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We present almost-simultaneous detections of Cygnus X-1 in the radio and mm regimes, obtained during the low/hard X-ray state. The source displays a flat spectrum between 2 and 220 GHz, with a spectral index | α |0.15 (3 σ ). There is no evidence for either a low- or high-frequency cut-off, but in the mid-infrared (∼30 μm) thermal emission from the OB-type companion star becomes dominant. The integrated luminosity of this flat-spectrum emission in quiescence is 2×1031 erg s−1 (2×1024 W). Assuming the emission originates in a jet for which non-radiative (e.g. adiabatic expansion) losses dominate, this is a very conservative lower limit on the power required to maintain the jet. A comparison with Cyg X-3 and GRS 1915+105, the other X-ray binaries for which a flat spectrum at shorter than cm wavelengths has been observed, shows that the jet in Cyg X-1 is significantly less luminous and less variable, and is probably our best example to date of a continuous, steady, outflow from an X-ray binary. The emissive mechanism responsible for such a flat spectral component remains uncertain. Specifically, we note that the radio–mm spectra observed from these X-ray binaries are much flatter than those of the 'flat-spectrum' AGN, and that existing models of synchrotron emission from partially self-absorbed radio cores, which predict a high-frequency cut-off in the mm regime, are not directly applicable.  相似文献   

We present simultaneous dual-frequency radio observations of Cygnus X-3 during a phase of low-level activity. We constrain the minimum variability time-scale to be 20 min at 43 GHz and 30 min at 15 GHz, implying source sizes of 2–4 au. We detect polarized emission at a level of a few per cent at 43 GHz which varies with the total intensity. The delay of ∼10 min between the peaks of the flares at the two frequencies is seen to decrease with time, and we find that synchrotron self-absorption and free–free absorption by entrained thermal material play a larger role in determining the opacity than absorption in the stellar wind of the companion. A shock-in-jet model gives a good fit to the light curves at all frequencies, demonstrating that this mechanism, which has previously been used to explain the brighter, longer lived giant outbursts in this source, is also applicable to these low-level flaring events. Assembling the data from outbursts spanning over two orders of magnitude in flux density shows evidence for a strong correlation between the peak brightness of an event, and the time-scale and frequency at which this is attained. Brighter flares evolve on longer time-scales and peak at lower frequencies. Analysis of the fitted model parameters suggests that brighter outbursts are due to shocks forming further downstream in the jet, with an increased electron normalization and magnetic field strength both playing a role in setting the strength of the outburst.  相似文献   

We present the results of simultaneous X-ray and radio observations of the peculiar Z-type neutron star X-ray binary Cir X-1, observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite and the Australia Telescope Compact Array in 2000 October and 2002 December. We identify typical Z-source behaviour in the power density spectra as well as characteristic Z patterns drawn in an X-ray hardness–intensity diagram. Power spectra typical of bright atoll sources have also been identified at orbital phases after the periastron passage, while orbital phases before the periastron passage are characterized by power spectra that are typical neither of Z nor of atoll sources. We investigate the coupling between the X-ray and the radio properties, focusing on three orbital phases when an enhancement of the radio flux density has been detected, to test the link between the inflow (X-ray) and the outflow (radio jet) to/from the compact object. In two out of three cases, we associate the presence of the radio jet to a spectral transition in the X-rays, although the transition does not precede the radio flare, as detected in other Z sources. An analogous behaviour has recently been found in the black hole candidate GX 339-4. In the third case, the radio light curve shows a similar shape to the X-ray light curve. We discuss our results in the context of jet models, considering also black hole candidates.  相似文献   

We have analysed the X-ray spectra of the highly variable X-ray source Cygnus X-3 over a wide energy range from 5 keV to 150 keV using data selected from the RXTE archives. Separate analysis of the low and hard states show the presence of a hard powerlaw tail in both the states. Here we present the result of the wide band spectral study of the source.  相似文献   

We present X-ray/ γ -ray spectra of Cyg X-1 observed during the transition from the hard to the soft state and in the soft state by ASCA , RXTE and CGRO /OSSE in 1996 May and June. The spectra consist of a dominant soft component below ∼2 keV and a power-law-like continuum extending to at least ∼800 keV. We interpret them as emission from an optically thick, cold accretion disc and from an optically thin, non-thermal corona above the disc. A fraction f ≳0.5 of total available power is dissipated in the corona.
We model the soft component by multicolour blackbody disc emission taking into account the torque-free inner-boundary condition. If the disc extends down to the minimum stable orbit, the ASCA RXTE data yield the most probable black hole mass of M X≈10 M and an accretion rate,     , locating Cyg X-1 in the soft state in the upper part of the stable, gas-pressure-dominated, accretion-disc solution branch.
The spectrum of the corona is well modelled by repeated Compton scattering of seed photons from the disc off electrons with a hybrid, thermal/non-thermal distribution. The electron distribution can be characterized by a Maxwellian with an equilibrium temperature of kT e∼30–50 keV, a Thomson optical depth of τ ∼0.3 and a quasi-power-law tail. The compactness of the corona is 2≲ℓh≲7, and a presence of a significant population of electron–positron pairs is ruled out.
We find strong signatures of Compton reflection from a cold and ionized medium, presumably an accretion disc, with an apparent reflector solid angle, Ω/2π∼0.5–0.7. The reflected continuum is accompanied by a broad iron K α line.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONStudying short time scale variability of the X-ray emission of blaCk-hole systems and lowmass X-ray binaries is an importal approach to understanding the emitting region and elinssionmechanism of high-energy photons. The time-averaged spectra of hard X-rays from Cyg X-1and other black-hole candidates are relatively well explained in terms of a simple model: hardX-rays result from the Comptonization of soft photons in a hot electron cloud of constattemperature and optical d…  相似文献   

We present the results of a 2.5-yr multiwavelength monitoring programme of Cygnus X-1, making use of hard and soft X-ray data, optical spectroscopy, UBVJHK photometry and radio data. In particular, we confirm that the 5.6-d orbital period is apparent in all wavebands, and note the existence of a wavelength dependence to the modulation, in the sense that higher energies reach minimum first. We also find a strong modulation at a period of 142±7 d, which we suggest is caused by precession and/or radiative warping of the accretion disc. Strong modulation of the hard and soft X-ray flux at this long period may not be compatible with simple models of an optically thin accretion flow and corona in the low state. We present the basic components required for more detailed future modelling of the system – including a partially optically thick jet, quasi-continuous in the low state, the base of which acts as the Comptonizing corona. In addition, we find that there are a number of flares that appear to be correlated in at least two wavebands and generally in more. We choose two of these flares to study in further detail, and find that the hard and soft X-rays are well correlated in the first, and that the soft X-rays and radio are correlated in the second. In general, the optical and infrared show similar behaviour to each other, but are not correlated with the X-rays or radio.  相似文献   

Using data obtained with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer , we report the detection of a 5-Hz quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in the bright low-mass X-ray binary and Z source Cygnus X-2 during high overall intensities (the high-intensity state). This QPO was detected on the so-called normal-branch and can be identified with the normal-branch QPO or NBO. Our detection of the NBO is the first one during times when Cygnus X-2 was in the high-intensity state. The rms amplitude of this QPO decreased from 2.8 per cent between 2 and 3.1 keV to <1.9 per cent between 5.0 and 6.5 keV. Above 6.5 keV, its amplitude rapidly increased to ∼12 per cent rms above 16 keV. The time lags of the QPO were consistent with being zero below 5 keV (compared with the 2–3.1 keV band), but they rapidly increased to ∼70 ms (140°) around 10 keV, above which the time lags remained approximately constant near 70 ms. The photon energy dependences of the rms amplitude and the time lags are very similar to those observed for the NBO with other satellites ( Ginga , EXOSAT ) at different (i.e. lower) intensity states.  相似文献   

We have obtained I -band photometry of the neutron star X-ray transient Aql X-1 during quiescence. We find a periodicity at 2.487 cycles d−1, which we interpret as twice the orbital frequency (19.30±0.05 h). Folding the data on the orbital period, we model the light-curve variations as the ellipsoidal modulation of the secondary star. We determine the binary inclination to be 20°–30° (90 per cent confidence) and also determine the 95 per cent upper limits to the radial velocity semi-amplitude and rotational broadening of the secondary star to be 117 and 50 km s−1, respectively.  相似文献   

We report the first observation of a transient relativistic jet from the canonical black hole candidate, Cygnus X-1, obtained with the Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN). The jet was observed in only one of six epochs of MERLIN imaging of the source during a phase of repeated X-ray spectral transitions in 2004 Jan–Feb, and this epoch corresponded to the softest 1.5–12 keV X-ray spectrum. With only a single epoch revealing the jet, we cannot formally constrain its velocity. Nevertheless, several lines of reasoning suggest that the jet was probably launched 0.5–4.0 d before this brightening, corresponding to projected velocities of  0.2 c ≲ v app≲ 1.6 c   , and an intrinsic velocity of  ≳0.3 c   . We also report the occurrence of a major radio flare from Cyg X-1, reaching a flux density of ∼120 mJy at 15 GHz, and yet not associated with any resolvable radio emission, despite a concerted effort with MERLIN. We discuss the resolved jet in terms of the recently proposed 'unified model' for the disc–jet coupling in black hole X-ray binaries, and tentatively identify the 'jet line' for Cyg X-1. The source is consistent with the model in the sense that a steady jet appears to persist initially when the X-ray spectrum starts softening, and that once the spectral softening is complete the core radio emission is suppressed and transient ejecta/shock observed. However, there are some anomalies, and Cyg X-1 clearly does not behave like a normal black hole transient in progressing to the canonical soft/thermal state once the ejection event has happened.  相似文献   

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