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地震预警震级确定方法研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
金星  张红才  李军  韦永祥  马强 《地震学报》2012,34(5):593-610
地震预警技术是减轻地震灾害损失的有效手段之一.地震预警系统中,地震震级计算是最重要也是最困难的部分之一.利用日本KiK-net台网和四川汶川余震共142次地震事件的记录,分别采用tau;c和Pd方法统计得到了地震预警震级的计算公式,震级计算的方差分别为0.62和0.56个震级单位.为消除震级计算过程中出现的震级饱和现象,作者拓展了Pd方法,提出了一套对位移幅值连续追踪测定的算法.当时间窗长度为10 s时,采用该方法的震级计算方差仅为0.37个震级单位,充分满足地震预警系统的需求.同时,该方法也实现了信息的连续过渡,提高了对现有信息的利用率.最后,还对位移幅值Pd用于地震动峰值PGV的估计以及不同特征参数间的相容性等内容进行了讨论.   相似文献   

利用内蒙古地区测震台网记录到的地震波形数据,基于地震预警参数阈值(特征周期 τc 和位移幅值Pd)开展评估内蒙古地区中强地震潜在破坏区范围的研究.按照一定的筛选条件进行筛选后,拟合出适合内蒙古地区的τc与震级ML、Pd与τc和震源距R的统计关系式;根据现有地震事件的最大震级,得到仪器烈度为Ⅳ度、震级ML = 5.0时对...  相似文献   

为提高地震预警震级快速持续估算结果的准确性,本文构建了基于多种地震动特征参数的卷积神经网络震级估算CNN-M模型.该模型基于日本KiK-net强震动观测记录,利用其P波触发后3~ 10s时间窗内的幅值参数、周期参数、烈度参数、信噪比参数共11种地震波特征参数以及震中距参数作为输入.本文所建立的CNN-M模型随着地震发生...  相似文献   

利用P波参数阈值实时估算地震预警潜在破坏区范围   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
彭朝勇  杨建思 《地震学报》2019,41(3):354-365
由于传统的潜在破坏区范围估算方法只能在已获取到震中位置和地震事件结束后才能产出,且往往需要数分钟的耗时,其实时性已无法满足地震预警要求。因此,为了快速产出潜在破坏区范围估算结果并将其用于预警,本文采用了一种结合现地预警技术和区域预警技术、基于预警参数(位移幅值Pd和特征周期τc)阈值的实时潜在破坏区范围估算方法。首先利用国内地震事件(4.0≤MS≤8.0)的记录数据和日本强震动观测事件(6.5≤MJ≤8.0)的数据拟合出特定的适应于我国的参数关系式,包括τc与震级M的相关性、Pd与峰值速度PGV的相关性以及Pdτc和震源距R的相关性;其次,根据最小震级(MS6.0)和仪器烈度(Ⅶ度)定义相应的参数阈值(Pd=0.1 cm和τc=1.1 s);最后,利用已有的3次破坏性地震事件数据开展线下模拟,对该方法的适应性和时效性进行了验证。结果表明,对于2013年MS7.0四川芦山和2014年MS6.5云南鲁甸两次中强地震,震后约10 s即可获取到比较稳定的潜在破坏区范围估计结果;而对于2008年MS8.0汶川特大地震,在其记录台站分布密度不高的情况下,震后40 s左右的估算结果始呈稳定状态。   相似文献   

地震预警作为一种能够有效减轻地震灾害的手段已经被世界上越来越多的国家和地区所研究,并在实际应用中取得了显著的减灾实效.利用汶川主震及其余震的强震观测记录研究了特征周期τc与震级的相关性、位移幅值Pd与峰值速度PGV的相关性以及τc和Pd的乘积与震级的关系.统计结果表明,τc与震级以及Pd与PGV之间都有较好的相关性,验证前人的统计结果.另外,τc和Pd的乘积与震级的关系也与台湾地区的结果一致.最后,研究结果被应用到了两款不同的仪器中,形成一套现地地震预警系统.  相似文献   


地震预警系统需要在破坏性的地震波到来前快速估算地震参数和地震动参数,以对可能出现的地震灾害进行预测,对重要工程、人员密集区域发布警报信息.以Pd估测PGV的方法是地震预警研究涉及的一种重要问题,该方法利用初至P波触发后前几秒的峰值位移(Pd)对最终地震动峰值速度(PGV)进行估算,以满足预警的需要.本文对2016年在日本发生的熊本地震及其前震、余震的震中距100 km以内、矩震级大于4级、井下基岩PGA>5 cm·s-2和地表PGA>20 cm·s-2的Kik-net强地震动记录进行处理分析,用于研究以Pd估测PGV的方法.将获得的强地震动数据按震中距从0~100 km平均划分为5个区段,在记录时间3~10 s范围内将Pd的计算取8个时间窗,分别对每个震中距区段、每一个Pd的时间窗下的PGV-Pd数据进行线性拟合,最终提出了一套应对不同震中距对位移幅值连续追踪测定PGV的算法.对每一个震中距区段的研究表明,震中距会对PGV-Pd关系产生影响.对5次地震进行验证分析,认为基于基岩记录估测基岩PGV的准确度高于基于地表记录估测地表PGV的准确度;对震中距进行分段的PGV估测方法准确度高于不考虑震中距因子的估测方法.最后拓展了将井下基岩Pd估测井下基岩PGV这种原地地震预警方法,使其能够为异地P波预警方法服务.


利用地震P波初始信息快速估算震级是地震预警系统中的重要部分之一,文中详细介绍了地震预警研究中常用的两种卓越周期估算震级方法:τpmax方法和τc方法。为了评估这两种方法哪一种震级估算精度更高,文中通过设置不同的估算震级时间窗以及不同的滤波频带,利用震级范围4.1~7.9的22次地震的强震观测记录对这两种方法进行了比较分析。比较的结果表明:本文计算得到的τpmax值和τc值与震级之间均存在线性比例关系,与前人的研究结果一致;在相同的0.075~3 Hz带通滤波条件下,利用P波触发后3 s地震记录计算的τc值可获得最优的震级估计结果,τc与震级的相关系数为0.78,标准差为0.16。仅经过0.075 Hz高通滤波得到的τpmax值与震级的线性相关度比0.075~3Hz带通滤波得到的τpmax值与震级的线性相关度低,而是否经过低通滤波对τc值与震级的线性比例关系没有影响。建议在地震预警系统中优先采用3 sτc方法作为震级估算方法。  相似文献   

基于汶川主震及余震的预警参数与震级相关性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
地震预警作为一种能够有效减轻地震灾害的手段已经被世界上越来越多的国家和地区所研究,并在实际应用中取得了显著的减灾实效.利用汶川主震及其余震P波和S波初期部分的信息,研究了最终地震震级与4个预警参数的相关性.考察的4个参数是位移幅值(Pd)、速度平方积分(IV2)、P波卓越周期和特征周期(τp和τc).使用的数据集时间跨度从2008年5月12日至2008年10月4日,共计218次震级大于等于4级的地震事件,包括主震8.0、最大余震6.5和7次大于等于6.0级的事件.Pd、IV2和τc在震级小于等于6.5级时与最终震级具有较好的相关性,没有出现震级饱和现象,验证了前人的统计结果.但是在估算主震震级时,都存在不同程度的低估现象,IV2参数尤其明显.另外,Pd和IV2统计曲线在M6级附近存在着一个斜率变化,并且Pd结果与前人统计结果相差较大.τp的统计结果表明该参数不适合应用到汶川地区的地震预警系统中.  相似文献   

According to earthquake catalog records of Fujian Seismic Network, the T now method and the four-station continuous location method put forward by Jin Xing are inspected by using P-wave arrival information of the first four stations in each earthquake. It shows that the four-station continuous location method can locate more seismic events than the T now method. By analyzing the results, it is concluded that the reason for this is that the T now method makes use of information from stations without being triggered, while some stations failed to be reflected in earthquake catalog because of discontinuous records or unclear records of seismic phases. For seismic events whose location results can be given, there is no obvious difference in location results of the two methods and positioning deviation of most seismic events is also not significant. For earthquakes outside the network, the positioning deviation may amplify as the epicentral distance enlarges, which may relate to the situation that the seismic stations are centered on one side of epicenter and the opening angle between seismic stations used for location and epicenter is small.  相似文献   

根据福建地震台网的地震目录,利用各个地震事件前4台的P波到时对Tnow定位方法和4台连续定位方法进行检验,结果表明,两种方法的定位结果相差不大,大部分地震事件的定位偏差也都较小;随震中距的增大,两种方法对网外地震的定位偏差可能增大,这可能和台站集中在震中的一侧、参与定位的台站与地震之间的张角较小有关。波速结构对4台连续定位方法的定位结果存在一定的影响,选择合适的速度模型将有助于改善地震预警定位结果。采用Tnow定位方法不能定位的地震事件相对于4台连续定位方法要多,这可能是由于Tnow定位方法应用了未触发台站的信息,而部分P波到时信息因台站断记或震相记录不清晰等原因而未在地震目录中体现导致的;综合考虑两种定位方法的局限性有助于提高地震预警系统的稳定性和可靠性。  相似文献   

Earthquake early warning (EEW) systems are one of the most effective ways to reduce earthquake disaster. Earthquake magnitude estimation is one of the most important and also the most difficult parts of the entire EEW system. In this paper, based on 142 earthquake events and 253 seismic records that were recorded by the KiK-net in Japan, and aftershocks of the large Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, we obtained earthquake magnitude estimation relationships using the τ c and P d methods. The standard variances of magnitude calculation of these two formulas are ±0.65 and ±0.56, respectively. The P d value can also be used to estimate the peak ground motion of velocity, then warning information can be released to the public rapidly, according to the estimation results. In order to insure the stability and reliability of magnitude estimation results, we propose a compatibility test according to the natures of these two parameters. The reliability of the early warning information is significantly improved though this test.  相似文献   

In this article, the seismic records of Japan’s Kik-net are selected to measure the acceleration, displacement, and effective peak acceleration of each seismic record within a certain time after P wave, then a continuous estimation is given on earthquake early warning magnitude through statistical analysis method, and Wenchuan earthquake record is utilized to check the method. The results show that the reliability of earthquake early warning magnitude continuously increases with the increase of the seismic information, the biggest residual happens if the acceleration is adopted to fit earthquake magnitude, which may be caused by rich high-frequency components and large dispersion of peak value in acceleration record, the influence caused by the high-frequency components can be effectively reduced if the effective peak acceleration and peak displacement is adopted, it is estimated that the dispersion of earthquake magnitude obviously reduces, but it is easy for peak displacement to be affected by long-period drifting. In various components, the residual enlargement phenomenon at vertical direction is almost unobvious, thus it is recommended in this article that the effective peak acceleration at vertical direction is preferred to estimate earthquake early warning magnitude. Through adopting Wenchuan strong earthquake record to check the method mentioned in this article, it is found that this method can be used to quickly, stably, and accurately estimate the early warning magnitude of this earthquake, which shows that this method is completely applicable for earthquake early warning.  相似文献   

Earthquake early warning (EEW) systems are a new and effective way to mitigate the damage associated with earthquakes. A prototype EEW system is currently being constructed in the Fujian Province, a region along the Southeast coast of China. It is anticipated that the system will be completed in time to be tested at the end of this year (2013). In order to evaluate how much advanced warning the EEW system will be able to provide different cities in Fujian, we established an EEW information release scheme based on the seismic monitoring stations distributed in the region. Based on this scheme, we selected 71 historical earthquakes. We then obtained the delineation of the region's potential seismic source data in order to estimate the highest potential seismic intensities for each city as well as the EEW system warning times. For most of the Fujian Province, EEW alarms would sound several seconds prior to the arrival of the destructive wave. This window of time gives city inhabitants the opportunity to take protective measures before the full intensity of the earthquake strikes.  相似文献   

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