条件。因此, 综合来看, 认为华南地块灯影组具有必要的成钾条件。  相似文献   

Quantitative studies on the extension and subsidence of the Wanan Basin were carried out based on available seismic and borehole data together with regional geological data.Using balanced cross-section and backstripping techniques,we reconstructed the stratigraphic deposition and tectonic evolution histories of the basin.The basin formed from the Eocene and was generally in an extensional/transtensional state except for the Late Miocene local compressoin.The major basin extension ocurred in the Oligocene and Early Miocene(before ~16.3 Ma) and thereafter uniform stretch in a smaller rate.The northern and middle basin extended intensely earlier during 38.6–23.3 Ma,while the southern basin was mainly stretched during 23.3–16.3 Ma.The basin formation and development are related to alternating sinistral to dextral strike-slip motions along the Wanan Fault Zone.The dominant dynamics may be caused by the seafloor spreading of the South China Sea and the its peripheral plate interaction.The basin tectonic evolution is divided into five phases:initial rifting,main rifting,rift-drift transition,structural inversion,and thermal subsidence.  相似文献   

南海重力异常特征及其显著的构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南海地区地震测深数据有限的情况下,利用重力异常可以研究南海大范围的深部地壳结构及地质构造展布特征。基于空间重力异常,结合最新的地形、沉积物厚度及地震测深等数据,分别从地震约束的莫霍面反演和无约束的三维相关成像两个视角研究南海的地壳结构,利用壳幔界面起伏、地壳厚度及三维等效密度分布来探讨地壳结构的纵横向变化。同时,联合采用延拓、水平梯度及线性构造增强滤波方法聚焦重力异常中的区域线性特征,突出显示了反映地壳横向变化的深断裂、洋陆转换边界、海盆扩张轴等线性构造的展布。重力解释与贯穿南海南北的广州-巴拉望地学断面对比表明,重力异常反演及异常的区域线性特征,较好地揭示了南海海域大范围的地壳结构与区域构造展布。  相似文献   

雷超  任建业  张静 《地球科学》2015,40(4):744-762
为了系统认识新生代南海沉积盆地形成演化过程和成盆机制, 在对南海及其周缘区域构造和沉积研究进展调研的基础上, 利用覆盖南海主要盆地新近采集和重处理的地震剖面开展详细的构造-地层分析.基于盆地结构构造、演化特征和成盆动力学的差异性, 以红河-越东-Lupar线大型走滑构造带为界, 将南海及其周缘沉积盆地划分为古南海俯冲拖拽构造区沉积盆地群和挤出-逃逸构造区沉积盆地群, 前者主要是古南海俯冲及其所引起的区域构造变形形成的盆地, 包括北部湾、琼东南、珠江口、曾母、北康、文莱-沙巴和礼乐等盆地, 后者是印度-欧亚大陆碰撞导致印支地块挤出和旋转形成的盆地, 如莺歌海、湄公、中建南、万安等盆地.最后, 结合周缘板块动力学事件和本次对盆地构造研究的成果, 特别是盆地中重要界面属性的重新厘定, 建立了南海及其周缘沉积盆地演化过程.   相似文献   

The depositional and metamorphic ages and provenances of the Ailaoshan(ALS) Group in the Ailaoshan-Red River(ALS-RR) shear zone, southwestern South China Block(SCB), were investigated to constrain the tectonic history of the southwestern SCB. In this study, we use petrology, geochemical analysis, zircon cathodoluminescence imaging and UPb geochronology to analyse samples of quartzite, garnet-bearing two-mica schist and metapelite. The age spectra of detrital zircon grains from these metasediments show two dominant age peaks at 550–424 Ma and 876–730 Ma and two subordinate peaks at 970–955 Ma and ~2450 Ma. The youngest peak, corresponding to the early Palaeozoic, accounts for more than 20% of the total dates and constrains the deposition of the ALS Group to the Palaeozoic rather than the Palaeoproterozoic as traditionally thought. Moreover, two peaks of metamorphic ages corresponding to the Permo-Triassic and Cenozoic were also identified, and these ages document the tectonothermal events associated with the Indosinian collision between the Indochina Block and the SCB and the Himalayan collision between the Indian and Asian plates. Geochemical data suggest that the provenances of the ALS Group were dominated by continental arc and recycled metasedimentary rocks. The comparison of probability density distribution plots of the detrital zircon U-Pb age data indicates that the Neoproterozoic detritus in the ALS Group was probably derived from the arc-related Neoproterozoic intrusive bodies in the northwestern and southwestern SCB. Furthermore, the early Palaeozoic detritus might have been sourced from eroded early Palaeozoic strata and magmatic plutons in Cathaysia and volcanic rocks in the western Indochina Block.  相似文献   

A significant change in composition was recorded in late Oligocene sediments from the northern South China Sea. This abrupt event coincided with the seafloor spreading axis jump across the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, leading to sedimentation breaks and slumps as well as obvious changes in sediment geochemical composition, and representing the greatest tectonic activity in the South China Sea region since the Oligocene. Through this tectonic event, the sedimentary environment in the Baiyun sag area transformed from a continental shelf in the late Oligocene to a continental slope since the early Miocene, the provenance of the sediments changed from neighboring areas to the hinterland of the South China block, and the sea level rose since the early Miocene in the area. Therefore, this abrupt change event has a profound influence on the evolution of petroleum offshore in the northern South China Sea. __________ Translated from Geology in China, 2007, 34(6): 1022–1031 [译自: 中国地质]  相似文献   

下扬子南黄海沉积盆地构造地质特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
南黄海盆地作为下扬子块体之上的大型叠合盆地,海相构造层保存完整,陆相断拗构造层也较为发育,盆地地质结构复杂,构造变形强烈,利用最新的地质地球物理资料和解释成果,对低勘探程度的南黄海盆地进行了研究,认为盆地演化大致经历了克拉通被动陆缘初始发育阶段—南缘前陆北缘被动陆缘过渡阶段—南北对冲前陆定型阶段—滨太平洋弧后陆内调整四个阶段。南黄海盆地属于台地—断拗复合地质结构,中、新生代为具有盆内隆起带的断陷箕状结构,且中、新生代多期构造运动在盆地原型改造和后期沉积发育上起着至关重要的作用,尤其印支—燕山早期运动、燕山中期黄桥运动和喜马拉雅期盐城运动与盆地地层变形、沉积发育、断裂发育及构造样式等盆地要素演化密切相关,进而导致盆地垂向地质结构和构造变形的层次性极为显著,而中生代燕山期和新生代喜马拉雅期两期构造岩浆活动则与滨太平洋域的动力学背景相关。  相似文献   

南海盆地的扩张经历了早期(中生代晚期至新生代早期)和晚期(32~17Ma)2个快速阶段,但2阶段在时间上相继,在形成机制上也可能是一致的.然而由于南海盆地与周围板块侧向作用的关系复杂,对扩张机制的认识一直极具争议,新的构造分析和测年资料表明“弧后扩张”及“走滑扩张”模式均与事实有出入.对位于华南地块西南缘的都龙SongChay变质穹隆体的研究表明,在中生代至新生代时期,至少经历了2期重要的伸展构造: D1期(237~228Ma)穹隆的隆升与表露阶段,代表了印支期造山作用前的伸展构造; D2期(86~78Ma)叠加和改造阶段,并有可能始于176~146Ma,致使穹隆进一步隆升和表露.D2期构造在发育时间、伸展方向及变形方式等上既与华南地块同时期区域伸展构造特征相一致,也与南海盆地北缘早期扩张特征相一致.因此,作为华南地块的组成部分,南海盆地北缘的早期扩张也是华南中生代晚期至新生代早期伸展构造的构成部分.由此推测,南海盆地扩张的动力学机制可能主要来自于华南地块的板内变形作用,而哀牢山-红河断裂带的左行走滑作用对南海盆地新生代的扩张起到推动和加强作用.   相似文献   

A significant geologic event occurred on the Oligocene/Miocene boundary at 23.8 Ma in the northern South China Sea,which is named the Baiyun (白云) movement in this article.This event strongly affected not only the South China Sea,but also East Asia.After the Balyun event,the ridge of seafloor spreading of the South China Sea Jumped southward and rotated counterclockwise,and a strong subsidence occurred in the Baiyun sag of the Pearl River Month basin.The shelf break shifted suddenly from the south to the north of the Baiyun sag,and the deposition environment in this sag changed from continental shelf with neritic deposition to continental slope with deep-water deposition.Sediment geochemistry study indicated that the Balyun event played a key role in the rapid change of sediment provenance for the Pearl River Mouth basin.Between 32 and 23.8 Ma,the source of sediments was mainly from the granites in South China,while after 23.8 Ma some sediments might have come from the eastern Himalaya,as the Pearl River drainage extended westward after the uplift of Tibet since that time.The Baiyun event led to a great change in the drainage framework of the paleoPearl River,sediment types and the depositional environments in the Pearl River Mouth basin,and relative sea level of the northern South China Sea,as well as sedimentation and hydrocarbon accumulation in the ares.  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘地壳结构特征及其构造过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阎全人  王宗起 《地质论评》2000,46(4):417-423
根据“北部湾大陆缘地壳结构PS转换波测深”等地球物理测量结果,本文研究了南海北部陆缘的地壳结构特征,讨论了其白垩纪以来的构造过程。地球物理测量表明,由陆向海,南海北部陆缘地壳由陆壳、过渡壳变为洋壳,厚度由34km减薄至8km左右。垂向上地壳为3层结构模式。陆壳、过渡壳和洋壳的下地壳P波速度普遍较高。地壳伸展系数的计算表明南海北部陆缘伸展主要发育于陆坡地区。结合区域地质研究,本文认为:南海北部陆缘及  相似文献   

南海南部17962柱状样生物硅沉积记录及其古海洋意义   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
生物硅沉积记录可以反映海洋表层水体的古生产力。南海南部17962柱状样3万余年来的生物硅堆积速率曲线表明,南沙海区古生产力的升高与一系列变冷事件,如冰期中的Heinrich事件、冰消期新仙女木事件、中晚全新世变冷事件等有良好的对应关系。冬季风的强化及由此导致的海洋古生产力的升高可能是上述良好对应关系的内在原因。  相似文献   

In a re-study of regional geology by the China Geological Survey (CGS), the key problem is in the stratigraphical division and correlation. According to the new isotopic dating of the Meso- and Neoproterozoic in China, there have been great changes in the strata correlation and tectonic explanation. The authors obtained four zircon sensitive high resolution ion micro-probe (SHRIMP) U-Pb datings from the bentonite of the Lengjiaxi Group (822±10 Ma, 823±12 Ma and 834±11 Ma) and Banxi Group (802.6±7.6 Ma) in north Hunan Province, which is considered to be the middle part of the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt. On the basis of the zircon dating mentioned above, the end of the Wuling orogen is first limited in the period from 822 Ma to 802 Ma in one continued outcrop (Lucheng section) in Linxiang city, Hunan Province. Combining a series of new zircon U-Pb datings in the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, several Neoproterozoic volcanic events and distribution of the metamorphic rocks in the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt have been distinguished. In the context of the global geodynamics, it is useful to set up a practical and high precision chronological framework and basic and unified late Precambrian section in South China.  相似文献   

新元古时期中国华南和华北陆块的相对位置及构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张文治 《华北地质》2002,25(2):120-128
作者试图抛开Rodinia超大陆的概念,从我国现有的新元古-早古生代的古地磁数据出发,利用挪威地质调查所提供的"GMAP程序作图,探讨新元古时期华南和华北陆块的古位置及它们之间的关系,以及与澳大利亚的相对位置.  相似文献   

The red beds of the northern Heyuan Basin (Guangdong Province, China) are more than 4,000 m thick. Based on the lithological characters, in ascending order these beds are divided into the Dafeng Formation, Zhutian Formation, and Zhenshui Formation of the Nanxiong Group, Shanghu Formation and Danxia Formation. The Nanxiong Group with relatively mature coarse clastic rocks attains about 2940 m in thickness. The Dafeng Formation is 837 m thick, consisting of conglomerates and sandy conglomerates; the Zhutian Formation, which is 1.200 m thick, consists of purplish red sandstone with gravels, poorly sorted sandstone, feldspathic quartzose sandstone banded granular conglomerate, siltstone, and sandy mudstone. The Zhutian Formation is rich in calcareous concretions. Heyuannia (Oviraptoridae) and turtle fossils were found in this formation. The Zhenshui Formation deposited to a thickness of 900 m consists of coarse sediments, including granular conglomerate, and gravelly sandstone with well developed cross-beddings; the Shanghu Formation, which is 820 m thick, consists of purplish red granular conglomerate coarse sandstone intercalated with fine si~tstone; the Danxia Formation characterized by the Danxia ~andform is composed of coarse c~astic gravels and sandy gravels. The lower part of the Nanxiong Group whence dinosaur eggs and derived oviraptorosaurs come, belongs to the Late Cretaceous. No fossils are found in the Shanghu Formation or the Danxia Formation, but their stratigraphic order of superposition on the Nanxiong Group clearly shows their younger age.  相似文献   

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