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Six years of dew observations in the Negev Desert, Israel   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dew measurements taken at the desert site of Sede Boker for nearly 6 years are analysed. The instrument used is a Hiltner-type dew balance. Several parameters describing various aspects of dew formation are discussed. The total monthly amount of dew and the distribution of the number of dew nights per month shows two maxima (in September and in December–January) and two minima (in April and November). The average dew deposit per dew night behaves differently: the most striking feature of this quantity is the appearance of distinct summer and winter regimes, with the winter having more dew per dew night. With respect to the total monthly dew hours, the year appears to be divided in half: first, the 6 months from August to January, with an average of 145 h per month, and second, the 6 months from February to June, with 80 h per month. The average duration of dew per dew night appears to follow very closely the length of the night: there is a clear maximum of dew duration in December (9·7 h) and a clear minimum in July (5·5 h). Finally, the rate of dew accumulation is found to have a distinct dry season regime and a winter, rainy season regime.  相似文献   

Dew and fog were measured periodically during the years 1992–1995 at the Hallamish dune field, western Negev Desert (average annual rain precipitation ca. 95 mm). A major portion of the dunes are covered by cyanobacterial and moss-dominated microbiotic crusts. Chlorophyll- a measurements and microscopic examination were carried out in order to detect the possible changes in crust biomass and phenological changes of the mosses following the occurrence of dew and fog. Dew and/or fog were present in over 50% of the late summer and fall mornings with an average yield of 0·1 mm on cloth attached to glass plates. This corresponds to ca. 0·03 mm for the upper 0·5 cm of the crust, and is less than the 0·1 mm threshold which implies liquid water and which was also found necessary for net photosynthesis of the cyanobacterial crust. This threshold was met only during heavy dew or fog events, during which 10–40% of the crust surface area was moistened. It was estimated that dew and fog could account for upto 3·2–9·4% of the total annual time of crust wetness and consequently activity due to liquid water. Nevertheless, microscopic examination of the dominant moss species at Nizzana, Bryum dunense, disclosed phenological changes, mainly resulting in growth of vegetative reproduction organs (bulbils), and sexual organs, gametangia (antheridia and archegonia). B.dunense may thus be adapted to the utilization of dew and fog precipitation for the production of nearly mature sexual organs. The moss may thus be capable of already utilizing the first winter rains for fertilization and sporophyte formation.  相似文献   

Spergularia diandrais a common annual plant in the deserts of Israel. It displays a quantitative long-day response to flowering. The longer the daylength, from 8 to 18 h, the earlier the time of flowering. Tiny wind-dispersed seeds, which mature on plants under these daylengths, differed in their seed coat structure and size. In addition, in natural populations nine types of seeds were found: three plant genotypes with smooth, hairy or partially hairy seeds; and within each genotype there are three seed phenotypes: black, brown and yellow. The flowering and ‘escape’ strategy of seed dispersal diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

The ancient agriculture in the southern Levant is very much dependant on the interaction between the geological and geomorphological characteristics of the desert environment and the arid climatic conditions. Field observations and luminescence dating in the Negev Highlands, southern Israel, indicate that deposition of fluvio-loess sediments occurred mainly during the late Pleistocene glacial period. These sediments, which were transformed into loessy soil, support a high natural biomass and have an agricultural potential. Major soil erosion started after 27 ka, exposing bedrock, increasing runoff and erosion. These feedback processes were intensified during the Holocene. Since the mid Holocene, the co-existence of soil and runoff created a unique setup which enabled the establishment of desert agriculture in the southern Levant, based on runoff-harvesting techniques. Extensive construction of stone terrace walls on top of diachronous middle–late Holocene alluvial units in the less degraded valleys led to the deposition of the anthropogenic unit, consisting of fine grained re-deposited loess as a by-product of the flood irrigation. This process contributed to soil conservation and counteracted the continuous natural soil erosion and desertification. The ability to practice desert agriculture is still preserved in the southern Levant, and historic climate changes are not required to explain the rise and fall of the great farming cultures.  相似文献   

Despite the important role played by microbiotic crusts in desert ecosystems, data concerning their recovery rates are scarce and are mainly based on estimates that fluctuate between several years to a few hundred years. In order to study the recovery rates of microbiotic crusts inhabiting sand dunes in the western Negev Desert, Israel, annual measurements of chlorophyll, protein, carbohydrates and moss counts were carried out during 1990–1995. Measurements were taken in two pairs of plots (1.5–6.3 m2) established in each north- and south-facing aspect from which the upper 10 cm surface from one plot of each pair was removed. Recovery of the crusts was fast with surface-removed plots showing a complete recovery of chlorophyll a within 6–7 years, of protein within 6–8 years and of carbohydrates within 8–9 years. Recovery of the mosses was slightly longer at 17–22 years. The data are higher than the lower estimates of recovery but much lower than the higher estimates proposed in the literature. The data also suggest that upon prohibition of goat and sheep grazing (and consequently trampling) a relatively rapid stabilization process may take place in the north-eastern Sinai dune field.  相似文献   

民勤荒漠区几种主要固沙植物群落的水分平衡特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 为了研究在自然状态下植物群落的自然稀疏密度、水分营养面积和耗水量等水分平衡特性,选择民勤荒漠几种典型植物群落,运用连续4 a的样方观测资料,分析了天然沙蒿、天然麻黄和人工梭梭林群落在自然降水条件下植物群落的自然稀疏密度、水分营养面积和耗水量等水分平衡特性。结果表明:天然沙蒿、天然麻黄和人工梭梭林群落在当地的自然稀疏密度相对稳定。群落中成年梭梭林的年耗水量与他人在同一地区用蒸渗仪且地下水位控制在1.4 m时测定的3 a幼苗的耗水量相当,梭梭密度较他人用降水量和蒸腾量、蒸发量推算的密度偏小。实验条件下单株植物的耗水量并不等于群落中个体的平均耗水量,在自然状态下研究得到的单株耗水量较在实验条件的下结论更为真实。植物蒸腾耗水量方面研究的真正有意义的是其在接近凋萎时的蒸腾耗水量,而不是特定供水条件下的几个特定值。  相似文献   

Silvopasture, the planting of suitable tree species in pastures, can improve the sustainability and productivity especially in dry rangelands. While recent studies provide information on the effects of different tree compositions on biological productivity, water and soil protection, additional parameters such as fodder production by the trees or the impact of silvopasture on the grazing potential themselves have rarely been addressed. We determined fodder production in Acacia victoriae woodland and savanna by measuring annual vegetation and tree biomass growth. We developed mathematical models for calculating the vegetative biomass available for grazing. In order to get accurate estimation for the grazing capacity, we differentiated between the grazing and the browsing fodder availability, and adapted the model to the most abundant grazers in the Negev, goats and sheep. Grazing capacity for sheep and goats was twice bigger in A. victoriae woodland than in the adjacent sustainably managed shrubland and four times higher than in degraded shrubland. The mathematical model presented in this paper can be applied in order to plan and realize high yielding and sustainable silvopasture in arid environments resistant to degradation and desertification while providing adequate fodder reserves during drought years.  相似文献   

Tenebrionid species composition and activity level were studied, using pitfall traps, in two sandy (dune and stabilized sand field) and four compact soil (wadi, north- and south-facing slopes, and loess plain) habitats in the Negev Desert Highlands, Israel. Each soil type had a distinctive species composition but habitats within soft types were similar both in species composition and phenologies. The number of species was not correlated with habitat primary production; it was low in sandy habitats (19 spp.) and high in compact soil (33 spp.) habitats. Within the compact soil habitats, large-size species were abundant only in the high plant-cover wadi, and the low plant-cover slopes and plain were dominated by smaller species. We suggest that low plant cover on the slopes and plain exposes large tenebrionids to predation by birds and limits them to the wadi where they are concealed and find refuge in the plant cover.  相似文献   

The content of the secondary metabolites anthrone C-glycosides (barbaloin, homonataloin and nataloin) inAloe mutabilisleaves are the highest in the upper third of each leaf. The content of these phenolic metabolites is also higher in young leaves than in older leaves, and higher in plants grown in shade than in direct sunlight. There are also significant monthly differences in the content of these metabolites, which are more pronounced in young leaves than in old leaves. We hypothesize that the higher content of these compounds in the periphery of the leaves and plants is a defense strategy against leaf-eaters.  相似文献   

Ancient agricultural systems based on runoff harvesting techniques are abundant in the Negev Highlands. The current study examined traditional classification and investigated the distribution of ancient agricultural systems around the Roman-Byzantine “Negev Towns” Avdat and Shivta, and across the terrain located between these sites and Makhtesh Ramon in the south. It led to an elaboration of the traditional classification of runoff agricultural systems in the Negev desert of southern Israel. We found that the key factors for building these types of agricultural systems were the geological and geomorphological characteristics of the specific site locations and the geographic distance from nearby towns and roads. Depending on these factors, a multitude of types of agricultural systems were constructed in accordance with the physical characteristics of the local desert environment. This clearly indicates the continuation of the current desert climate throughout historical times. Furthermore, the large diversity of agriculture installations indicates that they were constructed by local farmers and not by an external plan imposed by the central government.  相似文献   

About 400 Nubian ibex (Capra ibex nubiana) dig many hundreds of temporary night beds, approximately 80 cm × 110 cm and 15 cm deep, on slopes near the edges of the cliffs bordering the Zin valley. The beds are used according to the wind direction and the size of the ibex group, which depends on the ibex social behaviour during the year.The diggings are gradually abandoned and become important microhabitats for seed accumulation and germination, seedling development and annual plant establishment. These are influenced by soil salinity, slope direction and angle, digging depth, and the time since the diggings were abandoned. A greater variety of plant species and plant density were found in these diggings than upslope from the diggings.  相似文献   

We studied body size (elytra length) and leg length variation in seven tenebrionid species along a rainfall and environmental gradient from the Ramon erosion cirque (Israel). Body size was not correlated with altitude in three species, while four species demonstrated changes in body size with altitude. Three species decreased their body size along the altitudinal gradient, whereasSepidium dathandemonstrated the opposite trend. The pattern of variation of body size along the altitudinal gradient inAdesmia metallica, Erodius edomitusandZophosis complanatamay be explained by ambient temperature rather than productivity variation. Neither elevation nor species abundance affected variance in body size of any species. Femur length changed significantly along the altitudinal gradient inA. metallicaonly. Both males and females had relatively longer legs in low elevations and relatively shorter legs in high elevations. Individuals with the longest legs were recorded on soils with low clay and high rock and gravel content. The texture of the soil had no noticeable effect on the leg length of all other beetle species.  相似文献   

Carrichtera annuaandAnastatica hierochunticaare two desert annuals, the seeds of which are dispersed by rain. The seed coat surface and cross-section structure of the dry seeds of these plants were examined by SEM. The seeds were wetted by placing them on natural saturated desert soil crust in Petri dishes. The Petri dishes were placed in a freeze-dryer when the upper part of the seed surface was still dry. This enabled study by SEM of the developmental stages of the mucilage, from the first stage until the full formation of the mucilage. We argue that the ecological significance of the mucilage differs in winter and summer. In winter the main effect is in water retention and soil particle contact, while in summer dew may allow damage repair and priming for the germination process.  相似文献   

Nitrogen amendments (0, 25, 50 and 100 kg NH4NO3/ha) were used to study the responses of primary production, microbial biomass and nematode population in desert soil. The study was conducted in the Israeli Negev Desert, a region characterized by low and randomly distributed rainfall. Over a 1-year study period, nitrogen amendments resulted in a significant (p<0·01) increase in soil microbial biomass. Soil microbial biomass also increased concomitantly with the increase in soil organic matter. The number of free-living nematodes in the soil increased with the increase in soil moisture, ranging from 43,000 individuals per square metre at the end of the summer to 351,000 individuals per square metre during the rainy season. No significant correlation was found between the nitrogen treatments and the nematode population, whereas a significant positive correlation was found between the nitrogen amendments and the above-ground biomass (r2=0·94, p<0·03). The nitrate proportion of the total soluble nitrogen in the soil also increased with the increase in soil moisture. This study provides baseline data for nitrogen amendments on soil microbial status, as well as insights into the importance of nitrogen in fertility in arid environments.  相似文献   

Cryptoendolithic microbial communities in the Ross Desert (McMurdo Dry Valleys) are characterized on the basis of photosynthetic microorganisms and fungi. Two eukaryotic communities (the lichen-dominated and Hemichloris communities) and three cyanobacterial communities (the red Gloeocapsa, Hormathonema-Gloeocapsa, and Chroococcidiopsis communities) are described. Eleven coccoid, one pleurocapsoid, and five filamentous cyanobacteria occurring in these communities are characterized and illustrated. The moisture grade of the rock substrate seems to affect pH, formation of primary iron stain, and the distribution of microbial communities.  相似文献   

Variation in growth, physiology and ionic relations patterns of Allenrolfea occidentalis, a perennial halophyte of dry habitats, was studied under field conditions from May 1996 to November 1997. An A. occidentalis community has a characteristic soil pH of 7·3–8·3. During the two years, the population was exposed to great variations in soil salinity, from 29 to 146 dS m−1, and soil moisture, ranging from drought (9·2%) to wet (19%). The salt concentrations were significantly higher in the surface soil layers than in the subsurface layers. Seasonal changes in dry weight are directly related to soil salinity stress. Allenrolfea occidentalis had greater growth and biomass production under saline conditions. Na+and Clions were accumulated in plant tissues in much greater amounts than K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. Soil salinities were significantly reduced at the end of the growing season. Water potentials of the shoots decreased significantly with increasing salinity. The plant (Fv/Fmratio) was more affected by salinity and irradiation levels during the summer period.  相似文献   

冬季气候变暖对山西省冬小麦可种植区的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于山西省境内较为均匀分布的70 个地面气象观测站1970-2012 年冬季逐日气温资料,采用线性倾向估计法分析了负积温、最冷月平均气温和年极端最低气温的变化特征,采用累积距平法确定其突变点,以突变点为界分为前后2 个时间段,依据前后时间段等值线的变化分析冬季气候变暖对山西省冬小麦可种植区的影响。结果表明:山西省负积温呈现显著减少趋势(通过了α=0.01 的显著检验),最冷月平均气温和年极端最低气温呈现不显著升高趋势;突变后,负积温平均减少了103.4℃,最冷月平均气温和年极端最低气温分别升高了0.8℃和0.7℃;在3 个指标中,决定山西省冬小麦能否种植的关键因子是负积温和年极端最低气温,最冷月平均气温的影响较小;冬季气候变暖后,平均状况下,冬小麦可种植区域面积扩大了约2.9×106 hm2,扩大52%,80%保证率下,冬小麦种植面积扩大了约2.3×106 hm2,扩大79%。  相似文献   

Schismus arabicusis a common annual with an ‘escape’ strategy of caryopsis dispersal and ‘opportunistic’ strategy of germination. It inhabits the Negev and Saharo-Arabian and Irano-Turanian phytogeographical regions. It displays a quantitative long-day response for flowering and a day length response in caryopses germinability. Germination in the dark was much higher than in light. The longer the period of light, from 0·5 h to continuous light, the lower the percentage of germination. The low percentage of germination, which is also regulated by temperature during dry storage, is important for the survival ofS. arabicusunder the unpredictable distribution and small amounts of rain in its extreme desert habitats.  相似文献   

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