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We developed an operationally applicable land-only daily high-resolution (5?km?×?5?km) gridding method for station observations of minimum and maximum 2?m temperature (T min/T max) for Europe (WMO region VI). The method involves two major steps: (1) the generation of climatological T min/T max maps for each month of the year using block regression kriging, which considers the spatial variation explained by applied predictors; and (2) interpolation of transformed daily anomalies using block kriging, and combination of the resulting anomaly maps with climatological maps. To account for heterogeneous climatic conditions in the estimation of the statistical parameters, these steps were applied independently in overlapping climatic subregions, followed by an additional spatial merging step. Uncertainties in the gridded maps and the derived error maps were quantified: (a) by cross-validation; and (b) comparison with the T min/T max maps estimated in two regions having very dense temperature observation networks. The main advantages of the method are the high quality of the daily maps of T min/T max, the calculation of daily error maps and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

The study reveals significant rise in air temperature in the northwest Himalayan (NWH) region by about 1.6°C in the last century, with winters warming at a faster rate. The diurnal temperature range (DTR) has also shown a significantly increasing trend. This appears to be due to rise in both the maximum as well as minimum temperatures, with the maximum increasing much more rapidly. The results are in contrast to the findings in the Alps and Rockies where the minimum temperatures have increased at an elevated rate. Conforming to the global trends, the study confirms episodes of strong warming and cooling in the NWH in the last century. Real warming appears to have started from late-1960s and highest rate of increase was experienced in the last two decades. The study also shows teleconnections between temperatures and an epochal behaviour of the precipitation till late-1960s. These teleconnections seem to have weakened gradually since then and rapidly in the post-1991 period, indicating the waning effect of the natural forcings in this period.  相似文献   

In this paper we report an analysis of sampling error uncertainties in mean maximum and minimum temperatures (Tmax and Tmin) carried out on monthly,seasonal and annual scales,including an examination of homogenized and original data collected at 731 meteorological stations across China for the period 1951-2004.Uncertainties of the gridded data and national average,linear trends and their uncertainties,as well as the homogenization effect on uncertainties are assessed.It is shown that the sampling error variances of homogenized Tmax and Tmin,which are larger in winter than in summer,have a marked northwest-southeast gradient distribution,while the sampling error variances of the original data are found to be larger and irregular.Tmax and Tmin increase in all months of the year in the study period 1951-2004,with the largest warming and uncertainties being 0.400℃ (10 yr)-1 + 0.269℃ (10 yr)-1 and 0.578℃ (10 yr)-1 + 0.211℃ (10 yr)-1 in February,and the least being 0.022℃ (10 yr)-1 + 0.085℃ (10 yr)-1 and 0.104℃ (10 yr)-1 +0.070℃ (10 yr)-1 in August.Homogenization can remove large uncertainties in the original records resulting from various non-natural changes in China.  相似文献   

The persistence and long-term memories in daily maximum and minimum temperature series during the instrumental period in southern South America were analysed. Here, we found a markedly seasonal pattern both for short- and long-term memories that can lead to enhanced predictability on intraseasonal timescales. In addition, well-defined spatial patterns of these properties were found in the region. Throughout the entire region, the strongest dependence was observed in autumn and early winter. In the Patagonia region only, the temperatures exhibited more memory during the spring. In general, these elements indicate that nonlinear interactions exist between the annual cycles of temperature and its anomalies. Knowledge of the spatiotemporal behaviour of these long-term memories can be used in the building of stochastic models that only use persistence. It is possible to propose two objective forecast models based on linear interactions associated with persistence and one that allows for the use of information from nonlinear interactions that are manifested in the form of forerunners.  相似文献   

In this study, regression equations to estimate the monthly and annual values of the mean maximum and mean minimum air temperatures in Greece are derived. For this purpose, data from 87 meteorological stations distributed all over Greece are used. Geographical parameters, i.e., altitude, latitude, longitude, minimum distance from the sea and an index of terrain morphology, are used as independent variables. These equations explain 79?C97% of the variance of the temperature values and have standard error of estimate between 0.59 and 1.20°C. Data from 37 other meteorological stations are used to validate the accuracy of the equations. Topographic or climatic factors, which could not be introduced into the equations, are responsible for most temperature residuals >0.5°C or <?0.5°C. Moreover, some particular emphasis has been given to the values of the regression coefficient for the altitude, since it is the estimator for the mean lapse rate of air temperature.  相似文献   

In this study, the trends of the annual, seasonal and monthly maximum (T max) and minimum (T min) air temperatures time series were investigated for 20 stations in the western half of Iran during 1966?C2005. Three statistical tests including Mann?CKendall, Sen??s slope estimator and linear regression were used for the analysis. The annual T max and T min series showed a positive trend in 85% of the stations and a negative trend in 15% of the stations in the study region. The highest increase of T max and T min values were obtained over Kermanshah and Ahwaz at the rates of (+)0.597°C/decade and (+)0.911°C/decade, respectively. On the seasonal scale, the strongest increasing trends were identified in T max and T min data in summer. The highest numbers of stations with positive significant trends occurred in the monthly T max and T min series in August. In contrast, the lowest numbers of stations with significant positive trends were observed between November and March. Overall, the results showed similar increasing trends for the study variables, although T min generally increased at a higher rate than T max in the study period.  相似文献   

The interannual to decadal variability of precipitation and daily maximum and daily minimum temperature (TMAX and TMIN) in southern Brazil for the 1913–2006 period is investigated using indices for these variables. Relations of these indices and the sea surface temperature (SST) variability in the eastern equatorial Pacific (Niño 3.4 index) and southwestern subtropical Atlantic (SSA index) are also investigated. Analyses are based on the Morlet wavelet transform. The interannual precipitation variability during the 1913–2006 period is mostly due to the high variances that occurred in specific sub-periods. The TMAX and TMIN indices also show significant interannual variability. The coherency and phase difference analyses of the precipitation index and the SST indices show higher coherency with the Niño 3.4 than with the SSA index. On the other hand, examining the coherencies and phase difference between the temperature indices and the SST indices, weaker coherencies with the Niño 3.4 index than with the SSA index are noted. These differences are discussed in the context of previous results. The new results here, with possible application for climate monitoring tasks, refer to the spectral differences between TMIN and TMAX.  相似文献   

This study statistically investigates the effects of soil moisture on mean daily maximum ( $T_{\rm{max} }$ ) and minimum temperatures ( $T_{\rm{min} }$ ) over eastern China in spring (from March to May), summer (from June to August) and fall (from September to November), using the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) soil moisture and observational temperatures. The results show that soil moisture exerts asymmetric effects on $T_{\rm{max} }$ and $T_{\rm{min} }$ , thereby has substantial effects on the diurnal temperature range (DTR) in the three seasons. The soil moisture feedbacks on $T_{\rm{max} }$ , $T_{\rm{min} }$ , and DTR are found to evidently vary with season. In spring and summer, soil moisture exerts stronger negative forcing on $T_{\rm{max} }$ than $T_{\rm{min} }$ , and thus has negative effects on the DTR over many areas of northern China. In fall, soil moisture has much stronger positive effects on $T_{\rm{min} }$ than $T_{\rm{max} }$ , and thus has significant negative effects on the DTR over Northeast China and some areas of the climatic and ecological transition zone of northern China. The uncertainties in the employed data and method should be noted. Therefore, the results need to be further investigated by other data sets and methods in the future.  相似文献   

Wu  Yi  Miao  Chiyuan  Duan  Qingyun  Shen  Chenwei  Fan  Xuewei 《Climate Dynamics》2020,55(9-10):2615-2629

A new bias-corrected, statistically downscaled product, the NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset, has been developed and released to help in understanding climate change at local to regional scales. Here, we evaluate the performance of the NEX-GDDP data in simulating daily maximum temperature (TX) and daily minimum temperature (TN) in the historical period 1961–2005 over China at national and regional scales. Projected future changes in TX and TN are assessed under the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5 emissions scenarios. Results show that the NEX-GDDP data can capture the basic spatial patterns of TX and TN, but these results underestimate the warming trends of TX and TN from 1961 to 2005 over China. The largest biases are found in western China due to its complex terrain conditions; these biases are 2.33 and 2.21 times larger than those found in eastern China for TX and TN, respectively. The climate projections show that the difference in uncertainties is small between the east and the west, and higher warming changes correspond to greater uncertainties. The increasing trends under the RCP8.5 are 2.22 and 2.31 times the size found under the RCP4.5 by the end of the twenty-first century for TX and TN, respectively. The Tibetan plateau has the fastest warming trend under the two scenarios.


基于山东1981—2016年121个气象站的年最大风速观测数据,应用气候倾向率、Mann-Kendall检验等方法研究了山东年最大风速的空间分布特征、时间演变规律及突变特征、重现期特征。结果表明:山东年平均最大风速呈逐年波动减小变化趋势,气候倾向率为-1.41 m·s-1·(10 a)-1,减小趋势极显著;沿海地区和鲁中山区最大风速较大,鲁南和鲁西南较小;2000年以来,最大风速相对20世纪80、90年代明显减小;莱州湾、山东半岛东南沿海减小趋势最明显,鲁东南等地减小趋势较小;山东最大风速在2002年前后发生突变,突变后明显减小,不同区域最大风速突变发生年份不同;50 a和100 a最大风速重现期结果与观测的最大风速空间分布类似。  相似文献   

This paper examines the annual highest daily maximum temperature (DMT) in Korea by using data from 56 weather stations and employing spatial extreme modeling. Our approach is based on max-stable processes (MSP) with Schlather's characterization. We divide the country into four regions for a better model fit and identify the best model for each region. We show that regional MSP modeling is more suitable than MSP modeling for the entire region and the pointwise generalized extreme value distribution approach. The advantage of spatial extreme modeling is that more precise and robust return levels and some indices of the highest temperatures can be obtained for observation stations and for locations with no observed data, and so help to determine the effects and assessment of vulnerability as well as to downscale extreme events.  相似文献   

Summary Based on observational data at Beijing since 1940, trends in daily maximum, mimimum and mean temperatures are studied. It is shown that the linear rate of increase in minimum temperature is 4.08 °C/100 yr; whereas the maximum temperature decreases with a linear rate of — 0.245 °C/100 yr. Consequently, the diurnal temperature range (DTR) becomes smaller.Warming in Beijing occurred mainly in the daytime in the 1940s; but in the night in the 1980s. Although the latter has been found in other studies, the former is a new discovery. The difference of temperature and the diurnal temperature range between urban and surburban areas in Beijing are also analysed. The results show that the urban heat island effect (UHIE) has been becoming larger, and during 1960–1989 the change in UHIE in summer is larger than that in winter. Since the warning trend does not match the change of UHIE in last two decades, it is thought that UHIE is not the main factor contributing to climatic warming.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

Summary ?The knowledge of the dependence pattern of daily weather variables, which tend to persist in time, is important in developing techniques for simulating weather data. The dependence of daily maximum and minimum temperatures is presented for 17 stations in the three main climatic zones (humid, sub-humid and semi-arid) of Nigeria. Daily maximum and minimum temperatures have an average lag-one serial correlation coefficient of 0.833 and 0.802, respectively, depending more on latitude followed by elevation of the site. The correlation between maximum and minimum temperature averaged 0.387 and also varied with season and location. The results of the Student’s T-test show that persistence within maximum and minimum temperatures and interdependence between the two meteorological variables did not differ significantly, 95% of the times, at most of the sites. The implication of these in developing limited area models for weather forecasting and regional climate studies has been stressed. Received July 6, 1999/Revised March 6, 2000  相似文献   

利用菏泽1998—2017年20a逐日平均气温和最高、最低气温数据,统计分析平均气温和平均最高、最低气温的月、旬变化特征,以每2℃为一个区间,按月统计分析逐日最高、最低气温以及当日与翌日最高、最低气温的变幅在各区间的样本及出现频率。结果表明:夏、冬季日最高、最低气温及气温日较差分布区间跨度小,气温变化较稳定;春、秋季日最高、最低气温及气温日较差分布区间跨度大,气温变化不稳定。各月最高、最低气温及气温日较差出现频率在均值附近最大,随后向两侧递减;近年冬季有缩短的倾向,严寒天气减少,夏季酷暑天气增多;春季到夏季、秋季到冬季各有两次气温快速升降期。  相似文献   

Summary The present paper is an analysis of mean maximum and minimum temperatures carried out on monthly, seasonal and annual time-scales examining the data collected at 171 meteorological stations over a region in the North West of Spain (Castilla y León) for the period 1961–1997. Various statistical tools were used to detect and describe significant trends in these data. The magnitude of the trends was derived from the slopes of the regression lines using the least squares method, and the statistical significance was determined by means of the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test. The pattern obtained is quite similar for mean maximum and minimum temperatures with increases in all months of the year, and in the annual series. The seasonal series corresponding to winter and summer also followed this same pattern. Spring and autumn were found to be more irregular. Because maximum temperature increased at a higher rate than minimum temperature in this period, an increase in the annual diurnal temperature range (DTR) was observed. The correlation between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the regional maximum and minimum temperatures and DTR series for the period 1961–1997 have also be studied in this paper.  相似文献   

乡镇精细化最高最低气温预报方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
对2008年10月至2009年9月安徽省乡镇与县站观测站最低、最高温度的差异进行统计分析。结果表明:乡镇观测点和县站观测点之间的最低、最高温度具有明显差异,且随着季节变化而不同。在此基础上,以预报员主观制作的县站最高、最低预报结果作为基础,利用修正Barnes插值和一阶卡尔曼滤波订正方法制作乡镇站点的最低、最高温度预报表明,该方法制作的乡镇站点最低、最高温度具有较高准确率,前3 d的乡镇最低温度预报准确率和县站的预报比较接近,预报准确率差异在1 %之内,但随着预报时效的增加两者的差异略有增加;对于乡镇的最高温度预报,与县站的最高温度预报小于2℃的准确率始终保持在3 %之内,该方法优于基于WRF模式的MOS方法。对比一阶卡尔曼滤波订正前后效果发现,该方法对乡镇最低和最高温度的前4 d预报具有正订正效果,而对于第5-7 d没有订正效果或为负订正效果。当区分转折性天气后,可以提高第4-7 d的最高温度预报准确率。  相似文献   

Recent studies examining changes in temperature record frequency over the continental United States have reported that the number of Tmax records has been increasing over the past 50 years and occurring at twice the frequency of Tmin records. In a stationary climate, the number of records should decrease with time as 1/n, where n is the number of years of record-keeping. Here we seek to understand how European temperature records have changed during the late 20th century and how they are expected to change as greenhouse gases increase during the 21st century, using a new ensemble method to filter out the effect of the starting year in the calculation of the records. We find that until 1980, the ratio of Tmax to Tmin records remains close to one, indicating that the climate was relatively stationary. After 1980, there is a distinct positive trend where the observed ratio averages around four during the early part of the 21st century, indicative of a warming trend. We note considerable spatial variability in the observations. Further, the ratio of Tmax to Tmin records set by the year 2100 as simulated by five RCM simulations reaches values of up to several hundred by the end of the 21st century. However, the changes in record frequency vary spatially over Europe. The models project the highest numbers of Tmax records over the Mediterranean during summer, and Scandinavia during the spring and fall. Tmin records decrease most substantially over eastern Europe and western Russia, and the Mediterranean. Our analysis confirms the value of the use of maximum and minimum temperature records in regional climate change studies.  相似文献   

应用2003年-2006年T213数值产品,通过动力统计释用(MOS),分季建立了山西省109站日极端气温预报模型;采用M-γ尺度气候模式,通过分季节、分天空状况模拟和检验,得到不同背景下乡镇与县站气温差额分布,依此,在较高质量的分县预报基础上,经过订正得到乡镇日极端气温的预报产品,取得较好的效果,弥补了目前乡镇自动站基础资料的不足,为乡镇精细化极端气温预报提供了新思路和新技术。  相似文献   

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