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王睿  林锟  王江涛  谭丽菊 《海洋科学》2021,45(4):189-200
多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)属于新兴污染物,是一种性能优良的阻燃剂,在各种工业产品中广泛应用,而且存在于世界各地的海洋环境中.PBDEs还有持久性、远距离迁移性、生物累积性等特点,对海洋生态系统和人类造成严重危害.与此同时渤海又是我国唯一一个半封闭型的内海,有较差的自净能力以及与外界海水交换的能力,因此渤海区域PBDEs的...  相似文献   

In this work, we analysed the latitudinal trends in the nursery habitat colonization processes of the European flounder (Platichthys flesus). This was accomplished by estimating the duration of the pelagic and metamorphic stages, as well as the duration of the spawning period, in several nursery areas across its geographical distribution range in the European Atlantic Coast: Mondego estuary (Portugal), Vilaine estuary (France), Slack estuary (France), Wadden Sea (Netherlands) and the Sørfjord (Norway). All juvenile flounders were captured with beam trawls in June/July 2010, and otolith microstructure was used to determine the duration of each stage by means of daily growth increments. The pelagic and metamorphic stages were longer at the middle of the distribution range, and lasted in total up to two months after hatching. The spawning period occurred between mid-January and early-July over the species' distribution range, with a time lapse of nearly two months between the Mondego estuary and the Sørfjord, as a consequence of warmer water temperature earlier in the season in southern areas. In general, total length of the captured fish showed a latitudinal cline between the northernmost and southernmost sampling sites, with higher values at the middle of the distribution range. The results also suggested the existence of a countergradient growth compensation mechanism in the northernmost populations. Apart from temperature, which sets the general metabolic pace of organisms, differences between sites were also related with local features, such as the extension of the continental platform and adaptations to transport and retention mechanisms.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress induced by xenobiotic compounds has been studied using primary hepatocytes of juvenile European flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) caught in a low polluted area of the German Bight, Tiefe Rinne (Landwüst et al., 1996.). Cells were exposed to known oxidative stressors such as hydrogen peroxide and benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]p) in various concentrations (50 and 100 microM) up to 6 days. Cell mortality was determined using fluorescent ethidium homodimer-1 and calcein AM. Oxidative stress response was measured by image analysis using dihydrorhodamine 123, which is converted to fluorescent rhodamine 123 in the presence of intracellular ROS. Oxyradical formation was initiated already after 2 h of exposure to low concentrations of B[a]p and hydrogen peroxide. Probably due to a membrane stabilising effect of the serum factors the addition of fetal bovine serum to the culture medium had a protecting influence on the hepatocytes and resulted in (1) an increased cell viability and (2) reduced formation of intracellular ROS during exposure. In conclusion, the assay is a sensitive tool for testing the potential of various xenobiotics to induce oxidative stress in living hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Estuaries are important areas highly susceptible to anthropogenic degradations like pollution. Estuarine species have thus to cope with many types of constraints depending on the estuaries' characteristics. The European flounder Platichthys flesus is considered as a sentinel species for the monitoring of estuarine water quality. In this study, juvenile flounders (0+ group) were sampled from three contrasted Channel estuaries, i.e. the Seine, the Canche and the Tamar, and we characterized their liver proteomes by using a two-dimensional electrophoresis based proteomic approach.We showed that 27 protein spots differentially accumulated between the 3 populations. Six of these proteins were identified by MALDI TOF–TOF mass spectrometry. Flounders from the Seine and from the Tamar, two highly polluted estuaries, displayed common differences, i.e. an increase of the energetic- and the glutathione-metabolism. The most accumulated protein in the Seine's samples (6.7-fold) was a Vitelline Membrane Outer layer protein 1 homolog, suggesting oogenesis deregulation in these juvenile (sexually immature) flounders. Future works applying this kind of proteomic approach on flounders experimentally exposed to conditions that mimic environmental constraints will help to better understand the significance of these environmental proteomic signatures.  相似文献   

The European flounder Platichthys flesus is a widely distributed epibenthic species and an important component of demersal fish assemblages in the European Atlantic coastal waters. In Portuguese estuaries, this species reaches high densities, especially in Minho estuary (NW Iberian Peninsula, Europe), potentially playing an important role in the system's ecology. In this context, the population structure, production and the habitat use of juvenile P. flesus were investigated. Sampling took place monthly, from February 2009 until July 2010 along the entire estuarine gradient (5 sampling stations distributed in the first 29 km from the river mouth, with S1 located near the river mouth, S2 inside a salt marsh, S3 in a salinity transition zone, while S4 and S5 were located in the upper estuary). Flounder's density varied significantly among sampling stations and seasons (two-way PERMANOVA: p < 0.001), with the majority of the individuals being found during the spring (30.1%) and in S3 and S4 (72.6%). Males and females presented an even distribution, with a higher proportion of males observed during summer. Fish length also differed among sampling stations and seasons (two-way PERMANOVA: p < 0.001), with larger fishes being found in S1 during the autumn (168.50 ± 59.50 mm) and the smallest in S4 during the spring (33.80 ± 3.12 mm). Size classes associated differently with environmental variables, with larger juveniles being more abundant in the downstream areas of the estuary, whereas smaller juveniles were related to higher water temperatures, suggesting a habitat segregation of P. flesus of different sizes. The fish condition of P. flesus in Minho estuary was higher than in other systems, probably due to the dominance of juveniles on the population. Also, the densities found in this estuary were up to 32 times higher than in other locations, suggesting that Minho estuary is an important nursery area for the species. The estimated secondary production of P. flesus was lower than previous studies acknowledged in the system (0.037 g.WWm 2.year 1), indicating that the production estimates of this species in estuaries can vary considerably depending on of several factors such as the sampling year and strategy, population and fish size.  相似文献   

The chronic effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on ovary development, total hepatic lipids and plasma sex- and corticosteroid levels in female flounder (Platichthys flesus) were examined. Sexually mature feral female flounder were exposed via the diet to phenanthrene (0.5, 2.5 or 12.5 nmol/g food) or chrysene (0.4 nmol/g food) for 12 weeks, during the previtellogenic phase of the annual reproductive cycle. PAH exposure did not directly affect germ cell development since no structural and/or developmental differences were observed between control and exposed fish. On the contrary, all treatments resulted in altered plasma steroid levels. The most pronounced effect was the significant decrease in plasma 17 beta-estradiol to 19 +/- 11%, 27 +/- 7%, 63 +/- 20% and 61 +/- 12% in relation to control fish, respectively, in flounders exposed to 12.5, 2.5 or 0.5 nmol phenanthrene/g food and 0.4 nmol chrysene/g food. Impaired ovarian growth was not observed, most likely because experiments were ended before the period of vitellogenesis, even though a non-significant general decline in total hepatic lipids could be observed. Moreover, all exposed flounders, except fish fed with the highest amount of phenanthrene, showed a negative correlation between plasma 17 beta-estradiol and 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone levels (r = -0.46). One possible explanation is that PAH action may be mediated by a specific inhibition of steroidogenic enzymes. These findings provide evidence that selected PAHs are antiestrogenic xenobiotics with the capability to impair female teleost reproductive function.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine the diversity of migration patterns of the European flounder (Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758)) present in the Minho estuary and in the adjacent coastal area (NW-Iberian Peninsula). Assessing the diversity of flounder migration patterns at the southern limit of its distribution allows the determination of characteristics of the species' ecology and provides useful information for fishery managers, since it is a regionally important estuarine fishery. An unexpected result of our study was that flounder appears to spawn in both estuarine and coastal areas and not just in coastal areas as was previously widely accepted. Our interpretation of otolith strontium distribution patterns from flounder specimens collected in the freshwater tidal area of the Minho estuary and in the lower estuary suggested that the flounders hatched in the estuary, while only 6.7% of those captured in the coastal area hatched in the coastal area. Ultimately, studies aimed at collecting larval stages and adult flounders must be made to confirm that flounders spawn in the estuary and to define new and better scientifically supported fishing policies, or simply to confirm the existing ones regarding temporal and spatial closures for each gear used in the Minho estuary.  相似文献   

In both laboratory experiments and field investigations with fish a large interanimal variability in CYP1A expression has been observed which may be attributed to variations in environmental inducer exposure and/or inducer response. We are carrying out laboratory investigations to assess the contribution of a potential genetic component in inducer response of flounder (Platichthy sflesus) CYP1A to PCB exposure and in this paper we report development of a sensitive quantitative RT-PCR procedure (real time PCR) where accumulation of the intercalated dye SYBR Green I is followed during cycling. Preliminary experiments using this procedure with artificially reared Arochlor 1254-treated flounders showed large interanimal differences in response for a single family group indicating that variability does have a genetic basis.  相似文献   

多溴联苯醚在海洋生物中的富集及毒性效应评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)作为一种新型的持久性有机污染物,在海洋环境中广泛存在,对海洋生物的影响也日趋加大,因此评价PBDEs的海洋生态效应十分必要.本文在简介海水中PBDEs化学行为的基础上,依次阐述PBDEs在海洋浮游生物、底栖动物、游泳生物体内的富集,其沿海洋生态食物链(网)的传递规律与毒性效应,还展望了PBDEs海洋生态效应今后需加强的研究内容.  相似文献   

The Mersey estuary is highly contaminated with xenobiotics compared to the nearby Dee estuary. Male flounder, a migratory flatfish caught in the Mersey frequently contains high blood concentrations of the oestrogen controlled, female protein vitellogenin, suggesting that Mersey flounder have been exposed to endocrine disrupting contaminants. Males caught from the Dee contain lower blood vitellogenin levels. Preliminary histopathological examination of 410 flounder from both estuaries, focuses on the liver, kidney and gonads. Hepatic tubular vacuolation, foci of cellular alteration, and hepatocellular tumours were seen. Renal and gonadal pathology included the presence of two Mersey fish with enlarged and abnormal glomeruli, three phenotypic male Mersey flounder with unilateral intersex gonads and one male with bilateral, abnormal ovarian follicular components in the testis. These initial results provide pathological evidence of xenobiotic exposure in flounder sampled from both estuaries. Preliminary findings from flounder sampled from Millport, an offshore site in Southwest Scotland, showed no histopathological evidence of xenobiotic exposure.  相似文献   

In the present study, we used a 3D Coupled Ecosystem Model of Baltic Sea version 1 (3D CEMBSv1) coupled with a copepod model to examine the spatiotemporal distribution of two representative copepod populations in the Gulf of Gdansk (southern Baltic Sea) including Acartia spp. and Pseudocalanus minutus elongatus. The annual cycles simulated for 2000 under realistic weather and hydrographic conditions were studied with the three-dimensional version of the coupled ecosystem-copepod model in the south-eastern Baltic Sea. The paper presents the comparison of simulated and observed copepod development at two stations in the Gulf of Gdansk. A validation of influential state variables gives confidence that the model is able to calculate reliably the stage development of dominant species in the southern Baltic Sea. The number of generations was one for P. m. elongatus and 3?C5 for Acartia spp.. A mean of five generations for the latter species per year were estimated in the coastal region and ca. three generations at the Gdansk Deep (in the open sea). Food concentration and temperature as the main factors controlling the development of the investigated copepods as well as salinity as a masking factor (i.e. salinity modifies the rate of their development) in the case of Pseudocalanus minutus elongatus are included in the present study.  相似文献   

Metal concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in an infaunal facultative deposit-feeding bivalve, the Baltic clam Macoma balthica, in the Gulf of Gdansk (southern Baltic Sea) were assessed and compared to selected concentrations of metals in the environment. Between October 1996 and September 1997, dissolved and easy extractable (by 1M HCl) metal fractions of total suspended particulate matter (TPM) in the overlying water and of surficial sediments (<63 microm) were measured monthly at five sublittoral sites in the Gulf of Gdansk, and accumulated tissue metal concentrations in M. balthica were determined simultaneously. The study highlights the importance of sediment geochemistry as a factor modifying ambient trace metal bioavailabilities. Surficial sediments appeared to contribute most to the accumulation of Cu and Pb in M. balthica, reflecting the high metal availability in the Gulf. Assimilation of Cu from sediments is controlled by Mn components possibly through an inhibitory effect of Mn oxyhydroxides, while Pb accumulation from sediments depends on the organic content of the sediment. A dual metal uptake pathway, with a suspended particulate-bound fraction and surficial sediments, was apparent for Mn and Zn. Partitioning of Mn in sediments was related to the concentration of labile Fe, with increased levels of Fe tending to inhibit the accumulation of Mn by the clam. Tissue accumulated Zn might have been altered by the clam's internal regulation, making Zn tissue concentrations, to some degree, independent of its environmental level. The principal source of Ni accumulated by the clams exists in the soluble phase.  相似文献   

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