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Two ground penetrating radar (GPR) techniques were used to estimate the shallow soil water content at the field scale. The first technique is based on the ground wave velocity measured with a bistatic impulse radar connected to 450 MHz ground-coupled antennas. The second technique is based on inverse modeling of an off-ground monostatic TEM horn antenna in the 0.8–1.6 GHz frequency range. Data were collected on a 8 by 9 m partially irrigated intensive research plot and along four 148.5 m transects. Time domain reflectometry, capacitance sensors, and volumetric soil samples were used as reference measurements. The aim of the study was to test the applicability of the ground wave method and the off-ground inverse modeling approach at the field scale for a soil with a silt loam texture. The results for the ground wave technique were difficult to interpret due to the strong attenuation of the GPR signal, which is related to the silt loam texture at the test site. The root mean square error of the ground wave technique was 0.076 m3 m−3 when compared to the TDR measurements and 0.102 m3 m−3 when compared with the volumetric soil samples. The off-ground monostatic GPR measured less within-field soil water content variability than the reference measurements, resulting in a root mean square error of 0.053 m3 m−3 when compared with the TDR measurements and an error of 0.051 m3 m−3 when compared with the volumetric soil samples. The variability between the two GPR measurements was even larger with a RSME of 0.115 m3 m−3. In summary, both GPR methods did not provide adequate spatial information on soil water content variation at the field scale. The main reason for the deviating results of the ground wave method was the poor data quality due to high silt and clay content at the test site. Additional reasons were shallow reflections and the dry upper soil layer that cannot be detected by the ground wave method. In the case of off-ground GPR, the high sensitivity to the dry surface layer is the most likely reason for the observed deviations. The off-ground GPR results might be improved by using a different antenna that allows data acquisition in a lower frequency range.  相似文献   

In 1995–1998, Han 11 km terrestrial surge of Kuannersuit Glacier, an outlet glacier of the largest ice cap on Disko Island, West Greenland, affected the catchment dramatically. In order to estimate solute fluxes and provenances, bulk meltwaters were sampled at the main subglacial outlet during the initial part of the quiescent phase. The hydrochemistry is significantly influenced by a subglacial basaltic weathering regime with absence of carbonate minerals. The results show that marine and aerosol derived solutes have minimal contribution to the total ion content, whereas sequestration of atmospheric CO2 associated with carbonation of Ca-rich feldspar and reactive volcanic glass is more dominant than previously reported from glacierized catchments. Application of a sampling strategy dividing water samples into four groups to determine the content of dissolved HCO3 and CO32− shows that the cationic equivalent weathering rate range is 683–860 Σmeq+ m−2 a−1 and solute flux ranges between 76 and 98 t km−2 a−1. The crustal denudation rate is estimated to 26 t km−2 a−1, and the transient CO2 drawdown amounts to 8500–13700 kg C km−2 a−1.  相似文献   

Regional estimates of aquifer recharge are needed in data-scarce regions such as the Basin of Mexico, where nearly 20 million people are located and where the Basin’s aquifer system represents the main water source. In order to develop the spatio-temporal estimates of aquifer recharge and to analyze to what extent urban growth has affected aquifer recharge, this work presents a daily soil water balance which uses different vegetation and soil types as well as the effect of topography on climatological variables and evapotranspiration. The soil water balance was applied on a daily time step in the Basin of Mexico for the period 1975–1986, obtaining an annually-lumped potential recharge flow of 10.9–23.8 m3/s (35.9–78.1 mm) in the entire Basin, while the monthly values for the year with the largest lumped recharge value (1981 = 78.1 mm) range from 1 m3/s (0.3 mm) in December to 87.9 m3/s (23.7 mm) in June. As aquifer recharge in the Basin mainly occurs by subsurface flow from its enclosing mountains as Mountain Block Recharge, urban growth has had a minimal impact on aquifer recharge, although it has diminished recharge in the alluvial plain.  相似文献   

Portunid crabs Thalamita danae (carapace width: 46–56 mm) were exposed to low oxygen level (4.0 mg O2 l−1) and hypoxia (1.5 mg O2 l−1) for 6 h each day with three size classes (large: 15.0–19.9 mm, medium: 10.0–14.9 mm, small: 5.0–9.9 mm) of mussels Brachidontes variabilis offered as food. Consumption rate, prey size preference, and prey handling including breaking time, handling time, eating time and prey value, were studied during the time the crabs were exposed to reduced oxygen levels and results were compared with the crabs maintained at high oxygen level (8.0 mg O2 l−1) throughout the experiment. Consumption of mussels from all size classes was significantly higher at high oxygen level than at reduced oxygen levels. No mussel size preference was observed for crabs exposed to 4.0 or 8.0 mg O2 l−1 but those crabs exposed to 1.5 mg O2 l−1 preferred medium mussels. Both breaking time and handling time increased with mussel size but did not vary with oxygen level. Prey value of each mussel consumed (mg dry wt eaten crab−1 s−1) was calculated by dividing the estimated dry weight of the mussel by the observed handling time. Mean prey value varied significantly with mussel size, with values obtained for large mussels being higher than small mussels at 4.0 and 8.0 mg O2 l−1; the effect of oxygen level, however, was insignificant. In view of portunid crabs as major predators of mussels, results may help explain dominance of mussels in eutrophic harbours in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Four distinct approaches, that vary markedly in the spatial and temporal resolution of their measurement and process-level outputs, are used to investigate the daily and seasonal water vapour exchange in a 70-year-old Belgian Scots pine forest. Transpiration, canopy interception, soil evaporation and evapotranspiration are simulated, using a stand-level process model (SECRETS) and a soil water balance model (WAVE). Simulated transpiration was compared with up-scaled sap flow measurements and simulated evapotranspiration to eddy covariance measurements.

Reasonable agreement in the temporal trends and in the annual water balance between the two models was observed, however daily and weekly predictions often diverged. Most notably, WAVE estimated very low, to no transpiration during late autumn, winter and early spring when incident radiation fell below 50 W m−2 while SECRETS simulated low (0.1–0.4 mm day−1) fluxes during the same period. Both models exhibited similar daily trends in simulated transpiration when compared with sap flow estimates, although simulations from SECRETS were more closely aligned. In contrast, WAVE over-estimated transpiration during periods of no rainfall and under-estimated transpiration during rainfall. Yearly, total evapotranspiration simulated by the models were similar, i.e. 658 mm (1997) and 632 mm (1998) for WAVE and 567 mm (1997) and 619 mm (1998) for SECRETS.

Maximum weekly-average evapotranspiration for WAVE exceeded 5 mm day−1, while SECRETS never exceeded 4 mm day−1. Both models, in general, simulated higher evapotranspiration than that measured with the eddy covariance technique. An impact of the soil water content in the direct relationship between the models and the eddy covariance measurements was found.

The results suggest that: (1) different model formulations can reproduce similar results depending on the scale at which outputs are resolved, (2) SECRETS estimates of transpiration were well correlated with the empirical measurements, and (3) neither model fitted favourably to the eddy covariance technique.  相似文献   

This paper describes the preliminary evaluation of the PSYCHIC catchment scale (Tier 1) model for predicting the mobilisation and delivery of phosphorus (P) and suspended sediment (SS) in the Hampshire Avon (1715 km2) and Herefordshire Wye (4017 km2) drainage basins, in the UK, using empirical data. Phosphorus and SS transfers to watercourses in the Wye were predicted to be greater than corresponding delivery in the Avon; SS, 249 vs 33 kg ha−1 yr−1; DP, 2.57 vs 1.26 kg ha−1 yr−1; PP, 2.20 vs 0.56 kg ha−1 yr−1. The spatial pattern of the predicted transfers was relatively uniform across the Wye drainage basin, whilst in the Avon, delivery to watercourses was largely confined to the river corridors and small areas of drained land. Statistical performance in relation to predicted exports of P and SS, using criteria for relative error (RE) and root mean square error (RMSE), reflected the potential shortcomings associated with using longer-term climate data for predicting shorter-term (2002–2004) catchment response and the need to refine calculations of point source contributions and to incorporate additional river basin processes such as channel bank erosion and in-stream geochemical processing. PSYCHIC is therefore best suited to characterising longer-term catchment response.  相似文献   

A nomogram is developed to show that pH, redox potentials (EhNHE) and measures of dissolved sulfides (H2S + HS + S2−)(total free S2−) can be used to classify organic enrichment impacts in marine sediments. The biogeochemical cycle of sulfur in marine sediments is described to show that changes in macrobenthic infauna community structure associated with high levels of organic matter supply result from stress due to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia and anoxia) and toxic effects of S2−. The changes reflect enhancement of microbial sulfate reduction under conditions of high organic matter sedimentation and the progressive formation of hypoxic–anoxic conditions measured by decreased EhNHE and increased concentrations of S2−. The nomogram provides a basis for classification of the oxic status of marine sediments based on changes in inter-related biological and biogeochemical variables along an organic enrichment gradient.  相似文献   

In the study of soil erosion, specifically on detachment of soil particles by raindrop impact, kinetic energy is a commonly suggested indicator of the raindrop's ability to detach soil particles from the soil mass. Since direct measurement of kinetic energy requires sophisticated and costly instruments, the alternative approach is to estimate it from rainfall intensity. The present study aims at establishing a relationship between rainfall intensity and kinetic energy for rainfalls in Central Cebu, Philippines as a preface of a wider regional investigation.

Drop size distributions of rainfalls were measured using the disdrometer RD-80. There are two forms of kinetic energy considered here. One is kinetic energy per unit area per unit time (KER, J m−2 h−1) and the other is kinetic energy per unit area per unit depth (KE, J m−2 mm−1). Relationships between kinetic energy per unit area per unit time (KER) and rainfall intensity (I) were obtained using linear and power relations. The exponential model and the logarithmic model were fitted to the KE–I data to obtain corresponding relationships between kinetic energy per unit area per unit depth of rainfall (KE) and rainfall intensity (I). The equation obtained from the exponential model produced smaller standard error of estimates than the logarithmic model.  相似文献   

Tracing suspended sediment and particulate phosphorus sources in catchments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Information on suspended sediment and particulate P (PP) sources is an important requirement in many catchment-based diffuse source pollution studies, in order to assist with model validation and to provide information to support the development of effective sediment and phosphorus control strategies. Such information is, however, frequently unavailable or difficult to assemble. In the study reported, source fingerprinting procedures were successfully used to assemble this information for seven sub-catchments in the Hampshire Avon catchment and five sub-catchments in the Middle Herefordshire Wye catchment. The results provide important new information on the relative importance of the contributions from surface and channel/subsurface sources to the suspended sediment and PP fluxes from the catchments. In the Wye sub-catchments channel/subsurface sources contributed 40–55% of the overall suspended sediment flux and 21–43% of the PP flux from the catchments. Equivalent values for the Avon were 1–41% and 1–54%, respectively. Combination of the information on the relative importance of surface and channel/subsurface sources with measured suspended sediment fluxes has provided the first estimates of the specific fluxes of sediment and PP attributable to channel/subsurface sources for UK catchments. The former are as high as 15–20 t km−2 year−1 in some of the Wye sub-catchments, whereas the latter exceeded 0.1 kgP ha−1 year−1 in the same sub-catchments. The results emphasize the need to take account of potential contributions from channel/subsurface sources when using measured suspended sediment and PP flux data to validate predictions derived from models incorporating only surface contributions.  相似文献   

A study of the interaction between groundwater and surface water was undertaken within a small agricultural watershed in southern Ontario, Canada. Groundwater contributions to streamflow were measured along a section of stream during baseflow conditions and during rainfall events. Four techniques were used to estimate the contribution of groundwater to the stream along a 450 m reach (three during baseflow and one during stormflow conditions). Under baseflow conditions, streamflow measurements using the velocity–area technique indicated that the net groundwater flux to the stream during the summer months was 10 ml s−1 m−1. Hydrometric measurements (i.e. hydraulic gradient and hydraulic conductivity) taken using mini-piezometers installed in the sediments beneath the stream resulted in net groundwater flux estimates that were four to five times lower. Seepage meters failed to provide any measurements of water flux into or out of the stream. Therefore, based on these results, the velocity–area technique gives the best estimate of groundwater discharge. Hydrograph separations were conducted using isotopic ratios and electrical conductivity on two large rainfall events with different antecedent moisture conditions in the catchment. Both events showed that pre-event water (generally considered groundwater) dominated streamflow and tile drain flow with 64%–80% of the total discharge contributed by pre-event water. High water table conditions within the catchment resulted in greater stream discharge and a greater contribution of event water in the streamflow than that observed under low water table conditions for similar intensity storm events. The results also showed that differences in riparian zone width, vegetation and surface saturation conditions between the upper and lower catchment can influence the relative magnitude of streamflow response from the two catchment areas.  相似文献   

Ephemeral puddles in small closed depressions can play an important role in the hydrology and ecology of many landscapes, by storing runoff water, recharging soil moisture and shallow groundwater, and by providing food and habitat for many organisms. Infiltration of snowmelt water under small depressions (<1000 m2) has been studied in the St. Denis National Wildlife Area in Saskatchewan, Canada, located within the northern glaciated prairie of North America where numerous depressions of varying sizes exist. The depressions stored most of the snowmelt runoff generated within their respective watersheds. The water level in a typical depression declined at 0.6 mm/h while the underlying frozen soil was thawing. This rate was likely limited by the rate of downward movement of the thawing front, which was functioning as a moving impermeable boundary. The rate of thawing was controlled by the external energy input from the ground surface. Standing water in depressions efficiently trapped incoming radiation and conducted it to the thawing front. The recession rate increased to 1.1 mm/h when the soil under the depression thawed completely. The recession rate at this later stage appears to be limited by the hydraulic conductivity of the subsoil (0.04–4 mm/h), which is much smaller than the topsoil conductivity (10–20 mm/h).  相似文献   

Measurements of transpiration from individual trees of Eucalyptus from plantations at four different sites in Karnataka, Southern India, are presented. These show large (as much as tenfold) differences in the transpiration between premonsoon and postmonsoon periods, a reflection of the effects of soil-moisture stress in the premonsoon periods. For trees with diameters at breast height (DBH) less than 10 cm the transpiration rate of individual trees is proportional to the square of the DBH. For trees which are not experiencing soil-water stress the daily transpiration rate of individual trees, q, is well represented by the relation: q = (6.6 ± 0.3)g (m3 day−1 where g (m2) is the tree basal area. On a unit ground area basis the transpiration rate, expressed as a depth per day is given by the relation: Et = (0.66 ± 0.03)G (mm day−1 where g(m2ha−1) is the total basal area per hectare. For all the sites studied, although there is evidence for the ‘mining’ of soil water as roots penetrate deeper depths in the soil each year, there is no evidence for direct abstraction from the water table.  相似文献   

REE diffusion in calcite   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Chemical diffusion of four rare-earth elements (La, Nd, Dy and Yb) has been measured in natural calcite under anhydrous conditions, using rare-earth carbonate powders as the source of diffusants. Experiments were run in sealed silica capsules along with finely ground calcite to ensure stability of the single-crystal samples during diffusion anneals. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) was used to measure diffusion profiles. The following Arrhenius relations were obtained over the temperature range 600–850°C: DLa =2.6×10−14 exp(−147±14 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1, DNd =2.4×10−14 exp(−150±13 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1, DDy =2.9×10−14 exp(−145±25 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1, DYb =3.9×10−12 exp(−186±23 kJ mol−1/RT) m2 s−1. In contrast to previous findings for refractory silicates (e.g. zircon), differences in transport rates among the REE are not pronounced over the range of temperature conditions investigated in this study. Diffusion of the REE is significantly slower than diffusion of the divalent cations Sr and Pb and slower than transport of Ca and C at temperatures above 650°C. Fine-scale zoning and isotopic and REE chemical signatures may be retained in calcites under many conditions if diffusion is the dominant process affecting alteration.  相似文献   

Hydraulic properties of deeply weathered basement rocks and variably weathered sedimentary materials were measured by pumping and slug-test methods. Results from over 200 bores in 13 catchments, and eight pumping-test sites across the eastern and central wheatbelt of Western Australia were analysed. Measurements were made in each of the major lithological units, and emphasis placed on a ubiquitous basal saprolite aquifer. Comparisons were made between alternative drilling and analytical procedures to determine the most appropriate methods of investigation.

Aquifers with an average hydraulic conductivity of 0.55 m day−1 occur in variably weathered Cainozoic sediments and poorly weathered saprolite grits (0.57 m day−1). These aquifers are separated by an aquitard (0.065 m day−1) comprising the mottled and pallid zones of the deeply weathered profile. Locally higher values of hydraulic conductivity occur in the saprolite aquifer, although after prolonged periods of pumping the values decrease until they are similar to those obtained from the slug-test methods. Hydraulic conductivities measured in bores drilled with rotary auger rigs were approximately an order of magnitude lower than those measured in the same material with bores drilled by the rotary air-blast method.

Wheatbelt aquifers range from predominantly unconfined (Cainozoic sediments), to confined (saprolite grit aquifer). The poorly weathered saprolite grit aquifer has moderate to high transmissivities (4–50 m2 day−1) and is capable of producing from less than 5 to over 230 kl day−1 of ground water, which is often of a quality suitable for livestock. Yields are influenced by the variability in the permeability of isovolumetrically weathered materials from which the aquifer is derived.

The overlying aquitard has a low transmissivity (< 1 m2 day−1), especially when deeply weathered, indurated and silicified. The transmissivity of the variably weathered sedimentary materials ranges from less than 0.5 m2 day−1 to over 10 m2 day−1, depending on the texture of the materials and their position within the landscape. Higher transmissivity zones may occur as discrete layers of coarser textured materials. The salinity of the saprolite and sedimentary aquifers ranges from less than 2000 mgl−1 to greater than 250000 mgl−1 (total dissolved solids; TDS), depending on position within the landscape. Secondary soil salinization develops when groundwater discharge occurs from either saprolite or sedimentary aquifers.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity, temperature, and light conditions on the reproduction and development of harpacticoid copepod, Nitocra affinis f. californica under controlled laboratory conditions were determined. Seven different salinity levels (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 ppt), four temperatures (20, 25, 30, 35 °C), three different light intensities (25, 56, 130 μmol m−2 s−1) and photoperiods (24 h:0 h, 1 h:23 h, 12 h:12 h LD cycle) were employed in this study. The highest (p < 0.05) overall reproduction and fastest development time were achieved by copepods reared under 30–35 ppt salinity. The optimum temperature required for the maximum reproduction was 30 °C while under 30 °C and 35 °C the copepod development time was shortest (p < 0.05) compared to other temperature levels. The overall reproduction was highest (p < 0.05) and development rate of N. affinis was shortest (p < 0.05) under lowest light intensity (25 μmol m−2 s−1). Continuous light (24 h:0 h LD) inhibited the egg production while, continuous darkness (1 h:23 h LD) and 12 h:12 h LD significantly favoured the overall reproductive activity of the female. Photoperiods 1 h:23 h and 12 h:12 h LD yielded highest total (p < 0.05) offspring female−1 coupled with highest (p < 0.05) survival percentage. This study illustrated that although N. affinis can tolerate wide range of environmental conditions, prolonged exposure to subnormal environments affect its reproduction and development. This study showed that this species can be mass cultured for commercial purposes and has a potential to be used for toxicity studies due to its high reproductive performance fast development and a wide range of tolerance to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In the present work, we built a mathematical model of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) bioaccumulation in Perna viridis, namely, a one-compartment model with a time dependent incorporation rate R (μg g−1 lipid per ppb water per day), with positive substrate cooperativity as the underlying physical mechanism. The temporal change of the PCB concentration Q (μg g−1 lipid) in the soft tissues of the mussel depends on the competition of the input rate RW and the output rate kQ, where W is the concentration of PCB in water (ppb water) and k is the elimination rate (per day). From our experimental data, k=0.181±0.017 d−1. The critical concentration in water Wc for positive substrate cooperativity was found to be 2.4 ppb. Below Wc, R is a constant. For a water concentration of 0.5 ppb Aroclor 1254, R=24.0±2.4 μg g−1 lipid ppb−1 d−1. Above Wc, positive substrate cooperativity comes into effect and R becomes a function of time and dependent on the concentration Q in a form RQ/(Q+δ). This is the case for a water concentration of 5 ppb Aroclor 1254, where γ=15.1 μg g−1 lipid ppb−1 d1 and δ≈200 μg g−1 lipid. From this model, the uptake is exponentially increasing when the PCB concentration in the mussel is small compared to 200 μg g−1 lipid, and hyperbolically increasing when the concentration is large compared to 200 μg g−1 lipid, which are consistent with the experimental data. The model is useful for understanding the true processes taking place during the bioaccumulation and for risk assessment with higher confidence. Future experimental data which challenge the present model are anticipated and in fact desirable for improvement and perfection of the model.  相似文献   

Hydrobiogeochemical processes controlling stream water chemistry were examined in four small (<5 km2) catchments having contrasting bedrock lithologies in the western Sierra Nevada foothills of California. The Mediterranean climate with its cool/wet and hot/dry cycle produces strong seasonal patterns in hydrological, biological and geochemical processes. Stream water solutes fall into three general groups according to seasonal fluctuation in concentration: strong, rainy season minimum–dry season maximum (Cl, SO42−, base cations); weak, rainy season minimum–dry season maximum (Si); and rainy season maximum–dry season minimum (NO3 and K+). Solute dynamics in soil solutions and stream water suggest that mixing of drainage waters from bedrock and soil sources regulate stream water solute concentrations. Patterns are further altered by the leaching of solutes accumulated in the soil over the summer period of desiccation and the temporal discoupling of nutrient cycles that occurs due to differences in the timing between vegetation growth (late spring) and leaching (early winter). Solute concentrations are remarkably similar between watersheds with varying bedrock types, with the exception of nitrate, sulfate and bicarbonate. Three watersheds have nitrogen-bearing metasedimentary bedrock that contributes to elevated nitrate concentrations in stream waters. Watersheds whose bedrock includes mineralized veins of sulfide and carbonate minerals similarly have greater sulfate and bicarbonate concentrations in stream water. Hydrobiogeochemical processes are highly dynamic at the seasonal and storm-event temporal scales and spatially complex at the watershed scale making management of stream water chemical composition, such as nitrate concentrations, very challenging.  相似文献   

Pesticides and herbicides including organochlorine compounds have had extensive current and past application by Queensland's intensive coastal agriculture industry as well as for a wide range of domestic, public health and agricultural purposes in urban areas. The persistent nature of these types of compounds together with possible continued illegal use of banned organochlorine compounds raises the potential for continued long-term chronic exposure to plants and animals of the Great Barrier Reef. Sediment and seagrass samples were collected from 16 intertidal and 25 subtidal sampling sites between Torres Strait and Townsville, near Mackay and Gladstone, and in Hervey and Moreton Bays in 1997 and 1998 and analysed for pesticide and herbicide residues. Low levels of atrazine (0.1–0.3 μg kg−1), diuron (0.2–10.1 μg kg−1), lindane (0.08–0.19 μg kg−1), dieldrin (0.05–0.37 μg kg−1), DDT (0.05–0.26 μg kg−1), and DDE (0.05–0.26 μg kg−1) were detected in sediments and/or seagrasses. Contaminants were mainly detected in samples collected along the high rainfall, tropical coast between Townsville and Port Douglas and in Moreton Bay. Of the contaminants detected, the herbicide diuron is of most concern as the concentrations detected have some potential to impact local seagrass communities.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine whether the δ13C levels in the foliage and twigs of four Eucalyptus grandis clones were related to their water use efficiency (WUE). This relationship has previously been demonstrated in a number of herbaceous species but not in mature trees. The study involved accurate measurements of tree trunk growth and water use over a period of 4 months, with subsequent isotopic analysis of mature foliage from the north and south side of the canopy, and young leaves from the top of the canopy.

The water use efficiencies were found to vary from 5.97 × 10−3 to 12.3 × 10−3 m3 m−3. Significant differences were observed between clonal-mean water use efficiencies averaged over six sampling periods. The average δ13C of the mature and young foliage was found to be significantly correlated with WUE. However, the correlation was weak, suggesting that the relationship between δ13C and WUE is more complex in trees than suggested in the literature on crop plants. It is suggested that differences between sample trees in carbon allocation and leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficits may account for the poor correlation between δ13C and WUE in the four E. grandis clones studied.  相似文献   

Ballast water is a major pathway for the transfer of non-indigenous species in aquatic environments. The objectives of this study were to determine the ability of ozone to reduce the numbers of a spectrum of marine organisms collected from Puget Sound, Washington in replicated mesocosm (280 l) experiments, and estimate the minimum ozone concentrations as measured by total residual oxidant (TRO) required to reduce organism densities. Ozone treatment was effective in removing bacteria, phytoplankton, and mesozooplankton with initial TRO concentrations of 2–5 mg l−1 as Br2. Persistence of TRO resulted in an extended period of toxicity and cumulative mortality. TRO decay allowed bacteria populations to multiply when TRO levels fell below 0.5–1.0 mg l−1 as Br2. Phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentrations were rapidly reduced by ozone treatment and did not increase in any treatments or controls because of lack of light. Overall mesozooplankton viability was rapidly reduced by 90–99% in treatment TRO levels above 1.85 mg l−1 as Br2. Our study outlines novel protocols that can be used for testing different potential ballast water treatment systems in replicated and controlled mesocosm experiments.  相似文献   

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