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基于CT胸部图像肺结核球的定位 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着医学图像处理的快速发展,病灶区定位在医学应用中越来越引起人们的关注。以CT图像为研究对象,针对肺结核球的定位问题,先对预处理过的CT图像利用阈值技术二值化,采用形态滤波去除小桥,然后将每个连通区域标记出来。最终通过包括面积、周长、位置参数及形状参数等特征的决策器来判断确定肺结核球区域,并且定位出病灶区位置。 相似文献
针对稀疏投影CT图像重建算法中梯度算子在图像稀疏表示方面的局限,本文将Contourlet变换与CT图像重构相结合,利用Contourlet变换包含图像中的方向信息,从而更有效表达图像这一优势,提出一种将Contourlet变换与最小化图像总变差(TV)方法相结合,进而借助分裂Bregman方法进行最优化求解的CT重建算法。实验结果表明,在投影数较少的条件下,本文算法重构结果在RMSE与UQI方面均优于ART与TV方法,重构图像的边缘细节亦保持良好,且抗噪性能较强,说明本文算法更适合稀疏投影情况下的重建。 相似文献
目的:目前的射束硬化校正算法大多需要能谱、检测器特性等信息。针对硬化校正的复杂性,提出一种基于图像后处理的硬化校正方法。方法:首先将带有杯状伪影的水模体CT图像中水的部分分割出来并对其做Radon变换以获取水的投影信息,以此信息构建带有未知系数的校正模型;然后将校正模型与理想图像对比,当它们之间的差异最小时,确定出校正模型的未知系数。利用确定出来的系数和预校正图像软组织的投影信息组合成的校正模型校正实际CT图像,以此消除实际CT图像中的硬化杯状伪影。结果:通过模拟数据验证表明,该方法能去除医用CT中由于射束硬化而引起的杯状伪影。结论:本文提出的方法在不需要能谱信息及投影数据的情况下就能进行杯状伪影的校正,提高了硬化校正的灵活性。 相似文献
由于易受到其它因素的影响,用CT图像直接分析材料服役过程中损伤状态的变化往往比较困难。本文从混合体的质量衰减系数的计算角度出发,分析了质量衰减系数的计算原理,得到了它的另一个等价表示;并推导出材料服役环境下,只包含单杂质的情况时,微裂纹群的出现所带来的裂纹缺陷体积百分数、密度变化与CT图像值之间的关系式,最后得到了裂纹缺陷体积百分数与损伤变量的关系式,为后期利用CT进行材料疲劳寿命分析奠定了理论基础。 相似文献
基于小波变换的低剂量CT投影数据滤波方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文根据低剂量CT投影数据的噪声特性,提出了一种基于小波变换的低剂量CT投影数据三维块匹配(BM3D)滤波方法.新方法首先对经过Anscombe变换的低剂量CT投影数据进行小波分解,然后分别对分解后尺度系数和小波系数进行BM3D滤波,接着对滤波后的系数进行逆小波变换和Anscombe逆变换,最后对处理后的投影数据采用经... 相似文献
基于小波变换与小波包变换的降噪方法比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在模拟地震记录信号中加入信噪比为17的高斯白噪声,然后分别采用小波降噪和小波包降噪方法,对含噪信号进行降噪处理。在不同降噪阈值下,比较降噪后信号的信噪比。结果表明:在同一降噪阈值下,小波包降噪后信号的信噪比高于小波降噪后信号的信噪比,而且采用wbmpen方法给定的阈值明显可以提高降噪后信号的信噪比。 相似文献
采用平板探测器的X射线锥束成像系统中,由于散射会带来图像伪影从而劣化图像质量,通常采用在平板探测器前安装滤线栅来去除散射,但滤线栅会在获取的图像上形成周期性的条状伪影,如何去除条状伪影是X射线锥束成像系统中的一个关键技术问题。本文对已有的滤线栅条纹去除方法进行概述,创新性地提出基于频谱拼接的小波变换方法,既能在损失物体细节信息少的前提下很好地去除滤线栅条纹,又不会引入小波变换谐波。通过实际实验,检验该方法的有效性。 相似文献
不同地区地震危险性的产生机制具有相似性,地震危险性可由若干地震活动指标(要素)加以描述,因此,这些指标特性的相似性反映了地震危险性大小的差异。为此,给出了一种计算相似度的新方法,并用这一方面对若干地区的地震危险性进行了评价,结果令人满意。 相似文献
在分析IHS变换时发现,IHS变换中亮度分量的计算是从红绿蓝三种颜色中平均提取三分之一作为总亮度,而人眼对绿色最敏感(占60%)、其次是红色(占30%)、再者是蓝色(占10%),故本文对亮度分量的计算公式做了修改。在此基础上,提出了一种改进的IHS变换和小波变换相结合的图像融合方法。首先对多光谱图像进行改进的IHS变换,然后利用小波变换分别对I分量和全色高分辨率图像做小波分解,并对小波低频系数基于局部能量进行融合,小波高频系数基于局部方差进行融合,最后进行IHS逆变换,得到融合结果图像。结果表明,本文提出的方法在保持光谱源图像特性方面有优势,也较多地保留了源图像的空间细节信息,融合图像的扭曲程度小。 相似文献
The accuracy of automatic procedures for locating earthquakes is influenced by several factors such as errors in picking seismic phases, network geometry, modeling errors and velocity model uncertainties. The main purpose of this work is to improve the performances of the automatic procedure employed for the “quasi-real-time” location of seismic events in North Western Italy by developing a procedure based on a waveform similarity analysis and by using only one seismic station.To detect “earthquake families” a cross-correlation technique was applied to a data set of seismic waveforms recorded in the period 1985-2002, in a small test area (1600 km2) located in the South Western Alps (Italy). Normalized cross-correlation matrices were calculated using about 2700 seismic events, selected on the basis of the signal to noise ratio, manually picked and located by using the Hypoellipse code. The waveform similarity analysis, based on the bridging technique, allowed grouping about 65% of the selected events into 80 earthquake families (multiplets) located inside the area considered. For each earthquake family a master event is selected, manually re-picked and re-located by using Hypoellipse code. Having chosen a reference station (STV) on the basis of the completeness of the available data set, an automatic procedure has been developed with the aim of cross-correlating new seismic recordings (automatically picked) to the waveforms of the events belonging to the detected families. If the new event is proved to belong to a family (on the basis of the cross-correlation values), its hypocenter co-ordinates are defined by the location of the master event of the associated family. The performance of the proposed procedure is tested and demonstrated using a data set of 104 selected earthquakes recorded in the period January 2003-June 2004 and located in the test area. The automatic procedure is able to locate, associating events with the multiplets detected by the waveform similarity analysis, about 50% of the test events, almost independently of the accuracy of the automatic phase picker and without the biasing of the network geometry and of the velocity model uncertainties. 相似文献
以2013年4月22日内蒙古通辽MS5.3地震为研究对象,在序列统计分析的基础上,通过HypoD D双差定位和震源机制求解,分析了之前的ML4.4地震与MS5.3地震的关系。结果表明,通辽MS5.3地震是在震中区中小地震长期平静和震前短期活动增强的背景下发生的一次中强地震;地震精确定位结果显示,通辽MS5.3地震序列整体呈NW向展布,延伸约10km,ML≥3.0余震集中发生于主震南侧约2km处;MS5.3主震和ML4.4前震的震中相距约1.8km,震源深度分别为7.208、7.089km,表明两者的震源位置比较接近,可能发生于同一断层面;震源机制结果表明,通辽MS5.3主震的震源机制为走滑型,余震震源机制类型比较凌乱,由前期的走滑为主转变为后期的正断层和逆冲型;3次较大前震的震源机制解具有一致性,均为正断层,一定程度上表现了震中区地壳介质在宏观破裂前存在明显的各向异性,具体表现为裂隙的定向排列,这种\"一致性\"的震兆状态在应力的进一步作用下孕育发生了主震。根据地震序列的时空分布特点和震源机制相似性,综合判定通辽MS5.3地震应为前震-主震-余震型。 相似文献
We present the pattern of seismic activity in the period between 2001 and 2007 for the Novy Kostel focal zone, which is recently
the most active zone of the West-Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake swarm region. While the year 2001 was characterized by dying
out of the 2000-swarm activity in the form of a few microswarms, almost no seismicity occurred in the period between 2002
and 2003. Since 2004 an elevated seismic activity occurs in the form of repeating microearthquake swarms. We used a relative
location method to relate the hypocenter positions of the post-swarm activity to the geometry of the 2000-swarm cluster. We
found that the activity has concentrated in several clusters, which have been repeatedly activated. Some clusters coincide
with the position of the previous activity; the others have activated so far inactive deep segments at the southern edge of
the Novy Kostel fault. Besides the shift of the hypocenters to the edges of the previously active area we observe a southward
migration of the activity and an increase of maximum depths of earthquakes from 10 to 13 km. The waveform similarity analysis
disclosed that some fault patches consist of only a single, repeatedly activated fault plane, while the others consist of
multiple, differently oriented fault planes activated almost simultaneously. Most of the focal mechanisms are consistent with
the geometry of hypocenters showing NNW-SSE trending steep fault planes with left-lateral strike-slip mechanisms and varying
dip-slip component. 相似文献
P. L. Swanson L. H. Estey F. M. Boler S. Billington 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1992,139(3-4):375-404
The accuracy and precision of microseismic event locations were measured, analyzed, and compared for two types of location systems: anolog and digital. In the first system, relative times of first arrival were estimated from analog signals using automated hardware circuitry; station positions were estimated from mine map coordinates; and event locations were determined using the BLD (Blake, Leighton, and Duvall) direct solution method. In the second system, arrival times were manually measured during interactive displays of digital waveforms; station coordinates were surveyed; and the SW-GBM (Salamon and Wiebols; Godson, Bridges, and McKavanagh) direct basis function was used to solve for locations. Both systems assume constant isotropic seismic velocity of slightly different signals data sets, calibration blast signals with known source site and origin time, and microseismic event signals, were recorded by each location system employing the same array of high-frequency (5 kHz) accelerometers with 150 m maximum dimension. The calibration blast tests indicated a location precision of ±2 m and accuracy of ±10 m for the analog system. Location precision and accuracy for the digital system measured ±1 m and ±8 m, respectively. Numerical experiments were used to assess the contributions of errors in velocity, arrival times, and station positions on the location accuracy and precision for each system. Measured and estimated errors appropriate to each system for microseismic events were simulated in computing source locations for comparison with exact synthetic event locations. Discrepancy vectors between exact locations and locations calculated with known data errors averaged 7.7 and 1.4 m for the analog and digital systems, respectively. These averages are probably more representative of the location precision of microseismic events, since the calibration blast tests produce impulsive seismic arrivals resulting in smaller arrival-time pick errors in the analog system. For both systems, location accuracy is limited by inadequate modeling of the velocity structure. Consequently, when isotropic velocity models are used in the travel-time inversions, the increased effort expended with the digital location system does not, for the particular systems studied, result in increased accuracy. 相似文献
选取2009年新疆测震台网记录的49个ML≥3.0地震,选用相同地震台及相同震相到时数据,分别采用单纯形、Loc Sat和Hypo Sat定位方法重新定位,从定位残差和震中位置对各定位效果进行对比,结果表明:对地震台站包围好的浅源地震,3种定位方法均适合;对地震台站包围不好的浅源地震,Loc Sat定位方法效果较好;对深源地震,Hypo Sat定位方法效果较好。 相似文献
To aid prediction of the flow hydrograph in a basin with limited data, a practical approach to determining a regionalized Clark instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) model is presented. The proposed model is described in terms of the synthetic time–area concentration curve, the concentration time, and a special regional similarity value that is valid in the whole basin. The latter was estimated from a Monte Carlo testing procedure based on the normal probability distribution of transformed regional similarity values composed of the time of concentration and the storage coefficient in gauged basins. The time–area concentration curve and the concentration time were calculated from a rational equation as in conventional methods. The method of transformation adopted was the Box–Cox power transformation, which is known to make non‐normal values resemble normal data. By introducing the regional similarity value into a Clark IUH, a statistically best estimate of IUH for given data conditions and its quantified degree of uncertainty were realized. The Wi River basin in Korea was used to test the applicability of the regionalized Clark IUH. The performance of the suggested methodology was evaluated by assuming an ungauged sub‐basin at the site. The results showed that the IUH model developed in this work was an effective tool, predicting a reliable hydrograph within the study area even though only limited data were available. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
以2019年3月28日青海茫崖5.0级地震作为研究震例,选取主震后信噪比较高的9个M_L1.0以上余震作为模板事件,利用模板匹配滤波方法对主震后30天连续波形进行遗漏地震扫描,检测到遗漏地震13个,约为原始地震目录的43%,这对该地区的地震活动性研究,地震危险性评估等后续研究工作提供了比较完备余震序列数据参考。对模板匹配前后b值变化进行对比分析,发现模板匹配后b值略有下降,佐证了强震后短时间内b值明显降低的普遍现象。最后对扩充后的地震目录进行双差重定位,发现地震主要集中分布在茫崖—油沙山断裂北侧,呈现出成团成片的丛集状分布特点。 相似文献
地震定位是地震学基本问题之一,如何提高地震定位精度是地震学研究重点。本文介绍地震定位技术在国内外的研究历史及进展,对目前存在的各种地震定位技术进行分类,概述基本原理及应用。详细介绍盖革经典定位法、双差定位法和微震定位方法中的波形互相关技术和震源扫描算法,并简单介绍微震定位技术在核试验监测及定位上的应用。 相似文献