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We investigated the 2005 spring phytoplankton bloom in the Labrador Sea using Seaglider, an autonomous underwater vehicle equipped with hydrographic, bio-optical and oxygen sensors. The Labrador Sea blooms in distinct phases, two of which were observed by Seaglider: the north bloom and the central Labrador Sea bloom. The dominant north bloom and subsequent zooplankton growth are enabled by the advection of low-salinity water from West Greenland in the strong and eddy-rich separation of the boundary current. The glider observed high fluorescence and oxygen supersaturation within haline-stratified eddy-like features; higher fluorescence was observed at the edges than centers of the eddies. In the central Labrador Sea, the bloom occurred in thermally stratified water. Two regions with elevated subsurface chlorophyll were also observed: a 5 m thin-layer in the southwest Labrador Current, and in the Labrador shelf-break front. The thin layer observations were consistent with vertical shearing of an initially thicker chlorophyll patch. Observations at the front showed high fluorescence down to 100 m depth and aligned with the isopycnals defining the front. The high-resolution Seaglider sampling across the entire Labrador Sea provides first estimates of the scale dependence of coincident biological and physical variables.  相似文献   

We analyze the water mass transformation in coarse (1°) and high (1/6°) resolution ocean simulations with the identical configuration of the CLIPPER model and interannual ERA15 forcing function. Climatological characteristics of surface water mass transformation in the two experiments are quite different. The high resolution experiment exhibits a stronger surface transformation in equatorial and tropical regions, in the Gulf Stream area and in the location of the formation of Subtropical Mode Water (STMW), associated with high levels of eddy kinetic energy. The coarse resolution experiment shows a better representation of the transformation rates corresponding to the densest subpolar mode waters and Labrador Sea Water (LSW). This is explained by the differences in lateral mixing procedures between high and coarse resolution experiments. The high resolution 1/6° run is eddy-resolving only in the tropics and mid-latitudes. In these areas eddies are found to enhance the process of water mass transformation compared to the isopycnal diffusion used to parameterized the eddies in the 1° model. Despite its 1/6° resolution, the high resolution model does not adequately represent eddies in the subpolar gyre and Labrador Sea. In these areas the high resolution model fails to correctly simulate water mass transformation because the lateral mixing (provided through the bi-harmonic sub-gridscale parameterization) of newly ventilated waters with surrounding waters is not efficient enough. In contrast in the coarse 1° resolution model, the strong lateral mixing and the unrealistically broad boundary currents imposed by the high diffusivity required for numerical stability mixes newly formed LSW waters with the warmer and saltier waters of the rim current. Finally, it results in a more effective representation of the surface water mass transformation in high latitudes in the 1° model. A possible impact of the increased lateral diffusion in high resolution experiment on the representation of re-stratification in the Labrador Sea was studied in sensitivity experiments with different lateral diffusion coefficients compared to the regional eddy-resolving 1/15° simulation in the subpolar North Atlantic. If the eddies are not resolved in subpolar latitudes (as in the case of 1/6° model), the GM90 parameterization with the coefficient close to 800 m2 s−1 provides the closest agreement with the solution of eddy-resolving 1/15° model.  相似文献   

Hydrographic data from National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) and Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centre (RNODC) were used to study the seasonal variability of the mixed layer in the central Bay of Bengal (8–20°N and 87–91°E), while meteorological data from Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) were used to explore atmospheric forcing responsible for the variability. The observed changes in the mixed-layer depth (MLD) clearly demarcated a distinct north–south regime with 15°N as the limiting latitude. North of this latitude MLD remained shallow (∼20 m) for most of the year without showing any appreciable seasonality. Lack of seasonality suggests that the low-salinity water, which is perennially present in the northern Bay, controls the stability and MLD. The observed winter freshening is driven by the winter rainfall and associated river discharge, which is advected offshore under the prevailing circulation. The resulting stratification was so strong that even a 4 °C cooling in sea-surface temperature (SST) during winter was unable to initiate convective mixing. In contrast, the southern region showed a strong semi-annual variability with deep MLD during summer and winter and a shallow MLD during spring and fall intermonsoons. The shallow MLD in spring and fall results from primary and secondary heating associated with increased incoming solar radiation and lighter winds during this period. The deep mixed layer during summer results from two processes: the increased wind forcing and the intrusion of high-salinity waters of Arabian Sea origin. The high winds associated with summer monsoon initiate greater wind-driven mixing, while the intrusion of high-salinity waters erodes the halocline and weakens the upper-layer stratification of the water column and aids in vertical mixing. The deep MLD in the south during winter was driven by wind-mixing, when the upper water column was comparatively less stable. The deep MLD between 15 and 17°N during March–May cannot be explained in the context of local atmospheric forcing. We show that this is associated with the propagation of Rossby waves from the eastern Bay. We also show that the nitrate and chlorophyll distribution in the upper ocean during spring intermonsoon is strongly coupled to the MLD, whereas during summer river runoff and cold-core eddies appear to play a major role in regulating the nutrients and chlorophyll.  相似文献   

Vertical variability in the bio-optical properties of seawater in the northern South China Sea(NSCS) including inherent optical properties(IOPs) and chlorophyll a concentration(Chl) were studied on the basis of in situ data collected in summer 2008 using an absorption/attenuation spectrophotometer. An empirical model was developed to estimate Chl profiles based on the absorption line height at long wavelengths, with a relative root mean square error of 37.03%. Bio-optical properties exhibited large horizontal and vertical spatial variability. As influenced by coastal upwelling and the Zhujiang River(Pearl River) discharge, both IOPs and Chl exhibited high values in the surface waters of the inner shelf, which tended to decrease with distance offshore. Subsurface maximum layers of IOPs and Chl were observed in the middle and outer shelf regions, along with significantly higher values of attenuation coefficients beneath this layer that rapidly increased towards the bottom. In the open ocean, both IOPs and Chl exhibited consistent variability, with the subsurface maximum layer typically located at34–84 m. Phytoplankton were found to be one of the major components in determining the vertical variability of bio-optical properties, with their vertical dynamics influenced by both physical forcing and light attenuation effects. The depth of the subsurface maximum layer was found to be closely related to the fluctuation of the oceanic thermocline and the depth of the euphotic zone, which also affected the total integrated biomass of the upper ocean. Typically high values of attenuation coefficients observed in the bottom waters of the continental shelf reflected the transport of particulate matter over the bottom boundary layer. Our results reveal large spatial differences in bio-optical profiles in response to complex marine ecodynamics in the NSCS. From the perspective of marine research, high-resolution optical measurements are clearly advantageous over conventional bottle sampling.  相似文献   

Observations of the western Arabian Sea over the last decade have revealed a rich filamentary eddy structure, with large horizontal SST gradients in the ocean, developing in response to the southwest monsoon winds. This summertime oceanic condition triggers an intense mesoscale coupled interaction, whose overall influence on the longer-term properties of this ocean remains uncertain. In this study, a high-resolution regional coupled model is employed to explore this feedback effect on the long-term dynamical and thermodynamical structure of the ocean.The observed relationship between the near-surface winds and mesoscale SSTs generate Ekman pumping velocities at the scale of the cold filaments, whose magnitude is the order of 1 m/day in both the model and observations. This additional Ekman-driven velocity, induced by the wind-eddy interaction, accounts for approximately 10–20% of oceanic vertical velocity of the cold filaments. This implies that Ekman pumping arising from the mesoscale coupled feedback makes a non-trivial contribution to the vertical structure of the upper ocean and the evolution of mesoscale eddies, with obvious implications for marine ecosystem and biogeochemical variability.Furthermore, SST features associated with cold filaments substantially reduce the latent heat loss. The long-term latent heat flux change due to eddies in the model is approximately 10–15 W/m2 over the cold filaments, which is consistent with previous estimates based on short-term in situ measurements. Given the shallow mixed layer, this additional surface heat flux warms the cold filament at the rate of 0.3–0.4 °C/month over a season with strong eddy activity, and 0.1–0.2 °C/month over the 12-year mean, rendering overall low-frequency modulation of SST feasible. This long-term mixed layer heating by the surface flux is approximately ±10% of the lateral heat flux by the eddies, yet it can be comparable to the vertical heat flux. Potential dynamic and thermodynamic impacts of this observed air–sea interaction on the monsoons and regional climate are yet to be quantified given the strong correlation between the Somalia upwelling SST and the Indian summer monsoons.  相似文献   

Ocean temperature responses to Typhoon Mstsa in the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled model, with 21 layers in the vertical and (1/8) °horizontal resolution, was employed to investigate the oceanic responses to Typhoon Mstsa which traversed the East China Sea (ECS) during the period of 4 - 6 August, 2005. Numerical experiment results are analyzed and compared with observation. The responses of the sea surface temperature (SST), in a focused area of (27° -29°N, 121° - 124°E), include heating and cooling stages. The heating is mainly due to warm Kuroshio water transportation and downwelling due to the water accumulation. In the cooling stage, the amplitude of the simulated cold wake ( -3℃ ), located on the right side of this typhoon track, is compared quite well with that of the satellite observed SST data. The wave-induced mixing(Bv) plays a key role for the SST cooling. Bv still plays a leading role, which accounts for 36%, for the ocean temperature drop in the upper ocean of 0 - 40 m, while the upwelling is responsible for 84% of the cooling for the lower layer of 40 - 70 m. The mixed layer depth (MLD) increased quickly from 28 to 50 m in the typhoon period. However, the simulated MLD without the wave-induced vertical mixing, evolution from 13 to 32 m, was seriously underestimated. The surface wave is too important to be ignored for the ocean responses to a typhoon.  相似文献   

The hydrographic and bio-optical properties of the Bering Sea shelf were analyzed based on in-situ measurements obtained during four cruises from 2007 to 2009. According to the temperature and salinity of the seawater, the spring water masses on the Bering Sea shelf were classified as the Alaskan Coast Water, Bering Sea Shelf Water, Anadyr Water, Spring Mixed Layer Water, Remnant Winter Water, and Winter Water, each of which had varying chlorophyll a concentrations. Among them, the highest chlorophyll a concentration occurred in the nutrient-rich Anadyr Water ((7.57±6.16) mg/m3 in spring). The spectrum-dependent diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd(λ)) of the water column for downwelling irradiance was also calculated, exhibiting a decrease at 412–555 nm and then an increase within the range of 0.17–0.48 m–1 in spring. Furthermore, a strong correlation between the chlorophyll a concentration and the attenuation coefficient was found at visible wavelengths on the Bering Sea shelf. Spatially, the chlorophyll a concentration was higher on the northern shelf ((5.18±3.78) mg/m3) than on the southern shelf ((3.64±2.51) mg/m3), which was consistent with the distribution of the attenuation coefficient. Seasonally, the consumption of nutrients by blooms resulted in minimum chlorophyll a concentration ((0.78±0.51) mg/m3) and attenuation coefficient values in summer. In terms of the vertical structure, both the attenuation coefficient and the chlorophyll a concentration tended to reach maximum values at the same depth, and the depth of the maximum values increased as the surface temperature increased in summer. Moreover, an empirical model was fitted with a power function based on the correlation between the chlorophyll a concentration and the attenuation coefficient at 412–555 nm. In addition, a spectral model was constructed according to the relationship between the attenuation coefficients at 490 nm and at other wavelengths, which provides a method for estimating the bio-optical properties of the Bering Sea shelf.  相似文献   

A 1/8° global version of the Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) is used for simulation of upper-ocean quantities on interannual time scales. The model spans the global ocean from 80°S to a complete Arctic cap, and includes 19 terrain-following σ- and 21 fixed z-levels. The global NCOM assimilates three-dimensional (3D) temperature and salinity fields produced by the Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS) which generates synthetic temperature and salinity profiles based on ocean surface observations. Model-data intercomparisons are performed to measure the effectiveness of NCOM in predicting upper-ocean quantities such as sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS) and mixed layer depth (MLD). Subsurface temperature and salinity are evaluated as well. An extensive set of buoy observations is used for this validation. Where possible, the model validation is performed between year-long time series obtained from the model and time series from the buoys. The statistical analyses include the calculation of dimensionless skill scores (SS), which are positive if statistical skill is shown and equal to one for perfect SST simulations. Model SST comparisons with year-long SST time series from all 83 buoys give a median SS value of 0.82. Model subsurface temperature comparisons with the year-long subsurface temperature time series from 24 buoys showed that the model is able to predict temperatures down to 500 m reasonably well, with positive SS values ranging from 0.18 to 0.97. Intercomparisons of MLD reveal that the model MLD is usually shallower than the buoy MLD by an average of about 15 m. Annual mean SSS and subsurface salinity biases between the model and buoy values are small. A comparison of SST between NCOM and a satellite-based Pathfinder data set demonstrates that the model has a root-mean-square (RMS) SST difference of 0.61 °C over the global ocean. Spatial variations of kinetic energy fields from NCOM show agree with historical observations. Based on these results, it is concluded that the global NCOM presented in this paper is able to predict upper-ocean quantities with reasonable accuracy for both coastal and open ocean locations.  相似文献   

海洋锋是典型的海洋中尺度现象之一。目前卫星遥感主要利用海表温度数据分析海洋锋,但由于西北太平洋海域夏季海表温度的趋同特性,不能进行有效的锋面监测;而不同水团所具有的生物光学特性往往是不同的,且不具有太阳辐射引起的显著性季节变化,因此海色资料也成为检测海洋锋的有效数据源。文中以东海黑潮为例,详细说明了基于叶绿素a浓度融合数据,采用梯度法进行海洋锋面检测的过程,通过比较不同季节不同梯度阈值得到的东海黑潮锋结果,从保持锋面的完整性及对零碎锋区的剔除效应方面,选取了不同季节较优的梯度阈值。总体来说,文中检测出的东海黑潮区域海色锋与海流黑潮强流区较吻合,12月至4月东海黑潮海色锋检测结果不如海温锋,而5-11月东海黑潮海色锋检测结果优于海温锋,特别是台湾以东黑潮区域,不论什么季节海温锋都没有体现,而海色锋始终很明显。利用文中提出的海洋锋检测算法、分析方法及选择的梯度阈值可以有效地检测东海黑潮区域的海洋锋面,结合海色锋和海温锋,可以监测分析东海黑潮强流区的时空变化。  相似文献   

We investigated the variability of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Labrador Sea, dividing into distinct biogeographical zones, then analyzing the relationship between the bloom and physical forcings. The spring phytoplankton bloom in the north Labrador Sea varied in intensity by a factor of 4 and in timing of onset by 3 weeks over the 11-year record from SeaWiFS satellite ocean chlorophyll, 1998–2008. This north bloom (north of 60 °N and west of the Labrador shelves) is earliest and most intense, owing in part to the offshore-directed freshwater stratification from the West Greenland Current. On interannual timescales, significant correlations were found between the north bloom intensity and ocean processes, namely offshore advection, eddy activity and runoff from Greenland. In contrast, the central Labrador Sea is later and weaker, and only a correlation between the bloom timing and irradiance was found. As the subpolar gyre shifts in strength and shape, freshwater outflow from the Arctic and Greenland changes, we may expect further changes in the biological response as indicated by these relationships.  相似文献   

Case 1 waters with high chlorophyll content can be encountered as soon as the nutrient availability is high enough and the terrestrial influence by land drainage is negligible. Offshore oceanic blooms and upwelling zones along arid coasts are instances of such waters. Their bio-optical properties are less documented compared to those of mesotrophic or oligotrophic waters. A coherent set of measurements of bio-geochemical properties (algal pigments, suspended particulate matter), inherent optical properties (absorption and scattering by water bodies and by particulate material), and apparent optical properties (hyperspectral reflectance and diffuse attenuation coefficients) was obtained within the Benguela Current, i.e. in an upwelling area with arid climate and no runoff. These data allow the bio-optical relationships in eutrophic Case 1 waters to be analyzed, and their natural variability to be compared with that previously observed in less productive waters. In addition, a comparison between eutrophic Case 1 waters and yellow substance dominated Case 2 waters can be made, since such waters are also present in the area under investigation. The coherence between the inherent and apparent optical properties is also analyzed via inversion. Despite some deficiencies in their parameterization, the existing bio-optical models for Case 1 waters were proven to be valid such that they can be extended without significant discontinuities toward the domain of high concentration (up to 30 mg m−3). In particular, those models in use for the interpretation of remotely sensed ocean color continue to apply, even if the sensitivity of current algorithms for the chlorophyll retrieval weakens owing to inescapable physical limitations in the case of high concentrations.  相似文献   

Satellite ocean-color imagery and field spectroradiometer observations are used to assess the bio-optical signatures of two mesoscale features, a cyclone C1 and an 18°-water anticyclone A4, in the Sargasso Sea. Field determinations of upper layer bio-optical properties, such as the diffuse attenuation coefficient and remote-sensing reflectance spectra, show little statistically significant variations with distance to the eddy center for either eddy. This contrasts field observations showing many-fold higher phytoplankton pigment biomass at depth (and for A4 higher primary production rates at depth) than is typical for this region. The cyclone C1 does show a significant decrease in the depth of the 1% photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) isolume with increasing distance from eddy center while the anticyclone A4 shows no coherent signal vs. distance. Vertical profiles of bio-optical properties show consistent patterns where subsurface maxima are displaced higher inside the core of the cyclone C1 than in the surrounding waters while the highest values of the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 443 nm are observed within the core of anticyclone A4. Satellite observations of near-surface bio-optical properties show signals consistent with eddy physical characteristics, although the magnitude of these variations is very small, barely detectable by typical field measurement protocols. Mean values of bio-optical properties are higher within the cyclone compared with its periphery but not for the anticyclone. For both eddies, significant inverse correlations are observed between time series of bio-optical properties and eddy center sea-level anomaly. Consistent response to wind speed is also noted: following strong wind events, bio-optical parameters are elevated inside the anticyclone and are reduced inside the cyclone. These observations demonstrate that a combination of physical processes, including vertical eddy uplift, eddy horizontal advection, and eddy-scale Ekman pumping, contribute to the bio-optical imprint of mesoscale eddies. The contributions of these forcing mechanisms change over the period of observation, illustrating the limitations of inferring eddy bio-optical dynamics from short-term, field observations. The present analyses provide insights into the potential as well as the drawbacks of bio-optical techniques for probing the biological and biogeochemical impacts of open-ocean eddies.  相似文献   

An operational ocean circulation-surface wave coupled forecasting system for the seas off China and adjacent areas(OCFS-C) is developed based on parallelized circulation and wave models. It has been in operation since November 1, 2007. In this paper we comprehensively present the simulation and verification of the system, whose distinguishing feature is that the wave-induced mixing is coupled in the circulation model. In particular, with nested technique the resolution in the China's seas has been updated to(1/24)° from the global model with(1/2)°resolution. Besides, daily remote sensing sea surface temperature(SST) data have been assimilated into the model to generate a hot restart field for OCFS-C. Moreover, inter-comparisons between forecasting and independent observational data are performed to evaluate the effectiveness of OCFS-C in upper-ocean quantities predictions, including SST, mixed layer depth(MLD) and subsurface temperature. Except in conventional statistical metrics, non-dimensional skill scores(SS) is also used to evaluate forecast skill. Observations from buoys and Argo profiles are used for lead time and real time validations, which give a large SS value(more than 0.90). Besides, prediction skill for the seasonal variation of SST is confirmed. Comparisons of subsurface temperatures with Argo profiles data indicate that OCFS-C has low skill in predicting subsurface temperatures between 100 m and 150 m. Nevertheless, inter-comparisons of MLD reveal that the MLD from model is shallower than that from Argo profiles by about 12 m, i.e., OCFS-C is successful and steady in MLD predictions. Validation of 1-d, 2-d and 3-d forecasting SST shows that our operational ocean circulation-surface wave coupled forecasting model has reasonable accuracy in the upper ocean.  相似文献   

The effects of biological heating on the upper-ocean temperature of the global ocean are investigated using two ocean-only experiments forced by prescribed atmospheric fields during 1990–2007, on with fixed constant chlorophyll concentration, and the other with seasonally varying chlorophyll concentration. Although the existence of high chlorophyll concentrations can trap solar radiation in the upper layer and warm the surface, cooling sea surface temperature (SST) can be seen in some regions and seasons. Seventeen regions are selected and classified according to their dynamic processes, and the cooling mechanisms are investigated through heat budget analysis. The chlorophyll-induced SST variation is dependent on the variation in chlorophyll concentration and net surface heat flux and on such dynamic ocean processes as mixing, upwelling and advection. The mixed layer depth is also an important factor determining the effect. The chlorophyll-induced SST warming appears in most regions during the local spring to autumn when the mixed layer is shallow, e.g., low latitudes without upwelling and the mid-latitudes. Chlorophyll-induced SST cooling appears in regions experiencing strong upwelling, e.g., the western Arabian Sea, west coast of North Africa, South Africa and South America, the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, and strong mixing (with deep mixed layer depth), e.g., the mid-latitudes in winter.  相似文献   

The mean seasonal cycle of mixed layer depth (MLD) in the extratropical oceans has the potential to influence temperature, salinity and mixed layer depth anomalies from one winter to the next. Temperature and salinity anomalies that form at the surface and spread throughout the deep winter mixed layer are sequestered beneath the mixed layer when it shoals in spring, and are then re-entrained into the surface layer in the subsequent fall and winter. Here we document this ‘re-emergence mechanism’ in the North Pacific Ocean using observed SSTs, subsurface temperature fields from a data assimilation system, and coupled atmosphere–ocean model simulations. Observations indicate that the dominant large-scale SST anomaly pattern that forms in the North Pacific during winter recurs in the following winter. The model simulation with mixed layer ocean physics reproduced the winter-to-winter recurrence, while model simulations with observed SSTs specified in the tropical Pacific and a 50 m slab in the North Pacific did not. This difference between the model results indicates that the winter-to-winter SST correlations are the result of the re-emergence mechanism, and not of similar atmospheric forcing of the ocean in consecutive winters. The model experiments also indicate that SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific associated with El Niño are not essential for re-emergence to occur.The recurrence of observed SST and simulated SST and SSS anomalies are found in several regions in the central North Pacific, and are quite strong in the northern (>50°N) part of the basin. The winter-to-winter autocorrelation of SSS anomalies exceed those of SST, since only the latter are strongly damped by surface fluxes. The re-emergence mechanism also has a modest influence on MLD through changes in the vertical stratification in the seasonal thermocline.  相似文献   

To explore the causes of the winter shallow mixed layer and high sea surface temperature (SST) along the strong Kuroshio jet from the East China Sea to the upstream Kuroshio extension (25.5°N–150°E) during 1988–1994 when the Japanese sardine stocks collapsed, high-resolution ocean general circulation model (OGCM) hindcast data are analyzed with a bulk mixed layer model which traces particles at the mixed layer base. The shallow mixed layer and high SST along the Kuroshio jet are mainly caused by the acceleration of the Kuroshio current velocity and the reduction of the surface cooling. Because the acceleration reduces the time during which the mixed layer is exposed to wintertime cooling, deepening and cooling of the winter mixed layer are restricted. The weaker surface cooling due to less severe meteorological forcing also causes the shallow mixed layer and the high SST. The impact of the strong heat transport along the Kuroshio extends to the southern recirculation gyre of the Kuroshio/Kuroshio extension regions; previous indications that the Japanese sardine recruitment is correlated with the winter SST and the mixed layer depth (MLD) in the Kuroshio extension recirculation region could be related to the velocity, SST, and MLD near the Kuroshio axis which also could affect the variability of North Pacific subtropical water.  相似文献   

夏季黄海表面冷水对大气边界层及海雾的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海表面温度(SST)是海气界面上的1个物理量,受到海洋潮汐、海底地形等因素影响,并对海洋大气边界层有着重要的影响.夏季的黄海,由于黄海冷水团的存在和陆架锋的影响,或是潮汐混合的作用导致海水的垂直混合,使海表面温度的分布产生复杂的结构.通过对卫星观测的海表面温度数据分析,发现在夏季黄海有几个SST冷中心的存在:辽东半岛以及山东半岛的顶端、朝鲜半岛的西侧、山东半岛南侧、江苏外海和黄海南部等.本文利用一系列船舶观测资料、卫星遥感数据、再分析数据分析等,并运用数值模拟研究黄海的冷中心对其上大气的影响.在冷区之上,大气稳定度增加,抑制了近海面大气的垂直混合,使海表面风速减弱.通过对船测数据的分析,在冷区位置有海雾多发区的存在,黄海南部冷区上的海雾发生频率达到15%以上.Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)模式的数值模拟表明,冷中心降低上空的温度,使海表面风速减弱,形成厚度达500m的逆温层,为海雾的形成创造了有利的条件.与船测数据结果所不同的是黄海南部冷中心之上的海雾发生频率可以达到30%,去掉冷区影响的试验表明冷区较冷的海表面温度最多可以使海雾的发生频率增加15%以上.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2004,6(3-4):285-334
We have developed a general 1-D multi-component ecosystem model that incorporates a skillful upper ocean mixed layer model based on second moment closure of turbulence. The model is intended for eventual incorporation into coupled 3-D physical–biogeochemical ocean models with potential applications to modeling and studying primary productivity and carbon cycling in the global oceans as well as to promote the use of chlorophyll concentrations, in concert with satellite-sensed ocean color, as a diagnostic tool to delineate circulation features in numerical circulation models. The model is nitrogen-based and the design is deliberately general enough and modular to enable many of the existing ecosystem model formulations to be simulated and hence model-to-model comparisons rendered feasible. In its more general form (GEM10), the model solves for nitrate, ammonium, dissolved nitrogen, bacteria and two size categories of phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus, in addition to solving for dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity to enable estimation of the carbon dioxide flux at the air–sea interface. Dissolved oxygen is another prognostic variable enabling air–sea exchange of oxygen to be calculated. For potential applications to HNLC regions where productivity is constrained by the availability of a trace constituent such as iron, the model carries the trace constituent as an additional prognostic variable. Here we present 1-D model simulations for the Black Sea, Station PAPA and the BATS site. The Black Sea simulations assimilate seasonal monthly SST, SSS and surface chlorophyll, and the seasonal modulations compare favorably with earlier work. Station PAPA simulations for 1975–1977 with GEM5 assimilating observed SST and a plausible seasonal modulation of surface chlorophyll concentration also compare favorably with earlier work and with the limited observations on nitrate and pCO2 available. Finally, GEM5 simulations at BATS for 1985–1997 are consistent with the available time series. The simulations suggest that while it is generally desirable to employ a comprehensive ecosystem model with a large number of components when accurate depiction of the entire ecosystem is desirable, as is the prevailing practice, a simpler formulation such as GEM5 (N2PZD model) combined with assimilation of remotely sensed SST and chlorophyll concentrations may suffice for incorporation into 3-D prediction models of primary productivity, upper ocean optical clarity and carbon cycling.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2010,35(3-4):166-184
Predictive ability of five different embedded turbulent mixing models that range from second-order turbulent closure to bulk mixing parameterization is examined in the Mediterranean Sea. Each is embedded in the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Mixed layer depth (MLD), which is one of the most important upper ocean variables, is used to evaluate the treatment of turbulent processes in each model run. In addition to overall spatial and temporal variability, analyses of MLD are presented using an extensive set (3976) of temperature and salinity profiles from various data sources during 2003–2006. Results obtained from simulations (with no data assimilation and relaxation only to salinity) for the five mixing models are compared with observed MLDs obtained from in situ temperature and salinity profile observations. To ensure the robustness of the validation statistics MLD is computed using both curvature and threshold based methodologies. Results indicate that while all mixing schemes represent the MLD well, the bulk mixing models have substantial accuracy deficiencies relative to the higher order mixing models. The modeled MLDs are slightly deeper than observed MLDs with the mean bias error ∼10 m for the higher order mixing models while the bulk mixing model bias error is 15 m or more. The RMS error for the higher order mixing models is ∼40 m while it is ∼50 m for the bulk mixing models. The bulk mixing models had substantially larger errors particularly for the curvature MLD definition.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2008,20(3-4):138-160
We analyze the water mass transformation in coarse (1°) and high (1/6°) resolution ocean simulations with the identical configuration of the CLIPPER model and interannual ERA15 forcing function. Climatological characteristics of surface water mass transformation in the two experiments are quite different. The high resolution experiment exhibits a stronger surface transformation in equatorial and tropical regions, in the Gulf Stream area and in the location of the formation of Subtropical Mode Water (STMW), associated with high levels of eddy kinetic energy. The coarse resolution experiment shows a better representation of the transformation rates corresponding to the densest subpolar mode waters and Labrador Sea Water (LSW). This is explained by the differences in lateral mixing procedures between high and coarse resolution experiments. The high resolution 1/6° run is eddy-resolving only in the tropics and mid-latitudes. In these areas eddies are found to enhance the process of water mass transformation compared to the isopycnal diffusion used to parameterized the eddies in the 1° model. Despite its 1/6° resolution, the high resolution model does not adequately represent eddies in the subpolar gyre and Labrador Sea. In these areas the high resolution model fails to correctly simulate water mass transformation because the lateral mixing (provided through the bi-harmonic sub-gridscale parameterization) of newly ventilated waters with surrounding waters is not efficient enough. In contrast in the coarse 1° resolution model, the strong lateral mixing and the unrealistically broad boundary currents imposed by the high diffusivity required for numerical stability mixes newly formed LSW waters with the warmer and saltier waters of the rim current. Finally, it results in a more effective representation of the surface water mass transformation in high latitudes in the 1° model. A possible impact of the increased lateral diffusion in high resolution experiment on the representation of re-stratification in the Labrador Sea was studied in sensitivity experiments with different lateral diffusion coefficients compared to the regional eddy-resolving 1/15° simulation in the subpolar North Atlantic. If the eddies are not resolved in subpolar latitudes (as in the case of 1/6° model), the GM90 parameterization with the coefficient close to 800 m2 s−1 provides the closest agreement with the solution of eddy-resolving 1/15° model.  相似文献   

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