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The Huanghe River estuary, as one of world-known large river estuary and its adjacent sea re-gion are important aquatic product base with rich marine product resources in North China. The au-thors collected about 60 species of fishes. crustacea. mollusca and polychaeta in this region (119°05′-20′E,37°15′-38°15′N) from Apri1 to May. 1984. The concentration of Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu in eachmarine organisms was measured and concentration factors of trace metals were calculated. The ashingmethods was used for sample treatments. The concentration of trace metals was determined by anti-adsorption physical coating mercury electrode inverse polarography (Davis A1660 Differential CathodRay Polarograph).  相似文献   

Two measures of microbial activity were used to characterise a variety of sediment habitats in three intertidal inlets in the Nelson region, South Island, New Zealand. Rates of microbial mineralisation potential and epibenthic microalgal production were compared with sediment textures, concentrations of photosynthetic pigments, ATP concentrations, and organic and inorganic nutrients. Baseline ranges for these parameters were established for relatively undisturbed estuarine sites for assessing future environmental deterioration and for comparison with sites affected by organic enrichment. Sediment mineralisation rates were increased more than 1000‐fold by enrichment from a fruit processing plant and microalgal production was enhanced by more than 50‐fold at a site exposed to slaughterhouse wastes. The remaining variables, although often strongly correlated with activity measurements, were not as sensitive as measures of enrichment. Sediment microbial activity measurements are proposed as a means of detecting changes in nutrient status of estuarine environments.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2002,79(1):1-26
This study investigates the relative importance of processes that affect trace metal (TM) cycling in the upper water column at the shelf edge of the Celtic Sea on the western European continental margin. The examined processes include external inputs (by atmosphere and river), physical factors (upwelling, winter mixing and water mass advection) and biological processes (in situ uptake, regeneration and export to deep waters). The concentrations of dissolved Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb were measured with this aim in January 1994 and June 1995 at vertical stations across slope, including stations with upwelling, and in the surface waters along the Celtic Sea shelf. Additionally, deep sea (from sediment trap data) and atmospheric fluxes were estimated. The metal profiles over the slope off the Celtic Sea are quite similar to open ocean profiles already described in the northeast Atlantic, and the concentrations in surface waters are only slightly enriched compared to the nearby open ocean (1.2–1.3× for Cd and Ni). The external sources to the system appear to be of weak influence: the fluvial input is locally strong at the coast and then “diluted” along the large continental shelf; the atmospheric deposition is not significant at the annual scale in comparison to the metal content in the upper waters of the shelf edge (at least for Cd, Ni and Cu). In the upwelling zone, a significant increase in concentrations was observed in the summer surface mixed layer (×2 for nitrate and Cd and ×1.5 for Ni) in comparison to the non-upwelling zone. In winter, concentrations of bioreactive metals increased significantly in the surface waters in comparison to the low summer levels (×5 for nitrate and Cd). Our results suggest that upwelling and winter mixing act as regenerated sources that lead to the resupply of the bioreactive elements above the permanent thermocline with a low export to deeper waters. The tracing of the Mediterranean intermediate waters (MIW) from Gibraltar to the studied area shows indeed that its elemental content at the Celtic shelf edge is mainly due to the conservative mixing of the three “end-member” component waters which are thought to make up the MIW. The remineralization of organic matter within this water mass during its transport to the north would contribute only 20% of the nutrients and Cd concentrations recorded at the Celtic Sea shelf edge. According to the correlation found with nutrients in the 10–200-m layer, dissolved Pb would also be subjected to biological uptake and regeneration within the seasonal thermocline. Particulate scavenging removal of Pb would take place below the permanent thermocline throughout the water column.  相似文献   

对湛江东海岛潮间带表层沉积物中酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)和同步提取重金属(SEM)的含量及其分布进行了研究。研究表明,东海岛潮间带表层沉积物中AVS含量夏季平均为0.449μmol/g,冬季为1.816μmol/g,大多数站位AVS含量冬季高于夏季;AVS平均含量总体呈南、北区较高,东、西区较低的区域分布规律。潮区沉积物可提取重金属SEM总量夏季在0.56~4.60μmol/g之间,冬季处于0.65~2.21μmol/g之间;各重金属平均含量大小为ZnCrPbCuCd,其中Cd含量占SEM总量不到1%,Zn含量则在70%以上,SEMZn是控制着SEM分布的主要模式。联合利用(∑SEM/AVS)与(∑SEMAVS)法和生物毒性阈值法综合评估重金属对沉积环境的影响,东海岛潮间带大部分区域沉积物中(∑SEM-AVS)处于0~5之间,重金属潜在生物毒性较强的区域为通明海区(7号站和8号站所在),具有较强潜在生物毒性的重金属为夏季通明海区的Zn。  相似文献   

Results of the radiochemical determination of 239+240Pu and 238Pu in seawater, plankton, marine organisms and sediment are reported. The samples were collected in the Taranto Gulf, and the data are compared with those obtained from other stations in the Mediterranean Sea. The vertical distribution of plutonium isotopes in sediments is also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Marine surficial sediments, intertidal molluscs and reed leaves collected in the Bay of Follonica are slightly contaminated by Pb, Ni, Zn and Fe. The main pollution sources are the waste water and the atmospheric emission of industrial plants. Probably, the weathering of the pyrite deposits along the eastern coast of Elba Island and adsorption and coprecipitation with hydrous Fe-Mn oxides increase the trace metal concentrations in sediments from the Piombino Channel. Mussels and limpets are contaminated by Hg because of the higher background level of the northern Tyrrhenian Sea.  相似文献   

The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and trace elements were determined for surface (top 2 cm) sediment samples collected during the deep Gulf of Mexico benthos (DGoMB) study .These elements and compounds are known to be toxic to organisms at high concentrations and may affect biological communities. There is no indication of major anthropogenic input of the elements Be, Co, Cr, Fe, Si, Tl, V, K, Mg, Ca, Sr and Zn, based on normalization to Al. The concentrations of these metals in the sediment are a function of the relative amounts of trace-metal-rich Mississippi River-derived silicate material and trace-metal-poor plankton-derived carbonate. This is not true for the elements Ba, Ni, Pb, Cd, As, Cu and Mn, whose concentrations show considerable scatter when normalized to Al and a general enrichment. On a normalized basis, Mn is enriched 5–10 fold, Cu and Ni 2–3 fold and Pb 2 fold over Mississippi River-derived material. These enrichments are likely the result of remobilization of metals from depths in the sediment column where reducing conditions exist. The Ba concentrations at selected sites are higher than those of average clay-rich sediments, but are typical of sediments from near oil well platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In the case of Ba, it seems likely that the enrichments, as high as a factor of 10, are due to disposal of oil well drilling mud. The Ba-enriched samples are from the three shallowest water sites in the Mississippi Trough (sites MT1, 2 and 3) and from site C1 and WC5. All are in an area of intense petroleum exploration and development. PAH concentrations are also elevated at MT1, MT3 and C1. The total PAH concentration ranged from not detected (ND) to 1033 ng/g with a mean of 140 ng/g. Even at the sites most enriched in PAHs and trace elements, the concentrations are not at the levels expected to adversely affect the biota. However, these predicted non-effects are based on research using mostly near-shore estuarine species, not on the indigenous species at the sampling sites.  相似文献   

The U-Tapao Canal is the main source of freshwater draining into the outer part of Songkhla Lake, which is the most important estuarine lagoon in Thailand. Songkhla Lake is located in southern Thailand between latitudes 7°08' and 7°50' N and longitudes 100°07' and 100°37' E. Acetic acid (HOAc)-soluble Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn and the total concentration of these metals along with Al concentration, organic carbon, carbonate, sand, silt, and clay contents were determined in 4 sediment cores obtained at selected intervals from the mouth of the canal to 12 km upstream. Readily oxidizable organic matter in the cores varies from 1.52% to 7.30% and is generally found to decrease seaward. Total concentrations of Al (61.7–99.0 g kg−1; 2.29–3.67 mol kg−1), Cu (12.4–28.2 mg kg−1; 195–444 μmol kg−1), Fe (25.2–42.0 g kg−1; 451–752 mmol kg−1), Mn (0.22–0.49 g kg−1; 4.0–8.9 mmol kg−1), Pb (16.7–43.1 mg kg−1; 80.6–208 μmol kg−1), and Zn (48.6–122.7 mg kg−1; 0.74–1.88 mmol kg−1) vary to a certain extent vertically and seaward in the U-Tapao Canal core sediments. These concentrations are at or near natural levels and show no indication of anthropogenic contamination.Overall, the data show that total metal concentrations in the surface and near surface core sediments are enriched in varying degrees relative to Al in the order of Zn>Mn>Pb>Fe>Cu. Chemical partitioning shows that the enrichment in the surface and near surface sediments is related to the relatively high proportion of the total metal concentrations (Mn>Zn>Fe>Cu>Pb) that occur in the acetic acid-soluble (nondetrital) fraction, and they generally decrease with depth. Nondetrital Cu, Pb, and Zn likely derive from those metals held in ion exchange positions, certain carbonates, and from easily soluble amorphous compounds of Mn and perhaps those of Fe. Diagenetic processes involving Mn and to a lesser extent, Fe compounds, as well as the vertical changes in the oxidizing/reducing boundaries, appear to be the most important factors controlling the behavior of the metals in these cores. Organic matter and the aluminosilicate minerals, however, appear to be less important carriers of the metals studied.  相似文献   

As part of a multinational workshop on marine environmental quality, sediments were collected from seven sites in Vancouver Harbour and analyzed for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorines (OCs), and for trace metals. English sole were collected from five sites, and muscle was analyzed for trace metals and liver for OCs. As expected, sediment PAH and OC concentrations and tissue OC concentrations were higher at sites east of the First Narrows, compared to the outer harbor and reference sites. Sediment PAH concentrations east of the First Narrows were similar to concentrations at moderately contaminated sites in Puget Sound, south of Vancouver Harbour. In contrast, concentrations of OCs in sediments and tissue were low to moderate, even at relatively contaminated sites within Vancouver Harbour. Although several trace metals in sediments were higher than in contaminated sediments from Puget Sound, trace metals measured in fish muscle were lower.  相似文献   

The effects of monochromatic (blue, yellow and red LED) and mixed wavelengths (fluorescent lamp) on the adsorption and absorption of Cu and Zn by Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Nitzschia sp., Skeletonema sp., and Chlorella vulgaris were investigated. In addition, we confirmed the potential of microalgae for phytoremediation of these heavy metals from contaminated marine sediment by using microcosm experiments that incorporated LEDs and semipermeable membrane (SPM) tube containing microalgae. Among the four microalgae, C. vulgaris grown under red LED exhibited the highest Cu and Zn removal with values of 17.5 × 10-15 g Cu/cell and 38.3 × 10-15 g Zn/cell, respectively. Thus, C. vulgaris could be a useful species for phytoremediation. In the microcosm experiments with SPM containing C. vulgaris, the highest Cu and Zn removal from sediment and interstitial water showed under red LED. Therefore, phytoremediation using LED and SPM tube containing microalgae could be utilized as an eco-friendly technique for remediating contaminated marine sediment.  相似文献   

对湛江东海岛潮间带表层沉积物中酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)和同步提取重金属(SEM)的含量及其分布进行了研究。研究表明,东海岛潮间带表层沉积物中AVS含量夏季平均为0.449μ mol/g,冬季为1.816μ mol/g,大多数站位AVS含量冬季高于夏季;AVS平均含量总体呈南、北区较高,东、西区较低的区域分布规律。潮区沉积物可提取重金属SEM总量夏季在0.56μ mol/g~4.60μ mol/g之间,冬季处于0.65μ mol/g~2.21μ mol/g之间;各重金属平均含量大小为ZnCrPbCuCd,其中Cd含量占SEM总量不到1%,Zn含量则在70%以上,SEMZn是控制着SEM分布的主要模式。联合利用(∑SEM/AVS)与(∑SEM-AVS)法和生物毒性阈值法综合评估重金属对沉积环境的影响,东海岛潮间带大部分区域沉积物中(∑SEM-AVS)处于0~5之间,重金属潜在生物毒性较强的区域为通明海区(7号站和8号站所在),具有较强潜在生物毒性的重金属为夏季通明海区的Zn。  相似文献   

Cd, Zn and Cu levels were determined in sediments and Crangon crangon from 9 sites in the Severn Estuary/Bristol Channel during winter 1999. Metal levels in both shrimp and sediments varied significantly between sites and were related to proximity of input and/or sediment type. In the upper Estuary, Cd levels in shrimp were 100x higher than other reported values whereas sediment Cd contamination was comparable. It is suggested that high Cd levels in shrimp are due to the high inputs and enhanced bioavailability of metal during winter.  相似文献   

Total metal concentrations in sediments from within Ensenada and El Sauzal Harbors are generally higher than at the mouths. Grain-size analyses suggested that this enrichment could be due to the presence of fine-grained sediments in the inner part of the harbors rather than to anthropogenic perturbations. The (Me/Al)(sample) ratios for Pb, Co, Ni and Fe were significantly higher for Ensenada Harbor relative to El Sauzal Harbor, whereas the ratios for Cd, Mn, Zn and Cu were statistically equivalent for both harbors. Calculated enrichment factors [EF(Me)=(Me/Al)(sample)/(Me/Al)(shale)] indicated that the metals showing slight enrichment were those associated with anthropogenic contamination (Pb, Zn), or probably related to primary productivity in the water column (Cd, Co). The levels of most of the metals were not greatly enriched, a consideration that is of the utmost importance when contamination issues are at stake.  相似文献   

Nonylphenol(NP) and bisphenol A(BPA) are endocrine disruptors causing harmful effects including feminization and carcinogenesis to various organisms,and consequently,their contamination in natural environment has received wide concerns.This study reports the distribution characteristics of NP and BPA in surface sediments and their deposition history based on a dated sediment core in the Changjiang River(Yangtze River) Estuary and its adjacent East China Sea.The contents of NP and BPA in surface sediments ranged from 1.56-35.8 and 0.72-13.2 ng/g(dry mass),respectively,with high values recorded in the two mud zones,the Changjiang River Estuarine Mud Zone and the Zhejiang Coastal Mud Zone.High values in the Zhejiang Coastal Mud Zone suggest the possibility of long distance transport of both contaminants through the Changjiang riverine plume.The contents were not correlated with the distance from the pollution source,indicating other factors including particle deposition rate and sediment grain size obviously affecting the distribution pattern.NP was also detected in a sediment core at layers deposited from the year of 1971 to 2001 with contents of up to 20.9 ng/g(dry mass).The deposition fluxes of NP varied from 0.68 to 17.9 ng/(cm2 · a) with peaks and valleys reflecting the traces of economic development history in China during the previous three decades.BPA was detected at sediment layers deposited from 1973 to 2001 with contents of up to 3.66 ng/g.The fluxes of BPA varied from 0.62 to 3.13 ng/(cm2 · a) showing a similar pattern as NP.The contents of NP and BPA also indicated potential risks on benthic organisms in the study area.  相似文献   

We tested the ability of pollution induced community tolerance (PICT) to detect the effects of chronic metal pollution on estuarine sediment microbial communities, along a gradient spanning two orders of magnitude in metal concentrations. In tandem, we investigated the associated microbial community structure using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). Tolerance of microbes to Cu, measured as IC50 (inhibitory concentration 50%), was strongly correlated with pore water Cu concentration (r(2)=0.842). No strong correlation existed for other metals tested, highlighting the ability of PICT to identify the pollutant causing a toxic effect. There was no correlation between microbial community structure and community tolerance to metals tested, but analysis of community structure did provide some information on reasons for observed PICT response. PICT methodology used here provided a greater strength and consistency of association with pollutant concentration compared to microbial community structure and can be recommended as a sensitive indicator of metal pollution on estuarine sediment microbial communities.  相似文献   

The “genetic erosion” hypothesis posits that heavy metal stress is related to a loss of genetic diversity at the population level. The genetic diversity of natural populations can, however, be affected by natural processes as well as by human impact. We studied the relationship between heavy metal bioaccumulation and genetic variability in the intertidal crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus. Tissue samples were collected from 40 individuals inhabiting four polluted and four unpolluted sites along the Tuscan coast (Mediterranean basin), and were examined for four heavy metals (arsenic, As, cadmium, Cd, lead, Pb, and copper, Cu). We also assessed the genetic variability of 235 crabs from the same localities using six microsatellite loci.Our results show that the bioaccumulation levels of these individuals accurately reflect the levels of pollution in their immediate environment, and that heavy metals accumulate more in the hepatopancreas than in the gills. Moreover, populations from polluted sites have significantly less genetic variability, measured as mean standardized d2, and a significantly lower percentage of unrelated individuals, than populations from unpolluted sites. This evidence supports the “genetic erosion” hypothesis for metal heavy exposure in natural environments.  相似文献   

The blood and eggs of the flatback turtle (Natator depressus) sampled when nesting at Curtis Island, Queensland, Australia. In the blood, zinc was present at the highest concentration of 151.15 ± 1.45 μg/L followed by copper (7.74 ± 0.09 μg/L). Lead was found only in some individuals. The measured trace elements in the blood were maternally transferred into the eggs. Other metals and metalloids detected in eggs were chromium, manganese, arsenic and selenium. Eggs showed a more complex trace element profile than blood, suggesting that they provided more representative tissues for determining maternal levels of trace element accumulation in N. depressus. Intra-clutch variation was over 15% for most of the studied trace elements suggesting one egg is not in sufficient to determine trace element accumulation within a clutch. Copper was the only element which was positively correlated with breeding age. Furthermore, no detectable levels of tin compound derivates were measured in N. depressus.  相似文献   

Naturally existing stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes are important in the study of sedimentary organic matter sources. To identify the sources of sedimentary organic matter in Sanggou Bay and its adjacent areas, which is characterized by high-density shellfish and seaweed aquaculture, the grain size, organic carbon(OC), total nitrogen(TN), carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition(δ13C and δ15N) of organic matter in the surface sediment were determined. The results showed that, in August, sedimentary OC and TN ranged from 0.17% to 0.76% and 0.04% to 0.14%, respectively. In November, OC and TN ranged from 0.23% to 0.87% and 0.05% to 0.14%, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between OC and TN(R=0.98, P0.0001), indicating that OC and TN were homologous. In August, the δ13C and δ15N of organic matter varied from-23.06‰ to-21.59‰ and 5.10‰ to 6.31‰, respectively. In November, δ13C and δ15N ranged from-22.87‰ to-21.34‰ and 5.13‰ to 7.31‰, respectively. This study found that the major sources of sedimentary organic matter were marine shellfish biodeposition, seaweed farming, and soil organic matter. Using a three-end-member mixed model, we estimated that the dominant source of sedimentary organic matter was shellfish biodeposition, with an average contribution rate of 65.53% in August and 43.00% in November. Thus, shellfish farming had a significant influence on the coastal carbon cycle.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate the transfer of organic contaminants from an environmentally contaminated marine sediment through a simple marine food chain. The infaunal polychaete, Nereis virens, was exposed to contaminated sediment collected from the Passaic River, NJ, USA, for 70 days. These polychaetes were then fed to the American lobster, Homarus americanus, for up to 112 days. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), 2,4,6,8-tetrachlorodibenzothiophene (TCDT), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and several chlorinated pesticides were accumulated by polychaetes following exposure to the contaminated sediment. Some of these contaminants were also accumulated by lobsters which were exposed to the contaminated sediment and/or fed contaminated polychaetes. Only the lesser chlorinated PCDDs and PCDFs (mostly tetra- and pentachlorinated congeners) and 2,4,6,8-TCDT were detected in the polychaetes and lobster. Significant alterations were noted in the PCB patterns found in both species, particularly the lobster. The non-ortho-substituted PCBs (such as congeners 77 and 126) became enriched in the PCB mixtures of the polychaetes and especially the lobsters relative to the sediment, probably because these congeners were not metabolized. These congeners and the 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin toxicity equivalents of the PCB mixtures were enriched by a factor of about six in the lobsters relative to the sediment. Elimination of PCB congeners containing vicinal hydrogens in the meta-para region is consistent with cytochrome P450IIB-type metabolism. Based on the concentration trends for some PCB congeners and chlorinated pesticide ratios measured in the lobsters during this experiment, it appears that this metabolic system is inducible in the American lobster.  相似文献   

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