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Remote-sensing models have become increasingly popular for identifying, characterizing, monitoring, and predicting avian habitat but have largely focused on single bird species. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been shown to positively correlate with avian abundance and richness and has been successfully applied to southwestern riparian systems which are uniquely composed of narrow bands of vegetation in an otherwise dry landscape. Desert riparian ecosystems are important breeding and stopover sites for many bird species but have been degraded due to altered hydrology and land management practices. Here we investigated the use of NDVI, coupled with vegetation, to model the avian community structure along the San Pedro River, Arizona. We also investigated how vegetation and physical features measured locally compared to those data that can be gathered through remote-sensing. We found that NDVI has statistically significant relationships with both avian abundance and species richness, although is better applied at the individual species level. However, the amount of variation explained by even our best models was quite low, suggesting that NDVI habitat models may not presently be an accurate tool for extensive modeling of avian communities. We suggest additional studies in other watersheds to increase our understanding of these bird/NDVI relationships.  相似文献   

三岔河流域水文特征与化学风化碳汇效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
焦树林  刘丽  孙婷  田青英  丁蓉  向尚  叶猛 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1025-1032
在喀斯特地区的流域产汇流过程中,由于富含碳酸的水体对可溶岩的溶蚀作用,导致河流断面输出大量溶解无机碳(DIC),反映了流域化学风化消耗大气CO2的强度,与流域水文过程密切相关。为了正确估算流域水文过程中化学径流及其碳汇效应,解析水文特征对流域地表过程中碳的生物地球化学行为的影响规律,以喀斯特地貌广布的三岔河流域三个水文站断面为例,研究了河源区河流水文特征与碳汇效应。结果表明:处于亚热带湿热环境下的喀斯特流域在观测水文年内,碳汇强度远大于非喀斯特的花岗岩流域且具有显著的季节变化,绝大部分的碳汇发生在高温多雨的6-11月。相关分析表明,流域碳汇强度与流域气温、降水和径流量呈显著的正相关关系;流域碳汇强度与河流总溶解固体物(TDS)浓度、DIC浓度呈显著的负相关关系。丰水期径流对河流TDS和DIC有明显的稀释效应。流域碳汇强度主要决定于河流TDS和DIC输出载荷而非河流TDS和DIC的浓度,与流域水文特征密切相关。  相似文献   

通过对黄河上游洮河流域详细的野外考察,在临洮段下堡村(XBC)发现保存有全新世古洪水滞流沉积物的地层剖面并对该剖面进行系统采样,综合野外观测和室内理化数据分析确定为古洪水滞流沉积物。结合全新世地层对比、文化遗物分析和释光测年,确定这期古洪水事件发生在300~480 a BP左右,相当于我国"明清小冰期"气候转折阶段。利用ArcGIS耦合HEC-RAS模型,在获取河道水文参数条件下,恢复其洪峰流量介于4 865~6 700 m3·s-1。保持水文参数不变,对河道糙率系数进行灵敏度测试,给定糙率±25%的变幅,结果误差在-9.12%~6.57%之间。依据2012年洪痕高程,采用HEC-RAS模型恢复其洪峰流量,与实测结果相比较误差仅为-2.9%,说明利用该模型得出的结果是比较可靠的。该研究成果有效延长了黄河上游洪水数据序列,这对于该流域内防洪减灾、水利工程建设和水资源开发利用等具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The upper Nepean River has been progressively regulated for water supply to Sydney and Wollongong since 1886 by the Upper Nepean Water Supply Scheme which consists of four large dams, two small dams and two diversion weirs. Secular rainfall changes produced periods of high rainfall and large floods (flood‐dominated regimes) between 1857 and 1900 and 1947 and the present, and an intervening period (1901–46) of low rainfall and small floods (drought‐dominated regime). Upstream impoundment and flow regulation significantly reduced flood magnitudes for most return periods during both types of flood regimes. The probability distribution of mean daily flows was also changed significantly by flow regulation such that during the drought‐dominated regime, the high and low frequency flows were reduced substantially but the moderate frequency flows were increased due to dam releases; the change from a regulated drought‐dominated regime to a regulated flood‐ dominated regime resulted in a substantial increase in discharge for most durations; and increased water diversions to Wollongong during the current flood‐dominated regime produced a marked downward shift in the whole flow duration curve. Nepean Dam reduced downstream suspended sediment yields by two orders of magnitude because it traps in excess of 99 per cent of the inflowing suspended sediment load. Streamflow releases are urgently required from the two diversion weirs to improve downstream water quality and to ensure the viability of the resident ‘potentially threatened’ eastern Macquarie perch (Macquaria nov. sp.).  相似文献   

通过深入的野外考察,在汉江上游郧县五峰段多个地点发现全新世古洪水事件的沉积学记录,为恢复史前特大洪水事件的洪峰水位和洪峰流量提供了物质基础。在系统获取河道水文参数的基础上,采用ArcGIS 耦合HEC-RAS模型,推算出其洪峰流量介于42 220~63 400m3/s 之间。对于河槽糙率的灵敏度检验表明,给定糙率变化±25%,模型模拟得到的洪峰流量误差在-10.6%~6.3%之间。这个误差范围远小于采用比降-面积法获得的结果。同时,采用该模型和同样的参数,依据该河段现代大洪水洪痕高程,恢复推算其洪峰流量,其结果与实测数据误差在-3.9%~1.0%之间。与其它方法相比较,这种新方法有效地提高了水文参数选取准确性,使得古洪水水文恢复计算结果更为可靠。本研究为超长尺度大洪水水文学恢复提供了新的途径,也获得了汉江上游万年尺度特大洪水的水文学数据资料,对汉江上游水利水电枢纽工程建设、水资源调度和防洪减灾具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This study examines the development of a conceptual model of sediment processes in the upper Yuba River watershed; and we hypothesize how components of the conceptual model may be spatially distributed using a geographical information system (GIS). The conceptual model illustrates key processes controlling sediment dynamics in the upper Yuba River watershed and was tested and revised using field measurements, aerial photography, and low elevation videography. Field reconnaissance included mass wasting and channel storage inventories, assessment of annual channel change in upland tributaries, and evaluation of the relative importance of sediment sources and transport processes. Hillslope erosion rates throughout the study area are relatively low when compared to more rapidly eroding landscapes such as the Pacific Northwest and notable hillslope sediment sources include highly erodible andesitic mudflows, serpentinized ultramafics, and unvegetated hydraulic mine pits. Mass wasting dominates surface erosion on the hillslopes; however, erosion of stored channel sediment is the primary contributor to annual sediment yield. We used GIS to spatially distribute the components of the conceptual model and created hillslope erosion potential and channel storage models. The GIS models exemplify the conceptual model in that landscapes with low potential evapotranspiration, sparse vegetation, steep slopes, erodible geology and soils, and high road densities display the greatest hillslope erosion potential and channel storage increases with increasing stream order. In-channel storage in upland tributaries impacted by hydraulic mining is an exception. Reworking of stored hydraulic mining sediment in low-order tributaries continues to elevate upper Yuba River sediment yields. Finally, we propose that spatially distributing the components of a conceptual model in a GIS framework provides a guide for developing more detailed sediment budgets or numerical models making it an inexpensive way to develop a roadmap for understanding sediment dynamics at a watershed scale.  相似文献   

Regression equations were developed to estimate above ground biomass and carbon and nitrogen mass of foliage and stem size fractions from plant size dimensions (basal diameter, canopy area, height, canopy volume) for a tall shrub species (Prosopis velutina) that has increased in abundance in arid and semi-arid grasslands in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. Regression equations were also developed to describe relationships among the dimensions of plant size. All equations were significant (p < 0.001); and all but two had r2 values >0.72. In addition to species-specific information, we found support for the global patterns of foliar biomass increasing to the ¾ power of stem biomass and height increasing to the ½ power of stem diameter. We provide a comprehensive report of all equations, which can support a variety of in situ (ground-based), modeling, and remote-sensing objectives related to quantifying changes in ecosystem function and carbon sequestration accompanying changes in woody plant abundance. We advocate that comprehensive reporting should become more common for arid and semi-arid woody species in order to support a broad spectrum of users while laying the foundation for the development of global generalizations similar to those available for forest trees.  相似文献   

Diversity theory predicts that species numbers should be highest at intermediate levels of both disturbance and environmental stress. We examined woody and herbaceous plant species richness and cover in the San Pedro River flood plain, along lateral gradients of water availability (ground-water depth), flood disturbance (inundation frequency), and distance from and elevation above the channel, and along longitudinal gradients of water availability (ground-water depth, surface flow permanence, and rainfall) and flood disturbance (total stream power). Herbaceous species were recorded during four sampling periods, and spatial patterns for this group were time-dependent, reflecting temporal variation in limiting factors. During the summer dry season of a dry year, when overall richness was low, richness and cover of herbaceous species declined laterally from the stream channel with increasing ground-water depth, consistent with the idea that low resource levels can limit species richness. Following the summer monsoon rains and floods, when water was less limiting and annuals were seasonally abundant, lateral patterns shifted such that herbaceous species richness and cover increased with increasing plot location above or from the channel. The relationship of herbaceous species richness with tree canopy cover also varied seasonally, shifting from positive (greater richness under canopy) in dry seasons to negative (lesser richness under canopy) in wet seasons. Longitudinally, herbaceous species richness and cover were limited primarily by stream flow and/or ground-water availability during the summer dry season of a dry year. Following the summer monsoon rains and floods, patterns were weighted by the seasonally abundant annuals, and richness increased among sites primarily with distance upstream (and related rainfall gradients). Richness and cover patterns also varied between years with different flood conditions. During the two sampling seasons in the year following a large flood, herbaceous species richness increased with flood disturbance intensity but declined at the few most intensely disturbed sites, consistent with intermediate disturbance theory.For woody species, richness within plant functional groups varied in opposing ways along the lateral gradients: hydromesic pioneer species decreased and hydromesic and xeric competitors increased with distance from or above the channel, with no overall change in species richness. Among sites, woody species richness patterns were related to water availability, but not to flood disturbance. However, richness of woody hydromesic pioneer species increased with both increasing site moisture and flood disturbance. Woody and herbaceous species richness both increased among sites as a function of increasing flood-plain width, likely due to species–area effects. Overall, results indicate that flood disturbance and water availability both influence species richness of riparian plants in the flood plain of this semi-arid region river, with the relative influence of each factor varying among plant groups and over time.  相似文献   

采取工程措施调整干流上、中、下游区水量泄放比例,完成塔里木河流域综合治理工程项目,实现塔里木河的综合治理生态河流目标。由于中游河道比降小、砂质河岸极易侵蚀,河床宽浅,河道行洪能力低下;该段是塔里木河冲积平原南北伸展最宽的地段,是塔里木河河道泛滥地段,洪水使河道改道频繁。为进一步论证塔里木河中游河段控制型拦河枢纽工程对上下游河段堤防和两岸生态闸的影响,进行塔里木河中游拟建枢纽工程上下游河段内的水文要素观测、测量实验分析,掌握河段各项水文要素变化特征,分析河段内洪水的水面线、糙率的变化情况和中游河段的年径流量、最大洪峰流量、泥沙含量、输沙量等水文要素衰减率,以及河道内断面冲淤变化等问题,是为进一步研究洪水冲刷对堤防、水利工程影响的基本资料,是流域综合治理工程项目论证工作的必要条件。  相似文献   

C.Z. Yan  X. Song  Y.M. Zhou  H.C. Duan  S. Li 《Geomorphology》2009,112(3-4):205-211
Global climate change will affect the ecology and environment of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, thus increasing attention is being paid to the aeolian desertification that is occurring in the watershed that supplies the Longyangxia Reservoir in the upper reaches of China's Yellow River. We must assess the aeolian desertification trends before developing a plan to restore the region's degraded eco-environment. In this study, land suffered from aeolian desertification was classified into four levels (slight, moderate, severe, and extremely severe) using a series of indices. Interpretation of Landsat MSS and TM data from 1975's, 1989's, and 2005's was used to establish databases of aeolian desertified land at these three times. We then derived the aeolian desertification trends during the study period by overlaying the consecutive databases, and we analyzed the driving factors responsible for the observed aeolian desertification. The results show a total of 1,721,478.02 ha of aeolian desertified land in 2005's, accounting for 13% of the region's total area. From 1975's to 1989's, the area of aeolian desertified land increased by 229,307.26 ha, which represents a 15% increase compared to the 1975's area; and from 1989's to 2005's, the area of aeolian desertified land decreased by 19,079.87 ha, which represents a 1% decrease compared to the 1989's area. The main driving factors responsible for this increased aeolian desertification were climate factors (high wind velocity and an increase in annual temperature, combined with low precipitation and high evaporation) as well as unsustainable human activities and inappropriate policy measures. A series of key national projects initiated to combat degradation of the study area's eco-environment led to a decrease of aeolian desertified land through obvious restoration of vegetation.  相似文献   

The glaciers of the Hengduan Mountains play an important role in the hydrology processes of this region. In this study, the HBV Light model, which relies on a degree-day model to simulate glacier melting, was employed to simulate both glacier runoff and total runoff. The daily temperature and precipitation at the Hailuo Creek No. 1 Glacier from 1952 to 2009 were obtained from daily meteorological observed data at the glacier and from six national meteorological stations near the Hailuo Creek Basin. The daily air temperature, precipitation, runoff depth, and monthly potential evaporation in 1995, 1996, and 2002 were used to obtain a set of optimal parameters, and the annual total runoff and glacier runoff of the Hailuo Creek Glacier(1952–2009) were calculated using the HBV Light model. Results showed the average annual runoff in the Hailuo Creek Basin was 2,114 mm from 1952 to 2009, of which glacial melting accounted for about 1,078 mm. The river runoff in the Hailuo Creek catchment increased as a result of increased glacier runoff. Glacier runoff accounted for 51.1% of the Hailuo Creek stream flow in 1994 and increased to 72.6% in 2006. About 95% of the increased stream flow derived from the increased glacier runoff.  相似文献   

利用开都河流域中段采集的雪岭云杉树芯样本,采用研究区域森林上下限2个采样点的树轮宽度年表,分析该地区两个树轮宽度年表的基本特征,建立与气象因子的关系模型,探讨树轮宽度生长与北大西洋涛动的关系。结果表明:(1)森林上限树木生长的一致性要强于森林下限,并且上限树轮宽度年表可能含有更多的气候信息;(2)森林上、下限树轮宽度年表在全频域、高频域及低频域上均存在显著正相关;(3)森林上、下限树轮宽度年表的气候响应结果基本一致,均表现出对上年9月至当年3月的逐月平均气温呈显著正相关,且均与上年12月的平均气温相关最高。树轮宽度年表与气象因子关系的模拟结果也证明了上年9、12月份和当年2、3、4月份的月平均气温与研究区树轮宽度生长间的密切关系;(4)研究区域树轮宽度生长与冬季北大西洋涛动指数的变化趋势较为一致。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山北坡卡鲁雄曲径流与气候变化   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
张菲  刘景时  巩同梁  王宏 《地理学报》2006,61(11):1141-1148
以冰川融水补给为主的喜马拉雅山北坡的卡鲁雄曲流域,近20年平均气温以0.34 oC/10a的趋势上升,高于西藏年均温0.26 oC/10a的增长率,更是明显高于全国和全球气温的增长率,且极端最高温都出现在20世纪90年代。后10年气温 (1994~2003年) 比前十年 (1983~1993年) 升高0.5 oC,径流量增加了26%;不同月份径流增加强度不同,10~2月增加了44%,7~9月增加了27%,3~6月增加了24%。径流对气候变化的响应最灵敏 (一年中有8个月的增加趋势通过了α = 0.05的显著性检验),尤其是秋冬季的径流 (增加趋势超过α = 0.01的显著性检验)。受冰川消融和季风影响,不同时期的径流有不同的影响因素,但存在共性,即气温对径流起着积极主导作用,而降水对径流的影响具有不确定性,即正负双面效应。  相似文献   

北洛河中游黄陵洛川段全新世古洪水研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
姚平  黄春长  庞奖励  查小春  李晓刚 《地理学报》2008,63(11):1198-1206
通过在北洛河中游黄陵洛川段河谷的考察, 选择典型的古洪水平流沉积剖面进行了古 洪水水文学研究。在野外考察测量的基础上, 采集平流沉积层样品, 进行粒度成分、磁化率、 烧失量、CaCO3 含量等分析, 证明研究地点具有典型的古洪水平流沉积层, 并且通过地层学对比分析, 确定其为中晚全新世特大洪水的沉积物。利用水文学原理计算出该组古洪水沉积层所记录的特大洪水的洪峰流量在12 350 m3/s~14 730 m3/s 之间。同时通过对该断面下游方 向20 km 处的东王河铁路桥1994 年9 月洪水洪痕的测量, 利用相同方法计算其洪峰流量, 证明古洪水水文学计算结果合理可靠, 从而为北洛河中游的工程建设及沿岸地区的防洪减灾提供重要的数据资料。  相似文献   

We examine some special features inherent in the formation of resources and chemical composition of the surface waters in the Eravninskaya depression. It is shown that dislocations with a break in continuity have a considerable influence on the hydrochemical behavior of the lakes. Lake Bol. Surkhebt, Lake Gunda and Lake Mal. Eravnoe will experience the greatest level of exposure to pollution caused by the operation of the Ozernoe polymetallic ore deposit.  相似文献   

We outline the essentials of landscape planning of a territory from the water factor at the stage of assessments and summarizations of a natural character. We explore the possibilities of assessing the water potential and the goals of ecologically oriented land use planning. We formulate a number of recommendations and suggest a target-oriented zoning of the lake’s watershed basin with respect to the water factor with a focus on maintenance of the quantity and quality of waters entering Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

辽河三角洲湿地景观的水文调节与防洪功能   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
以辽河三角洲为对象论述了湿地景观的水文功能,重点研究湿地蓄水容量与苇田蒸发散、湿地水更新率、稻田水量平衡等湿地的水文调节功能及人类活动的影响;探讨了湿地水文调节功能的价值估算,三角洲地下含水层的调洪功能;并根据辽河三角洲湿地的景观生态特征和在防洪中的功能,将湿地景观划分出5个功能区,为制定合理的景观规划,为促进三角洲地区的可持续发展服务。  相似文献   

为了更好地研究西北干旱区高山河流对气候变化的响应,在新疆乌鲁木齐河上游汇水区构建SWAT分布式水文模型,结合Sufi-2算法对模型进行参数率定、敏感性分析以及不确定性分析,对乌鲁木齐河英雄桥水文站以上2000-2011年日径流进行模拟。结果表明:(1)河岸调蓄的基流α因子、土壤饱和导水率、地下水的时间延迟、气温降水垂直变率以及相关融雪参数比较敏感。(2)模型模拟结果与观测流量过程线拟合程度较好,日值模拟结果Ens>0.75,PBIAS介于±25%,R2达到0.8以上。(3)较高的P-factor及较低的R-factor显示模型不确定性较小。总体来说,SWAT模型在乌鲁木齐河上游区的适用性比较理想。  相似文献   

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