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Based on the systematic study of two fossil skeleton specimens collected from the top of the third member of the marine Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation of Yuanan, Hubei Province, South China, a new Early Triassic primitive ichthyosaur Chaohusaurus zhangjiawanensis sp. nov. is reported and described. The beds yielding the type material are correlated with the Neospathodus homeri-N. triangularis Conodont zone. The new taxon is most similar to Chaohusaurus geishanensis Young and Dong, 1972 in the shape and configuration of the scapula, forefin, pelvic girdle and hindfin, presacral vertebral count and well-developed caudal peak, but distinguished from the latter by its larger size, the position of the pineal foramen in the centre of the parietal, the occurrence of a larger calcaneum in hindfin and the first sacral rib with distal expansion. The new species exhibits common features of primitive ichthyosaurs such as: (1) the prefrontal has an antero-dorsal shelf projecting towards the orbit; (2) the upper temporal fenestra is small; (3) the postorbital and the squamosal meet laterally to the upper temporal fenestra; and (4) cylindrical centra. However, more derived ichthyosaur characters are seen with the frontal separated from the orbital dorsal margin by the contact of the prefrontal and postfrontal, which offer new clues to the early radiation of ichthyosaurs.  相似文献   

汉阳鱼作为湖北武汉地区古生代鱼类的代表,其真实形态一直未被确定下来,同时关于汉阳鱼目内部的系统发育学关系也只停留在其下两个属种的讨论上,并未对其开展详细的分析讨论.采用形态学和分支系统学的方法,对湖北武汉兰多维列世清水组上部的盔甲鱼类新材料进行了详细研究,建立了汉阳鱼科一新属新种:意外洪山鱼(Hongshanaspis...  相似文献   

A new maikhanellid genus, Totornatus gen. nov., from the Lower Cambrian (Fortunian Stage) of Zhangjiagou section at Xixiang County, southern Shaanxi Province, South China, is based on a new taxon T. strigatus gen. et sp. nov. Although showing similar morphology with a cap-shaped shell and an oval aperture to other members of the family, the new species differs from previous maikhanellids in its smooth apex. The apical field consists of dense, small, round or oval granules, which gradually merge to bigger, elongated, scale-like protrusions toward the apertural margin. On this basis, we establish Totornatus strigatus, which shows a transverse groove in two-ninths of its shell. This result enriches the diversity of the earliest mollusks and maikhanellids.  相似文献   

Ceratodus is a form genus of ceratodontid lungfishes. Until now, only 14 specimens have been reported from the Mesozoic of China. Detailed measurements and characteristic comparisons based on 15 well-preserved lungfish tooth plates of Ceratodus type, uncovered from the upper member of the Upper Jurassic Shaximiao Formation at Luojiashan, Qianfeng District, Guang''an, Sichuan Province in 2019, allow us to establish a new species, Ceratodus guanganensis sp. nov., on the basis of its small swollen irregular triangular tooth plate with four low and swollen radial crests on the occlusal surface without denticles. Other specimens from the same locality can be referred to C. szechuanensis and C. youngi. This is the first discovery of Ceratodus in the Guang''an region and represents the fifth Ceratodus fossil site in the Sichuan Basin. The discovery indicates that the climate was hot and arid in the Sichuan Basin during the Late Jurassic, and reveals a tectonic paleogeographic relationship between the Yangtze block in southwestern China and the Kola Basin in northern Thailand.  相似文献   

The first unequivocal remains of medium to large-sized mustelids from the middle Miocene Halamagai and Kekemaideng formations have been found in the Ulungur River area, Xinjiang, northwestern China. These new fossils are referred to the hypercarnivorous mustelid Hoplictis Ginsburg, 1961 and denote the first record of the genus in East Asia.We define Hoplictis baihu n. sp., for the mustelid from Tieersihabahe(Halamagai Fm.), which represents the smallest species of the genus. This primitive form is closer to H. florancei and H. noueli than to H. anatolicus and later, larger and more derived Hoplictis spp., from Europe and North America. A large toothless mandible from Duolebulejin(Kekemaiden Fm.) is assigned to Hoplictis cf. helbingi, and it presumably might represent the first record of H. helbingi outside Western Europe. The systematic position of Hoplicitis in relation to Ischyrictis with which it is similar is clarified. The occurrence in East Asia of two species of Hoplictis greatly expands the known distribution and diversity of the genus, and supports a Palaearctic Neogene dispersal event of carnivorans between Europe and Asia during the late Shanwangian–early Tunggurian equivalent to MN5–6 in Europe, and indication of another dispersal event from Europe to North America,through Northwest China during the late Tunggurian, equivalent to MN7–8 in Europe.  相似文献   

重庆南川晚二叠世凝灰岩的元素地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP MS)、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、X射线衍射(XRD)、带能谱的扫描电镜(SEM EDX)等方法对重庆南川晚二叠世凝灰岩的元素地球化学特征进行了研究。研究发现,凝灰岩中富集Al、Ti、Li、Cu、V、Cr、Co、Ni、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、Ga、Sc、Th、U和稀土元素(REE),其中Ti、Nb、Ga和REE异常富集,达到了伴生矿产的工业品位,其综合利用价值值得关注。凝灰岩自底部至顶部微量元素含量有明显增加的趋势,稀土元素(REE)在垂向上分异明显,凝灰岩上部富集轻、中稀土,向下逐渐过渡到富集重稀土类型。凝灰岩中元素的组合特征表明其原始物质可能来源于峨眉山玄武岩岩浆,属于基性火山灰成因。  相似文献   

何竞  虎艺薇  张娣  沈越峰 《地质论评》2023,69(3):2023030018-2023030018
新铺龙是产于我国西南地区的海龙目的一个属,最早发现于贵州省关岭晚三叠世卡尼期小凹组地层。虽然新铺龙材料众多,但其未成年个体骨骼学特征及个体发育模式并未被详细地记述。本文报道了一个保存完好的孙氏新铺龙未成年标本,是目前发现最小的完整的孙氏新铺龙个体,标本产自贵州省关岭县新铺乡。依据其体长小于正型标本的一半,头骨长度和躯干比值大,头骨骨缝清晰等特征,判断该标本为孙氏新铺龙的幼年个体。新标本补充了孙氏新铺龙幼年个体的形态学信息,如上颞骨内侧突短于外侧突,翼骨无牙齿发育,神经弓与椎体未融合,尺骨两端微凸,五边形坐骨等。此外,结合已发表的新铺龙标本数据进行统计分析发现,该物种吻部相对头部呈负异速生长,证明了吻部占头骨比例的大小属于新铺龙种内个体发育差异,而并非之前所认为的新铺龙种间差异。  相似文献   

曾庆銮  张淼  李志宏 《地质学报》2015,89(4):681-691
腕足类新科Spinochonetidae(fam.nov.)建立在宜昌地区志留系兰多维列统罗惹坪组下段中部(上埃隆阶)的Spinochonetes Rong,Xu et Yang(1974)和Spinolella(gen.nov.)两个属,以及一个属、种未定的分类单元的基础上。新科成员仅有从腹壳喙部伸出一根直的腹喙刺,这与Chonetoidea超科内的Strophochonetidae科以及Chonestrophiidae科众成员的铰合缘刺都是从腹壳铰合缘上伸出来的有着本质差别。另外,本文还对Spinochonetes以及它的属型种S.notata Rong,Xu et Yang(1974)进行重要图解和补充描述。与此同时,对Spinolella(gen.nov),以及S.minuta(gen.et sp.nov.)进行系统描述和对比。据目前所知,新科成员只分布于我国鄂西、黔东北、陕南和川北等地,属于上扬子台地的土族居民。因为Spinochonetidae(fam.nov.)属于腕足类独特的一个类型,演化快,贝体极小,保存精美,因此具有分类学、地层对比,以及恢复古环境等方面的重要意义。  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of major and trace elements have been investigated in two coal-bearing units in the Chonqing mining district (South China): the Late Permian and Late Triassic coals.The Late Permian coals have higher S contents than the Late Triassic coals due to the fixation of pyrite in marine-influenced coal-forming environments. The occurrence of pyrite accounts for the association of a large number of elements (Fe, S, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn) with sulphides, as deduced from the analysis of the density fractions. The marine influence is probably also responsible for the organic association of B. The REEs, Zr, Nb, and Hf, are enriched by a factor of 2–3 with respect to the highest levels fixed for the usual worldwide concentration ranges in coal for these elements. The content of these elements in the Late Permian coal is higher by a factor of 5–10 with respect to the Late Triassic coal. Furthermore, other elements, such as Cu, P, Th, U, V, and Y, are relatively enriched with respect to the common range values, with maximum values higher than the usual range or close to the maximum levels in coal. The content of these elements in the Late Permian coal is higher than the Late Triassic coal. These geochemical enrichments are the consequence of the occurrence, in relatively high levels, of phosphate minerals, such as apatite, xenotime, and monazite, as deduced from the study of the density fractions obtained from the bulk coal.The Late Triassic coal has a low sulphur content with a major organic affinity. The trace element contents are low when compared with worldwide ranges for coal. In this coal, the trace element distribution is governed by clay minerals, carbonate minerals, and to a lesser extent, by organic matter and sulphide minerals.Major differences found between late Permian and Triassic coals are probably related to the source rocks, given that the main source rock of the late Permian epicontinental marine basin is the Emeishan basalt formation, characterised by a high phosphate content.  相似文献   

The Sichuan Basin,also known as the‘Red Basin’,is famous for its abundance of Mesozoic dinosaur fossils,especially in the Zigong area during the Jurassic era;the Middle Jurassic Shunosaurus and the Late Jurassic Mamenchisaurus faunal assemblages are the most representative.The Qinglongshan dinosaur fossil site is located in Fuxing,to the northwest of Rong County,Zigong City.This new site is situated within the Middle Jurassic Xiashaximiao Formation,and geologically is roughly equivalent to the well-known Dashanpu dinosaur fossil site.More than 600 dinosaur fossils were found concentrated in the excavation area,including teeth;cervical,dorsal and caudal vertebrae;and various parts of appendicular skeletons.This fossil site is also most significant as it provides new information on non-avian dinosaur life during the poorly understood Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

Groundwater from karst subterranean streams is among the world’s most important sources of drinking water supplies, and the hydrochemical characteristics of karst water are impacted by both natural environment and people. Therefore, the study of hydrochemistry and its solutes’ sources is very important to ensure the normal function of life support systems. In this paper, thirty?five representative karst groundwater samples were collected from different aquifers (limestone and dolomite) and various land use types in Chongqing to trace the sources of solutes and relative hydrochemical processes. Hydrogeochemical types of karst groundwater in Chongqing were mainly of the Ca?HCO3 type or Ca (Mg)?HCO3 type. However, some hydrochemical types of karst groundwater were the K+Na+Ca?SO4 type (G25 site) or Ca?HCO3+SO4 type (G26 and G14 site), indicating that the hydrochemistry of these sites might be strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities or unique geological characteristics. The dissolved Sr concentrations of the studied groundwater ranged from 0.57 to 15.06 μmmol/L, and the 87Sr/86Sr varied from 0.70751 to 0.71627. The δ34S?SO42? fell into a range of ?6.8‰?21.5‰, with a mean value of 5.6‰. The variations of both 87Sr/86Sr and Sr values of the groundwater samples indicated that the Sr element was controlled by the weathering of limestone, dolomite and silicate rock. However, the figure of 87Sr/86Sr vs. Sr2+/[K++Na+] showed that the anthropogenic inputs also obviously contributed to the Sr contents. For tracing the detailed anthropogenic effects, we traced the sources of solutes collected karst groundwater samples in Chongqing according to the δ34S value of potential sulfate sources. The variations of both δ34S and 1/SO42? values of the groundwater samples indicated that the atmospheric acid deposition (AAD), dissolution of gypsum (GD), oxidation of sul?de mineral (OS) or anthropogenic inputs (SF: sewage or fertilizer) have contributed to solutes in karst groundwater. The influence of oxidation of sul?de mineral, atmospheric acid deposit and anthropogenic inputs to groundwater in Chongqing karst areas was much widespread.  相似文献   

New material of Strenulagus solaris, a stem lagomorph, from the lower part of the Middle Eocene Irdin Manha Formation at the Irdin Manha and Huheboerhe localities, Erlian Basin, Nei Mongol, China includes remains of isolated cheek teeth, fragmentary upper incisors(d I2) and postcranial elements, reported from the species for the first time. The tarsal bones display advanced features, such as a wide calcaneofibular articulation surface and, along with an increase in hypsodonty, the new data document the early stage of lagomorph evolution in the Middle Eocene of the Erlian Basin. This finding is stratigraphically well constrained and probably predates that of the type material of S. solaris from the Khaychin Formation, Bugin-Tsav Basin, Mongolia.  相似文献   

<正>Three lepidopteran species,from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou beds(inner Mongolia,China),are described in a new family,Mesokristenseniidae,and new genus,Mesokristensenia,which could represent the sister group of the Micropterigidae.Mesokristensenia differs from all extant Lepidoptera,but one genus(Agathiphaga, Agathiphagidae),in retaining four median veins in the forewing,a plesiomorphy also present in many Trichoptera. Evidence for placing Mesokristensenia in the Lepidoptera includes four traits,notably a previously unrecorded autapomorphy of this insect order:beyond stem M1+2,vein M1 is bent and connected to cross-vein r-m(in both wing pairs).Among 24 characters taken into account to assess the systematic position of Mesokristensenia,12 are considered informative for a cladistic analysis involving this fossil taxon and the four suborders recognized in present-day Lepidoptera(Zeugloptera,Aglossata,Heterobathmiina,and Glossata).  相似文献   

A fossil-bearing locality near Padhri village, Dhok Pathan, 55 km away from the tehsil Dina, Jhelum District, in the Potwar Plateau, Middle Siwaliks, Punjab, northern Pakistan, is significantly rich in mammalian fossils. This site has provided an abundant mammalian fossil fauna of Late Miocene age from the Dhok Pathan Formation (Fm.). The recovered material belongs to four families: Equidae (horses), Rhinocerotidae (rhinos), Bovidae (cows), and Suidae (pigs). We discovered a new skull of hipparionine Hipparion theobaldi from this locality along with 22 specimens from the associated assemblage of fossil mammals. The recovered material includes seven other species: the aceratheriine Chilotherium intermedium, boselaphines Tragoportax punjabicus, Selenoportax vexillarius, Pachyportax latidens, the antelope Gazella lydekkeri and suinine Propotamochoerus hysudricus. The specimens are isolated teeth, fragments of maxilla, mandibles and horn cores. The Dhok Pathan Fm. is generally composed of claystone, siltstone and sandstone beds and, based on the mammalian fauna, the Padhri fossil locality is dated as Late Miocene. Thi99s formation was deposited in a subtropical paleoenvironment and the predominance of fossil bovids indicates extremely moist conditions with small but frequent standing water bodies.  相似文献   

<正>Fossil water scavenger beetles(Coleoptera:Hydrophilidae)of the latest Oligocene Rott Formation are revised,based on the examination of the type specimens,as well as numerous additional material from Statz(Los Angeles)and Kastenholz(Bonn)collections.Seven hydrophilid species are recognized,five of which are reliably attributed to the following genera:Berosus morticinus(von Heyden and von Heyden,1866),Paracymus excitatus (von Heyden and von Heyden,1866),Paracymus sp.,Hydrobiomorpha fraterna(von Heyden,1859),and Hydrophilus rottensis(Statz,1939).Coccinella? protogaeae Germar 1837 is attributed to the subtribe Hydrophilina, and Cymbiodyta? austera Statz 1939 to the subfamily Hydrophilinae.Hydrous ebeninus Statz 1939 and Paracymus excitatus(form 3)are excluded from the Hydrophiloidea.Berosus capitatus Statz 1939 is synonymized with Berosus morticinus,and Hydrous neptunus von Heyden and von Heyden 1866 with Hydrobiomorpha fraterna.Lectotypes of Philydrus morticinus von Heyden and von Heyden 1866 and Hydrous ebeninus Statz 1939 are designated.The significance of the hydrophilid fossils for paleoecological reconstructions of the former Rott Lake is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Two new genera with two new species of sawflies, Cathayxyela extensa gen. et sp. nov. and Aequixyela immensa gen. et sp. nov., from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of southeastern Inner Mongolia, China, are assigned to the subfamily Xyelinae (Hymenoptera, Xyelidae). Cathayxyela gen. nov. can be distinguished by the third antennal article longer than the head; mesoprescutum and mesoscutellum nearly equal in length; the forewing with Sc meeting C before the junction of 1-M and 1- Rs; a weak and narrow pterostigma; and 3-Cu at least 1.5 times longer than the lm-cu. Aequixyela gen. nov. is characterized by the third antennal article nearly as long as the head; the forewing with Rs+M approximately equal to 2-Rs in length; 2m-cu inclined toward the wing base and nearly reaching the middle of cell 3rm; lm-cu as long as the 2-Cu and 3-Cu; and the cell 2cua of regular hexagonal shape.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species of fossil Palaeontinidae are described from Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia.China:Cladocossus undulatus gen.et sp.nov.and Cricocossus paradoxus gen.et sp. nov.Both new genera are described based on well-preserved forewings.This discovery confirms the high diversity of palaeontinids during the Middle Jurassic.Both specimens have interesting modal structures which are new to Palaeontinidae:M five-branched and M3 with two branches.Based on this character,wing structural characteristic is discussed.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species of fossil Palaeontinidae are described from Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia, China: Cladocossus undulatus gen. et sp. nov. and Cricocossus paradoxus gen. et sp. nov. Both new genera are described based on well-preserved forewings. This discovery confirms the high diversity of palaeontinids during the Middle Jurassic. Both specimens have interesting modal structures which are new to Palaeontinidae: M five-branched and M3 with two branches. Based on this character, wing structural characteristic is discussed.  相似文献   

<正>A new dinosaur Chuxiongosaurus lufengensis gen.et sp.nov.is erected based on a nearly complete skull.The taxon is characterized by the lacrimal perpendicular to the ventral margin of the upper jaw,which is similar to that of Thecodontosaurus;a depression present on the dorsal profile of the snout behind the naris;the rostral profile of the maxilla slopes continuously towards the rostral tip;and the presence of 25 dentary teeth.It also displays prosauropod characters such as a relatively long skull,the slope of the maxillary rostral profile,and teeth that do not have basically constricted crowns.The new specimen is more basal than Anchisaurus and represents the first basal sauropod dinosaur from the Early Jurassic of China.  相似文献   

A new dinosaur of Early Cretaceous age was recently discovered from the Mazongshan area of northwestern Gansu Province, China. The new dinosaur represents a new genus and species of Sauropoda, and is among the most basal members of Titanosauria. Its finding also suggests that titanosaurs might have originated in Asia no later than the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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