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A small mammal collection from the Kolyma region in northeastern Siberia collected by the Norwegian trapper and naturalist Johan Koren between 1915 and 1917 comprises 152 specimens of 17 species. The collection was brought to Norway with Roald Amundsen's "Maud" expedition through the Northeast Passage and has been held by the Zoological Museum, University of Oslo.
When comparing the collection with the current distribution of small mammals in the region, it is not possible to detect changes in the small mammal fauna. As several species which are common today are missing in the collection, the collection apparently does not give a complete account of the small mammal fauna in the Kolyma region from 1915 to 1917. This discrepancy can largely be explained by the fact that Koren caught small mammals only in parts of the Kolyma region and not in those areas where the missing species are found in abundance.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of linear habitats, three types of hedgerows and two types of field margins, on the small mammal community within a semi-arid agricultural landscape in south-central British Columbia, Canada. We examined whether abundance, species richness, and species diversity of small mammals in tree fruit orchards differed from linear, edge habitats along orchard margins. Our five edges spanned grassy to wooded habitats. Linear habitats were intensively sampled for vascular plants in 2003 and small mammal communities from 2003 to 2007. Vegetation and total abundance of small mammal species among three types of hedgerows were similar and population changes followed those within nearby apple orchards. Species richness and diversity of small mammals, however, were significantly higher in hedgerows than orchards. Fewer mammals occupied hedgerows with high volumes of herb and shrub biomass, but richness and diversity of mammals did increase with shrub volume. All seven species of small mammals were represented in the hedgerow communities, including two species at risk: the Great Basin pocket mouse Perognathus parvus and the western harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis). Two types of field margins (orchard-sagebrush and orchard-old field) along fencerows provided habitat for P. parvus. Field margins managed for herbaceous plant species along fencerows and other such linear configurations provided habitat for R. megalotis. Linear non-crop habitats should maintain the overall small mammal community, as well as the two species at risk, within this semi-arid agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

Changes in plant community structure and composition of the Mojave Desert in response to greater fire intensity and extent are likely to have strong bottom-up effects on the biological community. The objective of this study was to determine how expansive fire in Mojave Desert impacts small mammal communities across seasons. We sampled small mammals in paired burned (4–5 years post-fire) and unburned areas of Beaver Dam Wash in southwestern Utah. Fire reduced total abundance of small mammals, and species richness and species diversity of the small mammal community. Merriam’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami) responded positively to fire (15% greater in burned areas). Long-tailed pocket mouse (Chaetodipus formosus) and canyon mouse (Peromyscus crinitus) were 91% and 98% less abundant in burned versus unburned areas. The positive response of Merriam’s kangaroo rat to fire is most likely correlated with their preference for open foraging microhabitat while other species captured prefer greater and more diverse cover. Because the small mammal community has been dramatically affected by fire, it is likely that top-down control of vegetation structure will be dominated by Merriam’s kangaroo rat in burned areas, which may promote more open habitat by limiting the growth of annual and perennial grasses.  相似文献   

We studied the roles of soil moisture contents and vegetation structure in the spatial distribution of small mammals in the typical steppes of Inner Mongolia, China, using logistic and linear regressions of a data set collected in a 6-year study. Our results indicated that soil moisture contents remained in the most parsimonious models for Spermophilus dauricus, Cricetulus barabensis, Microtus maximowiczii, M. gregalis, and Ochotona daurica. The relative abundance of C. barabensis, M. maximowiczii, and O. daurica was inversely related to soil moisture contents, while that of M. gregalis and S. dauricus was positively related to soil moisture contents in logistic regressions. Linear regression analyses showed that soil moisture contents and the number of small mammal species were inversely related. The negative effects of wet soil were consistent at both small mammal population and community levels in the semi-arid steppes. Above-ground plant biomass and plant coverage also affected the spatial distribution of small mammals in the typical steppe of Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) and Daurian pikas (Ochotona dauurica) are two key small mammal species in the Inner Mongolian grasslands, China. Mongolian gerbils displayed density-dependent population growth, but the time lag of density dependence was short and within season. The spring–autumn population growth rate was inversely related to population density in Mongolian gerbils of the Erdos desert grasslands. The autumn–spring population growth rate of Mongolian gerbils was inversely related to winter precipitation. Precipitation had stronger effects on the population growth of gerbils during the non-breeding season. The monthly population growth rate of Daurian pikas was positively related to the monthly precipitation and was inversely related to population density in central Inner Mongolia. Daurian pikas select habitats with tall plants. Increased precipitation enhances plant production and increases the height of plants in arid and semi-arid regions. This enhancement of plant height might increase the population growth of Daurian pikas. Mongolian gerbils live in short grasslands. Increased winter precipitation might result in higher winter mortality of Mongolia gerbils, or taller plants might supress gerbil population growth in wet years. Therefore, responses of small mammal species to changes in precipitation depend on the life history of small mammals and changes in vegetation induced by climatic changes.  相似文献   

河北哺乳及两栖爬行动物研究史与地理区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文考证了河北 (含北京、天津 )对哺乳及两栖爬行动物习性研究并应用的历史 ,论述了现代动物学在河北的诞生过程与发展方向 ;提出河北哺乳及两栖爬行动物地理区划方案  相似文献   

Loss of species richness and reduced abundance have been the main responses to perturbations of small- and medium-sized mammals in arid and semi-arid areas. Nonetheless, some mammal species whose habitat requirements are met in disturbed patches may benefit from structural changes in the environment brought about by perturbations.In desert areas of Argentina different mammal responses are attributable to both a lower complexity of disturbed patches and a decrease in sheltered places. Therefore, species associated with high plant cover either decrease in number or become locally extinct at sites affected by fire or grazing, whereas species using open areas are favored by these events.The negative effects historically assigned to different disturbances may be mitigated by adopting a hierarchical approach that considers patch diversity in different successional stages as well as the multiple opportunities of patch occupation by mammal species.  相似文献   

We investigated the validity of spotlighting techniques for surveying and monitoring desert mammal populations by determining the effect of repeating spotlight transects on the relative precision of density estimates. Precision was modelled by calculating cumulative mean density and associated coefficient of variation. The effect of moonlight at the time of surveying was also investigated. The results show that spotlighting is a valid technique for monitoring some species, however the number of transects required to obtain pre-defined adequate levels of precision is species-dependent. Reasons for these findings are discussed and recommendations for future spotlight surveys for monitoring desert mammal populations are given.  相似文献   

During November 1993, we traversed by ground and by air the Vizcaíno Desert, the last redoubt of the peninsular pronghorn (Antilocapra americana peninsularis). A total of 29 h of aerial census was performed and a total of 1900 km2were covered by ground, totalling 400 man hours of survey. At present the peninsular pronghorn population consists of 175 individuals, and inhabits an area of approximately 5000 km2. Because of the impossibility of controlling its activities over such an area and because of the present small population size, we propose to manage part of the population in semi-captivity at Mesa de la Choya island, with the objective of assuring the survival of this subspecies, the most endangered mammal in Mexico.  相似文献   

红外相机技术目前已成为监测陆栖哺乳动物和地栖鸟类的常用技术手段。为监测新疆天池博格达峰自然保护区内鸟类和兽类资源,于2019年7月—2020年9月,在保护区内选取30个红外相机位点共布设58台红外相机,累积工作29730个工作日,共获得99850份图像及视频数据,采集独立有效照片5744张;共观测到野生陆生脊椎动物9目19科29种,其中兽类5目10科15种,鸟类4目9科14种。观测到的动物中有国家I级重点保护野生动物雪豹(Panthera uncia),国家II级重点保护野生动物6种,分别为北山羊(Capra sibirica)、马鹿(Cervus canadensis)、猞猁(Lynx lynx)、赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)、黑鸢(Milvus migrans)以及暗腹雪鸡(Tetraogallus himalayensis)。森林生境中,兽类相对多度指数最高的是马鹿(RAI=60.569),鸟类相对多度指数最高的是山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis,RAI=0.854);高山草甸及裸岩生境中,兽类相对多度指数最高的是马鹿(RAI=18.693),鸟类相对多度指数最高的是暗腹雪鸡(RAI=0.316)和黄嘴山鸦(Pyrrhocorax graculus,RAI=0.854)。物种累积曲线结果显示:兽类物种数在200 d之后几乎不再增长,而鸟类物种数在100 d之后增速放缓但一直持续增长,表明时长450 d的红外相机监测力度对保护区中的兽类而言较为充分,对鸟类而言还不够充分。研究结果可为新疆天池博格达峰自然保护区野生陆生脊椎动物多样性监测与评估提供数据参考,为该保护区的保护管理工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Great part of ecological thought in desert ecology is based on research findings in the northern hemisphere, and these have led to generalizations to other drylands. However, South American aridlands constitute an important scenario of aridland evolution in the Neotropical temperate biota. The degree of distinctiveness of the South American dryland biota is the result of the history of lineages and place (diverse topography, climates, vegetation) in the southern part of the continent since the Oligocene. The aim of our contribution is to provide an updated review of some aspects of the latest biogeographical, ecological, physiological, and behavioral research of the Monte Desert mammals and reassessment of their evolutionary ecology. The temperate Monte Desert extends from 24° to 43° south latitude and resembles parts of the North American warm deserts. The Monte is a heterogeneous mosaic of landscapes, from open sand dune habitats to Larrea shrublands and dense vegetation patches of Prosopis woodlands. The mammal assemblages show variations in richness, diversity and endemicity. The structure of mammal assemblages is closely related to vegetation structure over different spatial scales. The Monte mammal assemblages show a great diversity of niche types and ecological, physiological and behavioral attributes for desert existence, convergent, in greater or lesser degree, with ecological counterparts from other deserts of the world. We point out the need to be cautious when comparing heterogeneous arid ecosystems.  相似文献   

Microclimates in mammal burrows depend on a critical balance between production, consumption and ventilation. This study investigates one, potentially dominant, advective ventilation mechanism: thermal convective venting (TCV). Temperature profiles were monitored continuously inside artificial mammalian burrows that were dug in the central Negev Desert of Israel, representing a typical arid environment. Using a heat transfer numerical model, it was found that heat transfer by TCV occurs regularly during nights and early mornings, driven by a thermal gradient between the burrow's soil and the atmosphere. The venting properties of TCV were tested using tracer visualization experiments in a climate-controlled laboratory under controlled conditions mimicking field thermal gradients. An inclined burrow produced convective venting rates two orders of magnitude higher than the calculated CO2 production rate of Sundevall's jird (Meriones crassus, the case-study mammal); i.e., TCV can support the mammal's respiratory needs, even when neglecting other potential venting mechanisms like diffusion and wind-driven venting. Our calculations suggest that TCV can also support the respiration needs of larger mammals since venting by TCV increases as the burrow radius increases.  相似文献   

Until recently, major anthropogenic impacts on freshwater ecosystems were believed to be rare in North America prior to the period of European colonization. However, recent paleolimnological and archaeological data collected from the Canadian Arctic suggest that the whaling activities of Thule Inuit, who lived in small, nomadic communities, altered freshwater ecosystems centuries earlier. Using a comparative paleolimnological approach from two ponds situated adjacent to a former Thule winter settlement on south-eastern Bathurst Island (Nunavut, Arctic Canada), we record marked ecological changes in pond ecology due to eutrophication from the Thule’s activities. The geography of our study site provided an interesting and rare opportunity for a comparative paleolimnological study of long-term Thule impacts on polar limnology, because our two study ponds (only ~50 m apart) were nearly identical in size and in geological and climatic settings, but differed markedly in the magnitude of Thule influence. Here, we recorded striking changes in diatom species assemblages, spectrally-inferred primary production, and nutrient geochemistry, indicating eutrophication in a small pond draining 18 Thule whale houses. Input of marine-derived nutrients from sea mammal carcasses used by the Thule for both sustenance and the construction of winter settlements, as well as other anthropogenic activities, coincided with a notable increase in the eutrophic diatom taxon Stephanodiscus minutulus, whereas no comparable changes were recorded in the nearby control pond for the duration of the sedimentary record. Although the diatom changes recorded in the affected site persisted after the period of Thule occupation, the most recent sediments and water chemistry suggest that the pond has largely recovered to near pre-impact conditions.  相似文献   

The relationship between spatial scale and biodiversity patterns is a highly debated topic in ecology. We evaluated the partition of small mammal diversity at multiple spatial scales and analyzed protected areas in order to evaluate their role of protecting biodiversity at the regional scale. Diversity of small mammals in the Monte Desert was quantified at the regional biome scale (96,000 km2) (γ) and partitioned at three spatial scales: aridity range (α3,n = 6,16 000 km2), locality level (α2,n = 18,2-3 ha), and habitat patch (α1,n = 51,0.6 ha). We estimated their diversity using an additive approach with three indices (richness, Shannon-Weiner, Simpson). Diversity was higher than expected at the “between aridity range (β3)” scale, but lower at the “within-habitat scale (α1)”. Alpha was higher than beta diversity for most spatial scales; and at the regional scale protected areas preserved a higher biodiversity than unprotected ones. Our results are the first to partition the diversity of desert small mammals at multiple spatial scales and to support the hypotheses of an irregular scale dependence of alpha and beta diversity when increasing the spatial scales. They also highlight that a better understanding of biodiversity patterns is gained when several tools are integrated and combined at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Land uses such as cattle ranching require important decisions concerning the protection of habitats and species. This is especially true in arid lands and typically involves habitat regrowth as well as the establishment of protected areas. However, the manner in which species respond to the protected area or to the surrounding matrix may vary depending on their ecology, particularly habitat requirements. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of one such protected dryland area (MaB Reserve of Ñacuñán) and adjacent rangelands in the central Monte Desert of Argentina. More specifically, how effective it is in ensuring the conservation of small and medium-sized mammals. Mammal richness and abundance estimated from both trapping and indirect signs were compared in different habitats inside and outside the Reserve. After over 50 years of livestock exclusion in Ñacuñán, our results showed significant changes in habitat structure and mammal diversity between protected and unprotected areas. Species associated with high plant cover were found inside the Reserve, while the surrounding areas were occupied by those adapted to open habitats. The presence of the endangered Dolichotis patagonum in rangelands outside the Reserve demonstrates that unprotected areas play a major role in conserving species diversity.  相似文献   

晚更新世时期 ,燕山西部山区是一种激烈动荡的地貌水文条件 ,东部山区较稳定 ,发育了河湖相沉积。孢粉分析和哺乳动物化石都表明当时是一种以草原为主的森林草原或苔原景观。其中 ,2 10 0 0aBP .之前的古气候为寒冷稍湿时期 ,2 10 0 0~ 170 0 0aBP .为极度寒冷时期 ,170 0 0~ 12 0 0 0aBP .为气温回升时期 ,12 0 0 0~ 10 0 0 0aBP .为气候动荡、发生逆转时期  相似文献   

I surveyed more than 1,700 Western Hemisphere mammal species ranges to identify, quantify, and examine patterns of disjunction at multiple taxonomic levels. Species that had disjunct populations (isolated by at least 500 km from other parts of the species range) were further analyzed using novel measures of disjunction by determining the distance to the disjunction and the relative area of disjunctions compared to the primary range area. Disjunction at this scale is rare (6.4 percent) in all terrestrial mammals but more common in bats (14.6 percent) than nonvolant mammals. Disjunctions are concentrated in six families, specifically Molossidae (31.5 percent disjunct), Didelphidae (24.7 percent disjunct), Felidae (28.6 percent disjunct), Vespertilionidae (15.3 percent disjunct), Emballonuridae (10.5 percent disjunct), and Phyllostomidae (10.4 percent disjunct). Geographically, 85 percent of disjunct mammal species have ranges that occur entirely or partially in South America. Geographic information systems analysis of species range maps is capable of identifying disjunct species and evaluating the severity of disjunctions. When compiled at the family level, these data suggest that species in certain families are more susceptible to disjunction. In some cases (e.g., species ranges separated by the Amazon rainforest), species-level data offer insight into the causes of disjunction. Study of species identified as disjunct in this study can inform conservation efforts by providing an opportunity to determine the characteristics that enable them to survive as isolated populations.  相似文献   

After enduring decades of exploitation, associated with marine‐mammal persecution during the nineteenth century in the Southern Hemisphere, many albatross populations recovered. Albatross hunting ended by the mid 1900s as nations set aside breeding islands as parks and preserves. However, researchers began to note declines in the 1960s and traced them to deaths at sea due to industrial fishing. In this article I note the historic use of albatrosses and tracks efforts to establish international accords among states that will guide efforts to save what has become one of the most threatened bird groups in the world.  相似文献   

Camera traps serve as an important tool for monitoring species diversity. We used data from camera traps set for capturing snow leopards (Panthera uncia) in the Yanchiwan National Nature Reserve, Gansu Province, China, to assess species richness with respect to mammal and birds species. We also assessed survey efficiency for species detection, and conducted an initial analysis of species interactions. The survey effort of 10, 171 camera workdays yielded 2, 868 suitable animal image events involving 17 mammal and 20 bird species. Among these, the dhole (Cuon alpinus) is considered to be Endangered, the snow leopard and white-lipped deer (Cervus albirostris) Vulnerable, and the Pallas’s cat (Feli smanul), mountain weasel (Mustela altaica), Himalayan griffon (Gyps himalayensis) and cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) Near Threatened under the IUCN red list. Fourteen species were also listed as key protected wild animals according to China national standards. Both the rarefaction curves and richness estimators suggested our sampling for mammal and pheasant species is sufficient, while more survey efforts are still needed to detect other bird species. With a focus on the dominant species Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), occupancy models were used to estimate site use and detection probability for selected species, and to investigate predator-prey relationships between lynx on the one hand and woolly hare (Lepus oiostolus), pika (Ochotona spp.) and Tibetan partridge (Perdix hodgsoniae) on the other. We give recommendations on how to increase efficiency in camera-based species inventory and biodiversity monitoring.  相似文献   

Monitoring for species occupancy is often carried out at local scales, reflecting specific targets, available logistics, and funding. Problematically, conservation planning and management operate at broader scales and use information inventories with good scale coverage. Translating information between local and landscape scales is commonly treated in an ad hoc manner, but conservation decision-making can benefit from quantifying spatial-knowledge relationships. Fauna occupancy monitoring, in particular, suffers from this issue of scale, as there are many different survey methods employed for different purposes. Rather than ignoring how informative these methods are when predicting regional distributions, we describe a statistical approach that identifies survey combinations that provide the greatest additive value in mammal detection across different scales. We identified minimal sets of survey methods for 53 terrestrial mammal species across a large area in Australia (New South Wales (NSW), 800,000 km2) and for each of the 18 bioregions it encompasses. Utility of survey methods varied considerably at a landscape scale. Unplanned opportunistic sightings were the single largest source of species information (35%). The utility of other survey methods varied spatially; some were retained in minimal sets for many bioregions, while others were spatially restricted or unimportant. Predator scats, Elliot and pitfall trapping, spotlighting, and diurnal herpetofauna surveys were the most frequently included survey methods at a landscape scale. Use of our approach can guide identification of efficient combinations of survey methods, maximising detection and returns for monitoring. Findings and methodologies are easily transferable and are globally applicable across any taxa. They provide guidelines for managing scarce resources for regional ?monitoring programs, and improving regional strategic ?conservation planning.  相似文献   

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